NationStates Jolt Archive

Execution of cats.

31-10-2004, 05:31
Agosto News Network: *

"Today Police Officers through-out the nation gathered all felines, and proceded to either decapitate or drown the cats, no matter the age. The cause for this was the recent political campaign using cats as their figure head. "Kittens for Klienburg!" the increasenly popular bumber stikcer and sign caused the Kieser(Prime minister) and the Kilgar(Emperor) to order the execution of all cats."

Tinagel News Network: **

"Nearly twenty-two million cats were executed today. Mainly because of the popular "Kitties/Kittens for Klienburg!" signs. No more real information is known but it can be confirmed that even the Chatrina's(daughter of the Kilgar) cat was "killed". "

Communist News: ***

"Another sign of the opressors' perversion and paranoia was shown today as a fine example. The opressors executed in the upper millions of kittens. This was caused by the main opressors paranoisa of his enemy candidate of the Socialist Workers Party(SWP) of which he is a rival. "

* ANN is the most right wing of the networks.
** TNN is the more moderate news networks.
*** CN is the most liberal of the news networks.
31-10-2004, 05:51
The Economist States of Colodia demands you put a stop to this immediatly. Cats are our friends and they did nothing to hurt you.

The Parthians
31-10-2004, 05:58
We are shocked by this horrible campaign of murder!!!!

-Random PETA member voicing membership in PETA before being carried off to be executed.
31-10-2004, 06:00
Glad someone else is executing the filthy creatures too. They seem to come from everywhere though so you might be executing for a long time but its always fun to invent new ways to kill the filthy animals!
-Dictator of Comdidia, Mr.Unknown.
31-10-2004, 06:04
"If you read our logic it was to show the SWP who is boss of this nation and not to use animals to attract animal likers, so therefore we executed them, but not to fear when the SWP promises to embargo the "Kittens for Klienburg!" signs, we will then legalize cats again."

Grand Kieser Alfred Reotstag
31-10-2004, 06:07
"If you read our logic it was to show the SWP who is boss of this nation and not to use animals to attract animal likers, so therefore we executed them, but not to fear when the SWP promises to embargo the "Kittens for Klienburg!" signs, we will then legalize cats again."

Grand Kieser Alfred ReotstagColodia will take note to blockade all ships carrying cats into your nation, since we doubt you'll have any cats at all left to reproduce there.

We're even considering bombing you with cat-loving dogs...
31-10-2004, 06:08
(While cooking cats in his oven)

Ah the smell...Send them to me! I'll mutilate the bloody bastards!

(Launches cats out of cannons)

Die you feline bastards!
31-10-2004, 06:09
Cat loving dogs? Anything that loves cats should be executed and in fact oddly enough that is a law in comdidia.
31-10-2004, 06:13
We find your disregard for the lives of a holy animal despicable. We urge you to cease this unnecessary action immediately. At the very least, we request that you do not use decapitation as a method of death, and that all non-decapitated corpses be sent to us to be appropriately prepared for the afterlife.
31-10-2004, 06:14
OOC: I'd oppose this, but I just used up my monthly allotment of ability to care.
31-10-2004, 06:28
OOC: I'd oppose this, but I just used up my monthly allotment of ability to care.
OOC: But it happened. Be happy it wasn't Poles and Slavs.
Harmonia Mortus
31-10-2004, 07:20
Bah, youll never get rid of them.
We tried, then we killed all the rabbits, rats and...well, most everything they eat. Somehow the damn things just keep on reproducing.
If you can suggest a good way to get us free of these damn things, please go ahead. But sadly, we feel that if Goblins (who will eat nearly anything) cant scour them off the planet, you wont have much more luck.
Decisive Action
31-10-2004, 07:41
"If you harm one single more cat, we will consider intervening with military force to stop this specicide.

At the very least, we are going to sever all economic and diplomatic relations with you until this madness ends. Consider yourself totally embargoed by Mississippi and his Commonwealth. If any of your ships or planes pass through or above our territories, we will seize them."

Czar Roger Fabus
31-10-2004, 09:24
What a waste... and to think, you could have imported the few that were Kittens to Iuthia for our food industry at a fraction of the cost. Still, now I come to think of it they wouldn't have been bred for the perfect roast so most of them wouldn't be suitable to our standards.

Still, the fact that you concider your government to be threatened by an animal Iuthia conciders food doesn't reflect well on your stability... thankfully Iuthia has little to no trade interests with AfrikaZkorps so we doubt it will effect us in any way.

Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
31-10-2004, 10:27
"If you harm one single more cat, we will consider intervening with military force to stop this specicide.

At the very least, we are going to sever all economic and diplomatic relations with you until this madness ends. Consider yourself totally embargoed by Mississippi and his Commonwealth. If any of your ships or planes pass through or above our territories, we will seize them."

Czar Roger Fabus
For once, I agree with you.
Decisive Action
31-10-2004, 10:47
"This will likely turn into a repeat of the Bubonic Plague outbreak of the 14th century. The idiots killed virtually all the cats in Europe, the rat population exploded out of control, and thus all diseases that are due to rats or the fleas on rats, increased in frequency of occurrence. The cats were no there to keep the rat population in check. Perhaps this misguided nation will be destroyed in such a manner."

Baldur Von Schacht, Minister of Health
The Wickit Klownz
19-11-2004, 06:09
Ooc: You Have Made Me A Happy Man Oocly!!! I Hate Cats!!!
Bunny Eaters
19-11-2004, 06:32
We wish to form an alliance with AfrikaZkorps to eradicate the cat population. Cats are known pests who eat and ruin Bunnys which could otherwise been used to feed our starving population!

We suggest you firckasee the cats and server them at chinese food takeout resturants.
New Sendai
19-11-2004, 06:48
The Colony of New Sendai demands that the Emperor of AfrikaZkorps cease this campaign and that measures be taken to repair the feline population. Your murder of these innocent lives only shows your political corruptness and moral ignorance. Faiure to respond and comply with these demands will result in military action. Take this as a precursor to a war declaration if you do not comply. New Sendai will not stand by and watch idly as you take your political losses out on animals who have no interest or bias in human affairs.

Akira Yamada
Chairman of the Colony of New Sendai
The Wickit Klownz
19-11-2004, 08:54
The Colony of New Sendai demands that the Emperor of AfrikaZkorps cease this campaign and that measures be taken to repair the feline population. Your murder of these innocent lives only shows your political corruptness and moral ignorance. Faiure to respond and comply with these demands will result in military action. Take this as a precursor to a war declaration if you do not comply. New Sendai will not stand by and watch idly as you take your political losses out on animals who have no interest or bias in human affairs.

Akira Yamada
Chairman of the Colony of New Sendai


*Sirens rage as a hooded man comes out and kills the PETA Rep*

The Merchant Guilds
19-11-2004, 10:44
OOC: I wonder what Mormanguise will do when he see's this.


The Guilds wonders what the point of executing felines is? We see no point in it and consider it a waste of time and resources. We would also like to warn New Sendai that any military action taken against AfrikaZKorps, will be met with force by the Guild Legions.


The Guild of External Affairs,
19-11-2004, 10:59
"Wait... They're executing cats?" Partyleader Leon Covski looked at his advisor in disbelief.

"Yes, Comrade Partyleader. Because of some political campaign, or so I've understood."

"Bah. That seems quite... ...out of line. Knowing today's political climate at least someone will go to war over this. And good riddance to them, I suppose."
Rome West
19-11-2004, 11:23
******Official Communique from Roman Emperor Rodin Hartian******

While we disagree with AfrikaZKorps' actions, we are deeply disturbed that the world is willing to go to war over this issue. The way we see it, there are far better things to worry about than the status of cats in a foreign land.
The Plutonian Empire
19-11-2004, 11:42
This is an ATROCITY!!! Back down NOW!!!! The Plutonian Empire will NOT hesitate to use military force!

EDIT: This is my first involvement in "International Incidents," so I'm new to this.
The Imperial Navy
19-11-2004, 11:56
Imperial repsonse:

Meh. It's your nation. if you wanna screw it up, thats your choice. Good luck fighting the plague.
The Merchant Guilds
19-11-2004, 12:01
This is an ATROCITY!!! Back down NOW!!!! The Plutonian Empire will NOT hesitate to use NUCLEAR WEAPONS!

EDIT: This is my first involvement in "International Incidents," so I'm new to this.

OOC: Read the stickies. You are generally considered not to have nukes/WMD's til you are 100 million or over :), but you might want to re-think that post.
The Plutonian Empire
19-11-2004, 12:22
OOC: Read the stickies. You are generally considered not to have nukes/WMD's til you are 100 million or over :), but you might want to re-think that post.
I knew that the stickys should be read, but I didn't know which one to read. Thanks for letting me know. ;)

BTW, how big do I have to be to use advanced/sci-fi technology? Or are they not allowed at all?
GMC Military Arms
19-11-2004, 12:42
OOC: Read the stickies. You are generally considered not to have nukes/WMD's til you are 100 million or over :), but you might want to re-think that post.

No, that's a non-existent rule some people place on their personal roleplay. If you can RP the use of nuclear weapons well, you can have them from the word go.

BTW, how big do I have to be to use advanced/sci-fi technology? Or are they not allowed at all?

5 million. Ie, you can have whatever technology you like whenever you like. The quality of your roleplay [and any prejudices they may have about higher tech] is what will decide if anyone acknowledges that technology, given tech is basically a plot device in RP.
The Merchant Guilds
19-11-2004, 12:44
OOC: I know, but is good to make them try and think about other tech rather than WMD's and Nuke's don't you think :)
The Plutonian Empire
19-11-2004, 12:48
5 million. Ie, you can have whatever technology you like whenever you like. The quality of your roleplay [and any prejudices they may have about higher tech] is what will decide if anyone acknowledges that technology, given tech is basically a plot device in RP.
Ok, so the best way to find out if they acknowledge my high techs is to ASK them via a PM or telegram, right?

EDIT: And where could I post an introduction to my Empire?
GMC Military Arms
19-11-2004, 12:48
Depends, really. A nuke can be a perfectly acceptable plot device if you use it for more than waving at people's cities, and I don't think stopping people from RPing certain situations until they've been around for X amount of time is very productive.
GMC Military Arms
19-11-2004, 12:52
Ok, so the best way to find out if they acknowledge my high techs is to ASK them via a PM or telegram, right?

EDIT: And where could I post an introduction to my Empire?

Yes. And you could post an introduction in either the NS or II forum, depends on your preferences regarding RP type [NS does tend to swing more towards character RP than II does]
New Sendai
20-11-2004, 03:12
A statement by the government of the Colony of New Sendai:

As promised before, action is being taken to counter these atrocities. New Sendai has already begun forming a coalition within it's own nation to combat this heinous act. Below is a list of all the nations (both in and out of our nation) that openly oppose and have given notice that some action (politically or militarilly) will be taken unless this is stopped immediately:
Decisive Action
The Plutonian Empire
Scythia Hyboria

Take notice, AfrikaZkorps, that our threats are not empty and we wil not back down until you take measures to repair the damage which you have caused.

Akira Yamada
Chairman of the Colony of New Sendai
20-11-2004, 03:23
Official Imperial Response

We will accept any cats fleeing opression.
20-11-2004, 03:25
After forcing a vote on the matter, I must inform you that the citizens of Gadabout are appalled at this action. In reply, we have publicly funded a play ridiculing your national heritage.

Cordially yours,

20-11-2004, 03:26
Poor Kitties

End Communique