NationStates Jolt Archive

Rap music banned

Fruity Loops
28-10-2004, 01:50
Police burn CD's and arrest wiggers, "Today in Fruity Loops rap music was banned and CD's destroyed such artists like Buttafinga Skittles and M&M's,they were arrested and plan to be executed some of there songs included 'Sugar OD now i got diabetes!' and 'Choclate ice'. Wiggers who protesed yelling 'yo dawg why yall be gettin beef wit out home boys!?' theyve cracked down on internet rap and anyone downloading it would be arrested instantlly"

The 3 famous rap artist were lined up, Told there rights "Your all dead..your rights are you have the right to bleed to death or die instanttly.." M&M thought his music would change there mind so he sung lyrics to his song 'sugad OD now i got diabetes' that just sped it up they aimed fired , Buttafinger was hit in the stomach and said "yo..yall just capped my ass' and died.
28-10-2004, 01:54
Thank god for dealing with that sad excuse for music!
Omega Weapon
28-10-2004, 01:54
the shit is about to hit the fan...
28-10-2004, 01:56
No music is alowed in our nation, but patriotic music. There is free expression day which occurs once every year and allows everyone to be individual, and essentially break numerous laws, but that's once a year, and many people are arrested and condemned as a result, anyway the point is that Rap music deserves to be outlawed, and we support your decision to do so.
Present Day Comatica
28-10-2004, 01:56
Was it necessary to execute them?
28-10-2004, 01:56
Offical Response from Whogivesaflying

Finally, sombody who shares our opinions! But, that doesn't mean you should kill them! You should torture them first! Make them write! some old fashoned love songs.

President: Taylor Zechs.

correction. right=write!
28-10-2004, 02:00
Emperor Rodin Hartian was distraught at the news. "They've banned rap music? How distinctly undemocratic and oppressive. The Roman Empire condemns this move, as we believe in complete freedom of expression."
28-10-2004, 02:02
Phalanix already has (c)rap music banned. Everything else the government dosn't care about.
28-10-2004, 02:14
pennywise thinks thats just evil....i like it
The Parthians
28-10-2004, 02:16
We banned rap along time ago since we were told Rap stands for recitation of asinine poetry.
Fruity Loops
28-10-2004, 02:35
they deserved it! the song 'sugar od now i got diabetes' included obscene lyrics like 'Yo i like ma sugar what? i like it..cause its tasty! but now i got diabetes so im gonna do a drive-by at my local candy factory' would you like that being put into your childrens heads? i think not.
Lord Gohmess I
28-10-2004, 02:46
thank god we don't have that problem. our radiowaves are dominated by everything but that damned teen pop and rap. on our radiowaves you can find anything ranging from 80's pop (Prince, etc., basically the pop that existed before the 90's which required talent to create and perform) to to eardrum-tearing death metal (one of my favorites)
Fruity Loops
28-10-2004, 02:52
thank god we don't have that problem. our radiowaves are dominated by everything but that damned teen pop and rap. on our radiowaves you can find anything ranging from 80's pop (Prince, etc., basically the pop that existed before the 90's which required talent to create and perform) to to eardrum-tearing death metal (one of my favorites)
that is good..oooo...eardrum-tearing death metal...that shall become the new national anthem!
28-10-2004, 02:59
The Empire of Roycelandia heartily applauds your actions.

Anyone who records, plays, or encourages the listening or production of Rap, Hip-Hop, RnB, or Teeny-Bopper bubblegum pop deserves to be punished to the full extent of the law.
Fruity Loops
28-10-2004, 03:05
The Empire of Roycelandia heartily applauds your actions.

Anyone who records, plays, or encourages the listening or production of Rap, Hip-Hop, RnB, or Teeny-Bopper bubblegum pop deserves to be punished to the full extent of the law.
yep! next is going to be pop music...
28-10-2004, 03:45
OOC: Callisdrunians have generally never heard of rap

IC: What is this "rap" music you speak of, with its horribly bad grammar?
28-10-2004, 03:50
We congratulate Fruity Loops in this endevor. We also have a quote for you.
"I hate rap. It promotes, um, wiggerism."
28-10-2004, 03:55
Nianacio condemns these actions and strongly recommends Fruity Loops not execute any more "artists".
28-10-2004, 03:55
Phoenixius appluades your new motivation. We ourselves have had Rap and R&B, and Hip-hop banned since our inseption, with death penalties for all who listen/make the 'music'.
28-10-2004, 04:02
Nianacio also recommends Phoenixius perform no more executions with 'musical' reasons.
28-10-2004, 04:25
Pah, tis a plague on our nation. Besides anyone who listens/makes Rap obviously has no brain, and therefore is not worthy of living.
28-10-2004, 04:32
Anyone without a brain will die rather shortly of natural causes. We reiterate our recommendation.
28-10-2004, 05:14
An excellent decision, in my opinion.
28-10-2004, 05:19
Nianacio condemns these actions and strongly recommends Fruity Loops not execute any more "artists".

The Roman Empire stands firmly behind Nianacio on this issue.
28-10-2004, 05:26
While your penalties seem rather severe, I can certainly understand your viewpoint on this issue. I do my best to exert a few quality controls on the music market as well, though I am not nearly so harsh with offenders.
-Taryd, King of Dar-Kavryn
The Bloody Reaper
28-10-2004, 05:40
i will take all rappers not wanted
i need them for the over flowing new religion in my country witch is based on all forms of music :cool:

Good day
28-10-2004, 05:40
The Roman Free Press, October 28, 2004

"Roman Civil Liberties Association condemns rap ban"

ROME- The Roman Civil Liberties Association today condemned the Fruity Loops government for ordering the ban of rap music and the execution of anyone who listens or records rap music.

"Personally, I do not like rap music," said Vionne Morinia. "However, just because I do not like the music does not mean that others can't either- everyone has their own respective tastes and a government has to respect that. A government has to serve the people's interests, not their own, and this decree by Fruity Loops does not serve the interests of the people one bit."

Morinia was accompanied by Roman rap legend Caesar Maximus, who also denounced the ban. "Everyone should have the right to free expression, meaning that they should be able to create whatever kind of music that they want. Nobody said that you had to listen to it." Maximus then announced that he is going to release a single titled "The Death Of Expression" to protest the Fruity Loopan decision.

Roman Emperor Rodin Hartian had already denounced the proceedings, and says that he will look to rectify it. He says one of his first steps is to bring the issue to the attention of the United Nations to create a worldwide Civil Liberties Union, but added that such a creation may not have much effect as Fruity Loops is not a UN member.

"However, we will see to it that Fruity Loops' actions are dealt with. We cannot sit idly while millions are seeing their voices muzzled," said Hartian. He said that he will be meeting with his diplomatic team in the next few days to work out a diplomacy plan to deal with the situation.
28-10-2004, 05:50
BAn jazz as well and even if you ban rock ill respect it
28-10-2004, 06:13
OOC: Not to sound like a nag, but if you're in the UN and you say you've banned rap music you are in direct violation of United Nations Resolution #26, "Universal Bill Of Rights" which protects the freedom of expression (rap is a form of expression), something no nation can do. Just thought I'd point it out.
28-10-2004, 06:26
[OOC: I think you all know rap is three-foruths crap and should be destroyed, even I can "sing"[More like talk] about sex, drugs, and other vulgarisms, but yet these men and women get paid, quite pathetic if you ask me.]
The Bloody Reaper
28-10-2004, 06:32
2 types of rap
Emenmem or what ever it is
and sribe THE BEST RAPPER EVER (won alot of awards at NZ tui's)
Kelonian States
28-10-2004, 07:01
We don't need to ban Gangsta Rap, as it's already almost universally looked down upon by young and old Kelonians alike. One of our most prominent artists, Neksil Ignatiev, uses a political rap style over electronic-noize backings, but his material contains no 'bigging up' of 'gunz and hoez' - As Gangsta Rap and similar grops are predominantly black genres, and Kelonia has very few black people in it's ethnic makeup, this seems fairly understandable.

Apart from that little point, we condone the banning of overly violent or discriminatory music - though not simply because it's of a particular style not inherently linked with violence or discrimination, and we do not condone the execution of artists.
28-10-2004, 21:47
OOC:[OOC: I think you all know rap is three-foruths crap and should be destroyed, even I can "sing"[More like talk] about sex, drugs, and other vulgarisms, but yet these men and women get paid, quite pathetic if you ask me.]There are other kinds of rap out there...Even religious rap.
28-10-2004, 22:16
[OOC: I think you all know rap is three-foruths crap and should be destroyed, even I can "sing"[More like talk] about sex, drugs, and other vulgarisms, but yet these men and women get paid, quite pathetic if you ask me.]

But one fourth is legitimate art. Why descriminate against the genre. Surely you could censor certain artists and so on, but you cant just shoot them. Its wrong. We condemn this and offer our alternative.

Again Notquiteaplace will take all rap artists who need somewhere to live.

OOC: I hate rap so dont assume Im pro it in RL. Just Im pro freedom of speech OOC and IC, well provided its the truth and the speaker really beleives so.
Fruity Loops
28-10-2004, 22:22
a message from the president-

"Condem us all you want, See if we care." along with a middle finger as he shot a wigger in the head and stompted on the wiggers head.
28-10-2004, 22:25
An invitation to condemn all I want...even if I want to condemn using military action? How interesting...
Fruity Loops
28-10-2004, 22:26
Just in-

"Today wiggers protesed outside of there local police station to let there 'dawgs' go, Minutes later they were shot by police then the people who lived were ran over with a tank."
Fruity Loops
28-10-2004, 22:27
An invitation to condemn all I want...even if I want to condemn using military action? How interesting...
a message from the president-

"Oh shit.."
28-10-2004, 22:36
You use military action against a nation that hasn't done anything that is against human rihgts and such is a violation of sovernty. Doing so will bring hell down upon yourself in the form of several angry nations.
Have a nice day.
28-10-2004, 22:37
Perhaps the president of Fruity Loops would like to reconsider the executions? It is rather unlikely that Nianacio would take action in response to a mere ban.

First of all, Phalanix, thank you for wishing me a nice day. I return the sentiment. Now, on to business...Nianacio has at this point in time neither performed nor threatened military action against either Fruity Loops or Phoenixius. The executions performed by both are an immense violation of human rights, and worthy of a similar response. It might be wise for Fruity Loops and Phoenixius to cease executions with 'musical' reasons.
Here or There
28-10-2004, 22:45
To - Fruity Loops
From - The Disputed Territories of Here or There
The Disputed Territories of Here or There are violently opposed to the treatment of the artists in question. However, we, as a nation, are anti-rap. But, it is not the banning of rap that we are opposed to. We seek a better way to deal with the artists, and we will look on with eager interest. But, be warned, if things get out of hand, we may be forced to send in a small "peace-keeping" force.
God speed,
The Disputed Territories of Here or There.
28-10-2004, 22:47
******Official Communique from the Roman Government******

Because of Fruity Loops' decision to curtail the freedom of expression, we are hereby declaring effective immediately that we will cut all ties to Fruity Loops and refuse any kind of diplomatic, economic or military relationship with Fruity Loops of any kind, with the same actions being imposed on any nation that follows Fruity Loops' lead. We will also offer the rappers of these oppressed nations refuge in our nation, and any attempt to stop this process will be dealt with. We are also firmly behind Niancio on this issue and will provide full support to their cause.

Thank you.
-Emperor Rodin Hartian
28-10-2004, 22:51
Message sent:

To: The Government of Nianacio
Re: Fruity Loops

Whatever course of action you take, you will have full Roman support.
-Emperor Rodin Hartian
28-10-2004, 22:56
OCC: Any time lol
In Phalanix rap has been banned for 15 years. And the artists that were removed form the airwaves were given a fair sum of money to hold them over untill they managed to gain a job. Only the ones that preformed illegal activities were punished with the stnadard prission sentence.
Fruity Loops
28-10-2004, 23:00
******Official Communique from the Roman Government******

Because of Fruity Loops' decision to curtail the freedom of expression, we are hereby declaring effective immediately that we will cut all ties to Fruity Loops and refuse any kind of diplomatic, economic or military relationship with Fruity Loops of any kind, with the same actions being imposed on any nation that follows Fruity Loops' lead. We will also offer the rappers of these oppressed nations refuge in our nation, and any attempt to stop this process will be dealt with. We are also firmly behind Niancio on this issue and will provide full support to their cause.

Thank you.
-Emperor Rodin Hartian
Like we care? We have never had ties with your nation and dont plan to, And wiggers and so called 'rap artists' wont be allowed into your country, In fact theyll have life in prission. Have a bad day.

Not your friend
Dio Catania JR.

ooc-have a nice day!
28-10-2004, 23:11
Thank you for your support, RomeW.
Fruity Loops, does "theyll have life in prission" mean the executions will be halted?
OOC: Disregard the second part if that was a private message.
OCC: Any time lolInserting irony or literalism into my IC posts can be fun. :D
28-10-2004, 23:16
And wiggers and so called 'rap artists' wont be allowed into your country, In fact theyll have life in prission. Have a bad day.

Any attempt by Fruity Loops to stop the passage of refugees into Rome will be dealt with swiftly and harshly.

Have a nice day.
28-10-2004, 23:22
Thank you for your support, RomeW.

You're welcome.

Secret Message to Nianacio:

Due to our heightened concern for the welfare of the people of Fruity Loops, we are interested in formulating a plan with your nation to allow the safe and secret passage of the oppressed to our nations. If interested please TG my nation.

-Emperor Rodin Hartian
28-10-2004, 23:40
Nianacio wishes the world, yes, even ruthless dictators, to have a nice day.
OOC: If I am interested, I sent you a TG, RomeW.
Fruity Loops
28-10-2004, 23:46
Thank you for your support, RomeW.
Fruity Loops, does "theyll have life in prission" mean the executions will be halted?
OOC: Disregard the second part if that was a private message.
Inserting irony or literalism into my IC posts can be fun. :D
Executions are halted... Just life in a prision of there own where they can ingage in wiggerism..
28-10-2004, 23:53
Thank you, Fruity Loops. It is unlikely that your nation will be harmed by Nianaciana forces. Have a nice day, okay?
Fruity Loops
29-10-2004, 00:31
Thank you, Fruity Loops. It is unlikely that your nation will be harmed by Nianaciana forces. Have a nice day, okay?
Have a nice day.

----Wiggerism Prision---
"Execute them all.. Use sielencers and keep the bodies here... This was ordered my President.Catania himself!" while everyone is alseep guards go into the wiggers cells or as they call them 'cribs' and executes them.

ooc-this is not even told to the no one can know! :-p
29-10-2004, 01:15
The Federation of Annor in concerned about certain happenings within Fruity Loops; regarding suppression of music and protest. We ask President Catania to reconsider his stand on such matters.

-President Michael Snake of Annor
02-11-2004, 05:23
A secret message follows.Dio Catania JR.:

You have agreed to cease all executions, and I appreciate that. However, a matter of such magnitude is not to be taken lightly, and I request permission to place inspectors in your nation with carte blanche to do and go as they feel necessary to carry out their goal; that is, to ensure executions ceased when you said they would and do not resume. They would have armed guards provided by Nianacio in case you attempt anything brash. Should you refuse, you may find the building you are in collapsing around you. Choose your actions carefully.
Secret IC: High above both the last known location of the president of Fruity Loops and his residence (if separate locations), Nianaciana spy satellites kept watch, ready to track his every movement in case he tries to escape.
23-12-2004, 05:55
I The Leader of the republic denounces the banning of Rap Music as the leader himself and the people, loves rap. Especially in a time where crime is rampant and we need some sort of expression for the people who were once gansters and somehow found their way to fame and fortune without the use of guns
Shonar Bangla
23-12-2004, 07:05
"What bull$hit," claimed an infuriated President Habibul Bashar. In his hey days, he had also been a gangsta, a fan of rap music, and found this censorship unacceptable. "The oppressed will always find a channel, this will just make it go underground, the more you hold us down, the more we press on, words by the great Tupac Shakur himself," thought the President.

Within minutes, he summoned Air Force General Aatif Ali, calling for a covert operation over Fruity Loops. "Real g's don't protest, they are soljahs fer life, they gon go down fightin, give em gunz Ali, do it for me, do it for the millions of youth, do it for Hip Hop," pleaded the President.

Meanwhile, the engines of an SR-117 Blackbird roared into life, carrying upon itself a crew of wooden gliders to be launched into Fruity Loops over its ghettoes. The gliders were stuffed with Uzis, shotguns, sub-machine guns, Bazookas, as well as thousands of baseball bats. If properly executed, the weapons will create an uprising more legendary than the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising during the second World War.

Ali declared his strategy was, "We're not making some ghetto revolution in Fruity Loops, we are just creating sufficient disturbance for the administration to realize that they will have to change their ways. If they don't, we'll just step up our efforts to include all the ghettoes of Fruity Loops, and we'll liberate this great land from its despotical regime without losing a single Bangali soldier.
23-12-2004, 07:34
The People's Republic of Tharra congradulates (sp?) you for cracking down on that disgusting form of "music". Here in the PRT, rap is also banned, because it is very unorthodox and unethical Marxist Leninist conduct. Also, we consider it an obstical in the road to Socialism in One country, as Comrade Stalin theorized.

However, may we suggest re-education instead of so harsh a penalty? The law in the PRT is that the offender is arrested, purged from the Party if they had been a member, and then sent to the Gulag camps. The survivors (who haven't been worked to death or died of the extreme enviorment) never dare try their luck at a second time offence.
New Stamford
23-12-2004, 08:32
The Mayor of New Stamford thanks Fruit Loops for giving guidance with our own rap problem. While normally a fairly laidback city, the Council most readily agreed that a cleansing similar to FL's is in order. As we speak, police are rounding up wiggers and local rap artists and eliminating them in back alleys.