The Generian Human Rights Conference Strikes Back
Generic empire
26-10-2004, 22:27
In response to the overwhelming success of the first Generian Human Rights conference, the Empire has seen fit to hold a second. As in the past, all nations are welcome to send a delegation. The delegates shall once again stay in the five star accommodations of the Antonius Grand Hotel in Generia City, mere minutes from the White Citadel.
One of the many swimming pools
Luxury Suite where delegates shall stay
Delegates shall arrive at a private terminal of the Generian International airport after a relaxing private flight on one of the Empire’s luxury airliners. An imperial chauffeur shall meet the delegates, and they shall be immediately taken to their accommodations. All security matters shall be handled by the Imperial Praetorian White Guard.
United States of Nick
26-10-2004, 22:30
The USN would like to send a delegation of diplomats from the USN State Department including the USN Secretary of State, Robert O'Brian.
Generic empire
26-10-2004, 22:32
The USN would like to send a delegation of diplomats from the USN State Department including the USN Secretary of State, Robert O'Brian.
The USN delegation shall be welcomed with open arms.
26-10-2004, 22:38
President J.L. will of course by elated to attend this conference. He would like to bring his wife, if allowed to do so.
Jake Gillanhall, Prime Minister of Pentova, plans to attend this conference if allowed.
Generic empire
26-10-2004, 22:43
President J.L. is always welcome in Generia, as is Prime Minister Gillanhall.
((OOC: I'm going to say this conference happens after the return of Emperor Antonius i, so he will be the one presiding as opposed to Alexei II. Alexei II is kind of a jerk.))
Camel Eaters
26-10-2004, 22:48
OOC: So who ended up adopting the werewolf children? Because if they ended up with the bad one. Well that would suck.
IC: Saleju never left.
Thank you, the Prime Minister and his diplomatic envoy have left for Generia in a PAI Kingfisher 3000 Jet. They will arrive in three hours.
Generic empire
26-10-2004, 22:50
OOC: So who ended up adopting the werewolf children? Because if they ended up with the bad one. Well that would suck.
IC: Saleju never left.
((OOC: Probably Alexei, but he won't raise them. i'll have someone cool do that. Where's your thread for the RP with the werewolf kids anyway?))
Camel Eaters
26-10-2004, 22:59
I'll bump it.
26-10-2004, 22:59
May J.L.'s wife come?
Jake's plane landed softly at the airport, and he got off quickly. He didn't much like flying, but that part was over now. He went into the airport and looked for his cheauferr
OOC: Underline means spell check.
26-10-2004, 23:05
The emperor would love to attend again, and will remember to bring a book on bird-killing incantations this time.
The Dark Dimension
26-10-2004, 23:15
-President-for-Life Lou Nuttik
26-10-2004, 23:43
Shenyang would like to send a delegate to this convention if he is welcome. For security reasons we can't disclose who our delegate is until he has arrived. He isn't hugely popular with some of the better armed terrorist groups in Shenyang who haven't yet been wiped off the face of the earth.
26-10-2004, 23:50
Generic empire
26-10-2004, 23:50
RB: J.L.'s wife is always welcome to attend anything in Generia.
Doom: Emperor antonius looks forward to it.
TDD: No way. You killed a five year old girl. I'm all for evil tyrannical dictatorships, but that's way over the line.
Shenyang: Fine with us. There is no need to worry about his safety while he is in Generia as our security is impeccable.
Borman Empire
26-10-2004, 23:50
Licinius never left. He i still in the hot tub smoking, drinking, and doing...things.
THe dark Dimension dude is I think an ally of ours, and he killed a 5 yr. old for saying he was ugly.
26-10-2004, 23:54
RB: J.L.'s wife is always welcome to attend anything in Generia.
The First Lady extends her most heartfelt thanks.
27-10-2004, 00:01
27-10-2004, 00:04
Koornacht shall send her ambassador of Qui Xux to the hguman rights confrence.
(Due to the fact that I am a newbie, would somebody tell me how this works exactly? I would love to learn)
Borman Empire
27-10-2004, 00:24
OOC: If you are accepted just RP them arriving and RP their activities in the conference and while there.
If you don't want someone to know what you are doing, say photographing the place for a bombing run, post Secret IC
OOC:(Out Of Character:)
IC: (In Character:)
BTW (By The Way)
Pwn (own wiht a P)
Thats basically it. you cant really god-mode in this. If you want to know anything, feel free to ask. Myself and/or many others shoudl and will answer.
(Note: Dont use smilies)
Generic empire
27-10-2004, 01:02
Koornacht shall send her ambassador of Qui Xux to the hguman rights confrence.
(Due to the fact that I am a newbie, would somebody tell me how this works exactly? I would love to learn)
The Koornacht ambassador is most welcome at the conference.
((OOC: All you have to do is write about your ambassador arriving, I'll write about him getting picked up and taken to the hotel, and you write about what he does there. The conference probably won't start for a while. Oh, one other thing, my 'conferences' have a habit of becoming awesome.))
The Dominion wishes to send...
Ah screw formalities. I'll come along. I wouldn't be Grand Poobah if I didn't make an appearance beyond the nation's borders at least once in a while.
Be advised though, whenever I leave the country, The Twelfth One is always at my side. He is also one of the Governate Archons, and as a matter of fact is effectively the vice-commander of Godular in itself, but... well... you'll see where some problems might arise when you see him.
Edited to add: Speaking of which, is there any chance you could pick us up at the airport... with a Semi? Trailer needed as well.
I believe I already said Jake landed on pg. 3
Generic empire
27-10-2004, 01:43
The Dominion wishes to send...
Ah screw formalities. I'll come along. I wouldn't be Grand Poobah if I didn't make an appearance beyond the nation's borders at least once in a while.
Be advised though, whenever I leave the country, The Twelfth One is always at my side. He is also one of the Governate Archons, and as a matter of fact is effectively the vice-commander of Godular in itself, but... well... you'll see where some problems might arise when you see him.
Edited to add: Speaking of which, is there any chance you could pick us up at the airport... with a Semi? Trailer needed as well.
((OOC: Grand Poobah. Yes! So good.))
The Grand Poobah is welcome to attend the conference. Of course we can send a semi to pick you up.
27-10-2004, 01:44
GE, did I TG you about SEATO?
27-10-2004, 01:48
The Prime Minister of Castillanos, Andrea Cavalcanti, would like to attend the Generian Human Rights Conference.
Generic empire
27-10-2004, 01:55
GE, did I TG you about SEATO?
((OOC: Yes, i believe you did, and I checked it out, but didn't have any time for posting. Would it be possible for you to send me the link once more? I would really appreciate it.))
Castillanos: The Prime Minister shall be welcome to attend.
27-10-2004, 01:59
SEATO thread.
Generic empire
27-10-2004, 02:00
SEATO thread.
((OOC: Thanks.))
27-10-2004, 02:03
((OOC: Thanks.))
You're welcome. :)
The Parthians
27-10-2004, 02:45
The Shah would like to attend.
27-10-2004, 03:10
President J.L. is always welcome in Generia, as is Prime Minister Gillanhall.
((OOC: I'm going to say this conference happens after the return of Emperor Antonius i, so he will be the one presiding as opposed to Alexei II. Alexei II is kind of a jerk.))
Thanks, that was going to be my question, where does this conference lie in terms of the rebellious jerks who have currently taken control of Generia? Since it is after the civil war and the defeat of Alexiei II and the return of Antonious, we will gladly send a delegation and, if you will accept it, assuming the war's outcome is favorable, we'd like to nominate Commodore Lestat as head of our delegation.
Generic empire
27-10-2004, 23:09
Parthia and Mauiwowee: Both the shah and Commadore Lestat are welcome to attend.
27-10-2004, 23:11
The emperor's personal F22 touched down at the airport, and he hopped out of the cockpit....
28-10-2004, 00:22
Jake's plane landed softly at the airport, and he got off quickly. He didn't much like flying, but that part was over now. He went into the airport and looked for his cheauferr
OOC: Underline means spell check.
28-10-2004, 02:01
As the private transport entered Generian airspace the 20 plane fighter escort broke off and returned to base. When it landed the delegate stepped off the plane it was plain to see who he was, much to the aggravation of the terrorists who wanted him dead. Shenyang has sent Chairman Murdock to participate in this conference. He broadcast to the terrorists and to all of Shenyang, "HA! I made it. You terrorists have no chance of ever getting near me. To the rest of Shenyang, I swear to you that I will be home soon and that the world will be much better for your sending me. Thank you, Shenyang, and goodnight."
28-10-2004, 02:09
Koornacht has sent Qui Xux to represent the Domion.
She will arrive sometime tommorrow. Please pick her up from where the airport is, for she will be arriving by personal jet.
The Dark Dimension
28-10-2004, 02:10
-President-for-Life Lou Nuttik
Borman Empire
28-10-2004, 02:59
No you shall not. GE has made that clear. Ally or not you are not going to come.
28-10-2004, 03:29
Commodore Lestat's launch left the carrier Alice in the waters off the coast of Generia and headed into port. The commodore was still a little surprised that Mauiwowee's ambassador to the Generic Empire, Mr. Ghomezest Aidaims, had nominated him to attend the human rights conference and that King 'Lude had approved him as the official representative. He knew this was important to his career though, obviously, the higher ups had noted something in him and were offering him the chance to prove himself worthy of what they had in mind. Just what did they have in mind though? He didn't know, but he knew he had be groomed for something and here was the test to prove the grooming was well taken.
Borman Empire
28-10-2004, 03:43
I doubt suceeding here would affect his politicla standings in any way.
Cassius Longarm ambled along the causeway leading from his private jet. His ash-black hair was slightly ruffled from the flight, but not too much. Keeping it under control with the hair-gel equivalent of concrete kept it from getting TOO out of hand. His pinstripe business suit remained as well ironed as ever, though. NOTHING could put wrinkles in that suit. Its why he liked it, truth be told. Unbeknownst even to his aides, the suit was actually a surprisingly effective body suit capable of stopping all but the most determined of bullets from penetrating into his body.
Plus he liked the style. Black with gold pinstripes, and Golden G cufflinks to boot! Snazzy
He turned to a nearby boarding agent and waved questioningly. "Excuse me miss, but would you happen to know if that causeway I have just walked out of is capable of maintaining structural integrity under the effective mass of approximately 4 metric tons of neutronium steel?"
The agent gave him a look that said "Not only do I not know the answer, I have no damn clue what the question was! Have a nice day!"
A loud clomping issued forth from the causeway and drew the attention of everyone in the immediate vicinity. The causeway bobbled up and down a couple times, much like a trampoline would look like when a child tests its tautness.
"YES, IT HOLDS." declared a voice that made nearby babies cry.
A giant cowled figure emerged from the causeway, straightening up to its full height as it came to more solid ground with a maddening screech of metal on metal. It then thundered its way over to Cassius' side and looked around. Noting the manifold stares of awestruck wonder, it shrugged.
"I told you to go though the cargo door. I DID widen that."
Cassius brought a hand to his forehead and feigned a momentary headache. Every time... every damn time...
Looking back up, he saw his name inscribed on a card lying on the ground, with small shivering figure huddled in the corner nearby. Striding confidently up to the hunkered individual, he picked the man up with a great tug of one arm (causing the man's feet to leave the ground momentarily) and dusted him off.
"You must be the one sent to pick us up."
"THE HELL IS THAT?!!?!?!!?"
"The Twelfth One."
"The Twelfth WHAT?!"
"One what?"
"The Twelfth One. That's what he's called. The Twelfth One. He's actually vice commandant of the Dominion. He's the reason I asked to be picked up in a Semi Truck with a Trailer. No greater patriot on Godulan soil, not by a long shot!"
"R... Right... Do you have any luggage?"
"Nope! Brought my credit cards. Gonna do a little bit of shopping when I get settled in. Know any good department stores?"
"Uh... What about him?"
"Does he look like he NEEDS luggage? Answer truthfully."
"Looks more like he needs ammunition."
"Oh nonono... we made sure he was unloaded when we boarded."
A nearby toddler broke into wails of despair.
"Enough talk," Cassius said, grinning happily. "We have a hotel to check in at, with more crazy antics in regards to my 12 foot tall, 4 ton companion to ensue."
"Uh... okay..." The driver turned, but kept his eyes on The Twelfth One. "If you'll just follow me, I'll show you to your truck..."
The Parthians
28-10-2004, 04:31
The Shah's personal F-14 was flying in with his pilot flying him.
"This is the Shah's plane, requesting permission to land."
Borman Empire
28-10-2004, 12:41