Dimmimar ends it's "splendid isolation"
04-11-2004, 20:35
After four years of crushing democratic revolts, clearing up nuclear waste and dealing with issues that threatened to shake The Psychotically-Induced State of Dimmimar to it's core; Fascist dictator, High Imperator Gaius Serpentius, has declared the end of Dimmimaran international isolation. Gaius believes in the soverignity of all nations and the death of all scum who would have the democrats in power again.
However, Dimmimar looks for relations to open, alliances to be forged and more lucrative contracts!
Baron Manfred von Konan
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Swedish Dominions
04-11-2004, 20:39
The Imperial Kingdom welcomes Dimmimar back to the International Community.
04-11-2004, 20:43
Thank you, The High Imperator notes your friendliness...
04-11-2004, 20:59
04-11-2004, 21:10
The RAFON cell LOKI sends it greetings.
We hope that you will Join the Revolutionary Anacharists or allow a cell to be formed to your country. If not we will be forced to use violence to free your people.
Kind regards,
Max Paddy,
Head of RAFON LOKI cell
welcome back Dimminar, we hope that we can have many succesful meetings again.
Emporer Palpatine.
Decisive Action
04-11-2004, 21:41
Speaking on behalf of the "Council Of Twelve", Dr. Baldur Von Schacht, a man who has ties to Dimmimar, via marriage, had this to say.
"We are elated that Dimmimar is now firmly in the fascist camp, and we look forward to working with Dimmimar to build the New World Order, an order of fascism and of morality, of prosperity, and of power."