ATTN RWC/RWC Hostiles:: RWC Base Exchange
25-10-2004, 21:45
Right Wing Collective, to the misinformed, this trio of words could mean little more than another alliance clinging to old traditions, to the informed however, it is a symbol of unity and a banner of order flying while chaos reigns. The Right Wing Collective has tightened it's ranks into a state of brotherhood, we have allowed each other to place military bases in one another's lands
Never before has the Right Wing Collective stood so united in it's just cause, this message isn't intended to intimidate nations, it's simply designed to tell you what will happen should one of us come under attack: Declare war on one of us, you declare war on all of us.
Grand Inquisitor Matthias, Keeper of the Seal, Guardian of the Tome
P.S Layarteb is not included in the RWC base exchange
26-10-2004, 09:43
BUMP for future reference.
26-10-2004, 21:13
OOC:All my idea, hehehe.
27-10-2004, 13:25
Doomingsland, how many nations actually have RWC bases in them?
North Germania
27-10-2004, 13:33
Layarteb is my old and good friend. If he's attacked, North Germania will defend him to the death. Note that.
27-10-2004, 19:36
Everyone who posted in that thread that wanted them, I guess. You should have everyone post here to confirm.
27-10-2004, 19:40
OCC: What base Exchange? Is this a base Exchange between RWC members only or is this open for out side nations or what?
27-10-2004, 19:50
He is ATTNing hostiles so that they know its happening.
27-10-2004, 20:07
OOC: Yes, thanks Hogsweat. And I think that your right Doomingsland and what do you mean North Germania.
27-10-2004, 20:17
Np. I think NG probably thinks that the RWC is pissed at Layarteb or something.
Zarbia is allowing RWC members to build bases in the African colonies of western Egypt, Angola, Zambia, and Tanzania.
06-11-2004, 09:57
IC: Thank you for your excellent choice Zarbia, you will not be dissapointed. A KEF Division is being dispatched to your bases.
Thank you once more.
Grand Inquisitor Matthias, Keeper of the Seal, Guardian of the Tome
OOC: I really should get involved in Earth...if only I knew which one we were fighting on. I've seen about 7-8 Earths so I was a bit put off.
06-11-2004, 12:13
OOC: Earth V is the most active Earth, but it is mostly taken. HPs Earth is also good.
06-11-2004, 13:17
OOC: Thanks for the information.
The Merchant Guilds
06-11-2004, 13:22
OOC: I saw this thread first time, but I couldn't be bothered to post then so I post now...
As indicated to other RWC members previously, the Guilds would be willing to have foreign military bases in its moutainous home.
We would also like to send 3 Regiments (1 Infantry, 1 Armoured, 1/4 Claw Regiment, 1/4 Artillery Regiment 1/4 Logistics Regiment, 1/4 Engineer Regiment) of the 4th Legion to Zarbian Egypt and would be open to sending other Legions to various RWC countries.
The Guild of External Affairs,
06-11-2004, 13:25
Kriegorgrad would like TMG to open military bases within it's borders.
Grand Inqusitorial Lord Matthias, Keeper of the seal, Guardian of the Tome
The Merchant Guilds
06-11-2004, 13:56
Kriegorgrad would like TMG to open military bases within it's borders.
Grand Inqusitorial Lord Matthias, Keeper of the seal, Guardian of the Tome
The Guilds will summarily despatch the 8th Air Legion and the 23rd Legion in it's entireity to bases in Kriegorgrad.
The Guild of External Affairs,
06-11-2004, 16:32
The 27th KEF Division has been mobilised to Zarbian colonies and the 40th KAI Division is on standby should anything happen to Kriegos Military bases in the Zarbian Colonies.
The 28th KEF Division has been mobilised to the TMG bases and the 41st KAI Division is on standby should anything unfortunate happen.
Grand Inquisitorial Lord Matthias, Keeper of the Seal, Guardian of the Tome
TMG should be informed that east Egypt is under control of United Elias. Also, TMG should let us know what area of west Egypt they are interested in to build a military establishment.
We await a response.
07-11-2004, 18:25
We would like to deploy 1 infantry brigade to all RWC members taking part in the exchange, and we are permitting base construction on our soil.
Grays Hill
07-11-2004, 18:27
I am in RWC, and the only bases in my nation are that of my own. Although, I may do a few base exchanges in order to protect my weaker allies.
The Merchant Guilds
08-11-2004, 10:21
TMG should be informed that east Egypt is under control of United Elias. Also, TMG should let us know what area of west Egypt they are interested in to build a military establishment.
We await a response.
OOC: What area do you control horizontally by city Zarb?
We welcome, Kriegorgrad's forces to the Guilds and potentially Doomingslandian forces as well.
We would ask Doomingsland if there are any limits as to the size of forces sent to their soil.
The Guild of External Affairs,
08-11-2004, 20:31
There is no set limit at this time.
The Great Sixth Reich
08-11-2004, 21:41
The Great Sixth Reich will allow fellow RWC members to set up naval bases on the coast of East Timor, army bases in Poland or Germany, and airforce bases in Denmark.
All that's Earth V (I own the Earth!...sort of. If any RWC member wants land on Earth V, just send me a telegram).
Here's the Earth V Thread:
Earth V Maps:
Earth V Incidents & War:
08-11-2004, 21:59
I've just been accepted into this great group of good thinkers. I will gladly open up my nation for other RWC nations to place bases. Just ask where you want it. There will of course be some restrictions like not having it within 20 miles of a major city.