Money to be given away for religious crackdowns
The king of Kahta has placed about $15 Trillion worth of grants to the international community to assist in cracking down on fundamentalist chrisitans and the catholic church.
$5,000 per Born-Again Christian arrested
$10,000 per Clergy Member
Additional incentives: $15,000 per christian lobbyist
More to come...
No one has signed up?
This is a great way to make a little money for your nation while protecting its people.
16-10-2004, 03:01
The people of Nianacio are mostly fundamentalist Christians, and will probably not appreciate this effort. Whether or not they will, Nianacio condemns this action.
An additional bounty has been placed at $1,000 per child aborted in any country. This will prevent poverty.
Camel Eaters
16-10-2004, 03:09
Kahta this is shameful. Were it not the teachings of Christianity that gave the Scottish freedom fighters the courage to stand up to the English!!!! These are cowardly and shameful tactics that only war-mongering English bastards would have implemented. At least I thought only they would use this sort of trickery until now...
This is to prevent other countries from falling the way that things went down in DA.
King MacDonald
Hate mail from your favourite Totalitarian Regime led by a Fascist, Lord Protector Gregory Macbeth.
The Macabees
16-10-2004, 20:40
Hate mail from your favourite Totalitarian Regime led by a Fascist, Lord Protector Gregory Macbeth.
Of course! The Jews have everything to do with this! How 'bout you shut your mouth before I annex you.
16-10-2004, 20:49
"Kahta, you have a long and very worrysome histroy when it comes to the persecution of Christians, although your atempts to do it are outwardly stated as being towards fundamentalists it is a blatent attempt at destroying a legitimate organisation which is in no way threatening to nationla security. We are gravely concerned with human rights abuses in your nation and attempts to influence the policy of others. We request that you remove this offer and attempt to show leniency towards Christians."
Ministry for Foreign Affairs
16-10-2004, 20:56
The king of Kahta has placed about $15 Trillion worth of grants to the international community to assist in cracking down on fundamentalist chrisitans and the catholic church.
$5,000 per Born-Again Christian arrested
$10,000 per Clergy Member
How much are you willing to pay to have the Catholic Church purged from a nation of 3.833 billion?
The Scandinvans
16-10-2004, 20:59
I cannot tolerate this if any Christian needs sanctuary they may come me.
16-10-2004, 21:16
Kahta, why are you doing this? Are you trying to get countries against you?
You know nobody likes what you are doing already. So why dont you just stop your little acts of hatred against christians it is a terrible way to think, and you will save alot of anger put against you.
*blink* *blink*
The Nation of Muru offers scantuary to any who wish to flee this apprantly insane regieme.
The Parthians
16-10-2004, 21:19
The king of Kahta has placed about $15 Trillion worth of grants to the international community to assist in cracking down on fundamentalist chrisitans and the catholic church.
$5,000 per Born-Again Christian arrested
$10,000 per Clergy Member
The Zoroastrian nation of Parthia finds with the upsurge in Christian fundamentalist missionaries that such aid in crushing them would be excellent.
Teams across Waylend "found" many KKK members torturing innocents. There was a total of 381 people involved and will be put to death, on other news The Presidente of Waylend condones these actions!
Quinntonian Dra-pol
16-10-2004, 21:45
What an idiot!
What an idiot!
OOC: Learn to RP
The Zoroastrian nation of Parthia finds with the upsurge in Christian fundamentalist missionaries that such aid in crushing them would be excellent.
As soon as you give me exact numbers I will send you money. If you give me an estimate I will send you 20% to assist in funding the police force.
King MacDonald
Kahta, why are you doing this? Are you trying to get countries against you?
You know nobody likes what you are doing already. So why dont you just stop your little acts of hatred against christians it is a terrible way to think, and you will save alot of anger put against you.
I am doing this because it will improve the world and make it a better place. The less fundamentalist christians there are, the less problems.
King MacDonald
"Kahta, you have a long and very worrysome histroy when it comes to the persecution of Christians, although your atempts to do it are outwardly stated as being towards fundamentalists it is a blatent attempt at destroying a legitimate organisation which is in no way threatening to nationla security. We are gravely concerned with human rights abuses in your nation and attempts to influence the policy of others. We request that you remove this offer and attempt to show leniency towards Christians."
Ministry for Foreign Affairs
A Fundamentalist Christian organization called the CMB, Christian Martyr Brigade, tried to kill me. I used to have a .357 bullet in my stomach. They have alse tried to rise up against me.
King MacDonald
How much are you willing to pay to have the Catholic Church purged from a nation of 3.833 billion?
$10 Trillion, paid over 10 years at 5% interest.
King MacDonald
The Parthians
16-10-2004, 22:40
As soon as you give me exact numbers I will send you money. If you give me an estimate I will send you 20% to assist in funding the police force.
King MacDonald
300,000 Baptists, 30,000 Non-Affiliated Fundamentalist Christians, 5000 Fundamentalist Catholics.
2000 Clergy
20 Christian politicians/lobbyists.
there's no fuckin way you could possibly afford to shell out that kinda bread.
The Emperial Goverment laughs at those who actually belive they will receive such sums of money for agreeing to repress the religions of their citzens.They cannot possibly be paid that amount.
16-10-2004, 23:54
$10 Trillion, paid over 10 years at 5% interest.
King MacDonald
Consider it done; we await our first cheque.
there's no fuckin way you could possibly afford to shell out that kinda bread.
The Emperial Goverment laughs at those who actually belive they will receive such sums of money for agreeing to repress the religions of their citzens.They cannot possibly be paid that amount.
Considering that they are a wealthy nation of 2.4 billion, it is quite plausible.
I doubt it all the same.
Its easily affordable. My GDP is 96 trillion.
there's no fuckin way you could possibly afford to shell out that kinda bread.
The Emperial Goverment laughs at those who actually belive they will receive such sums of money for agreeing to repress the religions of their citzens.They cannot possibly be paid that amount.
I can either get loans from banks, sell bonds, take it from massive cash reserves, or cut funding.
King MacDonald
300,000 Baptists, 30,000 Non-Affiliated Fundamentalist Christians, 5000 Fundamentalist Catholics.
2000 Clergy
20 Christian politicians/lobbyists.
$1,695,300,000 will be wired to you pending confirmation of arrests.
King MacDonald
I can either get loans from banks, sell bonds, take it from massive cash reserves, or cut funding.
King MacDonald
oh,you CAN do alot of things,but who wants to DO stuff?I mean its DOING!And STUFF!I mean really.........
but really,its not as easy as you'd think to get rid of like a tenth of your GPD.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
17-10-2004, 00:16
Ok, I'll RP.
Prime Minsiter Jesse son of Obed, leader and defender of the faith for the nations of Quinntonia and Quinntoian Dra-pol formally sends the following missive to the leadership of the offensive anf infantile government of Kahta....
You are an idiot.
Thank you.
17-10-2004, 00:45
oh,you CAN do alot of things,but who wants to DO stuff?I mean its DOING!And STUFF!I mean really.........
but really,its not as easy as you'd think to get rid of like a tenth of your GPD.
Not like he'd be spending it all at once; the costs can be readily spread over several years' budgets, and thus must more easily digested by his economy.
And I'm still waiting for my cheque.
Not like he'd be spending it all at once; the costs can be readily spread over several years' budgets, and thus must more easily digested by his economy.
And I'm still waiting for my cheque.
oh,I see.
oh,you CAN do alot of things,but who wants to DO stuff?I mean its DOING!And STUFF!I mean really.........
It. Can. Be. Spread. Out. Or. I. Can. Get. A. Loan.
And I'm still waiting for my cheque.
Post the numbers
17-10-2004, 01:11
I say, how very obliging!
We currently have 130,000 fundamentalist christians awaiting processing through our justice system.
17-10-2004, 01:18
Post the numbers
Numbers were not part of the deal; you said $10 trillion for the elimination of the Cathloc Church from my nation, spread over 10 years with 5% anual interest.
I am complying, and I want my first cheque, or electronic money transfer if you'd perfer.
17-10-2004, 01:30
Amington would like to help you in your crack donw in church members, is it dead or alive?
Holy Paradise
17-10-2004, 01:36
The king of Kahta has placed about $15 Trillion worth of grants to the international community to assist in cracking down on fundamentalist chrisitans and the catholic church.
$5,000 per Born-Again Christian arrested
$10,000 per Clergy Member
Requiring the Bible to be registered is one thing, but this is insane! What has the Catholic Church ever done to you? You should be tried in an international court, Kind MacDonald, for this insanity.
President Holtz
It. Can. Be. Spread. Out. Or. I. Can. Get. A. Loan.
17-10-2004, 01:40
We have began a campaign against christians. So far we have arrested 150,000 Christians due to uprisings, eliminated the Catholic church and taken away religious property.
How much would that come to?
We await your reply,
The Kyleralian Royal Parliament
The Parthians
17-10-2004, 02:38
$1,695,300,000 will be wired to you pending confirmation of arrests.
King MacDonald
SAVAK agents are going around making arrests as we speak.
SAVAK agents are going around making arrests as we speak.
King MacDonald
Amington would like to help you in your crack donw in church members, is it dead or alive?
Either way is fine. Just have them stop spreading the word.
King MacDonald
We have began a campaign against christians. So far we have arrested 150,000 Christians due to uprisings, eliminated the Catholic church and taken away religious property.
How much would that come to?
We await your reply,
The Kyleralian Royal Parliament
We'll give you $400 Billion for everything.
King MacDonald
Holy Paradise
17-10-2004, 03:27
Kahta, if you commit anymore acts against Christians, I will declare war on you. SO will the CDA and the TBA. Actually I will alert them now.
Numbers were not part of the deal; you said $10 trillion for the elimination of the Cathloc Church from my nation, spread over 10 years with 5% anual interest.
I am complying, and I want my first cheque, or electronic money transfer if you'd perfer.
OOC: Sorry, I misread.
$1,272,786,182,869 Per year will be wired to you.
King MacDonald
Kahta, if you commit anymore acts against Christians, I will declare war on you. SO will the CDA and the TBA. Actually I will alert them now.
I'd like to see their mission statements. This is a violation of my soveirgnty. Any war will result in a needless loss of life, in which I will win. Ever heard of the Victoria Wall?
King MacDonald
I say, how very obliging!
We currently have 130,000 fundamentalist christians awaiting processing through our justice system.
$650,000,000 has been wired
King MacDonald
Holy Paradise
17-10-2004, 03:33
I'd like to see their mission statements. This is a violation of my soveirgnty. Any war will result in a needless loss of life, in which I will win. Ever heard of the Victoria Wall?
King MacDonald
Victoria Wall my ass. This isn't about soveringty anymore. I'm a Catholic in real life and it pisses me off to see you rewarding the elimination of the Catholic Church in other countries. You are also violating human rights.
Victoria Wall my ass. This isn't about soveringty anymore. I'm a Catholic in real life and it pisses me off to see you rewarding the elimination of the Catholic Church in other countries. You are also violating human rights.
Imagine 15 miles of the atlantic wall built during peacetime.
If you declare war on me you will be destroyed by my forces. You have no chance.
King MacDonald
17-10-2004, 03:41
Victoria Wall my ass. This isn't about soveringty anymore. I'm a Catholic in real life and it pisses me off to see you rewarding the elimination of the Catholic Church in other countries. You are also violating human rights.
The TV flashes as a song comes on:
A newscaster appears and says welcome to the KINC! This is a special new update:
The Leader of Klington came on the screen and begun to speak "Following the Country of Holy Paradise, Klington has been insulted. And the Oligric counsel has issued this ultimatum to Kahta, 'Although your name sounds like the great form practiced here, your actions have gone too far. And if you do not stop, you will face war. Stand down, or die.' And thats how it shall be. Any furthur action will result in war. Thank you for listening."
Holy Paradise
17-10-2004, 03:43
Imagine 15 miles of the atlantic wall built during peacetime.
If you declare war on me you will be destroyed by my forces. You have no chance.
King MacDonald
That's what you think. I have a great number of allies. Many of whom have about 1 billion populations!
17-10-2004, 03:43
Imagine 15 miles of the atlantic wall built during peacetime.
If you declare war on me you will be destroyed by my forces. You have no chance.
King MacDonald
We'll see if he does know.
Ill help you Holy Paradise.
17-10-2004, 04:16
OOC: Sorry, I misread.
$1,272,786,182,869 Per year will be wired to you.
King MacDonald
Ten years later(once it's too late for Kahta to do anything about it), it is publicly revealed that the Catholic Church's only 'presence' in Kanuckistan was in the form of several low-ranking, if over-enthusiastic forgine clergy who'd rented out a small office to serve as a make-shift church; with most already facing charges of harrasment from local buisnesses, their visa's were revoked and their persons deported - first class, at government expense - to their nation of choice.
And so the Dominion of Kanuckistan effectivly scammed a bigoted king out of $12.7 trillion.
17-10-2004, 04:23
Ten years later(once it's too late for Kahta to do anything about it), it is publicly revealed that the Catholic Church's only 'presence' in Kanuckistan was in the form of several low-ranking, if over-enthusiastic forgine clergy who'd rented out a small office to serve as a make-shift church; with most already facing charges of harrasment from local buisnesses, their visa's were revoked and their persons deported - first class, at government expense - to their nation of choice.
And so the Dominion of Kanuckistan effectivly scammed a bigoted king out of $12.7 trillion.
Good job,will join us in defeating this most unholy nation?
17-10-2004, 04:59
Good job,will join us in defeating this most unholy nation?
That information would be released in 10 IC years time; so I'd still apear to be on his side for now.
Ten years later(once it's too late for Kahta to do anything about it), it is publicly revealed that the Catholic Church's only 'presence' in Kanuckistan was in the form of several low-ranking, if over-enthusiastic forgine clergy who'd rented out a small office to serve as a make-shift church; with most already facing charges of harrasment from local buisnesses, their visa's were revoked and their persons deported - first class, at government expense - to their nation of choice.
And so the Dominion of Kanuckistan effectivly scammed a bigoted king out of $12.7 trillion.
I wold like to see the numbers of people in your country that were part of the Catholic church, I have heard reports that I was duped.
King MacDonald
17-10-2004, 15:42
A Fundamentalist Christian organization called the CMB, Christian Martyr Brigade, tried to kill me. I used to have a .357 bullet in my stomach. They have alse tried to rise up against me.
King MacDonald
"And we are to assume you did nothing to hurt them first? I think if you forgive and forget a lot of bloodshed can be spared."
17-10-2004, 16:05
That information would be released in 10 IC years time; so I'd still apear to be on his side for now.
OOC: Yeah my bad, lol
17-10-2004, 16:27
When will I recieve my money, Kahta?
17-10-2004, 16:42
When will I recieve my money, Kahta?
No, Kahta is an evil son of a gun, and is just capitalizing off of your efforts.
Even if he did pay it, which he will not, it would be in trace amounts ever few years and wouldnt help a bit.
(PR means propaganda)
17-10-2004, 17:07
We would like the Money in 1 FULL payment.
Thank You
It has been sent.
King MacDonald
The Parthians
18-10-2004, 01:36
The Christians are now all arrested and are being held in Camps, what should be done now?
Reeducate them in the ways of science.
King MacDonald
19-10-2004, 02:17
I wold like to see the numbers of people in your country that were part of the Catholic church, I have heard reports that I was duped.
King MacDonald
We will send you what we have. Unfortunatly, it is little; it would seem that hackers sympathetic to the Christian cause have managed to infiltrate and reformat computer systems within the Department of Tourism and Immigration, which was acting as the quasi-legitimat front for our operations.
*Included are copies of 140'000 travel visa and/or immigration applications, all denyed or revoked, all from Cathlocs, and most give fairly minor reasons to 'officially' justify the action.*
We estimate a further 50 million arrested, deported, or being processed; unfortunatly, efforts taken to keep the matter from the public eye and off the books have made data recovery a near impossible task.
We will send you what we have. Unfortunatly, it is little; it would seem that hackers sympathetic to the Christian cause have managed to infiltrate and reformat computer systems within the Department of Tourism and Immigration, which was acting as the quasi-legitimat front for our operations.
*Included are copies of 140'000 travel visa and/or immigration applications, all denyed or revoked, all from Cathlocs, and most give fairly minor reasons to 'officially' justify the action.*
We estimate a further 50 million arrested, deported, or being processed; unfortunatly, efforts taken to keep the matter from the public eye and off the books have made data recovery a near impossible task.
I want all the Catholics shipped to my nation for counting, then I will send them back. Also, I was under the impression they had a much larger foothold, so I am going to personally slash the payments to you until I have sufficient proof. Bring the case to court for all I care, my intelligence service again told me that there is little evidence of any rounding up.
King MacDonald
Stong Bah
19-10-2004, 22:29
Is that a problem?
1 Peter 2:21-25
Revelation 1:5
OOC: Kahta, you'll probably be safe. I thought about Nianacio's past history regarding war and added to my draft constitution some text on war that would prevent me from starting a war.
Quoting Christian Bible verses about peace (presumably, I don't know cause I've never read the New Testament, I'M JEWISH) doesn't help when the real Christians are warlike barbarians.
Emperor Arcbound Horsedog of Stong Bah and IDirect3DDevice9
19-10-2004, 23:29
For your ease of reading (Don't read these if Judaism prevents you from reading the New Testament.):
1 Peter 2:21-25 (KJV) (§ion=0&version=kjv&language=en)
Revelation 1:5 (KJV) (§ion=0&version=kjv&new=1&oq=&NavBook=1pe&NavGo=2&NavCurrentChapter=2)
As for Christians being warlike barbarians..Nianacio has shown (relatively) strong restraint in this situation, yet we are warlike barbarians?
For your ease of reading (Don't read these if Judaism prevents you from reading the New Testament.):
1 Peter 2:21-25 (KJV) (§ion=0&version=kjv&language=en)
Revelation 1:5 (KJV) (§ion=0&version=kjv&new=1&oq=&NavBook=1pe&NavGo=2&NavCurrentChapter=2)
As for Christians being warlike barbarians..Nianacio has shown (relatively) strong restraint in this situation, yet we are warlike barbarians?
I dont really understand what they are saying :confused: :(
20-10-2004, 02:15
I dont really understand what they are saying :confused: :("Christ also suffered for us" and "washed us from our sins in his own blood", and "by whose stripes ye were healed".
OOC: Argh, I try to keep my signature out of IC threads, but keep forgetting to remove it...
btw,congrats on post 4,000
20-10-2004, 23:26
I want all the Catholics shipped to my nation for counting, then I will send them back. Also, I was under the impression they had a much larger foothold, so I am going to personally slash the payments to you until I have sufficient proof. Bring the case to court for all I care, my intelligence service again told me that there is little evidence of any rounding up.
King MacDonald
Yes; even discounting prolific counter-intel activities, having invasive telepathic scans as a prerequisite to entering the country would make it rather difficult for your inteligence agencies to gather any first-hand information.
We are also keeping activities low-key to minimise public backlash, hiding deportations in pre-existing traffic and the ilk, so there would be little for your agencies to see. You may not care about backlash, but we do; we have to live here, afterall.
As for your demands that we ship Catholics to your nation, that was not part of the deal. It would undermine efforts at keeping our activities low-key, and will not happen. There was also no provision for slashing payment in the deal.
You will continue to make payment in acordance with our deal, or you will reap the consiquences. We will not waste time chasing our tails in some impotent international court; to break one's word is a grevious transgression in our values, and decisive action the usual result.
King MacDonald; you do not want to double cross us. It would be... unhealthy.
21-10-2004, 00:47
What a great deal! 110,000 abortions this year. Cha-ching!
Yes; even discounting prolific counter-intel activities, having invasive telepathic scans as a prerequisite to entering the country would make it rather difficult for your inteligence agencies to gather any first-hand information.
We are also keeping activities low-key to minimise public backlash, hiding deportations in pre-existing traffic and the ilk, so there would be little for your agencies to see. You may not care about backlash, but we do; we have to live here, afterall.
As for your demands that we ship Catholics to your nation, that was not part of the deal. It would undermine efforts at keeping our activities low-key, and will not happen. There was also no provision for slashing payment in the deal.
You will continue to make payment in acordance with our deal, or you will reap the consiquences. We will not waste time chasing our tails in some impotent international court; to break one's word is a grevious transgression in our values, and decisive action the usual result.
King MacDonald; you do not want to double cross us. It would be... unhealthy.
Very well. Money payment will stop. You are a filthy liar.
King MacDonald
21-10-2004, 04:07
Very well. Money payment will stop. You are a filthy liar.
King MacDonald
While no offical response is made at first, there is no denying the unoffical one, as hundreds of thousands of hackers, best of the best - members of an electronic vigilanti guild of sorts - set to work against Kahta's computer networks and bank acounts both domestic and abroad; databases currupted, records changed, accounts drained, electronic money transfers hijacked(especially those related to the nation's religous prosicutions).. in hours alone, the government and buisnesses of Kahta would loose billions.
As time went on, the economic damage would be telling, possibly even crippling; and it was only the start.
Twelve hours afterwards, a breif notice arives from Kanuckistan; it reads, simply, "We have been faithful to our murual agreement, you have not; your double-crossing us will not be taken lightly. We sugest you reconsider your decision while you can."