24-10-2004, 15:48
Ladies and Gents, Please welcome the new,
An A-15 in an exercise in the Haugus Mountains
The A-15 Beholder is designed to replace Illior’s old fleet of A-10s. This aircraft is basically the A-10’s older brother, more weapon capacity, higher max speed, better fuel efficient design, better radar, LIDAR, and of course Pallas Athena, and for some reason i forgot to add, It's carrier based!
Pallas Athena
the first joint venture between the United City-States of New Empire and the Dominion of Kotterdam, the development of the Pallas Athena TSCS was a direct response to the development of radar systems designed to defeat Athena's earlier variants. Functioning on the principle of active radar canceling, Athena was an effective active stealth system designed to allow aircraft to escape radar detection while maintaining aerodynamically-sound architecture.
Athena was developed into three variants dubbed, appropriately enough, Athena Marks I through III. Each one added a new layer of functionality, from improved cycling rates to the ability to alter the radar return to imitate other objects - A flock of birds, or another aircraft, for instance. The Dominion, for its part, had a similar system in development. The Michael Tactical Sensor Countermeasure System was first deployed on the F-34A Perseus fighter, and included the ability to project false returns anywhere within five miles of the aircraft.
Both these systems were rendered vulnerable by a new form of radar pioneered by Sileetris. Designed specifically to defeat Active Radar Canceling sets that had progressed to the point where they return a signature of empty air rather than simply a blank space, it used that very capability against them. Immediately, the Dominion and the UCSNE met to discuss this threat. Together, they were able to design a software update that would allow Athena MkII systems and up to identify and counter such radars by producing the correct return for empty air rather than the tell-tale ARC-response.
Rather than stopping there, however, the two nations took it one step further, producing a fourth Mark of Athena Stealth System, dubbed Pallas Athena. An active radar canceling system, Pallas Athena is based around a superconducting "Cold Frame" computer of Dominion manufacture. Using primarily USCNE software, Pallas Athena cycles 600-times per second, responding to inbound radar signals with the appropriate return for the atmospheric conditions in which the aircraft is currently operating.
Pallas Athena, however, combines the RCS-modifying function of Athena MkIII, allowing it to appear to be other aircraft, or atmospheric phenomena with the radar ghost function of the Michael TSCS, allowing it to project false returns. This means that an aircraft equipped with Pallas Athena could appear to be escorting a B-52H heavy bomber into enemy territory, however, when enemy fighters, or SAM sites come into range and attempt to engage, it could return to its ARC mode, and disappear. If facing threat-force fighters, it could then engage with a missile shot. If the targets were SAM sites, then Anti-Radiation Missiles could be employed.
This combined capability allows Pallas Athena to be used to devastating effect for feints to draw out enemy fighters, or for "Wild Weasel" air defense suppression missions by pretending to be a worthy target to lure in its prey. Also, Pallas Athena offers capabilities that neither system had. In addition to the Michael system's ability to provide information on the range, bearing, and type of enemy radars, the Pallas Athena can function in Scatter Mode, something the Athena MkI was designed to defeat. In scatter mode, one radar transmits, and another receives the information.
Pallas Athena can use transmitting enemy radars to receive information on the aircraft around it, thus allowing the aircraft to operate as if it had an active radar transmitting while maintaining EMCON. As well, in close combat (within thirty statute miles) Pallas Athena can function as a Low-Probability of Intercept, or LPI all-aspect radar, giving the aircraft carrying it full 720-degree spherical radar coverage out to approximately thirty statute miles. While operating as a radar system, the aircraft is visible to other active radars.
To counter this vulnerability Pallas Athena is fully capable of operating in Snapshot Mode, where it sends out a quick pulse, giving the aircraft a "snapshot" of the area around it. This is useful when a pilot has lost visual contact with a target, in that it gives him an approximate area in which to find it. Additionally, if a pilot is using a LOAL IR-guided missile, information from the "snapshot" can tell the missile approximately where to find the target, much as it would be guided if Pallas Athena were operating in Active mode.
In Snapshot Mode, an aircraft with Pallas Athena appears on radar for a bare second, flashing into existance, then fading away again. This has led to Dominion test pilots dubbing the Perseus fighters carrying the prototype Pallas Athena systems "Fireflies" for the way their radar returns would flash on and off their screens in a mass mock dogfight.
PA is the main defense for the A-15 against enemy fighters and SAMs, although heat masking and Radar absorbent paint are used anyways. Chaff and Flare pods are integrated into the design of the A-15, allowing more space on the 6 hard points for fuel and Jamming pods for the export version since PA is not a production/sales right capable from Illior, (although we do have prod rights, not sales). Integrated into the helmet is the HUD, which can be turned on or off at any time by the pilot so he can focus on whatever s/he needs. Incorporated into the helmet design is a small warning speaker next to the ear to keep the pilot in good situational awareness. also, between 2-8 inches of lightweight metal-plastic composites is used as armor to protect against ground fire, including low level flak.
As the forward canards do not alway allow for the best of ground attack visibility, the A-15 is equipped with 4 minicams, one on each canard tip and 1 on each Mauser, each is equipped to be used as nightvision, infared, and normal. for laser guided munitions, in front of the first landing wheel doors is a laser designator.
The A-15 can carry multiple weapons systems, all of what the A-10 could, but double the capacity and hellfire missile pods made for the A-15. The A-15 is powered by 2 Kir-101 High bypass turbo fans producing 22,000 pounds thrust each.
The normal weapons load out on an A-15 can consist of 2 missiles on the end of each wing, up to six bombs/missiles/hellfire pods can be carried under wing, and up to 8 2000 lb bombs in the internal bays, which can also handle a variety of Air to Ground, or several sidewinders. For all anti-infantry/lightly-medium armored vehicles, 1 rotating 12.7mm .50 caliber cannon is mounted under each canard, with storage for 3000 AP rounds for each gun.
Overview (National version)
Primary Function: Ground Attack Aircraft
Engines: 2 Kir-101 engines, 22,000 Lbs thrust
Length: 61 feet (with refueling pylon, 65 feet)
Wingspan: 48’ 4.5”
Max Speed: M 1.2
Minimum speed: (amazingly) 180 MPH
Maximum Ceiling: 45,000 ft
Max Load: 55,000 Lbs
Full weapons max load: 18,000 lbs (6 external hard points, 2 wing tip points, 8 in internal bay)
Range: 710 NM combat radius for deep strike (max fuel w/ 15,000 lbs of ordinance); W/ in air refueling, unlimited
Weapons: (standard giant land battle load out)
2 30mm recoiless on fuselage, under canards, half in, half out of the AC
4 Hellfire Missile pods (total of 16 hellfire missiles {total weight of 6,000Lbs together})
12 assorted munitions.
Defense Mechanisms
Pallas Athena
2 chaff pods (3 ejections each)
4 flare pods (2 ejections each)
PSAWMAWS (Pilot Situational Awareness Warning and Missile Approach Warning System)
Radar Absorbent Paint
Electrolight stealth (basically mini lights under plane, makes it harder to spot in daylight, used on Dark Stars)
Heat Masking
HVAHUD (Helmet Visual and Audio Heads Up Display)
Production cost: 21 Million (with all weapons)
Sales cost: N/A
Nations owning any particular number of these aircraft: ME (250)
Overview (Allied Export version)
Primary Function: Ground Attack Aircraft
Engines: 2 Kir-101 engines, 22,000 Lbs thrust
Length: 61 feet (with refueling pylon, 65 feet)
Wingspan: 48’ 4.5”
Max Speed: M 1.2
Minimum speed: (amazingly) 180 MPH
Maximum Ceiling: 45,000 ft
Max Load: 55,000 Lbs
Full weapons max load: 17,000 lbs (6 external hard points, 2 wing tip points, 8 in internal bay)
Range: 710 NM deep stike combat radius (max fuel, 14,500 lbs ordinance)
Weapons: (standard giant land battle load out)
2 30mm recoiless on fuselage, under canards, half in, half out of the AC
4 Hellfire Missile pods (total of 16 hellfire missiles {total weight of 6,000Lbs together})
12 assorted munitions
Defense Mechanisms
2 chaff pods (3 ejections each)
4 flare pods (2 ejections each)
PSAWMAWS (Pilot Situational Awareness Warning and Missile Approach Warning System)
Radar Absorbent Paint
MSPY Radar (miniature spy Radars)
Electrolight stealth (basically mini lights under plane, makes it harder to spot in daylight, used on Dark Stars)
Heat Masking
HVAHUD (Helmet Visual and Audio Heads Up Display)
Production Cost: 17 Million (without weapons except for 30mm guns)
Sales Cost: 19 Million
Overview (Normal Export version)
Primary Function: Ground Attack Aircraft
Engines: 2 Kir-101 engines, 22,000 Lbs thrust
Length: 61 feet (with refueling pylon, 65 feet)
Wingspan: 48’ 4.5”
Max Speed: M 1.20
Minimum speed: (amazingly) 180 MPH
Maximum Ceiling: 45,000 ft
Max Load: 55,000 Lbs
Full weapons max load: 16,000 lbs (6 external hard points, 2 wing tip points, 8 in internal bay)
Range: 695 NM deep strike combat radius (full fuel, 14,000 lbs ordinance)
Weapons: (standard giant land battle load out)
2 30mm recoiless on fuselage, under canards, half in, half out of the AC4 Hellfire Missile pods (total of 16 hellfire missiles {total weight of 6,000Lbs together})
12 assorted munitions
Defense Mechanisms
2 chaff pods (3 ejections each)
2 flare pods (2 ejections each)
PSAWMAWS (Pilot Situational Awareness Warning and Missile Approach Warning System)
Radar Absorbent Paint
MSPY Radar (miniature spy Radars)
Electrolight stealth (basically mini lights under plane, makes it harder to spot in daylight, used on Dark Stars)
Heat Masking
Production Cost: 16 Million (without weapons except for 30mm guns)
Sales Cost: 19 Million
Annual Upkeep cost per 1.5 years:1.9 million dollars
OOC: Feel free to post comments and whatever else/ orders. No production rights are available at this time
Disclaimer: No Nation buying any of these Aircraft has a right to reproduce these aircraft in any way shape or form, without the express permission of Haaj-Frimel Air Corporation. If these copyright laws are violated in any way shape or form, punishment may result in fining of up to twice the production cost of each plane, and or military and diplomatic repercussions such as being blacklisted, embargoed, blockaded, cease of diplomatic relations, and sanctions. Any malfunctions are to be taken care of the customer nation’s ground crew. Training and repair are basically the same as the A-10, but the engine is an Illiorian design, several repair manuals and specifications for spare parts are sent along with each purchase. NONE OF THESE AIRCRAFT ARE TO BE USED AGAINST ILLIOR, at any time. Lastly, we thank you for choosing to buy this specified aircraft, and good fortune to those who use it!
An A-15 in an exercise in the Haugus Mountains
The A-15 Beholder is designed to replace Illior’s old fleet of A-10s. This aircraft is basically the A-10’s older brother, more weapon capacity, higher max speed, better fuel efficient design, better radar, LIDAR, and of course Pallas Athena, and for some reason i forgot to add, It's carrier based!
Pallas Athena
the first joint venture between the United City-States of New Empire and the Dominion of Kotterdam, the development of the Pallas Athena TSCS was a direct response to the development of radar systems designed to defeat Athena's earlier variants. Functioning on the principle of active radar canceling, Athena was an effective active stealth system designed to allow aircraft to escape radar detection while maintaining aerodynamically-sound architecture.
Athena was developed into three variants dubbed, appropriately enough, Athena Marks I through III. Each one added a new layer of functionality, from improved cycling rates to the ability to alter the radar return to imitate other objects - A flock of birds, or another aircraft, for instance. The Dominion, for its part, had a similar system in development. The Michael Tactical Sensor Countermeasure System was first deployed on the F-34A Perseus fighter, and included the ability to project false returns anywhere within five miles of the aircraft.
Both these systems were rendered vulnerable by a new form of radar pioneered by Sileetris. Designed specifically to defeat Active Radar Canceling sets that had progressed to the point where they return a signature of empty air rather than simply a blank space, it used that very capability against them. Immediately, the Dominion and the UCSNE met to discuss this threat. Together, they were able to design a software update that would allow Athena MkII systems and up to identify and counter such radars by producing the correct return for empty air rather than the tell-tale ARC-response.
Rather than stopping there, however, the two nations took it one step further, producing a fourth Mark of Athena Stealth System, dubbed Pallas Athena. An active radar canceling system, Pallas Athena is based around a superconducting "Cold Frame" computer of Dominion manufacture. Using primarily USCNE software, Pallas Athena cycles 600-times per second, responding to inbound radar signals with the appropriate return for the atmospheric conditions in which the aircraft is currently operating.
Pallas Athena, however, combines the RCS-modifying function of Athena MkIII, allowing it to appear to be other aircraft, or atmospheric phenomena with the radar ghost function of the Michael TSCS, allowing it to project false returns. This means that an aircraft equipped with Pallas Athena could appear to be escorting a B-52H heavy bomber into enemy territory, however, when enemy fighters, or SAM sites come into range and attempt to engage, it could return to its ARC mode, and disappear. If facing threat-force fighters, it could then engage with a missile shot. If the targets were SAM sites, then Anti-Radiation Missiles could be employed.
This combined capability allows Pallas Athena to be used to devastating effect for feints to draw out enemy fighters, or for "Wild Weasel" air defense suppression missions by pretending to be a worthy target to lure in its prey. Also, Pallas Athena offers capabilities that neither system had. In addition to the Michael system's ability to provide information on the range, bearing, and type of enemy radars, the Pallas Athena can function in Scatter Mode, something the Athena MkI was designed to defeat. In scatter mode, one radar transmits, and another receives the information.
Pallas Athena can use transmitting enemy radars to receive information on the aircraft around it, thus allowing the aircraft to operate as if it had an active radar transmitting while maintaining EMCON. As well, in close combat (within thirty statute miles) Pallas Athena can function as a Low-Probability of Intercept, or LPI all-aspect radar, giving the aircraft carrying it full 720-degree spherical radar coverage out to approximately thirty statute miles. While operating as a radar system, the aircraft is visible to other active radars.
To counter this vulnerability Pallas Athena is fully capable of operating in Snapshot Mode, where it sends out a quick pulse, giving the aircraft a "snapshot" of the area around it. This is useful when a pilot has lost visual contact with a target, in that it gives him an approximate area in which to find it. Additionally, if a pilot is using a LOAL IR-guided missile, information from the "snapshot" can tell the missile approximately where to find the target, much as it would be guided if Pallas Athena were operating in Active mode.
In Snapshot Mode, an aircraft with Pallas Athena appears on radar for a bare second, flashing into existance, then fading away again. This has led to Dominion test pilots dubbing the Perseus fighters carrying the prototype Pallas Athena systems "Fireflies" for the way their radar returns would flash on and off their screens in a mass mock dogfight.
PA is the main defense for the A-15 against enemy fighters and SAMs, although heat masking and Radar absorbent paint are used anyways. Chaff and Flare pods are integrated into the design of the A-15, allowing more space on the 6 hard points for fuel and Jamming pods for the export version since PA is not a production/sales right capable from Illior, (although we do have prod rights, not sales). Integrated into the helmet is the HUD, which can be turned on or off at any time by the pilot so he can focus on whatever s/he needs. Incorporated into the helmet design is a small warning speaker next to the ear to keep the pilot in good situational awareness. also, between 2-8 inches of lightweight metal-plastic composites is used as armor to protect against ground fire, including low level flak.
As the forward canards do not alway allow for the best of ground attack visibility, the A-15 is equipped with 4 minicams, one on each canard tip and 1 on each Mauser, each is equipped to be used as nightvision, infared, and normal. for laser guided munitions, in front of the first landing wheel doors is a laser designator.
The A-15 can carry multiple weapons systems, all of what the A-10 could, but double the capacity and hellfire missile pods made for the A-15. The A-15 is powered by 2 Kir-101 High bypass turbo fans producing 22,000 pounds thrust each.
The normal weapons load out on an A-15 can consist of 2 missiles on the end of each wing, up to six bombs/missiles/hellfire pods can be carried under wing, and up to 8 2000 lb bombs in the internal bays, which can also handle a variety of Air to Ground, or several sidewinders. For all anti-infantry/lightly-medium armored vehicles, 1 rotating 12.7mm .50 caliber cannon is mounted under each canard, with storage for 3000 AP rounds for each gun.
Overview (National version)
Primary Function: Ground Attack Aircraft
Engines: 2 Kir-101 engines, 22,000 Lbs thrust
Length: 61 feet (with refueling pylon, 65 feet)
Wingspan: 48’ 4.5”
Max Speed: M 1.2
Minimum speed: (amazingly) 180 MPH
Maximum Ceiling: 45,000 ft
Max Load: 55,000 Lbs
Full weapons max load: 18,000 lbs (6 external hard points, 2 wing tip points, 8 in internal bay)
Range: 710 NM combat radius for deep strike (max fuel w/ 15,000 lbs of ordinance); W/ in air refueling, unlimited
Weapons: (standard giant land battle load out)
2 30mm recoiless on fuselage, under canards, half in, half out of the AC
4 Hellfire Missile pods (total of 16 hellfire missiles {total weight of 6,000Lbs together})
12 assorted munitions.
Defense Mechanisms
Pallas Athena
2 chaff pods (3 ejections each)
4 flare pods (2 ejections each)
PSAWMAWS (Pilot Situational Awareness Warning and Missile Approach Warning System)
Radar Absorbent Paint
Electrolight stealth (basically mini lights under plane, makes it harder to spot in daylight, used on Dark Stars)
Heat Masking
HVAHUD (Helmet Visual and Audio Heads Up Display)
Production cost: 21 Million (with all weapons)
Sales cost: N/A
Nations owning any particular number of these aircraft: ME (250)
Overview (Allied Export version)
Primary Function: Ground Attack Aircraft
Engines: 2 Kir-101 engines, 22,000 Lbs thrust
Length: 61 feet (with refueling pylon, 65 feet)
Wingspan: 48’ 4.5”
Max Speed: M 1.2
Minimum speed: (amazingly) 180 MPH
Maximum Ceiling: 45,000 ft
Max Load: 55,000 Lbs
Full weapons max load: 17,000 lbs (6 external hard points, 2 wing tip points, 8 in internal bay)
Range: 710 NM deep stike combat radius (max fuel, 14,500 lbs ordinance)
Weapons: (standard giant land battle load out)
2 30mm recoiless on fuselage, under canards, half in, half out of the AC
4 Hellfire Missile pods (total of 16 hellfire missiles {total weight of 6,000Lbs together})
12 assorted munitions
Defense Mechanisms
2 chaff pods (3 ejections each)
4 flare pods (2 ejections each)
PSAWMAWS (Pilot Situational Awareness Warning and Missile Approach Warning System)
Radar Absorbent Paint
MSPY Radar (miniature spy Radars)
Electrolight stealth (basically mini lights under plane, makes it harder to spot in daylight, used on Dark Stars)
Heat Masking
HVAHUD (Helmet Visual and Audio Heads Up Display)
Production Cost: 17 Million (without weapons except for 30mm guns)
Sales Cost: 19 Million
Overview (Normal Export version)
Primary Function: Ground Attack Aircraft
Engines: 2 Kir-101 engines, 22,000 Lbs thrust
Length: 61 feet (with refueling pylon, 65 feet)
Wingspan: 48’ 4.5”
Max Speed: M 1.20
Minimum speed: (amazingly) 180 MPH
Maximum Ceiling: 45,000 ft
Max Load: 55,000 Lbs
Full weapons max load: 16,000 lbs (6 external hard points, 2 wing tip points, 8 in internal bay)
Range: 695 NM deep strike combat radius (full fuel, 14,000 lbs ordinance)
Weapons: (standard giant land battle load out)
2 30mm recoiless on fuselage, under canards, half in, half out of the AC4 Hellfire Missile pods (total of 16 hellfire missiles {total weight of 6,000Lbs together})
12 assorted munitions
Defense Mechanisms
2 chaff pods (3 ejections each)
2 flare pods (2 ejections each)
PSAWMAWS (Pilot Situational Awareness Warning and Missile Approach Warning System)
Radar Absorbent Paint
MSPY Radar (miniature spy Radars)
Electrolight stealth (basically mini lights under plane, makes it harder to spot in daylight, used on Dark Stars)
Heat Masking
Production Cost: 16 Million (without weapons except for 30mm guns)
Sales Cost: 19 Million
Annual Upkeep cost per 1.5 years:1.9 million dollars
OOC: Feel free to post comments and whatever else/ orders. No production rights are available at this time
Disclaimer: No Nation buying any of these Aircraft has a right to reproduce these aircraft in any way shape or form, without the express permission of Haaj-Frimel Air Corporation. If these copyright laws are violated in any way shape or form, punishment may result in fining of up to twice the production cost of each plane, and or military and diplomatic repercussions such as being blacklisted, embargoed, blockaded, cease of diplomatic relations, and sanctions. Any malfunctions are to be taken care of the customer nation’s ground crew. Training and repair are basically the same as the A-10, but the engine is an Illiorian design, several repair manuals and specifications for spare parts are sent along with each purchase. NONE OF THESE AIRCRAFT ARE TO BE USED AGAINST ILLIOR, at any time. Lastly, we thank you for choosing to buy this specified aircraft, and good fortune to those who use it!