The Fall of the Fedral Union
OOC:This has been cleared with TFU
The giant warfleet glided silently and slowly,like swans on a lake,towards the small Fedral Union colony world.Accompanying them was the humongous Kraken,a 9 kilometer block with hundreds of guns and torpedoes slapped onto it.
Their aim?
To capture the colony world,and all to bring down The Fedral Union to it's knees.
As they neared,the few outdated picket-ships unlucky enough to be guarding the colony were blasted into billions of tiny molecules as hundreds of laser bursts hit them at the same time.The fleet passed on,not even deploying a guard.
They were only about 200 miles from the pull of the gravity well surrounding the colony world,and this was their moment.As citizens of the lonely colony world looked up in horror,they saw hundreds -- no,thousands of ortillery mines falling onto them.Then,the first ones impacted.
People bled.
When the shock left them,the people started screaming and running around hopelessly,until they were ground into fine dust by the mines.
And then the ground troops landed.
Those few that escaped the slaughter ran into the woods,bringing what few,precious weapons they had with them,the shrieks and screams of the unlucky populace following them.
The first "battle" of the war was over,in less than 3 hours.
In space,Admiral Hathorn turned to the viewscreen and said,to noone in particular,"And so it begins..."
The President straightened his jacket and,clearing his throat,stepped up to the podium.Cheers greeted him.
"People of Xanter!Yesterday the first battle in the war against The Fedral Union has been won!" the populace cheered happily.
"As many of you know,or few planets have become to small for our fastly growing poulace,and The Fedral Union has many of them,ripe for the taking!Why TFU,you may ask?Because it and it's President Robert are a threat to the peace of the universe.They recklessly send their pilots on suicide missions,bombard allies' planets full of allied civilians trying to flush out a few enemy soldiers,and commit reckless acts of stupidity that endager everyone in this universe!So from this point on,the Empire of Xanter is at war with The Fedral Union!" President Felix raised his fist into the air as the cheering became deafening,and stepped down from the podium.
The first battle was over,but the war was not...
17-10-2004, 13:24
The Imperium watched; from its homeworld and from the vast colonies of the Hydran Kingdom; it watched and it waited....It seemed so long ago that it had invaded the Federal Union; burning the worlds of Danter and Xenex...And now a new, powerful foe entered the fray against the Federal Union.
The Emperor sat; poised upon his great throne, in the Chronosian capital; Chronosia Prime, on the homeworld of Chronosia Alpha.
"FOr too long; brothers, have we been denied our ancient homeworld. The Chronosian IMperium shall muster its army and bypass the defences...The Union shall burn, and the Imperium shall reclaim Terra; in My Name...."
The Fedral Union
17-10-2004, 13:44
Rob sat back in his chair looking over the reports of the attack he picked up a glass of coffee and took a sip bester barged in saying “Mr. president .. One of our colonies have been captured ... the one at oreon ” rob replied sitting back slightly “I know…” Bester said “what should we do ?” rob sighed “mobilize the fleet “ rob signed the order and with that a fleet of :
8 Wells class Time ships
4 Rotunda class ships
2 Premonition class time ships
4 Intimidator Class Dreadnoughts
5 galaxy class Dreadnoughts
12 galaxy class Battle ships
25 Arkia class heavy cruisers
25 steam runner class light cruisers
150 saber class frigate
200 defiant class fast attack ships
150 new Orleans class frigates
150 cayenne class light cruisers / heavy frigate
20 Intrepid class destroyers
25 Exlsior –D class heavy cruiser
4 sovereign class battle cruisers
4 Pelagic class battle ships
2 Lakota class super battle ships
50 Norway class destroyers
5 Comstock dreadnoughts..
150 Marida class medium cruisers
After her fleet had formed up admiral Ross on the UFS Lakota was sitting at his desk he said to his first officer on that ship “lets cut them off at taiga “ he said sitting back with that his first officer sent their orders to the other ships the fleet revved up its blue humming engines and began to warp out arriving at there destination a few hours later
Things were going well on the colony world,now named Xanter II; fortifications were built,fires were quenshed,and the rebrllion consisted of only about 70 people,all disorganized and poorly armed.Smallpox bombs had been set incase of invasion,and a nuke was sitting idly in the center of the large city,as if daring someone to land troops on the ground.
And that was when the trouble started.
"Sir,we just got some readings showing that the enemy is moving to cut us off in a nearby system.They have got quite a large force,perhaps even outnumbering us."
The Admiral leaned back in his chair,quietly stroking is chin.
"Is there anything we can use to our advantage?Nebula's,the like?"
The junior officer looked over her papers.
"There appears to be a small nebula,only a few hundred miles wide,near the system."
Hathorn smiled fiendishly.After all,his homeworld was enveloped in a nebula.
"Leave a few frigates and cruisers here,just for defense if anyone comes knocking.Tell everyone else to set course for the nebula.I have a plan..."
The soldiers on the ground watched in admiration as the fleet powered up it's engines and streaked away,mere beams of light...
17-10-2004, 14:31
The Chronosian fleet moved out; travelling around the defenses that bordered the Federal Union, they warped from deep space, finding only one gap in the Federal Unions FTLI fields....Oreon.
Arriving at this former Federal World; space tearing and screaming, the Chronosian warfleets, Battlefleet Hydran and Battlefleet Chronosia, emerged from the Warp.
OOC: From
7 Brightstar Class Battleships
8 Executor Class Battleships
5 Revenge CLass Battleships
One Imperial 'Black Ship'
8 Arbalest Class Battlecruiser
9 Armageddon Class Heavy Battle Cruiser
25 Avenger Class Light Cruiser
12 Goliath Class Battlecruiser
15 Kraken Class Battlecruiser
15 Kraken Class Battlecruiser II
19 Leyte Belt Class Cruiser
13 Lupus Class light carrier
10 Macabre Class Battlecruiser
6Mercury Class Light Cruiser
Nike Class Cruiser
7 Nova Class Cruiser Mk II
9 Oppressor Class Carrier
5 Perseus Class Light Cruiser
4 Revenue Reaper Class Light Cruiser
9 Sentinel Class Light Cruiser
8 Sherif Class Cruiser (Imperial Bombardment Barge)
14Stalwart Class Light Cruiser
5 Sultan Class BattleCruiser (Imperial Bombardment Barge)
3 Titan Class Heavy Battlecruiser
4 Transit Class Fold Ship
6 Valhalla Class Assault Cruiser
7 Void Class Light Cruiser
8 Wisp Class Cruiser
6 AEGIS Class Frigate
7 Buckler Class Frigate
6 Express Class Escort Scout
4 Grey Ghost Tracker Escort
7 Hermes Class Destroyer
8 Lancer Class Destroyer
10 Starburst Class Frigate
5 Tantalus Class Destroyer
5 Thunderbolt Class Frigate
3 Viper Class Corvette
The Fedral Union
17-10-2004, 14:42
The Fleet meanwhile at oreon the federal fleet detected the large force of ships moving towards them. Admiral Ross on the Lakota ordered all units to engage the Chronosiain ships with that a moderate force warped out and warped back in behind enemy lines the fleet moved in a lose yet un vulnerable sheet position towards the ships
Star fleet has dispatched re enforcements to batzed .
2 Intimidator Class Dreadnoughts
5 galaxy class cruisers
15 Arkia class heavy cruisers
10 steam runner class light cruisers
50 saber class frigate
50 defiant class fast attack ships
150 new Orleans class frigates
20 Intrepid class destroyers
25 Exlsior –E class heavy cruiser
4 sovereign class battle cruisers
5 Phoenix class heavy cruisers
10 constitution class heavy cruisers
10 nebula class star ships
17-10-2004, 14:49
The Black Ship hovered; central to the Chronosian line.
"My lord..."
The Inquisitor turned; smiling wryly.
"What is it, Servitor?"
"My lord; The Armageddon class cruisers are in position as you requested."
"Excellent...Open fire with Dorsal Lances and Bombard cannons; I want everythign aimed at them. I also want shields on full. We have fought these dogs before; their technology is nothing compared to the Imperium; especially now that the Sith Xeno-tech have allowed us these new shields....Open fire; all weapons systems...Concentrated on teh heavier ones and push forward. Contact the planet and tell them we fight a common enemy...I hereby declare an Exterminatus against the Heretics of the Fedral Union....Cleanse them all."
OOC:What is batzed?The captured colony world?
"Incoming transmission,sir!"
Sergeant Kelly did not waste time.
"What are you waiting for,idiot?!Put them on!"
The junior officer flinched under his outburst,and opened the line.
"Greetings," a smooth voice said. "We are fighting a common enemy.Your ships have already received this message.Aid us,and we will aid you."
Seargent Kelly was happy.
"Well,more's the better!" he said,grinning.
Admiral Hathorn watched silently as the Fedral Fleet warped behind the Chronosian ships.A cheap tactic,but an effective one.They just had to wait until the got a bit closer...and...
"Fire at will!"
Thousands of red plasma bolts,green laser streaks,and missiles popped out of the nebula,followed by the armada.
All were heading towards the Fedral Fleet behind the precious allies...
Kremlin Palace, Derscon
"Well, this sucks," the Czar said, looking over the reports. "Another ally in space attacked."
"I know," Aeromarschall Ramius Aerostalvich responded. "We cannot defend them, either, since we lost contact with the Dersconi Space Empire some many years ago."
"Indeed. Hopefully the Atlantican alliance will allow this reestablishment of the Dersconi Extraterrestrial Empire."
17-10-2004, 15:08
The Chronosian fleet moved forward; advancing slowly; weapons blazing.
"My lord"
"Yes, Servitor?"
"We have recieved transmissions from the Hydran sector; they bring news..."
"Yes, my lord. They have nearly completed the research on the Blackstone."
"And they have also planned to send a Ramilies Class Star Fort and a Fortress Monastary."
"Excellent; an entire Chapter and a mobile dock weapon...tell me; could things improve anymore?"
"The problem, Lord, is that they need tiem to prepare the Star fort and its Plasma reactor for formation of its warp bubble. We estimate it will arrive; at the latest, in three days."
"That is....disturbing; servitor."
The ship shook with impact.
"But fear not; the Inquisition shall purge the heretics and their foul taint."
The Fedral Union
17-10-2004, 15:32
the federal fleet began advancing at full pace maneuvering around and around the enemy ships dogging enemy fire . the federal fleet began pouring out fire there phaser banks and arcs charging up and firing at enemy ships. Crimson beams of phaser after phaser fire again and again torpedoes begging to pour out sub space particle torpedoes being fired from all federal ships along with volleys of quantum and photon torpedoes the larger dreadnoughts moved behind the Armageddon classes and began firing contusions beams of all there phasers type XVIII and type XXV they also began launching mass amounts of torpedoes of all types with that beams of energy and bolts of torpedoes .
losses : 10 ships ,50 fighters
17-10-2004, 15:43
Horror filled the void as explosions rocked many smaller craft; shattering their hulls. But the larger ships; mainstay of the IMperial fleet, were designed to absorb such massive damage; and return it.
Bombard cannons exploded with firey wrath, lances blazed and roared in the void; Bombardment barges and battlecruisers laid down heavy suppressing fire as allies Advanced, and the Black Ship let loose with everything it had...
The Tech priests worked feverishly; in a zealous fervour, they moved and shifted through the docks, in preperation
Soon it would be there; as even now, in the Hydran Kingdom, the Fortress Monastary and the Ramilies Class Star Fort, two of the most powerful ships in the Imperium; readied for war...
The Fedral Union
17-10-2004, 15:49
Losses 4 ship 30 fighters
With that the time ships stepped up to the plate they began to open fire on the larger ships with all there quantum and temporal weaponry maneuvering around firing large white blue pluses of temporal energy and disruptors over and over thousands of shots torpedoes and fire poured out of the ships , sub space partial torpedoes 500 x times more powerful than a photon torpedo poured out of the Premonition classes with temporal beams and temporal phase arrays continually firing at the large ship the other ships continued to barrage the lager ships with thousands of beams of phasers and hundreds upon thousands of torpedoes rapidly firing at every witch ship
17-10-2004, 15:52
OOC: ANd I'm meant to do what? Just sit back and let your amazingly powerful weapons blow me to hell? you can't have THAT much firepower, surely.
The Armageddon classes drew back, as light crusiers fell to the foreign Xeno-Tech; and yet they pushed on, as a fleet, as an entity; determined to crush the enemy. LOsses mattered not to them; they were driven by something far greater than the Plasma drives that powered their ships; or the Navigators who guided them by the Emperors light....
They were driven by Faith, in Him and his Word.
The Fedral Union
17-10-2004, 15:58
Again the federal ship fired with all there might phasers temporal disruptors temporal phase arrays quantum torpedoes sub space particle torpedoes the works poured out of every ship gigatons upon gigatons of fire power heading towards the larger ships
The heaviness of the return fire wasn't expected.Many smaller ships exploded,but on some of the larger ships only the shield system broke under the strain.
All ships had fired missiles until their stocks ran out,and they now resorted to older tactics--firing nuclear missiles at the enemy fleet.Only the Cruisers and heavy ships had them,but they had a good stock,and nuclear missiles,although powerful,were nothing but dead weight while inside the ship.
So,they were launched.Glided silently through space,they slowly floated towards the Fedral Union ships...
And the ships began spraying the enemy with even more lasers.
Losses:47 fighter craft,12 frigates and 1 destroyer immobilized,but still functioning.
17-10-2004, 19:05
TO: President Robert Bastidas, TFU
FROM: Emperor Crossman, UIC
Greetings President Bastidas. I notice that your nation is once again under attack. As your friend and ally, the United Imperium of Crossman will come to your aid. I have rallied a battlegroup to assist you. They should arrive soon. I wish you all luck.
*End Transmission*
17-10-2004, 19:21
The Crossmanian fleet dropped out of warp. The massive fleet reassembled then proceeded to enter the fray.
"Attention TFU forces, this is Lord Admiral Ravensburg of the Imperial Crossmanian Starship Redemption. Need a hand?" He then addressed the Crossmanian fleet. "All Crossmanian vessels, raise shields, engage weapon systems, prepare fighters for launch, let's give them Hell! For the Emperor!"
Across the fleet all the Crossmanians cheered at once, "Hail Crossman!"
And so they entered combat.
Crossmanian Ships Deployed:
1 Eclipse Super Star Destroyer (ICS Redemption)
4 Executor Super Star Destroyers
2 Sovereign Super Star Destroyers
45 Imperium Star Destroyers
60 Victory Star Destroyers
20 Allegiance Star Destroyers
65 Dreadnaught Heavy Cruisers
40 Dauntless Heavy Cruisers
60 Assault Cruisers
70 Strike Cruisers
80 Carrack Light Cruisers
85 Lancer Frigates
65 Nebulon Frigates
50 Nebulon II Frigates
120 Tiger Corvettes
200 Fang Corvettes
17-10-2004, 19:27
"All ships, target the enemy and fire at will!!!"
Just as the Admiral finished his sentence space lit up as heavy turbolaser and plasma cannon bursts streaked from the Crossmanian fleet towards the enemy vessels. Swarms of fighters and bombers poured from the fleet as they hunted down enemy fighter and made their way towards enemy ships to deliver death from close range.
A huge Vampire Hunter raider swooped past the Redemption's bridge, its pulse cannons blazing as they ripped into enemy fighters.
The Ctan
17-10-2004, 19:37
OOC: ANd I'm meant to do what? Just sit back and let your amazingly powerful weapons blow me to hell? you can't have THAT much firepower, surely.
OOC: This from a guy claiming a blackstone fortress. Which does technically mean I should be busy killing you horribly, but I don't think you understand the level of godmod involved in a Vaul Talisman.
Firstly, they're huge, collossal, ginormous. Hundreds of kilometers across. Secondly, they're incredibly powerful. A single fortress can destroy (make go boom) a moon like one of Saturn's in a very short time. Energy shields offer no defence and their weapons effects are truly incalculable, they expose whatever they shoot to the warp, (for those that don't know, an alternate dimension where the laws of phsyics don't apply) and generally bust stuff up.
Thirdly, controlling a blackstone against its will requires the direct intervention of a chaos god. This is, in every way a "godmod."
Fourthly, All Six Blackstones in NS are accounted for in previous roleplay, though this could be the one we managed to loose. In which case I have a tracking device aboard and should be coming to bust your ass about now.
Fifth, the Imperium of Man never managed to even move them, let alone fire their weapons, despite occupying them for millenia.
17-10-2004, 19:40
OOC: Foolish me... forgot my carriers... :headbang:
Bringing up the rear of the Crossmanian fleet several carriers and their escorts dropped out of warp.
New Crossmanian ships in area:
50 Escort Carriers
600 Vandal Raiders
17-10-2004, 19:42
OOC: This from a guy claiming a blackstone fortress. Which does technically mean I should be busy killing you horribly, but I don't think you understand the level of godmod involved in a Vaul Talisman.
Firstly, they're huge, collossal, ginormous. Hundreds of kilometers across. Secondly, they're incredibly powerful. A single fortress can destroy (make go boom) a moon like one of Saturn's in a very short time. Energy shields offer no defence and their weapons effects are truly incalculable, they expose whatever they shoot to the warp, (for those that don't know, an alternate dimension where the laws of phsyics don't apply) and generally bust stuff up.
Thirdly, controlling a blackstone against its will requires the direct intervention of a chaos god. This is, in every way a "godmod."
OOC: I'll second that. (I play BFG, so I know firsthand the power of a Blackstone...) One who uses a Blackstone can't tell another that they're too powerful.
17-10-2004, 19:47
The Emperor-in-exile, upon hearing of the Fedral Union's problems, decided to send a task force to help. All he could send was 10 ships (3 Star Destroyers, 2 frigates, the rest are gunships) but the ISD Expedient is an Elite Star Destroyer, so that should help.
The Fedral Union
17-10-2004, 19:49
The heaviness of the return fire wasn't expected.Many smaller ships exploded,but on some of the larger ships only the shield system broke under the strain.
All ships had fired missiles until their stocks ran out,and they now resorted to older tactics--firing nuclear missiles at the enemy fleet.Only the Cruisers and heavy ships had them,but they had a good stock,and nuclear missiles,although powerful,were nothing but dead weight while inside the ship.
So,they were launched.Glided silently through space,they slowly floated towards the Fedral Union ships...
And the ships began spraying the enemy with even more lasers.
Losses:47 fighter craft,12 frigates and 1 destroyer immobilized,but still functioning.
Losses 3 crippled ships /20 fighters
With that the re enforcement fleet from betazead warped in they with the other ship behind them began to .. swarm the Xantererain ships photon torpedos quantum torpedoes and other torpedoes were lunched in 3 burst every second by Akiras the other ships launched one after one there phaser banks charging up and firing again and again at the larger enemy ships fighters mass swarming the enemy ships will all they had 2 heavy galaxy class ships fired at the same target with 4 phaser beams at once and volleys of 10 torpedoes from its tubes
The WIck
17-10-2004, 20:32
[ C.N.S Hopeful
Flagship of TF Perrign
Admiral Perrign was a scarred and grizzled veteran of the Raumreich War, he also was considered the father of LAC doctrine, which he intended to show his enemy he today how deadly LACs could be. For now though he was contend to keep his commanded hidden under ECM he had a feeling the enemy fleet had an ace ups its sleeve, he would respond to that as it seemed the situation as of now was well in hand.
17-10-2004, 20:52
Numerous squadrons of Barracuda and Tiger Shark bombers began making bobing runs on the Xanterian and Chronosian ships. Some were taken down by enemy fire but many made it through delivering their payload of Hellstrike missiles and plasma bombs.
Squadrons of Crossmanian fighters escorted the bombers as they swooped down raining death upon the enemy. Several of the lightly armed Stinger fighters were shot down, but larger Phoenix and Nightwing fighters were a tougher kill.
17-10-2004, 21:05
OOC: So what's the situation so far? Need to know before I commit forces.
OOC: Aight, here's the deal. The stuff you see in this post isn't happening in Revenia. Revenia has, in fact, effectively nothing to do with this post. Simple reason: I'm to lazy to bother getting any of my other nations onto the forums. The characters you will be reading about are from the nation of Impworld. Impworld is an ORA nation. The ORA is based around the Revenian sphere of influence. Dig? Good.
Sethric Velisar smiled his grimmest smile as his attendants fitted his armor onto his body. It was a decidedly impressive body, made even more impressive by the changes wrought upon it when he became Sevle. His dark, dark, dark skin had a dark, dark, dark red undertone that made, altogether, a very intimidating effect.
He wore a black skinsuit that covered his torso, his arms to about mid-bicep, and his legs to about mid-thigh. The skinsuit was made out of CF weave, an advanced clothlike-material that served much of the same function as Kevlar.
Over this, the attendants began to fit his battle armor, which was an amazingly simple process. The seal was broken, and the cuirass of the battle armor flipped up over the helmet. Then the rest of it, the legs, arms, and helmet, split down the center.
He stepped back into the armor, his bare feet squishing as they slid into the shock goop. It was kinda nasty, at first, but you got used to it. The suit closed quickly, sealing right up, the cuirass coming down to lock into place, then the helmet sealed straight down the middle.
The seams were invisible, as they, technically speaking, did not exist. Upon locking, the pieces bonded at the molecular level. No seams, no weak points.
The helmet began to re-arrange itself into a suitable open-faced helm, black, of course, with a high snow-white plume. The attendants fitted his cape and tabard into place, both black, both showing the blood red Sevle star.
They fastened his swordbelt about the armor's waist, and a grim smile came over him, perfect, evenly spaced, white teeth, unmistakably predatorial, were shown to the world. Frightening.
Sheathed at his right hip was his sword. Four feet of red-tinted bloodsteel, the flickering energies running up and down its length marked it as a power weapon. So it was. Sword of Chaos. Fitting.
The rest of his weaponry was soon in place, and soon, he left his villa to arrive at the muster grounds. Most of the strike unit was already present.
Two companies of Sevle Void Strikers, the equivalent of Revenia's infamous Seraphim Regiments. Even more lethal were the two squads of veteran Void Strikers in Tactical Dreadnought armor. They were possibly the most lethal heavy infantry in the universe, impervious to almost every weapon, capable of advancing through practically anything.
Finally, gathered around Sethric were the nine individuals that formed his command squad. They wore armor similar to his own. Ornate armor, obviously a cut above that of the standard Void Striker, on par, even, with that of the Tactical Dreadnought Armor, though lacking the enhanced biomusculature that allowed the veterans who wore fire weapons that would normally be stationary, while moving.
Yes, quite a nasty little elite unit. A unit that could conquer whole worlds.
A single figure in flowing robes that concealed armor quite like that worn by Sethric stood on a balcony, overlooking the muster. The figure kept quiet, but Sethric knew the reason for his mentor's presence.
Only two individuals had the capability to do what was necessary for the plan to work. His mentor, Torquemada Illyrian, High Mage Lord of the Sevle, was one of those two.
17-10-2004, 22:14
OOC: hey, I've gotta drag out something good to fight this ;)
Or maybe I'll write it out, so your Necrontyr lackeys wont come maul me :P
*goes back to using it as a dock, happily, as Imperials do*
17-10-2004, 22:16
OOC: For all those fighting the Sith:
Corpsac invites you all to a conference of alliance.
17-10-2004, 22:17
OOC: There all written out :P
I still get my Fortress Monastary and Ramilies tho'! I can definetly have those....
Just thought a Blackstone in the mix would be fun ;)
17-10-2004, 22:37
The Imperial Star Destroyer Expedient and her task force was on her way, traveling through hyperspace at flank speed for Betazed.
Captain Elizabeth Harrington studied her orders carefully sighed, wondering how she would be able to defeat the enemy with only her 10 ships.
Well, at least I won't be alone in fighting off the enemy. She thought. "Helm, ETA, if you please."
"Ma'am. 2 and an half hours to go." The helms officer reported.
"Very well. I'll be in my stateroom. Call me when you revert. XO, you have the bridge."
"Yes, ma'am." Commander Dylan Antilles nodded, and took command of the ship for the duration of the hyperspace travel as the captain retreated to her statesroom to have a cat-nap.
Foolish Pesants
17-10-2004, 23:22
17-10-2004, 23:29
OOC: Blast... I hate when an RP just dies down after going good. GET BACK ONLINE!!! Anyway, I've said all I can for now. I can't really RP anything more until people get back on... oh well...
17-10-2004, 23:50
In a flash of psuedomotion, the ISD Expedient and her task force reverted to realspace several million klicks from Betazed. The captain was awakened and she headed to the bridge.
"Hail the Federal fleet." She ordered.
"Yes, Ma'am."
The Emperor has ordered us here to do whatever we can to protect you.
We stand by the Fedral Union even in these evil times.
What is the current situation?
17-10-2004, 23:53
OOC: I don't know what to post....Its all so one sided, lol
Torquemada Illyrian, High Mage Lord of the Sevle, was not in a good mood. In fact, he was in a right foul mood. The Probability Analysts had been keeping tabs on everything, as usual, but a certain goings on had brought him from his work, earlier this day.
The possibility of the emergence of a Blackstone Fortress into the realm of availability.
That had sure jump-started his sleep-muddled brain. He'd ordered a strike force assembled, and had been ready to move, when the service runner arrived to inform him that the probability of the Fortresses' emergence had just been drastically altered, in a negative direction.
However, just when he was about to dismiss the gathered force, a second runner had arrived, with even greater news. News that made him damn near get up and do a jig. Oh, what a prize -that- would be.
So, he had had a short conversation with High Lord Star Admiral Xanthos Hellborne. The half-demon, half-Sevle Star Admiral had shown as much enthusiasm as Illyrian himself had.
So, that was how Torquemada found himself standing in the center of spherical chamber deep within the Star Citadel. The chamber allowed him to focus his immense power, power second only to Ronald Soak himself, across vast distances.
This was necessary to maintain contact with Admiral Hellborne's First Striker Fleet, currently traversing the Warp as only a fleet commanded by a Half-Demon, Half-Sevle could. Meaning, very, very well.
(Impworld First Striker Fleet
CO: High Lord Star Admiral Xanthos Hellborne
Flagship: ICS Elric of Melnibone
HQ Group:
ICS Elric of Melnibone, Eternal Champion class Command Super Dreadnought
5x Despoiler class Battle Dreadnoughts
20x Archer class Missile Battleships
Battle Line:
1x Infernal class Command Dreadnought
35x Pillager class Assault Dreadnoughts
72x Ravager class Battleships
144x Plunderer class Strike Battlecruisers
Carrier Group:
1x Hive class Command Carrier
35x Wrath class Fleet Carriers
72x Lust class Assault Carriers)
(Note: I'm not handing out stats, I don't believe in that. I also don't usually RP like this, so forgive me. Quick comparisons. The SD(C) is a bloody massive, super-lethal, kill-everything flagship. Like the planet-killer, sorta. Just nastier. Battle Dreadnoughts are meant to stand off an shoot stuff up, but they can do close-in work too. Missile BBs are self-explanatory. The DD(C) is a lot like an SD(C) except about half the size. Assault Dreadnoughts are for close-in work. Battleships and Strike Battlecruisers are too. Command Carriers are built on an SD hull, and carry a whole crapload of fighters. Fleet carriers are built on a DD hull, and C(A)s are built on a battleship hull.)
The First Striker Fleet was a large chunk of the nastiness that the Impworld controlled. Quite a large chunk. It was, in fact, the most powerful of the three war fleets of the Impworld.
Accompanying the First Striker Fleet were the ships that would carry Sethric Velisar's Chaos Harpies into battle.
('Chaos Harpies' Void Striker Legion Battle Fleet
CO: Mage-Lord Sethric Velisar
Flagship: ICS Harpy
ICS Harpy, a Void Striker Battle Barge
5x Void Striker Strike Cruisers
36x Void Striker 'Talon' class Destroyers
72x Void Striker 'Wraith' class Escorts)
The Chaos Harpies Legion was along to complete the mission. First Striker Fleet was there to keep 'em alive to do it.
"Sethric, Remember the mission. I want that damn thing. Lord Soak wants that damn thing."
Sethric, onboard his battle barge, smiled his grim smile. "Aye, Lord Illyrian. Blood for the Blood God. Skulls for the Skull Throne."
Torquemada snorted, then sent back "Don't gimme that crap."
"Very well. Onward, as always."
18-10-2004, 00:59
And the odds against me just keep growing!
Oh, and I wrote out the Blackstone....Since it was godmodding; which I didn't know and I'm sorry!
(OOC: I know. Read the post. 'The probability of the Fortresses' emergence had been drastically altered, in the negative direction.')
Heh, dun worry about it. You'll -see-
18-10-2004, 01:12
OOC: I don't know what to post....Its all so one sided, lol
OOC: Well, you could start by responding to my attack on your forces. :rolleyes:
18-10-2004, 01:27
OOC: Oh, ok. My forces are entirely annihilated by the overwhelming numbers and firepower of the enemy and the RP ends. The end!
See my problem?
And Chaos; what is it your looking for now then, if the fortress isn't there? :P
18-10-2004, 01:31
OOC: Oh, ok. My forces are entirely annihilated by the overwhelming numbers and firepower of the enemy and the RP ends. The end!
See my problem?
OOC: No, actually I don't. I thought you had a decent sized force. Aside from the Blackstone I thought you were fine. So what are you complaining about? You got into thise RP and now that it seems the tides are turning against you you want to call it off? What's the Chronosia? Why can't you fight back? You could do that at the least. If you lose, then so what, you lose. But at least fight... I don't see the overwhelming numbers. I certainly have a decent fleet, TFU doesn't have tens of thousands of ships, whats the problem?
18-10-2004, 01:32
OOC: I never said I was calling it off; but I'm vastly outnumbered, the RP is all to one side and I'm thinking how best to respond. I'm planning to fight even if I lose so give me a bit to think, OK?
18-10-2004, 01:56
The Chronosian fleet buckled and shuddered under the onslaught; cruisers, frigates, adn other ships exploding; sending men and debris out ninto the innumberable void.
The Black ship was pulling back, flanked by critically wounded Armageddon class Battlecruisers, and several Battleships; channeling all their fire against the enemy. Hope seemed a fading light in the deep black of the abyss....And something troubled the psychic sense of the Inquisitor. He looked skyward; as though something terrible drew near...
And on every ship; the Navigators began to moan, mewl and spasm...
(I believe that's my cue.)
Xanthos Hellborne stood atop the piloting platform, his hands balled into fists and stretched upwards. Crimson lightning flashed outwards from his hands to intersect the control pylons.
Xanthos stood a full seven feet tall, his skin was the darkness and red of the Sevle, the red part was, however, quite a bit brighter than normal. Two small horns projected from his forehead, and a prehensile tale twitched out from behind his greatcoat.
The Sevle were beings of Chaos. They had a natural affinity with the warp. However, even the control of most Sevle paled in comparison to that shown by Xanthos Hellborne.
The Warp was his playground.
His ships entered realspace in record time, as usual. The trip they had made had taken less than a few hours.
At any rate, it was -damn- impressive when the entire First Striker Fleet appeared out of Warp in a pseudo-spherical formation. Inside the sphere, the Void Harpies battlefleet was sheltered.
Oddly enough, they pretty much just lurked there, making no hostile motions.
Jangle Jangle Ridge
18-10-2004, 04:03
OOC: Ahem.
Tarenteor glanced at the report, about to throw it away as another meaningless piece-of-shit dribble, like every other piece of text he got. His eyes stuck in place, and flicked back again. As Taren pulled up his head, a demonic grin split his face, jagged teeth glistening. He tapped a button on his desk, opening a direct line to Admiral Ler'Vadd. The man's face appeared on the screen, "Yes, sir?" Taren held his manic grin, "Send as many ships to the conflict that has recently arisen. Say... 5,000 ships." "Yes, sir. I assume you mean The Federal Union conflict?" "Of course." The screen went blank, and preperations for launch began.
OOC again: Ok. Ships...
500 Terracoste Battleships
300 Sallah-Class Assault Ships
200 Scorpion Heavy Bombers
100 Desolater-Class Support Ships
50 Nebula Shield Experimental Ships
50 Experimental Weapons Deployment Units
100 Heat Lance Planetary Bombardement Units
200 Keerek-Class Assault Carriers
500 Bendes Heavy Energy Destroyers
500 Lazspert Missile Destroyers
250 Saddot Heavy Energy Ram Ships
250 Desden Carriers
1000 Mutilator-class Corvettes
500 Ker'Sraen Shield Ships
400 Kor'Fenzad Sensor Ships
1 Hallow Systemkiller
1 Tarenteor Ubership
8 Cinder Planet Destroyers
20 Experimental Op'Rekaen ser Pos'Ikeer Farad Demolishers
30 Pentacol Farad Demolishers
40 STC Disrupter Speciality Ships
So yous know, this is most of my fleet. You could attack me, but if you'd PM me first, that'd be nice. But yeah, this leaves me mostly undefended. I have my defense systems still there, just not a massive in-galaxy fleet.
The WIck
18-10-2004, 04:21
OOC: Holy Cow Batman is all i can say JJR
OOC: Now, hypothetically speaking...upon your arrival, I could do something like this.
Sethric felt the entrance of the JJR fleet. Such a large fleet in a battlezone such as this, was a dangerous, undecided factor. This fleet was not in the original equation. Sethric much preferred the original
He began a slow chant, his voice rising and falling as he twisted reality in the way that only a Mage Lord of the Sevle could. In truth, a Sevle Mage Lord was one short step from godhead. The High-Mage Lord was practically there.
Regardless, the results were quite impressive, as the entire JJR fleet up and disappeared into the Warp. The likelihood of its survival was small, as already the warp entities and daemons had began preying upon the poor pathetic little crew members. Eventually, the ships would undoubtedly resurface as space hulks...who knows. The ways of the Warp are strange.
OOC: Which, is perfectly legit, and in-character. But, I won't. Anyways, here's my suggestion: Declare yourself or leave.
One hopes.
-Rev's Player (Also, Impworld's Player)
OOC:Crap,man.I sleep for one night and 2 pages spring up.Jeeezus H. Christ... :p
The battle was beggining to become a slaughter.3 against 2.Losses were heavy.Morale was low.But then...
"Sir!Large force coming out of warp(Or whatever it is you have,JJR)!"
"Which nation?Allie or foe?"
Hathorn was beggining to get worried.One more enemy and the battle was down the drain.BUt..
"Sir,it's Jangle Jangle Ridge!"
"Holy shit!We're saved!"
Just then a large blast shook the ship and Hathorn grumbled,turning back to the viewscreen...
Losses: 7 destroyers and 76 fighters
18-10-2004, 13:51
OOC: A further hypothetical is that Chaos helps to defeat the Fedral Union to gain all that lovely territory for itself ;)
This is the FALL of the Fedral Union after all; it'd be nice for it to last more than one battle
OOC: If this is ok with everyone,I'll try and even out the playing fields a bit.Also note that I've been playing with this ship idea for a while now,so don't call me a godmodder.
JSC Front Line
Class: Super Dreadnought
40 anti-capital ship plasma guns
300 laser systems
345 anti-fighter laser systems
200 plasma missiles(Just so you know,about 10 of them turn any unshielded ship into free floating molecules)
70 railguns
300 missiles
5 MAC guns(Giant versions of the railgun)
10 40 megaton nuclear missiles
50 anti-matter warheads
2 1 gigaton nuclear missiles
200 light plasma turrets
Room for 200 fighters
2 Frigates
1 Cruiser
Length:5 km
Width:2 km
Height:2 km
Shield System:1 Shiruken Shield System + 2 Secondary Bladefly Shield Systems
Power Source: 4 ColdFusion reactors
18-10-2004, 14:26
The Chronosian ships retreated; pulling back towards the ships of Xanter and returning fire against the enemy; just as the forces of Chaos emerged, screaming from the warp.
"No....It cannot be."
"It is" A librarian hissed; his mind aching, seething as the foul taint entered the fray.
He hit the communicator. "Xanter; the larger fleet who arrived; are they friend or foe? We have detected a fleet of Chaos; a foul and terrible enemy, you must not engage them, I repeat do not engage Chaos!"
An explosion rocked the hull; the viewscreen shudderign as more ships fell to enemy fire; including an Armageddon class. All they could do now was wait; pray for the inbound reinforcements to arrive...A Ramilies, a Fortress Monastary and whatever else the Imperium could provide; as the darkness closed in about them.
"Friend,at least TFU's enemies,do not open fire on them!"
Meanwhile,the first reports of the battle in space had reached Xanterian High Command.The Generals and Admirals tried thinking up a plan,but to no avail.Then,a Minor Admiral suggested something.To send out a Frontline.
It was a crazy idea,but the only one they had.So,4 prototypes of the Frontline were dispatched to the conflict...
The Fedral Union
18-10-2004, 16:29
OOc may i remind you i only agreed to a war NOT to LOSE... get it btw JJR no one has 500 battle ships! tone down those numbers)
18-10-2004, 16:46
OOC: yeah, most just have a few with every concievable weapon strapped to them
And may I remind YOU that no one ever mentioned that
Sentient Nanites
18-10-2004, 16:58
@ Fedral:I never said you have to lose. :p
ANd about the 5000 ships thing,noone has a 76 km long ship with lvl 26 Temporal Technology! :rolleyes: :p
18-10-2004, 17:00
OOC: The Nanites have a point...Furthermore no one has several of those ships
Sentient Nanites
18-10-2004, 17:06
OOC: The Nanites have a point
OOC:Actually,that was me!I'm just too lazy to log into Xnater,right now :p
The Fedral Union
18-10-2004, 17:13
Whoa whoa don’t tell me your xanter please don’t tell me because if you are Im going to half to ignore you for puppet wanking if you would have asked me I would have agreed to but you didn’t let me know it was your puppet
Sentient Nanites
18-10-2004, 17:17
@ Fedral: Calm down!I'm not going to RP with S N...I'm just too lazy to switch t Xanter.Got it?
The Fedral Union
18-10-2004, 19:51
OOC:Crap,man.I sleep for one night and 2 pages spring up.Jeeezus H. Christ... :p
The battle was beggining to become a slaughter.3 against 2.Losses were heavy.Morale was low.But then...
"Sir!Large force coming out of warp(Or whatever it is you have,JJR)!"
"Which nation?Allie or foe?"
Hathorn was beggining to get worried.One more enemy and the battle was down the drain.BUt..
"Sir,it's Jangle Jangle Ridge!"
"Holy ####!We're saved!"
Just then a large blast shook the ship and Hathorn grumbled,turning back to the viewscreen...
Losses: 7 destroyers and 76 fighters
the federal star ships now moved in a massive formation to assault the new dreadnought in the area . all ships and fighters swarmed on it moving around behind and swooping like piranhas on a feeding frenzy. They started to fire beams of crimson ,blue and white energy at it mass firing every thing they had . torpedoes were launching volley after volley at enemy ships more than 250 pouring out of every ship
18-10-2004, 20:50
Crossmanian Losses:
23 Corvettes
1 Imperium SD
4 Carrack LCs
3 Victory SDs
200+ fighters/bombers
18-10-2004, 20:55
The Eclipse SSD Redemption and the two Crossmanian Sovereign SSDs brought their guns to bear on the Xanterian Dreadnaught. Aboard the Redemption the decks shook and a loud humming filled the air as the massive ship's superlaser powered up.
Ravensburg grinned, "Fire."
An enourmous green blast burst from the ship towards the Xanterian ship.
The Silver Turtle
18-10-2004, 21:41
The Wrath of Bob DSA 2 dropped it's bubble universe shields when it was a twentieth of an AU from TFUs central star. With the battles elsewhere and the near-undetectable approach of the bubble-universe, coupled with the extreme-stealth nature of the DSA 2, there was an infintessimally small chance it would be noticed, at least until it was too late.
It opened fire.
Thousands of missiles streaked at near-c towards the star. Many of them were mere kinetic missiles, with no chance of harming it. But one in a hundred were nova bombs. A single one capable of destroying the star, and with it; the entire system. Even if this blitzkrieg was noticed, there was no way every nova bomb could be destroyed in the thirty or so seconds there were until they reached the detonation point.
It's task done, the Wrath of Bob raised the bubble shields and left the system milliseconds before the exploding star tore through its former position.
At every TFU star the same happened, almost simultaneously. The Federal Union was finally doomed. And no-one knew who to blame.
OOC: Yes, I do know where your system(s) are; I'm an ESUS member. More info can be supplied if required. Also, since a nova expands at the smallest fraction below the speed of light, you have fractions of a second to see the exloding star before you're incinerated. Ergo: no running. And you don't know it's me because you have no time to take detailed-enough scans of my ships if you even see them before you're blown up.
Harsh, I know. Sorry.
Jangle Jangle Ridge
18-10-2004, 21:42
OOC: Now, hypothetically speaking...upon your arrival, I could do something like this.
Sethric felt the entrance of the JJR fleet. Such a large fleet in a battlezone such as this, was a dangerous, undecided factor. This fleet was not in the original equation. Sethric much preferred the original
He began a slow chant, his voice rising and falling as he twisted reality in the way that only a Mage Lord of the Sevle could. In truth, a Sevle Mage Lord was one short step from godhead. The High-Mage Lord was practically there.
Regardless, the results were quite impressive, as the entire JJR fleet up and disappeared into the Warp. The likelihood of its survival was small, as already the warp entities and daemons had began preying upon the poor pathetic little crew members. Eventually, the ships would undoubtedly resurface as space hulks...who knows. The ways of the Warp are strange.
OOC: Which, is perfectly legit, and in-character. But, I won't. Anyways, here's my suggestion: Declare yourself or leave.
One hopes.
-Rev's Player (Also, Impworld's Player)
OOC: Except, you know, I still have to GET THERE. I'm in an entirely different galaxy at this point. And no, that would not be legit, because my ships have standard Pskyer shields. I'm not stupid. Don't say that it's not a psyker ability, because in that case it's an ass-space ability, which I can also block quite easily. And I'm a blatant enemy of TFU. You know, the whole member-of-the-ESUS thing? Anyways, I'm still going to announce it, 'twas just waiting until I was within sub-light drive distance. Give a chance for intelligence.
IC: The swirl of light that is the Milky Way twisted onscreen, marker flitting arcross it. Captain Ker'Bek tapped a point, wreathed in light, before typing a series of numbers into the computer. A thrumming noise filled the air as the energy banks started to unload into the Fold Generator. Space boiled and rippled, before turning in on itself like some self-destructive shadow. From the wormhole drifted the signature colored gases and particles of a nebula, before being dispensed by the passing ships.
After a short meeting via vidi-screen, the ships were ready to move. A flat, unencoded broadcast was sent out, merely to inform the arrival of the fleet, what side it was on, etc. It gave a short warning to pro-TFU forces to back down, but no one really expected it to happen. With that, the ships set out, covering the remaining distance at sub-light.
Jangle Jangle Ridge
18-10-2004, 21:46
The Wrath of Bob DSA 2 dropped it's bubble universe shields when it was a twentieth of an AU from TFUs central star. With the battles elsewhere and the near-undetectable approach of the bubble-universe, coupled with the extreme-stealth nature of the DSA 2, there was an infintessimally small chance it would be noticed, at least until it was too late.
It opened fire.
Thousands of missiles streaked at near-c towards the star. Many of them were mere kinetic missiles, with no chance of harming it. But one in a hundred were nova bombs. A single one capable of destroying the star, and with it; the entire system. Even if this blitzkrieg was noticed, there was no way every nova bomb could be destroyed in the thirty or so seconds there were until they reached the detonation point.
It's task done, the Wrath of Bob raised the bubble shields and left the system milliseconds before the exploding star tore through its former position.
At every TFU star the same happened, almost simultaneously. The Federal Union had been destroyed once and for all. And no-one knew who to blame.
OOC: Yes, I do know where your system(s) are; I'm an ESUS member. More info can be supplied if required. Also, since a nova expands at the smallest fraction below the speed of light, you have fractions of a second to see the exloding star before you're incinerated. Ergo: no running. And you don't know it's me because you have no time to take detailed-enough scans of my ships if you even see them before you're blown up.
Harsh, I know. Sorry.
OOC: Ooooooooooooooooh. Painful. But, you know, he could just blow up ALL the missiles. It's not hard. Well, not for me at least.
Central Facehuggeria
18-10-2004, 21:47
OOC: Just so everyone knows, it isn't the whole ESUS participating in this war. Just a few members who choose to do so of their own volition.
The Silver Turtle
18-10-2004, 21:51
OOC: Ooooooooooooooooh. Painful. But, you know, he could just blow up ALL the missiles. It's not hard. Well, not for me at least.
OOC: Yes, I know. But that would involve severely extensive missile-intercept systems within a twentieth of an AU of his sun. Which would be affected by long-term exposure to the radiation.
For anyone who doesn't know (but really should) an AU is the distance between the Earth and the sun, which is about 8 light minutes.
Jangle Jangle Ridge
18-10-2004, 21:54
OOC: Yes, I know. But that would involve severely extensive missile-intercept systems within a twentieth of an AU of his sun. Which would be affected by long-term exposure to the radiation.
For anyone who doesn't know (but really should) an AU is the distance between the Earth and the sun, which is about 8 light minutes.
OOC: Hey, I'm just saying I could. I have my own galaxy, I hope I could.
OOC: I don't know what ESUS is. I don't -CARE- what ESUS is. If you can have a 5000 ship fleet, than I can play Impworld the way I want to play Impworld. Meaning: Exceedingly overpowered with lots of fire and special effects.
Second: 's not just a psyker attack, 's a warp attack. Unless you're one of those crazy null-sig assassin dudes, a C'tan Pariah, a Grey Knight, or an Inquisitor, your ass -is- succeptible to warp attacks.
But I was just saying that I -could- do that.
Now, next up...
TST. Sure, you can do that. Then I can do this.
Noting the destruction of the entirety of the Fedral Union, Ronald Soak, Avatar of Chaos, shrugged his mighty shoulders, and got to work.
Every single one of those idiot Nova Bombs detonated prematurely, while still inside the idiot starship launching them. Not only that, while still inside the idiot bubble universe the idiot starships were travelling in. Every TST ship detailed for this idiot maneuver blinked out of existance to spiral into whatever idiot hell was reserved for individuals such as that particular idiot.
---End Flicker---
Meanwhile, wherever the Ineffable Bob was hiding
The universe rebounded. Little Mr. The Ineffable Bob, sat on a throne. Little Mr. The Ineffable Bob, died there alone. Slowly and excruciatingly. Caught in a never-ending loop of death and rebirth, forever, and ever, and ever, get the idea.
OOC: Now. If that didn't make sense to you...too bad. Sure, I just posted a bunch of BS. Hell, so did you. Not my problem. Suggestion: Refrain from stupid, idiotic attacks.
Thank you, That will be all.
The Fedral Union
18-10-2004, 22:03
The Wrath of Bob DSA 2 dropped it's bubble universe shields when it was a twentieth of an AU from TFUs central star. With the battles elsewhere and the near-undetectable approach of the bubble-universe, coupled with the extreme-stealth nature of the DSA 2, there was an infintessimally small chance it would be noticed, at least until it was too late.
It opened fire.
Thousands of missiles streaked at near-c towards the star. Many of them were mere kinetic missiles, with no chance of harming it. But one in a hundred were nova bombs. A single one capable of destroying the star, and with it; the entire system. Even if this blitzkrieg was noticed, there was no way every nova bomb could be destroyed in the thirty or so seconds there were until they reached the detonation point.
It's task done, the Wrath of Bob raised the bubble shields and left the system milliseconds before the exploding star tore through its former position.
At every TFU star the same happened, almost simultaneously. The Federal Union was finally doomed. And no-one knew who to blame.
OOC: Yes, I do know where your system(s) are; I'm an ESUS member. More info can be supplied if required. Also, since a nova expands at the smallest fraction below the speed of light, you have fractions of a second to see the exloding star before you're incinerated. Ergo: no running. And you don't know it's me because you have no time to take detailed-enough scans of my ships if you even see them before you're blown up.
Harsh, I know. Sorry.
Yeah that’s ignored I don’t accept OMG I destroy your star with 999999 stuffs its wank and god mode … ill only accept some thing if it advances the rp and this doesn’t plus there many logical reasons you can get to my system FTLi’s OMG security mass fleets there
Jangle Jangle Ridge
18-10-2004, 22:05
OOC: I don't know what ESUS is. I don't -CARE- what ESUS is. If you can have a 5000 ship fleet, than I can play Impworld the way I want to play Impworld. Meaning: Exceedingly overpowered with lots of fire and special effects.
Second: 's not just a psyker attack, 's a warp attack. Unless you're one of those crazy null-sig assassin dudes, a C'tan Pariah, a Grey Knight, or an Inquisitor, your ass -is- succeptible to warp attacks.
But I was just saying that I -could- do that.
Now, next up...
TST. Sure, you can do that. Then I can do this.
Noting the destruction of the entirety of the Fedral Union, Ronald Soak, Avatar of Chaos, shrugged his mighty shoulders, and got to work.
Every single one of those idiot Nova Bombs detonated prematurely, while still inside the idiot starship launching them. Not only that, while still inside the idiot bubble universe the idiot starships were travelling in. Every TST ship detailed for this idiot maneuver blinked out of existance to spiral into whatever idiot hell was reserved for individuals such as that particular idiot.
---End Flicker---
Meanwhile, wherever the Ineffable Bob was hiding
The universe rebounded. Little Mr. The Ineffable Bob, sat on a throne. Little Mr. The Ineffable Bob, died there alone. Slowly and excruciatingly. Caught in a never-ending loop of death and rebirth, forever, and ever, and ever, get the idea.
OOC: Now. If that didn't make sense to you...too bad. Sure, I just posted a bunch of BS. Hell, so did you. Not my problem. Suggestion: Refrain from stupid, idiotic attacks.
Thank you, That will be all.
OOC: 5000 ships? Fuck you. I've been on almost a year longer than you, and I'm sending out pretty much every ship I have. I have 5000 ships, you have a little asshat with trumped up pskyer abilities. TST has the resources to launch those missiles. In truth, it's perfectly easy to defeat the attack. Especially if TFU's claims of level 26 temporal technology is true. Of course, since I have Temporal Configuring units onboard some of my ships, it won't help him much.
Jangle Jangle Ridge
18-10-2004, 22:06
Yeah that’s ignored I don’t accept OMG I destroy your star with 999999 stuffs its wank and god mode … ill only accept some thing if it advances the rp and this doesn’t plus there many logical reasons you can get to my system FTLi’s OMG security mass fleets there
OOC: He's not in your system. He launched missiles at near-c from outsystem. However, he should have telegrammed you.
Crazed Marines
18-10-2004, 22:10
The President was in his office, watching the news. "Well, no big loss to us. Captain, recall the Fleet. Refuel and rearm them then send them to where the rest of the fleets are going."
"Yes Mr. President."
[ooc:a CW summit]
18-10-2004, 22:10
OOC: Hmmm, let me get this straight.
You guys say that TFU always godmods and you say he can't do this and that. (Some of which I can understand and agree with, sorry TFU)
But its okay for TST to just pop in out of nowhere and blow up all of TFU's stars?
What the hell is that crap?
You're a bunch of damn hypicrites.
"TFU you techwank and numberwank!"
and then....
"I've got 5,000 ships!"
"Oh look at me, I appear and my nova bombs blow up all of TFU's stars."
Give me a break.
OOC: I don't know what ESUS is. I don't -CARE- what ESUS is.
ESUS - Extra Solar Union of Systems
Rather large alliance. Several main members are out of commission ICly or OOCly right now, but even crippled an alliance that could crush you like a bug. Unless, of course, you resort to... what is it again..? Oh yeah.
Second: 's not just a psyker attack, 's a warp attack. Unless you're one of those crazy null-sig assassin dudes, a C'tan Pariah, a Grey Knight, or an Inquisitor, your ass -is- succeptible to warp attacks.
Any translations for people who don't know the universe all this is from? Sounds like Transpace equivalent.
Also sounds like something that has a fair ability to be abused and thus become a godmod. Meh, but you were making a point so it's more than able to slide.
My answer to your warp...
Void Techniques. Unless you're a Mekantan Primeval, someone saturated with the power of the Void, or a wanker... Your ass -is- succeptible to void techniques.
Just a friendly message.
18-10-2004, 22:14
OOC: 5000 ships? Fuck you. I've been on almost a year longer than you, and I'm sending out pretty much every ship I have. I have 5000 ships, you have a little asshat with trumped up pskyer abilities. TST has the resources to launch those missiles. In truth, it's perfectly easy to defeat the attack. Especially if TFU's claims of level 26 temporal technology is true. Of course, since I have Temporal Configuring units onboard some of my ships, it won't help him much.
OOC: Hmm, well seing as how large you nation is, okay maybe that 5,000 ship deal is fine since it is nearly all your fleet. But what's with this vulgarity?
I thought this would be a half-decent RP for once, but as usual it turns into "OMG! GODMOD!!!" flame fest.
18-10-2004, 22:17
OOC: You know what? Screw this. I'm pausing all of my ships here for now until you people can do a single damn RP without all this "OMG GODMOD!!" "OMG! I CAN DO THIS, YOU CAN'T DO THAT!". You're all full of crap.
The Silver Turtle
18-10-2004, 22:19
TST. Sure, you can do that. Then I can do this.
Noting the destruction of the entirety of the Fedral Union, Ronald Soak, Avatar of Chaos, shrugged his mighty shoulders, and got to work.
Every single one of those idiot Nova Bombs detonated prematurely, while still inside the idiot starship launching them. Not only that, while still inside the idiot bubble universe the idiot starships were travelling in. Every TST ship detailed for this idiot maneuver blinked out of existance to spiral into whatever idiot hell was reserved for individuals such as that particular idiot.
---End Flicker---
Meanwhile, wherever the Ineffable Bob was hiding
The universe rebounded. Little Mr. The Ineffable Bob, sat on a throne. Little Mr. The Ineffable Bob, died there alone. Slowly and excruciatingly. Caught in a never-ending loop of death and rebirth, forever, and ever, and ever, get the idea.
OOC: Now. If that didn't make sense to you...too bad. Sure, I just posted a bunch of BS. Hell, so did you. Not my problem. Suggestion: Refrain from stupid, idiotic attacks.
Thank you, That will be all.
1) Never, ever call him Little Mr. The Ineffable Bob. He is The Great Ineffable Bob and you will refer to him as such. He is not human, and is in fact more closely related to Ungoliant (The Silmarillion, "mother" of Shelob the spider) than he is to anything else.
2) I would yammer about that defying the very laws of physics, requiring information gathering + order sending at speeds faster than the speed of light, not to mention the time travel involved. Since I have read Thief of Time and do know who that is, I'll wave those laws, and allow you the invincible uber-godmodness of Kaos. But this being freeform RP, I could just as easily create a character that was in fact the father of Kaos whose come along to tell him to tidy the room and who un-does everything Ronald Soak has done. These hypothetical scenarios could go on forever, each time a new one being invented to trump the last. There is no point to them.
I would be entirely within my rights to ignore your dairyman, seeing as it would constitute godmodding. My attack, while excessive is not godmodding, as it is quite within the capabilities of my empire. (And yes go on about how its perfectly capable for Ronald Soak, I care not.)
In short, I will refrain from stupid, idiotic attacks. I always have. This was not stupid, nor was it idiotic. A stupid, idiotic attack would be attacking someone far more powerful than me, with a real risk of retaliation to my nation. In this case, the victim is not more powerful, nor is there a risk of retaliation because the victim is destroyed and his allies have no idea who did it. It was, in fact, a highly cunning attack, falling even within the boundaries of surgical strike.
Now, since hypothetical RPs are of no value, and your post consisted of little else, please leave me be.
THIS is why I'm taking a nice long break from RPing.
TST's plan was good, his execution was off. You left too much room for TFU to be able to legitimately call Godmod. (As opposed to other times when it was solely to save his hide.)
Meh. If you fail to eliminate him before I come back, I'll show you how it's done.
OOC: JJR. Please. Let's not turn this into a flame war. I'm begging you here man. Anyways.
I'm not willing to continue this conversation. Impworld is not a serious nation. It is not -meant- to be a serious nation. (Coincidentally, I'm not RPing as Revenia here. Revenia is a serious nation. Anyways.)
I really don't care what you think, and if you have to resort to petty insults, I give up. I tried to show you how stupid you two goons looked, with your 'I bring in 5000 ships,' and TFT's 'I KILL EVERYBODY!' But you have to take it personally.
Not once did I say that either of the actions that you have been so offended by were serious. One was hypothetical. Meaning that 'In theory, I could...' The action against TST, if you know -anything- about me, was complete and utter BS. I was just shocked when I read TSTs post.
Hell, I thought TST was a passable RPer. I had a bit of respect for him, before I saw that. I might joke about killing large fleets, and of course, that is perfectly in character for my nation.
Why? Because Impworld isn't a serious nation. It's a nation of imps and devils and dark red guys who are elves with the name spelled backwards, ruled by the Fifth Rider of the Apocalypse, who is a Milkman in is off-time.
But, christ, I never even once, for a moment, thought that I'd actually -do- something like that. It'd just be unsportsmanlike. The you start crying out like I killed your mother, and TST kills TFU in one post.
Wow, thanks. Grow some skin, JJR. Learn to take a joke. I suggest you go back and edit your posts. Delete the ones yelling at me, and bring your force down to something reasonable.
TST, if you wanna play with me, then please, PLEASE, PLEASE, tell me you were joking. I mean, I know that you've got this image of yourself, that you think you're all bad-ass and crap...but christ, man.
We're all in this for fun. If it's not fun for everybody, it's not worth doing.
Hope this made some sense.
Jangle Jangle Ridge
18-10-2004, 22:20
OOC: Hmm, well seing as how large you nation is, okay maybe that 5,000 ship deal is fine since it is nearly all your fleet. But what's with this vulgarity?
I thought this would be a half-decent RP for once, but as usual it turns into "OMG! GODMOD!!!" flame fest.
OOC: Vulgarity? Me? I'm a perfect little angel! Also, I hate n00bs (he may be an october nation, but he's still a n00b) who think they know anything and everything about roleplaying. I'm not saying I'm good at roleplaying. However, I can say that I'm good enough to be accepted into the ESUS with a 90 from Central Facehuggeria, and if you think he doesn't know roleplay, you can go bugger a sheep. Look, you shouldn't be giving out to me.
18-10-2004, 22:23
THIS is why I'm taking a nice long break from RPing.
OOC: Really not a bad idea indeed.
18-10-2004, 22:26
OOC: Vulgarity? Me? I'm a perfect little angel! Also, I hate n00bs (he may be an october nation, but he's still a n00b) who think they know anything and everything about roleplaying. I'm not saying I'm good at roleplaying. However, I can say that I'm good enough to be accepted into the ESUS with a 90 from Central Facehuggeria, and if you think he doesn't know roleplay, you can go bugger a sheep. Look, you shouldn't be giving out to me. TFU claims he has level 25 temporal technology, and the manpower to donate 100,000 ships to GZ. He pulled those ships out, but that just means he has them now. I have 5,000 ships.
OOC: I don't care what you think of n00bs. I don't care what grade CF gave you to get into ESUS. I'm not saying anything against you RPing ability. What I saying is how you conduct yourself in OOC. I'm sick of all these things turning into OMG GODMOD wars. And then you go flying off the handle cussing people out. That's my problem.
Jangle Jangle Ridge
18-10-2004, 22:28
OOC: JJR. Please. Let's not turn this into a flame war. I'm begging you here man. Anyways.
I'm not willing to continue this conversation. Impworld is not a serious nation. It is not -meant- to be a serious nation. (Coincidentally, I'm not RPing as Revenia here. Revenia is a serious nation. Anyways.)
I really don't care what you think, and if you have to resort to petty insults, I give up. I tried to show you how stupid you two goons looked, with your 'I bring in 5000 ships,' and TFT's 'I KILL EVERYBODY!' But you have to take it personally.
Not once did I say that either of the actions that you have been so offended by were serious. One was hypothetical. Meaning that 'In theory, I could...' The action against TST, if you know -anything- about me, was complete and utter BS. I was just shocked when I read TSTs post.
Hell, I thought TST was a passable RPer. I had a bit of respect for him, before I saw that. I might joke about killing large fleets, and of course, that is perfectly in character for my nation.
Why? Because Impworld isn't a serious nation. It's a nation of imps and devils and dark red guys who are elves with the name spelled backwards, ruled by the Fifth Rider of the Apocalypse, who is a Milkman in is off-time.
But, christ, I never even once, for a moment, thought that I'd actually -do- something like that. It'd just be unsportsmanlike. The you start crying out like I killed your mother, and TST kills TFU in one post.
Wow, thanks. Grow some skin, JJR. Learn to take a joke. I suggest you go back and edit your posts. Delete the ones yelling at me, and bring your force down to something reasonable.
TST, if you wanna play with me, then please, PLEASE, PLEASE, tell me you were joking. I mean, I know that you've got this image of yourself, that you think you're all bad-ass and crap...but christ, man.
We're all in this for fun. If it's not fun for everybody, it's not worth doing.
Hope this made some sense.
OOC: For a nation of my age, that has nearly 50 percent of the budget in military, and a huge military at that, with constant compulsory drafts, 5,000 IS reasonable. I have sent everything I have. You are not excused from wanking even if you're joking. Because you're still wanking. Okey dokey?
The Fedral Union
18-10-2004, 22:29
OOC: Vulgarity? Me? I'm a perfect little angel! Also, I hate n00bs (he may be an october nation, but he's still a n00b) who think they know anything and everything about roleplaying. I'm not saying I'm good at roleplaying. However, I can say that I'm good enough to be accepted into the ESUS with a 90 from Central Facehuggeria, and if you think he doesn't know roleplay, you can go bugger a sheep. Look, you shouldn't be giving out to me. TFU claims he has level 25 temporal technology, and the manpower to donate 100,000 ships to GZ. He pulled those ships out, but that just means he has them now. I have 5,000 ships.
For the record i did not donate any ships to GZ he donated them to him self he had no power to do it so he pulled it out of his ***
Nope. Really not. Especially since it'll give me time to ICly execute the Final Technological Transformation for Mekanta and eliminate everything left that isn't stolen from a project of mine. Expect an even more dangerous Mekanta after I get back.
Glad Rev's Impworld crap wasn't his(?) true stuff.
And to my ESUS allies...
... Check the boards, gentlemen...
*evil grin*
Jangle Jangle Ridge
18-10-2004, 22:30
OOC: I don't care what you think of n00bs. I don't care what grade CF gave you to get into ESUS. I'm not saying anything against you RPing ability. What I saying is how you conduct yourself in OOC. I'm sick of all these things turning into OMG GODMOD wars. And then you go flying off the handle cussing people out. That's my problem.
OOC: I'm sorry then. Next time someone wanks, sneers at me, insults my roleplaying ability, calls me a wanker for having a reasonable fleet, and generally chooses trolling over proper RPing, I'll just sit there and smile.
The Silver Turtle
18-10-2004, 22:30
*is getting annoyed at posts appearing before he can deal with them*
JJR: Actually, I did start in his system. I popped out of bubblespace right beside the star, the main reason being so that he'd have no time to shoot the missiles and that I wouldn't have to deal with any defences.
TFU: I wasn't aware FTLi affected bubble-universe shields. If they did, I could alter to say I slipstreamed to the edge of the system (as that is not affected by standard FTLi) then raise bubble-universe shields and go sublight until I'm right beside the star. And it only takes a DSA 2 ten seconds to fire 3600 missiles. Those ships are 600 metres of missile tubes, armour, and missile storage. One ship per star. That's not 999999 stuffs. But, you're perfectly within your rights to ignore it.
Crossman: I can do it because I have the capability. It's not difficult. I'm not using anything uber-wankey. All I'm doing is using something not seen often on NS: Tactics.
Revenia: Dude, you thought I was serious? Hell, half the point of me doing the entire attack in the first place was for a laugh! My point in that post was that hypothetical RPs are pointless. I wasn't suggesting I would do any of that.
And the getting annoyed about Bob? Why would I be annoyed about an OOC thing? If it was IC, the Ineffable Empire may take action to preserve their leaders good name, but OOC? Who cares? I sure as hell don't!
Jangle Jangle Ridge
18-10-2004, 22:31
For the record i did not donate any ships to GZ he donated them to him self he had no power to do it so he pulled it out of his ***
OOC: Well then, I'm sorry for the confusion. I think we can all agree on how stupid GZ is. Sorry about that, then.
18-10-2004, 22:33
OOC: I'm sorry then. Next time someone wanks, sneers at me, insults my roleplaying ability, calls me a wanker for having a reasonable fleet, and generally chooses trolling over proper RPing, I'll just sit there and smile.
OOC: Don't give me that crap JJR. You don't have to smile and do nothing, but you don't have to go cussing people out and start flaming.
Jangle Jangle Ridge
18-10-2004, 22:36
OOC: Don't give me that crap JJR. You don't have to smile and do nothing, but you don't have to go cussing people out and start flaming.
OOC: He certainly didn't deserve it.
The Silver Turtle
18-10-2004, 22:46
*is getting annoyed at posts appearing before he can deal with them*
JJR: Actually, I did start in his system. I popped out of bubblespace right beside the star, the main reason being so that he'd have no time to shoot the missiles and that I wouldn't have to deal with any defences.
TFU: I wasn't aware FTLi affected bubble-universe shields. If they did, I could alter to say I slipstreamed to the edge of the system (as that is not affected by standard FTLi) then raise bubble-universe shields and go sublight until I'm right beside the star. And it only takes a DSA 2 ten seconds to fire 3600 missiles. Those ships are 666 metres of missile tubes, armour, and missile storage. One ship per star. That's not 999999 stuffs. But, you're perfectly within your rights to ignore it.
Crossman: I can do it because I have the capability. It's not difficult. I'm not using anything uber-wankey. All I'm doing is using something not seen often on NS: Tactics.
Revenia: Dude, you thought I was serious? Hell, half the point of me doing the entire attack in the first place was for a laugh! My point in that post was that hypothetical RPs are pointless. I wasn't suggesting I would do any of that.
And the getting annoyed about Bob? Why would I be annoyed about an OOC thing? If it was IC, the Ineffable Empire may take action to preserve their leaders good name, but OOC? Who cares? I sure as hell don't!
This got lost, just making sure 'tis visible, seeing as it's relatively important and I doubt anyone will re-read those pages.
The Fedral Union
18-10-2004, 22:59
What a god mode ignore fest this is ..
Germanische Zustande
18-10-2004, 23:00
ooc: Standard FTLi doesn't affect bubble universes... unless it is gravitational FTLi or other such advanced FTLi...
Seeing as I just severed all ties with TFU, I may join the fray...
18-10-2004, 23:03
OOC: come on guys, calm down. lets keep it civilised.
Germanische Zustande
18-10-2004, 23:09
ooc: Also, for the record, a meeting of various UFP nations voted to ally themselves with the UFGZ and send vessels. So, I went ahead and posted the 80,000 ships TFU claimed to have in the UFP general fleet as part of the Allied Fleet. TFU then pulled his support, and, viola!
The Fedral Union
18-10-2004, 23:15
ooc: Also, for the record, a meeting of various UFP nations voted to ally themselves with the UFGZ and send vessels. So, I went ahead and posted the 80,000 ships TFU claimed to have in the UFP general fleet as part of the Allied Fleet. TFU then pulled his support, and, viola!
Note :that was OOC it was never brought to the UFP concuil, plus AIM is OOC
Germanische Zustande
18-10-2004, 23:22
ooc: Dude, TFU, the council decided by majority to aid me. So, seeing as the members decide, and NOT the founder, though you opposed it, it was agreed to ally with the UFGZ and send ships. So, I posted the extra 80,000 ships. Then, while speaking with you, YOU decided to pull the UFP's support. So, I subtracted 80,000 ships from the 240,000 number.
Jangle Jangle Ridge
18-10-2004, 23:24
ooc: Dude, TFU, the council decided by majority to aid me. So, seeing as the members decide, and NOT the founder, though you opposed it, it was agreed to ally with the UFGZ and send ships. So, I posted the extra 80,000 ships. Then, while speaking with you, YOU decided to pull the UFP's support. So, I subtracted 80,000 ships from the 240,000 number.
OOC: And you guys call my 5,000 ships wank. Heh.
The Fedral Union
18-10-2004, 23:24
ooc: Dude, TFU, the council decided by majority to aid me. So, seeing as the members decide, and NOT the founder, though you opposed it, it was agreed to ally with the UFGZ and send ships. So, I posted the extra 80,000 ships. Then, while speaking with you, YOU decided to pull the UFP's support. So, I subtracted 80,000 ships from the 240,000 number.
sorry needed to be pointed out
18-10-2004, 23:28
Ooc: Calm Down! All Of You!
Jangle Jangle Ridge
18-10-2004, 23:32
Ooc: Calm Down! All Of You!
OOC: Yesh. I mean, I never yelled. I just mocked.
18-10-2004, 23:43
..And turned a perfectly good RP into a flamefest.
Crazed Marines
18-10-2004, 23:45
OOC: Its some hot wank-on-wank action!
Jangle Jangle Ridge
18-10-2004, 23:45
..And turned a perfectly good RP into a flamefest.
OOC: Nah, Ravenia did that.
Jangle Jangle Ridge
18-10-2004, 23:47
Woopdefricking doo!
18-10-2004, 23:51
ooc: Dude, TFU, the council decided by majority to aid me. So, seeing as the members decide, and NOT the founder, though you opposed it, it was agreed to ally with the UFGZ and send ships. So, I posted the extra 80,000 ships. Then, while speaking with you, YOU decided to pull the UFP's support. So, I subtracted 80,000 ships from the 240,000 number.
OOC: I had no part in that. So, you'll have a problem with me if you try using the UFP fleet for yourself. Those are still exaggerated numbers, but I'd suggest you do not try to include all the UFP member ships, seeing as I added a few and I have nothing to do with this idea of yours.
18-10-2004, 23:55
OOC: *Sigh* Do I really have to bring the mods into this? I will if y'all don't stop arguing, flaming, wanking, godmodding, and just plain being jerks to TFU (you know who you are). You ought to be ashamed of yourselves, picking on him like that. I recommend that TFU ignores all attempts at godmodding at this point and continue playing from before the wanking started (i.e. when I came in). If you guys can't do that, then the war ends now.
Jangle Jangle Ridge
18-10-2004, 23:58
OOC: I would say I didn't wank, and I haven't been beating up on TFU much, besides that 100,000 ship misunderstanding
Industrial Experiment
19-10-2004, 02:10
Honestly guys, just shut the fuck up and RP. If someone is wanking a bit, ignore the wank part and go for the meat. Seriously, don't make me just 'stumble' upon the engagement zone and become involved, you wouldn't like that.
19-10-2004, 02:33
TST, JJR, and Revenia... you should know better by now.
And after that, everybody had to have a good long yell about it. I can see I haven't been keeping a close enough eye on this place.
I'm locking this thread for flaming. If you want to continue this RP, feel free to, but keep it clean. In terms of flaming and in terms of RP ettiquette.