NationStates Jolt Archive

Peace with Honor? (ATTN: Grenval, SEATO members, and NWO members)

03-11-2004, 23:21
Invincible Empire of Roach-Busters Department of Diplomacy Official Document

To: The Militaristic Democracy of Grenval
From: The Invincible Empire of Roach-Busters

I am greatly alarmed by our turbulent and rapidly deteriorating relations, which have nearly provoked a war that could have killed and maimed millions of innocent lives. My personal overreaction, faulty intelligence, and other factors are to blame. However, in spite of the causes of this near-conflict, the irrefutable fact remains that we must seek a diplomatic solution at all costs. Thus I hereby propose that we convene in a neutral and peaceful country, and strive for a peaceful solution to avert further catastrophe. Said-conference would preferrably include the member nations of the New World Order and the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, both of whom threatened to be entangled by what would have been a devastating and costly war between our two nations. Should you agree to this conference, I shall personally attend. I sincerely hope that we can put aside our petty differences and work together for a more peaceful future.

-President J.L.

(OOC: For anyone who may have missed 'The Vantage Point' [the thread containing the war], here's the link:
03-11-2004, 23:33
Nikolaos The Great
03-11-2004, 23:37
To: Roach-Busters
From: Nikolaos the Great

I would like to send a diplomat to this conference to make sure that the interests of SEATO, Roach-Busters and our allies are met. If you would like to Greece will be able to host the conference since we where neutral in the conflict.
04-11-2004, 00:01
To: Roach-Busters
From: Nikolaos the Great

I would like to send a diplomat to this conference to make sure that the interests of SEATO, Roach-Busters and our allies are met. If you would like to Greece will be able to host the conference since we where neutral in the conflict.

If Grenval has no objections, we will be glad to meet in Greece.

-President J.L.
04-11-2004, 00:08
As minister of Diplomacy for SEATO I am bound to attend by my postion and will do all I can to solve this problem.
04-11-2004, 00:16
R.B. as a member of SEATO I shall also send a dimplomat to the peace confrence, I am very glad that you decided to stop this in a peaceful manner, you are representing SEATO well.
04-11-2004, 00:17
OOC: off topic here but could someone post or tg me the link to SEATO discussion board, I lost it :headbang:
04-11-2004, 00:25
Wirraway and Tylinoa- Thank you very much for your support. :)

(OOC: Tylinoa, here's the link:
Ancient and Holy Terra
04-11-2004, 00:25
If possible, the Republic of Ancient Terra would like to send a delegation headed by Foreign Minister Kido. Him and his entourage are standing by in the capital in order to expedite transit to the conference.
Camel Eaters
04-11-2004, 00:27
Mayhap we'll send a delegate?
04-11-2004, 00:28
Ancient and Holy Terra and Camel Eaters, we would be grateful if you could send delegates. Thanks!
Generic empire
04-11-2004, 01:21
The Empire is pleased by the desire to avert war, and will send a delegation to these talks. The Empire will support Nikalaos The Great's offer to host the conference, as we feel that there may be some left over bad blood between the Empire and Sarzonia from past incidents.
Borman Empire
04-11-2004, 01:30
We will send a delegate. And we will support the conference being held in Greece.
04-11-2004, 01:47
Borman Empire
04-11-2004, 02:20
Nikolaos The Great
04-11-2004, 02:29
Official Public Announcement

A conference room is ready at a secret location in Athens. Please send a message to our Minister of Foreign Affairs, Yeoryios Papandreou. For how many diplomats are coming so we can have the limos ready.
04-11-2004, 02:34
(OOC: Sorry to bother you, NTG, but there may be a few new nations registering in the forums. Could you please approve them? Thanks!)
04-11-2004, 02:35
Nikolaos the Great as the head of security for SEATO we will be sending a contingent of around 50 men with some armored vehicles to make sure nothing wrong happens at the conference.
Nikolaos The Great
04-11-2004, 02:35
All of the accounts have been approved.
04-11-2004, 02:36
All of the accounts have been approved.

(OOC: Thanks)

IC: As soon as Grenval responds, President J.L. will depart for Athens immediately.
Borman Empire
04-11-2004, 02:57
04-11-2004, 03:00
ViZion will be sending Richard Johnson, a diplomatic from ViZion.
Camel Eaters
04-11-2004, 03:09
Alright seeing as we were approved we'll be sending Lordess Diankel Daen. She runs her own clan and she's a Silver Meather. Should be able to bring a certain amount of extra wisdom to this conference.
Borman Empire
04-11-2004, 03:15
We will be sending Chancellor Licinius
04-11-2004, 03:22
Official Presidential Statement

I have watched these developments from afar. I have watched the arguments throw back and forth, and watched as some of the largest and most influential nations in the world throw down their weight. I have wathed as the future of Grenval was decided by allies, enemies, and former friends. And I have not intervened.

But now, these nations have decided upon diplomacy for me. And I will participate. I will arrive in Greece, flanked by a full division of the Grenvali Army, and I will discuss amongst you. And if this is unacceptable, then I will not participate, and leave my fate in your hands. And if war is declared because of this, you have only yourselves to blame. And I hope that you realize this, and I hope that war is not declared. But if war is declared, I will not stop at holding off the invading enemies. I will counter-invade each and everyone of you, in a systematic destruction of all Grenvali enemies. This is neither a threat or a promise, neither truth nor fact. This is destiny.

President George
Ruler of Grenval
Generic empire
04-11-2004, 03:27
Official Presidential Statement

I have watched these developments from afar. I have watched the arguments throw back and forth, and watched as some of the largest and most influential nations in the world throw down their weight. I have wathed as the future of Grenval was decided by allies, enemies, and former friends. And I have not intervened.

But now, these nations have decided upon diplomacy for me. And I will participate. I will arrive in Greece, flanked by a full division of the Grenvali Army, and I will discuss amongst you. And if this is unacceptable, then I will not participate, and leave my fate in your hands. And if war is declared because of this, you have only yourselves to blame. And I hope that you realize this, and I hope that war is not declared. But if war is declared, I will not stop at holding off the invading enemies. I will counter-invade each and everyone of you, in a systematic destruction of all Grenvali enemies. This is neither a threat or a promise, neither truth nor fact. This is destiny.

President George
Ruler of Grenval

((OOC: If I was in a warmongering mood instead of a money-grubbing mood, I'd say this:

Come get some.))
04-11-2004, 03:35
We humbly request that President Kordo II be allowed to attend, do to the importance of these talks. We offer our help to Nikolaos The Great if he requires any in organizing the talks. We are also glad to hear our ally Roach-Busters has decided to come to the peace-talks. We are also desturbed at Grenval's continued use of threats or predictions of RB's 'destiny', though their need are some what understandibly. The government of Kordo would finally like to reiterate its support for Roach-Busters, and pledge to help it militarily and morally. With hope and God's help we hope to soon join the leaders of Grenval and Roach-Busters in a toast to peace and friendship.

ooc: Sorry I didn't get to support you during the 'war' RB. I didn't notice the thread until today, oops!
04-11-2004, 03:56
((OOC: If I was in a warmongering mood instead of a money-grubbing mood, I'd say this:

Come get some.))

OOC: Or, the battle tested cry, Welcome to the Jungle, because if we wanted to invade you then I'm sorry to say Grenval wouldn't exist, as most countries involved wouldn't, due to nuclear weapons, on a side note it would still be alot of fun.
Borman Empire
04-11-2004, 03:57
04-11-2004, 04:03
Due to breaking news in the nation of Kongola, ViZion may be required to forfeit this meeting. We're sorry, but there could be a far larger threat to all nations here than this war we're trying to avoid.

OOC: if you're wondering what's so important...
04-11-2004, 06:08

OCC: Ill post an offical responce soon.
Borman Empire
04-11-2004, 15:44
05-11-2004, 01:38
as minister of Diplomatic Relations for the TBA alliance I King Jonathan Antensen I. wish to attend this Conference.
05-11-2004, 01:42
(OOC: All requests have been accepted.)

(OOC2: Do I have to RP J.L. arriving, or can I skip all that and just assume he's in Greece?)
Nikolaos The Great
05-11-2004, 01:43
You may all send your diplomats. But you are not allowed to bring any bodyguards. All security will be provided by the Hellenic Army.

To: President George of Grenval
From: Nikolaos the Great

Since you won’t come to the conference without your own security you will only be allowed to bring no more then 20 guards with you and only 5 will be allowed to be in the conference room the rest must remain outside.
05-11-2004, 01:53
To: President George
From: President J.L.

What's up with all the security? Jeez, it's not like I'm gonna try and assassinate you or anything. :rolleyes:
Generic empire
05-11-2004, 03:35
Official Imperial Statement

The Empire demands that the Imperial delegate be allowed a security contingent of ten Imperial Paetorian Guards.
05-11-2004, 03:39
Chester Brown, as a token of his trust, will come with only one bodyguard, armed simply with a pistol. We trust RB implicitly and are sure that he will ensure the Minister of Diplomacy's safety.
05-11-2004, 04:23
Linda Rutter will also just bring 1 Tylinoa Royal Gaurd along.
05-11-2004, 04:37
Generic Empire we have changed our security plans, no need to bring the Imperial Praetonian Guard because we are sending half of the Imperial Praetonian Guard you sent us (100 Guards) in 7 C-5's with airplane escorts and Armored Transport Vehicles made by Neo-Stryke Industries to provide security for everybody in the conference boht SEATO member's and Grenval and his allies.
Camel Eaters
05-11-2004, 13:25
Lordess Diankel Daen will be bringing two Elephantmen as her security.

OOC: ten foot gray skinned and strong like the devil. Please don't try anything.
Borman Empire
05-11-2004, 15:53
OOC: Awesome

IC: Well security is being provided, so we will not have to bring anyone.
Camel Eaters
05-11-2004, 15:54
OOC: Want twenty for breeding purposes? Sorry for the spam.
Borman Empire
05-11-2004, 16:09
OOC: Sure
no more spamming form me
05-11-2004, 18:59

(Where the hell's Grenval?)
Borman Empire
05-11-2004, 21:08
OOC: Maybe he lost internet
05-11-2004, 21:12
Whatever his excuse is, if he ain't here by tonight, the conference is off.
Borman Empire
05-11-2004, 23:29
IF hte conference ends, will peace end?
Camel Eaters
05-11-2004, 23:34
Probably. But the first true NS world war would be interesting and horrible at the same time.
Borman Empire
05-11-2004, 23:41
NS world war. Most alliances would be shattered becuase people, like me, would have allies on both sides.
Camel Eaters
05-11-2004, 23:43
yeah the game would change forever.
Borman Empire
05-11-2004, 23:46
Who knows, we might even end up fighting each other.

G2g for tonight.
Generic empire
05-11-2004, 23:49
((OOC: Actually, if my NS lore serves me, I believe there have already been 2 NS world wars, however I do not recall who the instigators and participants were. That would make any new world war WWV.))
Borman Empire
05-11-2004, 23:53
((OOC: Actually, if my NS lore serves me, I believe there have already been 2 NS world wars, however I do not recall who the instigators and participants were. That would make any new world war WWV.))

Actually I think it would be WWIII
Generic empire
05-11-2004, 23:54
Actually I think it would be WWIII

((OOC: WWIII would be the first of the NS world wars, since WWI and WWII already happened. So therefore, its WWV.))
06-11-2004, 00:41
His holiness King Jonathan will be acompanied by 2 Phase Lance Royal Guards. If this is not posible then His Holiness will come via the Intercomunication satelight network and speak from his desk.
06-11-2004, 00:50
Linda Rutter walked into the confrence building accompanied by Timothy Johnson the 1 Royal Tylinoa Gaurd. "So gentlemen, shall the confrence begin or will we have to wait for Grenval?" Mrs. Rutter asked.
06-11-2004, 05:19
OOC: I know we are probably using too many planes but we have them and we are using them as a show of power. Plus, although we say they are for both sides if something goes down we have firepower there.

IC: The 100 Imperial Praetonian Guards and 100 support staff going along to the conference, started loading their gear on to the seven C-5 cargo aircraft awaiting at the Diplomatic Terminal of the Airport closest to Embassy City during the dead of the night in order to make the conference by the morning and to do this in complete secrecy.The gear was plentiful and varied, XM-8's, thousand's of rounds of ammo, Sig 221 10mm pistols, flashbang, concussion, tear gas and HE grenades, Gas Masks, armor, parachutes etc. etc. In 5 out of the seven planes were going the transportation for the group. They consisted of 2 'Wiretap' Combat Intel/Comm Vehicles, 5 Bulldog 'A' MKII Urban Combat Vehicles, 5 Fokker 'B' Urban Combat Vehicles, 5 Fokker 'A' Patrol/Security Vehicle's, 2 Fokker 'D' Medical Evac/Transport Vehicle's, 5 Fokker 'E' Riot Control Vehicles equipped with Water cannon, and 5 Fokker 'E' Riot Control Vehicles equipped with Heat Rays. Surrounding the C-5's were 20 SZ-1 Vulture Fighter Jets for support, along with 10 A-15 Strike Aircraft for ground support. This would provide security for the whole conference, including both sides.

The IMG leader heading up this security detail was Col. Mark Masterson. Masterson was proud of his men doing their job quickly and efficiently. They should Sargeant back one of the Wiretap's with it's sensitive equipment into a wall and he ran over to chew the man out. While he was running Mark thought about how much he loved his job.
Borman Empire
06-11-2004, 23:56
((OOC: WWIII would be the first of the NS world wars, since WWI and WWII already happened. So therefore, its WWV.))

OOC: I see. So you plugged RL and NS together. You are right.
New Logan
08-11-2004, 18:56
Due to a recent escalation of events elswhere, the New Logan government regtretfully must decline a spot in these peace talks. As a member of SEATO with other alliance members present as well as its own cabinet members, we trust a peacefull solution will be found to this crisis.

Constable Marcus Impartial
- Foreign Minister -
Borman Empire
09-11-2004, 03:59