NationStates Jolt Archive

The Polavak Revolution

Attican Empire
24-10-2004, 23:29
A document was sent to the Attican Reichstag from the "Provisional Polavak Council", proclaiming their independence from the Empire.

Hence, 10 Infantariedivisions are being sent to the Island province in order to regain control, and to destroy the rebellion.
Attican Empire
25-10-2004, 03:29
That map shows the southernmost tip of mainland Attica and Polavakia. Darkened areas are areas where there has been signifigant rebel movements.
Attican Empire
25-10-2004, 20:49
26-10-2004, 00:16
I will stay neutral at this time.

King MacDonald
26-10-2004, 00:18
With the approval of the Attican Reichstag, Aequatian Forces can be deployed to support counter-revolutionary operations on the island.
Attican Empire
26-10-2004, 03:09
For now, the matter is being contained by several Regularinfantarie divisions. If it becomes necessary to seek foreign support, however, we shall contact you.

So far, the revolts have not become signifigant in threat to the Empire. However, we will scale our forces as the situation changes.
Novus Arcadia
26-10-2004, 03:17
If necessary, the Attican Empire will hopefully feel free to call uopn the Arcadian Principality for aid of any sort in suppressing the rebellion.
26-10-2004, 03:28
The Polavakian people demand their independence from the Empire of Attica. The Germanic peoples of the north have no authority to retain Polavakia as part of the "Kaiserreich"!

If necessary, we will rise in armed conflict in order to destroy the Kaiser's rule!
Attican Empire
28-10-2004, 01:22
The uprisings have become more rebellious. In several of the major cities such as Cyziezn and Jdazd, open riots have occured in the streets. As per Imperial Edict 4,200§1, non-lethal force was used to disperce them. The Reichspolizei utilized tear gas in large quantities.
28-10-2004, 02:15
To: Kaiser Michael Kuklinski XV
From: Rêchschef Kazimïrz Kruszynski

We wish this conflict to end peacefully... my staff and I believe that if you grant the province Herrschaft (Dominion) status, any open rebellion can be averted.

To: The World

The tyrannical Atticans are opressing our people in Polavakia. We request any international support in overthrowing them, otherwise our cause is doomed!