Story of the rape of a Japanese girl done by Chinese troops
The Japanese People
17-10-2004, 07:28
OCC - As most of you know, I am currently under Chinese occupation.
IC -
As the young sixteen year old Trisha Takanawa speaks of her rape done by Chinese troops; civilians are angered.
Her story -
"I was walking down Yumi street in Osaka with some fruits for my family when I encountered three Chinese men by a corner. They asked me where I was going and I told them that I was going back to my house. One of the men spoke Chinese to the other men, each of them gained a smile after they conversed. They seized my hands and took me in an abandoned shop in the corner of Yumi street. There, before my screams ran threw the streets to alarm nearby people, one of the men covered my mouth as the other ripped my dress apart. I struggled to get out, I didn't want to see the horrific things they wanted to do to me, so I closed my eyes shut but the last glance I saw was one man taking off his pants. Then and there, I knew I was being raped. I became unconcious as his male organ struck me in. I wish not to speak further of that but when I woke up in my own pile of blood, with my dress ripped and me being transperant, I ran. I'm currently. . .pregnant. . .with a baby."
Trisha cried harshly and had formed hatred for the Chinese as much as the current civilians do. Riots have been formed with mobs and killed any Chinese they saw.
Trisha wishes to show the horrers the Chinese do and have done to her by writing and publishing a book called "The personality of China".
Medical clinics cannot be funded because our GDP is under Chinese control so she cannot plan an abortion.
Civilians ask for help to stop further rapes and are shocked that the three Chinese men that raped the girl are still roaming the streets of Osaka
The Japanese People
17-10-2004, 07:34
bump bump bump
The Parthians
17-10-2004, 07:48
Do not fool us! I know why Sino, Taiwan, and Xiaguo now stomp through your pathetic nation, you warmongered against a coalition of nations... not intelligent in the least bit.
-Shah Khosru of Parthia
OCC - As most of you know, I am currently under Chinese occupation.
IC -
As the young sixteen year old Trisha Takanawa speaks of her rape done by Chinese troops; civilians are angered.
Her story -
"I was walking down Yumi street in Osaka with some fruits for my family when I encountered three Chinese men by a corner. They asked me where I was going and I told them that I was going back to my house. One of the men spoke Chinese to the other men, each of them gained a smile after they conversed. They seized my hands and took me in an abandoned shop in the corner of Yumi street. There, before my screams ran threw the streets to alarm nearby people, one of the men covered my mouth as the other ripped my dress apart. I struggled to get out, I didn't want to see the horrific things they wanted to do to me, so I closed my eyes shut but the last glance I saw was one man taking off his pants. Then and there, I knew I was being raped. I became unconcious as his male organ struck me in. I wish not to speak further of that but when I woke up in my own pile of blood, with my dress ripped and me being transperant, I ran. I'm currently. . .pregnant. . .with a baby."
Trisha cried harshly and had formed hatred for the Chinese as much as the current civilians do. Riots have been formed with mobs and killed any Chinese they saw.
Trisha wishes to show the horrers the Chinese do and have done to her by writing and publishing a book called "The personality of China".
Medical clinics cannot be funded because our GDP is under Chinese control so she cannot plan an abortion.
Civilians ask for help to stop further rapes and are shocked that the three Chinese men that raped the girl are still roaming the streets of Osaka
The Emperial Goverment of the Alexian Empire sees this as blatant propaganda and offers no sympathy for your band of rebel thugs.
Official Communiqué
We consider friends several nations of the coalition that currently occupies Japan. We see the current situation as entirely reasonable, given the action that the government of The Japanese People brought onto themselves. Having a large portion of the population Chinese in Granzi, we fully interpret the pre-mentioned tale as wholly fictitious, and merely a way to gain sympathy.
Nathanial Sun
Minister of Foreign Affairs
OOC: Good idea though. Your RPing has improved!
The Provisional Authority releases a statement.
"The relevance and truthfulness of the account is bought into question by
several discrepancies. We encourage Trisha to discuss the matter with her boyfriend or lover before attempting any rash actions."
Weapons-Tech incorp
18-10-2004, 04:59
If such aligations are true, When the child is born we ask you test the child to determine its origin- Chinese, korean, whatever after such a test is done and depending on the results, we will take action.
Homine Sapienti
18-10-2004, 05:28
(OOC) alright, I was going to post as my matriarchical nation about their outrage at such inhuman behavior, but it wont send me a confirmation email to log on with. So, here's my real point: Trisha Takinawa is the name of the 'asian reporter' on Family Guy. LMAO! I just had to share that in case someone else was wondering where they heard the name before. Poor Trisha, at least she was able to get over the event and start a successful reporting career. I have to wonder if you knew or if it was just one of those subconscious things . . .
18-10-2004, 05:31
OOC: HAHAHAHAH! Nice eye, I didn't notice that homine but you are right.
"And here is our very own asian reporter Trisha Takanawa who filed this report all by herself!
The Sinoese Occupation government does not believe that such allegations are true and would like the girl to be tested 24 hours after the incident to determine the authenticity of such claims. As Sinoese patrols are conducted by IFVs and rarely on foot, such an incident is bizarre and fictitious.
The Military Junta does not believe that any of its 5 million troops in TJP is capable of such bestiality. Why would a Chinese man have urges to father a child mongrel to the enemy. It is unlikely that such action was committed by Sinoese troops as the slightest act of fraternization with the enemy (even civilians) is punishable with at least 20 strokes of the cane! If found guilty of rape, the punishment is death by firing squad in public.
Sinoese troops are not amused by these hogwash claims. There is only one anti-rioting procedure known the Sinoese Occupation, open fire. First above their heads, if they do not retreat, engage the targets until all hostile action subsides.
If the Sinoese Occupation is indeed a patron of rape and atrocities, the Rape of Nanking, by Japanese troops in WWII would have long been avenged.
OOC: HAHAHAHAH! Nice eye, I didn't notice that homine but you are right.
"And here is our very own asian reporter Trisha Takanawa who filed this report all by herself!
OOC: Another piece of unrealistic blunder, by TJP. I'm really not amused by this at all.