The First Big Mistake...
Aztec National League
13-10-2004, 00:29
.::B R E A K I N G ~ N E W S::.
In a 2-1 vote, the Interm Executive Council has approved the controversial bill that will lift the ban on nuclear weapons. Congressman John Kirkland (SRP-Durango) and Yoltzin (CU-Chuihuaua) voted in favor of lifting the ban while Congressman Jorge Arroyo (DCP-Nayruit) voted against it. Effective immediatly, the ANL military is allowed to build nuclear weapons. Biological and chemical weapons, however, are still banned.
"While I do not enjoy seeing a nuclear arsenal built, I must approve this decision because it is neccisary for the defence of the Union and the Aztec People." Commented Congressman Kirkland, during an interview. Congressman Yoltzin also said "This will be very important to the defense of the Union and this will possibly help our economy grow. This is a step in the right direction."
However, Congressman Arroyo said "This is a blatant violation of our beliefs. It is cowardly to use nuclear weapons in war. In addition, this has made the ANL a higher priority target."
Several military figures have spoke out against this new decision. While the Red Aircore has said it disagrees but will support the policy of the government, the Jaguar Warrior Infantrymen have condemned the lifting of the ban and are going to urge the Supreme Court to overturn the decision.
DCP Canidate Quetzalcoatl, the former Premier, has condemned the lifting of the ban. He said "This is an abmonimation to life. I worked hard to keep this ban in place, and look how well off we were. We are now considered a threat to the world."
The Supreme Court will take up the case and decided to sustain or overturn the lift.
The Island of Rose
13-10-2004, 00:32
((OOC: You never TGed me on how I could smear campaign you... and no I can't condemn you because I have nukes!))
Aztec National League
13-10-2004, 00:38
((OOC: You never TGed me on how I could smear campaign you... and no I can't condemn you because I have nukes!))
OOC: Aye, aye, aye, I'll t-gram you in a second.
Responses, anyone?
Welcome to the nuclear world, comrades!
The Commissariat of War
The Socialist Federation of Hallad
The Island of Rose
13-10-2004, 01:21
((OOC: Rosian reporter hizzatime...))
The Rosian Embassy... yuppers. Where all Rosians usually stay when visiting the capital of The Aztec National League. But there was one fiesty woman, a Diana Arcia. An hispanic Rosian, she went to Mexico to find out what was happening in this new political environment. Of course, you want to know, what newspaper does she work for? The New Rose Times, one of the most leftist newspapers (and when you're one of the most leftist in TIoR you are fucking leftist) in the entire Island. She already wrote an article protesting the fact that the ANL now had nukes. But she had a new mission.
There were rumors of human rights abuses in the ANL. Her mission, to find out if it was true or not. If it was, the Island of Rose would diplomatically seperate themselves from the ANL and leave it alieanted. But how would the people react? Who knows. But now, she was on her way.
She asked for a taxi, and of course it took her to a neighborhood. Quiet, nice and friendly. She then started.
She approached an Aztec man. She was wearing a business suit, rare for a Rosian. She had a notepad and pen in hand. Standard reporter wear. She started the interview...
"Excuse me sir. This is Diana Arcia from The New Rosian Times. How do you feel about the new government?" She asked.
((OOC: Have fun ANL! And make sure he likes the Premier ;) ))
Aztec Lands
13-10-2004, 01:49
You have fallen too far. We are cutting diplomatic relations.
Communist Louisiana
13-10-2004, 01:57
We support ANL's weapons development programs. We would like to offer our assistance to your programs. Take alook at CL's nuclear weapons store.
We will offer you 30% discounts.
13-10-2004, 03:05
As a neighbor nation to ANL, we are very disappointed with your decision to build nuclear weapons. We hope that the Supreme Court overturns this decision.
However, if you really are going to start a nuclear buildup, we assume that the good relations between our two nations are not changed in any way.
Kopparbergs has a policy that we never shall get nuclear or chemical weapons. But if our neighbors build up a large arsenal of such weapons we may be forced to reconsider this issue.
Åke Stålhandske, Secretary of Foreign Affairs
Kingdom of Kopparbergs
Aztec National League
13-10-2004, 06:17
"Excuse me sir. This is Diana Arcia from The New Rosian Times. How do you feel about the new government?" She asked.
The man was tending to a community garden. He was wearing a simple tank top and jeans, he was obviously hot and tired. Quickly, he looked at her and was obviously wanting to say something. He said, "Although I shouldn't tell you this, since I am in the military, I am extremely disappointed with the new government. My name is Xihuilt, I am a Luietenat in the Jaguar Warrior Infantrymen. Although I have always supported my government, the Executive Council has gone too far. Damn, Congressman Kirkland and Yoltzin are crazy. Arroyo is ok, its the other two I'm concerned about. I pray everyday to get Quetzalcoatl, our former Premier back in power."
He waited for her to ask more questions. He then realized, "So your from TIOR, ehh? I wonder what our comrades are thinking of this big mistake of a government."
Aztec National League
13-10-2004, 06:21
As a neighbor nation to ANL, we are very disappointed with your decision to build nuclear weapons. We hope that the Supreme Court overturns this decision.
However, if you really are going to start a nuclear buildup, we assume that the good relations between our two nations are not changed in any way.
Kopparbergs has a policy that we never shall get nuclear or chemical weapons. But if our neighbors build up a large arsenal of such weapons we may be forced to reconsider this issue.
Åke Stålhandske, Secretary of Foreign Affairs
Kingdom of Kopparbergs
To: Åke Stålhandske, Secretary of Foreign Affairs
From: Dr. Darius Wellington, Foriegn Affairs Minister
I am strongly opposed to the construction of nuclear weapons, and I will try to prevent such actions from happening. In the meanwhile, know this, while the ban has been lifted, myself and my collegues in the Soviet Congress will block all nuclear programs and any sort of appropriations for this program.
-Dr. Darius Wellington
Aztec National League
13-10-2004, 06:27
You have fallen too far. We are cutting diplomatic relations.
Secret Communique to Sidewinder City:
Do not expect this mistake to last forever. Once the true government is put back into power, we shall not have any cowardly WMDs.
-Dr. Darius Wellington, Foreign Affair Minister
-Warrior-General Tlanextic, Minister of War
OOC: As you can see, with the rise of the interm executive council, much controversy has arrised.
Aztec National League
13-10-2004, 06:39
.::N E W S ~ U P D A T E::.
Massive protests have broken out in the ANL, the largest in front of the Grand Union Chambers in Tenochitilan. Approximatly 25,000 people have gathered in a period of 2 hours, and police forces are concerned the protests will become unruley. Defying the government, several bases are closed because the troops are striking. However, it is likely the Interm Executive Council will sign and executive order, ordering the troops to cease and desist.
In response to the protests, Congressman Kirkland said casually, "Sometimes you have to make the best decision for the people, even if they don't think it's the best. I do not plan to change my position, nor does my colleague Yoltzin."
Meanwhile, several government officals have condemed the lifting of hte ban, most notably Dr. Darius Wellington, Foreign Affairs Minister and Warrior-General Tlanextic, Minister of War. The general population has also shown its disapproval, in a period of 48 hours, government approval ratings fell from 84% to 54%, and the trend appears to be worsening.
The Island of Rose
13-10-2004, 20:52
The man was tending to a community garden. He was wearing a simple tank top and jeans, he was obviously hot and tired. Quickly, he looked at her and was obviously wanting to say something. He said, "Although I shouldn't tell you this, since I am in the military, I am extremely disappointed with the new government. My name is Xihuilt, I am a Luietenat in the Jaguar Warrior Infantrymen. Although I have always supported my government, the Executive Council has gone too far. Damn, Congressman Kirkland and Yoltzin are crazy. Arroyo is ok, its the other two I'm concerned about. I pray everyday to get Quetzalcoatl, our former Premier back in power."
He waited for her to ask more questions. He then realized, "So your from TIOR, ehh? I wonder what our comrades are thinking of this big mistake of a government."
Diane chuckled. "I'm sure Sergei likes the Premier more." She won't recognize the new Government.. "Do not say former Xihuilt, he's still the Premier."
She laughed. "Yes I am from the City of Rose, our capital. We have nuclear weapons also, more of a need, but there's rumors that there's going to be disarmament again."
She wrote down some notes. "What about human rights. Are they more authotarian?"
Aztec National League
14-10-2004, 01:18
Diane chuckled. "I'm sure Sergei likes the Premier more." She won't recognize the new Government.. "Do not say former Xihuilt, he's still the Premier."
She laughed. "Yes I am from the City of Rose, our capital. We have nuclear weapons also, more of a need, but there's rumors that there's going to be disarmament again."
She wrote down some notes. "What about human rights. Are they more authotarian?"
Smiling, Xihuilt chuckled "Yes, and hopefully, soon, he'll be back in power in the ANL in no time. Maybe when the ANL's government is restored, maybe Rose and the ANL will sign a disarmament agreement."
Stopping for a second to put down the shovel he was holding, Xihuilt looked back up and began again.
"About human rights, the new government is being more authoritiarian. There is rumor that several of the promient figures going against the Council, namely, Dr. Darius Wellington, will be fired from their positions by the Council. Although this is unconfirmed, it would seem likely, as John Kirkland has stated publically that he's 'planning on getting all of these wanna-be road block officals out of the way'. Also, I know Congressman Kirkland is considering using the military to provide "security" for the current protests and demonstrations throughout the nation. If you ask me, he'll order us to do a Tianamen Square type masacre. The ISPA has also been given vast amount of powers. While nothing specific was given, I am going to do some investigative work to see what the heck is going on."
The Island of Rose
14-10-2004, 01:32
Diana nodded. "Ah really? This is good, this is good..." She wrote some notes on her notepad.
"And ISPA has more power now? That will surely make the Rosian Government mad." She chuckled. "Oh yes..."
She raised her brow. "Hmm... a few other questions. What do you think of the Rosian Government? Also, can you lead me to other people. Plus, can you help me write my story on anything you can find?"
Her eyes became shifty all of a sudden. She leaned over to whisper to him. "And are there rumours of cancelling elections?"
Aztec National League
14-10-2004, 01:44
Xihuitl said "Actually, I don't have much idea on how the Rosian government works. I like Sergei, he's a good leader, and I like what Rose stands for, much what the ANL stood for only a while back ago. I could possibly put you in touch with the ANL's Minister of War, Tlanextic. I can also get you in touch with Quetzalcoatl, if you wish. And if I find anything more, I'll keep you posted. In regards to the election, I do not believe the government has any plan to cancel elections. I feel Quetzalcoatl will win again, though, he has the support of the people."
The Island of Rose
14-10-2004, 01:52
Xihuitl said "Actually, I don't have much idea on how the Rosian government works. I like Sergei, he's a good leader, and I like what Rose stands for, much what the ANL stood for only a while back ago. I could possibly put you in touch with the ANL's Minister of War, Tlanextic. I can also get you in touch with Quetzalcoatl, if you wish. And if I find anything more, I'll keep you posted. In regards to the election, I do not believe the government has any plan to cancel elections. I feel Quetzalcoatl will win again, though, he has the support of the people."
Diana nodded as she wrote down notes. "Authotorian government, ISPA abuses of human rights, council members to be fired for no reason, corruption, martial law. There." She said to herself.
She raised her brow. "That would be... interesting. Maybe I can meet them both at the same time. But I wonder..." She said. "How do you have access to them? What's your rank?"
She wrote down some more notes. "Must remember to spell Quetzalcoatl correctly... and Tlanextic too." She looked over at him. "Well?"
Aztec National League
15-10-2004, 03:30
Xihuilt responded casually, "My rank, 1st Lueitenat, Elite Warrior Division of the JWIs. About my access to the Minister of War and the Premier...well, the Minister of War, Tlanextic, is my uncle. And with Quetzalcoatl, well, I was his hand selected body gaurd for several months before I was recalled back into regular service, and we became good friends."
The Island of Rose
15-10-2004, 03:34
Diana nodded and sat down on a nearby bench. "Then I'll just wait for you to bring them."
((OOC: Bah... let's get to the interview O_o))
Aztec National League
15-10-2004, 03:58
Xihuitl agreed and said "Alright, I'll have to call them, though." He left the community garden and walked into the apartment building he lived in. It was quiet for a change, there weren't children playing inside or people talking. He entered his apartment and picked up the phone and dialed Minister of War Tlanextic.
OOC: the italicized words are Warrior-General Tlanextic, the regular words are Xihuitl.
"This is Warrior-General Tlanextic, Ministry of War."
"Hey uncle, its Xihuitl"
"Hey, good to hear from you. What's up?"
"There is a reporter for The New Rosian Times, she wants to talk to you."
"The current state of affairs of the ANL government."
"You know niether you nor I can't speak against the ANL government in a professional matter."
"You can unproffesionally."
"Xihuilt, I can't do it. 2 out of three members of the Interm Executive Council are itching to axe me as it is."
Disappointed, Xihuilt gave up. "Alright, uncle, I understand. Take care."
"Same to you."
They hung up.
The then dialed Quetzalcoatl's number.
OOC: same as before.
"Hello? Quetzalcoatl here."
"Hi Quetzalcoatl, its your bud, Xihuitl."
"Ahh, nice to hear from you, what's going on?"
"There is a reporter from the New Rosian Times wanting to speak with you. Wanna come speak to her?"
"Sure, where do I meet you guys?"
"In front of my aparment building."
"Be there in a bit."
He hangs up.
Xihuitl goes back ouside and says to Diana, "Well, it appears I was able to get Quetzalcoatl to come. My uncle declined."
The Island of Rose
15-10-2004, 15:30
Diana chuckled. "Great! I wonder where Quetzolcoatl is living now though."
Aztec National League
15-10-2004, 22:07
"I believe Quetzalcoatl is still living in the same adobe house outside of the city. While many of his opponets would like to see it become the next Comrade General's house, he has fought to keep it and it probably will remain his. He'll probably be here in about 30 minutes."
It went quiet for a couple of seconds, then Xihuilt said,
"So, what in particular are you trying to find?"
The Island of Rose
15-10-2004, 22:17
Diana chuckled. "Simple. If I can find damning evidence of overwhelming human rights abuse. I can get the Rosian Government and other socialist nations to seperate from the League."
He grinned. "This will leave the League alone, and they will surely not ally with a right-wing Government. And if they do, I'm sure I can get an even more overwhelming majority to vote for Quetzocoatl."
She looked at her notepad and back at the man. "Think of it as an un-official favor for the President. We are state owned you know."
Aztec National League
15-10-2004, 23:34
"Hmmm, that's an interesting idea. While I don't like the idea of my nation being condemned, somethings gotta stop the government. I doubt a coup will happen, but I feel like Kirkland is going to loose anyways."
He looked down at his watch and said "Quetzalcoatl should be here in about 10 minutes, now."
Aztec National League
16-10-2004, 20:02
.::B R E A K I N G ~ N E W S::.
The Supreme Court, in a 8-1 vote, voted against lifting the ban. This means the ban will remain in place and nuclear weapons will not be able to be built. While the ban will remain in effect, it is unknown how Chief Justice Horatio Starling will vote. In any case, the ban will remain in effect. The following is an excerpt of the court's statement:
"We find that the construction of nuclear weapons brings our honorable nation the unacceptable status of being able to destroy the world with a handful of weapons. While there are certainly advantages to building and maintaining a nuclear arsenal, we beleive the cons far outweight the pros. A nuclear weapons program would mean:
-diverting funds away from education, healthcare and social welfare, the pillars of our society
-the potential for pre-emptive attack by another nation because we pose a far greater threat with nuclear weapons
-added expendatures for the contruction, maintaining of nuclear weapons and the neccisary facilities
-the high potential of accidents
-a precedence for the allowance of more type of weapons of mass destruction.
In addition to these and countless other cons of nuclear weapons, we uphold the philosophy of the Aztec National League's Soviet Red Gaurd, the Jaguar Warrior Infantrymen, the Red Aircore and the Aztec Soviet Navy. That philosophy is 'to fight with honor and bravery, and to wreak havoc only on our combatant enemies, not innocent civilians.' Usage of nuclear weapons...or any WMD for that matter is unquestionably a violation of our military doctorine and values..."
Meanwhile, Congressman John Kirkland is outraged by this decision. He would not deliever any statement.
OOC: International reaction please! TIOR, this RP isn't done, your reporter still has somethings to find.
The Island of Rose
16-10-2004, 20:07
((OOC: Can I talk to the Premier first? ;) ))
Aztec National League
16-10-2004, 20:14
OOC: And here he is...
Quetzacoatl turned the corner and continued driving up a small street. He went down about 1/2 a mile and turned again, this time towards one of the larger streets. He found a parking space immediatly, took it and turned off the car. He got out and looked around to find Xihuitl.
Xihuitl saw him first and said "Hey, over here."
Quetzalcoatl saw them and began walking over to them. Once he got there, he saw the reporter and said
"Hello, I'm Quetzalcoatl, you're a reporter from The New Rosian Times?"
The Island of Rose
16-10-2004, 20:17
Diana shook his hand. "Yes, Diana Arcia of The New Rosian Times. To be blunt..."
She cleared her throat. "Tell me every bad thing about the new Government so we can help you get re-elected. Just try not to go to personal attacks."
She winked. "No matter how hard it might be."
Aztec National League
16-10-2004, 20:45
Yeash, where do I begin?" Quetzalcoatl said sarcastically. "The first thing was trying to get an injunction agaisnt me so I couldn't run again. Now, Kirkland is trying to get injunctions against some of the other right-wing socialists parties to try to squash competion. The only reason why there are not many liberal parties running is because almost all of the liberal and left socialists parties in the ANL has all unified behind me, with exception of the Anarchist party.
And let's not forget this entire situation with nuclear weapons. I have sources in the government that tell me they were already planning and in the process of designing a 5 mega-ton weapon. Although small in comparision to other nuclear weapons, that's not the point. There was also word that Kirkland and Yoltzin would pull the ANL out of the UN if the congress approved.
More acts of tyranny would be the threats against various officals that are not in 100% compliance with their philosophy. Dr. Darius Wellington, by far the most outspoken person in the cabniet, has recived various threats of being arrested or, at least, fired. This is not an isolated incedent, several sources are telling me the new council, with exception of Congressman Arroyo, is considering firing the entire cabient and replacing them within the next month.
In terms of regular people, protests are now going to be observed by military forces and, as Kirkland put it, 'if need be', will be incharge of breaking up protests. The ISPA's watchdog group, the Civil Rights Review, has been shut down, too, and whatever they do is not monitored and is labled secret.
Why are they able to do all of these things without the Soviet Congress's consent? Well, the Soviet Congress is not and will not be in session until the new consitution is in place. The reason why the supreme court is not invovled is because all the cases are being taken up by the northern conservative-authoritarian courts and are being settled before it can be taken up by the Supreme Court. They only reason why the issue of nuclear weapons came up to the Supreme Court is because no court wanted to uphold the lifting of the ban."*
He continued, "Now, don't get me wrong, there is only one liberal on the executive council, Congressman Jorge Arroyo. Only he has been opposed to everything the other two have proposed. There is also word that the Libertarian Conferderate Party will remove their Congressman, Yoltzin, from the Executive Council and replace him with a more moderate figure."
He then remembered, [i]"If it makes any difference, there will only be four parties running in the election:
My ticket, the Democratic Communist Party (Liberal-Communist)
Congressman John Kirkland, the Soviet Republic Party (Authoritarian-Communist)
Congressman Tamuzin, Libertarian Confederate Party (Libertarian)
Roberto Santiago, Conservative Nationalist Party (Nationalist)
The Island of Rose
16-10-2004, 20:53
Diana wrote all this down. "Authotorian rule, police state, human rights abuses, quit UN, going around legislation. Yup, this is more then enough to have the Island of Rose cut connections with you."
She nodded. "Anything else to add?"
Aztec National League
16-10-2004, 21:05
"No, don't want to have to repair too much damage when I come back in." Quetzalcoatl quietly said.
(OOC: Don't have your reporter leave yet, either that or you would miss some breaking news I have planned.")
The Island of Rose
16-10-2004, 21:08
((OOC: I'll stay in the Rosian Embassy. As you can see, me lazy...))
Diana nodded. "Thank you." And with that she headed towards the Embassy.
Aztec National League
17-10-2004, 21:41
In the Grand Union Chambers, Tenochitilan...
Minister of War Tlanextic walked quickly through the main lobby, and out of the door. He stood in front of the Chambers, and looked in front of him - thousands of protestors have again assymled in front of the hall, more then before. The protestors knew who he was and didn't pay much attention to him - their anger wasn't directed at him. He continued down stairs and walked right past the protestors. Most of them gave a quick glance to Tlanextic, then continued on with what they were previously occupied by.
Tlanextic walked down a couple of blocks then started to walk through a park. As he cut across the park, he noticed it was quiet. Very strange, he thought. Usually, it's full of people walking, young kids playing with their parents watching over them, teenagers playing various sports, elderly people playing chess and drinking tea. It was almost unheard of, people not going to the park and staying at home. Quickly, he continued walking on and soon entered the Supreme Court Building. He could have eaisly driven there, but, like most Aztecs, Tlanextic prefered to walk.
Tlanextic entered the main lobby of the building and turned down another cooridor. However, shortly after entering it, he walked up 4 flights of stairs and on the 5th floor, went up to a door and opened it.
A young receptionist looked up to see the middle aged Tlanextic. He was wearing his military dress uniform. Quickly, he asked, "Is the Chief Justice in or no?"
The young woman replied "Yes, he's in. Although he is in recess right now, considering your rank in the military, I'll let him know you want to talk to him."
Tlanextic smiled and said "Thank you."
She pressed a button on the phone and said, "Chief Justice Starling, Warrior-General Tlanextic is here, he requests to see you." She listens for a couple of seconds then says to the General "He wants to know what you want."
"Tell him it involves the Executive Interm Council."
The woman quickly told him, and then said "Alright, he'll see you right now."
Tlanextic again thanked the woman and opened the door to Chief Justice Starling's office. He walked in and closed the door.
Starling's office resembled a luxuory room more then an office. It has dark, forest green wall paper with wooden ebony trimmings. On his wall was an two-edged sword, supposedly representing the justice system. Tlanextic walked in and saw the 64 year old Starling sitting behind an Victorian desk, writing on a note pad.
"Please, come in and sit down, we obviously have much to talk about." Justice Starling said in a friendly and cheerful tone.
Tlanextic sat down and began speaking, "We both know Congressman Kirkland and Yoltzin are dangerous to our society. They have both done several unconstitutional things. Now they are threating to overstep the line."
Quietly, Justice Starling said "I know, I wish I had grounds to put them under an injunction from leading the nation."
"Your wish might come true, Starling." Said Tlanextic. "You see, Kirkland is threating to fire Dr. Darius Wellington from his job. That is by far, illegal."
"I know Congressman Kirkland very well, I doubt he would make plan with out considering the legal reprocussions." Said Justice Starling.
They thought for a couple of seconds...
Justice Starling then said "Wait, in the agreement to ratify the constitution, it said the congress can not reconvine until the constitution is in effect. While the congress can not act, the court can. I believe the unwarrented firing of Dr. Wellington would qualify for..."
They continued talking for several hours. By the time they were done, night had fallen.
Aztec National League
18-10-2004, 05:58
.::B R E A K I N G ~ N E W S::.
10:50 PM, Tenochitlian
Congressman Yoltzin has stepped down from the Executive Interm Council. This has caused a major shakeup in government, as the conservative Interm council has lost their lead in the Council. Congressman Yoltzin released this message:
" I have grown weary of the politics of the council, and I see this council as a major problem for the ANL. The Interm Council is not listening to the voice of the people, nor is it having any regard for our values or beliefs. While I had largely supported Congressman Kirkland and our decisions, recents actions have shown me that Congressman Kirkland has taken our nation down a dangerous path that is contrary to the nation's beliefs. While many say I should vote with Congressman Arroyo, the only liberal in the formerly 3-man council, I believe his values are too radically left for me. I therefore conclude the best thing for me to do is, effective immediatly, I hereby resign from the Executive Interm Council. Hopefully, some moderation will come out of this."
An replacement will not be appointed, as the Soviet Congress is not in session until the Constitution goes into effect. However, the two man council now has one conservative-communist and one liberal-communist. It is expected that new legislation and decisions by the council will become more moderate.
Aztec National League
19-10-2004, 01:30
Location: The office of the Interm Executive Council, Tenochitilan
A haggared and tired John Kirkland sat down at his chair next to the conference table. Across from him was his equally tired opponet, Congressman Arroyo. Neither man has fallen asleep since 10 AM yesterday, as both men have been arguing, fighting, compromising and rejecting each other's proposals and resolutions. Yolzin's resigning was supposed to bring moderation, but it brought on deadlock. Congressman Kirkland looked to his political foe and said, "Jorge, come over here for a second, let's take a look at these figures."
Congressman Arroyo came over and sat next to Kirkland. Kirkland opened a folder labeled "National Popularity Rating Survey." The report was dismal at best.
Government trust is at an all time low, popularity is at 12%, military desention is at an all time high...I don't believe this system, te Executive Interm Council, will survive much longer. In addition to that, in the last 15 hours, we have only approved two proposals. We can't run this thing anymore."[/i]
"At least we agree on that." Muttered Congressman Arroyo.
"Are the ballots ready?" Asked Kirkland.
"Yes, are you suggesting we proced with the elections?"
Kirkrland began, "Yes, now, I know you might not approve..."
"Not in a cold day in hell would I not approve of the elections."
Happy, Kirkland and Arroyo signed the papers to authorize the elections.
Aztec National League
19-10-2004, 01:40
.::B R E A K I N G ~ N E W S::.
The Interm Executive Council has uniaminously approved of the authorization of the ANL elections. Upon hearing the news, the protestors cheered and were relieved to hear of the imminet disbanning of the Council. Congressman Arroyo said this to the crowd and the people.
"My friends, we are entering a bold new chapter of our history. Me and Congressman John Kirkland have approved the elections, and very soon, we will vote on who we want to lead the nation. With these elections, we will soon enact our new constitution and form our new government, and we will return to the virtues we once stood for. We will become the most perfect union possible, and our glory and our future is assured."
The candiates for the election are:
-Quetzalcoatl, Democratic Communist Party
Former Premier of the Aztec National League
Age: 25
-Congressman John Kirkland, Soviet Republic Party
Current Soviet Congressman
Age: 56
-Congressman Tamuzin, Libertarian Confederate Party
Current Soviet Congressman
Age: 65
-Roberto Santiago, Conservative Nationalist Party
Party Leader
Age: 34
Quetzalcoatl is the first place canidate in the polls right now, with 76% of the support. Libertarian Tamuzin is in a far second place with 20% support and Conservative Nationalist Roberto Santiago and Soviet Republican Canadiate Congressman John Kirkland has 2% of the support in the polls each.
Lunatic Retard Robots
19-10-2004, 01:45
LRR, as always, puts its support behind Premier Quetzacotl, who's rule we have fought to maintain twice.