Southeast USA
07-11-2004, 02:32
Minority Out-cries call for Election. Government agrees.
Elections had been outlawed previously in the Confederacy because the founding fathers and citizens all agreed on how the country should be run, knowing that political seperatists would cause the region to split. However, recent minority parties have been pushing for an election to let the people's voice be heard.
Current law states that the Government can choose to have a national election (local elections occur often) or not, and when the election should take place. Not having much to fear, the current leading Conservative Party agreed to allowing an election which will not only be for who should lead the country in the future, but many other amendments.
There has been talks that the Conservative Party might set up an Election Commitee that will oversee the election process and make sure no revolutions are started during this time of unrest and possible administration changes.
Here are the participating parties in the upcoming election:
Two Main Parties:
The Conservative Party: The current leading party of Southeast USA which bases it's policies off of the Southeast USA founding charter. The Conservative Party offers low taxes that will be used mainly for the Church and Defense. It's Pro-Business policies allow Corporations to avoid law restrictions, and lets executives prosper and advance easily over small business and the citizen-run lower classes.
Thoughts on the Issues:
Religion: The Conservative is very pro-Religion, even though it prefers the Christain Church. Many laws are based on moral family unity, and there is much use in censorship laws which like to tell the public what is "Right and Wrong."
Abortion: Strongly Opposed.
Gay Rights: Strongly Opposed.
Racial Equality: Semi-Opposed.
Women's Rights: Semi-Opposed.
Healthcare: Little to None. Privitized.
Enviroment Activism: Little to None.
International Trade: Strongly-in-Favor, as they have recently been trying to get a foothold in the International Community.
Military and Foreign/Domestic Policy: National Government has majority control over Military. State Militias are all under Federal orders and often used as reserves. Police often enforce laws to brutal levels and have permission to violate civilian laws and privacy. Pro-Imperialist, as a large percentage of funds have been going towards the military as of late using it to gain political prestige and influence in the international world.
Popularity: 42%
The Christian Light Party: The main opposition to the Conservative Party in Southeast USA. Much like the Conservative Party though, the Christian Light Party bases much of it's policies on the Church and the Confederacy Founding Charter. But one of it's main differences is it's fairly more liberal views on Big Business/Corporations and the Enviroment. Another big issue for hte Christian Light Party is being against the Militaristic Oppressioning of it's citizens, and is strongley opposed to the building of the military's Imperialism.
Religion: Pro-Religion, Christian biased. Majority of taxes go to the Church, as they believe it is the key to peace and unity and against crime. Strongley in favor of censorship laws and discrimination against athiests/other cultures.
Abotion: Strongly Opposed.
Gay Rights: Strongly Opposed.
Racial Equality: Undecided - Leaning to Opposed.
Women's Rights: Undecided - Leaning to Opposed.
Healthcare: Little to None.
Enviroment Activism: Decent.
International Trade: Semi-Opposed. Isolationist Economy.
Military and Foreign/Domestic Policy: The Christian Light Party wants to give power back to the State Militias, and the local governments. They are against the construction of a national military and an Imperialist Foreign policy. Much more Isolationist.
Popularity Rating: 38%
Third Parties:
The Women's Liberation Party: A very small party, yet has a strong voice in public. Very opinionated, other parties look down upon them. Often ridiculed, and labeled "Out of touch with reality", this party has a low popularity level among common citizens. Their ideals seem to express diversity, equality, and compassionate understanding. It's supporters are mainly made up of Lesbians and Single Mothers. The Conservative Party regularly intrudes on their protests and rallies, while social outburts are censored in the media. Their running Candidate has been arrested many times and has been threatened on occasion with Death.
Religion: The Women's Liberation Party is pro-Enlightenment, and is very diverse and tolerant when it comes to religion or the lack there of.
Abortion: Strongly-in-Favor.
Gay Rights: Strongly-in-Favor.
Racial Equality: Undecided/Leaning towards favored.
Women's Rights: Strongly-in-Favor.
Healthcare: Universal and Free.
Enviroment Activism: Very Good.
International Trade: Undecided/Semi-Opposed.
Military and Foreign/Domestic Policy: In favor of limiting Federal power, giving back to local Militias. Semi-Isolationist, opposed to Imperialism.
Popularity Rating: 2%
Ku Klux Klan(KKK) Confederate Party: Often thought as too radical to lead the country, they are actually well thought of in most respect and sometimes are even funded by both of the two main parties. They have many of the same ideals and philosphies as the main candidates and will sometimes endorse the leading party. Although the KKK will take their beliefs to an extreme level and are behind many of the regions conspiracys/underground crime.
Religion: The KKK are a radical and extremeist religion group. Full blooded Christians, who are strongley opposed to other faiths.
Abortion: Strongly Opposed.
Gay Rights: Strongly Opposed.
Racial Equality: Strongly Opposed.
Women's Rights: Undecided/Leaning towards Opposed.
Healthcare: Universal and Free.
Enviroment Activism: Little to None.
International Trade: Strongly Opposed.
Military and Foreign/Domestic Policy: In favor of giving power back to local government and state militias. State Militias would enforce the laws and quell uprisings, while seeking out terrorists and other threats of "Freedom."
Popularity Rating: 5%
The Worker's Socialist Facist Party: Often associated with Nazis, the Worker's Socialist party is a strict Militaristic party, with many beliefs on limiting freedoms and civil rights. Much like the KKK, they believe having a population base of the same kind of people will equal a much more powerful nation in the future. This is why they look down on diversity.
Religion: Although many members are Athiests, they have a small bias towards Christianity and some Pagan ideals.
Abortion: Strongly Opposed.
Gay Rights: Strongly Opposed.
Racial Equality: Strongly Opposed.
Women's Rights: Strongly Opposed.
Healthcare: Universal and Free.
Enviroment Activism: Little to None.
International Trade: Limited to close allies only. Slightly Opposed.
Military and Foreign/Domestic Policy: In favor of Imperialism and Corporate Police System. Federal Power over a United and National Military.
Popularity Rating: 5%
Liberal Democratic Party: In favor of changing much of the Confederacy Charter, and expressing it's favoured-ness of the Middle and Lower classes, the Liberal Democratic Party is a close and tight-knit group of individuals who want to change the country for the better. Labeled as "Radical Commie Terrorists" and often hunted down by the Police and Military of the current administration, censorship laws make sure their voice and extreme views are not heard. The Conservative and Christian Light Parties both look down upon them as "The Anti-Christ", and "morally corrupt wackos" who threaten the humanity of the country.
Religion: Pro-Religion, compassionate and tolerant of otheres. Very Diverse.
Abortion: Strongly-in-Favor
Gay Rights: Strongly-in-Favor
Racial Equality: Strongly-in-Favor
Women's Rights: Strongly-in-Favor
Healthcare: Universal and Free.
Enviroment Activism: Very Good.
International Trade: Limited.
Military and Foreign/Social Policy: In favor of Federal run military. Against Imperialism. Limited Military funding, wants to contribute to international community and join the U.N.
Popularity Rating: 3%
[OOC: I needed some interesting RP for my nation. Anyone can join in. International Support is welcome. Vote away.]
Elections had been outlawed previously in the Confederacy because the founding fathers and citizens all agreed on how the country should be run, knowing that political seperatists would cause the region to split. However, recent minority parties have been pushing for an election to let the people's voice be heard.
Current law states that the Government can choose to have a national election (local elections occur often) or not, and when the election should take place. Not having much to fear, the current leading Conservative Party agreed to allowing an election which will not only be for who should lead the country in the future, but many other amendments.
There has been talks that the Conservative Party might set up an Election Commitee that will oversee the election process and make sure no revolutions are started during this time of unrest and possible administration changes.
Here are the participating parties in the upcoming election:
Two Main Parties:
The Conservative Party: The current leading party of Southeast USA which bases it's policies off of the Southeast USA founding charter. The Conservative Party offers low taxes that will be used mainly for the Church and Defense. It's Pro-Business policies allow Corporations to avoid law restrictions, and lets executives prosper and advance easily over small business and the citizen-run lower classes.
Thoughts on the Issues:
Religion: The Conservative is very pro-Religion, even though it prefers the Christain Church. Many laws are based on moral family unity, and there is much use in censorship laws which like to tell the public what is "Right and Wrong."
Abortion: Strongly Opposed.
Gay Rights: Strongly Opposed.
Racial Equality: Semi-Opposed.
Women's Rights: Semi-Opposed.
Healthcare: Little to None. Privitized.
Enviroment Activism: Little to None.
International Trade: Strongly-in-Favor, as they have recently been trying to get a foothold in the International Community.
Military and Foreign/Domestic Policy: National Government has majority control over Military. State Militias are all under Federal orders and often used as reserves. Police often enforce laws to brutal levels and have permission to violate civilian laws and privacy. Pro-Imperialist, as a large percentage of funds have been going towards the military as of late using it to gain political prestige and influence in the international world.
Popularity: 42%
The Christian Light Party: The main opposition to the Conservative Party in Southeast USA. Much like the Conservative Party though, the Christian Light Party bases much of it's policies on the Church and the Confederacy Founding Charter. But one of it's main differences is it's fairly more liberal views on Big Business/Corporations and the Enviroment. Another big issue for hte Christian Light Party is being against the Militaristic Oppressioning of it's citizens, and is strongley opposed to the building of the military's Imperialism.
Religion: Pro-Religion, Christian biased. Majority of taxes go to the Church, as they believe it is the key to peace and unity and against crime. Strongley in favor of censorship laws and discrimination against athiests/other cultures.
Abotion: Strongly Opposed.
Gay Rights: Strongly Opposed.
Racial Equality: Undecided - Leaning to Opposed.
Women's Rights: Undecided - Leaning to Opposed.
Healthcare: Little to None.
Enviroment Activism: Decent.
International Trade: Semi-Opposed. Isolationist Economy.
Military and Foreign/Domestic Policy: The Christian Light Party wants to give power back to the State Militias, and the local governments. They are against the construction of a national military and an Imperialist Foreign policy. Much more Isolationist.
Popularity Rating: 38%
Third Parties:
The Women's Liberation Party: A very small party, yet has a strong voice in public. Very opinionated, other parties look down upon them. Often ridiculed, and labeled "Out of touch with reality", this party has a low popularity level among common citizens. Their ideals seem to express diversity, equality, and compassionate understanding. It's supporters are mainly made up of Lesbians and Single Mothers. The Conservative Party regularly intrudes on their protests and rallies, while social outburts are censored in the media. Their running Candidate has been arrested many times and has been threatened on occasion with Death.
Religion: The Women's Liberation Party is pro-Enlightenment, and is very diverse and tolerant when it comes to religion or the lack there of.
Abortion: Strongly-in-Favor.
Gay Rights: Strongly-in-Favor.
Racial Equality: Undecided/Leaning towards favored.
Women's Rights: Strongly-in-Favor.
Healthcare: Universal and Free.
Enviroment Activism: Very Good.
International Trade: Undecided/Semi-Opposed.
Military and Foreign/Domestic Policy: In favor of limiting Federal power, giving back to local Militias. Semi-Isolationist, opposed to Imperialism.
Popularity Rating: 2%
Ku Klux Klan(KKK) Confederate Party: Often thought as too radical to lead the country, they are actually well thought of in most respect and sometimes are even funded by both of the two main parties. They have many of the same ideals and philosphies as the main candidates and will sometimes endorse the leading party. Although the KKK will take their beliefs to an extreme level and are behind many of the regions conspiracys/underground crime.
Religion: The KKK are a radical and extremeist religion group. Full blooded Christians, who are strongley opposed to other faiths.
Abortion: Strongly Opposed.
Gay Rights: Strongly Opposed.
Racial Equality: Strongly Opposed.
Women's Rights: Undecided/Leaning towards Opposed.
Healthcare: Universal and Free.
Enviroment Activism: Little to None.
International Trade: Strongly Opposed.
Military and Foreign/Domestic Policy: In favor of giving power back to local government and state militias. State Militias would enforce the laws and quell uprisings, while seeking out terrorists and other threats of "Freedom."
Popularity Rating: 5%
The Worker's Socialist Facist Party: Often associated with Nazis, the Worker's Socialist party is a strict Militaristic party, with many beliefs on limiting freedoms and civil rights. Much like the KKK, they believe having a population base of the same kind of people will equal a much more powerful nation in the future. This is why they look down on diversity.
Religion: Although many members are Athiests, they have a small bias towards Christianity and some Pagan ideals.
Abortion: Strongly Opposed.
Gay Rights: Strongly Opposed.
Racial Equality: Strongly Opposed.
Women's Rights: Strongly Opposed.
Healthcare: Universal and Free.
Enviroment Activism: Little to None.
International Trade: Limited to close allies only. Slightly Opposed.
Military and Foreign/Domestic Policy: In favor of Imperialism and Corporate Police System. Federal Power over a United and National Military.
Popularity Rating: 5%
Liberal Democratic Party: In favor of changing much of the Confederacy Charter, and expressing it's favoured-ness of the Middle and Lower classes, the Liberal Democratic Party is a close and tight-knit group of individuals who want to change the country for the better. Labeled as "Radical Commie Terrorists" and often hunted down by the Police and Military of the current administration, censorship laws make sure their voice and extreme views are not heard. The Conservative and Christian Light Parties both look down upon them as "The Anti-Christ", and "morally corrupt wackos" who threaten the humanity of the country.
Religion: Pro-Religion, compassionate and tolerant of otheres. Very Diverse.
Abortion: Strongly-in-Favor
Gay Rights: Strongly-in-Favor
Racial Equality: Strongly-in-Favor
Women's Rights: Strongly-in-Favor
Healthcare: Universal and Free.
Enviroment Activism: Very Good.
International Trade: Limited.
Military and Foreign/Social Policy: In favor of Federal run military. Against Imperialism. Limited Military funding, wants to contribute to international community and join the U.N.
Popularity Rating: 3%
[OOC: I needed some interesting RP for my nation. Anyone can join in. International Support is welcome. Vote away.]