NationStates Jolt Archive

A Most Bloody Affair (Very Open)

25-10-2004, 18:21
OOC: This RP is going to include severe human rights abuses etc, so I'll say now that I don't want any "OMFG j00 r t3h worst nation 3v3r I declar waRRrr!!!!111" because this RP is mainly a starting point for possible political reform in Praetonia which may or may not happen in the near future. Condemnations are fine, but try to keep them interesting, and don't condemn me unless you're willing to follow it up with something else (as in a diplomatic dialogue, not thousands of tanks streaming across the border (but then i have no land borders so that would be hard anyway...)). I might even allow limited military action, but you'd have to ask.

IC: Monthly Prime Ministerial Security Briefing, Praeton

The Prime Minister was happy this morning. He always liked security briefings. Praetonia's defences were formidable, and he liked to know that at least something was going right. Today, he hoped, would be the day that his Security Advisor, General Brutus Crassus, would inform him of the completion of the CWALL (Close-in Weapons Array, Land-Layed) system.

"Good morning, Prime Minister," said the General in his normal dry English acent, closing the door behind him.

"Good morning General. I hope you come with good news."

"Yes and no, Prime Minister," Publius's face smile faded a little, "CWALL is now complete, covering the entire coastline against missile attack. Our most conservative estimates rate its effectiveness at 62%."

"Excellent!" Said Publius, in a lively voice, "and what's the bad news?" he said, his spirits dampened somewhat.

"Ah... that. Prime Minister, Praetonia's defences are formidable. Almost every simulation we have run shows the attacker being driven of, albeit eventually. The fortifications that surround this island are nigh on impregnable."

"Then what's the problem?" Asked Publius, clearly desperate for an answer. He knew that general Crassus's overview of Praetonia's defences wasn't entirely accurate, but he knew of no few major problems.

"The problem, Prime Minister, is Compandialis." The Prime Minister's optimisim disappeared instantly. Compandialis was very much a taboo subject in Praetonia, and not just in politics.

"I don't really want to discuss that, General," said Publius flatly. General Crassus had rather strong personal views on Compandialis, and Publius knew it.

"It isn't what you think, Prime Minister. Every simulation has shown a would-be invader beaten off, except those which have accounted for Compandialis."

"What does it have to do with anything? It is its own entity, everyone knows that. Everyone accepts that. No one has suggested anything since... since..."

"Compandialis is the perfect base of operations for a would-be attacker. They capture the island and its ports, they ship in supplies with a safe base, they set up missile batteries on the coast and our navy has to sail for miles around it. They would even set up superguns and bombard Praetonia herself with impunity. They could ship in a proper airforce presence. Companialis is the only remaining threat to Praetonian national security and it has to be Destroyed!" He banged his fist on the solid oak table. Publius started impassively at the General, "they may even let the attackers in. Everyone knows they have no love of Praetonia. Companialis has to be des... dealt with."

Publius had a worried expression on his face. He didn't approve of the General's proposed method of dealing with Compandialis, but he realised that something needed to be done. Praetonia had stuck its head in the sand for far too long, "What do you suggest we do?"

"We will demand that they hand over sovereignty. If they refuse, we can bomb their government buildings and military installations. If they still resist, we can invade."

"I don't like that sound of that. They will not give in lightly. I don't want there to be an invasion. You know what happened last time..."

"Yes, Prime Minister, but you must realise that our military has developed so much since then. New tactics are in place, new equipment, more men, more tanks, more helicopters. We do have the means to annex Compandialis."

"Perhaps you are right, but I don't want to risk it. We will try diplomacy first, but," The General had stood up to leave the office, "start putting plans in place, for if and when."

"Yes, Prime Minister."

OOC: Compandialis is here:
25-10-2004, 18:26
OOC: You might want to link to the map, the forum tables are messed up this way.

And TAG.
25-10-2004, 18:27
OOC: Ok.
25-10-2004, 19:00
25-10-2004, 19:05
25-10-2004, 19:25
OOC: I can play out one of my cruisers having been damaged in a storm and requesting dry dock at this island.. :P


The man had shed his coat and gloves a while ago, his black muscle shirt was dampened with salt water. He was working hurridly in a barely function light, the corridor partially flooded with the sickeningly strong salt water. He turned down the corridor when some one yelled Captain. He welded the last strip into place and then waded towards the crew member, whom had just finished his barricade.

'Pray it fits..'

The Captain muttered as he started to climb up the emergency hatches towards the deck. The ship was listing heavily to one side, but it was holding..not well, but it was. His eyes adjusted to the terra based light quickly as he sprinted across the wind swept deck towards the warmer shelter of the bridge, slamming the door shut as he got inside. He had a severely limited bridge crew after several engines flared and almost exploded. The few men on the bridge were busy trying to contact a near by island.

He looked at comm unit to the engine room and sighed, picking it up. He stopped momentarily before he looked down at it. Would the ship really last the run to the island they had just come into contact with? His Large caliber pistol hung from his shoulder in a piratical fashion. He didn't care for formality, he was dealing with dead crew men, and some one had mentioned several of the less then stable crewmen had lost it from the blood shed of the accident.

'Ahead Flank!'

He suddenly snarled into the comm unit as he sat down into the command chair. He instantly took control of the ship via a unique jury rigged computer set up and began to reangle it to Island. He looked at the approx speed readings and swore softly. He was barely pulling a good 20 knots out of this, he had three or four engines left, that was roughly half what he should have. Out of the screws, only two were rotating to any effect. But the ship was cutting through the water towards the island.

What ever crew men were reporting suddenly was being filed to him. They were dealing with more then crew men, likely some damned experiments. He didn't care, he'd get help once he was in dry dock. He didn't need any one to remind him the storm was an oddity, as it came up 'From under us like a blast'd pit o ebony hell' As his navigator said before he went off to work his shift in the engine room.

' Port Authorities..come in..this is a Vessel of the Wolfchester Naval Division..we were in a...storm, and we require dry dock..'

He was broadcasting to Compandialis on all known frequencies, desperate as they closed the gap, It might take them several days, but they had to get into coastal regions before the situation worsened. He looked over at the armory on the bridge and got up momentarily, walking over and shattering the glass. Startling the few crew men on the bridge. From the cases inside the small compartment he picked up a sawed off shotgun and the few boxes of shells for it, he soon had a bandoleer on, loaded with them.

' I want what ever the hell ripped my ship apart, kept at bay until I get to that port..'

He said on the ship's internal PA system, several marine captains radioed in acknowledgements. He still wouldn't admit an unearthly thing had found its way on board, but some thing had caused insanity in some of his crew, some thing had ripped apart a bulkhead in a fight with some crew. He didn't trust any of the lower levels now. He was trying to reroute power to the lower decks to light them better. They'd eventually be killed, he swore to it.

OOC: Wolfchester failed clones are in the ship btw...driving some of the more sympathetic crew to help them..They used a submarine to ram the vessel in the storm..boarded it etc...heh
25-10-2004, 20:26
Several ships, began to move forth. Coming from Jurrik land, to the Praetonia waters. The ships, were being escorted by Jurrik National Guard ships. Two Surfaced Subarmines. Diesel-Electric subs. They were moving at about 5 knots per a mile.

The ships were quite simple.

Two cargo liners in the middle, and the Subs were on the outside. Though, the CargoLiners crates had something weird on them, it was markings. A 8 and 7 and even a Eight Ball (Think pool) was spraypainted on the side. Jurrik was known for it's Drugs. It was probably transporting in secrecy. Though, thsi shipment was well-guarded from the Pirates in the area.

Was it drugs? Or was it weapons? Both Jurrik regions were known for this also. Though, the men walking along the deck of the Subs and the Cargoliners were heavily armed. Holding M16s and Ak-47s. They didn't seem like happy chipper people. Vicious buggers.
25-10-2004, 20:30
25-10-2004, 20:46
Praetonian Central Command, Land Forces - Praeton

"Good afternoon, gentlemen. I have just come from the Imperial Parliament Building. The PM has given us the go-ahead to begin preparations for Operation Striking Spear." There was a small cheer from the other people sitting in the room. Four of them were wearing Imperial Guard uniforms, there was another General, two Brigadiers and a Colonel, sitting around a large table, covered in maps. There was another man in the room, wearing a Horseguards' uniform, sitting near one of the walls. He watched impassively.

"Very soon, my friends, the Imperial Guard will march into Conmpandialis, and this time... this time we will not lose."

Prime Minister's Questiontime - Imperial Senate

Publius was doing well, as usual, on the weekly debate program Prime Minister's Questiontime. He had given the usual excellent answers to questions from the Audience and from the guest panel. Now, however, came the question that he was dreading,

"Would the Prime Minister tell us why he is taking inflamatory action against the Socialist Confederacy of Compandialis, and does he believe that it could be the flashpoint to another war?"

"Well, Marcellus, we are only investigating diplomatic channels with Compandialis at this stage. Our request for a permanent military base on the island are not unreasonable and they are most neccessary for our continued national security."

"If the Prime Minister considers Compandialis to be a security threat then doesn't he accept that diplomatic action against them could cause siginificant tension?"

"Compandialis is not a threat in and of itself, but a potential danger that could be exploited by an enemy. I resent your use of the word 'against' in reference to our diplomatic action..."

"...And now we move onto another topic. Prime Minister, do you accept the Opposition's claim that lower education spending is leading to the increased crime figures reported this year?"

"I would..."
25-10-2004, 21:14
84 Dragoon Squadron, Several Miles from Praetonia

The three Dragoon Class ( Hydrofoils of the 84th Dragoon Squadron slowly broke water in hull borne mode. They spent most of their time like this, so that they could use their sonar, to save fuel and because they didnt need to be particularly fast. That was reserved for when there was an urgent threat which they would race off to engage, or if they were in battle and required additional protection of speed and mobility.

"Unauthorised contact on RADAR, Lieutenant. 17 miles distant." Said a young Midshipman from his radar station.

"Thankyou, Mr Dio. Helm, activate foils and close in on contact."

"Yes, sir."

The foils deployed and foil systems activated, lifting the ship out of the water to shoot across the waves 52knts.

"Communications, broadcast the following on all channels:

This is Lieutenant Maximus Terpus of the 84th Dragoon Squadron. You have illegally entered Praetonian waters. Please heave-to and prepare to be boarded."
25-10-2004, 21:19
As if something was seen in the water, all 3 ships increased speed to 50Knots. The waves moving up around them, they were heading within shore bounds. Definetely within Boundry of Praetonia. The engines slowing down and doing a full back. They idled in the water. A second whoosh was heard as they dropped Anchor.

The CB Units on all ships suddenly came to life. They were talking.

First Sub: Adjust to 84, 68. Map Squence 2.
Second Sub: Ready, for 84, 68. Y.U.

CargoLiner 1: Waiting for pickup. I repeat, waiting for pickup.
CargoLiner 2: Confirmed. All patrols on full duty.

Then it went silent. Then they heard the message. The Captain quickly scurrying across the Deck to the CommShack. He sent back a Reply. Grabbing the PA mic, that was connected to the ComSystems. "This is the Captain of the SeaBear. We refuse to Heave-to and be boarded. Please note this. We will leave waters to meet our contact. Reply back." The message then ended and he let the Communcation Static take over.
25-10-2004, 21:25
"This is Lieutenant Maximus Terpus representing the Imperial Praetonian Navy. You have illegally entered Praetonian Waters. You will heave-to and prepare to be boarded. If you attempt to resist, we will destroy your ships."

The hydrofoils could see the other ships now, but they were still some way off. The 6 Lance SSMs carried on board each ship were activated, and the light guns on the foredeck of each hydrofoil began to aquire targets. It would be dangerous to fire the gun whilst moving foil-bourne, but hopefully it would scare the unidentified ships into surrendering.

Meanwhile, shore-stations had been notified, and a company of men from the Imperial Garrison were being scrambled to protect the coastline near to the strange ships. Shore-missile batteries began to gather target details incase they were needed, but this was unlikely. The CWALL system was also activated for the first time, just a day after its completion.
25-10-2004, 21:32
Finally, the Captain of the SeaBear spoke to the rest of the ships in this squad. "Back down. Repeat, Back down." It was on a Encrypted and Secured Channel. Then the CargoLiners spoke to the Subs and so forth, then he switched back to the Public Channel.

"We are perparing for Inspection of Cargo. I repeat, we are perparing for inspection of Cargo."

All three ships, stopped and dropped Anchor once again. The Subs, surfacing and opening hatch. The men stepped out, Holding AKs and Uzis. Full-sized MP5s also. Though the men are the CargoLiners were ready. Sldiing out the Boarding Planks and bolting them into place, getting ready. The Captain stepped out and got perpared. The Men in the Communcations shacks on both cargoliners though, shut their Shacks up. Locking them tightly and even controlling the Crane. Putting it into Lock-down mode. No one could open those crates anyways. Only the Captain can.
25-10-2004, 21:45
One of the three hydrofoilds sped towards the awaiting ships. This was the designated 'boarding ship', and carried 25 Imperial Marines. The other two ships decended into hull-borne mode, weapons systems still ready to open fire if something went wrong aboard the ships.

"Marines will be coming aboard shortly. Do not attempt to resist their inspection."

As the 'boarding ship' maneuvered alongside the first of the cargo ships, 10 Imperial Marines sat in their small 'barracks' aboard the ship, preparing their weapons - XM8s and IOCWs. After a few minutes, the marines were prepared, and jumped aboard one of the cargo ships. The Officer in command of the expedition walked up to one of the men on deck.

"Open these boxes, please."
25-10-2004, 21:49
The Captain quickly moved downward, meeting up with the marine. "We cannot open anything, without the second key, from Compandialis Forces. These aren't for you." He sighed lightly. Moving about and holding up his key. Each Semi-trailer cargo trailer boxes had a DigiPad lock on it. "They're wired with enough C4 and C8 explosive to take out a big chunk of the water." He sighed lightly and moved forward again.

The men above the Surface of the ship. Moved about. Staying away from the Marines but being in the Towers. Having their guns ready. The men on the subs, also seemed ready. Watching the Hydrofoils and 'painting' them with Radar. they were ready.

"This ship, is a Diplomatic Ship by the Nation of Jurrik. I'm just telling you, in case you rip open one of those doors, killing us all." He sighed lightly. Just what he needed, a stressful day, because some stupid clerk forgot the paperwork.
25-10-2004, 21:52
"Don't worry, Captain. In that case we won't be opening anything. Your ships will follow the hydrofoils into port, where they will be impounded," he motioned to the crates, "and this will be opened and examined safely. Would you have your men lay down their weapons and we can be on our way."
25-10-2004, 21:56
Smiled lightly, pulling up his sleeves. A tattooed mark on his wrists. "We cannot leave the ship. A computer surveys who has marked in and out. If we aren't recorded on the ship every half-hour. Big bang. Big fucking bang." He nodded lightly.

As the marines and the Captain talked, several men from the Towers moved inside the Communcation shack. Several locks being undone and ammo taken out. They then moved ontop of the shacks. Laying down and pointing down. 18 men with full weaponary.

"We value our lives, with this Cargo. As my duty as a Captain, I'll leave your waters, and pay any taxes that you might place on us, but we refuse to leave and risk several of our crew members. Note this, sir." He treated the man infront of him with respect. The Naiton of Jurrik had thought of everything, Security wise.

The subs began to move. Engines idly coasting away. Trying to go slow enough to make it seem to a Sonar that it was just waves and rocks. The propeller on each ship somewhat moving. Then it stopped. The men on surface of the Sub, pulling up a Diver who was quickly escorted inside the Submarine. They weren't using the CB units, for fear of Decryption, so they used the Diver.
25-10-2004, 21:58
OOC: I'm putting this on hold until Saturday, as I will not have computer access until then (well maybe a bit tomorrow morning). Thankyou all who are taking part, and I hope we can pick up where we left off.
25-10-2004, 22:51
OOC: Seems I am not wanted in this thread...
30-10-2004, 15:21
OOC: Wolfchester: Perhaps you should hold that for a little later. The Compandialis puppet recently died so i need to get it revived, and I'm still looking for someone to play it.

IC: The Officer turned around, leaving one of the other marines standing with his rifle pointed directly at the Captain's head, and spoke rapidly but quietly into his radio.

Meanwhile on the hydrofoil, a Corporal had seen some activity around the submarines.

"Sir!" He shouted to a navy Officer standing just outside the bridge, "Sir! Look at that!" The Officer disappeared inside and moments later a megaphone activated,

"Foreign submarines. You are warned not to attempt to submerge. Any such attempt will be met with lethal force." Onboard the hyrofoil, two marines stood with weapons poised, aiming at the men on the deck of the submarine. The 4.5" gun mounted on the foredeck of the 'boarding ship' swivelled to face the foreign cargo vessel, and the Marine Officer on deck had his answer,

"Then you are not to leave the ship. If you truely value your lives then you will follow our hydrofoils into port. We," he motioned to the marines, "will remain here to ensure your compliance.
19-11-2004, 21:29
"I think we should attack here," said General Crassus, tapping his finger on an area of flat beach on the Compandialan coast.

"Why there?" asked the Colonel, "that is the further of the two possible landing zones. Would it not be better to chose the site only a day's journey from a naval base?"

"You are right, good Colonel, that my proposal would take longer, but it would also cut off any foreign aid that the Compandialans might receive. We control the stretch of sea between Compandialis and Praetonia with our shore batteries. That leaves only their artifical port on the West side to worry about," explained the General. Campandialis was, like Praetonia, for the most part surrounded by sheer cliffs. There were only two beaches any where near large enough to stage an invasion, and these were on the North and South sides of the island. To the West the Compandialans had build an artifical port out of the cliff, but an attack there would be suicide.

"A feint attack at the side closest to Praetonia would be a good diversionary tactic. If we can tie up most of their forces in that area, we will have delayed them long enough to make any effort to respond to the Southern threat useless. At least until we've deployed most of our forces to the area," chipped in one of the Brigadiers.

"Our real attack shall come upon the Port Marx," stated the Horseguard flatly. The other men in the room stared at him rather indignantly. They also wondered greatly about his sanity, "Diversions upon the two beaches, but the real attack must come at the Port. It is the only place where we can deploy sufficient supplies and it is no where near the beaches."

"But... but... but they have guns! They have 24" guns. They have hundreds of VLS cells. They have enough ammunition in that thing to last years... it's more of a fortress than a port," stuterred the other Brigadier, who had remained silent until now.

"A veritable portress, Brigadier, but nonetheless it is where we must attack. Any beach head on the Southern beach would be attacked with enough armour to smash it back into the sea, and any attack on the Northern beach and the Compandialans would simply retreat, adopting a scorched earth policy, to their port and to the capital, forming a thin line joining the two. Our armies would run out of food before they could do anything. These Compandialans are not stupid, gentlemen. They may not have our equipment, but they do have our brains. They are Praetonians afterall..."

There was silence for some time at this statement. There were very few people in Praetonia willing to admit that the Compandialans were, not so long ago, Praetonians. A handful of the Compandialans could still remember Praetonia. Finally, the original General Crassus broke the silence,

"And what of the guns? What of the men? What of the impossibility of it all?!"

"It is by no means impossible, my dear General. It will take many lives, yes, but when we take Port Marx, we have won. Compandialan resistance will crumble before the Imperial Guard and we will be in the capital in a month."

"Who," began General Crassus, his eyes narrowing, his voice growing harsh, "who is it that decides to send the Imperial Guardsmen to their deaths?" he continued slowly, "The Officers of the Imperial Guard? Or the Horseguard High Command?"

"The Horseguards," he said simply, "you are not here to plan this war, you are here to fight it. Good day gentlemen," came the abrupt reply. The Horseguard stood up, his beautiful uniform glinting under the shifting light, and walked out of the room.