NationStates Jolt Archive

The Empire Strikes Back! - Page 2

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22-10-2004, 06:44
Alpha was fireing onto the incomeing Storm troopers takeing 4 of them out, then he rolled a Shock Grenade towards them.
"where the hell is that boy" Kayla shouted at alpha as she deflected a few blasts with her saber.
"hell if i know, we cant stay much longer" he said throwing a plasma Grenade towards a group of Storm troopers and a Sith Guard, covering them all in hot plasma. Kayla was still defelecting blasts with her saber when a thermal greande went off near by blowing apart part of the wall near her, when Alpha looked round he saw her laying on the floor. He quickly ran over to her and saw a deep wound in her lower right torso she was also knocked out by the blast.
"ahhh shit, wheres a Jedi when you need one" Alpha said to himself "i hope hes worth it Kayla", he put his left hand hard on the wond putting as much pressure on it as he could while fireing at incomeing Storm Troopers.
22-10-2004, 09:44
OOC: -Noir-! You're godmodding there! Be careful!

OOC2: Escape from the Death Star music (
22-10-2004, 11:09
OOC: -Noir-! You're godmodding there! Be careful!

OOC2: Escape from the Death Star music (

OOC: eh...sleepy...will change it a little...
22-10-2004, 20:09
OOC: Feaz. I insist that you save that attack for another day. The plot didn't call for an attack on the Death Star at this time. US and I had this planned, and that wasn't in the equation. The RP is almost ending, anyway. After Daniel escapes, I'll end it with some additional stuff.
22-10-2004, 21:12
"Sir! Recieving fire from enemy vessels!"

"What?! Damn it. Finish it."

With that, the ISD turned on its foe, and jumped to warp, heading right into it...

Meawhile, hundreds of escape pods floated about from the battle.


When the enemy soldier said the word 'detecting', he found a blue bolt of plasma heading straight toward his head. The small squad immediatly opened fire after rhat shot, leaping about the walls, presenting the enemy troops with difficult targets. Several men were blown away by the enemy's dart weapons, but more arrived from other parts to take their places, running along the walls, slashing their enemies with energy bayonets.
22-10-2004, 21:41
"Sir! Recieving fire from enemy vessels!"

"What?! Damn it. Finish it."

With that, the ISD turned on its foe, and jumped to warp, heading right into it...

Meawhile, hundreds of escape pods floated about from the battle.

"Sir! Enemy's initiating lightspeed-ramming!"

"What? Hit the hyperdrives, now!"

The helmsman pulled the lever, stars streaked out for a second, and the Star Destroyer lept light-years just before the enemy would hit.

"Ok, turn back. Time to pick up survivors. Start making repairs."

"Yes sir."

The Star Destroyer Sabercat turned around and headed back into the area, and began to pick up their own survivors.
22-10-2004, 22:11
OOC: Feaz. I insist that you save that attack for another day. The plot didn't call for an attack on the Death Star at this time. US and I had this planned, and that wasn't in the equation. The RP is almost ending, anyway. After Daniel escapes, I'll end it with some additional stuff.

It also ends with Weyr loosing its interstellar fleet (yes, that's my entire translation-capable fleet out there getting fragged). Meh. I'm all for a good battle, no matter what the result. Of course, the Ocean Fleet formed only a third of all the military vessels in Weyr.......silly corporations and anarchy....

Plasma shot and hypersonic needles erratically illuminated the narrow, dark passageway. NanoAugs on, they tracked their tragets with superhuman speed. In null gravity, there were only so many ways a body could move. There was little space in which to maneuver, anyway. The Weyreans dodged. Plasma ripped through power armor. The two soldiers in front drew their starblades, their comrades laying down fire, retreating. Three or four corpses could block a passageway, easily.
Unified Sith
22-10-2004, 22:58
As the enemy weapons once again fired they impacted upon the downed shields of the superstar destroyer Tyrant. From within the ship power cables severed and buckled the bridge now completely destroyed from a precision hit, it now meant that the vast warship was out of control. The secondary bridge was quick to react though not quick enough.

“Admiral the Tyrant is out of control, we are receiving reports from the battle bridge that they are losing control over their engines. And power systems.”

“Order the fleet to stand clear of the Tyrant. Have the tractor beams inverted and push the vessel towards the enemy fleet.”

“But sir, we will lose the Tyrant.”

“Yes we will but they will lose a lot more, now follow my orders”

“At once sir.”

As the blue filtered beams shot out form the emitters the Tyrant was sent on a collision course with the enemy formation.

“Captain. Have the order relayed through the fleet that the use of missiles and heavy torpedoes is now authorised, have them open fire if they refuse to surrender.”

“Yes Sir.”

(transmission sent after the SSD goes all crazy.)

“Open a channel. Weyr attack force. You have fought well and hard, worthy of recognition in the archives of the Jedi order. I ask you now, do not throw away your lives in vain. Surrender to the Empire and you will not be harmed, do not sacrifice the lives of the many thousands on board your ships. You have fought with honour let it end like that.”

“Transmission is away sir.”

“Very well stand by all missile banks and towers, if they refuse destroy them.”

“Yes Sir.”

Meanwhile upon the death star storm troopers were hindering the movement of the Sith knights. Bulkhead doors were now closing and the hanger bay doors only had three minutes until they too were sealed.

Upon the bridge Lord Vader appeared on the view screen. “Admiral Veers.”

Veers interrupting with a small apology. “MY Lord I am sorry but ahhhh ahh ahhh ahh” *Veers drops to the ground*

“You have failed me for the last time Admiral. CAPTAIN TARKIN I want those prisoners found, Am I understood….. Admiral……

“Yes Lord Vader.”

In the throne room Hawkins managed to escape the Sith knights by using guile and speed rather than strength, now running through the corridors he and his allies would now have a very limited amount of time before the vast hanger bays closed sealing them in.

22-10-2004, 23:04
OOC: Time to resurrect my favorite Grand Admiral and his ship!

Rear Admiral Gilad Pellaeon sighed as he stood aboard the bridge of the Chimaera, travelling through hyperspace to Force-knows where.

'This war against the Empire goes badly. Sometimes I don't know how we're going to survive this. But then the Rebel High Command does seem to know his stuff. But it was terrible when the Heir got captured...I can't imagine the unspeakable tortures he is currently undergoing. I hope he survives...'

He ended his musings as his fleet continued to travel through hyperspace.


"Ok, we're almost there." I said, seeing the hole I made in the ceiling to the room where Kayla and Alpha are. I could hear distant blaster fire, and hurried down the long walkway.
22-10-2004, 23:05
OOC: I do hope Coreworlds hurrys up or Kaylas going to bleed to death lol Alpha cant patch her up and shoot at incomeing Storm troopers (hes only got 2 hands).
Crazed Marines
22-10-2004, 23:13

OOC: Sorry. I just thought you had forgotten about my attack back 110 posts back. I didn't mean to PO you, I was just trying to advance my side a little. As you said, you were going to post to people based on their activity, well, this is the way to become more active in the thread when your opponent doesn't post. I'll deat the last post.
22-10-2004, 23:14
OOC: ah, well......cooo...

“Open a channel. Weyr attack force. You have fought well and hard, worthy of recognition in the archives of the Jedi order. I ask you now, do not throw away your lives in vain. Surrender to the Empire and you will not be harmed, do not sacrifice the lives of the many thousands on board your ships. You have fought with honour let it end like that.”

"What are the terms?" Storm asked after a moment, thought-transmission relayed back to the enemy.

"Ser, they're dropping weapons," the tactical officer sent from his console, not bothering to drop from the Net. Perhaps it was a feint.

"All craft, standby weapons," Storm thought-said, 'heard' his command relayed to every vessel in the fleet. Cannon shot their last rounds, continued tracking. Shields pulsed, slowly recharging. At least the interlude will give the Whooper cannon time to recharge. Seeing the gap in Imperial formation caused by the Tyrant, Storm began to flash thought-messages to other craft captains. There was still a chance.....even if....

For the parasite craft, disengaging was more problematic. Spordaic little battles continued, ignored.
22-10-2004, 23:24
OOC: I do hope Coreworlds hurrys up or Kaylas going to bleed to death lol Alpha cant patch her up and shoot at incomeing Storm troopers (hes only got 2 hands).
I dropped down the hole and began to slice away at the enemy stormies with Hawkins. "Damn, Kayla's out."

As Hawkins and Alpha shot and blocked the bolts, I healed Kayla with the Force as fast as I could. I hoped it would be enough.

We don't have much time! Let's get to the hangar!"

I sent a blast of telekinesis at the enemy, clearing the way, continuing to block bolts as I went.
Unified Sith
22-10-2004, 23:38
Admiral Tarkin now assumed control of the negotiations. “Enemy fleet, the terms are simple, you will surrender unconditionally to the Empire, your crews will flee from their ships and if you wish you may scuttle your vessels. You will be picked up by Imperial ships. You have a further two minutes to comply.”

Admiral Tarkin motioned to the gunnery control and comms officers to send the coded signal. If the enemy was to refuse they would be hit by a torpedo and missile salvo unimaginable and never seen before by any eyes.
The WIck
22-10-2004, 23:43
The storm troopers seemed to be innumerable to Hawkins no matter how many bolts he reflected back at there users, or the many that fell to Alpha, still more came. However the knight would' quit his blade moved expertly in his right hand, blocking only the shots that would have scored hits on his companions. As his fellows fell back to the hanger Hawkins would remain a few feet behind protecting them as a rear guard.

However he could not help but think that the SIth were not going to let them leave this "easily"...perhaps he was being paranoid?
22-10-2004, 23:58
OOC: Sorry, Corpsac, hope you don't mind if I control Alpha this way.

With Alpha carrying Kayla on one shoulder and shooting with the other hand, and Hawkins blocking the bolts that came in from the rear, I was the front guard, reflecting bolts upon the enemy or simply cutting them down.

We were very close to the hangar now. Just one blast door ahead, I could see my fighter and Rocky, plus several other ships that could be of use...
22-10-2004, 23:59
"Do you guarantee the physical and psychological safety of the crew?" Storm asked. His plan was already in motion. The Sith might have noticed the numerous escape and parasite craft leaving the remaining Weyrean vessels.The admrial would surrender if the Sith replied as to 'yes' on the last issue.
23-10-2004, 00:11
Gotcha. thought the captain of the Pain to himself as he detected the enemy vessel head back. He quickly reversed course, and exited warp right behind them. Upon exiting warp, he fired the ion cannon, and had the turbo lasers put a full barrage to the enemy's exposed rear.


The Doomans had incurred the loss of ten men so far, but they went right through the corpses, running through, breaking all of the bones, covering themselves in the blood of their enemies, and continued to pepper away at the retreating enemies, quickly catching up, and beginning to cut away at them once more...


Meanwhile, the Dooman Main Fleet arrived at the battle at the nebula, numbering two thousand star destroyers, super star destroyers, and smaller craft, in addition to the Helldawg.

Admiral Dredhamer sat upon his bridge,

"Open a channel to the Sith flag ship, let them know we have arrived."

"Aye, sir."
Unified Sith
23-10-2004, 00:14
“Your fleet is outnumbered and outgunned. We will insure your crew is kept safe in all forms. Your fleeing fighters will not leave the system, interdictor cruisers will not allow them to leave. Admiral once again, Lower your weapons or you will be destroyed, this is your last chance.”
23-10-2004, 00:31
"Allright," Storm nodded curtly. "Our shields will stay up until all hands are away, if that is allowed." With that, he dove through the net, activating termination procedures. In seconds, every craft was rigged to blow, literally.

Cryo plants shut down, then instantly sent power surges that fried their circuits and mechanics. Without cooling, fusactors went critical in seconds. Even if the process were to somehow be stopped and excess heat from still-functioning systems syphoned off, there was little even Storm could do to terminate the Firien dump that would take place in exactly two minutes.

"All hands, please activate termination protocols and proceed to nearest evac parasites immediately," the protocol activation was not strictly required, as Storm had already tripped the necessary routines.

The operation was done as calmly and efficiently as a drill. In two minutes, there were only a few stragglers left.

"Imperial vessels, I suggest you move to at least thirty thousand kilometers." Storm sent from one of the Ocean Core's large escape vehicles. The craft had a hyperdrive, rather than a full translation drive, like the rest of the escape vessels that were now moving away from the Weyrean ships, though not trying actively to escape or go through the enemy armada.
23-10-2004, 00:36
"Hmmm, some of them can be saved from their sins. Begin taking in escape pods."

"Aye, sir."

Twelve ISDs, four SSDs, and the Helldawg moved toward the fleeing craft, tractoring as many as they could, while the Helldawg beamed enitre vessels into her massive holds, but they made sure not to stray within the blast radius.
23-10-2004, 00:39
OOC: They're not fleeing. I think I specifically stated that.

"We specifically surrendered to you, admiral, not to Doomingsland," Storm sent. "I do hope they will honor your statements."
23-10-2004, 00:43
OOC:I know, I'm just grabbing up as many as I can for conversion, but you don't know that.
23-10-2004, 00:46
OOC:I know, I'm just grabbing up as many as I can for conversion, but you don't know that.
(1) Good luck. Hard to brainwash a Weyrean...and some of the xenians don't even have the same phsychological structure as humans.
(2) Storm has pretty good contact with the other ships, for now.
(3) If any ship has gotten past the Sith, it has already gone into hyperspace or tranSpace.
(4) I'll blow my ships in the next post. Honestly, you've just killed Weyr's ability to wage war for the next few months, what else do you want?
23-10-2004, 00:50
OOC:Trust me, they'll definately be susecptable to brainwashing after I've rearranged their DNA and cell structure. And a response to that other battle would be nice.
23-10-2004, 00:56
We made it in the hangar just in time. I told Alpha to take one of the shuttles and Hawkins and I headed for our fighters. However, a glitch in one of the Death Star's computers caused a bug that forced the atmospheric containment shields to fail. The hangar was now open to space even as the doors began to close...

"Great! I hate it when that happens!" I cried, as the air and everything not tied down rushed out into space. I let the wind carry me to my X-wing, grabbed the landing gear, and saw a restraining bolt on Rocky as I hoisted myself up with the aid of the Force. I quickly cut the bolt off, and he whistled a 'thank you' and started up the repulsarlifts. I hopped into the cockpit, strapped the restraints and closed the cockpit. The sublight engines roared to life, and I shot out of the hangar with Alpha and Kayla's shuttle close behind. What about Hawkins?
Unified Sith
23-10-2004, 01:18
Coordinates were sent to each escape pod individually. As the Weyr vessels began to explode the remnants of their crew were being tractored on board the Imperial fleet. Each pod being scanned for explosives before they were brought on board would insure no unexpected surprises.

As the Commanding officer was brought on board within the vast hanger bay of the Palpatine he was met by Lord Vader himself. “Commander, I am glad you could come aboard. Now we can enter negotiations.”
23-10-2004, 01:20
"My lord we have no word" A Sith Master reported.
"i feared as much, how meny ships can we muster in 2 hours?" Bane asked looking up, he wasnt about to leave Kayla for dead and Alpha would not use that Distress beacon for any old reason.
"not much, a 2 or 3 ISDs, 1 ESD and a nearly completed Pocket Dreadnought and a few frigates oh and the battle Carrier Battle Star why?" The Sith master replyed.
"a Pocket Dreadnought, really...mmmm....i will Command the PD tell what ever ships can make it to meet at these Cords in 2 hours" Bane said standing up.
"my lord these Cords are close to the Unifed Sith Empires border even in nutral space they will take that as a threat" The sith master replyed
"i know, gather up as meny Lords and Masters as you can spare and the 1st Clone Legion, i want them to follow in ships as soon as possible." Bane said as he walked past the master.
"we're invadeing?" The master replyed looking stunded.
"no, for filling a promiss i have not yet made, the Legion is for the Coredians if they want it to retake there empire." Bane left the room in a hurry.

OOC: when i finish the Stats for the PD i will give them to ya (its not a finished ship so be shore theres a few problems.)

Alpha speed out putting the Shuttle on Auto for a moment to cheak on Kayla, her wound was Patched up rather quickly in his rush to get her out. She was pale and had lost a fair bit of blood, the only thing keeping her alive was her love for one and her hate for the emperor Palpatine.
"Daniel where the hell we going? its to risking for me to take Kayla back to the Sith Empire as its to far." Alpha said on the comm.

OOC: hay Core get on aim :P
23-10-2004, 01:45
OOC: Get on MSN. :p

"Hmm. Here, let me give you this coordinate." I said to the others. "They didn't get it from me. It's a rendzevous for a convoy."

I began to make the long run to hyperspace...


Admiral Pellaeon had his fleet revert to realspace somewhere in deep space to pick up a convoy. What he doesn't know is that soon, someone will return from the dead...
The WIck
23-10-2004, 01:54
Hawkins like wise was thrown by the depressurization, and through the force guided himself to Lucy's X-wing. He received elementary training on it by Lucy, and he followed Daniels lead by knocking the restraining bolt of its R4 unit. He hoped into the X-wing and began the start up procedures, soon the engines were lit.

Hawkins already saw Daniel X-wing leaving the hanger, sending to him telepathically, Ill follow your lead Daniel . As Hawkins struggled to keep up with Daniel flying through the debris of battle, unbelievable fatigue hit him...the duel with the four Sith Knights, the wounds he sustained and his constant use on the force to keep him going, his loss of Lucy, it hit him like a ton of bricks, he barley managed to tell his droid to follow Daniels X-wing into hyper, the star becoming elongated a tell tale sign of hyper travel as Hawkins fell unconscious.
23-10-2004, 02:24
OOC: good bye old crappy fleet.......soon, say hello to shiny new fleet.......Paradigm is a beautiful place to make ships....

Coordinates were sent to each escape pod individually. As the Weyr vessels began to explode the remnants of their crew were being tractored on board the Imperial fleet. Each pod being scanned for explosives before they were brought on board would insure no unexpected surprises.

As the Commanding officer was brought on board within the vast hanger bay of the Palpatine he was met by Lord Vader himself. “Commander, I am glad you could come aboard. Now we can enter negotiations.”

A fusactor could hold critical for a short time. The dark hulls grew deep red, then brilliant white. They exploded one after another, ligting up scanners for kilometers around. Plasteel and fusactor spines hurled outward in a rapidly-expanding ball of little deaths.

"Thank you," Admiral Masato Storm inclined his head in a half-bow to Lord Vader. A Sith Lord? Interesting... he wondered, keeping mental defenses at ready. "It's an honor to be here, if not a pleasure. What's there to negotiate? We're your prisoners...and our last ship just exploded," he winced, slightly, sensing the last Net link evaporate, and the wash of subetheric energy diffusing through space.
23-10-2004, 02:43
Unified Sith, did you get my TG? I've decided to help Coreworlds by liberating one of his worlds rather than take one of yours. I already have RPers with mercenary forces lined up for planetary actions; I just need some basic information about your forces occupying Yorkshire and Issus(I'll only be hitting one for now), so I can deploy apropriatly.
Sith Jedi
23-10-2004, 03:08
OOC: which was not necessary? my IC post or OOC post?

OOC: Come on... what you got against XBOX??? Killswitch is for XBOX too... and HALO for the PC is way better of course, but show me a game that is better on console than on PC, bet you can't do that. Heh. I can't really think of one great game for PS2 that you can't get on XBOX... name one, and I will give you reasons... plus XBOX has way better graphics.

Also, off-topic- May the Sith conquer all!!!

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion we gain strength.
Strength gives us power.
Through power we achieve victory.
Through victory our chains are broken.
Our Force shall set us free.
Unified Sith
23-10-2004, 03:12
OOC: good bye old crappy fleet.......soon, say hello to shiny new fleet.......Paradigm is a beautiful place to make ships....

A fusactor could hold critical for a short time. The dark hulls grew deep red, then brilliant white. They exploded one after another, ligting up scanners for kilometers around. Plasteel and fusactor spines hurled outward in a rapidly-expanding ball of little deaths.

"Thank you," Admiral Masato Storm inclined his head in a half-bow to Lord Vader. A Sith Lord? Interesting... he wondered, keeping mental defenses at ready. "It's an honor to be here, if not a pleasure. What's there to negotiate? We're your prisoners...and our last ship just exploded," he winced, slightly, sensing the last Net link evaporate, and the wash of subetheric energy diffusing through space.

“What’s to negotiate, why the surrender of the Weyr confederacy to the Empire of course.”

OOC Sith Jedi LEAVE THE THREAD Kanuckistan you have a tg.
23-10-2004, 18:40
"Then you're talking to the wrong Weyrean. You want the High Council for surrenders, on Paradigm. I'll give you the coordinates if you want." Storm responded. You really think some admiral can negotiate surrenders? Hell, the High Council won't budge even if you execute us all.
23-10-2004, 19:10
Hawkins like wise was thrown by the depressurization, and through the force guided himself to Lucy's X-wing. He received elementary training on it by Lucy, and he followed Daniels lead by knocking the restraining bolt of its R4 unit. He hoped into the X-wing and began the start up procedures, soon the engines were lit.

Hawkins already saw Daniel X-wing leaving the hanger, sending to him telepathically, Ill follow your lead Daniel . As Hawkins struggled to keep up with Daniel flying through the debris of battle, unbelievable fatigue hit him...the duel with the four Sith Knights, the wounds he sustained and his constant use on the force to keep him going, his loss of Lucy, it hit him like a ton of bricks, he barley managed to tell his droid to follow Daniels X-wing into hyper, the star becoming elongated a tell tale sign of hyper travel as Hawkins fell unconscious.
Admiral Pellaeon was awakened when the convoy of refugees and Rebel goods came along.

"Very good. Now let's head out---"

"Sir. Detecting hyperspace emissions bearing two-five-zero, three-zero-zero."

"Very well, send some fighters there. If it's the Sith, I don't want any surprises."

"Yes sir."

Several fighters headed to the bearing, waiting to see if it's a bad guy.

I pushed the lever back to revert to realspace, and we burst out in a flash of psuedomotion.

Found 'em! I grinned in relief. "This is Commander Daniel Masaki of Rogue Squadron, serial code three-six-nine-zero-five-two-seven-seven. The shuttle and other X-wing you see are carrying injured. Please respond, over."

Back on the Chimaera...

"Daniel Masaki..." The Admiral whispered in surprise and relief. "You little son of a bitch, hahaha! Quickly, escort them in!"

"Yes sir!"

The Chimaera soon grabbed us with it's tractor beam and pulled us into the hangar. I stumbled when I got out, so exhausted I was. The white-haired admiral pulled me up.

"Your father would be so pleased, son."

"Y-yes sir. Take care of them." I said, as the medics pulled the others out of the shuttle and X-wing.

"You too. Come, to the medical bay."

I blacked out, in blessed unconsiousness as the convoy jumped to hyperspace.
23-10-2004, 20:40
OOC:Hey Weyr, can you tell me how many survivors I picked up from the fleet?
23-10-2004, 20:42
Gotcha. thought the captain of the Pain to himself as he detected the enemy vessel head back. He quickly reversed course, and exited warp right behind them. Upon exiting warp, he fired the ion cannon, and had the turbo lasers put a full barrage to the enemy's exposed rear.


The Doomans had incurred the loss of ten men so far, but they went right through the corpses, running through, breaking all of the bones, covering themselves in the blood of their enemies, and continued to pepper away at the retreating enemies, quickly catching up, and beginning to cut away at them once more...

OOC:Weyr and Coreworlds, can I get some responses?
23-10-2004, 20:56
Gotcha. thought the captain of the Pain to himself as he detected the enemy vessel head back. He quickly reversed course, and exited warp right behind them. Upon exiting warp, he fired the ion cannon, and had the turbo lasers put a full barrage to the enemy's exposed rear.

"Gaah! Sir, thrusters down 12%!"

"Damn! Pivot around and bring what weapons we have left to bear on that thing!" Slowly, the Rebel Star Destroyer turned to face it's opponent and lanced out with it's turbolasers and ion cannons once again.

There is one chance left if we can't defeat it with our weapons... The captain thought as the bridge shook under the impacts.
23-10-2004, 20:59
OOC: Coreworlds, id love to help ur star destroyer there, but could i have a short summary beforehand?
23-10-2004, 21:06
"Target their shields."


The ship shook as the turbo lasers and ion cannons reached out toward the weakened shields. The crew was now ready to beam over. Suddenly, the only remaining TIE flew by the guantlet of turbo lasers targetted at the Pain, and dove into the shield generator, exploding with the force of several thermonuclear weapons...
23-10-2004, 21:12
OOC: My SHips are SW now, but generally, their overally better, due to different materials in the superstructure and other such things, as a tertiary shield generator in the main superstructure.

Above the raging battle between the 2 Vessels, a blinding blink of light appeared and disappeared in all but a second, there, in its place, the SAV Intrepid a ISD had appeared, its structure gleaming despite the feeble light of space.

"Captain, The Coredian vessel will not hold long" The Tactical officer communicated to the Captain, Telepathically.

The Captain concentrated his thoughts onto the tactical officer in reply "Open fire on the opposing vessel, Full broadside, launch the fighters and recovery vessels, get the coredians off that ship, its reactor could go critical"

She tapped a few buttons, and replied to the captain "Yes sir!"

On the side of the Intrepid Hundreds of Turbolasers opened fire in a blaze of glory, pounding onto the strained Doomingsland vessel, whilst on the underbelly, a horde of V-Wings slipped out of the hangar.
The WIck
23-10-2004, 21:24
OOC: Hawkins is now my nations main character after that unfortunate business with Laio, and hey im liking this first person thang...

IC: I become somewhat aware of my surroundings when the medics opened the canopy, the burns on my skin hurt so much, and I didn’t have the strength to move an inch much less answer there inquires about my health. Nor could I call upon the Force to heal me, I was all tapped out. I fell into unconscious again.

When I awoke next i was floating in a Bacta Tank, and i Floated for a while waiting for the process to be over...
23-10-2004, 21:26
"Shields projectors down! Main sensors offline! Switching to backup sensors and projectors!"

I love you...Mary, David, little John. The Captain sighed, then smirked. "Aim the bow at the Dooming Destroyer. Engage hyperdrives on my mark."

"3..." The ship aimed it's bow at the enemy and accelerated.

"2..." The helmsman has his hands on the hyperdrive lever.


"Captain, another Star Destroyer just jumped in. IFF identified it as an Arenumberg ship!"

"Disengage hyperdrive. We've won this battle." The captain sighed, knowing that he can see his family again. "How are we doing on shields."

"We're trying to restore it, but I don't know. if they destroy the generators themselves, we're dead."

23-10-2004, 22:04
Two days hyperspace

"Doctor, he's at 90% efficiency. Life signs are good. Bones are being de-calcified from massive electric shock. Only thing is...he's been cut open and lost his spleen. He's lucky to not get infected."

"Ugh. At least it's not a vital body part. The liver can take over it's functions. Ok. Bring the kid out. How are the others."

"Good. The bacta's working perfectly on them. Bring them out too?"



I woke up on a medical bed, feeling a lot better than on the Death Star.

"Hello, Daniel. I've contacted your father. He'll be right over." Admiral Pellaeon said.

"Isn't that risky? and how long have I been out?"

"Yes, but we're taking precautions. You've been out for two days."

I whistled, then I saw the others. "They're all right?"

"Yes. I think Mr. Hawkins over there is about to wake up. Oh, and I brought you fresh clothes."

It was a military-issue tunic and trousers, dyed green and brown. I put them on and ate some of the *yuck* hospital food for strength as I waited for them to awaken.
23-10-2004, 23:12
As soon as the enemy's shields were knocked offline, the Dooman crew beamed aboard the enemy star destroyer. They had the element of surprise, and immediatly opened fire on the unsuspecting Coredians with plasma weapons, or simply threw them into walls, shattering their bones with their superior strength in human-grav environments. The bridge officers beamed aboard the bridge of the enemy SD, actualy appearing right behind the individual crewmen.

"Drop your weapons and put your hands above your heads, you've been defeated!" yelled the captain of the Pain to the captain of the Shadowcat.
24-10-2004, 00:21
Engineers worked frantically to overload the reactors while the marines fought back with all the fervor they have. Blaster and plasma fire rained in the hallways and many men and women fell dead.


The captain sneered and raised his blaster. "I have heard of what you do to people to capture. I will never surrender to such a fate. Shoot them!"

The bridge crew opened fire upon the Doomen...
24-10-2004, 01:19
@Doomingsland: You've got a bunch enlisted persons, some engineers, a magus, and two bridge crews. Twelve of them are human. Everyone else is xenian and range from pointy-eared Weyreans to Khepri with human bodies and insectoid heads.

The Doomans had incurred the loss of ten men so far, but they went right through the corpses, running through, breaking all of the bones, covering themselves in the blood of their enemies, and continued to pepper away at the retreating enemies, quickly catching up, and beginning to cut away at them once more...

The Weyreans fought a dogged retreat, using the inbuilt weaponry and the knowledge of their own ships. Gatlings opened fire around corners.

"Move," the vessel's magi'i commanded, egniting their starblades. The mariens were onyl too happy to comply. ((think jedi, except they wear black and don't go for the 'light side, dark side' deal.))

24-10-2004, 02:10
Engineers worked frantically to overload the reactors while the marines fought back with all the fervor they have. Blaster and plasma fire rained in the hallways and many men and women fell dead.


The captain sneered and raised his blaster. "I have heard of what you do to people to capture. I will never surrender to such a fate. Shoot them!"

The bridge crew opened fire upon the Doomen...
As soon as the captain raised his blaster, all of the humans on the bridge were shot in the back of their heads with plasma weapons. The Doomans were now effectively in charge, except for some small pockets of resistance.

"Take us out of here, ensign, we just bagged the Empire some new hardware."

"Aye, sir."

The SD, to the confusion of the other human vessels, jumped to hyperspace, heading toward Doom...


The marines continued to swarm, although the gattlings did hold them up for several minutes before they were taken out with a BFG round. The humans had gotten fairly far ahead of the Doomans, but they were still being pursued. Among them was a Sith Knight...
24-10-2004, 02:20
Engineers have completed the reactor overload, and die instantly when it blew. It took the hyperdrive adding it's energy to it's own. Now the Doomen just lost their new prize!
24-10-2004, 02:22
OOC:Kinda hard for engineers to overload the hyperdrive when they're dead, engineering would've been one of my primary targets.
24-10-2004, 02:31
OOC: You didn't specify engineering, so put up or shut up! :p *loves catching little loopholes like that*
24-10-2004, 02:37
Don't bother trying to capture Weyrean craft. All the pseudo-intelligence has to do is shut down the cryo plants, and the entire ship glows white for a few seconds before exploding. Anyhoo...this is really a botched battle, simply because the actual space of the fight is a narrow corridor.

The marines continued to swarm, although the gattlings did hold them up for several minutes before they were taken out with a BFG round. The humans had gotten fairly far ahead of the Doomans, but they were still being pursued. Among them was a Sith Knight...

"Alright," the lead magus mentally chuckled on the Net, twin starblades a blur, deflecting plasma blasts, sensing the Sith approach "Let's see what you're made of." Behind him was a utility closet, then a stateroom, then the third hull of the ship, along with the bridge and the drive sections.

Meanwhile, the heavy cannon of the Weyrean vessels continued to blast away at the Dooman freighters, keeping the FTLi fields on. They had switched their shields to full, preventing any more teleportation, for now.
24-10-2004, 02:41
What they didn't realize was that all of the Doomans had beamed aboard the hostile vessels in the first wave. The ship AI triggered the self destruct, capable of destroying vessels from several thousand kilometers away.


Very well, heathen scum, you shall see what I am made of. came the response through the force.

OOC:Done for tonight, we'll have the duel tommorow.
The WIck
24-10-2004, 04:13
OOC: BAH it will be a mix of 1st and 3rd person I like it so sue me English teachers ...

Hawkins awoke with a start, his memories stained with the feeling of grief for not bringing Lucy back with Daniel, what a successful mission he thought bitterly to himself, what a Hero he was he mused to himself as he sat up and looked around the med bay.

Humph...The bacta left a stale taste in my mouth as I noticed the new scars on my chest and arms where the lightning struck. I noticed the medics left me some simple garb to put on. I stood and dressed myself not caring for modesty in the same military garb that Daniel had given to was not as comfortable as my familiar marine skin suit and combat boots, but it would have to do.

I noticed the young man was also awake next to me munching on what they would call food in a medical facility.

"I see that the torture here is worse then anything the Sith could muster eh?" I told Daniel pointing to his food tray. Then my voice took a more serious note. "I may not have been a Jedi for as long as some of the Knights out there Daniel Masaki but you did us all proud. I wouldn’t be here if you didn’t come back for me, I respect that and just remember that if you ever need anything in the future ya got a marker with me alright?"
24-10-2004, 04:21
OCC:Let me know when I'll be needed since the only combat I've seen hasn't been repleid to. Ya I'll be working on a massive project with a friend so let me know if you need me for any attacks.
24-10-2004, 17:08
"I see that the torture here is worse then anything the Sith could muster eh?" I told Daniel pointing to his food tray. Then my voice took a more serious note. "I may not have been a Jedi for as long as some of the Knights out there Daniel Masaki but you did us all proud. I wouldn’t be here if you didn’t come back for me, I respect that and just remember that if you ever need anything in the future ya got a marker with me alright?"

"Hehe, yeah. Well I do have to keep up my strength with this glop." I spotted a potato trying to get away and speared it with my fork. "Hmm. You know, with Lucy gone, there's an opening for a Rogue, and I'm just wondering if you would like to...well, join us."

At the hangar bay, an X-wing has landed

"Attention on deck! Councilor Masaki on board!" A sergeant bellowed.

"At ease." Andrew Masaki said, and the crew returned to their duties.

"Andrew." Pellaeon shook his hand and escorted him. "Your son is up and about now, and so are the others."

"Good. Lead me to him."


It didn't take long for me to sense the powerful presence of my father. We embraced and my father seemed to have tears in his eyes.

"I'm glad you survived, my son." Dad said. "Wouldn't know what to do otherwise."

"Yeah, me too." I replied. "Dad, you probably know Hawkins over there."

"I do. I'm must commend you for helping to save my son."

"Oh, and on the other bed is, well, Kayla." I blushed slightly, and Dad nodded knowingly and smiled.
24-10-2004, 20:11
My wing jumped from the Slipstream back into normal space. My N-3A fighter was in the lead, followed by a pair of N-1 interceptors and an N-6 bomber. I saw the Chimaera and instantly recognized the energy signiatures of several Rogue fighters.
"This is Torroth Halcyon of Rogue Squadron," I said. "Anyone looking for a few missing pilots over there?"

There was a scoff over the comm.
"Master, I doubt any of the rebels missed us. We were not well liked amongst their ranks," inquired Aleanna, an Asrengard female in the first N-1
"True, Warrior, but they need our ships. While the Empire relies on capital ships to get the job done, these Cordians seem to put their emphasis on small snubfighters. While a peculiar practice, it does keep us from guard duty aboard a destroyer."
"Master, why are we staying with this squadron instead of leading Black Squadron out of Thaddis Sabbah?" asked Fuso, the Shadri male in the N-6.
"We do what is required of us, Warrior," was the only answer I could give him.
24-10-2004, 20:24
OOC: What's his military rank, if any? If he doesn't have one, he'll be tacked as a Lieutenant. Also, we do need to figure out which number to tack on him. Obviously, Danny is Rogue Leader and Kartion is Rogue 2.

"Head into the hangar bay, Mr. Halcyon." The comms officer replied. The main hangar of the Star Destroyer opened to recieve them.

"Hey, lil' dude. Just stopped by to see how you're doing." Kartion said, as he walked in.

"I'm fine." I said. "I hope I'm discharged I, Doctor?"

"Yeah, sure. But if anything comes up, any aches or pains, then come to me." He said.

"All right." With that, I headed out as the PA system ordered me to the hangar bay.
24-10-2004, 21:02
OOC-His military rank is captain, and the rest of his wing are lieutennants. However, they prefer to be called by their Peacekeeper ranks of 'Master' for Halcyon and 'Warrior' for the rest.

Our four N-series fighters floated into the bay and deployed their landing gear, settling softly onto the floor of the bay. The cockpit of the N-3A opened and revealed my ponytailed head, complete with neural headband. I wagered that the Cordians hadn't seen one of those before. Fuso leapt down from his N-6, not even bothering with the ramp. His two-toed feet absorbed the shock well, and he began looking around the room. Aleana was next, her Peackeeper robes flowing neatly over her well-formed figure. ( The only other human in the group was Taris, my childhood friend who had joined me at Thaddis Sabbah to begin our Peackeeper training, slid down the ladder and thumbed his energy blade idly. I slid down the pointed end of my N-3A and hit the floor, my alloy-tipped boots absorbing most of the impact. On instinct I looked up at the fighter's nose. Almost a dozen Zerga Mutalisks and one of the massive Dondisks stared back at me, the kills reflecting my service in the Zerga War at Newlon.
The WIck
24-10-2004, 21:48
OOC:a lil late but oh well

"You know what Daniel, until I get orders from the Navy telling me otherwise I think I would enjoy being a Rouge for a little while at least, I think Lucy would have wanted that." his voice almost broke, but he continued on, "Savior the moments you have with the one's who you love, in this war they could be your last." Hawkins then noticed the entrance of Andrew Masaki and listened to his kind words.

"Sir I was only doing just doing my duty as a Jedi Knight, I just wish the price was not so high, and I must say that I would not have survived my encounter with the Sith had it not been for Daniels actions." Hawkins told the boy's father.
24-10-2004, 22:07
"Really?" Andrew raised an eyebrow as he saw me leaving. "Something tells me that he might just surpass me in leadership and decision-making. All that is needed is experience."
24-10-2004, 22:08
Alpha didnt leave Kayla who was in a bacta tank being healed, the wound should have killed her. Lower left long punchred and torn, Kidney riped to shreads, Liver damage and that was just a few. Alpha wouldnt let anyone near her apart from a few of the medical staff and daniel for some reason that baffled even Daniel Alpha cared for Kayla a grate deal. It would be days befor Kayla would be taken out of the Tank and people wondered if Alpha would stand there till then.
The WIck
24-10-2004, 22:39
"Yes it is every Father's dream that thier son's deed will surpass his own, I hope that I still have the chance to experience that." Hawkins said solomly waiting for Andrew's responce before he took his leave.
24-10-2004, 22:53
OOC: wha...what happened??? someone fill me in on MSN or AIM
24-10-2004, 22:53
"True, very true." Andrew nodded. "Now go on and join my kid. I think another of Rogue Squadron has landed."
The WIck
24-10-2004, 23:05
Hawkins bowed in respect to Andrew before he went to the docking bay to see what he was talking about.
25-10-2004, 00:37
Curia - First Consul's Office
City of Miltia, -Noir-

"Finally...Back in my office...I was getting tired of those meetings..." said Kenshin, as he threw his coat on the coat rack. "I'd rather be at a meeting in person, than watching it from a monitor."

Kenshin, picked up several new messages that had piled up on his Inbox. Looking through the messages, which all appeared to be status reports on the "war effort," one had caught his attention.

"Hmmm...They're almost finished..." said Kenshin, as he stretched out the remainder of the "OLED scroll." "This'll turn the tide for the Coredians, if we put this into play..."
25-10-2004, 03:21
For the purposes of consistency, all portions of this thread having to do with Weyr that haven't yet finished are now happening Out of Time, unless there are any objections.

*Grabs popcorn and wanders off to watch Paradigm get glassed* (

Very well, heathen scum, you shall see what I am made of. came the response through the force.

"Bring it on," the magus chuckled, thaumaturgic shield coming about him.
25-10-2004, 13:26
An MC90 cruiser - its designs lifted from the backlogged databases of a captured Star Destroyer, Slipstreamed in and approached the Chimaera.

"This is captain Ackerson of the Stoic. We're here to support Rogue Squadron and are requesting permission to join the battlegroup."
25-10-2004, 14:36
"Permission granted." Admiral Pellaeon replied.

The convoy was 3 ISDs, now it was four capships.
25-10-2004, 22:18
In a single planet in the solar system, from a single dish, a single message was sent out to the Pacmans Revenge, which was quickly duplicated and sent to every other ship with maximum encryption. Given the Jordaxian specialisation in all things electronic, such a message would be very secure. The message was simple.

Jordaxian ships have been hired by a higher paying client. The client has a different agenda. All ships rendezvous with the "Pacmans revenge" immediately.

4 hours later.

Admiral Daibai and Commodore Abhaya discussed their next plan of action on the observation deck. It was obvious they needed to contact the rebel alliance for the next stage, but the whole problem with that is that they needed to find them. Suddenly, Abhaya had a flash of inspiration. They were jedi, were they not? Well, from what Abhaya recalled of jedi, they had remarkable perceptive powers. Perhaps if he sent out a gibberish message, along with a simple code that could be percieved by a curious enough jedi, then he might spot it and interpret the message. It was an improbable plan, but Jedi seemed to thrive on improbability, and rebel jedi attract improbability like a magnet. So, the message was crafted, along with subtle hints, that, properly interpreted gave a co-ordinate to meet at, and sent on a wide dispersion. it was crafted as a stellar astronomy update, and sent on a wide dispersal where it would undoubtedly picked up by at least one aspect of the rebel fleet.

As the message was sent, admiral Daibai smiled, looking out at the field of stars as they glistened in the night, vast purple hull of the ship dull against them.There were a few flashes as the closest ships to the Pacman arrived. The others would follow along shortly. Hopefully the rebels would be in attendence.

(I have a sneakin' suspicion that CWs 3 ISD (now four capships) is the rebel detatchment because I arranged it earlier, so if it is, imagine that they're responding to the message.)
26-10-2004, 00:30
The message indeed has reached the Chimaera, where not only did the sensitive sensors pick it up, but also a father and son team of Jedi.

"Did you sense it, Dad?" I asked.

"Yeah." He nodded.

"Someone is us." I said.

"Yeah." Andrew quickly headed to the bridge. "Admiral. Get ready to jump."

"Where?" He asked, then ordered the fleet to get ready.

Andrew didn't answer, but punched in a peculiar series of coordinates, then sent the coordinates to the other ships.

"Engage hyperdrives." Andrew ordered once everyone got it. The stars streaked out, and the ships disappeared from view.
26-10-2004, 00:34
The Stoic, the ship's A.I. linked with the four ISDs NavComs, engaged the SFTE at 6/8ths the normal speed to keep pace with the CoreWorlds ships.

"What's happening?" I asked the nearest officer.
26-10-2004, 01:06
Tag update for reading.
26-10-2004, 01:08
"Don't know." The lieutenant said. "Oh, Captain. Commander Masaki's waiting for you."
The WIck
26-10-2004, 01:55
Hawkins entered the hanger bay noticing Daniel and other cloistered in the center. He moved over to them.
26-10-2004, 15:19
I left my comrades with the orders to restock the ships with supplies from the rebel ISD's bay. The government would pick up our tab, and I wanted to try some of those proton torpedoes. I entered the lift and arrived soon after on the bridge.

"Emperor Masaki, Prince Daniel." I bowed respectably, my black cloak rippling. "Master Torroth Halcyon, reporting as ordered."
26-10-2004, 20:22
"We aren't royalty anymore." I reminded him. "It's just Commander now. And don't call me Prince."

"And Councilor." Andrew said. Then he turned to me. "You want to do it or should I? It's not a pretty subject."

"I know. I will." I said. "Master Halcyon, as you probably have known, I was captured. I would like to be brief you on what happened while I was in the Sith's clutches. I will be debriefed by my dad."
26-10-2004, 21:00
For the purposes of consistency, all portions of this thread having to do with Weyr that haven't yet finished are now happening Out of Time, unless there are any objections.

*Grabs popcorn and wanders off to watch Paradigm get glassed* (

"Bring it on," the magus chuckled, thaumaturgic shield coming about him.

Very well.

The energy shield of his Sith MJOLINOR came online, and he ran toward the enemy...
26-10-2004, 21:30
OOC: I refuse to lower the abilities of my chars

"Let's see how you do against this," the magus thought, bringing his twin blades forward. There was a burst of heat. Blue flames spiraled down the corridor. Plasteel conduicts bubbled, sagged. Glowstrips exploded outward.
26-10-2004, 21:41
The Sith ignited two of his own sabers, and lifted his palm, and pushed the fire back at his foe.

Not bad for a magic trick. Come, let us close and fight like men.

He lept up, and ran along the cieling, leaping about from wall to wall, making him a difficult target...
26-10-2004, 22:47
The magus shifted his stance, floating in the null gravity of the narrow, now nearly-black pasageway. Alright, let's try another, he thought, dissipating the reflected flames. Spikes shot from the plasteel walls, sharp knives running towards the Sith along walls, overhead, and deck. ((the passageway looks like a very nasty pincushion))
27-10-2004, 12:38
I bowed again, this time apologetically.
"I am aware, sir, and I apologize for not remaining behind to cover your retreat. However, I am pleased to see that you are alright and hope that this debriefing shall provide us with valuable insight."
27-10-2004, 18:52
I began to tell the others the story of my capture (previous pages). My dad winced at the torture that I had to endure, and clenched a fist in anger. The Admiral seemed wanting to smack someone. I reminded my dad silently to keep his anger in check and he nodded in reply. When I finished, it was like a weight lifted from my chest, since I didn't want to hold it in and become dark somewhere down the road.

"Sirs, we're coming up on our destination." A helmsman reported.

"Very well." Andrew said. "Let's see what these people want."

In a flash of psuedomotion, the Star Destroyers and convoy of needed supplies burst into realspace where the Jordaxian mercs are.

"Attention, this is the Star Destroyer Chimaera. We recieved your message and have come to see what you require."
27-10-2004, 19:14
Admiral Daibai and Commodore Abhaya smiled at each other as the ships appeared. The communication trick had worked. Admiral Daibai stared into a familiar middle distance as he accessed his neurites, and composed a message in a flash (it'd be text only)

"Greetings, Rebel alliance. As you are no doubt aware by our non-hostility, things have changed. We have a golden opportunity to strike at the empire, but we must act quickly. Our services have been bought by a better playing client, with a substantially different agenda. Naturally, we have used our discretion, and not informed the Sith of this change, due to certain inconveniences which it may cause.

We are aware that the majority of the imperial navy is away on campaign, leaving certain areas of the Empire woefully undefended. One such area is the Imperial supply depot on Endor, one of the largest depots in the Empire. If we strike and destroy this, we will accomplish two things.
1, We can capture and retrieve these supplies for distribution to rebel forces, and assistance, making it far easier for you to continue your war against the Empire.
2, We will deny these supplies to the Empire. Given how much supplies we anticipate will be present, this will be a major blow to the Empire, and a major boon to the rebellion.

To facilitate a "clean escape" we need to remove all evidence of our arrival. This, we believe, is where you come in. We are familiar with a process known as "base delta zero", where Imperial Star Destroyers orbit a planet, laying down enormous amounts of firepower, literally destroying the crust of the planet. With this kind of extensive cleansing, there would be no way of knowing who did this. Also, Jordaxian specialisation in all things electronic mean that we can modify video evidence to make this look like an Imperial strike to discredit the rebellion. This footage would be distributed all around the Empire, and other territories, galvanising support against the Emperor."

We will retrieve supplies using the Pacmans revenge and its complement of Doc ock spider power armours. Dropping them in stored heavy lifters, we will remove the content of the base to the "revenge", and leave.

The he left a small space, and then said:

"Do you agree?"

He turned to look at Commodore Abhaya, and said "the message has been sent." Abhaya looked somewhat surprised, as the entire process had taken four seconds.
27-10-2004, 19:45
Dad and I looked traded looks, then Admiral Pellaeon stroked his beard in thought.

"It's risky," Dad said. "But if it could be done..."

"Yeah." I said. "Might even be the victory we need for the morale."

"Not quite, we still need to take on the Death Star. But sure. Admiral..."

"Right." He sent the reply. "We accept this plan. When shall we do this?"
27-10-2004, 20:37
Daibai plugged himself back into his neurites, and sent back a single message.

"presently. Follow us to the system. We advise that you remain at the outskirts of the system until we have secured the area. Your ships are somewhat less, expendable than ours at the moment. After all. We cannot commence the BDZ without your ships. Any spare fighters, however, would be most valuable."

With that, the Pacmans revenge, and its escort, locked onto the Forest moon, and jumped out. The Nonsequitors aboard practically followed its wake, so that they would emerge surrounding it, able to guard it from the outset.
27-10-2004, 20:42
We made the jump to the very outskirts of Endor's system. I had a funny feeling about this mission, though, like things might not be as good as we think.
27-10-2004, 21:03
I bowed respectively, though I began to realize how that might be getting on the Masakis' nerves.

"Commander, I must return to my wing now. I have just recieved a message that one of my wingmen has made a startling discovery involving your torpedo designs and his bomber."
Outer Heaven MK II
27-10-2004, 21:07
OOC: Look on 'The Empire never forgets' thread to see my intro. Seeing as US has yet to reply to my post there, I'm going to continue as we...ahem...planned, but you guys should really be posted on 'The Empire neve forgets' thread!

IC: "Sir! The 1st Fleet has just reported that it has entered subspace with no event, and is now on course to rendezvous with the Sith Fleet!" the Comm. officer shouted to Anton.

Grand Admiral Anton Slavik, ruler of Outer Heaven MK II, and Grand Admiral of the 2nd Fleet, turned to the Comm. officer, a grin on his face.

"Excellent." he merely said. Sighing, he turned to he Helmsman on his left.

"Helmsman, it's time. Initiate the jump..." he ordered. The helmsman nodded, and hit the big red button on his console...


The entire 2nd Fleet entered subspace...

...And jumped in on the opposite side of Endor...
27-10-2004, 21:14
"Wait a minute...sir! We got contacts!" a sensor officer reported.

"What?" Admiral Pellaeon asked, and saw the sensors blipping. "Damn! We got a fleet here! Too many for us to fight!"

"Great. I knew this wasn't gonna be easy." I gritted my teeth.

"Call off the attack." Andrew ordered. "Call it off, now!"

Encrypted messages were sent to the mercs, telling them to call off the attack:

"Abort mission! Repeat, abort mission and proceed to rendzevous!"

The Star Destroyers began to power up their hyperdrives...
Crazed Marines
27-10-2004, 23:05
After the grueling 96 hour bombardment, the CM Fleet left, assured that nothing could have survived. They had, however, lost two cruisers, thirty fighters, and one Asguard Mothership. Their course, Endor as previously planned.
"This might just work." Admiral Karath was heard as saying.

OOC: Had to post this US. You said you'd RP it, but never did. I took reasonable losses for a small base, and I'm going where I said I would and I'll just end up helping CW.
28-10-2004, 00:01
"No, wait." I said, before we jumped. "Let's see how this might go. Have the fighters launched."

"You sure about this, Daniel?" Dad asked.

"I don't know. But what about those gravity weapons? Do we have them on board."

Dad looked at Admiral Pellaeon who nodded.

"Then we might just have a chance." I said, starting to head for the hangar bay. "Have them programmed for maximum size. When I give the signal, then shoot them. But first, we have to distract their main fleet. Hyper in, blast 'em with turbolasers and ion cannons, then hyper out. Do it fast enough and we can cause confusion and discord."

"Hit and run." Admiral Pellaeon murmered. "Might be an interesting idea. Might want to bring in a few more ships, too."

"All right. I'll send for Admiral Rommel, see what he can send." Andrew said. "Rogues, get ready to launch!"

"Yes sir!" I snapped a salute and headed for the hangar bay with the others. Preflight checks were done, fuel and proton torpedoes were loaded, laser cannons were set to 250 meters for fighter combat.

"All right. Rogue Leader to Fighter Command, ready to go." I commed.

"Flight path is clear, the Force be with you, Lead."

I turned on the repulsarlifts and carefully eased my way out of the hangar bay, Kartion on my wing and the rest of the starfighters behind us. As we cleared the magnetic containment field, we let loose with our sublight engines.

"Lock S-foils in attack position and accelerate to attack speed." I ordered. We accelerated, but there's no sensation of motion except from the compensators. One of the major problems of space combat is spatial disorientation, especially in the middle of a dogfight. It can be as deadly a foe as a laser cannon, in that a pilot can lose awareness of his surroundings and suddenly crash into a capship or even another fighter. To lessen that problem, I have my compensators at 0.5g, to get a 'feel' for where I am, and always try to teach the newest Rogues that come in to do it, instead of keeping the compensators at full, like some squadrons do. It also helps to be a Jedi, or at least to have a good head on your shoulders. Soon, we were on the path towards the enemy, and battle...


Grand Admiral Rommel sent Commodore Duncan Windchaser, a native of Tatooine, to help out at Endor. The Commodore commands a large squadron of five Star Destroyers and was quite amused at the prospect of a young boy spelling out a strategy, even if it didn't work out as intended. His Star Destroyers have a large mix of heavy fighters like E-wings and B-wings and K-wing bombers, hopefully to deal heavy damage to the enemy capship. Not to mention there's the usual mix of accompanying frigates, strike cruisers (Lancer and Carrack) and gunships to help out (3 frigates, 4 strike cruisers and 10 gunships). The one designated Colossus would be a big problem, that's for sure...
28-10-2004, 00:40
"All systems go. We have been cleared for launch, Master Halcyon." Deja, my new piloting A.I., had just finished her pre-flight checks on my N-3.
"Thank you, Deja. Fuso, you were saying?"
"I was saying, Master, that these proton torpedoes the rebel techs gave me are slightly smaller than a Hornet missile, and they pack a lot more punch. If I didn't know better, I'd say they were a light anti-CapShip torpedo...and I can fire two volleys of them!"
"Remind me, how much is a volley for you?" I asked the Shadri as we followed the Squadron Leader.
"Sixteen, Master. Sixteen missiles, full load."
Thirty-two CapShip torps! I thought, a bit too loud. "Rogue Lead, this is Halcyon. Fuso just came up with something he thought you should know. His N-6 apparently is carrying thirty-two of something your technicians call a 'proton torpedo', and he reports that they can be used in both long-range fighter engagements and capital ship attacks. I am still carrying a complement of eight Hornet missiles, but I thought you should know that one of my men is packing that type of firepower."

I brought the four AJ-6 sublight engines at the front of my N-3a to full power, and the pair of N-1s followed. Fuso put full throttle to his N-6, but its boxy missile bays on top kept it from moving as fast as our interceptors.



28-10-2004, 00:47
The mercenery forces, using a slightly more primitive jump engine, arrived just in time to see the OH ships. The growing smile, ever present on Abhayas face, suddenly turned upside down. this wasn't what he was expecting. Not what he was expecting at all. The, well... colossal hull of the colossus was nearly double the size of the revenge, but Abhaya severely doubted that it had anything like the armour present on the Revenge. He tried not to remember, however, that it would have easily more firepower, given that the Revenge is practically unarmed. A plan of action formed in Abhayas mind, and he voiced it out to Daibai.

"Our ship will have superior armour capabilities to their primary ship, will it not?" He asked Daibai.

"It is highly improbable that their ship has superior protection to ours, yes. But not impossible." Daibai answered.

"Hmmm. In any case, we should be well catered for. I have a plan. Set a course for their command ship." He ordered the navigation officer. "And make sure that you're holding onto something. Have the doc ock power armours ready for combat. We'll board their ship, and attempt to capture her. A vessel of such import would be a fine prize. Have the Nonsequitors run interference as we approach. I want nothing to get in our way, regardless of how easily it would be pushed aside. Have a detatchment of two thousand doc ocks ready to descend to the surface. I still intend to capture that depot for the rebellion. That will leave us with 148,000 to capture this enemy ship. We'll require 1500 of the mk-x doc ocks, so have 500 of them sent to the surface. The remainder will board the enemy."

"Aye aye, commodore." The bridge crew accessed their neurites as each of them carried out their orders. A small segment of the Revenge opened at the bottom, and 40 ships shot out of the holes, towards the moon, carrying their cargo of armoured troops. The main engines of the Revenge glowed white hot as they began to force the ship in the direction of their target. This was not going to be pleasant, but the Revenge stood a good chance of being able to ram the colossus and survive.

The Nonsequitors led the fighters as they loosed off hundreds of hummingbird missiles at the enemy fleet, and powered their EW fields to maximum. They had spread out in a blossom formation in order to bring the most missiles to bear on the enemy in the shortest time. true Jordaxian mercenary ships which had been hired before the battle joined with the primary Nonsequitor formation, and added their own hummingbirds to the mix. A total of 4000 hummingbirds sped towards their targets, sumbunitions (A combination of nuclear, low yield antimatter, kinetic, EW secondaries, and one shot maser turrets) primed to target the enemies weapons and engines. Rata Tat Tat Fighters got ready to bring down any enemy fighters launched, whilst Sharky and George (George is another Rata Tat Tat) patrol ships seperated to guard the nonsequitors, their own missiles set to engage and ram enemy missiles or kinetic weaponry. Each ship had their eggshields deployed, and reactive electron projection system ready.
28-10-2004, 00:55
Thirty-two CapShip torps! I thought, a bit too loud. "Rogue Lead, this is Halcyon. Fuso just came up with something he thought you should know. His N-6 apparently is carrying thirty-two of something your technicians call a 'proton torpedo', and he reports that they can be used in both long-range fighter engagements and capital ship attacks. I am still carrying a complement of eight Hornet missiles, but I thought you should know that one of my men is packing that type of firepower."
"Did you just say 32 torpedoes?" I asked, incredulous. "That's enough to threaten an Impstar!"

Maybe not quite threaten, but certainly make a commander think twice about the bomber and try and shoot him down.

"Thanks for the info."
Crazed Marines
28-10-2004, 01:01
The Crazed Marine Fleet came out of its jump near Endor.
"Admiral, we have the CoreWorlds' fleet on scanners."
"Thank you Ensign. Hail them and ask them if they're going after the same prize as us."
"Yes sir."
28-10-2004, 01:03
"Yes, we are trying to get the prize, but there's an obstacle we have to get through first." Admiral Pellaeon said. "Most notably that fleet we're about to take down."

OOC: Do you have MSN or AIM, Crazed Marines?
Crazed Marines
28-10-2004, 01:17
OOC: No, I don't. That's why I always like OOC threads for any war.
Outer Heaven MK II
28-10-2004, 14:05
OOC: Jordaxia, you better!

IC: Sir! The fleet has come!" a worried officer shouted. Anton's eyes widened.

"But the base is on the other side of Endor! Damnit...what are we up against?" Anton asked. The officer hit his console.

"Over three fleets worth of ships, and one ship...designated the Revenge is moving towards us...I think they're going to ram. however, not all is lost. We report that troops have been dropped by the Revenge."

"Excellent. Communications, send a message to the fleet, they are to engage the enemy! Tactical, raise our quantum shield grid, activate the Beam arrays and cannons, and activate the TJS, and initiate a flank manuever on the Revenge!" Anton shouted.

All the respective officers responded...


Suddenly, every ship in the fleet powered up, and Viper Intercept fighters poured out of fighter bays...


"!" Anton ordered. The Tactical officer nodded, and hit the blue button on his console...


The TJS stood for 'The Tactical Jump System'. A new system developed by Outer Heaven, the TJS served two purposes. If put into automatic mode, the ship would jump to safety if anything avoidable (but would cause unwanted damage) was thrown towards the ship. If put in Manual mode, however, when activated, the ship would jump to some predefined co-ordinates, and be ready to attack the moment it jumped in. So, the TJS in other words, is any ship's godsend.


And so, a large, shimmering subspace portal opened up in front of the Colossus. Afterburners churning out compressed hydrogen, the ship propelled itself into the portal...
28-10-2004, 14:21
"Rogue lead, this is Rogue Nine reporting enemy interceptors inbound," the shrill of missile lock filled my cockpit and I let loose with a pair of Hornet interceptor missiles, each of the two missiles carrying six micromissiles that would track individual targets provided by Deja's subsystems. "Requesting permission for Three Flight to engage."
Outer Heaven MK II
28-10-2004, 14:38
Gamma Leader, the Interceptor leading the fighter attack, cursed.

"They've got hornets people! Alpha, Beta, Delta, distract those fighters! Gamma, follow me, we're going to flank those s!" he ordered. Once everyone confirmed, he banked right, weaving and dodging, and dropping countermeasures.

Alpha, Beta, and Delta all broke off, and started to weave in between one another. Alpha Leader grinned, and squeezed his stick, letting loose with his Lancer cannons (think mini-beam cannons that fire short bursts), before launching two 'Thumpers' towards the incoming squadrons...
28-10-2004, 18:24
"Rogue lead, this is Rogue Nine reporting enemy interceptors inbound," the shrill of missile lock filled my cockpit and I let loose with a pair of Hornet interceptor missiles, each of the two missiles carrying six micromissiles that would track individual targets provided by Deja's subsystems. "Requesting permission for Three Flight to engage."
"Engage, now!" I ordered. "Kartion, back me up!"

I weaved my X-wing into the mess, and picked a target. Rocky shrilled when he got a lock, and I let the Force guide me, pressing my thumb down on the firing trigger at the right time, aiming for Alpha...
28-10-2004, 22:54
I switched my shields to full front and sent my fighter into a barrel roll. I avoided most of the enemy energy weapons, and fired off one more Hornet at the lead fighter - whom my IFF designated as 'Gamma Lead' - and let loose with my quad gun at the enemy fighter squadrons. Rouges ten and eleven, in the N-1s, did similarly but with rebel proton torpedoes. The blue bolts of light raced towards the fighters that my wingmen had targetted.
"Fuso, do you think you can get a firing solution on all of them?" I asked.
"Working. Give the A.I. some time, it's new technology here."
Unified Sith
29-10-2004, 01:16
OOC: Crazed Marines no offence i didn’t reply to your post as well it was godmoded in the first place and i would rather rp with those that are more important in my eyes. I don’t accept fleets "Just appearing" anywhere. Last i will say of it.

Before the attack on Endor.

"Sir the vessels should be here momentarily. Dropping inhibitor field."

The faster than light inhibitor field was shut down allowing the subspace portals to be formed. From out of another universe came the allied ships. "This is Commander Malin welcoming you to Endor colossus, please take position at these coordinates.” A set of coordinates were uploaded and sent giving the colossus a location on the opposite side of the moon. Due to the busy trade traffic and supply ships it was forbidden for any non civilian ship to be in direct space above the installation due to danger of blocking the space and hyperspace lanes and ports.

Shortly after the arrival of the Colossus a large mercenary fleet came in system, however they were not authorised nor was there any orders for them to be in this sector. “Hmmm Commander a young sensor operator called. Why is the Jordaxian fleet here?”

“Good question? What are they doing.”

“Sir their moving towards the colossus. If they were not allied ships I would say that they were moving in an attack formation sir. SIR, they are in attack formation. SIR we have another problem sensor network 444B/112A reports a breech of unknown ships, they match Rebel ships Sir.”

“Projected course?”


“Shields up. And activate the Defence platforms. Order all transports to evacuate now and send a signal for help.”

“Sir” the operator responded. “Almost every sensor operator throughout the Empire will have detected the breech help will be sent regardless.”

“Send the transmission anyway just to be sure.”

From across the room a communications operator responded with an ominous tone. “I can’t sir. Our communications are jammed.”

“Tactical.” The commander boomed. “Open fire on that fleet. And begin operation Prominent NOW!!.”

Deep within Endor itself the most advanced research facility in the empire was now evacuating. Into the lower almost impregnable sections. Luckily most equipment had slowly been moved to the planet of Tareth where Wick skirmishes had just recently taken place. Huge Neutronium doors wre now being sealed within the complex. The lift shafts that granted access were now closed off and the subterranean shielding was now activated. Only a five hour prolonged base delta zero could only begin to have effect on the deepest reaches of the facility.
Crazed Marines
29-10-2004, 02:09
OOC: Crazed Marines no offence i didn’t reply to your post as well it was godmoded in the first place and i would rather rp with those that are more important in my eyes. I don’t accept fleets "Just appearing" anywhere. Last i will say of it.

OOC: Well, I'm not thru.
First, I wanted at least a decent battle but you didn't post about it. I was willing to take numerous losses.
Second, I posted to the best of my limited abilities how we got there. I posted how they set the trap. I even gave you a few chances to respond, but you did NOTHING to keep this from happening, so in essence you forced me to do such.
Third, I am not the best RPer in space battles. I am more of an infantry person and it shows.
Fourth, If you had said ANYTHING to me, then things could have wound out differently. I believe that we are equally at fault for the crappy RP.
29-10-2004, 18:50
Admiral Daibai looked on in disgust as the collosus disappeared from the main viewer. A most cowardly tactic from a nation no doubt incapable of defending itself through strength of arms. They would not stand to fight; It would only make it more bloody when they came too blows in an inevitable clash.

"We use Gridsphere technology, do we not?" Daibai asked Abhaya.

"Yes, sir. A first generation gridsphere drive. Plagued with inefficiencies, but still seriviceable." Abhaya responded.

"Excellent. Prepare to dive, we'll not allow that hulk to see us coming. We will board this ship if it is the last thing we do. Notice how their FtL travel opened a gate which they needed to jump into. We shall stop them entering the gate, by forcing them out of the way. I don't deny that a ship such as ourselves would find it a simple matter to knock something even that size off course.
Have the Nonsequitors harrass it continually whilst we get into a suitable position. For a slight second the Pacmans Revenge glowed brighter than the sun, before solidyfing into a silver oval. The oval shrunk, becoming little more than a pinpoint of light before disappearing entirely. Everyone on board had placed sunglasses on, to shield themselves from the bleached liquid light of the grid. With atmosphere filterers, the grid took on a beautiful appearance, like an all-encircling ocean, belying its deadly power. Without them, however, it just looks like someone set the brightness of the universe too highly.

"Admiral, Commodore, dive completed." We should be undetectable to their sensors at the moment. We have pinpoint communications established with the Nonsequitors, moving into position near the colossus now." the navigational officer stated.

"Wonderful news. show me the battle unfolding on the main screen."

"Aye aye, admiral."

The Forest moon of Endor popped up, showing, background to a battle in space. A group (5) of Nonsequitors opened their missile ports, and released a flurry of missiles (40 each) , which went hurtling towards their targets, the other large capital ships in the area. After a few seconds, each of the missiles burst into 6 parts as the micromunitions flared their own engine, continuing on course. About a quarter of these munitions flew off at wild angles, only vaguely travelling in the right direction. After another few seconds, radiation spikes lanced across towards the enemy capital ships as they unloaded their single shot masers in their direction. After that, they beelined towards the ship as a purely kinetic missile. This kind of scene was being repeated across the field, as hummingbird submunitions flew after fighters, resolutely following them with their superior manoeubrability. A few humminbird cases just hung around the battlefield, blaring an EW field into the dark, attempting to disrupt enemy scanners. Much larger fields, similar to that, were mounted on every Nonsequitor, providing a blanket EW coverage.

Nearer Endor, two thousand Doc ock power armours closed with the surface, slowly, as to penetrate the planetary shield.
Outer Heaven MK II
29-10-2004, 19:15
OOC: You're going to get a surprise Jor, but continue.
29-10-2004, 19:31
(singular OOC: Well, if you were to go on msn after you took the trouble of adding me, this coulda been planned out better!)

The previous sentence may or may not have been meant primarily as a joke. Also, ICly, I've no reason not to, so it's not as if I can really stop myself.
29-10-2004, 21:14
The Star Destroyers quickly jumped to hyperspace, coming out fast near the Outer Heaven fleet and let loose a withering blast of turbolasers and ion cannons before jumping out again.
Outer Heaven MK II
29-10-2004, 21:26
"Fools." Every ship Captain said at once. Turbolasers and Ion Cannons were the same as Interceptor lasers. While they probably did pack some punch, the Quantum shielding absorbed the barrages easily.
29-10-2004, 21:32
The Star Destroyers jumped in again, behind their foes. This time, they were ordered to unleash an Alpha Strike upon their foes, firing all weapons (except gravitic) upon them.

"Looks like it isn't as good as we thought." Andrew said.

"Yeah. Perhaps we should stick it out and call Rommel in." Admiral Pellaeon said. "Good tactic, bad situation to use it."

"He's young. He'll learn better." Andrew shrugged and headed for his fighter. "Order the General to ready the troops for ground combat."

"Very well, sir."
Outer Heaven MK II
29-10-2004, 21:40
"FIRE!" Every Captain screamed. Turrets, Beam Arrays, every weapon on every ship targeted every enemy, and unleashed their ly barrage.

Beam Arrays charged and fired. They started carving through ships, one beam hit an ISD near Pelleons ship, blowing the bridge into oblivion, and subsequently, the whole ISD with it.
Crazed Marines
29-10-2004, 21:49
"Admiral Karath. Communication from home. You are to turn our fleet under the control of CoreWorlds. The President says that its their war and they know how to fight it best." the Comm Officer said.

"Did he say that?" Karath questioned.

"Those were his exact words, and he also said not to try that 'Garbled communication' trick like Patton did." the Lieutenant stated bluntly.

"This guy knows me too well. Follow the CW fleet and tell them the situation." Admiral Karath stated, disgusted in his orders. The CM fleet then jumpedi nto warp and neded up abput 1 million KM from CW's fleet.
29-10-2004, 21:49
"Blazer's gone!"

"Great. Where are the reinforcments?" Pellaeon asked.

"Don't know, sir."


Admiral Rommel decided to take the Rebellion and it's fleet into action, following the task force he sent, after he heard the orders from Andrew.


Meanwhile, a cloud of troop and vehicle assault shuttles were sent to Endor as the remaining Star Destroyers continued to cover them.


Reinforcements have arrived. The first task force of 5 ISDs lept out of hyperspace and started blazing away at the Outer Heaven fleet, their powerful turbolasers wrecking havoc on the enemy.
Outer Heaven MK II
29-10-2004, 21:53
"Sir, shields are starting to weaken!"

"Cut power from engines, and pump it to the shields! I want all the beam arrays slicing those bridges off those ships!"

"Yes sir!"


Two beams lanced out at the Rebellion, on cutting into the hull, the other slicing though the 'neck' holding the bridge...
29-10-2004, 22:09
The ISD Rebellion started to drift away as the four other ISDs continued to barrage the enemy fleet.
Unified Sith
30-10-2004, 13:38
“Sir multiple hostiles are now approaching the planet, shall we open fire?”

“Target all three ion cannons on the closest star destroyer and work your way through them. We are perfectly safe here with the shield operational.” The commander of FF/11 was a tall and skinny man obviously not used to much combat operations, he was unaware of the potential horrors that could befall them in a war.

From their hidden locations the ion cannons sought out to actively target the Coreworldian ships. Charging after only a few seconds they released their first salvo into the unsuspecting star destroyer.

Upon the communications console in the command room a small comm. Link was blinking. Finally after a few seconds of waiting it was answered. “Lieutenant Scar reporting in from sector 44A. We report multiple hostiles moving in, some have what appears to be eight limbs where as others are standard Rebel equipment. What are my orders.?”

“Your orders are to defend the shield generators order all AT-AT and AT-ST units to protect it. We are sealing all blast doors now, your on your own out there for now lieutenant.”

“Understood.” However the officer knew what that really meant. It meant that he was on his own and he would most likely die as reinforcements were at best forty five minutes away.

From maximum range the eighteen walkers and twenty AT-ST’s protecting the shield generator opened fire upon the hostile dock ocks and rebel crafts. The weakness in the underneath armour having been long dealt with now gave the crews a much needed feeling of security. The lush forests of Endor having been reduced to grass fields within a radius of five hundred km saw the reduction of the Ewok race of thousands to mere hundreds, and there still was a bounty on a capture of one.

Inside FF/11 A large shuttle was being crewed and manned its repulser lifts activating sending it into the atmosphere. Inside were the greatest Scientific minds each one capable of great genius. Guarded by twelve Tie fighters the shield was lowered for a mere second allowing the transport to get into space. Hyperspace coordinates previously locked in and the inhibitor field lowered would send the shuttle into light speed.
30-10-2004, 16:56
The Jordaxian ships slowly went under the field, so as not to simply smash off of the surface. Once underneath, pods shot from the underside of the crafts, each of them capable of carrying 500 troops down to the surface in their one shot pods. The pods thermokinetic foam bottoms absorbed most of the impact, as the small retro-rockets shot, ensuring that the craft landed the right way up. Once 1500 had impacted successfully, 500 more shot out of the last ship. These ones were different. Ornate markings lined the surface, the traditional purple pods replaced by red and gold. Symbols of dragons were on each corner, and the retro-rockets were dragons mouths, also gold. These struck the ground with far more force, and the doors shot out and upwards, so as not to strike any of the other armours. From the darkness of the pod, metallic limbs emerged, gripping the outside, before propelling the torso out. A human shaped torso, surrounded by limbs, each harbouring impressive weaponry. They tested their weaponry, before climbing onto the ground properly. Their backs lit up, and their limbs stretched out. The test of the aerial propulsion packs seemed to be successful. With that, they thrust themselves into the air, and pointed towards the direction of the AT/ATs. The smaller, grey models on the ground began to march with determined speed towards the AT/STs, lining up their gauss guns with the targets. Inside, a cloak of red filled their vision as the targetting systems activated in line with their neurites. Every weapon came up fully operational. At a pace and stance that could only be described as "scuttling" they approached their targets. Each lit up a bright yellow, as weapons systems targetted them. Gauss guns flared to life. Shells emerged at gigantic speeds as they flew towards the AT/STs, 150 shots per target. High above the battlefield, the ornate armours picked out their targets, the imperial AT/ATs. 8 maserminiguns were brought up, and lined for a pinpoint location on the AT/ATs hull. Once the shield generators were down, it would only require one to destroy the insides of the AT'. The masermini's spun up, and a single point on the AT/AT began to glow as the shield generator was exposed to intense heat and radiation of the masers.

Above them, the battle continued to rage as Jordaxian nonsequitors grouped together for a quick assault on the largest enemy ship they could see.

(think how the sentinels in the matrix group together in a swarm, and focus on a singular target.)
Outer Heaven MK II
30-10-2004, 17:03
OOC: Attacking in subspace, is that wise?
30-10-2004, 17:09
oh, it's still in subspace?

I'll edit it out, then have them group to attack one of your not in subspace ships.
30-10-2004, 18:47
“Sir multiple hostiles are now approaching the planet, shall we open fire?”

“Target all three ion cannons on the closest star destroyer and work your way through them. We are perfectly safe here with the shield operational.” The commander of FF/11 was a tall and skinny man obviously not used to much combat operations, he was unaware of the potential horrors that could befall them in a war.

From their hidden locations the ion cannons sought out to actively target the Coreworldian ships. Charging after only a few seconds they released their first salvo into the unsuspecting star destroyer.

The Emancipator was hit by the massive salvo, and blue lightning snaked across the shields and into the hull, overloading computers and systems. The crew worked frantically to get it into a higher orbit.

Upon the communications console in the command room a small comm. Link was blinking. Finally after a few seconds of waiting it was answered. “Lieutenant Scar reporting in from sector 44A. We report multiple hostiles moving in, some have what appears to be eight limbs where as others are standard Rebel equipment. What are my orders.?”

“Your orders are to defend the shield generators order all AT-AT and AT-ST units to protect it. We are sealing all blast doors now, your on your own out there for now lieutenant.”

“Understood.” However the officer knew what that really meant. It meant that he was on his own and he would most likely die as reinforcements were at best forty five minutes away.

From maximum range the eighteen walkers and twenty AT-ST’s protecting the shield generator opened fire upon the hostile dock ocks and rebel crafts. The weakness in the underneath armour having been long dealt with now gave the crews a much needed feeling of security. The lush forests of Endor having been reduced to grass fields within a radius of five hundred km saw the reduction of the Ewok race of thousands to mere hundreds, and there still was a bounty on a capture of one.

General Harry Hayden was a veteran of several wars, and has gone through many hellish battlefields. He knew there was a risk of death every time he landed, as noticed when a LAAT went down to fire. But he relished in the battle, loved the smell of ozone and black smoke in the morning. Besides, his leader ordered him to battle, and to battle he shall go.

His command LAAT hung back while he saw landing barges full of hovertanks and hover MRLS units, not to mention the usual AT-ST and AT-AT units. Other LAATs landed and disgorged marines in tan, flexible armor (think Command and Conquer) and carrying a multitude of deadly weapons. Those gunships then rose to the air, dodging the enemy fire and providing their own fire in the form of missiles and beamlasers.

Starfighters went down to the surface to provide cover fire against any marauding TIEs, led by Andrew Masaki, while two Star Destroyers bombarded the shields, hoping to find a weakness.

Inside FF/11 A large shuttle was being crewed and manned its repulser lifts activating sending it into the atmosphere. Inside were the greatest Scientific minds each one capable of great genius. Guarded by twelve Tie fighters the shield was lowered for a mere second allowing the transport to get into space. Hyperspace coordinates previously locked in and the inhibitor field lowered would send the shuttle into light speed.

The shield lowering and the shuttle prompted me and my squadron to break off and attack it. I had a B-wing pilot named Jak shoot the shuttle with ion cannons while the rest of us held off the enemy TIEs with our legendary prowess.

I looped, rolled, and dove, taking an enemy TIE out with several blasts of my laser cannons, then I snap-rolled to dodge the one on my tail, who ended up being Kartion's kill.

A cruiser would pick up the shuttle if all goes well.


The SSD Rebellion is still on it's way to the battlefield. With it is an additional ten Star Destroyers, more than enough to hopefully win this battle against Outer Heaven.
Outer Heaven MK II
30-10-2004, 18:55
Every Captain got impatient.

"One beam array section to an ISD! Just hit the bridges!"

"Aye aye sir!"

Every ship targeted (about thrity ships, the rest are up against Jor) an ISD's bridge. One by one, the arrays charged to full strength, and the first lashed out, vapourising the bridge, disabling the unlucky ISD...
30-10-2004, 19:01
The Chimera survived by virtue of having it's shields reinforced a while ago. It was forced to retreat from the area in order to recover, while the four other ISDs covered it, keeping their bridges from being targeted by blasting the area with heavy ECM and turbolaser strikes.

A wing of E-wings and B-wings tore through the enemy ranks to deal with the ships with beam arrays, shooting capital-grade missiles and torpedoes at the enemy.
Outer Heaven MK II
30-10-2004, 19:06
"Sir, we have incoming!"

"Activate the Flak Turrets!"

"Yes Sir!"

Oval shaped turrets activated. Holes opening in them, golden orbs shot out of the holes, nearing their targets, and exploding, shreading the missiles into bits and eating away at the fighter's shields...
30-10-2004, 19:17
"Great..." The commander of the fighters said. "Concentrate fire on their bridges! Order the gunships to move in and deal with those things!"

The gunships were ordered in to deal with the beam arrays and flak cannons, spitting laser cannons and very fast but small missilelets at them while trying to dodge the anti-fighter beams. They may not be as quite as fast as fighters, but they're still quite nimble and can survive hits that would kill fighters.
Outer Heaven MK II
30-10-2004, 20:13
IC: "Concentrate our Anti-Fighter Beams on those Gunships!"

"Yes sir!"

Two blue beams lanced out, one beam hitting an unlucky gunship's engine, the other ripping through the hull, destroying it utterly. other blue beams lanced out, trying to catch the gunships.
30-10-2004, 20:26
Two gunships went down, but their fliers tried to crash into the larger ships and cause damage any way they can.

The other gunships rolled and banked to present themselves as harder targets as they continue to laser and missile the ship defenses. They had to cut through the shields before they can get to the weapons...
Crazed Marines
30-10-2004, 21:29
Admiral Karath did not like this at all. He was given orders to let CoreWorlds take control of his fleet, they were in a battle and nothing was happening, and they hadn't fired a shot in anger for quite some time. The Admiral was getting imaptient.

OOC: CoreWorlds, RP my fleet for me...It'll save me a lot of trouble with US.
30-10-2004, 21:32
OOC: What are the numbers and compliment?
Crazed Marines
30-10-2004, 21:52
10 SSDs, full compliment; 29 Asguard Motherships with a skeleton crew, captain, and AI (152 people); and as many fighters as possible (Asguard ships can hold around 12 fighters each.

Asgard Mothership
Length 2500 meters
Height 900 meters
The Asgard mothership is a relatively flat vessel with two vertical hyperdrive engines at the stern, giving the ship a sleek, streamlined look.
Within the vessel are many labyrinth-like, curved corridors in exotic, violet tones. The ship is equipped with a deceleration drive to facilitate the return to normal velocities after exiting hyperspace. The ship is also equipped with advanced weapons, and multiple transporter arrays. It can avoid detection by satellites and telescopes, using a cloaking device. Travel incredibly much faster than light, through hyperspace; can travel from one end of the galaxy to another in no time.
30-10-2004, 22:01
OOC: Nice. *takes 'em over*
31-10-2004, 16:41
((Urg...*will post soon*))
01-11-2004, 02:15
A Victory-class battleship, a rare yet powerful vessel in the Feazanthian navy, entered the system from the Slipstream and immediately powered up its main turrets.

FSS Nostradamus
"Those damn rebels! Don't know a goddamned thing 'bout capship battles! They're all snubfighters and shit like that! All turrets to bear on lead Outer Heaven vessel, switch to plasma torpedoes and let fly!"

Motes of red light gathered on the turrets of the large vessel as plasma was poured into electromagnetic fields. The slow-moving balls of roiling plasma were fired at the nearest OHMII vessel, their impact guaranteed to bring death.
Unified Sith
02-11-2004, 00:28
OOC: Once again I must ignore your attack Feaz with your instantly appearing ships!

The Shuttle came under direct fire as soon as it passed through the shields. Piloting the sluggish well shielded craft an Ace pilot swerved and slid out of turbolaser fire. “We need to get out of here now.” Screamed a scientist from the back.

While the shuttle evaded the deadly attacks of rogue squadron the Pilot was asking two crewmen at the back why the hell they hadn’t cloaked yet. In mid rant the shuttle simply faded out of view.

The cloaked transport would have meant relative safety for the Imperial crewmen and scientists if they were facing normal rogue forces however it was Jedi they were facing. The red glances of turbolaser fire still homing in on the transport impacted upon the cloaking device sending rainbow coloured shimmers across the hull. As the rear shields began to fail a passenger in the back lifted up the lid on an odd looking cargo container. Cranking a dial towards a small position the device powered up and emitted a strange field that would extend several km in radius. The field would inhibit all force powers. (Coreworlds knows how this works and it does. NO ONE will be told how it works as as soon as its filled its plot purpose its getting destroyed.)

“The X-wings are missing us!” the pilot exclaimed from the cockpit. Jumping to light speed now.

The shuttle sped of into the stars.
02-11-2004, 00:48
"What?" I said in surprise as I attacked the shuttle. One minute it was there, and the next...gone! When I reached out with the Force, trying to discern where the shuttle was, I could feel nothing. Like a void within the Force. "Dammit! I can't believe they used those sithspawned creatures!"

There are only a few creatures that I know of that could block the Force, and only one of them is small enough to fit a shuttle: Ysalimari. I cursed them, heading back into the battlefield. I will have to talk to Dad about this, but right now, I have a battle to win.
02-11-2004, 02:59
On the ground, many soldiers died in the battle, but the resolve of the Rebellion is still bright. AT-AT units began to encircle their enemy counterparts and and several of them used powerful spine-mounted turbolasers (think AT-TE) to attack their counterparts and blast them apart. Proton torpedos from fighters who found holes in the shields helped to deal with the rest of them.

Infantry fought infantry, their training and Jedi helping to cut through the enemy ranks. But they pushed, and they pushed hard...
02-11-2004, 03:30
The Sith AT/ATs opened fire with tremendous force. grey Doc Ocks which had been advancing on the foe suddenly vanished in a flash of grey, evaporated by the mighty blasts. The AT/STs were somewhat more unlucky. Targetted by a vast amount of firepower, they were torn to bits by the shells, like tissue paper, gaps appearing, widening, shredding the crew and the metal. As one, the STs fell to the ground, sparks jetting out of the legs, fire consuming the gooey remains of the unfortunate pilots. The AT/ATs, however, were another problem entirely. The datafile they recieved was incomplete, to say they least. Missile launchers opened up and grey smoke partially obscured the giant construct. Target readings appeared on the HUD as missiles left their tubes and began to lock on their targets. Electron blades were lit to provide point defense, and gaussguns locked onto the missiles, pouring kinetic projectiles at the tubes. as more hostile weapons filled the huds of the swarming powered armours, the strain was felt. Whilst these pilots where the Padshahs personal guard, they were not Gods. Each had to watch the others back in case one got around a flank. The AT/ATs fired their defensive turbolasers randomly to block off avenues of escape for the guard. But a few kept their cool, and seen what this indicated. The shields were semi-permeable, not the second stage impermeable fields. Slowly, armours descended on each AT/AT, the most skilled pilots among them. They had quickly organized through their neurite net to attack 2 to an AT/AT, at either ends, to ensure they would quickly eliminate any enemy troops within. As they dropped, a few were unfortunately clipped by missiles. One particularly unlucky pilot lost control of the thrusters, and bombed into the shields, vapourising on contact. In an instant, several AT/ATs bloomed into bright suns, flinging the encircling doc ocks chaotically apart, before they regrouped and closed on the remaining AT's, all the while blasting their path through swarming enemy missile fires, whos surprise had claimed the lives of several of the Padshahs guard.

With a satisfying clunk, the Ocks hit the top of the AT's. masers, now available once again being brought to the fore, spearing missiles any targets with invisible lances. With tremendous force, the spiked limbs of the armour speared into the AT/AT hull, and began to pull at it. Heating it with masers as they tugged, the armour began to glow white hot. It cracked underneath the stress, globules dripping down into the hull. Activating their psychological warfare sensors, they let out an otherworldly scream, and descended into the main compartment. The stormtrooper and combat droid contingent appeared yellow on their targetters, as they sealed all weapons for manoeuvrability. All through the AT/ATs, the closest stormtrooper was impaled by the claws of a raging guard-armour, cast aside like a rag, as they advanced through the files. Blood coursed along the floor as stormtroopers were torn to pieces, limb from limb, and cast aside like the last, on the floor, draining of whatever life remained. The stormtroopers appeared soulless behind their masks, depriving the guards from seeing their victims eyes as they died. Droids, unaffected by the sheer horror of the scene opened fre on their opponents, which towered over them, gripping onto the roof and the walls as they tore their victims apart. the masers flicked into position, and they began to melt the droids firing, whilst maintaining their butchers slaughter of the organic crew. Not one guard inside was bloodless, their red armour only partially disguising the deeper crimson of blood. Entrials lined the floor, which would have made walking difficult if they didn't pull themselves along the walls and roofs. With their slaughter of the AT/ATs crew complete, aside from the pilots, the doc ocks brought their gaussguns up, and turned the head of he beast inside out. Flying out through the holes they had made, and dripping with blood, they joined with the rest of the Padshahs guard as they made their way towards the closeby shield generator. Several of the guard never left the metallic cattle, their tomb til eternity. The religious caste had ensured that their souls would be properly attended in the afterlife.
02-11-2004, 03:39
:sniper: asian
:mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: all of you asians will die hahahaha
02-11-2004, 21:11
The Marine Corps troops went ahead into the breach the Doc Ocks made and they made headway for the supply base.

In a forward base set up several km from the battlefield, Andrew landed his X-wing and had a small theatre shield placed over his base of operations.

"Ok, let's see what we got here." Andrew said. "Sergeant!"

"Yes sir!"

"A hoverjeep, if you please?"

"Yes, sir!" The sergeant called for a repulserlift version of the familiar jeep that soon rolled up, driven by a young man not much older than Daniel, surprised that he gets to drive his Commander in Chief. "Where to?"

"The front, Private." Andrew said, unhooking his lightsaber. "We got a supply base to capture."

"Yes sir." The young man stepped on the throttle, and the jeep soon zoomed ahead, preparing to dodge heavy fire.
02-11-2004, 21:27
OOC: Hey there. Can you just give me a brief summary off where you guys are. Ill just catch up there
02-11-2004, 21:38
OOC: We're at Endor right now. You know, the Forest Moon with the cute fuzzy Ewoks that helped beat the stormies. :p
Anyway, the Ewoks are all dead and there's a large battle going right now for a supply depot we found on the ground. We, the Rebels, need that supply depot, and we're bogged down by Imperial forces, but starting to break through. Best help you could give us is space support against Outer Heaven, who is the space fleet in orbit fighting our Star Destroyers and fighters.
02-11-2004, 21:49
OOC: However, after further background checks on your roleplaying ability, I'm afraid that I'll have to turn down your request to join our RP. You do not quite have the quality we're looking for.
02-11-2004, 21:52
Aimless sat in the commander chair of his stardestoyer. He sighed greatly. He had just fought a war with a race called the imperium and against the shadow ninjia col.dreadnaught. Though he left them in dissarray he was greatly scathed. HIs ships are fixed and ready for a fight but Aimless really did not want to fight anymore. He was a force using younge man but he had no idea it was THE force who was guiding him. They exit hyperspace near the moon of endor having no idea the horrors happing there.
02-11-2004, 22:01
OOC:What'd I miss?
02-11-2004, 23:23
The hoverjeep dodged an incoming missile as it exploded, sending clouds of dust into the air. The private was doing his best to keep his Commander alive, flooring the throttle and spinning the driver's wheel like a madman, zooming around the large behemoths that are rebel AT units and smaller hovertanks and ST units. The infantry was pushing hard, and Andrew could see several breaches already made, with the help of the Doc Ock troops. He ordered the young man to drive to one of those breaches so he could exploit it.

The jeep suddenly veered as it was hit by blaster fire. Andrew grabbed the youth and jumped out and rolled away before it exploded. He immediately got up, drawing his lightsaber to stop the incoming blaster bolts as the boy drew his pistol and returned fire. He had the boy join one of the platoons, who gave him a M-16BR rifle for better offense and Andrew hoped the kid would survive this battle.

Morale rose with the arrival of Andrew trickling down to the troop ranks and the marines surged forward under colonels and majors, breaking through in several places with the help of the armor and air units. The Jedi attacked, their lightsabers colorful blurs of destruction as they blocked blaster bolts and cut down troops and enemy anti-personell units like AT-STs. Andrew could sense that victory was near, and the base is just ahead. He ordered the troops to press the assault and keep the pressure on the stormtroopers as he himself struck down many enemies while charging for the supply base...
03-11-2004, 01:19
OOC-This from a man who used to control worldships the size of Pluto with shields no ordinary weapon could penetrate in a billion years.

But, in the words of the SNL-ized Sean Connery, "I'll play your game, you rogue."


The Stoic had sent out a distress call the moment it entered the system and saw that the rebel fleet was outmatched. The MC90 cruiser, though outfitted with a slew of sophisticated Feazanthian technology, was no match for the battlefleet that had amassed at Endor. The captain of the Stoic had expected a Strike Fleet to arrive, their immensely complex warp-slipstream drives capable of delivering them and their flimsy-yet-capable warships anywhere in the galaxy nearly instantly. Instead, a patrol vessel had responded. The ship had broken from a supply convoy to come to the cruiser's aide, and now it chose to arrive.

A Victory-class battleship, a rare yet powerful vessel in the Feazanthian navy, entered the system from the Slipstream and immediately powered up its main turrets.

FSS Nostradamus
"Those damn rebels! Don't know a goddamned thing 'bout capship battles! They're all snubfighters and shit like that! All turrets to bear on lead Outer Heaven vessel, switch to plasma torpedoes and let fly!"

Motes of red light gathered on the turrets of the large vessel as plasma was poured into electromagnetic fields. The slow-moving balls of roiling plasma were fired at the nearest OHMII vessel, their impact guaranteed to bring death.
04-11-2004, 02:59
The last stormtroopers were chopped in half by Andrew, and he and his troops were finally at the supply base itself. A few automated defenses were defeated by Andrew's troops and then the marines reached the complex.

"Fan out and check out the complex." Andrew ordered his colonel in charge of the marines. "Any booby traps you find, be very careful."

"Yes sir." The colonel relayed the orders. There is something odd about the complex. Troops found no sign of a barracks or command center, and all crates carefully opened so far were empty.

Andrew recieved these items of notice, and wondered what's up with the base. Carefully, he and a platoon of troops searched around for a door, and Andrew suspect that it could be hidden. So he began to feel for the weakest portion of the complex, the thinnest metal. When he found it, he began to carve a large hole in with his lightsaber. When the carving was finished, he pulled out the piece with his TK and threw it aside. Then, the 50 troops, two Knights and Andrew entered.

It wasn't much, but one of the younger soldiers saw what looks like a call button and large lift doors. "Sir. Looks like we got a lift here."

"Hmm. You're right." Andrew nodded. He saw a call button, and pressed it. A whirlling sound suddenly emanated from below, denoting a lift coming up. Soon, the large doors opened, and a space enough for 200 stormtroopers appeared before them.

"We enter?" The major in charge of the platoon asked Andrew.

"We enter." Andrew saw a button on one side, and pressed it. After the troops entered, the lift doors closed, and then a feeling of going down occurred. Not to mention that crazy elevator music.
Unified Sith
04-11-2004, 03:22
Commander Helith looked up from his command console detailing the complex from the many sensor points throughout the base. Hundreds of red blips motioned the enemy forces moving through the installation. A small alarm bleeping from another console signalled that the elevator section had been breeched.

“Well well well. It looks like they have found as after all.” The commander said to no one in particular. Captain Mall take two squads of Strom troopers and five dark troopers to the outer elevator corridor. I believe that the Jedi Andrew Masaki will be dropping in.”

“Yes Sir.”

On a small monitor on his console a small micro camera was busy filming everything in the lift, the camera zooming in on one man who was obviously the commander of the group had one odd but very distinct feature from the rest of the Rebel force. He was carrying a light sabre, and his facial features matched those of Andrew Masaki of the Rebellion. The emperor would be pleased if he was killed or captured. Perhaps he would be promoted the Commander thought.

Lifting up a small remote he smiled at the thought of killing so many Rebels with so little effort. Pushing the red button inwards over forty thermal detonators strapped onto the bottom of the lift platform detonated sending the occupants hurtling into the smooth shaft.

The wreckage would come crashing to earth and land into the rubble pit, built for this exact possibility. If a lift did ever crash the wreckage would fall into a 20 metre hole at the bottom so another one could be installed quickly and still gain access to the lower level.
04-11-2004, 03:38
Andrew sensed the danger and quickly cut a huge hole in the roof with the other two Jedi. The hole was big enough for 20 of the men to fire grappling hooks and rappell upwards with the Jedi. As the lift exploded, Andrew winced as the rest of the men fell to their deaths, and he wondered now how he's going to get down in the now-empty shaft with just their guns, strong wire, and hooks, as well as the Force holding them up.
Unified Sith
04-11-2004, 03:53
As the remains of the lift came crashing down with a thundering scrape of metal and rock the awaiting troopers winced as the sounds boomed throughout the shaft. Moving out of the tunnel the lead storm trooper looked upwards and noticed three people holding on to the shaft walls for dear life. Captain Mall picked up his communicator and told the commander of the predicament.

“The lift has crashed according to plan sir, however we have three Jedi holding onto the shaft wall. What are my orders.”

From the crackled volume of the communicator the commanders voice could barely be heard. “Set weapons to stun and capture them, they will not have their force powers we are activating the remaining three inhibitors. From three separate points in the base the force inhibitors were being brought online covering an area of 10km cubed in a force power dampening field. Once confirmation of the field being established came through each storm trooper took aim at the Jedi.

“Fire” boomed the captain.

As the circular stun waves headed towards the enemy the dark troopers jetted up into the shaft to catch their falling prisoners before the impacted upon the ground.
04-11-2004, 03:56
A claw hit the button of the elavator, as the jedi and his comrades pushed ahead to secure the base. After a few minutes, it hit the button again. And again. Infuriated now, it smashed the button, and grabbed the elavator door. Tearing them off easily, it cast them aside as the operator of the suit gazed into the darkness of the elevator shaft. With a quick leap, it hurtled towards the opposite side, digging each of its claws into the rock, gaining traction. It swivelled the body round, and began to claw its way down the side of the shaft. Other operators followed suit, extending all the way down the shaft. Slowly they began to filter their way in, each working his own way down to the bottom. After about ten minutes climbing, the first operators came across the dangling, but alive body of Andrew Masaki, along with several comrades. Wasting no time, it quickly grabbed him with one of its many spare claws, making sure as to not injure the jedi. It lowered itself below the rest of the group, keeping the minimal amount of claws embedded as possible. The operator began to pass others above, to be held by other operators, whilst he kept Masaki secure.

Once the survivors had been rescued, the operators continued onto the interior of the base. After a short time, they came across the second door. the operator fired every spare maser into the door, and it glowed white, melting. As it began to crack and fall apart, the beams began to poke through the door. When the operator was sure the door could provide no more resistance, he loaded up four gaussshells. One a smoke canister, the other three kinetic rounds. It blasted them through the door, let out a metallic wail, and dived into the potential combat, electron blades ignited. (there'd be an opportunity for Andrew to get off and prepare, and I'll let CW take over from here. I'm too tired to continue.)

in an edited flash, all my troops disappeared, because in the words of US:
I'M FUCKING THINGS UP ie, winning.

Have fun, US. (and sorry bout this OH, but if I never heard of US, then I wouldn't be fighting your ships, so it's all back to the way it was before.)

Most of all, I apologise to CW. I hoped I could get him out of this situation. But it was made unworkable.
04-11-2004, 04:37
Andrew suddenly felt drained as the Force didn't respond to his calls. The Doc Ock grabbed him as the sudden drainage made him slip. As the stormtroopers started firing, the marines and Doc Ocks returned fire with blaster and maser bolts as they headed downwards. Several Doc Ocks were stunned, but their claws held tight on the shaft walls as precautions.

Andrew had to use his blaster in place of his lightsaber. His aim wasn't as good, but it was good enough. Andrew wondered how he could deal with the loss of the Force as the Doc Ock set him down on the ground and continued firing...
Unified Sith
04-11-2004, 04:53
OOC: I have no idea what Jordaxia is talking about I certainly never told him that he was FUCKING THINGS UP. Coreworlds will rp the Dock Ocks from here since he has no choice thanks to Jordaxia leaving the rp like this but he must have RL concerns. I do invite Jordaxia to rejoin the rp at any time as soon as he can. Taka takes over form here.
04-11-2004, 04:55
Covered by his troops and the Doc Ocks, Andrew forced his way into the secret base, where he would, even without the Force, now try to seek what secrets this base holds.

He ordered his troops to find some way of getting rid of the Force inhibiting effect as he put another power pack in his pistol and took cover behind bulkheads and around corners. The more computer-savvy troops now ran for what computer terminals survived the crossfire and began to try and hack through, seeking the secrets of the base and the shutdown commands for the Force inhibitors.
04-11-2004, 05:32
It took several minutes, but the troops managed to break through and copy the secrets, which include information on droid production, and the real Death Star plans. There happened to be some vague information on what caused Andrew's powers to be lost as well as cloaking devices, but no specifications, just general information that they'll be fitted on several ships, like the Palpatine. The plans and information are given to Andrew, who pockets them and zips the pockets. Now they have to escape...

OOC: Ignore this post until later.
04-11-2004, 05:58
((OOC: I haven't read all of what's going on here, but I'll see if I can't make due, I have a few surprises for you. . . enjoy)

The stormtroopers dropped behind covers as the withering fuliscade of fire tore around them. A few stray bolts burned gashed through armor, though a few were injured. Grimly they lifted rifles over thier cover and returned fire, they were pinned down, and while it was not a good situation, they were confident they could break through when nessisary.

Commander Helith watched the unfolding scene silently, his hand resting just above the comunications console. Resigned to his fate, he tapped the console, opening up communications with the storage room.

"command to storage. . . it appears we will need our package after all. . . releace it."

For a moment he considered ordering a full evacuation, but shook his head, muttering to himself. . .

"They can't be that bad, and I don't want to tip off the invaders. . . I'm sure there will only be a few losses."

He hesitated for a moment, trigering the lock on the door. . . just in case.


The Storm Troopers walked over to the six large coffin like tubes, tapping in the codes to begin the defrosting sequence. As the final tube cracked itself open, the first exploded outward, something slithering rapidly across the room. Weapons suddenly at ready, they swept the room but were unable to find anything. Stirrings from the rest of the cryo tubes prompted the storm troopers to circle each other, forming a defencive circle in the center. A series of explosions caught thier attention, the lids ripping themselves off of thier hinges. A reverberating laugh tore through the room, sounding as if it came through the walls, the coffins and from within thier own heads.


The screams peirced the hallway, causing the storm troopers to stop and turn towards the storage door.
Unified Sith
04-11-2004, 13:30
As the glistening colours of hyperspace dwindled past Grand Admiral Harlin had little time to react. All contact with Endor had been lost for over three hours now, three hours after a rebel fleet had been detected passing through the sensor network. The conclusion was obvious, the most advanced research facility in Endor was now under attack and possibly being invaded by an unknown enemy force. They could be in more numbers than the Imperial fleet or possibly not. Whatever the matter, the Empire had to offer aid. Three hundred ships had been pulled from normal duty to help the research installation, that’s three hundred ships that were supposed to be patrolling the borders.

The Imperial fleet consisted of only two super star destroyers and around two hundred and Ninety Star Destroyers, if there was a sizeable enemy fleet in the system battle would be grand and if not it would be considered overkill.

The Flagship the SSD Turmoil slid out of hyperspace and entered Endors system. Ordering maximum magnification towards the moon, Grand Admiral Harlin was shocked at the battle going on.

Endors defensives had been destroyed, the mighty Golan III platforms now mere space dust, whereas parts of Endor itself burned like a fire in the night. Hope entered the Admiral thoughts when he saw the recruited mercenary forces fighting to protect the moon however something was strange. They were firing on allied units. THE EMPIRE HAD BEEN BETRAYED. Throughout the fleet confirmation was sent to consider the Jordaxian mercenaries as hostile forces however they were not the prime target. Masaki and his flagship was.

The fleet moving into a pincer formation thrust its way through space towards the battle. Tie fighters and Interceptors already launching would precede the fleet in a haze of fighters and blaster fire.
04-11-2004, 13:51
FSS Nostradamus

"Captain! Recieving telemetry data from the moon surface!"
"Relay to my command screen, switch turrets three and four to Lance Beams." The captain examined the telemetry data, paying specific attention to imperial strongholds and Doc Ock movements. "Turrets three and four, prepare to fire, twenty second burn with precision linked to my console."

The dual turrets on the starboard side of the vessel burned red as plasma filled their capacitors. They discharged, laser-fine lances of condensed plasma firing into the moon. They cut with unheard of precision; nearly no structure was safe from the four beams.
04-11-2004, 19:36
Admiral Pellaeon cursed as the Sith appeared on his scopes. There isn't nearly enough firepower to defeat both Sith and Outer Heaven's fleet. But he wondered about the commander of Outer Heaven's fleet. Why did he join the Sith?

"Comm. Send an encrypted message to the flagship of Outer Heaven's fleet. Concentrate firepower on those TIEs."

"Yes sir!"

***Quantum Encryption Engaged***
You are a powerful and honorable nation, Outer Heaven. What do you percieve of
the Sith? What was in it for you when you joined them?
04-11-2004, 20:12
A scream echoed through the base. Andrew, still cut off from the Force, could hear the scream. He and his troops wondered what happened now. He wished he could access the Force, so he could defend himself correctly.

"Sir! We found the access ports for the inhibitors!" One of the soldiers shouted at a terminal.

"Good." Andrew said. "Knock 'em out. All of them."

The soldier typed away, telling the inhibitors to turn off...
Outer Heaven MK II
04-11-2004, 20:33
Anton sat in his command chair, grinning. Why? becasue he was about to show the Pacman's Revenge what firepower was all about. He watched as the PCRG (Plasma Catalysing Rail Gun), finished deploying (it accounts for 1/3 of the ship's size, and yes, it's a super weapon).

"Gunnery Control, start charging the PCRG, we want it to be strong enough to disable the Pacman, nothing more." Anton ordered.

The Gunnery Officer nodded at him ,and started hitting keys on the control panel in front of him. As Anton watched, purple charges started to build up...

OOC: Just to interrupt, here's some info on the PCRG. It's rectangular for one thing, and BIG.

When it deploys, it splits up into 16 parts, that points slightly outwards while forming a circle. At each end of a part, it opens up, and a spike protrudes out (charge compactor and capacitor).

As these start to charge, a large, dagger-shaped object protrudes out of the ship, and just past the 'charge points'. This is where things get interesting.

The object is called a 'Boomer', a rare OH device that can create masive shockwaves. Now, the reason why the 'Boomer' is part of the superweapon is because the shock comes out of the sides, not at where it's pointing (well, not immediately). Why? Because when the shockwaves meet in the middle of the 'Boomer', they cancel each other out.

Now, once charged to whatever intensity, the purple charges (catylised plasma), are sent into the 'Boomer'. They then build up further, until the 'Bommer' is 'hit'. Basically, all 16 'charge-points' come down and hit the 'Boomer' at the same time.

When this happens, the shockwave is created, but remember the cancelling out part? Well, the catylised plasma is in the middle of it, so in essence, it gets 'squeezed' out of the 'Boomer' at the same speed as the shockwave (75% the speed of light).

When the plasma hits, it builds up in the area it hits, until all the plasma has been 'squeezed out'. Then, the plasma then blows. Depending on the charge, it could merely take out a smal ship, to disabling a juggernaut beyond repair, from creating a small crater in an asteroid, tomaking a star go nova. In this case, the Pacman will be disabled. Or will it?

IC: "Sir! We've recieved an encrypted communiqué from the Coreworld Fleet Flagship!"

Anton raised an eyebrow.

"Patch it through."

He listened to the message, and then grinned.

"Communication, send them this: We percieve the Sith as a powerful force that share the same goals in conquering that we do. And we joined them, of course, because of the battles we'd be glorified with, the riches, the honour, and the planets we'd get. Why do you ask?" Anton said. He then flicked his thumb (indicating end message).

The Communications Officer nodded.


We percieve the Sith as a powerful force that share the same goals in conquering that we do.
And we joined them, of course, because of the battles we'd be glorified with, the riches, the honour, and the planets we'd get. Why do you ask?
04-11-2004, 20:40
"Communication, send them this: We percieve the Sith as a powerful force that share the same goals in tion that we do. And we joined them, of course, because of the we'd be glorified with, the riches, the honour, and the planets we'd get. Why do you ask?" Anton said. He then flicked his thumb (indicating end message).

"Sir. Message recieved."

They seem to love fighting... "Hmm. Return this..." Admiral Pellaeon dictated the next:

We are convinced, that you are misplaced in your judgement. You will have more glory and combat if you knew this: The Sith would be a worthy enemy to battle, and yet they are suspectable to overconfidence. We believe that Palpatine is a nexus of evil, who plans to turn every single person into his slave and use their life force to fuel his own dark energies and ambitions.

Admiral Pellaeon learned this from talking to Andrew, and from archives.
Outer Heaven MK II
04-11-2004, 20:48
Anton listened intently.

"Communication, tell them this: Misplaced? I do not believe so. While we know that they are a worthy foe, we tend not to ally with revolutionists. And how, do you propose, that Palpatine can turn us. After the war is over, if these Sith are as so self-confident as you claim, we can easily usurp the throne by using that against them, and of course, battle. Anyway, why should we ally with you? Your nation is defeated and occupied, and why should we give up the riches and planets we'd get off the Sith when we wipe you out?" Anton did the flick thumb, and the message was sent...
04-11-2004, 20:55
Reply, with help from a Jedi on the bridge:

Because as long as our leaders draw breath, we are never defeated. Besides, the Sith utterly hate us for our Jedi ways. Our Order was once ruthlessly purged by this man, merely for existing to provide a defense against darkness. Few Jedi survived the Great Purge, not even the youngest ones, the trainees.
I propose this: We meet face-to-face to discuss this more.
Outer Heaven MK II
04-11-2004, 21:00
Anton grinned.

"Communications, tell them that we agree, and that we will transport the speaker, to the bridge in a few moments."

"Aye sir."

Anton grinned, and then brought up a screen. Bringing up the flagship, he targeted Pelleon. Setting the co-ordinates to just behind him, Anton chuckled a little, and hit the 'Enter' button...
04-11-2004, 21:02
"All right. XO, you have the bridge--what?!" Admiral Pellaeon felt something odd occur inside him.
Outer Heaven MK II
04-11-2004, 21:06
Insurmountable pain flooded through Pellaeon, but he couldn't scream. The mini-subspace portal opened up inside Pellaeon, sucking in his lungs, liver, heart, veins etc. The process lasted for a few horrific seconds, before his skin was sucked into the portal. The moment Pellaeon was through, the portal closed...

...And another opened behind Anton. After a few seconds, Anton turned, knowing Pellaeon would be fully reformed...
04-11-2004, 21:14
Terrible pain coursed through the Admiral's body as he was transported to the other ship and his bridge crew stared in horror as their Admiral disappeared... reappear on the bridge of Anton Slavik's flagship.

"That...was something." The Space Fox said as he reoriented himself. Now, he could see the man he just spoke to a second earlier turn around in his chair...
Outer Heaven MK II
04-11-2004, 21:16
"Ah, greetings Pellaeon," Anton said, standing up, hand outstretched, "If you haven't guessed, I'm Anton Slavik."
04-11-2004, 21:27
"Your reputation precedes you." Gilad shook his hand. "As we were saying..."
Outer Heaven MK II
04-11-2004, 21:29
"Ah yes, lets continue this in my Command room. If you'll follow me Admiral..." Anton said. Spinning on heel, he started to walk towards a door, with the Outer Heaven insignia on it.
04-11-2004, 21:33
The hallway filled with thick cryogenic smoke, the icy cold vapors collecting moisture and forming a thick frost around the hallway. An armored bodyflew out of the opened doors, landing mere feet from the huddled stormtroopers. They took one look at the masacrated remains and levied weapons at the door. The base flooring shook and a sound like daggers on steel filled the hallway. . . anouther armored body, likewise shredded, flew and slammed against the wall, leaving a smear of blood as it slowly slipped down. For a moment all was silent, then the voices started.

They sounded like children screaming in rage, high pitched, aethreal and otherworldly. The scream stopped and the sound of blades on steel picked up again, drawing closer to the door. Something tore from the doorway, leaping through the air amid a flury of blaster bolts. More screams were followed by the dull snap like sticks wrapped in leaves and a white skittered across the floor. As one, the rest of the storm troopers fled, turning and firing at the creature as they made thier way down the hallway, the invaders forgotten. Paniced calls echoed over the coms channels as they retreated further into the base.

"What the hell is that thing?!"

"I couldn't care less, kill it!"

"But it's got the com. . ."

"he's dead, retreat or we'll follow!"

The halls slowly faded to near silence, the only sound a low, beastial growl from behind cover, and the twisting and rending of armor being chewed.
04-11-2004, 21:43
"Ah yes, lets continue this in my Command room. If you'll follow me Admiral..." Anton said. Spinning on heel, he started to walk towards a door, with the Outer Heaven insignia on it.
Admiral Pellaeon followed, admiring the fine command room as he entered it.


Andrew heard more screams, urging the soldier to hurry with the switches. Finally, the Force Inhibitors were shut down, and a sense of relief flooded Andrew as he gathered the Force around him once more and threw stormtroopers with his TK. He then sensed danger...terrible danger.

I was still in the sky, fighting off the enemy fighters when I sensed Dad in danger. I had Kartion take over the fighting, while I dove down to Endor and landed at the now-occupied base...

A Doc Ock went ahead and went after the newcomers, feeling confident that his claws and masers can defeat them.
05-11-2004, 00:10
The gored remains of the stormtrooper was all that remained, strewn across the floor and wall. Overhead, the Squallem hung from the solid metal roof. Unmoving, it's skin perfectly matched the gunmetal blue plating. It eyed the strange creature, trying to determine the most likely possition for a strike. It extended a long, pitted and pointed tounge, a thick bead of saliva dripping off just as it flipped it's tounge, the blob of saliva striking the floor near the corpse. A thick dripping sound filled the silent hallway, and the lizardlike being dropped fromt he rafters behind him, landing noislessly before lashing out with nearly footlong tallons at his opponent's back, between the long metal arms.
05-11-2004, 02:15
"What? Foolish reptile, off my back!" The Doc Ock ordered and he lashed out with his claws to strike at the lizard, even as he felt the pain and blood of the raptor-like claws digging into him.
Unified Sith
05-11-2004, 02:31
As the fleet moved in towards endor the vast bulk of it closed in on the rebel ships effectively stranding all those down on the surface. However four Star destroyers slowly began to enter the atmosphere above the supply base protected by the fleet now in a grand circular formation above the vessels. The docking doors opening in mid decent saw pressure quickly equalising in a hail of white gas. The four ISD’s had a minimal crew compliment however they were not minimally manned. As the large vessels touched down they created a square around the enemy forces. From the many torpedo tubes and cargo bays from each ISD large diamond like devices were launched spreading out and landing all over the landscape. Each one landed with a point into the Crust.

These devices were lain out in a perfect spherical formation, the purple alloys slowly began to glow and expand with the sudden generation of energy. Within an instant a large shield was rose above the area. It would only last for an hour but it would last. The energy pouring out from each ISD reactor and bridge shield generators helped maintain coherence while Tie fighters launched and slowly began to attack those inside the shield bubble.

In orbit of the base the fleet was now in full combat. Turbo laser batteries were firing where as Tie fighters and interceptors screamed towards a descending Jedi pilot. He was trying to make it to the surface however if the Emperor will willing they would finally shoot him down.

Once the bubble sealed within its instance of perfection, large spherical machines rolled out of the ramps and descended onto the surface of Endor. Moving at speeds of forty KPH they quickly headed towards the supply depot where they would meet the Rebel forces and begin to take them out.

As the five hundred droids reached their position just outside of enemy weapons fire they came out of the spherical position and quickly assumed the position of a super battle droid. Everything looked the same however there was a few major differences. The chest boasted a large chain blaster gun, while the standard arm blaster remained outstretched. These droids also had one other significant advantage. They had shield generators on the shoulders protecting them from almost everything that they could face.

The droids now made their way towards the rebels guarding the false supply base, they had one and only one primary objective. To capture Andrew Masaki, how was now know to be on the base thanks to telemetry reports from the surface.
05-11-2004, 02:37
It moved with blinding speed, twisting in mid-air to land against the wall, claws digging in as it primed it's muscles for anouther lunge. It flew through the air and around lashing claws, twisting it's body to minimize the damage. Gashes tore through his side, forming a spiraling pattern over the beast's haunches as powerful jaws snapped shut where his head should have been. Already preparing to break his assault, the Squallem's claws stretched outward, ready to snag abdomen and shoulders of his prey.
Unified Sith
05-11-2004, 02:44
Coreworlds are you ever going to go on MSN/AIM?
05-11-2004, 03:04
It moved with blinding speed, twisting in mid-air to land against the wall, claws digging in as it primed it's muscles for anouther lunge. It flew through the air and around lashing claws, twisting it's body to minimize the damage. Gashes tore through his side, forming a spiraling pattern over the beast's haunches as powerful jaws snapped shut where his head should have been. Already preparing to break his assault, the Squallem's claws stretched outward, ready to snag abdomen and shoulders of his prey.
The Doc Ock's snakeclaws were fast, but not fast enough! The beast tore into the abdomen of the soldier and he screamed in pain and rage as he tried to finish this thing one last time by keeping control of his claws...

OOC: Finish him.

Andrew drew his lightsaber, as he felt the movements of the...things. He centered himself in the Force, preparing for anything, flanked by his soldiers and Jedi.

In orbit of the base the fleet was now in full combat. Turbo laser batteries were firing where as Tie fighters and interceptors screamed towards a descending Jedi pilot. He was trying to make it to the surface however if the Emperor will willing they would finally shoot him down.

"Oh no, you did not just shoot that green shit at me!" I shouted and dodged the laser bolts with jinks and barrel rolls, while Rocky screamed. I dove to the ground, seeing the enemy droids and the Marines firing at each other and used the Force to get into the mind of some of the pilots, trying to turn them on the others. They are traitors...they need to die.

Hoping it worked, I looped over two TIE fighters and locked on them, loosing spears of red laser bolts at the enemy.
Unified Sith
05-11-2004, 17:34
OOC: The droids are just droids CW.

IC: The Tie fighters more manoeuvrable and faster than the X wing kept on their target constantly firing with their blasters. More and more joined in the hunt and soon one X-wing was facing twenty Tie fighters all scrambling from the surface and space. Their turbo lasers turning the black void into a hail of green kept on coming at the X-Wing, it would be destroyed or shot down that was the only thought in the heads of the pilots.

On the surface the new Deathikas were receiving control protocols from the Star Destroyers to open fire on every Rebel and Jordaxian merc upon the surface. Moving towards the supply depot with their shields raised the began to open fire turning the structure into a wreck of holes and molten metal.

In orbit the Fleet had now established suitable interdiction fields around the planet making escape to light speed almost impossible. Turbo lasers and missiles were thrown into the fray of battle while the Grand Admiral relaxed in his command chair.
Outer Heaven MK II
05-11-2004, 19:28
Admiral Pellaeon followed, admiring the fine command room as he entered it.

Anton watched Pellaeon carefully, before placing a hand on a seat.

"Please Gilad - if I may call you that- , take a seat," Anton said, pulling the chair out and sitting down. Hitting a button on the underside, some hidden scanners scanned Gilad.

"Tell me Pellaeon, would you like a drink?" Anton asked, his hand hovering over another button...
05-11-2004, 19:49
Anton watched Pellaeon carefully, before placing a hand on a seat.

"Please Gilad - if I may call you that- , take a seat," Anton said, pulling the chair out and sitting down. Hitting a button on the underside, some hidden scanners scanned Gilad.

"Tell me Pellaeon, would you like a drink?" Anton asked, his hand hovering over another button...
"No, thank you." Gilad turned down the invitation, as he wanted to get back to business.


OOC: It is time...

In a flash of psuedomotion, the Super Star Destroyer Rebellion has reverted to realspace with a impressive number of Star Destroyers (still outnumbered some). Admiral Rommel read the latest sensor readings and grimaced. At least we'll take some heat off the enemy...

"Launch the fighters! Fire at will!" He ordered, and the Rebellion shuddered as thousands of turbolasers, ion cannons and missiles streaked towards the Sith fleet and the rebel Star Destroyers selected targets and opened fire from long range as well. The starfighters, gunships and torpedo boats streamed forward, intent on meeting the enemy and taking the heat off the Chimaera, who was ordered to fall back behind the umbrella of the 1st Fleet. The Rogues had their morale increased, and streaked down towards the planet, where they spotted me dodging like crazy, my shields nearly depleted.

"Whoohoo!" Kartion whooped as he blasted away at the TIEs with a dazzling display of laser cannons. Rogue 3 and 4, Canto and Danielle, locked torpedoes on the Interceptors and let loose the blue-streaked weaponry at them.

I was glad they took good care of me and Rocky now had the breathing space and time to rebuild my shields. The instruments went from red back up to yellow, and then finally green at 80%. Now, I could get to strafing the enemy positions, my laser cannons tracking back and forth, turning droids into scrap metal, keeping the base as safe as possible for my Dad. Speaking of which, what's going on down there?
Outer Heaven MK II
05-11-2004, 20:03
"Suit yourself Gilad..." Anton said, hitting another button instead. A small subspace portal opened up in the table, and a drink popped out of it.

Grinning, Anton took the drink, sipped it, and then set it down, while the portal disssapeared.

"Back to business Gilad, what were you saying?"
05-11-2004, 21:07
"I was wondering...about the reasons for you allying with one as evil as the Sith." Admiral Pellaeon said. "Surely you know that they will make you into their serfs, if they haven't already."


The rebel hovertank units were few, but they were powerful. Their main cannons boomed as hypersonic proton shells lanced out at the droid army advancing, blowing them up. The AT-ATs used their size and height to keep the droid busy with long-range blaster shots, while the tanks, scout walkers and infantry did what they could to protect the base, fighting the ominously advancing pieces of scrap metal to the end if needed.

I zoomed down very low, below treetop level at times, and continued to strafe the droids, keeping my laser cannons trained at the shielded droids to keep them off the soldiers.
Outer Heaven MK II
05-11-2004, 21:13
"I know that they will attempt and fail, yes. But remember, the Sith are overconfident in their abilities, it adds to their power. All they are in our eyes are a bunch of madman drawing off some mystical power, and I intend to use that against them. And anyway, we were promised glory, which we've recieved tenfold, unless you haven't heard: We've occupied Paradigm." Anton replied, taking another sip of his drink.
05-11-2004, 21:21
"I know that they will attempt and fail, yes. But remember, the Sith are overconfident in their abilities, it adds to their power. All they are in our eyes are a bunch of madman drawing off some mystical power, and I intend to use that against them. And anyway, we were promised glory, which we've recieved tenfold, unless you haven't heard: We've occupied Paradigm." Anton replied, taking another sip of his drink.
"I know." Admiral Pellaeon said. "I've seen the news reports. So you wish for glory? I do happen to believe that there is greater glory in fighting the Sith, than in fighting a Rebellion like us. After all, we're easily crushed by the might of the Empire..." He smiled at the irony of his words.
Outer Heaven MK II
05-11-2004, 21:25
Anton smiled, "Interesting point, but what is the point in joining up with the losing side? We could just wait until the Sith -and us- destroy you, get what we wanted, and then slowly destroy them from the inside, couldn't we?"
05-11-2004, 21:32
"Interesting point, but what is the point in joining up with the losing side? We could just wait until the Sith -and us- destroy you, get what we wanted, and then slowly destroy them from the inside, couldn't we?"
"True. You could do that." Pellaeon nodded. "But it would be a lot harder without a Rebellion to keep them occupied, as then Palpatine and his minions could turn on you once they get wind of your betrayal. You have seen what the Death Star can do, haven't you?"

He sagged back, remembering the images of Juria and Waylord's destruction...

"As of now, we are doing everything in our power to destroy the Death Star, but I don't know if it would be enough..." Pellaeon said.
Outer Heaven MK II
05-11-2004, 21:40
Anton laughed involuntarily.

"You know nothing about Outer Heaven then, my dear Admiral. We can easily repel the Sith if they turn on us, and anyway, we can destroy the D-Star in ten minutes..."
05-11-2004, 21:54
I must get them on our side, but then, I hope they aren't boasting...

"How would you deal with the Death Star?" Gilad asked.
Outer Heaven MK II
05-11-2004, 22:29
Anton grinned.

"If you haven't noticed, we have a huge cannon on the front of the Colossus. But that isn't for show. It's called the Plasma Catylising Rail Gun. It's Outer Heaven's most powerful superweapon. Did you know that if we build up a plasma charge in the cannon for more than ten minutes, we have the power to destroy an entire planet?"
05-11-2004, 22:36
The Admiral whistled. "A powerful weapon. More powerful than our own superlasers. By the way, if you are willing, I have a plan, in case you decide to join our side."

"As you have pointed out, their overconfidence is their weakness. That means that while we are fighting them on the outside, you can attack them from within, stretching their forces even more as they go out to conquer. Most of their military is being used in their offensives, including the Death Star at times. That will help keep your own forces from being overwhelmed, especially if they decide to try and bring their fleets down on you."
05-11-2004, 22:45
**On the ground**

It sank teeth deep into the trooper's neck, slamming them shut and easily snaping bone and tearing steel aside. It rolled onto it's back and kicked off, sending the corpse flying through the hallway towards the rest of the Doc Ocs, before it lept after them. Using the corpse as diversion, it's skin changed to match it's new background, becoming nohting more than a blur, twisting and spinning its way down the hallway towards them.
05-11-2004, 22:54
**On the ground**

It sank teeth deep into the trooper's neck, slamming them shut and easily snaping bone and tearing steel aside. It rolled onto it's back and kicked off, sending the corpse flying through the hallway towards the rest of the Doc Ocs, before it lept after them. Using the corpse as diversion, it's skin changed to match it's new background, becoming nohting more than a blur, twisting and spinning its way down the hallway towards them.

The Doc Ocks were good at dealing with stormtroopers, and even the Darktroopers, but they couldn't take the reptile-creature, and though they valiantly fought, they failed and were speared to death. They were forced to retreat, some heading back up the liftway to fight topside.

Andrew could see the blur with his Force-enhanced senses. He moved to intercept the reptile, as the Force itself whispered: wait for the right time to strike...
Crazed Marines
05-11-2004, 23:07
OOC: Could I get a recap on what's happened to my ships?
05-11-2004, 23:09
The least armored of the foes rushed towards the Squallem, and it caught the glint of something metalic being drawn from beneath his robes. It broke erraticly, kicking away from him and projecting it's mind out towards the Jedi. A normal man would have felt dread, fear, and the gnawing hunger for blood, though with his strengthened and enhanced sensitivity, Andrew felt the full extent of it's bloodlust, a wave of hatred and fury so powerful that even the Jedi Knight felt it gnawing at his contiousness. The darkside beconed him, calling, screaming through his head to fight. . . to kill, to spill blood. The Squallem lunged at him, the bloodlust growing to crecendo like a crashing tsunami.
05-11-2004, 23:09
OOC: I'll be using them if I need them in this battle.
Crazed Marines
05-11-2004, 23:11
OOC: Thanks for telling me. Make sure to RP a few of my Marines in Mjolnar armor.
05-11-2004, 23:21
The least armored of the foes rushed towards the Squallem, and it caught the glint of something metalic being drawn from beneath his robes. It broke erraticly, kicking away from him and projecting it's mind out towards the Jedi. A normal man would have felt dread, fear, and the gnawing hunger for blood, though with his strengthened and enhanced sensitivity, Andrew felt the full extent of it's bloodlust, a wave of hatred and fury so powerful that even the Jedi Knight felt it gnawing at his contiousness. The darkside beconed him, calling, screaming through his head to fight. . . to kill, to spill blood. The Squallem lunged at him, the bloodlust growing to crecendo like a crashing tsunami.
The Dark Side suddenly called out for Andrew, like a siren of Greek myth. Like a wave, it smashed against his soul, beckoning him down the abyss. Andrew shook his head, but the siren called again. Andrew was tempted heavily to strike in anger and rage, to strike down and join the Dark Side.

But then, he realized if he did so, he would lose this war. His sons would be disappointed...or dead, if he traveled down that path. Andrew drew upon the memory of his children, of his dear wife Jennifer waiting for him on the Sovereign...he drew in the Light, and without anger, without hate, without fear, he struck out at the advancing reptile, his lightsaber a blur of green-white energy.
05-11-2004, 23:23
OOC: Thanks for telling me. Make sure to RP a few of my Marines in Mjolnar armor.
OOC: Actually, I'm just going to stick with the space battle.
05-11-2004, 23:30
The Squallem had expected his foe to flee in fear or to strike with equal rage. The collected and calm stroke caught it by surprise and the blade slipped through the shoulder, severing the entire left side off of the beast. Undetured, it's rage growing at the pain, it bit down at Andrew's shoulder, claws despratly scrabling to tear the life from his body.
05-11-2004, 23:39
The Squallem had expected his foe to flee in fear or to strike with equal rage. The collected and calm stroke caught it by surprise and the blade slipped through the shoulder, severing the entire left side off of the beast. Undetured, it's rage growing at the pain, it bit down at Andrew's shoulder, claws despratly scrabling to tear the life from his body.
Andrew concentrated electrical energy on the shoulder and let loose a powerful blast of Force Lightning, which forced the Squallem off, then his lightsaber came around, slicing off his head at the neck. Bleeding, he called upon the Force to heal himself, and the cuts disappeared. It will take some more time for the shoulder to heal, but he can still use it.

He walked down the hallway, heading towards the command center, calling his troops to him as he sliced through any stormtroopers that managed to survive. Then, he finally reached the commander center...
05-11-2004, 23:41
The more computer-savvy troops now ran for what computer terminals survived the crossfire and began to try and hack through, seeking the secrets of the base.
It took several minutes, but the troops managed to break through and copy the secrets, which include information on droid production, and the real Death Star plans. There happened to be some vague information on what caused Andrew's powers to be lost as well as cloaking devices, but no specifications, just general information that they'll be fitted on several ships, like the Palpatine. The plans and information are given to Andrew, who pockets them and zips the pockets. Now they have to escape...
Unified Sith
06-11-2004, 00:29
On board the “Subjugator” Captain Sanders was enjoying the scenic view of the planet instead of the standard dullness of space. The blue shield shimmering on the surface was an adjunct reminder of the battle going on in space. Walking along the bridge he was interested in the reports of the new Deathika droids. They were performing adequately against the Rebel soldiers. Only eighteen had been destroyed and most of that was due to incoming fire from a lone X-Wing which the Tie fighters had yet to shoot down, “most infuriating” he thought.

Captain we are receiving a communication from the Grand Admiral. “Sir we have been ordered to open fire with all starboard turbolasers onto the Supply Base. We are to stop any rebels from escaping. The Admiral reports that the main computer reports an un-authorised bypass.”

“Understood. Commander bring all turbo laser batteries online. Have them on remote and open fire on that base. We are to form a 1km molten layer over the installation. Order all Deathika Droids to retreat and close the docking bay doors once they have all been retrieved, we are to join the fight in orbit.”

“Yes Sir.”

Almost instantly turbo laser batteries were fed the power necessary from the main reactor. “Opening fire for a five second burst Captain.”

The area above the supply base would soon glow a bright orange typical of vaporised and molten magma.

In orbit of the planet the Imperial fleet began to break apart and developed an enveloping tactic to swarm the Rebel fleet. The three hundred ships outnumbered the rebel force four to one. That’s four times the amount of impacts per ship on the rebel fleet than the Imperial fleet.
06-11-2004, 01:22
"Sir! Orbitial bombardment by the Sith!"

"Dammit!" Admiral Rommel cursed. "Andrew, I hope you survived that...'cause I'll kill you if you didn't." He turned to a weapons officer. "Prepare the special packages. Make them say, 10 meters and last 10 seconds."

"Sir, it's risky to use them, especially as we're so close to them."

The Admiral nodded. "I know, but we'd have to take as many of them as we can. Order the fighters to pull back. I don't want them to die to friendly fire."

"Yes, sir." The officers got to work, preparing the special packages and ordering the fighters to fall back.

Now, Admiral Rommel need only signal for the orders as turbolasers criscrossed the sky, and his Super Star Destroyer defeats several Impstars with withering broadsides.


I kept on strafing the enemy positions, and the blaster fire couldn't touch me. However, a warning light blinked as my fuel went down below a quarter.

"Oh, crap." I muttered. If only I had a way to escape this place, but the blue shield over me meant that I'm trapped like a cornered rat.

Suddenly, great bolts of energy lit the sky as they slammed down upon the supply base, blowing apart the AT-ATs and slagging the ground, killing everyone near the base.

"DAD!" I screamed hoping against hope that he survived...


The ground shook under Andrew as he sensed another disturbance in the Force, one consistent with orbitial bombardment. "Looks like were trapped here."

"Yeah." His colonel said. "Magma is reported to be dripping down from the lift. There's no other way out. We checked."

"Great." Andrew said, though he felt his son's distress. He sent a message to reassure him. I'm alive, Daniel. I'll get out of here, soon. Get out of there, if you can!

I was relieved. and sent him back a warning. Enemy shields have trapped me, and I'm low on fuel. I'm not going to let them capture me again!

Andrew groaned, trying to decide what to tell his son. Ok. Do what you can to resist the enemy. Don't let them catch you! I'll find a way out and get to you, I promise!

Andrew searched the Force for a possible way to escape, closing his eyes and trying to envision the method. Then he snapped his eyes open. That's it! It's risky...but it's my only choice...

Andrew began to concentrate the Force around him and the troops that survived with him...

OOC: Taka, interrupt it with your guy, now.
06-11-2004, 02:50
A dozen TIEs jump me, and I take off again, dodging again, even as the fuel becomes dangerously low. This time, there were too many TIEs for me to dodge, and one of my engines is hit.

"Rocky! Can you do anything?" I struggle to regain control as the combination of engine loss and low fuel forces me down again. He twittered no, because the engine is shot.

"Damn!" I had no choice...I concentrated on the Force, forcing my fighter to crash-land, with a droid army not far from me. Rocky popped out and landed safely with my TK, and I begin to block blaster bolts from the nearest droid.
Unified Sith
06-11-2004, 02:53
“Captain, we are receiving further orders from the fleet.”

“Patch them through to my screen commander.”

CAPTAIN ANDREWS PRIORITY ORDER: Captain, you are under all circumstances to capture that X-Wing. Out data base confirms it to be the craft of Daniel Masaki. The combat manoeuvres are precisely the same. You are to use any and all means necessary to either capture or kill him.

Captain Andrews suddenly rose from his chair and began to belt orders out to the fleet. “Tactical I want the shield emitters to begin refocusing the shield curvature to minimum. Give that fighter as little room to move around in as possible. Send a communication to the other ships, have them lock on with their tractor emitters. This Jedi may be good but I doubt he can dodge Sixteen tractor fields. Have twelve Deathikas put on standby to take the Jedi prisoner if he attempts to jettison, you may as well have a squad of space troopers ready as well commander they may be needed.”

“Yes Sir.”

Inside the shield bubble turbo laser batteries and tractor fields slowly but expertly closed in on the lone X-wing.

Meanwhile in orbit the battle was going well, the fleet had lost some ships however they were new to combat and poorly trained. This would be invaluable exercise for the fleet. On board the flagship the grand Admiral was surveying the battlefield noticing a rather large piece of rubble from the destruction of the second death star a small plan came into his mind. Captain order the Hellfire to tractor that piece of wreckage at 25 degree arc. If all goes to plan it should impact on the Rebellions Bridge. As soon as it hits order the fleet to concentrate all firepower onto it. We should be able to puncture through their shields.

“At once Admiral.”

The tractor emitters powered up and commenced their deadly work.
Unified Sith
06-11-2004, 02:58
“Captain the fighter has crash landed. It has just managed to evade the tractor emitters.”

“Very well order the droids to commence round up of the Jedi and have the space troopers take care of him. Set your weapons to stun.”

“Yes Sir.”

From a docking port on the hellfire a squad of space troopers ignited their jet packs and left for the Jedi now running through the lush grasslands for his life.

He seems to be using the force to accelerate his speeds Captain a unimportant crewman stated. “Yes he does doesn’t he. Order a further thirty droids to discontinue pick up and intercept him. Have them use shock detonators, set the fuses for major impact. That will stop the Jedi from throwing them back at us.”

“At once captain.”
06-11-2004, 03:24
"Where's that base..." I wondered as I ran zig-zags, dodging enemy fire. I knew there was a base that was set up by us before the Sith came calling, but all around me was devastation. I think the base is overrun now, and all that's left are a few troops still struggling against the enemy. I wondered how I can reach them, when there's droids beginning to surround me...

Then a shock grenade explodes behind me, sending blinding flashes of light out, knocking me to the ground with the concussion wave. I looked back and up, and saw the flying spacetroopers. I concentrated on the Force, and sent boulders after the troopers, then collected energy in my hands and unleashed it as Force Lightning. They will not take me out without a fight!
Unified Sith
06-11-2004, 03:51
Two of the space troopers were thrown aback as the boulders impacted, however their armour was sufficient to protect them. The Droids now closing in on Daniel were thrown back by the force and then in a blind moment of rage the Jedi fired a blast of lightning killing three of the space troopers.

Seeing their comrades fall to the ground smoking and charred instigated an instant blood lust and hatred. In return the Jedi received a concussion detonator from all of the seven remaining troopers. As the troopers opened fire a shuttle arrived overhead passing the wreckage of the X-Wing and landing to take the Jedi prisoner.
06-11-2004, 04:14
"Aaah!" I covered my eyes with my arms as the bombs exploded around me, throwing me into the ground again. I sent another harsh wave of telekinetic energy at the enemies, and saw the shuttle approaching. "Damn!"

What can I do...what can I do? I picked myself up and scanned around the enemies crowding around me...

Tsseeewww! Tssseeeww! Several missiles were launched into the air and into the ranks of the droids.

"What?" I turned around and saw some hover tanks and hoverjeeps coming at me. "How did they survive?"

The soldiers covered the droids with blaster fire and RPGs, peppering them with fire.

I could recognize several of the soldiers from the Chimaera.

"Get in, Commander!" Major Fenery called.

I wondered how these guys made it, but return fire from the droids destroyed one of the tanks, showing me the price of my rescue.

"Ok, Major, tell me how you guys managed to survive." I said as we pulled away from the battlefield, me throwing rocks with the Force, and them firing blaster bolts and their last remaining missiles.

"Well, remember when we invaded and the base was quickly set up?" the Major asked. I nodded. "Well, it's a good thing we brought up the shield generators in time, but with these droids, it's becoming harder to keep it up. Good thing we saw you go down, or else we wouldn't have found you."

"Yeah, i can tell."

"Oh, and we have your droid." Rocky peeked out from a hovertank.

"Hey, Rocky!" I called him. Lucky droid. He survives everything. We drove to the base, where the shields momentarily dropped to let us in, then went right back up...
Unified Sith
06-11-2004, 19:56
“Captain the Rebellion shield bubble has just been lowered.”

“Really.” He said in contemplation. “What has just emerged from it?”

“From our scans we believe it to be a small armoured group sir. Their heading towards the Jedi.”

“hmm very well. Let them get the Jedi then when the shield is being lowered again you will have a small window with which to take down the shield generator. I estimate about three seconds.”

“Yes Sir I will order all starboard batteries to be brought online.”

As the armoured coulomb made its way back to the Rebel protection zone over two hundred turbo laser batteries were trained on the shield generator.

“Shield will be lowered in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1”


At once the turbolaser batteries let loose with a barrage of turmoil and heat. The atmosphere around the batteries being superheated and expanding caused a miniature tornado around the star destroyers while the torrent of green blaster fire made its way to its target.
06-11-2004, 23:13
"Sir! Orbitial bombardment by the Sith!"

"Dammit!" Admiral Rommel cursed. "Andrew, I hope you survived that...'cause I'll kill you if you didn't." He turned to a weapons officer. "Prepare the special packages. Make them say, 10 meters and last 10 seconds."

"Sir, it's risky to use them, especially as we're so close to them."

The Admiral nodded. "I know, but we'd have to take as many of them as we can. Order the fighters to pull back. I don't want them to die to friendly fire."

"Yes, sir." The officers got to work, preparing the special packages and ordering the fighters to fall back.

Now, Admiral Rommel need only signal for the orders as turbolasers criscrossed the sky, and his Super Star Destroyer defeats several Impstars with withering broadsides.


I kept on strafing the enemy positions, and the blaster fire couldn't touch me. However, a warning light blinked as my fuel went down below a quarter.

"Oh, crap." I muttered. If only I had a way to escape this place, but the blue shield over me meant that I'm trapped like a cornered rat.

Suddenly, great bolts of energy lit the sky as they slammed down upon the supply base, blowing apart the AT-ATs and slagging the ground, killing everyone near the base.

"DAD!" I screamed hoping against hope that he survived...


The ground shook under Andrew as he sensed another disturbance in the Force, one consistent with orbitial bombardment. "Looks like were trapped here."

"Yeah." His colonel said. "Magma is reported to be dripping down from the lift. There's no other way out. We checked."

"Great." Andrew said, though he felt his son's distress. He sent a message to reassure him. I'm alive, Daniel. I'll get out of here, soon. Get out of there, if you can!

I was relieved. and sent him back a warning. Enemy shields have trapped me, and I'm low on fuel. I'm not going to let them capture me again!

Andrew groaned, trying to decide what to tell his son. Ok. Do what you can to resist the enemy. Don't let them catch you! I'll find a way out and get to you, I promise!

Andrew searched the Force for a possible way to escape, closing his eyes and trying to envision the method. Then he snapped his eyes open. That's it! It's risky...but it's my only choice...

Andrew began to concentrate the Force around him and the troops that survived with him.

The sing of a blade flying through the air interupted him, a massive, four bladed shirican flying just milimeters from Andrew's throat. it was followed by a second, a third, a fourth, the air stilled for a second before the second wave came, eight more flying towards the clustered group. Each weapon was nearly three feet from one blade to the other, more conjoined throwing swords than an accual throwing star.

"Don't leave yet. . . " a quiet, childlike voice said. "I want to play with you. . ." From the shadows, a young child stepped into the light. His pale, thin face held a blank expression, and icy blue eyes. Upon his forehead a large, red tattoo obscured his left eye, his right eye a deep black circle around his eyelid. In his thin hand, a foot loog blade seemed to dance in long flying circles.

"I have much I want to show you, and much that you will show me. . . would you like to learn what Pain is?"

Without waiting for a responce, he flung the sword, the blades snapping into possition into anouther massiver shirikin. Telepathicly guilding it, he sent it flying towards Andrew, pulling the rest towards the Doc Ocs in a furry of blades.
07-11-2004, 01:08
Two troops and three Doc Ocks were cut down by the blades as the (evil?) child used his powers to kill them.

The colonel raised his blaster to shoot the kid between the eyes, but Andrew stopped him. "I'll take him. Stand back."

The colonel nodded as he and the troops stepped back, and Andrew called upon the Force, stopping all the blades in mid-air.

"Playtime is over, my young friend." Andrew smirked. "You ought to be punished for being a naughty child."

He sent the blades back at the boy, hoping to pin him to a wall. He held his lightsaber in a mid-guard, across his chest to protect it.

OOC: Ah, Colonel MacDougall from the anime Spriggan, I presume? And it's telekinetically, not telepathically. TK is moving objects with your mind, and TP is mind-to-mind interaction.
07-11-2004, 01:31
((close enough))

The boy waved his hand absently, the blades breaking and flying around him before embedding themselves into the wall behind him.

"You are different. . . maybe. . . " He seemed to think for a bit, shaking his head and laughing "no no, you aren't ready to meet Gaara yet, but maybe if you can beat me. . . maybe you would stand a chance against him."

He paused, before laughing loudly. His eyes matched Andrew's for a moment, a voice formulating in the Jedi's mind.

that of course, would assume that you could beat me in the first place

The boy continued to walk towards them, a flickering, purple light forming under his palms as his laugher grew to a maniacle pitch.

You can't beat me. . . I'm invincible. . . I am God. . .

his pace increaced, growing faster as his mental voice pitched higher and grew louder.

I am god. . I am God. . . I Am God. . . I AM GOD!!

the last was bellowed as the child projected a wave of telekinetic energy, a massive blue bolt materializing from his hands and striking like a sledge hammer.
07-11-2004, 01:43
Andrew stretched out his hand, and the energy bolt collected in his palm, pushing the hand back. "You, are not a god. You are a child, who has much to learn about your own abilities. You are strong, but your powers are wild and unrefined. Thus, even an old man can defeat you."

Andrew finished collecting the energy, and shot it back at the boy. "Know this...Your powers will consume you and turn on you, like a dog that turns on his cruel master. You are a danger to yourself, and to everyone else."

If the boy could see into Andrew's eyes, he could see the cool blue color ablaze with inner light. "Do not presume to think you can defeat me, boy, for your anger and hatred betrays you. Fight me, at your own peril."
07-11-2004, 03:39
The bolt struck the boy, his body warping and exploding into a fine dust. However, his voice never ceased.

And you have much to learn about my power as well, Andrew. . . I know of this "dark side" you speak of. . . the chaos of the warp calls out to my soul like the wisperings of the forbidden gods. You can not imagine the power that they have given me. . . but do not fret, you will feel for yourself.

The mist stired to life, blowing on unseen breeze around Andrew. A doc oc's mechanical arm was caught in the malestrom and stripped away as if by a power sander. The sandstorm coalesced into the child's face, balloned and constructed of fine dust, it smiled malevolently at andrew before lunging at him, mouth open to show rows of teeth made from sand that could strip flesh from bone.
07-11-2004, 20:21
"Much power you have, my young friend." Andrew said, as he dodged the deadly sandstorm, using his telekinetic abilities to hold it back. "But no match for a Master of the Force!"

Andrew concentrated, willing the molecules of the air in the command room to slow down, to freeze. The air became cold, and most of the cold air were concentrated on the sandstorm. The soldiers shivered and blew on their hands, and they could see their breaths. Andrew didn't seem affected, but his cheeks became red as the room became a deep freezer.

The temperature dropped around the sandstorm, below zero, below -20, below -40. A digi-thermometer showed just how cold things were getting around sandstorm-boy.

"Freeze." Andrew smirked.
07-11-2004, 21:14
“Captain the Rebellion shield bubble has just been lowered.”

“Really.” He said in contemplation. “What has just emerged from it?”

“From our scans we believe it to be a small armoured group sir. Their heading towards the Jedi.”

“hmm very well. Let them get the Jedi then when the shield is being lowered again you will have a small window with which to take down the shield generator. I estimate about three seconds.”

“Yes Sir I will order all starboard batteries to be brought online.”

As the armoured coulomb made its way back to the Rebel protection zone over two hundred turbo laser batteries were trained on the shield generator.

“Shield will be lowered in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1”


At once the turbolaser batteries let loose with a barrage of turmoil and heat. The atmosphere around the batteries being superheated and expanding caused a miniature tornado around the star destroyers while the torrent of green blaster fire made its way to its target.
Back on the surface...

The shields came down to let us in. Unfortunately, that was the time the Star Destroyers decided to bombard. Their turbolasers smashed down upon the shield generators, blowing them apart.

"Dammit!" I cursed. They want me really bad...

"Looks like we're going to have make a last stand here, Commander." the Major said.

"Yeah." I nodded, and readied my lightsaber and blaster, not to mention several concussion grenades and thermal detonators I procured from the small armory that managed to survive and get cleaned out.

The droids began to advance on us, and the last remaining AT platforms, acting as artillery for us, began to boom, sending high-speed shells and heavy blaster bolts into the droid and stormtrooper formations, while we infantry units await for them to come in close...
Unified Sith
07-11-2004, 23:18
OOC: Everything has been authorised by Jordaxia

Aboard the Hellfire Captain Malin was concentrating upon his present dilemma. Andrew Masaki was trapped underground with those Takanian abominations and the Traitorous Jordaxian mercenaries, while on the surface the other Masaki member had given him the unpleasant fortuity of “dropping in”.

Moving away from the holographic display of the many Droid formations moving in upon Daniel Masaki and his band of Rebels, Malin suddenly conjured an idea that could make him the hero of Endor, perhaps even a promotion. It was worth a try. “Commander Andrews, do we still have the mercenary communication frequency?”

Quickly searching the databanks the commander brought it up on the screen, not wishing to disappoint his captain. “Sir we still have it. It seems that they are still using the same one.”

“Excellent, then perhaps we can still use this to our advantage. Open a channel commander.”

“Channel open sir.” The officer said swivelling round on his chair.

“Mercenary scum. I am sure that you are aware of your current predicament inside the base at Endor. Alas it was folly to try and combat the Iron will of the Empire but I am sure that we can come to some understanding. At current you are trapped underneath almost one kilometre of molten Magma from our test firing of the port turbolaser batteries. I trust that you survived all well and fine. I hope so, for your sakes. Well now to my proposition. You are trapped and I have the means for your escape, kill Andrew Maskai and I will give you the authorisation codes and location of the emergency escape tunnel. Do not even attempt to melt your way through, it is over two hundred meters of blast door. You are to kill Andrew Masaki, then when I have confirmation as I will be watching from the cameras situated throughout the complex I will give you the codes for the door. Once you have completed that task I have one last errand for you. Capture Daniel Masaki, he is at these coordinates. Once you have him take him to an awaiting shuttle here *insert location in grassland here*. You will all then be free to leave. Chop chop old chaps you don’t have much time left.”

Each Dock Ock communicating in their silent almost collective fashion had already decided to try it the Empires way, however there was very little of them left and the Jedi was holding back the Takanian monstrosity. Through their secure communications they were deciding on what to do in order to accomplish this task. And perhaps they had just found a way. The remaining two hundred Dock Ocks moved towards an undefended area of the installation while one lone trooper remained within communication range of his fallen comrades. In the now destroyed room that Masaki and the abomination were battling many Dock Ocks lay upon the ground, their organic components dead and withering however the basic AI present in each suit was still very active. Issuing a simple and basic command for the Masers to be set on burst as to act like a machine gun each Dock Ock raised their cannons and opened fire upon the preoccupied Jedi. Being shot in the back was hardly a way to go for a former emperor but it was survival of the fittest down in this crypt.

Each Dock ock now dead had now received the self destruct command. Disabling the coolant command functions of their mini fusion reactors the Spider armour suits would go nuclear incinerating everything in a four hundred meter radius. If the Lethal radiation of the Maser did not get the Jedi, the blast would.
08-11-2004, 01:54
"Here they come! Here they come!" a soldier yelled.

Stationary emplacements and infantry longblasters began to fire, the grasslands becoming a junkyard for the droids and a deathtrap for the stormies. As the droids continued to advance despite the losses, the main body of repeating blasters and missile weaponry began to shoot back, sending colorful displays of deadly energy and projectile fire into the droid ranks.

As for me, I used the Force to swat spacetroopers and TIEs out of the air with rocks, even as I deflected stray blaster bolts with my lightsaber, weaving a silvery-blue shield with it. I had the old red gem replaced with my great-grandfathers blue gem, fused with the pieces of my silver one, forging a lightsaber gem in my own right.

I wondered how my Dad was doing as we made the enemy pay for every inch of our base...
08-11-2004, 03:09
As the Mazer's opened fire, the child screamed in rage, throwing his form against them in mass. The mazers tore through the sand, turning large swaths to glass, but stopping as they ran out of power. The remaining doc ocs were stripped to the bone, even the circutry in thier mechanical suits wearing away and powering down. Between the cold and the mazer fire, the child was exausted, condencing back to mortal form and falling to one knee, breathing hard. He turned his too blue eyes up at Andrew, smirking darkly.

"its. . . been fun. . . playing with you. . . Andrew. . ."

he gasped out, fighting to remain conscious. He looked over to the bodies of the previous ocs he had killed, growling under his breath.

"The cowards from the stars. . . seem intent. . . on stopping our fun. . ."

He bent down to retrive what appeared to be a small box and proceded to punch in data.

"Good bye Andrew, rest assured. . . we'll play some other time."

With that, he bent over and started piling up the Doc Ocs. When he finished, he sat on the pile and smiled to Andrew, waving cheerfuly as he punched the button. With a deafening crack, the boy, and the Doc Ocs vanished.


**Aboard the Sithian Flagship, Bridge**

A snap caught the rooms attention as a pile of dead doc ocs and a young boy appeared, along with what appeared to be parts of the secretn instalation's command room.

"Hello, gentlemen" the boy said with fervent glee evident in his shaking and barely supressed giggles. "Wanna play a game?". He drew anouther of his throwing swords and looked around the room, "Or can I talk to your leader guy and get this settled without haffin ta kill you all?"
08-11-2004, 03:12
Andrew bowed, at his worthy foe, and began to concentrate on the Force. He felt the coming explosions, and as the wave of energy reached him, he and his last few troops disappeared, seemingly consumed by the fires...
Unified Sith
08-11-2004, 14:08

“Yes commander?”

“It seems we have lost all contact with the Mercenary forces in Alpha base. Communications were severed fifteen seconds ago.”

“Very well, we can only assume that we have lost in our mission to capture Daniel Masaki and destroy the rogue Takanian hostile. We will initiate the self destruct of Alpha base.”

“Send Authorisation code 111/234 Imperial Blue.”

“Code is away sir.”

“Excellent. At the top of escape tunnel here I want an entire regiment deployed in case Masaki manages to escape. Put the self destruct onto full vocal. I want them to know of their end.”

“At Once Sir.”

Inside Alpha Base the lighting and power systems suddenly dropped below normal, emergency lighting activating lit the complex in a fire of red. The remaining speaker systems still not destroyed by the titanic struggle between the Jedi and the abomination suddenly burst to life with an automated message. “Warning Self Destruct Sequence Initiated. Two minutes until reactor reaches critical mass. Warning Self Destruct initiated One Minute ninety five seconds until Rectors reach critical mass”

Within the command room of alpha base a seemingly solid wall began to rise, it was a large escape hatch provided for all in the event of the primary lift shaft failing. Its 200 meter door rising out of the ground had deeper into the tunnel a close switch which lay upon the lift cart.

The remaining storm troopers now began to flee towards the exit while they left everything behind that might hinder them.

“Motion sensors report we still have men alive down there Captain.”

“I know Commander, I know.”

Meanwhile on the surface the droid formations were being pounded. The super battle droids were not even getting close to the formation while the standard droids lay down a suppressive fire keeping the rebels from fleeing. From the direction of the super star Destroyer Revenge a large rumble could be heard, and quickly a dust cloud slowly rose from the grassy plains. The dust cloud reaching the front lines suddenly halted. As the air born matter began to settle the new surprise could be found waiting the rebel scum. It was over four hundred Deathika Droids. Their shields and blasters active, they began to proceed towards the rebel bastion with impunity. Blasters and missiles would bounce of their shields uselessly as a last act of defiance from the rebellion.

Above, high in the air several gunboats were now making their dives on the rebels.
08-11-2004, 14:41
"We can't break those things! We need more firepower!" a soldier shouted, as the new, seemingly invincible droids advanced upon the Rebel base.

I noticed the droids, blaster fire and missiles were impotent against them. I threw a thermal detonator, and it exploded, vaporizing some of them. Yes, a direct hit from the detonators would work, and no, there's not enough to destroy them all. But wait! What else can I use? Aha, the Force.

I concentrated on the Force, calling upon all the power I have within me, and sent a powerful blast of psychic energy at the droids. As I saw the gunboats, and dove to the ground as they made attack runs upon us, I came upon an idea, a Force power that I've seen my dad and Kartion use, but I'm not sure if I'm strong enough...I shook my head. Of course I'm strong enough! I stood up, and began to whirl my arm above my head, concentrating deep within to tap into my reserves.

The sky began to darken, as clouds whirl around the rebel base. Lightning crackled in the sky, as I began to cause a localized tornadic storm. Turbulent winds lashed at the gunships as the energies of the Force became manifest in forcasts for high winds and the potential for a tornado. I pulled down a funnel cloud from the sky, sending the twister after the deathika droids, and tried to keep control of the Force Storm. If I lost control, there's no telling what could happen...

Andrew Masaki found himself on the surface, having teleported at the base. He noticed the storm created by the energies of the Force and whistled as he realized just who is creating it. "That's my boy!"

I was still at it, when I felt Dad behind me. I almost lost control in surprise and glee as I saw him fighting again, and the tornado started whipping back and forth like a snake struggling to get out from my 'hands'.

"Don't lose concentration, Daniel!" He shouted. "Keep control of it!"

I turned my concentration back on the storm, keeping the Sith occupied...
Unified Sith
08-11-2004, 19:09
“What is this new devilry?” Captain Malin asked.

From the shadows of the bridge a large tall man entered into the light. “It appears that our young Padwan is almost a Jedi Knight. That Captain is a force storm.” Darth Sirus pointed towards the storm. “It is a time when a Jedi is most vulnerable but yet it is a time when he is most strong.”

“So he will be concentrating almost all of his ability onto the storm?” The captain asked?

“Yes, if you are going to do something I would do it soon Captain. Keep in mind, I am to report back to Lord Vader.”

“Tactical have we refitted those missiles yet?”

“They were done fifteen minutes ago Captain.”

“Very well.” Captain Malin said dismayed at not being told earlier. “Launch them now and prepare to have the Tridents inhibitor put online. We will only get one more chance at this before……” Malin turns towards Sirus. “Before it is taken into other hands.”

“Missiles are being launched captain. Time till impact 5, 4, 3,”

“Trident now.” An Imperial officer shouted.

Above in the atmosphere, the previously escaped shuttle now decloaked above the rebels with the force storm battering them the crew of the shuttle activated the last remaining force inhibitor. While from the Star destroyer five missiles impacted upon the area around the Rebels and Masaki’s. Each one containing a hundred Concussion detonators impacted spreading enough energy and light to stun and knock almost any human to the ground.

Back upon the Hellfire Captain Malin issued his next set of orders. “Tractor control do you have the Masaki’s in a lock?”

“Affirmative captain.”

“Bring them aboard.” From one of the Hellfires many tractor emitters the two Jedi would find themselves trapped in a vast gravity beam.
08-11-2004, 19:25
With the sudden loss of the Force control, the tornado began to rage out of control under it's own power. Missiles began flying for the decloaked shuttle to take it down, but the concussion missiles retaliated, knocking out or killing troops.

Dad and I were both cut off from the Force, forcing us to switch to blasters when the concussion missiles exploded near us, knocking us off our feet. When we tried to get up, the tractor beam caught ahold of us and Rocky.

"Looks like we're done for!" I yelled as we grabbed each other's hands.

"Not yet, son, not yet!" Dad replied. "No matter what happens to you...don't let them get to you. NO MATTER WHAT!"

"I know!" I shouted back, the two of us tumbling into the Star Destroyer as the last remaining troops cursed in anger and dismay. It's not going to be easy...
Unified Sith
08-11-2004, 21:31
As the Jedi nights were pulled in towards the cargo bay claxons were sounded. The great mass of stormtroopers already awaiting them had their blasters ready.

At the front of the small army Captain Malin with Darth Sirus were awaiting the arrival of the guests. The forcefield over the cargo hanger lowered and the prisoners were brought on board.
08-11-2004, 23:04
As the Jedi Knights were pulled in towards the cargo bay claxons were sounded. The great mass of stormtroopers already awaiting them had their blasters ready.

At the front of the small army Captain Malin with Darth Sirus were awaiting the arrival of the guests. The forcefield over the cargo hanger lowered and the prisoners were brought on board.
"Darth Sirus, I presume?" Andrew spoke smoothly, recognizing the Dark foe. "Took you long enough to capture us."
Unified Sith
08-11-2004, 23:42
Admiral Andrews turned in his large chair as the clutter of the Dock Ocks fell to the ground. Instinctively a crewman triggered the intruder alarm and the ship was alerted to his presence.

Upon the bridge two Sith Knights turned and ignited their lightsabres at this invading foe. More would soon arrive from other parts of the ship. From the roof a large blaster cannon descended and trained its lock on the boy. Who could have thought that he could have done so much damage down on Endor.

“Welcome to the Invisable Hand young One. You are either very brave or very foolish to attempt this I give you that. You are one of the Takian berserkers. Very nice, very nice indeed. However you are impossibly outnumbered.” Andrews waved his hand for the crew to lower their blasters however the Sith knights kept their sabres raised.

“There is only one possible reason why you decided to come aboard my ship. Either you are wanting to escape Endor and stay away from your people who enslaved you, or you want my flagship. Yes very brave but it won’t happen. But I am willing to offer you something else. You wish to stay away from your people who will undoubtedly be on their way to capture you, indeed Captain Malin has already sent a request for recovery teams to be sent here quickly. But we can always send them back again. I put this to you my lad. We will keep you and assist you in perfecting your powers and helping you grow in return for your esteemed services. As you accomplish more and more as I’m sure you would. You would gain true power. Or we could let you leave and go about the Galaxy on your own, and live a very isolated existence. I doubt you want that. I can offer you a shuttle form one of our bays however taking a super star destroyer is out of the question I’m afraid. But it is up to you.”
08-11-2004, 23:57
"Perhaps. . . " the boy said quietly, looking with admiration at the lightsaber. He turned to the viewscreen and watched the lazily floating star-destroyers. "What if I told you that I'm not here to be brave. . . but that I'm here to get my way wether you like it or not?""

His mind focused onto one of the ISDs, psychicly slamming against the hull with incredible power. Metal twisted and sheered clear from its welds, adn the entire ship collapsed in on itself, exploding as the reactors overloaded and were unsheilded by the massive assault from the boy's mind.

"you are correct Captian, I want this ship so that my brothers and I may leave this place before we are once more enslaved by our Takian Lords. You may either stand down. . . or if you are so inclined, you may try and stand against me and suffer the same fate all my other foes do. . . do I make myself clear?"
Unified Sith
09-11-2004, 00:13
“Ahh my Jedi foe, I see without your force powers you use your tongue instead of a lightsabre for a weapon. Do not assume anything, if it was I who was to capture you I would have bombarded the site from orbit, you may thank captain Malin for your life.”

“You proved very difficult to capture. However it was only a matter of time. Search him!” The Captain ordered.

Masaki remaining composed allowed himself and his son to be searched it was not like they could resist with the lack of their force powers. Across the room lay the force inhibiting device.

“Nothing Sir.” A storm trooper stated.

“Very well take them to the brig. Captain take them to Couroscant. I am needed on the flagship.”

“Yes Lord Maris.”

The Sith Master left the shuttle bay in the trident and proceeded into space.


The Admiral turned and showed very little emotion as the Star Destroyer crumpled in on itself and fell apart. “Very well, you have chosen your destiny. I tried to prevent it but you seem to be unreachable to logic.” Lifting up his communicator he ordered for a cryo bay to be prepared for the child. “Take him down!” the Admiral ordered. “Dead or alive I do not care.”

Instantly the Sith knights began to collectively share their power. From the rear of the bridge several more entered. A majority of the Sith concentrating on the boy began to draw out his life force, while others concentrated on the boys brain. Utilising the force they slowly attempted to pull the roots of his power apart from within the body. Throughout the fleet more and more Knights became aware of the predicament and they too leant their power against the Takian monstrosity.

“Surrender Boy please I beg you. And you need not have to be taken back into enslavement.” The Admiral pleaded. It would be such a pity to let something with so much power die so young. If he matured the boy would be a valuable ally, however he is his own worst enemy.
09-11-2004, 00:28
The invading Sith felt the boy's mind crumble and retreat into itself, however they slowly became aware of a shift in thier surroundings. Blasted landscapes and pockmarks of frozen explosions surrounded them, balsalt statues of men engaged in strugles frozen in stone greeted them. In the distance, mushroom clouds of long disused atomic weaponry loomed, the blast, like everything else in this world trapped in time. The scrapping of metal against steel echoed behind them, a city in the throws of annihilation stood, skeletal against the burning light of a war frozen in place. The boy stood silohetted against the city, in his right hand a long bladed katana dragged the ground absently, the blade slitting the stones as if they had the consistancy of butter.

"Don't bother trying to use your force here. . . you are in my world now. . . welcome" he said, bowing deeply "to the deepest recesses of my mind."
Unified Sith
09-11-2004, 00:49
Darth Sirus walked on to the bridge disgusted at the lack of training from his Sith Knights. Their mental powers were strong enough to hold out against the weakened boy but now he had to end this once and for all.

Raising his hand he let a mighty force push flow towards the now very occupied boy. Using the Force and essentially skipping around the mind of the boy Sarius pushed each Sith back into their own minds. Pulling at their very essence. With each Sith aiding him in the struggle the boy would be hard pressed to stop it.

“You are fighting well my Child. If only you had decided to join us instead of fight against us.”
09-11-2004, 01:50
In the brig
We were in separate cells but close enough for talking.

"So what happens now?" I asked, sitting and playing a harmonica.

"I guess we'll be brought before Palpatine." Dad shrugged. "Your second time, I suppose."

Memories of the first time darkened my face. "Yeah. This time, I have you to help me."

"True." Dad listened as I played a tune called "The Throne Room". "You're pretty good with that."

"Thanks." I smirked. "Cliche as hell, but it helps pass the time."

Dad chuckled. "We have all the time in the world."


The SSD Rebellion's fleet was still in action, having fought against the Sith fleet for a while now.

A strained message from groundside managed to filter through to the Admiral. "--askis captured, sir! Repe---Masa---capt---Sith!"

Rommel managed to get the gist of the message and slammed his fist down in anger, followed by a violent curse. "Signal the retreat! Is Admiral Pellaeon back yet?"

"Not yet, sir."

"Signal the retreat, but do it slowly!" The Admiral ordered. The remaining fleet of 45 Star Destroyers began to retreat, each Destroyer and fighter fighting their way out of the battlefield. The Super Star Destroyer continued to fight, waiting for the good Admiral to return.
Unified Sith
09-11-2004, 11:12
The Hell fire rose from Endor, the engines blaring and the shield bubble deactivated the new Masaki prison was on its way to the capital. Guarded by three Star Destroyers the ships continued on their way protected by the fleet until the reached far enough away from the moon for the jump into hyperspace.

Outside the cell which held the Masaki’s two Storm Troopers were busily discussing the rumours on what could happen to the two Jedi.

Trooper1 “I heard that the Emperor was going to have them decompressed in an air lock.”

Trroper2 “Don’t be such an idiot he won’t kill them right away, I mean think about the propaganda possibilities. The two Jedi, leaders and symbols of the Rebellion captured by the Empire. I bet we will see them all over the networks soon enough.”

Trooper1 “Yeah but aren’t you afraid that they might mind trick us or something. I mean they are Jedi, Captain Malin should have an entire regiment guarding this place.”

“Trooper2 “You worry too much. There is no way that those Jedi are going to get away. Not with the force inhibitor functioning.”

Trooper1 “That What.”

“Trooper2 “You know that device there” The trooper points to a triangular looking box, glowing in the back of the room.”

“Trooper1 “Really so that’s a force inhibitor?”

“Trooper2 “The last one. I heard that the emperor had forbidden construction of any new ones, I think he’s afraid of them.”

From the doors at the front of the room two new Strom Troopers entered, it was a change of shift.
09-11-2004, 21:04
20 Star Destroyers and 25 other ships remained with the Rebellion.

"Sir! Ships moving away from Endor! Four Star Destroyers, designated the Hell Fire and three escorts."

So...looks like the Emperor has found his new prize... Admiral Rommel thought darkly. "Paint them! Aim the heavy cannons at them!"

"Sir? We're going to attack them?"

Admiral Rommel remembered a verbal order given by Councilor Masaki.

"In the event of capture by the Sith, make every effort to deny them the information locked within mine or my son's minds."

"Sir, I---"

Andrew had cut him off. "The Rebellion is more important than either of us. Jennifer would understand what needed to be done to keep it alive. I know it's not easy, but do what you have to do. I've already told Daniel about it, and he knows what must be done if it comes to that."

"Yes...sir." Rommel slumped at the possible ramifications. His Commander in Chief had just given him the order to kill him, in case of capture...

The Admiral returned to the present. "Yes, we're going to attack them. Fire at will!"

The heavy turbolaser cannons of the Super Star Destroyer boomed, reaching out for the Hell Fire and escorts, even admist the other enemy ships.
09-11-2004, 21:09
The Hell fire rose from Endor, the engines blaring and the shield bubble deactivated the new Masaki prison was on its way to the capital. Guarded by three Star Destroyers the ships continued on their way protected by the fleet until the reached far enough away from the moon for the jump into hyperspace.

Outside the cell which held the Masaki’s two Storm Troopers were busily discussing the rumours on what could happen to the two Jedi.

Trooper1 “I heard that the Emperor was going to have them decompressed in an air lock.”

Trroper2 “Don’t be such an idiot he won’t kill them right away, I mean think about the propaganda possibilities. The two Jedi, leaders and symbols of the Rebellion captured by the Empire. I bet we will see them all over the networks soon enough.”

Trooper1 “Yeah but aren’t you afraid that they might mind trick us or something. I mean they are Jedi, Captain Malin should have an entire regiment guarding this place.”

“Trooper2 “You worry too much. There is no way that those Jedi are going to get away. Not with the force inhibitor functioning.”

Trooper1 “That What.”

“Trooper2 “You know that device there” The trooper points to a triangular looking box, glowing in the back of the room.”

“Trooper1 “Really so that’s a force inhibitor?”

“Trooper2 “The last one. I heard that the emperor had forbidden construction of any new ones, I think he’s afraid of them.”

From the doors at the front of the room two new Strom Troopers entered, it was a change of shift.
We pretended not to listen to the conversation between the troops, but Dad and I exchanged glances. So that was the little item blocking the Force! If only someone were to turn it off...unfortunately, even Rocky was put under a powerful restraining bolt and couldn't help if he wanted to.
Unified Sith
10-11-2004, 00:06
Sirus looked at the boy with some amusement. “You are indeed powerful my lad. I sense that you want power. You want to control the lives of millions, have them slip through your fingertips knowing that their fate lies at your smallest whim. Well I offer it to you child, that power can be yours. In exchange for assistance in our wars against an enemy the Galactic Empire is willing to conquer and give you an Empire of your own. Arenumberg. That nation uses power much like your own. With our help you can crush all that may ever attempt to imprison you again. This is my last offer child, I hope you make the right one.”

“Captain we are being targeted.” An officer shouted across the deck. “It’s from the rebellions flagship.”

“Order the hammer and claw to put themselves between us and protect us at all costs.”

“Yes sir.”

As the Coreworldian ships opened fire the hammer and claw had already readjusted themselves into position. Their shields buckling within the first salvo of incoming fire the Hellfire was already in hyperspace leaving its escorts behind to meet their fate.
10-11-2004, 00:14
"They've gone, sir."

"Great." What fate will befall them? The Admiral folded his arms and watched the space battle continue to rage....
Unified Sith
10-11-2004, 21:42
The Structure of the Hellfire shuddered as it touched down upon the firm metal structure of the landing platforms. Inside the brig the doors leading into the room suddenly opened after a day of inactivity. From the darkened enclave came a procession of Sith Knights and masters. Altogether there was one hundred devoted to the escort of these two Jedi. The two Jedi being escorted to the cargo bay were put into chains though they now had the use of their force abilities. The rear ramp of the cargo bay was lowered and from it the Jedi were marched down. News cameras and crowds were gathered at the landing platform booing and heckling the Jedi traitors.

All over the news networks all over the Galaxy the capture of Andrew and Daniel Masaki was being broadcasted. News Headlines of the Death of the Rebel Alliance were everywhere, celebrations were being hosted and speculations were rising upon the fate of the two most infamous men in the Empire.

The perpetual red light of the Curoscant sun gave the Dark Jedi an almost magical look as they marched down along with the Masakis Red Light sabres raised their power was obvious. At the bottom of the large ramp a shuttle was prepared however in the distance upon a large balcony the emperor could be seen watching.

As the Jedi were forced into the large transport the same force inhibitor was activated well out of reach of the Jedi. They were now being taken to the Sith temple, situated in the perpetual dark side of Curoscant.
10-11-2004, 22:09
Dad and I looked out at the booing crowds, heads high in defiance.

"What do you think?" Dad asked.

"I think they need a regime change, badly." I whispered back.

"Indeed. Going to take some time, methinks. But first, we have a more pressing concern."

"Yup. Something tells me Old Prune of the Sith might just get more than he bargained for when he messed with us." I smirked.

"I'm sure your right, son." Andrew smirked back. "I'm sure you're right."

We ignored the jeers of the crowd and the holocameras, and walked with the Sith Guards to who knows where.
Unified Sith
11-11-2004, 01:05
The shuttle entered a large square bay where a large procession of storm troopers had gathered round. The Imperial march was played, the Empires anthem created for the emperor himself. As the two Jedi were marched through the cargo bay Daniel was dragged away from his father and taken into a large repulser lift. The lift descending down into the depths of the Imperial Palace deep inside the scientific quarters came to a halt at sub level 13. The two Sith knights inside the lift quickly held their guard against the boy. Their combined force powers raised suddenly halted as an inhibitor was raised. Daniel was now trapped beyond help from the force.

The lift halted and the doors opened revealing a large Operating room, from behind Daniel was injected with a drug which would render him unconscious.

Andrew Masaki however was dragged through corridors and lifts until he was drawn up in front of two large Metal Doors each inscribed with the Ancient language of the Sith.

The Sith Knights remained behind and only mentioned one word.

11-11-2004, 01:11
What's going to happen to me? I inwardly asked, as I slumped into unconsiousness.


Daniel... Andrew was thinking of his son, as he was forced to enter the doors with the Sith inscriptions...and he entered into a dark room, much like the room Daniel described while on the Death Star.

The Emperor's throne room...
Unified Sith
11-11-2004, 14:14
Turning slowly in my chair I watched as the Jedi made his way into the room. So proud and so weak. “You no longer need those.” I said as the chains dropped from his arms and legs. “So you are Andrew Masaki, the leader of the Rebellion, Lord and defender of the light. Tell me Jedi where are your friends now? Where are those traits that you believe in? Honour, friendship, love and honesty where are those, where have they taken you? They have only taken you through pain and suffering the Jedi are weak, they are pathetic, they are nothing compared to the power of the Dark Side of the Force.” With a sick smile I rose from my throne and pointed towards the shipyards high in orbit that glistened as though they were a moon. “You see that Masaki that will be the end of your Rebellion, that ship up there will crush and destroy everything you know and love. The Jedi are doomed, you are doomed.”
11-11-2004, 21:46
Turning slowly in my chair I watched as the Jedi made his way into the room. So proud and so weak. “You no longer need those.” I said as the chains dropped from his arms and legs. “So you are Andrew Masaki, the leader of the Rebellion, Lord and defender of the light. Tell me Jedi where are your friends now? Where are those traits that you believe in? Honour, friendship, love and honesty where are those, where have they taken you? They have only taken you through pain and suffering the Jedi are weak, they are pathetic, they are nothing compared to the power of the Dark Side of the Force.” With a sick smile I rose from my throne and pointed towards the shipyards high in orbit that glistened as though they were a moon. “You see that Masaki that will be the end of your Rebellion, that ship up there will crush and destroy everything you know and love. The Jedi are doomed, you are doomed.”
"You're wrong, Palpatine, and your overconfidence will be your undoing." Andrew replied. "For as long as even one Jedi draws breath, you are threatened. Honour, friendship, love and honesty. Where are they, you ask? They are never far from my heart, and that is why, as I stand before you, I see your corpse lying on the floor already."
Unified Sith
12-11-2004, 02:09
“And your faith in your friends will be yours.” I spat back towards him. “You fool, with all that power you could be a great ally in this Galaxy but you have chosen the course of pain and suffering. Now Masaki like your predecessors from Juria you will die.” Raising both hands Palpatine shot lightning from each finger. Concentrating and flowing all the evil within him Palpatine motioned to destroy the Jedi.

At the corners of each room, Imperial guard watched motionless with their cortosis blades waiting for the true battle to commence.
12-11-2004, 02:16
Andrew Masaki held up a hand, and collected the Force Lightning in it. He added his own and fried the guards like they're Corellian Fried Chicken.

Andrew smirked. "You'll find, my fellow Emperor, that I'm a lot stronger than you think!"