Maoists begin strategic offensive
18-10-2004, 00:00
Global News Network, Oct. 17 2004
Attacks launched against government targets
Kanendru's embattled constitutional monarchy has suffered yet another series of dramatic setbacks as the Communist Party of Kanendru (Maoist) begins to carry out the strategic offensive stage People's War it has been fighting in the the nation's rural areas.
Massed groups of irregularly armed militiamen as well as heavily equipped full time fighters captured three district capitals in the states bordering Kathmandu, the national seat of government in a daring assault this Thursday. Superior numbers overcame the superior armaments of thousands of militarized police and an entire brigade of the famed Royal Kanendru Army. The attacks opened with a series of furious mortar bombardments targeting police and army barracks, radio transmitters, and weapon storage facilities.
"We knew the CPK were coming, and we did everything possible; dug trenches, set up round the clock watch. But when the assault came it was too late to do anything," said Haib Junatu, a local police lieutenant in the district capital of Dubani who was captured and released by the Maoists. " They beat these huge drums as them came down the hills towards the city. We had artillery and even attack helicopters, but we never even got the chance to put them to use. They were on top of us too fast." At least 760 government troops were killed compared to a slightly smaller number of insurgents.
CPK militiamen and women (the People's Liberation Army combatants are %40 female) stormed each of the three towns in precise, coordinated wave attacks supported by captured mortars and artillery. After RAK and police forces were forced out of the cities, party cadre held "mass meetings" calling on the people of the three districts to pass judgement "on the gangsters, corrupt moneylenders, and comprador capitalists", drawing crowds of thousands. "People's Courts" were established to try senior police and officials and wealthy business people, 45 of whom were put to death or murdered outright by mobs.
Chairman Naharu praised the new series of CPK victories. Naharu described the recent actions as part of a three stage strategy for People's War. "Strategic defense has allowed us to consolidate and hold onto our base areas to reach the stage of strategic equilibrium, where we build up our forces to a state of parity with the reactionary monarchy's. In strategic offense, we launch the final blows which will lead to the seizure of power by the proletariat and the peasantry," he stated in a rarely granted interview with foreign journalists.
The CPK has also declared a new blockade against the government Kathmandu. These blockades have no troops or barricades to enforce themselves, but truck drivers and engineers typically stay off the roads either due to support for the Maoists or fear of retroactive retaliation. Despite the fact that Kathmandu is currently the government's strongest position strategically, hit and run attacks on policemen by urban CPK cadres and strikes against the monarchy are becoming increasingly common.
The CPK(M) has been fighting a bloody insurgency against the government since 1994, when it was excluded from parliamentary elections by royal fiat. Though technically a constitutional monarchy, the monarch wields considerable political power and controls the armed forces. Since 1998 the parliament has been dissolved, and Crown Prince Nyanendra's reign has become increasingly dictatorial
The CPK has grown increasingly popular after several high profile victories against government forces, promises of massive land reform for the country's rural landless majority and abolition of the caste system, and allegations of massive atrocities carried out by the Army against the peasant population. It is thought to control %80 of the rural countryside, and %50 of all district capitals. 18,000 men are thought to constitute its hard core of professional fighters, supported by untold numbers of irregular militiamen believed to number at least 100,000.
Its demands have changed since 2003, when elections to call a constituent assembly to decide on a new government was its chief condition for an end to the civil war. Since then it has dropped this demand after a breakdown in peace talks, and asks for nothing less than the absolute surrender of the army and the Crown.
The civil war has claimed 12,000 lives since its inception.
(OOC: Kanendru's position corresponds roughly to Nepal's current borders. All names aside from the capital are totally made up, but its based loosely on present day Nepal but with a stronger Maoist insurgency.)
I love Chairman Mao.That guy was a fucking genius,despite his murderous and perverted.....and commie streak.But I love him all the same.
Nicely written.
18-10-2004, 00:21
I wouldn't say he was murderous. I would say he made certain mistakes (most of the things cited as evidence of Mao's supposed depravity were not deliberate or mostly out of his control), but overall he contributed alot to revolutionary ideology and practice in the struggle against capitalism. But from now on, lets try and keep posts here mostly IC.
BTW, active and heavy participation (i.e. aiding the government or the Maoists in a significant way) should be limited to the countries of "A matter of geography; concerning RP in Asia" here
It is interesting to note that Kanendru's Maoist rising coincided so closely with Dra-pol's forced re-introduction to the international stage in the late nineties. It is likely to be seen as less of a coincidence that Da'Khiem wasted relatively little time in attempting to insert Banat operatives into the country. Certainly it is no surprise that these agents should generally succeed in penetrating the large, sparsely peopled and chaotic territory in recent days.
Comrade Chebong-ran is one such agent currently attempting to meet with Maoist fighters and politicians in hopes of creating ties between the Choson People's Republic and the Kanendru Maoist movement it is almost sure to recognise as legitimate.
[/fancy tag]
Lunatic Retard Robots
18-10-2004, 00:29
The government of LRR offers aid to Kanendru, consisting of medical workers, engineers, and agricultural specialists in order to stabilize the human rights situation there.
The government of LRR also invites representatives of both parties to Moscow to discuss a possible peace settlement.
I wouldn't say he was murderous. I would say he made certain mistakes (most of the things cited as evidence of Mao's supposed depravity were not deliberate or mostly out of his control), but overall he contributed alot to revolutionary ideology and practice in the struggle against capitalism. But from now on, lets try and keep posts here mostly IC.
BTW, active and heavy participation (i.e. aiding the government or the Maoists in a significant way) should be limited to the countries of "A matter of geography; concerning RP in Asia" here
Thats the thing.Mao was a revolutionary and politician,and arguably the greatest one in the world.But he was not good at running a country.
As for communism,well,that was just something to help him,he wasn't really a communist,although he made everyone else do it.
18-10-2004, 01:13
No coincidence involved. Indeed, documents quoting Chairman Naharu have made reference to Dra-Pol's reemergance onto the world stage as a principle factor in deciding that the time for "People's War" was ripe.
Banat infiltrations into the countryside and reports of Korean men spotted among groups of Maoist cadres have resulted in a flurry of diplomatic protests to Dra-Pol from the Nyanendra goverment, insisting that Da'Khiem "cease meddling in the affairs of a sovreign state whose situation they know nothing about." Questions about Banat training and arming of Maoist forces have been answered with a "cannot confirm or deny" response from the CPK and a few vague praises to the internationalization of the proletarian revolution.
Comrade Chebong-ran's requests for a face to face meeting, meanwhile, have been rewarded with promises of a face to face meeting with the Communist Party of Kanendru Central Committee within the week, preferably in the newly captured town of Dubani for security (as well as symbolic) reasons.
Due to the recent Maoist escalations in Nepal, Sinoese troops in the SAR of Tibet has been on the highest level of alert (initiated only 20 minutes ago). Should communism dare to trek across the Himalayas back to China, the capitalist bastion of Sino will sent the Red devils back to hell!
It appears that Dra-pol's planning a communist invasion of China through the Himalayas firstly by dismembering Nepal.
Regular air and ground patrols (with tracker dogs) have been stepped up along the rugged border. A new imaging spysat has been launched by the ARSAC and is likely to be deployed for service in Tibet.
I love Chairman Mao.That guy was a fucking genius,despite his murderous and perverted.....and commie streak.But I love him all the same.
Nicely written.
OOC: Hey poofter, if you love Mao then you must love the feeling of a bayonet in your chest.
OOC: This better not be some faggy fake account made up by Dra-pol!
18-10-2004, 21:19
OOC: Nope.. Dra-pol is Dra-pol, I'm Unified West Africa. well, that's my other nation anyway. Whats with the OOC hostility all of a sudden?
IC: The CPK(M) Central Committee, a body of 10 men and 10 women selected from the most politically advanced and intelligent among the local party cadres, had gathered together in a tiny basement room in what had used to be a Hilton tourist hotel in the district capital of Jakarand (population: 30,000). The town lay mere miles from the famed Himalayan mountain range, a magnet for Western backpackers hoping to take in Kanendru's natural beauty. Or at least, it used to.
Most of the tourists had fled days ago when the offensive started to begin in earnest. Those who were left were picked up by PLA troops who made sure they had enough money for a one way ticket back home before sending them on their way to the airport via captured army trucks. The vacationers and trekkers weren't really doing anyone any harm so they were not harmed in turn. The evacuation was deemed necessary by the CC because of the shitstorm it would unleash from the Western powers if it were ever found that one of their citizens had been harmed in a CPK revolutionary zone. The rest of the hotel was turned into temporary housing for urban families who were for the moment without it for one reason or another.
Chairman Naharu entered, a small slightly built man wearing a pair of wire rimmed glasses and the faintest hint of a mustache. Soft spoken and mild mannered in his personal dealings, he did not look or sound like the leader of a revolutionary army that was currently being reviled as terrorists by the intelligence services and media of the various western and imperialist powers. Wearing a thick winter coat and carrying little more than a stack of papers and a mug of hot cocoa, he took his seat at the center of the rectangular table (the city's heat had been cut off by the central government in the recent hours, and the brutal Himilayan winter was fast approaching). A single chair to his right stood vacant; reserved for a potential visitor.
"Allright, let's come to order. This will be a relatively informal meeting until our friend from Korea arrives. While we wait, I'd like a brief report from each of you on the situation in your respective districts."
Comrade Janun was the first to stand up, in charge of the party's subcommittee on land reform. The Party hierarchy was pyramidal in structure. Local revolutionary districts would have party members select their district committees. These would in turn appoint regional coordinating bodies for each region (east, west, central) who would send members to the Central Committee. All lower bodies were, in turn, bound by its decisions (including decisions to create smaller committees for important revolutionary tasks, such a Janun's land reform task force). Though somewhat hierarchical in nature, party organization at the district and regional levels was actually quite fluid, these bodies having a considerable amount of leeway in local and regional policy.
"Almost %80 of the land under our control has been expropriated from the landowning classes and redistributed among the poor and middle peasants," he replied proudly, eliciting a polite but genuinely supportive claps from the present CenCommers. "Agricultrual productivity in the revolutionary zones is slowly rising, and already we have organized several small holdings in the Eastern and Western regions into model cooperative agricultural communes. In the view of the land reform subcommittee more time, more propaganda, and more experimentation is needed before we can safely cooperitivize all the village level holdings, but our progress has been remarkable."
He rattled off some statistics and a few personal anecdotes about the land reform process before sitting down, eliciting a response from Comrade Kayru. Kayru, unlike most of the rest of the CenComm, was from a purely peasant background. Though only 27, she appeared closer to 40, with dark eyes, rough hand, and deep black shoulder length hair she rarely bothered to do anything with. She was more fond of the standard issue CPK militia fatigues than the others as well, who tended towards cheap western-style business casual dress for committee meetings. Kayru was overall head of the People's Militia in the eastern districts near the Chinese border.
"Our scouts have reported some disturbing developements near the Sinoese border," she replied harshly without even acknowledging Janun's statements. Usually there was some typical show of politeness between each speaker; "Thank you for your report, comrade", something like that, but she had decided the situation was urgent enough to dispense with pleasantries.
"Tibetan Sinoese troops have stepped up ground and air patrols, and their military appears to be on high alert. Whatever agents or sympathizers we have in or around that area are almost certainly in danger."
She paused to light a cigarette, a cheap Indian brand that was nevertheless hard to come by. "We can't tell if they're just being paranoid or gearing up for an offensive move. If its the latter, frankly we don't have the weapons or manpower to hold them off permanently, even with the terrain advantage." Pausing to inhale another drag of the harsh tobacco she continued, idly fingering the curved knife at her belt that was distinctive to the Kanendru mountain peoples. "I will tell you this, though. In the areas where we have Banat agents training and encouraging our troops, morale has sored and we're better able to hold off the several dozen Royal Army attacks we've been beginning to see on a weekly basis. That's why I say before we do anything or talk about ANYTHING else in great detail we should wait for the arrival of Comrade Chebong-Ran. I have a feeling if we can elicit further Dra-poel aid this war will begin to turn in our favor very sharply, whatever we think or Kurosite politics."
There had been a great deal of debate in CenComm and surprisingly at the regional level coordinating bodies about whether Kurosite though constituted a deviation of Maoism, a building and extension of Mao Tse Tung Thought, or whether it was simply a methodology ideally adapted for the Korean peninsula's revolutionary situation. Naharu had tried to keep this debate as muted as possible; the last thing the party needed right now, when they were so close to victory, was the developement of factionalism.
"Speaking of our Banat friend," Naharu interjected, "I wonder where he is at the moment. We did show him a relatively safe air route from Dra-Pol to Jakarand.. I don't mean to be pessimistice, but I doubt it would be the first time the Sinoese reactionaries have strayed from their own airspace."
OOC: Hey poofter, if you love Mao then you must love the feeling of a bayonet in your chest.
Say that all you want,whitey,but,Mao is still ahead of you.
He had absolute power over millions,was loved by millions,had all the money and had all the women.
18-10-2004, 21:55
HEY. What'd I say about OOC postage? If you two want to debate the general merits of Maoism, this isn't the appropriate place. Take it to general or something.
18-10-2004, 22:38
Taishita, Marimaia
"Wow! Why didn't we see that coming? Where's our glorious intelligence network when we actually need it?"
Deputy Foreign Minister Juyi Wang shrugged his shoulders. "Why don't you ask the Security Minister?"
Foreign Minister Rongyi Bei snorted. "He's out of town with His Excellency and the rest of the entourage. Acting Premier Wei should be here soon."
After being brought up to speed, Economics Minister and Acting Premier Kangtian Wei gave his decision.
"His Excellency would want to assist the CPK in their revolutionary efforts, so I say we do exactly that. We might not be able to offer direct military assistance, but there are other ways of supporting revolution."
Secret Communique to Chairman Naharu from Kangtian Wei:
"I bring you greetings from the NeoSuunist Prosperity Sphere of Marimaia, from now on your revolutionary brothers and sisters. We have been made aware of your efforts and would like to congratulate you on your progress; we would also like to offer you our assistance.
We offer to officially recognise you as the government of Kanendru; with that recognition, you become eligible for financial assistance. We would also like to send some advisors to join your people; we have many skills which you may find useful in the reshaping of your nation. If you wish to decline our offer, then we offer our best wishes in your revolution. If you accept, then we hope that it will be the beginning of a long and fruitful relationship between our peoples."
19-10-2004, 00:35
OOC: What exactly is NeoSuunism? Normally the CPK wouldn't care all too much about the particulars, but being Maoists they would be distrustful of "revisionists"; that is, those who are socialist in name only but practice fundamentally capitalist production relations, i.e. modern real world China or Vietnam. I know it looks like I'm breaking my rules about OOC postage, but I really don't mind so long as its relevant to whats going on.
Lunatic Retard Robots
19-10-2004, 00:40
OCC: Hey, there's a post of mine about fifth or sixth or so down on the first page that I think you overlooked.
19-10-2004, 00:53
OOC: Oops. Bloody hell. Sorry. And yes, I know I'm not english, but it's a good figure of speech anyway dammit.
The response from both parties is beligerent and partisan, and seems to preclude LRR workers coming to the aid of civilians on both sides of the conflict. Prince Nyanendra's foreign ministers have made clear that LRR relief workers will be confined to areas of government control, especially any journalists within the party. The Maoists meanwhile have threatened "punitive action" against LRR foreign nationals who provide material aid to government forces; thus any force sent will most likely be walking on eggshells, making sure not to do anything that could be used by either side for strategic or tactical purposes (building a pontoon bridge in either areas of control, for example, would be absolutely out of the question, as would providing medical care to PLA or Royal Army troops) in order to avoid reprisals. It seems LRR will either have to step very, very lightly or simply pick a side.
As for peace talks, both sides remain firmly entrenched. The monarchy will not budge on the demand for a constituent assembly to decide on a new government, which would surely put him out of power, and the CPK sees no reason to attend if their chief demand won't even be on the table.
Lunatic Retard Robots
19-10-2004, 01:04
Kathmandu is politely reminded of the weight of arms that can, within a reasonable amount of time, be brought to bear should any LRR medical personnel be harmed, but, nontheless, four Il-76s take off from Omsk bound for the capital, loaded with LRR medical personnel, drawn from various divisions, as well as their equipment, consisting of ambulences, improved hospital gear, and other accessories for Nepalese hospitals.
Lunatic Retard Robots
19-10-2004, 01:41
Am I not the king of run-on sentences?
19-10-2004, 02:06
The LRR aircraft were cleared for landing a Kathmandu airport, a surprisingly modern and well kept-up facility considering the destitution in the shantytowns surrounding the city that were all too visible from the air. Just to be safe, the relief planes were guided in by Royal Airforce fighters, a squadron of Jaguars probably purchased from a French arms company. It was doubtful that there were more where that came from.
On the tarmac to greet the LRR relief workers were a platoon of Royal Army personnel and several dozen police officers, all openly carrying assault rifles of Indian make. Colonel Guharn Jamil and the forces under his command were not only to be their protectors and babysitters, but also their handlers. It wasn't a job he relished.
(OOC: Feel free to RP the leader of the relief workers or anyone at all among the party at this point)
Comrade Chebong-ran eventually arrived to meet his hosts after allowing himself to be distracted when a young boy in nearby Maoist territory became curious about the book he was cradling so carefully. A lengthy comparison of Kurosite and Maoist thought ensued as Chebong-ran spoke at length on many of the points in Hotan's Student Of The Kuro Revolution.
Having been finally encouraged by Maoists with whom he'd been travelling to move-on, Chebong-ran gave the youngster a salute, and told him never to bow before any man, and made his way to the meeting.
He fully intended to encourage the Maoists in the certainty of victory for their cause, and generally to discourage them from trusting just about anybody. As yet he was unaware of LRR or Marimaian interest in the situation, having been out of touch with Da'Khiem for some days. Had he known, he would certainly have become all the more alert on account of the LRR and their heavy involvement in the effort against Korea's reunification under the revolution. That Da'Khiem had not consulted Marimaia or any of its other Shining Sphere allies remained as a potential point of embarrassment, as it was done owing to Drapoel political elitism that considered even the respected and important Marimaians, "un-ideal". They were a strong and honourable people and defiant in the face of western aggression, but they were not good communists, and it had been hoped that they would somehow be slow to notice the situation in Kanendru.
Chebong-ran approached the place of his intended meeting with one hand resting heavily on the hilt of his shortsword and the other balancing the huge load of diplomatic gifts, documentation, and supplies that his little frame carried. He wore tough, basic sandals and his feet and lower legs were bound in strips of treated linen, and his whole attire was of the basic pale brown fabric and string of Drapoel tradition. He, as one of those Drapoel claiming, "original descent" as indicated by his name (one may note the lack of a family name), kept much of his head shaved and wore hair at the back of his skull in an extremely long, thick plait, afixed to the end of which was a weight used in Drapoel martial arts combat. Quite a sight he would have made in most parts of the world.
19-10-2004, 03:55
The town in which Chebong-ran found himself in had changed visibly since liberation. Huge advertising billboards geared towards the tourism sector were in the process of being ripped off the walls of the hotels and office buildings. In their place were huge red banners bearing revolutionary slogans: "Land to the tiller!" "Death to the comprador capitalists and the Sinoese exploiters!" "Dispense with the caste system and the old four!", etcetera. Prominent were several flags bearing the hammer and sickle, some with a star or a swastika in one corner. To the Kanendrun, the swastika had remained a traditional Hindu symbol of good luck thousands of years old. It held no political relevance to them as a symbol of Nazism, at best a footnote in the average Kanendrun's understanding of history.
Small traders and trinket sellers whose business had dryed up with the tourist trade were being put to work rebuilding destroyed structures and on the model agricultural cooperatives dotting the mountainous landscape. Chebon-ran's guides made a point of leading him through the wheat fields, farmed collectively by tan, lower-caste peasants who smiled at the Dra-Pol representative as they passed and occasionally gave the peculiar, close fisted salute of the CPK. Though their situation hadn't improved drastically since CPK liberation, the formerly landless peasants were at least grateful to have a plot of land of their own to farm and a larger promised wage for their labor. Even before the PLA moved in and fully took the area, it was a heavily Maoist-leaning district.
The trek, all uphill to the newly renamed People's Lodging Facility, took about a half hour at most. People's Liberation Army troops and CPK armed cadre guarded the entrance. You could tell which was which, even if their uniforms were identical but for a few barely noticeable markings. The professional fighters were issued captured INSAS assault rifles (the reasoning behind the unequal armament was that PLA troops would be facing the enemy in the heaviest combat), their faces and eyes were hard and set like stone, their stance rigid and almost unmoving. The militiamen on the other hand milled about, laughing and joking with each other and smoking locally manufactured cigarettes, though they all came to attention and saluted their Dra-Pol comrade as he entered the glass doors.
Chebong was escorted briefly through the lobby kitchen, where several dozen destitute, homeless Jakarandis were being served hot meals. It was a stopgap measure, and with the kitchen stocks depleting it couldn't go on forever; but at least it gave the poorest sections of the city, many of whom were not at all politically conscious beyond their traditional ideas, a reason to respect the Maoists rather than fear them.
The basement meeting hall opened up to a smattering of chatter among the CenComm members, who swiftly silenced their banter as the Drapoel agent entered. All 20 gave the close-fisted salute as Nahuru set down his mug and rushed over to greet the Banat man, excitedly clasping his hand with a large smile crossing his slight, dark skinned face. His mannerisms apparently matched his generally harmless appearance; he greeted the Banat agent with the enthusiasm of an uncle saying hello to a nephew he never sees, and less like a commander of a guerilla army who'd personally ordered the execution of hundreds of class enemies.
"Comrade Chebon-ran! Welcome, welcome to our humble accomodations! Have a seat, please. The entire central committee is anxious to hear what you have to say. We have very many things to talk about." Oddly, he spoke semi-fluent Korean, explaining the distinct lack of a seperate translator.
Say that all you want,whitey,but,Mao is still ahead of you.
He had absolute power over millions,was loved by millions,had all the money and had all the women.
OOC: Whitey?! You're the Honky faggot right here. I'm 100% full blooded Han and I hate Mao for castrating China off its nationalism and culture. Instead of fighting enemies overseas (South East Asians, Russians, Mongolians and Americans), Mao enjoyed watching his own people turn each other into food.
19-10-2004, 06:34
OOC: Dude, what the fuck did I just say like, three posts ago?! Keep the OOC nonsense off this thread unless it's DIRECTLY RELEVANT to the action in some way. Or at the very least, it consists of something more important than ultranationalist screeds and name calling.
(OOC: Now, I don't quite go along with the extreme I play, and I don't expect Sino to go along with the extreme he plays... only, it seems that he does. That's really what you believe? That's... a shame, really. A waste of a brain... maybe two brains. So nationalistic, and nationalism counts for exactly nothing at all, in the new world. Such a shame!)
When Chebong-ran entered the room he almost instinctively snapped a Drapoel military salute to the comrades throwing-up fists in his face. A few steps in to the room and he was returning salutes in the locally-understood fashion, almost as if heiling Hitler but with his fist clenched rather than flat. Mentioning this development had caught him a couple of nazis in his time, too. When greeted face to face, dark-skinned visage met dark-skinned visage. One having ordered the execution of countless class-traitors, the other having pushed untold numbers under guns, vehicles, or off-cliffs by his own power or initiative. Chebong-ran was no pen-pusher. He wore his hair in the style of a warrior, with a blade or weight at the end of the thick braids of his hairstyle, and knew quite well how to snap an elbow or stretch a kneee beyond the point of repair. The Drapoel assignment was fairly serious, that was all that could be confirmed. That and the fact that he carried a, "blow-up Shanghai every-time Sino steps-out-of-line" mug.
19-10-2004, 09:42
(OOC: Well, Suunism was socialism pure and simple. NeoSuunism is more nationalistic, but the government still keeps its fingers in the economy through partial ownership of just about every major business in the country. We probably would count as revisionists in your eyes, which is a shame.)
Lunatic Retard Robots
20-10-2004, 01:28
The Il-76s touch down in Kathmandu airport, and begin unloading their innards. (There's an airport in Kathmandu, right? Because if there isn't I'm screwed.)
20-10-2004, 01:35
There is no airport in Kathmandu. The LRR planes crash. Everybody dies.
Just kidding. Check a few posts earlier from me.
The Constitutional Republic of China in defense of Nepal's Imperial family has sent 8,000 Armed Chinese recruits to Nepal to help assist the Nepalese Royal Forces.
The government asks the permission from Sino, if not will transport via railways from XInjiang to Nepal. Or by air from Xinjiang bases.
Xiannese bombers flew accross Nepal tonight bombing various locations of the PLA of Nepal.
The news of this sudden offensive was headlines as this event was not predicted. The order was passed in the Royal Parliament and passed by a small difference in the National Comittee. prime Minister Yeh and Jo Jin Ju has expressed the wrongful interference of the Chinese, however, with the backing from the Parliament and the KMT Party.
20-10-2004, 03:09
(Short post, sorry)
The Banat agent was sat down at the table and given a brief rundown on the situation on the ground in the countryside of Kanendru. While the vast majority of the country is under the control of the CPK, pockets of military police continue to exist in the district capitals in the Eastern Region which the militants have yet to capture. Land reform was proceeding at an admirable pace, along with propaganda work in the Party's main base areas to increase political support for the People's War.
Also, unbeknownst to the hated royal government, CPK groups and cells were well active within Kathmandu among student groups and militant labor unions, having significant public support and small caches of weapons. When the final push for the capital begins, the army will be in for a nasty surprise.
In less promising news, Nahuru mentioned, Sinoese troops had been spotted near the border and Xiaguo was planning to send a contingent of soldiers to the government. That the Chinese reactionaries were getting involved in the situation should have come as no surprise. Xiannese bombing runs had also resulted in hundreds of casualties, but minimal overall damage; the Maoists did not rely very heavily on infrastructure and heavy concentrations of arms and ammunition. Their immbededment within the population as well almost certainly caused a significant amount of civilian casualties, almost sure to create resentment over Chinese involvement.
After the brief run down of the situation, the CenComm members promptly shut up and listened to what Chebong-ran and their Drapoel allies had to say, themselves.
Meanwhile in Kathmandu, strikes in the Nepalese garment industry had continued for the seventh straight day, with unions either demanding good faith negotiations with the Maoists or actually supporting the CPK depending on their political persuasion. Intermittent spats of violence between strikers armed with rocks and sticks and police have been reported in the Kathmandu Daily. The royal government has also informed Xinjiang that, while railroads might allow the Chinese troops to better access and engage Maoist controlled areas more quickly it is also less safe than air transportation. The latter option, however, means the Xiannese soldiers will have to land in Kathmandu and strike out from there.
Or land on the border of Tibet and Nepal. And a mass number of troops are being transported via airforce while heavy equiptment will have to move around between the borders.
If the Maoist Rebels wish to remain as the suriving power of Nepal, we ask that the Rebels make peace, and we will gurantee a cooperation between the Nepalese Monarchs and the rebel groups respectively.
OOC:It seems like this is a very tight spot, if you wish to continue this tiny skirmish of fun, I'm wondering your rebel numbers and arms. General information on the rebels forces. Approximiate.
Chuang-Han China
20-10-2004, 21:38
"We cannot support Maoists!" Yelled Interior Minister Luan. "Maoists are as a plague upon Asia!"
"We cannot support an oppressive Monarchy either!" High Congressman Zeng glared at Luan. "What does that say about us, if we violate our usual apathy and without any reason other then our own feelings, interfere in the Nepalese people's lives and help to force a certain government upon them!"
"Supporting Maoists would be the same thing! Besides, what will the other China's think when we suddenly break suit and go against their opinion." Court Minister Qiu injected into the screaming match.
"We're a Free Market, we cannot support Maoists! That is going against everything we stand for as a nation!" Luan protested at Zeng.
Zeng was a known supporter of Socialist ideology, despite being part of a Centrist party. His position was not that of policy making, he was the head of the Legislature, his job was merely to suggest bills before the High Congress. He was the highest elected official in Chuang-Han, which wasn't saying very much. Usually a man in his position would be obscure, but he had recently been interfering with all branches of the Government, causing many to become annoyed with him. If not for the Emperor's bad health, he would have been dismissed for his disobedience long ago.
Court Minister Qiu, whose job was actually only secretary to that of the Emperor, had also been interfering with the Government recently. He claimed it was to prevent Zeng from causing too much damage, Qiu was a devout Moralist Conservative. The two's constant bickering on things was causing ripples through the Government which were being isolated so Communist regimes in Marimaia, Dra-pol and Spyr wouldn't take advantage of the unease.
"Oh quiet, just shush..." The Emperor, 84 years old now, sighed from the side of the room. His wheelchair was near a window and he was gazing out affectionately. "You sound like broken records, the lot of you... We will simply send neutral advisors to both sides, gather information, then go from there..."
"Your Majesty." Minister Qiu bowed his head.
"Now as for you two..." The Emperor glared at Zeng and Qiu. "Interior Minister Luan at least has a right to have an opinion on this matter. You're my advisor and secretary Qiu, and you're a messenger between the people and the High Congress Zeng, neither one of you should even be making this argument. If..." the Emperor was out of breath. "You know what I mean... Someone wheel me to my office, I need to dictate some letters..."
A letter
To their esteemed Majesties of Kanendru
From his Imperial Majesty, Emperor of the Chuang and protector of the Han
May I start by saying I am most concerned about the terror which has befallen your country. My people's thoughts are with you at this time. Do to our strict policy of not intervening without proper reason, we will not take any action at this time. I have, however dispatched two Attaché's, one to meet with the Maoist Revolutionaries, and one to meet with the Royal Government, so that we may consider in ernest both sides, then form an opinion, to keep from being bias.
As a final note, should the Royal Government collapse, I offer the Royal Family exile in Chuang-Han.
Good luck, and may your ancestor's wishes protect you.
Another letter
To the Maoist Rebel Nahuru
From his Imperial Majesty, Emperor of the Chuang and protector of the Han
Dear sir, my nation recognizes only one Kanendrun Government, that of the Royal Family's. However, I cannot commit my nation to one side without properly considering both, such is my policy. Therefor, I have dispatched attaché's to your rebel group and the Royal Government so as to properly understand the situation.
Remember, I am following this straight line of fairness under great scrutiny from my colleagues in Sino and Xiaguo.
I refuse to wish a Maoist any form of good will. I will only wish you better judgement so that you do not slaughter needlessly.
20-10-2004, 22:03
OOC: Approximate forces: 20,000 People's Liberation Army soldiers, 100,000 or so semi-organized militiamen. CPK policy is not to keep the two seperate but to have them work in tandem, and gradually organize the most promising units with the most battle experiance into the frontline PLA. Armaments chiefly consist of Indian INSAS assault rifles and machine guns for PLA troops, militiamen using generally whatever's on hand; shotguns, bolt action rifles, in some cases even spears and knives. None of this is a rule, however; CPK armament is highly irregular.
Also among guerilla forces are dozens of captured mortars, some jeeps and APCS, light mountain artillery, and heavy machine guns and sniper rifles. There is a shortage of soldiers who know how to use all but the mortars skillfully, however.
The Maoists essentially control the eastern and western halves of the country in near totallity, with government forces holding onto a belt in the center around the capital, Kathmandu. The army, well armed and decently trained, amounts to 60,000 troops (though attrition and constant fighting may have put as many as 12,000 of these out of action) and 120,000 military police. The latter are poorly armed, demoralized, and extremely likely to simply run or defect in the face of pitched combat. Both government military arms lack sufficient heavy equipment, having no tanks and about 10 assault helicopters which are kept in reserve for fear of Maoist rocket attacks on isolated gunships.
The Xiannese convoy was supposed to have been guarded through the treacherous passes of the Himilayas by the army's elite Sherpa battallion, composed of the indigenous peoples who populate the sparsely inhabited region. The transports, however, were met by a surprisingly small number of soldiers to lead them to their destination, and even these looked tired and apathetic.
It would be an eventful trip. Unbeknownst to either the Kathmandu government or Xiannese forces, the Maoists had been bribing Sherpa militiamen to either join their side or simply stay home. A shrewd move; the Sherpas had rather little loyalty to the central government, which was composed primarily of the majority ethnic groups that rarely represented their interests. In their place along the poorly paved border roads was a gauntlet of CPK militiamen.
The fighers rarely if ever took to taking on the Chinese soldiers head on. Such would be suicide. Instead they made heavy use of improvised explosive devices made from howitzer shells, sniper rifles, and rocket propelled grenade launcher teams positioned on high cliffs that were difficult to access. It seemed as if every ambush led to some or heavy casualties for the Maoist assault teams, but it never seemed to change the fact that every mile, every turn of a corner was a roll of the dice as to whether they would face opposition. The CPK was going to contest every inch of ground.
The most nefarious weapon in the Communist arsenal was also its most primitive; dynamite. Dozens of Large TNT charges stolen from mine warehouses were placed at strategic points along the mountain passes and detonated as the Xiannese convoys came past. The object was twofold: both to bury transports and equipment under heavy snow and rock, and to temporarily obstruct the roads to make those who hadn't fallen victim to the snow more vulnerable to fresh rocket and rifle attacks. Most of the time the bombs failed to have the desired effect (the Maoists being made up primarily of uneducated peasants with more experiance in rice farming than demolitions). But for even that somewhere close to %25 of the time that they did, the result could be an extremely deadly one for the foreigners.
Chebong-ran wasted relatively little time trying to convince his hosts of the CPRD's genuine interest in and support of their movement and people, and set -after a brief round of congratulations for the Maoists' success thus far- to expressing his major concern over, "the Chinese".
Da'Khiem was concerned, he said, that open or excessive Drapoel aid to the revolution here may actually serve to feed Chinese paranoia, especially that of the Sionese. Still, he expressed his personal confidence in victory for the masses with or without aid, and said that perhaps the proper thing at the moment was to begin diplomatic ties and to prepare the ground for binational co-operation after victory, when nobody would be able to deny that there was in Kanendru only one government with which to deal, and as such could not resent Dra-pol for doing so. The CPRD, he assured his hosts, would be open to great trade with the new government after victory, and in the meantime would be willing to do much in readiness. Re-tool production lines in Dra-pol to get the new regime on its feet quickly, stock-pile raw materials likely to be needed by the new government, and put-aside heavy weapons to defend against any Chinese attempt to bring-down said government.
Dra-pol was also ready to accept Maoists in secrecy to look-over Kurosite production lines, underground facilities, HARTS (hardened artillery sites), training camps, power stations both hydro-electrical and potentially nuclear, and so on... It was even possible that Da'Khiem might co-operate to launch a Maoist satellite if desired, and for not more than a few hundred thousand or a couple of million dollars.
Perhaps that last one was a little too flamboyant for the Maoists... a little too Kurosite.
OOC:The Xiannese government is a mix of Socialism and Modern Monarchy. A COnstitutional Republic. However, we do not like Extreme COmmunism, which is seen practiced by the rebel armies. ANyway, I thought since Xiaguo have some royals itself, I thought there should be some fun for you before you decide to have Nepal Maoist, or Feudal.
This army is well trained and using advance weapons from SIno. However, these are special Guerilla Tactics trained and have been selected to defend the Nepalese Royals.
The CHinese army, being in a land full of moutains, trees, have a similiar groundwork of the Chinese Forests. The Xi Ying Expedition, has about 40,000 troops. The plan is to send troops toward the West and push them to a squeeze between Nepalese National Forces. An extra amount of Chinese troops will also be dispatched at the 'Belt' to provide a strong strong front against the Eastern Rebels.
"Zhang, better becareful, these Nepalese fighters can be a heck of a fight, we have a few snipers up on those trees, we better be getin' accross the hill.."
"Shh, Lin, quiet, look.." as they both signal the task force to take ground. In the distance, several Nepalese soldiers were heading close to them. "Alright, you ready, once they get near the red tape, the snipers will take them out, tell the group we'll be heading from both sides toward the Neps to take care of em trucks."said Lin as Zhang gave the group a hand signal, as the group started gettin ready to attack.
"Lin, tell your guys over there to 'bayonet', I believe we'll have some remainders from those bushes, can you see them, tell them to take.."*Tsst, TSST, POK, DSTTT, as the snipers began shooting down the Nepalese soldiers as they frantically shot back at the trees, Tsst, as one of the soldiers next to Zhang gets shot, "Holy shit! Can we make a go?" said Zhang to Lin, Lin began to look back at the snipers, "Wait...GO!" as the groups astarted moving and shifting behind the trees, they reached the truck. They shot furiously at the remaining Nepalese.
They opened the door, "Drop your weapons now, as they started yelling in Chinese and Nepalese, and finally a few shots were heard in the background. "The Bayonet charge has done much, but they seem to have met a few forces near the river"said Zhang.
"Alright, take these prisoners, there's some in the back, too. We'll need to take the ditches there, tell the eyes to move with us (snipers)." commanded Lin, as they started drawing back. They quickly took to the river where a Nepalese convoy was.
Lunatic Retard Robots
21-10-2004, 02:12
The LRR aircraft were cleared for landing a Kathmandu airport, a surprisingly modern and well kept-up facility considering the destitution in the shantytowns surrounding the city that were all too visible from the air. Just to be safe, the relief planes were guided in by Royal Airforce fighters, a squadron of Jaguars probably purchased from a French arms company. It was doubtful that there were more where that came from.
On the tarmac to greet the LRR relief workers were a platoon of Royal Army personnel and several dozen police officers, all openly carrying assault rifles of Indian make. Colonel Guharn Jamil and the forces under his command were not only to be their protectors and babysitters, but also their handlers. It wasn't a job he relished.
(OOC: Feel free to RP the leader of the relief workers or anyone at all among the party at this point)
Brigadier Levi Ramanujan watches as the Jaguars pass overhead. The LRRAF uses Jaguars (OCC: or at least I think...*checks military stats*) as strike aircraft too, but the Jaguar IIs are probably decades ahead of the Royalist Nepalese models.
Brigadier Ramanujan walks over to the Nepalese procession, the officers of his medical brigade behind him.
"Hello, I'm Brigadier Levi Ramanujan, commander of the 2nd medical brigade."
Behind him, aircraft handlers unload the packages of hospital equipment and other supplies.
An LRRAF Il-76 unloading humanitarian supplies at Kathmandu.
The level of involvement seen here is not exactly what the LRR government hand in mind, but something's better than nothing.
21-10-2004, 22:48
(I have several different plot lines to deal with here, so forgive me if I go through just a few at a time)
With Chinese troops shoring up government forces in the east and west, the Maoists "soldierless blockade" of the capital is becoming more and more difficult to enforce. Trucks from the countryside are now rumbling in with food supplies, relieving at least some of the pressure on the monarchy. But while the external pressure is being gradually lessened; less mortar strikes, guerilla attacks etc. from the Maoists, internal pressure WITHIN the capital is increasing. Near daily demonstrations and strikes continue, spawned by continued resentment towards the monarchy and popular fears of Xiannese imperialism behind the latest troop deployments. Maoist propaganda is playing up this aspect to its very hilt; even the mainstream, parliamentary Kanendru Marxist-Leninist Union (KMLU) has denounced the use of foreign soldiers to crush the rebel movement.
The Xiannese push towards the west is met with little overt resistance. IEDs and anti-tank mines buried on the main roads can be found in abundance, as well as occasional cat-and-mouse battles between snipers and mortar teams. But heavy fighting is almost nowhere to be found. The adavance is proceeding easily; suspiciously easily. Given the concentration of Communist forces reported to be around the capital, surprisingly little enemy soldiers are found, let alone killed.
Because of the CPK's deep imbededment in the countryside, its a simple matter for militiamen and PLA soldiers to simply take off their uniforms, hide their weapons, and retreat into nearby towns and villages. Whether the Xiannese realize this or not is another matter entirely, and so is how they may interpret it. Perhaps the CPK is giving up.. or at the very least, in strategic retreat. Or maybe they're waiting for something.
In the east, the added security provided by Xiannese troops has allowed the battered, overworked army move large quantities of soldiers outside the capital to launch limited offensive against CPK positions with mixed success. Some positions are overrun immediately, only to be surrounded and just as quickly taken back. Others are taken and held onto with relatively little struggle, though even these are subject to occasional skirmishes. The successes the Royal Army had Overall, for a one week period its a significant improvement in the strategic situation.
King Nyanendra has prepared a rare public appearance, scheduled for tomorrow, to commemorate and offer thanks for the Xiannese intervention.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
23-10-2004, 20:57
The Quinntonian government offers the services of their humanitarian services, and are willing to send two seperate groups, one is already being prepped to leave from Hamhung and is being offered to the Royal family.
We are also offering a second food and medical supply aid program to the rebels, asking that they do not let politics get in the way of the people that they are claiming to be fighting for.
The Quinntonian government is also trying to ascertain whether or not, as Maoists, the rebels are going to have the same restrictive policy towards the Holy Christian Church.
When Da’Khiem eventually heard of the Xiannese incursion into Kanendru the Central Directorature stated that it was a backwards-looking affront to the revolution and to the free will of the masses. A party spokesman said that it was cruel and unfair for political entities from the middle ages to band together against the people rather than to step aside. This was said to be something that they only dared attempt because of the youth of the Kanendru revolution and the remoteness of potential defenders such as the CPRD, the implication being that Da’Khiem didn’t like Xiaguo sending troops while it could not offer a counter-weight.
At the same time, of course, storage bunkers were being crammed with RPGs, ATGMs, MANPADS, mortars, machineguns, rifles, and other supplies and munitions, the doors that secured them being identified by a number that designated the contents for export to Kanendru.
Not only that, but the traditional training grounds in the northeast and new ones established in the liberated south saw partial activation of reserve units; People’s Rear Defence Organisation and United Workers Militia in the main. Following the unexpected announcement of winter exercises in response to multi-national provocations in the south, efforts were under way to simulate active preparation for such extensive and distracting duties as would be involved. The exercises traditionally involve tens of thousands of men and women, and require the CRPD’s utmost attention and dedication of resources. In fact, Da’Khiem did not intend to go through with these operations, less than a year since the last, but was keen to appear distracted and even to have the eventual failure of the exercises understood as a sign of non-existent weakness.
Resources (save those associated with taking some reservists out of their usual duties for more hours than usual) were instead being set aside to aid the Maoists in Kanendru.
Chebong-ran would, unfortunately, not yet know of such developments.
North Yaman
25-10-2004, 01:03
- Mioka-ro -
When the High Council heard of the Chinese support of the monarchy, much research was done on the Kanendru situation and history. Once it was discovered that the monarchy had stopped the democratic change to a socialist revolution, North Yaman was quick to release a statement.
To all nations involved with the Kanendru Monarchy, being mainly aid from LRR and military support from Xiaguo:
You are supporting a counter revolutionary dictatorship. The majority of Kanendru supports the Maoist forces and you only reveal your evil, capitalist greed by killing innocent "rebels" who only want their freedom and rights, which were stolen by King Nyanendra.
Let this situation resolve itself. You will only create more bloodshed by supporting this evil. The last time North Yaman spoke up on an escalating situation, nuclear weapons were used most cowardly on the good Korean people. The one city in Drapol where there could have been a hope of peace was crushed under Allied bombs; the Free City has only recently been reopened.
Leave now Xiaguo. If you do not, you reveal yourself as a Imperialist and will be turning your back on Asian prosperity and unity. There are bigger concerns, like the most recent Bonstockian incursions.
The Socialist Federal Dominion recognizes only one Kanendru government, the Government of the People. Let the people decide, if not through your praised democracy then through bloodshed...
North Yaman
25-10-2004, 01:08
In a communique from Spearguard Command, North Yaman requests LLR support of a Non-Intervention Act on Kanendru, where by all foreign powers would agree to withdraw military or logistical support from either side and work towards a resolution.
(OOC: North Yaman, which through its ties with the SSRC and its own history would support the Maoists, understands that given time, the Maoist would beat back the Royalists. Its support of the NI Act would be to prevent foreign powers from tipping the war in the favour of the hated Royalist, but also to prevent furthered bloodshed in a guerrilla war against the communists.)
Communist Louisiana
25-10-2004, 01:39
To: Maoist Comrade Nahuru
From: Premier Bobby Jindal
Communist Louisiana stands strong in its support of the CPK. We are always going to support our brethren around the world. We would like to see the CPK in control of Kanendru as soon as possible.
My family is of Inidan ancestry and would like to see Communism engulf all of Asia and possibly the world. We will attempt to get in touch with your wonderful organization as soon as possible.
Premier Bobby Jindal
Premier of the LCP of CL
New Orleans, Louisiana, CL
The CLS Hammerhead (Los Angeles Class Sub) leaves harbor in Tahiti
Lunatic Retard Robots
25-10-2004, 02:05
The LRR government supports a document that prevents foreign powers from contributing military support to either side in the Nepalese conflict, but opposes any provision that prevents humanitarian aid from being shipped into the country. After all, the current level of LRR involvement is the dispatching of a team of doctors to deliver improved equipment to Kathmandu's public hospitals.
North Yaman
25-10-2004, 06:56
We will support the amended document. But we must be clear to other Asian nations that we are serious about supporting this anti-military intervention movement. This would mean pressure on Xiaguo to withdraw troops.
The PRS also supports the Yamani proposal, amended to allow the free spread of humanitarian aid and education into the country, for it is the duty of all people to spread the light of truth and prosperity, but for foreigners to oppose the will of a People is nothing more than imperialism.
There was no imediate reply to the demands made by North Yaman.
"The Monarchy in Nepal may be corrupt, however, thier Communist idealogies can only lead to feudal state, and leave the former regime behind. We will be more than happy to negotiate a peace plan and mediate the war between the Nationals and the Communists. We have no plans of keeping Nepal, nor oppressing its people. Rebels will die, people will starve, and the government will oppress." said Emperor Jin Tai Shao.
Meanwhile, on the sam day the North Yaman government made such demands. A Major Xiannese Offensive struck Eastward,Xiannese guerilla tactics were imposed on the battle grounds. Explosives planted at special locations. The western and central halves of Nepal seems to have been taken easily. However, a major offensive 'turned' defensive can be predicted.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
25-10-2004, 16:48
The Quinntonian planes begin to land in the capitol, where they begin to set up supply depots for civilians throughout the city, giving food and medical treatment to ANY who come.
Of course, with them come also the missionaries, who preach the beautiful saving grace of the Gosple of Jesus Christ to the masses.
25-10-2004, 21:13
(I'm hesitant to add something else while so many things have happened since Kanendru's last post, but if I don't post now it might be another day before I get around to it. For anyone who hasn't noticed, this is Beth Gellert, but I am for whatever reason currently unable to access the forums under my first account. Many BG residents spell their nation Beddgelert, anyway, that being the Welsh language form. And BG's borders lie primarily in the southeast of India, but extend to the southern borders of West Bengal, Jharkhand, and Uttar Pradesh, two of which in turn border Kanendru, I believe.)
It would be naive to suppose that the mountains of Kanendru didn't contain at least a few Beddgelens. Before fighting broke-out it would have been a popular destination for the curious, the intrepid, and the sick-of-the-cities. After, or possibly during the rise of the rebels, more idealists at least attempted to travel, some just wanting to witness the fall of a monarchy perhaps happily remembering the defeat of Prince Llewellyn in Beth Gellert , others innocently hoping to promote Igovian over Maoist communist-ideology.
Portmeirion, the Beddgelen capital, had precious few dealings with the official government, and Kanendru may well have chosen never to recognise the Igovian Soviet government that replaced the traditionally more friendly Principality. Now, Beddgelens at home were smiling as the prospect of liberation for the people of Kanendru grew clearer. The Senate system was abuzz with debate over what ought to be the Igovian position. Contact with the Maoists was required, and in an attempt to achieve a degree of seperation, at least early on, the use of Drapoel agents as middle men was considered... that was until the majority decided that the chance of the Kurosites twisting words to their own ends was too great.
A GSIC (Gelert Sentinels Intelligence Co-operative) expedition was prepared to treck up into the mountains. It was to deliver Portmeirion's recognition of the revolutionary authorities and to set up proper two-way communications. Probably it had something to do with the Chinese-looking dummies being bayoneted in increasing numbers on Soviet training grounds as fighter-bomber squadrons and infantry brigades redeployed to the northern states from as far south as Sri Lanka.
Communist Louisiana
26-10-2004, 03:37
The Hammerhead surfaced in the Bay of Bengal about 17 km's from the Mouths of the Gunges
Sinoese suggestions had been made to the Quintonnians over the secularization of the whole affair as Christianity in Asia is very likely to face severe backlash and a drive in the targetted hearts and minds to achieve quite opposite results. Christianity fails in Asia as their culture stands longer and firmer than Christ's meagre two millenia.
Tibetan-Nepalese Border:
The situation has been observed closely as over a matter of weeks, 5 million Sinoese personnel of the ARSA and ARSAF have gathered there, ready to kill for the security of the Chinese race. Appearing almost out off nowhere, the stealthy Sinoese logistical methods have paid off.
Should any incursions of Chinese territory be made by the communist subhumans, the Dragon's wrath shall be unleashed upon the aggressor.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
27-10-2004, 00:23
OOC-Well, in RL, China is the fastest growing mission field in the world. And far before the beginning of the trivial Chin Dynasty, God was worshipped.
Just as Christ said to Pilate, "You have no power beside that which my Father in Heaven gave you."
IC- Quinntonia continues to feed the hungry, care for the sick, rest the weary, comfort the mourning and preach the saving Grace of the Gospel of Christ, with love and compassion, a universal language if ever there was one.
OOC-Well, in RL, China is the fastest growing mission field in the world. And far before the beginning of the trivial Chin Dynasty, God was worshipped.
Just as Christ said to Pilate, "You have no power beside that which my Father in Heaven gave you."
IC- Quinntonia continues to feed the hungry, care for the sick, rest the weary, comfort the mourning and preach the saving Grace of the Gospel of Christ, with love and compassion, a universal language if ever there was one.
OOC: No matter how hard the Ned Flanderses try, the Chinese will never be fully Christianized due to their cultural beliefs. You may paint over a surface of Christianity but deep down they know who they are. Famous example being Chiang Kai-shek, despite being a convert to Christianity, before leaving
for Taiwan Is. made a last worship to his ancestors back in his birthplace.
As the typical Chinese person may not have very defined beliefs (mixture of Taoism, traditionalism* and Buddhism), but Christianity is still seen as alien. The largest non-traditional (not Buddhist, Taoist, etc.) religious is actually Islam (common amongst Hui and Uighur ethnicity). Christianity may be seen as 'fast growing' but its growth is still crawling at snail's pace.
*Ancestral worship, Feng Shui, I Ching, etc.
OOC: Just keep the whole damn CI (counter insurgency) a secular affair, before the Hindus (90% of Nepalese) get alienated.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
27-10-2004, 14:14
OOC-Check the CIA Factbook. That's here I got my numbers. Islam, despite seeing an upsurge under Emporer Yongle during the Ming (Brilliant) Dynasty, especially when his "Precious Ships" were put under command of a Muslim Eunich named Zhang Hu, but it never got rooted near like what had happened in say, Mongolia.
But I digress, The Chinese people are still over 90% aethiest in RL, but the people are hungry for Jesus. But I am not here to debate whether or nor a mission can work in China, even if you do have one crushing example of a confused Christian out of the tens of millions. I am here just to play a character. Just like Dra-pol, just like most of the people here. I am not near as militant as the people in my nation, but I am a Christian, studying to become a Pastor in western Canada. Most of my friends are involved in this kind of work, so I know what they are saying and have actually done my research. But I still don't wnat to debate. If I must to make you happy, however, let's do it on the "Amatter of geography" thread and not cluttter this one up. Thanx.
Sino, though you are combative, and a little insulting, I am going to give you the benifit of the doubt that you are actually just being mis-understood or something, and remmeber that I don't bear any ill will towards you, but please.
If this was a completely IC thing in which your government was warning me, out og the goodness of their hearts that this wouldn't work, you should realise that my nation will never stop being hardcore, militant Christians, and have a world-wide reputation for the same. We also spend almost as much on international aid as we do on defense.
I hope this ends that.
God created man? man created god?
Lunatic Retard Robots
28-10-2004, 02:00
Diplomatic messages are sent to Xiaguo and Sino, urging that no more military incursions be made into Nepal, while stating that any form of humanitarian aid would be most welcome, as would any thoughts on achieving a settlement acceptable and prosperous to the Nepalese people.
North Yaman
28-10-2004, 09:34
The reply from the North Yamani government is, unlike the Xiannese communication, quite immediate.
- The Monarchy in Nepal is corrupt, and you support it with your actions. You believe that Communism will bring destruction to the land, but it will only free it from the terror this royal family has excercised on the countryside. Terror aided, in no small part, by murderous Xiannese soldiers who are, while all "decent" and "democratic" nations turn a blind eye, destroying a people for their own interests.
You speak of peace, while you make war. You speak of no future plans for Kanendru, and yet you invest thousands of troops there to die. You say you will not oppress the people, and in the same breath admit your support of a "corrupt monarchy" whom those very people are fighting.
Rebels are dying, people are starving and your government continues to support oppression. We urge you, as a civilized and understanding nation, to withdraw your troops. Support this amended document and let us talk with the sides before more bloodshed is had. -
Although most Yamani messages come from the Yanheshi-shange, the Spearguard Command tower, this one arrives straight from the Mioka-ro Shrine where the High Council chambers are located.
Speculation has it that Eiji Jidoshin, son of the late animist priest Taran-ki, penned the message himself. Eiji, a political Strainist and known anti-traditionalist, is believed to be an important revolutionary figure in North Yaman and his influence on Yamani policy, and public opinion, is known to be great.
11-11-2004, 22:04
The Central Committee and all the local bodies of the Party were in a furor. Despite official recognition and support from Beddgelert, Dra-Pol, Yaman (all eagerly accepted; now was not the time for a ideological slugfest) and other friendly socialist states, the revolution was in a state of crisis. The Xiannese offensive and the Sinoese buildup were the most important threats to be contended with. Though the People's Army was strong, it could not contend with the Chinese in terms of either training or aramament. Despite the fact that casualties had been managed to have been kept low though continuous relocation of troops and armament, if things kept up as they were eventually the rebels would run out of places to hide.
It was then that the Party's chief executives began to consider a dangerous gamble they had placed on the backburner for just such a situation: Plan Zero. The details were kept extremely secret and known only to about a dozen people or so. The risk was extreme; failure could mean an absolute and final end to the People's War, or at the very least a major setback akin to the ones suffered by the NPA in the Phillipines under Marcos, or the Shining Path in Peru. Victory was far, far from certain.
Urgent cables were sent to those 'red' states expressing support for the People's War; Marimaia, North Yaman, Dra-Pol, Beddgelert, and any others.
"Comrades, we have reached a critical juncture. The monarchy is intractable in its refusal to hold a referendum on the creation of a new constituion; the Xiannese steadfastly refuse to remove their troops from Kanendru territory, continuing their rampage of terror and butchery across our countryside unabated. These two factors are connected; the monarchy will not negotiate as long as the Xiannese offensive allows them to think they are winning, and the Xiannese will not withdraw unless we can negotiate.
"The class struggle in Kanendru, as much as all of us would like this to be, cannot be won through the negotiating table. It must be won through force of arms. Political power flows from the barrel of the gun, and so long as the reactionaries maintain their ability to wage unrelenting warfare against the workers and peasants of Kanendru we will never see peace in our time.
"This is a call for international solidarity. Without support in the form of arms, aid, and volunteers from the revolutionary peoples of Asia, our struggle is in very grave danger. If an improvement in the strategic situation is not seen in the near future, the CPK(M) may have to take extremely drastic measures in order to prevent a final victory of the reactionary forces of the Chinese and the monarchy."
Quinntonian Dra-pol
11-11-2004, 22:49
Quinntonians are still moving tonnes of aid packages, in the way of food and medical supplies. They are being distributed as quickly as possible, and the Quinntonina iad program is being expanded into the countryside as make-shift refugee camps, schools and hospitals are being set up, for now the camps, now three in total, not including the massive efforts in the capital are taking all wounded from both sides, including the foriegn elements and civilians, as well as feeding all who come.
The camps are completey un-armed, except for gaurds that are posted around the make-shift airfields and food warehouses, for now, the aid leaders, in the form of Chaplian Major Don Hindle and his staff are asking all sides to help to maintain their nuetrality, however, the Quinntonian government has expressed its determination that they will move troops into the area to protect their aid workers if they begin to be mis-treated by any side.
In related news, some of the more capable commanders have begun using the Quinntonian camps in order to feed and their companies and dump off their wounded, so as not to draw on their own resources. So far, there has been no incedents, as we require all the people to be unarmed when enetering the camp. However, we have hard-line Communists in beds next to royalist supporters and it is very tense, as they were trying to kill eachother just a little while ago, and whgne they are healed, they will go back to it.
Hundreds of Xiannese troops began pulling out out of Nepal to assist the civil war in Xiaguo. The withdrawl may favor the Maoists and as they went back, they have asked the royal family to go with them to stay in exile while a war in the future may be prmising to their throne.
Lunatic Retard Robots
16-11-2004, 02:27
With the focus of Asian-bloc nations shifting off of the Nepalese situation, the LRR government fears that it may spiral into something much worse than it already is. All Asian nations are invited to a conference in the Pacific District capital of Sakhalin'sk on the subject of Nepal.
Beth Gellert
16-11-2004, 15:09
The Igovian Soviet Army had mobilised two major forces, ostensibly for deployment to South East Asia. The first one never moved, acting if anything as a deception to allow the smooth transit of the second. Despite on going chaos in much of the theatre, the first force had still not moved.
This was in no small part due to the fact that it was not equipped for peacekeeping, policing, or even for a South East Asian environment.
Soon the drone of Pheidippides turboprops and Preston pistons sounded in the skies of Uttar Pradesh as the Soviet People's Air Force made use of its right of passage across the much smaller Indian state. Behind, troop trains and convoys followed en route to Kanendru, The Village informing the Maoists that departing counter-revolutionary troops would be barred from re-entering against the will of the people. Later, Portmeirion declared openly that The Igovian Soviet Commonwealth was deploying security forces to Kanendru, tasking them with protecting the people against the anti-democratic forces of corrupt warlord remains of the former authoritarian government. Of course what this actually meant was that Beth Gellert was finally putting serious resources into improving revolutionary forces native to Kanendru and was quite suddenly inserting forces to aid in actively removing the monarchy.
Marathon AEW and AWACS aircraft and Morrigan UAVs were flown ahead of the transports with the intention of locating any potential threats to the troop carriers and, in the case of armed examples of the Morrigans, to attack same with Parliament air to ground anti-radar missiles or to alert Hobgoblin fighters to air born hostiles. A further drone was laden with several hundred kilos of propaganda pamphlets urging comrades in Kanendru to embrace their liberation from hereditary domination and to celebrate their freedom from Chinese puppeteering. It was supposed to drop them over a built up area believed to yet be beyond the revolution, but nobody was entirely sure it'd work out.
North Yaman
16-11-2004, 17:38
North Yaman would like to attend a conference in LRR, but it would make more sense to expand the discussion to encompass the entire Asian region. Issues could include former Bonstockian territory, Xiaguo civil conflict, built up of Quinntonian troops in and around Dra-pol and the revolution in Kanendru. Mioka-ro also supports the Beth Gellertan supporting force, as the Monarchists have been supported by a major nation for months now. Any balancing of the scales should be accepted until the will of the Kanendru people can be heard.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
16-11-2004, 20:26
I AM NOT BUILDING UP TROOPS AROUND DRA-POL!!! They are just in transit, I have stated this in other threads already, but I too think tht there should be an Asian confernece about all of these issues.
OOC: Whoa, Quinny! I dont think anyone is implying you plan to invade Korea with your gargantuan build-up. But, think about this realistically... you ARE putting huge amounts of troops in an unstable zone. Your government has stated that they are just in transit. OOC, players are aware that they are telling the truth. But IC governments, roleplayed realistically, do not have access to OOC knowledge.... all they see is that you're moving in troops, which could be in transit, or could be in preparation for further military action. You cant possibly expect those governments to simply trust the word of the Quinntonian government... until the troops have finished transiting back out of the area, your statements carry with them no inherent and universal IC guarantee of truth.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
17-11-2004, 01:36
LOL! Whoa Quinny? Hmmm.
There is alot less than a massive build-up in QDP, I have moved in two divisions, and the only reason that they are still there is that Dra-pol has started his build-up. Ah, well.
Lunatic Retard Robots
17-11-2004, 02:52
Meanwhile, in Kathmandu, the small LRRA medical team gets to training Nepalese doctors for what is almost sure to be a brutal battle to come. With the imminent collapse of the Royalist government, the situation in the capital is also sure to get rough.
In Moscow, the government contemplates airlifting in several battallions of infantrymen to protect people from the royal government, which is sure to act very badly in these last few days of its reign.
On an airfield in Central LRR, about 2,000 LRRA paratroopers prepare to board Il-76 MOD transports. The paratroops are equipped like the average infantrymen in terms of gear, but instead of the heavier BMPs and other armored vehicles and fire support weapons characteristic of the average motor rifle formation, the paratroops have Wiesel light tanks and VBL scout cars, as well as light mortars and MRLs.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
17-11-2004, 04:44
The Quinntonian aid workers are startled by the sudden withdrawl of the foriegn soldiers, so fast that there are wounded left in the Quinntonian camp hospitals, and no orders as to hwta they are to do. The Quinntonian aid workers are considering moving them all to the main camp outside the capital, where they can be flown home, so that violent reprisals aren't taken against them.
The Quinntonian government is also offering to fly the royal family out of the country, and support them in exile. For this purpose, a 727 and a couple of wings of fighters are brought to the capital in case an emergency exit is needed.
North Yaman
17-11-2004, 06:18
OOC: Sorry about disturbing you Quinntonia, but I think I've already meantioned on another thread that the Yamani response to Quinntonian troop movements is motivated by politcal reasons. I'm sure you mean to move them into former Bonstockian territory, I'm just playing IC.
You see, North Yaman supports Dra-pol Korean Unification, which would be a major strike against Quinntonia. Second, the government is still partly controlled by traditional animists who have been long accustomed to isolation and would thus be weary of European-NA powers. I have rped this in the past, leaving the AA partly because of Hudecian involvement in Korea. Also, and this may be the most important, you're country is christian. This makes you dangerous counter-revolutionaries to the Strainists, who must strive to bring Quinntonia to the light of reason, and a foreign religion of man-worship to the traditional animist priests who still hold much power.
Then there was the Tordian Crusade...which did not help the Yamani opinion of Christians. I think you get the point though, Yaman is not pro-Quinntonia...
Unified West Africa
17-11-2004, 07:18
OOC: This is indeed Kanendru. I just realized I'm logged in as UWA and I'm too damn lazy to go back and fix it.
With the Xiannese withdrawing significant quantities of troops and the Igovians offering open, overt support, the CPK forces have become emboldened. Thankfully, it appears as though Plan Zero was merely an unnecessary failsafe.
Communist forces, backed up by Igovian troops whom they could fall back towards in the event of a retreat, began a series of devastating assaults on government positions hastily occupied by Royal troops after the Xiannese departure. It was a stunning series of blows, especially to the international community to whom it appeared that the CPK was a defeated and spent force (though it had merely went underground). Thousands of militiamen shelled and overran royal army positions, who could not counterattack for fear of meeting the much superior Beddgelertan forces head on. It was a brutal affair for the red forces, who had been beaten back and nearly humiliated by the imperialists and were more than content to take revenge; though the Central Committee itself forbid summary executions, many units took it upon themselves to shoot any captured "class enemies", suspected collaborators, and RKA officers above the rank of lieutenant without hesitation let alone a trial.
The offensive continued for about a week and a half's time, by which point the CPK had quickly regained its original positions and was again within firing distance of the capital.
The Royals made a few last ditch attempts to turn the situation around. Sorties were launched against Beddgelert aircraft with the Air Force's paltry complement of English-built fighters, but the technology in play was so outdated that nearly every attack ended with the total destruction of the attacking force. Finally, the mainstream political forces in Kathmandu decided they had had enough.
On November 16, members of the country's defunct and dismissed parliament, backed up by disaffected police officers, thousands of student demonstrators and rogue army units laid seige to the royal palace. King Nyanendra, his 12 sons and 3 wives were airlifted out and brought to Xiannese territory before a shot could be fired, and the legislators surged into the capital building. At 11 PM, messages on state television informed the population that the Nepalese Parliament (consisting of the Congress Party, United Marxist-Leninists, Populists, and Conservatives) had assumed supreme governing power of the Kanendrun state.
Prime Minister Jekeru asserted almost immediately a desire to negotiate with the Maoists for an immediate peace settlement to the years long civil war. 14,500 human lives later, the People's War in Kanendru may finally have been coming to an end.
Beth Gellert
17-11-2004, 09:29
In the first two days of Igovian deplyoment some fourteen hundred combat troops were deployed to Kanendru, and more came each day as Portmeirion sought to establish token garrisons -International Defence Stations, the Igovians called them- in most major population centres. Some feared that such piecemeal dispersal of what would eventually be several thousand personnel left each outpost dangerously exposed and isolated as the ISA used massive Mi-26 Halo helicopters to fly troops and supplies into sometimes remote areas and left them there. The strategy, according to Defence Secretary comrade General Kivi Eikki Paatelainen, was to create an established revolutionary presence across the land, and not actually to seek a fight. These were security forces, after all, not invaders, and they did not want to overwhelm local populations by inserting into one place more troops than they'd ever seen. It was apparently gambled that the royalists, though they may be able to concentrate forces against isolated International Defence Stations and over-run them, they would not do so as it would ultimately serve only to change the nature of the Igovian deployment.
On the other hand, quiet voices whispered of the possiblity that such a desperate tactic may be exactly what the enemy would try in hopes of widening the conflict. These voices tended to ask whether the almost nation-wide spread of Igovian forces wasn't meant to check the incursion of other foreign influences over the straining potential revolutionary state.
Iskra! meanwhile ran a few reports on the first ever combat loss of a Beddgelen UAV as a Morrigan surveillance drone was apparently shot down by monarchist fighters, later destroyed themselves, and on the possibility of first Igovian casualties as a Merlin HC3 helicopter was feared lost. It was unclear whether it had been shot down or simply crashed in the mountains.
More importantly, Commonwealth Chief Consul comrade Chivo expressed Beddgelert's preparedness to oversee peace talks, in either Kanendru or The Commonwealth.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
17-11-2004, 16:45
The Quinntonian camps throughout the small nation were being swamped with thousands of royalist sympathysers, mostly ex-soldiers and their families, who were seeking asylum. They were being housed and fed as best as they could, while some j\kind of safe passage was trying to be worked out logistically. Quinntonia just didn't have the air capacity to move that mnay people, however, the planes that were unloading the aid supplies were soon takig loads of refugees back with thme in thier uncomfotable cargoe holds, starting the mass exodus to QUinntonian Dra-pol.
Lunatic Retard Robots
18-11-2004, 02:19
OOC: This is indeed Kanendru. I just realized I'm logged in as UWA and I'm too damn lazy to go back and fix it.
With the Xiannese withdrawing significant quantities of troops and the Igovians offering open, overt support, the CPK forces have become emboldened. Thankfully, it appears as though Plan Zero was merely an unnecessary failsafe.
Communist forces, backed up by Igovian troops whom they could fall back towards in the event of a retreat, began a series of devastating assaults on government positions hastily occupied by Royal troops after the Xiannese departure. It was a stunning series of blows, especially to the international community to whom it appeared that the CPK was a defeated and spent force (though it had merely went underground). Thousands of militiamen shelled and overran royal army positions, who could not counterattack for fear of meeting the much superior Beddgelertan forces head on. It was a brutal affair for the red forces, who had been beaten back and nearly humiliated by the imperialists and were more than content to take revenge; though the Central Committee itself forbid summary executions, many units took it upon themselves to shoot any captured "class enemies", suspected collaborators, and RKA officers above the rank of lieutenant without hesitation let alone a trial.
The offensive continued for about a week and a half's time, by which point the CPK had quickly regained its original positions and was again within firing distance of the capital.
The Royals made a few last ditch attempts to turn the situation around. Sorties were launched against Beddgelert aircraft with the Air Force's paltry complement of English-built fighters, but the technology in play was so outdated that nearly every attack ended with the total destruction of the attacking force. Finally, the mainstream political forces in Kathmandu decided they had had enough.
On November 16, members of the country's defunct and dismissed parliament, backed up by disaffected police officers, thousands of student demonstrators and rogue army units laid seige to the royal palace. King Nyanendra, his 12 sons and 3 wives were airlifted out and brought to Xiannese territory before a shot could be fired, and the legislators surged into the capital building. At 11 PM, messages on state television informed the population that the Nepalese Parliament (consisting of the Congress Party, United Marxist-Leninists, Populists, and Conservatives) had assumed supreme governing power of the Kanendrun state.
Prime Minister Jekeru asserted almost immediately a desire to negotiate with the Maoists for an immediate peace settlement to the years long civil war. 14,500 human lives later, the People's War in Kanendru may finally have been coming to an end.
The government of LRR is overjoyed at the outcome in Nepal. It appears as though the feared siege of the capital and intense street-fighting was not to occur, and immediately the LRR government puts its support behind the new Parliament. A financial aid package is quickly set up, and it is proposed that the overwhelming majority of Nepal's foreign debt be cancelled.
With the situation in Nepal greatly stabilized, the government decides to ask weather peacekeeping troops are needed, as opposed to just flying them in.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
20-11-2004, 03:36
Refugees, with priority given to ex-Royalist soldiers and their families, who are feared to be the first targets of terror, at a rate of 2000 people per day.
This is causing incredible amounts of problems in Quinntonian Dra-pol, as now 8000 people are flooding the city with needs for medical supplies, care and housing, joining the nearly 1500 already flown in for emergency medical attention.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
22-11-2004, 21:22
Over the rest of the week, the Royalist soldiers are flown in a constant stream into Quinntonian Dra-pol, still at the rate of 2000 per day, flooding the already packed QDP with an additional 14,000 refugees. So far there has been a total of 21,500 refugees, and many more have been flocking to the three Quinntonian camps, along with an estimated 40,000 other ex-Royalist troops and their families.
Quinntonia has promised that they will take and care for as many of the refugees as they can. There has been only minimal violence but things are becoming volatile with an estimated 250,000 refugees spread thoughout three Quinntonian camps, strapping the abilities of the Quinntonian iad workers to care for them all.
Food and medical care is becoming scarce, and more refugees are showing up everyday.
Quinntonain delgates are making attempts to contact the new sitting Parliament in order to ascertain what their legal status as aid workers are under the new government.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
27-11-2004, 07:00
Quinntonian Dra-pol has moved over 60,00 ex-Royalist troops and their families to QDP, and Governer-Bishop Gerald Westgaard is scrambling to find someplace for them, and someplace for the more than 200,000 people claiming refugee status around the three Quinntonian camps.
OOC-I am just going to assume, if no one objects, that there has been little opposition to the fact that I am taking thousands of opponents to the current regime a day. I am also going to assume that this thread id dead, and so, I will just RP these planes tied up unitl all the refugees are taken away, which should be almost 300,000 people by the end.
The thing is, is that I thought there would be resistance to this mass exodus, and I don't know what in the holy hell I am going to do with 300,000 people!!!!!
Please help me.
27-11-2004, 07:03
Off Topic: Good idea of basing everything on Nepal.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
14-01-2005, 00:39
Just a bump!
North Yaman
20-01-2005, 04:17
OOC-I am just going to assume, if no one objects, that there has been little opposition to the fact that I am taking thousands of opponents to the current regime a day. I am also going to assume that this thread id dead, and so, I will just RP these planes tied up unitl all the refugees are taken away, which should be almost 300,000 people by the end.
The thing is, is that I thought there would be resistance to this mass exodus, and I don't know what in the holy hell I am going to do with 300,000 people!!!!!
Please help me.
Do you really think so many royalists would flee to QDP? They would probably be more inclined to set up a government in exile in their chinese allies...I don't object, but I wonder how many royalists would also be fleeing to the chinese borders?
Quinntonian Dra-pol
20-01-2005, 19:59
I think that the other threads had specified that more than 200,000 fled to China, including the Royal Family. This mostly included those upperclass members that had the resources to get out. You know, artists, intellectuals, technicians, businessmen, friends of the royal family, high military command, etc.
They essentially left the Royalists in the middle and underclass without leadership and to fend for themselves. Those are the poeple that I saved.