World Capitalist and Communist Consortium
Japanese Antarctica
28-10-2004, 02:31
The World Capitalist and Communist Consortium (herein referred to as the W3C) is a diplomatic organization, with the goal of promoting peace between the opposing economic idealogies. Membership will grant two fighting nations a chance to have talks in a neutral member nation. Another use could be the exchange of citizens that are not wanted due to their economic ideology. Communists that would normally be executed/imprisoned in a capitalist nation can be sent to a place that is willing to accept them, and vice versa. Outstanding members will be chosen to be board members.
-Daisuke Ikeda
Japanese Antarctican Foreign Minister, Chairman of W3C
OOC: When signing up, state whether you are capitalist or communist/socialist.
Japanese Antarctica
Former Soviet Mafia
Communist Louisiana
Red Wales
Roach Busters
Vas Pokhoronim
Former Soviet Mafia
28-10-2004, 02:40
Even though Former Soviet Mafia is a socialist country, we have a moderate attitude towards capitlalists. We would be honored to join the W3C.
Japanese Antarctica
28-10-2004, 02:55
We believe this is a noble idea, though we do express some reservations as to the workablility of it, especially when dealing with extremists. Nevertheless, we offer our full support to it and would be happy to join.
Kelssek is a socialist nation with controlled capitalism.
Japanese Antarctica
28-10-2004, 03:05
Thank you to both Former Soviet Mafia and Kelsekk for their interest in the W3C.
OOC: Kelsekk, I assume you are moderate. Am I correct?
Borman Empire
28-10-2004, 03:11
Official Imperial Statement
This is a fraudulent (sp?) alliance and it has been acknowledged as such.
((OOC: TO risk spamming I will no longer post in this thread unless JA asks me to reply to something))
Communist Louisiana
28-10-2004, 03:16
Communist Louisiana would be interested in possibly joining this organization. Communist Louisiana is a Marxist/Dufourist Communist nation.
Hardt and Negri
28-10-2004, 03:32
Alright... Let me get this straight... True communism believes that capitalism is not only evil but needs to be overthrown and reformed. Capitalism on the other hand is also willing to take military action in order to stomp out communism. So what we are going to do is put the two in the same room and make them work out their differences? I mean this sounds like a good idea and all but fundementally it doesnt work. Its like putting someone ALL the way on the left wing and someone ALL the way on the right wing in a room and telling them they cant leave until they learn to understand eachothers views. Well what happens when you open the door. You find the brains of the liberal splattered on the wall and the conservative saying, "see this is why we dont need the gun ban." Sorry to be rude but this is just theoritically absurd. Im sure Marx is rolling over in his grave.
The strictly communist nation on Hardt and Negri
28-10-2004, 03:49
The Caldaron Soviet Union is 100% Capitalist.
28-10-2004, 09:29
I sort of share Kelssek's concern. The nations most likely to benefit from this are moderates on both sides, but these are (obviously) the sort of nation who'll be more inclined to avoid all-out conflict in any case.
I have some experience of debate within the Coalition of Anticapitalist Economies, as well as the Anticapitalist Alliance. The rule here is that most nations are moderates who, while opposed to the economic system of capitalism, don't think much is to be gained by all-out confrontation. There are, however, several dogmatic, old-school Marxists who are unwilling or unable to see anything except in terms of class warfare until inevitable victory.
The point is: we've found discussion with moderate and left-leaning capitalists to be productive, but with hardcore right-libertarians or ultraconservatives all that results is squabbling until we ignore each other. But the aims of this organisation seem to be mostly about reconciling extremes. How do you propose this is to be achieved?
Rehochipe is not strictly speaking communist, but operates a homebrewed non-capitalist economy.
Jeanne-Therese Palmaqut
Head of State
OOC: Kelsekk, I assume you are moderate. Am I correct?
Moderate left, yes.
28-10-2004, 17:49
This is somewhat of a good idea. Instead of having leftist political prisoners overcrowd our privately owned prisons, we could cut cost dramatically through forced exile to other countries willing to accept them. Of course, we will continue to execute members of leftist terrorist organizations and the most radical repeat offenders. Other left-wing militants and will be free to leave.
The Rightist Revolutionary Guard of Luciferius is a One-Party Capitalist state.
This needs to be BUMPED for more feedback.
Japanese Antarctica
28-10-2004, 20:08
I sort of share Kelssek's concern. The nations most likely to benefit from this are moderates on both sides, but these are (obviously) the sort of nation who'll be more inclined to avoid all-out conflict in any case.
I have some experience of debate within the Coalition of Anticapitalist Economies, as well as the Anticapitalist Alliance. The rule here is that most nations are moderates who, while opposed to the economic system of capitalism, don't think much is to be gained by all-out confrontation. There are, however, several dogmatic, old-school Marxists who are unwilling or unable to see anything except in terms of class warfare until inevitable victory.
The point is: we've found discussion with moderate and left-leaning capitalists to be productive, but with hardcore right-libertarians or ultraconservatives all that results is squabbling until we ignore each other. But the aims of this organisation seem to be mostly about reconciling extremes. How do you propose this is to be achieved?
Rehochipe is not strictly speaking communist, but operates a homebrewed non-capitalist economy.
Jeanne-Therese Palmaqut
Head of State
Yesterday 10:49 PM
Alright... Let me get this straight... True communism believes that capitalism is not only evil but needs to be overthrown and reformed. Capitalism on the other hand is also willing to take military action in order to stomp out communism. So what we are going to do is put the two in the same room and make them work out their differences? I mean this sounds like a good idea and all but fundementally it doesnt work. Its like putting someone ALL the way on the left wing and someone ALL the way on the right wing in a room and telling them they cant leave until they learn to understand eachothers views. Well what happens when you open the door. You find the brains of the liberal splattered on the wall and the conservative saying, "see this is why we dont need the gun ban." Sorry to be rude but this is just theoritically absurd. Im sure Marx is rolling over in his grave.
The strictly communist nation on Hardt and Negri
OOC: Yes, but in real life, there has never been a true communist state. Obviously, if they are that extreme, they will not join the consortium. This is just an organization for moderates to join. Obviously, the two don't get along, but I never understood why (we never got to this in history class). From my understanding, ideally, capitalism is about working hard to make your life better, and ideally, communism is about sharing with each other. I'm sure some good can come out of this alliance.
Communist Louisiana would be interested in possibly joining this organization. Communist Louisiana is a Marxist/Dufourist Communist nation.
Application accepted.
OOC2: To the other people who posted, (ie Caldaron), are you planning on joining? If so, clearly state that you want to.
The Federation would like to join W3C. The we are a Socialist nation, if that is not clear.
Japanese Antarctica
28-10-2004, 20:24
The Federation would like to join W3C. The we are a Socialist nation, if that is not clear.
28-10-2004, 20:30
The Rightist Revolutionary Guard of Luciferius hereby submits its application to join the World Capitalist and Communist Consortium.
As I stated earlier, Luciferius is a One-Party Capitalist state.
Red Wales
28-10-2004, 20:36
The Liberal Democracy of Red Wales would like to join this consrtium
OOC: I forgeot about this, Red Wales is becoming more and more Capitalist but still has many socialist policies.
Japanese Antarctica
28-10-2004, 20:37
Luciferius and Red Wales are both accepted.
Japanese Antarctica
28-10-2004, 20:59
Japanese Antarctica
28-10-2004, 21:23
28-10-2004, 21:24
I'm definitely interested in joining.
Japanese Antarctica
28-10-2004, 21:27
I'm definitely interested in joining.
OOC: Come on, you can do better than that :)
28-10-2004, 21:29
OOC: Come on, you can do better than that :)
The Constitutional Republic of Tekania, while primarily capitalist in operation, though more through our libertarian ideals than anything else (meaning we are as opposed to 'corporate welfare', which exists in many staunch right-wing nations, as 'social welfare')... would be honored to join this consortium. And while the need for the deporation of persons based on polito-economic views is not needed, as we will not prosecute people of dissident political views, unless they have commited heinous acts against our populace.... we would greatly enjoy the addition of being able to organize with other nations in the consortium to have offer of citizenship to those with dissident views to the Republic in other nations.
Vas Pokhoronim
28-10-2004, 21:39
The Sovereign People of the Democratic Republic of Vas Pokhoronim have long pursued a pluralistic interpretation of the eventual triumph of Socialism, and in the interests of international comity and peace formally declare their support of the stated goals of the World Capitalist and Communist Consortium, and express their interest in participating.
-Gzvyad Mstslau, People's Minister of External Affairs
28-10-2004, 21:50
(OOC: How come I'm not on the member list? :()
28-10-2004, 22:01
JA, please check your telegrams.
Japanese Antarctica
28-10-2004, 22:34
Tekania and Vas Pokhoronim accepted.
28-10-2004, 22:39
To Japanese Antarctica:
As much as we like the whole, Blood, thing, we'll be willing to join a Coalition to promote the whole, Peace, thing.
The Evil baby-Eating Socialists of Fododmadtol
Japanese Antarctica
28-10-2004, 22:41
Japanese Antarctica
28-10-2004, 23:45
Japanese Antarctica
29-10-2004, 00:24
Japanese Antarctica
29-10-2004, 00:45
Japanese Antarctica
29-10-2004, 20:46
Japanese Antarctica
31-10-2004, 22:12
31-10-2004, 22:45
We at Anatania would be happy to join, we are socialist and would like to better the ties with capitalists who think being a leftist is evil and wrong, vice-versa.
31-10-2004, 22:59 Thanks for stealing their logo, and it would be WC3
Could the Consortium be expanded to include naitons beyond this world like mine and the Colonial Republic of Nubrium. The International Fleet is interested in trade partners anywhere we can find them - so as long as the members of your union have no spaceborne weapons programs, we will trade and do buisness with you.
Japanese Antarctica
01-11-2004, 22:12 Thanks for stealing their logo, and it would be WC3
OOC: Thanks for stating the obvious. Why would it be WC3? 3C = C + C + C. Capitalist + Communist + Consortium. Go ruin someone else's thread.
Could the Consortium be expanded to include naitons beyond this world like mine and the Colonial Republic of Nubrium. The International Fleet is interested in trade partners anywhere we can find them - so as long as the members of your union have no spaceborne weapons programs, we will trade and do buisness with you.
This is modern tech. If you're future tech, we shouldn't be RPing with each other, should we?
e at Anatania would be happy to join, we are socialist and would like to better the ties with capitalists who think being a leftist is evil and wrong, vice-versa.
01-11-2004, 23:43
OOC: A side note, if you look at the "C" on the logo the top part reminds me of the Scicle from the Scicle and Hammer.
Japanese Antarctica
02-11-2004, 15:40
OOC: A side note, if you look at the "C" on the logo the top part reminds me of the Scicle from the Scicle and Hammer.
OOC: It's sickle.
02-11-2004, 20:26
Sorry, no more.
Japanese Antarctica
02-11-2004, 23:30
Japanese Antarctica
03-11-2004, 12:59
Japanese Antarctica
03-11-2004, 22:22
Japanese Antarctica
04-11-2004, 00:07
Japanese Antarctica
04-11-2004, 12:50