NationStates Jolt Archive

OOC> Interest in late 19th century-early 20th century RP thread?

15-10-2004, 23:00
I am really interested in making an RP thread that would take place in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. However, before I'd start a big one, I'd definitely want to guage interest in such a thread. Primary facets would include the imperial race, industrialization and international diplomacy, with a possible world war in the offing.

RP- The Konigstat Conference

15-10-2004, 23:08
I'd certainly be interested; I presume this would be RL based? If so I could use my puppet British Dominion for the task (since this nation is strictly modern tech).
15-10-2004, 23:12
Abargrapt, as you may have realised, is a mid-Pacific state with modest technologies. It is not as such tied to any one time frame, but the height of technology is... the telegraph, perhaps, although it is not widespread.

So I'd be at least interested, though I don't want to be too hasty to commit to anything.
15-10-2004, 23:22

The answer is 'mostly', because there's a few things that are bound to end up a bit different. And you could certainly use a puppet British Dominion.


That would make you a good candidate for a country. By the time this scenario would have began (1870 or so) your country would probably be modestly backwards, but not extremely so.
15-10-2004, 23:26
So like a World War 1 kinda thing, or not that advanced? Either way, I'm interested.
15-10-2004, 23:32
It wouldn't be quite as advanced as WWI to start. It'd start about forty years before the World War started, to set up a lot of things that are essential. (ie, imperialism, alliances) So telegraphs are in, telephones would be just discovered, but not really used. The automobile hasn't been invented quite yet, etc.

But a lot of the revolutionary changes before WWI are still there. Railroads, industrial nations, etc.
16-10-2004, 00:05
Sound interesting. My telegraph operators are tapping their Marconi's with delight.

How would this work though... I mean, what would be the plot, if any?
16-10-2004, 01:10
I would be interested in joining this RP.
British Hannover
16-10-2004, 04:13
Basically, it wouldn't be plot-oriented as much as it would be based on character interactions. But there are things that are happening. Such as industrialization, formation of foreign empires, etc. Of course, international diplomacy would be important.

I'm working on the setup a bit. Basically, there'd be player countries in Europe, North America and South America, with a few in Asia. Much of the world would be open for colonization, ie, all of Africa, other morsels in the Pacific, etc.

I'm just trying to see if there's sufficient interest. Suggestions are perfectly welcome.
16-10-2004, 04:19
Erm, I must admit, I don't find real world RPing very fun. I like being my own country more fun, not some real place.
British Hannover
16-10-2004, 04:32
Actually, you will be able to be your own country. Yeah, I just realized that myself. I'm setting up a really brief application form thingy so I can keep track of things. But yeah, you don't have to be a historical nation.
16-10-2004, 05:12
Application for 1880 RP:
Name of Country: Nordrreich
Head of State: Kaiser Frederick Wilhelm III
Head of Government: Chancellor Karl von Hotha
Form of Government: Constitutional Monarchy, Quasi-Democratic

Population of Country: 48.6 million
NOTE: No countries over 50 million, and only Great Powers can have populations over 35 million.
Official Language:
Ethnicity of Country: (who lives there?)
Religion of Country: (who do they pray to, if anyone?)

Culture of Country: (brief description)
Stability of Country: (brief description, strengths/weaknesses)
Economy of Country: (brief description, strengths/weaknesses)
Land Military of Country: (brief description, strengths/weaknesses)
Navy of Country: (brief description, strengths/weaknesses)
Other Information: (if you're a Great Power, describe your colony)

Some Basic Rules:
Great Powers: There can only be eleven. But that's not entirely the case, because I'm using two, and people in my region have first crack. But there should be at least a few left. I MIGHT increase the number later by crowning Independent Nations. Great Powers can be bigger than Independent Nations and have the benefit of a small to medium-sized colony to start with.

Regional Breakdown of Great Powers:
Europe: 5
Americas: 2
Asia: 3
Africa/Oceania: 1

Independent Nations: Everybody else. There's no limit to the number of Independent Nations. They can be everywhere and anywhere. Just remember. A.) Independent Nations cannot have more than 35 million people.
B.) Independent Nations DO NOT get the starting colony like the Great Powers.

However, that's not saying that Independent Nations cannot obtain colonies through guile, enterprising or deceit or that they cannot become Great Powers. They just have to be smart about it. Great Power-hood can be obtained by obtaining colonies, becoming really wealthy and populous or defeating a Great Power in battle.

Time Frame: (tentative)
1 IRL Day equals 1 RP Year
16-10-2004, 05:30
I'd fill this out, but before I do:

My nation apparently has around 500 Million as it's population as dictated by NS. May I tone this down?
16-10-2004, 05:37
Bluntly, you have to. No country, even the mightest Great Power, can have a population over 50 million. My Great Power nations, Nordrreich (46.6) and British Hannover (38.2) are not excepted. However, population growth will fairly rapidly change that, of course. Countries that AREN'T Great Powers can only have a maximum of 35 million.
16-10-2004, 17:56

Any ideas, suggestions would be welcome. Note, if you want to base your country on a real one, go right ahead. I'm just not feeling like restricting myself or anyone else, really.
16-10-2004, 18:19
Tellacar will join. I'll just hide the extra 90 million people or so. ;)
The Lightning Star
16-10-2004, 18:40
Join, I shall!

Application for 1880 RP:
Name of Country: The Holy Islamic Empire of The Lightning Star
Head of State: Emir Akbar
Head of Government: Emir Akbar
Form of Government: Islamic Empire/Dictatorship

Population of Country: 37 million
Official Language: Urdu
Ethnicity of Country: 78% Punjabi, 15% Pushtun, 6% Sindhi, 1% Balochi
Religion of Country: Sunni Islam

Culture of Country: Punjabi Culture. Similar to that of arabs, but also that of Indians, Persians, and Pushtuns.
Stability of Country: Very Stable. Small rebellion by 27% of the Balochis in the virtually un-important Balochistania Province.
Economy of Country: Capitalist. 17% Unemployment rate, 21% poverty rate.
Land Military of Country: Made up of 120,000 Riflemen, 40,000 Logistics people, 5,000 cavalry, 14,000 Camelry(Camel riding cavalry), 1,000 war elephants, 100 Gattling guns, 500 Howitzers and other cannon.
Navy of Country: 300 ships. Strengths: Fast and agile ships. Weakness: Not very powerful or large ships. Navy is small due to the fact that there is only 170 miles of coastline.
Other Information: The country itseld is Located in Asia(in the India-Pakistan Area). Colony: Ikbaria; A 300 Sq. Km. area on the south-east coast of Africa. Theres a port city of 120,000, Faislabad, and it is a hub of trade for the entire coast. Home to many merchants. The city is Guarded by 30,000 Land forces and 70 boats. There is also another city, Malawian, which is home to the most feared pirating fleet in the Ocean, the Piratas de Malawian. THe fleet is made up of 140 ships, ranging from small scouting boats to powerful Men o' War. The pirates and the Emir have signed a pact saying that neither of their cities or outposts are to be attacked and if either is attacked by a foreign power the other will come to the aid of the one under attack.
The Lightning Star
16-10-2004, 18:41
Of course, my REAL country is about 15x larger, stronger, and more populous than that, but i decided to do something small. I hope you dont mind that im applying for a Great Power, but I AM one of the more senior people on this thread :/

I am also working on making a map to show where my country and my colony is.
16-10-2004, 18:52
If it's alright by everybody, I shall use British Dominion to play as the United Kingdom.
The Lightning Star
16-10-2004, 18:57
If it's alright by everybody, I shall use British Dominion to play as the United Kingdom.

Ummm, you dun HAVE to play as a real nation :/
16-10-2004, 19:04
Yeah, but playing as the greatest nation around at the time is g00d :D
The Lightning Star
16-10-2004, 19:07
BTW- Should i make some maps for when we start? Y'know, so people know where everyone is?
The Lightning Star
16-10-2004, 19:09
Yeah, but playing as the greatest nation around at the time is g00d :D

The best nation at the time? You mean America? =D!

I'm just jokin! Even though america would whoop the U.K. AGAIN, we were too busy taking over small latin-american countries and killing indians to care about invading africa or asia.
16-10-2004, 19:15
Okay ... the board was being weird. I didn't get to post a post I was writing.

Great Power Applications
Europe- 1 out of 5 (Nordrreich)
Asia- 1 out of 3 (Lighting Star)
Americas- 0 out of 2
Africa/Oceania- 0 out of 1

Application for 1880 RP:
Name of Country: Nordrreich
Head of State: Kaiser Frederick Wilhelm I
Head of Government: Chancellor Karl von Bulow
Form of Government: Constitutional Monarchy, pseudo-democratic

Capital of Country: Konigstadt
Population of Country: 46.6 million
Official Language: German
Ethnicity of Country: 89% German, 8% Polish, 3% Other
Religion of Country: Protestant 62%, Catholic 36%, Jewish 2%

Culture of Country: German culture. Romantic art/music/literature still the most popular, but a significant modernist movement beginning to pop up.
Stability of Country: Mediocre. No real threat of armed revolution right now, but increasing socialist and labour agitation a problem. Catholic and Polish minorities causing some trouble, mostly non-violently. Generally, Nordrreich hasn't quite found its national identity yet, as it's only been one country for nine years.
Economy of Country: Nordrreich is one of the most powerful, dynamic economies in the world. Its rapidly expanding industrial infrastructure is a powerful example to the world. Only twenty years ago relatively backwards, the Nordrreich economy is growing at a stunning rate. However, cyclical boom-bust cycles hurt the workers, and Nordrreich's great wealth is only slowly trickling down to the masses.
Land Military of Country: Approximately 600,000 in peacetime at the current time. 50,000 of these are elite Reichswehr units. Conscription is in place, and all Nordrreichers are required to serve for three years in the army, and be on the army reserves until they are forty-five. The Nordrreich army is equipped with hundreds of top-of-the-line artillery pieces, and over two thousand cutting-edge machine guns.
Navy of Country: 48 ships, mostly somewhat old and outdated. The Nordrreich Navy has traditionally been neglected compared to the land army and economy.
Other Information: Is more or less, Imperial Germany. Same borders and everything.
16-10-2004, 19:27
Maps? Yeah, maps are good. I'm sort of making a rough map right now. And these are my second and third (and final) nation applications.

Application for 1880 RP: (INDEPENDENT NATION)
Name of Country: The Kingdom of British Hannover
Head of State: The King of the United Kingdom (whoever that ends up being)
Head of Government: The Honorable Johann Ritter
Form of Government: Constitutional Monarchy, Parliamentary Democracy
Region: The Americas (is Canada!)

Population of Country: 29 million
Capital: New Hanover
Official Language: English, German
Ethnicity of Country: 34% British, 28% German, 22% Irish, 16% Other
Religion of Country: 56% Protestant, 43% Catholic, 1% Other

Culture of Country: Dual Anglo-German culture. Varies by location but is a mixture of European and frontier traditions.
Stability of Country: Excellent. There is minor labour and socialist-based agitation, but most people are quite happy with their leadership.
Economy of Country: Booming. The peopling of the West, combined with industrialization efforts, has made British Hannover an extremely prosperous nation. On average, British Hannoverans enjoy a better standard of living than their European counterparts. The largest sectors are still resource-based, with agriculture, forestry and mining all being healthy.
Land Military of Country: British Hannover has a very small army, of about 50,000. About half of this army is dispersed in various garrisons across the country. Five hundred machine guns and two hundred various artillery pieces make this army quitewell-equipped for its size.
Navy of Country: 56 ships. Pacific Fleet: 12 ships, mostly small, swift vessels. Atlantic Fleet: 40 vessels, mostly small, but two battleships are the national flagships. Arctic Fleet: 4 very small vessels based in Labrador.
Other Information: British Hannover was founded by British and German settlers in the early 18th century. Massive emigration from Germany in the mid 19th century have created the current demographic trends.
16-10-2004, 19:32
definatly hmm i might
16-10-2004, 19:37
Application for 1880 RP: (INDEPENDENT NATION)
Name of Country: The Queendom of Osterlich
Head of State: Queen Maria Theresa II
Head of Government: Chancellor Clemens von Kluck
Form of Government: Constitutional Monarchy, Parliamentary Democracy
Region: Europe. It's Austria, basically, although slightly larger than IRL modern Austria.

Population of Country: 6.6 million
Capital: Vienna
Official Language: German
Ethnicity of Country: 81% German, 12% Slovene, 6% Italian, 1% Other
Religion of Country: 91% Catholic, 6% Protestant, 3% Jewish

Culture of Country: Extremely elegant German culture. Vienna is a major global cultural centre. Osterlich is a world leader in art, architecture, music, fashion and virtually every other field of culture.
Stability of Country: Excellent. The compassionate government has mitigated virtually any working-class unrest. There have been minority problems in the past, but these are relatively minor.
Economy of Country: Osterlich is moderately prosperous, although it is not an industrial power by any means. It is mostly based on agriculture and trade, as well as small industries and a blossoming reputation as a tourist location. The primary industries are in various luxury goods.
Land Military of Country: Osterlich has a tiny, poorly equipped army made up of very patriotic citizens. Their morale is excellent, but the 30,000 troops aren't likely to be able to exert much power.
Navy of Country: 12 vessels, mostly old ironclads. Morale is still good, but there's an increasing feeling of unease about their outdated navy.
Other Information: Osterlich is a very pleasant country to live, but it is increasingly under the shadow of its much stronger neighbour, Nordrreich.

Note: Country applications are basically first come, first serve right now.
The Lightning Star
16-10-2004, 19:41
I am trying to add my map to my application. Wont le tme upload so im gona try to put it on me website.
16-10-2004, 19:53
Adding the details as we go along. :)

Name of Country: The People's Republic of Tellacar

Head of State: Speaker Nadia Zhukova

The role of Prime Minister is mostly diplomatic and representative position.

Head of Government: The People’s Congress
The laws are made by the People’s Congress, a 400-person assembly that changes hands every four years alternatively.

Form of Government: Democratic Socialism

Population of Country: 10 million

Official Language: None, though the most popular language used is German. However common second languages include English, Russian, Turkish, Persian, and Arabic

Ethnicity of Country: A strange combination of Indo-European, Arabic, Persian, and Slavic.

Religion of Country: None. While spirituality and religion is a strong part of Tellacar’s foundation, the foundation is based on cooperative nature between the religions of god.

Culture of Country: Inspired by the ideals of Karl Marx, the Gospel of Luke, and the oldest teachings of the Koran and Muhammad’s, Tellacar’s main focus is to serve the will of the people in times of peace. The country however forces many moral values to be taught at school, limiting freedoms for the greater good. Despite the majority of folks are down right friendly to moderate, many radicals in religion do lurk under the surface of society. While the country is quick to get rid of them when they pop up, police forces are not able to rout them out.

Stability of Country: The country is stable, though it is relatively new and mostly a immigrant nation. The stability of the government is achieved by laws enforcing duties to be shared among people, giving all a chance at power. However, Tellacar has never been through a war before and it is uncertain how they would respond to such matters.

Economy of Country: Very fragile. While there is some private sectors, the essential needs (food, health care, and education) are owned by the government. Because of strict rules on corporations that do come to Tellacar, they don’t stay for very long. Tellacar export wine (mostly by Muslim farmers who don’t use their products) and seafood as well as medications. They import basic items like wheat and medicine.
Land Military of Country: Very poor. There is ten Calvary and howitzer regiments, their isn’t a standing army. However, most Tellacarians have served under the police forces and trained to use weapons. They’re loyal to their country and will create militias in a moments notice.

Navy of Country: Better than the army. Tellacar’s navy is relatively strong for a nation that doesn’t focus on military expenditures. With 500 ships, they’re mostly used for fishing despite being quick and well equipped for sea battle.

Other Information: While Tellacar’s military is less to be desired, there is a military. Tellacar is focused on peace but has made an emergency plan in case if they are attacked. Those who join the Tellacar military can no longer serve under political office. However the military offers the most stable life for Tellacarians.

Tellacar is very close to Greece and Turkey, though it is European.
The Lightning Star
16-10-2004, 19:55
How long are we gonna wait till we start the actual thread?
British Hannover
16-10-2004, 20:02
Not that long now. Just wanted to get a few applications going. Today or tomorrow.

And it won't let me upload my map either. British Hannover is Canada, so that's pretty easy to imagine. Nordrreich is pre-WWI Imperial Germany. Osterlich is Austria, but with Slovenia and a small part of Northern Italy added.
The Lightning Star
16-10-2004, 20:08
Not that long now. Just wanted to get a few applications going. Today or tomorrow.

And it won't let me upload my map either. British Hannover is Canada, so that's pretty easy to imagine. Nordrreich is pre-WWI Imperial Germany. Osterlich is Austria, but with Slovenia and a small part of Northern Italy added.

Yeah. Mine is Pakistan and Afghanistan together. I have most of Pakistans modern day cities(except for Islamabad, that wasnt made till 1950's) and a small chunk has been taken away and given to Persia(formerly Iran). I also made Uzbekistan and Tajikstan into part of russia, just liek RL.
16-10-2004, 20:15
I'm going to start an applications thread right now, and then I'm going to start the first RP thread. This one is going to be the lounge, I guess.
The Lightning Star
16-10-2004, 20:19
I'm going to start an applications thread right now, and then I'm going to start the first RP thread. This one is going to be the lounge, I guess.

16-10-2004, 22:18
Lightning Star:

There's an RP thread active right now. Could you post your application on the application thread?
16-10-2004, 23:40
The Lightning Star
17-10-2004, 00:18
Lightning Star:

There's an RP thread active right now. Could you post your application on the application thread?

Where is it?!?!?! O_o