NationStates Jolt Archive

W-7 Poseidon Seaplane Strategic Bomber

29-10-2004, 20:56
W-7 Poseidon

OOC: Do a little RP when you are buying, you know the standard drill.


The W-7 Poseidon is possibly the most unique and capable bomber to come out of the WDI (Wirrawayan Defense Industries) Factory in quite some time. It is based on a novel idea, a sea-based bomber. The Poseidon is in the simplest sense a seaplane. It has been optimized to operate from the Open Ocean or even inland bodies of water. Since it is not restricted by land-based installations, only by where its supply ships or subs can go, it offers great flexibility to its owner in its usage. It can be part of a nation's nuclear deterrent or act as a rapid response bomber stationed in areas of the world where airfields are simply not an option, or even accompany a battle fleet which normally operates without strategic bomber support.

The Poseidon is optimized for low-level penetration. It has specially hardened wings and a thicker than normal body to withstand the forces of super-sonic low-level flight and the associated maneuvering.

A potential scenario for its use would be this.

Nation A feels threatened by Nation B. Where nation A would normally have to send an entire aircraft carrier and accompanying fleet to protect its self at an enormous expense, a squadron of Poseidons, along with their Submarine supply units, can remain on station almost indefinitely until they are needed to strike or the crisis ends.


We have bundled the Poseidon with a specially modified Ohio Class SSBN to serve as its tender for you convenience. Subs are perfect tenders because they can remain un-seen and not give away the location of the Posiedons to radar or satellites.

All weapons except two torpedo tubes for self-defense have been stripped, leaving space for gigantic fuel tanks and ordinance lockers. These subs can be rotated on and off station when they begin to run low on fuel and ammunition. Only 4 subs are required for an entire squadron, 2 on duty, and 2 re-supplying.

The Poseidon can also be serviced by any surface based supply ship as long as it can carry the requisite items to maintain and re-arm the Poseidon.


Wing span: 100 ft 0 in (30.48 m)
Length: 134 ft 0 in (40.84 m)
Height: 31 ft 0 in (9.45 m)
Payload: 30,000 lb Max T/O: 160,000 lb (72,575 kg)
Maximum Speed: 1,000 mph
Service Ceiling: 50,000 ft
Range: 5,000 miles (4,830 km)
Powerplant: Four Pratt & Whitney J75-P-2 turbojets providing 17,500 lb of thrust


Either Sidewinder or AMRAAM missiles can be carried in an internal bomb bay and 5,000 lbs of bombs, depth charges, cruise missiles, mines or Nuclear weapons.


The Poseidon is fitted with state of the art AN/APG-77 radar. The AN/APG 77 is designed for air-superiority and strike operations and features a low observable, active aperture, electronically-scanned array with multi-target, all-weather capability. We have specially modified it for use in close proximity to the ocean which would normally confuse most radars.



A Squadron of W-7 Poseidons bundled with 4 Submarine tenders costs 7 billion USD. To put this in perspective, the battle group that this one squadron can replace costs over 100 billion USD, plus maintenance fees, and the massive amounts of crewmen involved. It is evident what a great value these planes are.


If you do not wish to purchase a full squadron, or just want to evaluate one,
each Poseidon costs around 200 million USD, give or take any customization, money must be wired on confirmation.

The modified Ohio class submarines cost 1.5 billion USD each.

*15% ally discount*
29-10-2004, 21:28
bump it on up
Clan Smoke Jaguar
29-10-2004, 22:41
This may be partially hampered by the painfully low (and some would say godmodding) price of the submarines. An ASDS submersible with no weapons, minimal sensors, and a capacity of 2 crew and 16 troops, costs over twice as much as you're modified SSBN is claimed to.
For that matter, any idiot would recognize that a 20,000 ton submarine should cost more than an 80 ton aircraft.

The actual cost of an Ohio SSBN, IIRC, is somewhere in the range of $1.85 billion each. I don't think you'd want to drop it below $1.75 billion each, even if you're stripping off some systems.

With the exception of the price for the sub, it looks pretty good.
29-10-2004, 22:56
OOC: Change it because you should not sell any individual subs, make it 1.2 bil if you have to, any of the 'packages' purchased would be a little low, I would raise it to 3 bil and also the armament is not 4000 lbs, that is next to nothing for a bomber when your stats say "Payload: 30,000 lb Max T/O: 160,000 lb (72,575 kg)" which is really what it can carry.

Those little changes would make it more reasonable, but because of the actual costs of the systems I may be a little high.
29-10-2004, 22:59
To: Wirrawayan Defense Industries
From: Department of War, Invincible Empire of Roach-Busters

Greetings, on behalf of President J.L., I would like to purchase 100 W-7 Poseidon Seaplane Strategic Bombers for 20 billion USD, and 400 Ohio class submarines for the same price. The total sum is 40 billion USD. Money shall be wired upon confirmation. Thank you very much.

-Lester Lindsey, Secretary of War
29-10-2004, 23:15
omfg 400 subs for 20 billion! that is serious godmodding! :mad:
29-10-2004, 23:55
He's kinda right...No godmodding, but the price is kinda unrealistic... :(
30-10-2004, 03:55
OOC:Jeez, I feel like a moron, sorry about the price messup with the subs, gaarrh. The price will be changed to the much more realistic 1.75 billion suggested by Clan Smoke Jaguar. Btw the subs, still retain their sensors, sonar, etc. Most of the space comes from the deletion of the missile tubes.

RB your order is confirmed but since you paid under the assumption that the subs were only 50 million each I won't ask you to change the amount, i'll take the hit, bah.
30-10-2004, 03:59
OOC:Jeez, I feel like a moron, sorry about the price messup with the subs, gaarrh. The price will be changed to the much more realistic 1.75 billion suggested by Clan Smoke Jaguar. Btw the subs, still retain their sensors, sonar, etc. Most of the space comes from the deletion of the missile tubes.

RB your order is confirmed but since you paid under the assumption that the subs were only 50 million each I won't ask you to change the amount, i'll take the hit, bah.

Scandavian States
30-10-2004, 05:50
[Hey, it's the Yehudi plane! I like the premise of a strategic bomber cum seaplane, good job.]
30-10-2004, 16:30
[Hey, it's the Yehudi plane! I like the premise of a strategic bomber cum seaplane, good job.]

Thanks, feel like buying any......?
Scandavian States
30-10-2004, 16:44
[Sorry, I'm going to be working on introducing a new bomber into the air force and don't have the funds.]
30-10-2004, 16:47
[Sorry, I'm going to be working on introducing a new bomber into the air force and don't have the funds.]

Np, but thanks for the compliment, so far only one buyer :( ....
30-10-2004, 18:11
bump for more sales
31-10-2004, 01:47
01-11-2004, 02:04
Bump, come on this plane if definitly the most innovative out there. It can shift the whole concept of water-borne aircraft.
01-11-2004, 04:58
OOC: A novel idea, definately. I'd imagine it as some kind of fast attack boat, which basically just carry some missiles, fire them onto enemy ships, and go... As much I'd like to buy it, I've certain IC reasons, so sorry...
01-11-2004, 05:15
OOC: Actually the Ekranoplan is alot more innovative with that said here is my order. How many planes in a squadron again?

IC: The Great Armed Republic of Nutropinia would like to purchase 5 Squadrons of the W-7 with Submarine Tenders for 35 Billion USD. Money Wired.
03-11-2004, 00:12
OOC: Actually the Ekranoplan is alot more innovative with that said here is my order. How many planes in a squadron again?

IC: The Great Armed Republic of Nutropinia would like to purchase 5 Squadrons of the W-7 with Submarine Tenders for 35 Billion USD. Money Wired.

OOC: Your right Nutropinia, but this does shift the concept somewhat.

Nutropina your order is confirmed. Your will receive your order will be complete in roughly 3 NS years. Thank your for your patronage.
04-11-2004, 02:00