Alliance Talks With Exetonia And TIN (CLosed RP)
OOC: Lets get this started
The Republic of Endenia is pleased to begin talks on a possible joint strategic and economic full alliance with both the Exetonian Government and The Imperial Navy, please throw out your alliance points that you want included inside the Alliance and we will see what we can hammer out.
The Imperial Navy
15-10-2004, 10:13
First we must agree on a neutral meeting point. about the International Space Station? We all occupy it.....
The Imperial Navy
15-10-2004, 10:26
I was thinking perhaps Freeport 3... our independent trade station. We would gladly give your diplomats safe transport to the station...
Exetonia Minor
15-10-2004, 11:05
Exetonia would gladly allow the talks to happen on Freeport 3 since it is neutral, it seems the best place to hold these talks.
The Imperial Navy
15-10-2004, 11:09
If Endenia agrees, The Imperial Main patrol group will escort you in transports to freeport 3, In orbit of Mars. So as well as making peace, you will be the first of your people to visit Mars.
Exetonia Minor
15-10-2004, 11:18
(ooc: Im already sending a group there to explore... consider them our group.. they will do teh talks then explore)
Thats great news. We already ahve a solar shuttle en-route. It is expected to take several months to reacg Mars though. Can you get them there faster?
The Imperial Navy
15-10-2004, 11:24
(ooc: Im already sending a group there to explore... consider them our group.. they will do teh talks then explore)
Thats great news. We already ahve a solar shuttle en-route. It is expected to take several months to reacg Mars though. Can you get them there faster?
ha ha ha... we can have you there in a mere 10 minutes!
Or faster if we used our hyperdrive-But it's not recomended in-system.
We are sure we can store your craft in our docking bay, so after the talks, you can disembark and travel around Mars. That would seriously benefit your exploration...
Exetonia Minor
15-10-2004, 11:50
We are looking to establish a colony on Mars if that is not to much trouble to you. Also, ESA are looking at housing a stabase near Jupiter and colonising her moons to expand the empire and create an out of Solar System launching facility. We also have plans to move from Jupiters moons to Pluto and beyond. Any assiatance yoy can give us will be greatly recieved.
The Imperial Navy
15-10-2004, 11:53
We are looking to establish a colony on Mars if that is not to much trouble to you. Also, ESA are looking at housing a stabase near Jupiter and colonising her moons to expand the empire and create an out of Solar System launching facility. We also have plans to move from Jupiters moons to Pluto and beyond. Any assiatance yoy can give us will be greatly recieved.
OOC: Well if you want to set up a colony on mars you might want to have a word with the Mars region... if you are planning to land on a Mars that is on another "Temperal plane", then go ahead and make a colony.
Jupiter will be fine. I'm sure the Trumvate of Yut will tolerate your presence.
IC: We will help you in any way we can, technically and physically. We have a shipyard orbiting Jupiter, so feel free to use us for supplies and tech.
Exetonia Minor
15-10-2004, 11:58
ooc:of course its going to be on a different temporal plane :P im no where near as advanced as them. Same with Jupiters moons and Pluto. beyond though, I can colonise whereever i want too :D
IC:Thats great news. Until our own base is established about 25 years from now, we would need a staging point other than eath to go beyond this solar system. Pease, could you tell us of any hostiles that we may encounter whilst we are beyond our own galaxy?
The Imperial Navy
15-10-2004, 12:00
The sol system is safe and clear for cargo traffic. But we escort allies anyway.
OOC: Sorry i was gone, went to watch Samurai X
We agree, we will all go to Freeport 3 to begin the talks.
Exetonia Minor
15-10-2004, 12:27
Thats an excellent idea. Now we just have to wait to be picked up by TIN and the talks can begin in earnest.
Good, anyway I'm planning on establishing a Moon and Mars Colony...thats all for now...
The Imperial Navy
15-10-2004, 12:40
Exetonia dock your ships with the Carrier Halo. co-ordinates have been set for you. your ships should fit nicely in the cargo hold.
Endenia, A shuttle is on it's way to pick up your diplomats. all will be transported in luxury onboard the Halo.
Excellent. We will be waiting in the ISS.
OOC: How long will the ride be? Lets get this talks over and done, i don't like it to be draggy if you all don't mind.
The Imperial Navy
15-10-2004, 13:06
Excellent. We will be waiting in the ISS.
OOC: How long will the ride be? Lets get this talks over and done, i don't like it to be draggy if you all don't mind.
We will be instantaniously transported to Freeport 3, where the agreement will be instantly signed. let us now assume that we are all full alies.
Exetonia can now explore mars, and we'll take your diplomats home.
If you want to add anything to our agreement, do it now...
Right....So this alliance is both a Strategic and Economic Alliance right? I have no problem against it. Exetonia and I are beginning to reach for the stars in a potentially hostile universe, can your nation offer us moderate protection until we are ready to stand on our feet in Space?
The Imperial Navy
15-10-2004, 13:28
Right....So this alliance is both a Strategic and Economic Alliance right? I have no problem against it. Exetonia and I are beginning to reach for the stars in a potentially hostile universe, can your nation offer us moderate protection until we are ready to stand on our feet in Space?
We will go all out to protect our allies, until they can get on their feet (or their space boots :) )
Very good, i see nothing wrong with this alliance. As soon as we approve of this, our trade ministry will begin contacting your trade ministry for potential economic trade that we can both mutually benefit from.
By the power vested in me from the Republic,
I ratify this Alliance for Endenia.
The Imperial Navy
15-10-2004, 13:33
TIN's signiture is already on the documents.
Exetonia Minor
15-10-2004, 13:34
Excellent. The first colony ship will be leaving for mars in 1 NS year. For now, we can begin exploring the surface. Most of my vessels including colony ships no wcome with armaments. I am going to build a space defence cruiser soon aswell. We like to do things as a team but, on our own as well you see. Do you know anything of these mysterious sith. Should we ally with them?
The Imperial Navy
15-10-2004, 13:37
Do you know anything of these mysterious sith. Should we ally with them?
OOC: wha...?
IC: We can be at your side in seconds if you are ever attacked. Don't worry. work on your own, at your own pace, and we will be watching, and protecting.
Very good, exploration of the Moon and Mars are set to begin soon.