17-10-2004, 19:51
Election time again,
Socialists of Psov: Wernerd Tzupold
The Original Psovian Socialist Party, believe in strict compliance with socialism, excessive in fact, to the point where equality becomes ridiculous. Believe that democracy can be sacrificed in order to carry out matters the state deems more important.
Motto = let the state decide!
Psovian Workers for parliment: Fredrich Ulrich
Believe that the country would be best run under a parlimentary democracy, and that Socialism, though important, does not need to be first on the states agenda. Has the workers intrests best in mind.
Motto = Socialism under a Parliment
Congressional Republicans: Gregori Wendar II
Fell from power in the revolution, did not actually practice socialism, but tried to make seem as if they did. Illusionists, and beaurocrats, They believe that their political intrests are more important than the people, and that the government should be constituted of a Congress made up of the Wealthy and Influential. Run by the son of the deceased Premier.
Motto = Thus be to the Conquerers
Psovian Nationional: Heinrich Tuidoro
Born from the ashes of the Psovian National Socialist Party. Believe that those who are not Psovian by decent should not be given rights, or even permitted to stay in the country. Believe in establishing a state religion, outlawing all other parties, and ending elections.
Motto = For a better Psov
Socialists of Psov: Wernerd Tzupold
The Original Psovian Socialist Party, believe in strict compliance with socialism, excessive in fact, to the point where equality becomes ridiculous. Believe that democracy can be sacrificed in order to carry out matters the state deems more important.
Motto = let the state decide!
Psovian Workers for parliment: Fredrich Ulrich
Believe that the country would be best run under a parlimentary democracy, and that Socialism, though important, does not need to be first on the states agenda. Has the workers intrests best in mind.
Motto = Socialism under a Parliment
Congressional Republicans: Gregori Wendar II
Fell from power in the revolution, did not actually practice socialism, but tried to make seem as if they did. Illusionists, and beaurocrats, They believe that their political intrests are more important than the people, and that the government should be constituted of a Congress made up of the Wealthy and Influential. Run by the son of the deceased Premier.
Motto = Thus be to the Conquerers
Psovian Nationional: Heinrich Tuidoro
Born from the ashes of the Psovian National Socialist Party. Believe that those who are not Psovian by decent should not be given rights, or even permitted to stay in the country. Believe in establishing a state religion, outlawing all other parties, and ending elections.
Motto = For a better Psov