Exetonia seeks international aide after country dvestated by 2 terrorist attacks.
Exetonia Minor
12-10-2004, 11:18
In what can only be describes as the worst chapter in attacks terrorist or otherwise in Exetonia the entirity of the government including John Jacobs were brutally murderd by a terrorist bomb last night during a late session of parliment about the proliferation of nuclear missiles. Exetonia is appealing to the international community for aide regarding this inccident.
Marshall law is currently in place whilst a new government is sworn in out of other party members other tha those who actually attended the discussion but, anmarchy is ensuing in the streets. Again, this is a plea to the international commnuinty for aide in regaining control ber it medics or peacekeepers that are sent, all are welcome.
In other news, an unrelated attack is believed to have been what destroyed the entirity of the Greater exetonia wmbassy building last nigth. Thew totalk death toll from that was some 750 people including innocent civilians. The new government is looking at increeasing security against these sorts of attacks by posting elite troops at all entry points into exetonia and performing searches of all vehicles.
This ir Rick Brimmes, ENN, signing off.
The Imperial Navy
12-10-2004, 11:23
(OOC: Couple of typos in there... but not too bad.)
IC: The Imperial Navy is sending aid to its ally, as well as 1,000 troops to help keep the peace and distrubute supplies. Terrorism will not be tolerated. The Empire has been placed on high alert.
Exetonia Minor
12-10-2004, 11:27
It has been revealed to the world that a terrorist group from Jaxus was responsible as they have sent a tape claiming responsibility (ooc:this happened last nite, i havnt got the thread to hand) for the bombings. This is indeed a new nail in the coffin of exetonia as she will now be more cautious who she lends aide too in the future. All aide has been withdrawn from praetoria as a response to the terrorist demands. The new government thanks her ally for her support. TIN, thank you once again for coming to our aid.
The Imperial Navy
12-10-2004, 11:36
It is our duty to protect allies.
Food and medical supplies will be distributed to those stricken by this attack, and any that need it. We have dealt with terrorists in the past. we will ensure that this does not happen again. we suggest you tighten security around government buildings in future.
In the Imperial Navy, all Government workers are electronicly tagged. anyone who tries to enter a government building without a tag is shot without question, no matter what the reason. At the same time, those trying to get a job in the government have to go through the following procedure:
-Heavy scruitinsing of their history
-Education taken into account
-Lie detector test
-brain scans (These allow us to check for implants that allow them to cheat the lie detector-if such a device is found they are executed on the spot)
-Interview by military officials
seems a bit harsh, but it means that only those who have no intention of harming government officials get in. Once they pass these tests they are tagged and monitored via radar. it is also impossible to remove the tag to be used on another person, as if the chip detects it has been removed from the rest of the body it self-destructs, after sending a warning message to the monitoring station.
After the crisis we had years ago, we refuse to allow anything to happen to the government again.
(Wow... I think that was a bit much.)
Exetonia Minor
12-10-2004, 11:39
Massive riots have broken out on the streets with armed forces and police alike being hard pressed to control them. The same scenes are happening all accross Exetonia as the country is descending very rapidly into anarchy despite the new government being called in. Exetonia again calls for help in controling the situation and wonders if anyone out there is listening. It is a dire situation with thousands now lying dead or wounded on the streets. The terrorists achieved their goal alright, total chaos. The devestation is worse than had one bio/chemichal weapon been set off. To keep the peace, exetonia is authroising tear gas and plastic pellet rifles to be used to disperse the crowds or rioters all around the nation. The scene is total chaos... only time will tell how the country winds up.
This is Rick Brimmes, ENN, siging off.
The Imperial Navy
12-10-2004, 11:43
More troops have been dispatched - about 10,000.
I suggest you call enforced martial law. Anyone caught on the street should be shot on sight, or arrested. if either of these comes into play, Our troops will help enforce it.
Trust me, somtimes, the threat of death ends a riot. allow us to execute rioters. if not, we will do our best to keep the peace, but that will not be easy.
Exetonia Minor
12-10-2004, 11:48
Rioters will not be executed although martial law will be enforced. any1 caught looting can and will be executed. Return to your homes, a new government is in place and normal service will be resumed in a few days
(ooc:theres ur permission, rp it as u like :P)
The Imperial Navy
12-10-2004, 11:54
Rioters will not be executed although martial law will be enforced. any1 caught looting can and will be executed. Return to your homes, a new government is in place and normal service will be resumed in a few days
(ooc:theres ur permission, rp it as u like :P)
(Heh... i've got some dramatic battle music from Skies of Arcadia playing now... Goes well with using Nationstates...)
Imperial troops have been taking hundreds of prisoners after Rioters attempted to attack Imperial lines. Shots were fired into the air after the attack to scatter the crowds, and tear gas split them up.
large numbers of troublemakers trying to start riots have been captured and taken to Exetonian authorities, and Looters are being shot on sight, so far the total is incalcuble. never before have we seen such acts of crime. It seems the Iron fist of the Empire is having an effect. A certain level of order is being restored. but at great cost.
a patrol group of 50 troops was ambushed by gunmen, although defeated, the patrol group lost 15 men. their bodies will be sent back to The Imperial Navy for burial in space. dropships are bringing in more men, as there are far more rioters than expected. Analysts believe a sense of law and order will be restored in a week. (Not long in NS time. but if you choose to make anything worse, go ahead. it'd be fun, so long as it don't screw the country to hell.)
the ASA will lend any monetary aid required and 5,000 troops are en route to help you with your martial law.
DaveCalibra States
12-10-2004, 12:04
DCS News@6:
President Dave Hunter SSc has expressed his condolences to the bereaved people in Exetonia and has expressed his wish to help out his fellow ally. An excerpt from his press conference today said:
"The barbaric crime commited by the Jaxus terrorists just goes to show some of the low and dangerous methods used to gain political freedom. We have sent 9000 troops and medics, along with a plane load of supplies and medical equipment to Exetonia and we need to see if extra personnel are needed for martial law."
It is unclear today how many have died in the tragedy. Official figures are apparently not clear.
Peter Rosso reporting, DC Senate
Exetonia Minor
12-10-2004, 12:08
(ooc: a week sounds good to me)
The Exetonian Marines moved in on a small group of vagabonds near the capital of Exetonia, New Exeter. They were known to be visicous and armed and to have been looting several locations around Exetonia. Armed with weapons and a camera, this was thye militarys chance to show what happens to looters during marshal law and would also make a great training video.
The men moved and were spotted. The gang immediately opened up with Ak-47's gunning down 4 of the 30 strong team. The team took up defensive positions before returning fire gunning down half the gang. A vicious fire fight continued which at the end left 7 special forces dead and 45 gang members. The video was sent bto the news room and broadcast accross Exetonian news...
The Imperial Navy
12-10-2004, 12:10
Following the arrival of so many-law enforcement groups, the Martial law has started to sink in. The streets are a lot quieter now, except for occasional gunfire as a looter is executed.
Imperial troops earlier on saved 26 civilians from a building which was set on fire by looters. This for some reason caused the riot to break up. perhaps the rioters saw our sense in the madness?
the ASA will still provide financial aid, but we do not agree with your methods of controlling the people and will not send military support, we are very sorry, but we can't participate in these massacres
Exetonia Minor
12-10-2004, 12:12
This is a News Flash. Today, the Calbro gang were executed for their looting crimes during this time of marshal law. Here is the footage of that inccident:
As you can see, crime will not be tollerated with the penalty being death. In other news. the ewly sworn in government of Exetonia has released an official deathtoll at the time of this release:
25,000 including John Jacobs, President (EX) of Exetonia. The injury toll is in the hunderds of thouands.
This was a special broadcast by ENN
The Imperial Navy
12-10-2004, 12:14
the ASA will still provide financial aid, but we do not agree with your methods of controlling the people and will not send military support, we are very sorry, but we can't participate in these massacres
It is not a massacre. it is a method of control. a method that is working. Unlike weak democratic countries, We see that sometimes we must crush our problems with an Iron boot, and ensure that an example is made to stop it happening again. Extreme i admit, but effective.
The Republic Of Endenia is shocked at the terrorist attack on her close ally the Exetonia Minor Government, The nation's leader, 1st Councillor Cassandra Woo has ordered an emergancy session of the Senate and has ordered monetary aid in the number of 1 Billion to be sent to the Government to aid them over this dark times. Furthermore peacekeeping troops have been put on high-alert and the 1st Councillor has asked the Exetonia Minor Government permission to send peace-keeping troops to the country.
Also the borders of Endenia has been sealed by the Border Guards to prevent potential terrorists from slipping into her borders.
OOC: Can I join you guys?
DaveCalibra States
12-10-2004, 12:20
Exetonia officials are launching an enquiry into the atrocity which took place two days ago. It is believed that the incident took place with the knowledge of the Jaxus government. If so, then Exetonia is believed to shut down all embassies in the region, and is also believed to be going to war over the matter.
Kevin Noske, International reporter, New Exeter
Exetonia Minor
12-10-2004, 12:21
(ooc: I thought during marshal law. all criminals were executed by the military, I know it would happen in the USA)
With the crime levels and iots abaiting the new Presient, John Milne stepped up to the plate and made this official Broadcast:
"People of Exetonia. I, your knew president, hope to continue the work of John Jacobs, our recently deceased leader. The Commonwealth party will remain in power until the next election several years down the line. The Nuclear armamment bill to the constitution will be passed along with e dictatorship bill as promised. This ensures your freedom people of exetonia as do ours. We must now unite against the terrorist front and take down those who wish to destroy democracy. As a member of the ATP we shall be looking to seek retribution for those who lost friends and relatives during this inccident and be looking to take down this terrorist cell. My fear is this. We were not the first country to be bombed by this group and unless we do something now, we will not be the last. I ask you all to rally around such great programs we have such as the space program and the new education program and make our country great again. I hope you all side with me. Good day exetonia, may we rise like the phoenix and once again become strong."
Cheers could be heard all around Exetonia after this rallying call. Normal service was starting to resume.
The Imperial Navy
12-10-2004, 12:22
Imperial troops have just raided a house after an anonymous tip-off and have siezed 4 men after finding materials in their house to make explosives, weapons, and most convicting of all, Plans for the Government buildings marked with spots to plant bombs. They will be taken straight to the government, although in order to capture them, we were forced to fill the house with knockout gas.
We are expecting that the Exetonian government will make an example of them. They were fools to stay in the country. now they will pay.
Exetonia Minor
12-10-2004, 12:24
The Exetonian government has strongly denied the broadcast made by DaveCalibra News and has furthermore stated that she shall be looking for help from Jaxus to aide this. Jaxus does not have an embassy in exetonia however, Jaxusism does, It is hopoed her allies will rally around her in this call to take down this meance to international peace.
(ooc:the money is accepted but teh situatio is being resolved although peace keeprs will be required for a few more weeks :) )
Exetonia Minor
12-10-2004, 12:25
(ooc:sorry Imperial but im gonna ahve to ignore that as they were written as leaving the country via private jet :( sorry.)
The Endenian Government has shut down its embassy in Exetonia Minor and has requested the Exetonian Government to allow a BlackHawk helicopter to come and pick up the Ambassador and her staff, furthermore it ask the Government to confirm the entrance of Endenian Peace-keepers and aid workers.
The Imperial Navy
12-10-2004, 12:28
(ooc:sorry Imperial but im gonna ahve to ignore that as they were written as leaving the country via private jet :( sorry.)
OOC: Who said they really were the terrorists-It's a propoganda movement. It's all part of my plan to make the people hate the terrorists more... :D
IC: Message to Exetonian government Private frequency
Aknowlege that these captured people are terrorists, and execute them as an example-it will scare the people into hating the terrorists. They are Imperial volunteers. using blank rounds for a firing squad will make it look realistic.
Exetonia Minor
12-10-2004, 12:33
Endenia, u have permission, We hope you may return at such a time as stability is restored to the nation. Your peace keepers, medics and fund have just been granted access to enter Exetonian airspace.
We cannot, as a democracy execute innocents. Exetonian citizens were not responsible and i WILL NOT execute innocents. We have a Jaxus private plane, registerd leaving our aispace illegally at 9pm 4 days ago when the bombings happened. The plane was not registerd so therefore, we believe it to be the Jaxus terrorist group.
Thank you, the peace-keepers and aid workers are on their way in, once they are in your cities, they will be under either TIN or your control for the duration of this crisis.
The Helicopter has been flown in with a apache escort, thank you.
The Imperial Navy
12-10-2004, 12:38
Endenia, u have permission, We hope you may return at such a time as stability is restored to the nation. Your peace keepers, medics and fund have just been granted access to enter Exetonian airspace.
We cannot, as a democracy execute innocents. Exetonian citizens were not responsible and i WILL NOT execute innocents. We have a Jaxus private plane, registerd leaving our aispace illegally at 9pm 4 days ago when the bombings happened. The plane was not registerd so therefore, we believe it to be the Jaxus terrorist group.
(OOC: You are meeting the Dark side of TIN.)
As i said, we will not be executing them... just pretending... but if you feel that is wrong, then that is fine. It was just a possible publicity stunt.
do you have any idea where the plane was heading?
Exetonia Minor
12-10-2004, 12:46
We have absolutly no idea where that plane was heading though our suspisions say on to their next target wherever that may be... so, your guess is as good as ours... Endenia, i would like your troops deployed to Truro province, there are still reports of looting there.
The Imperial Navy
12-10-2004, 12:48
our troops will remain on peacekeeping duties in the region until you ask us to leave, at which point we will depart at once.
until then, Troops have been sent to the Truro province, to help stop the looting.
Exetonia Minor
12-10-2004, 12:54
Thank you for your support TIN. It is much apprecaited and, to all nations who have given us support, our thanks to you aswell. Never again shall we let a tragedy like this happen. But now, some sort of reality is returning to the nation. Our spcae program has begun in earnest and, we are now deceloping new bombers. Thanks again for all the support.
Very well, our troops are being deployed, TIN please take command of our peace-keeping forces, you may use them at your descretion.
DaveCalibra States
12-10-2004, 13:23
DCS News@6:
Large troop movements have been sighted near the city of Truro earlier today. Some trouble blackspots are reported in the nation, after a large riot near the Army Base yesterday wounded 15 protesters. Exetonia is believed to be investigating the unregistered plane containing the terrorists, it's main question is, where was the plane heading?
Kevin Noske, International reporter, Truro
Exetonia Minor
12-10-2004, 13:28
(ooc:DCS, ignored - godmod, the country is under coontrol. u have no right to say what my citizens are doing :headbang: )
Increased troops on the street in Truro calmed the situation without many deaths (ooc2:TIN, how mahy did u kill) Order is now pretty much restored around Exetonia although it may take years to recover finacially.
12-10-2004, 13:51
The Grand Dutchy of Jackbootz, having extensive experience in controlling a restless and decadedant population will aid you. We seek only an exchange of embassies and to improve upon our international reputation.
We are in the process of upgrading our armour and have 300 obsolete tanks that we would be willing to supply to you for free as part of our "military aid to allies in need program" provided that you can send the ships to pick them up.
These are roughly equivilent to an old Soviet T55 which will not be of much use versus a top notch army but which would be more than adequate to quell riots and restore social order. We have a well trained professional army and these vehichles are well maintained. You would only need to add a Radio that would match your frequency.
If interested please reply via telegram to
The Grand Dutchy of Jackbootz
Tera Nova
The Grad Dutchy of Jackbootz
Exetonia Minor
12-10-2004, 14:17
(ooc: This is my military hahaha, i dont need your tanks. Im exetonia re-incarnated.)
Jackbootz, further help is not required though thank you for the offer. (ooc2:make an embassyHERE (http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=362104) ) The situation is now pretty much under control
(ooc3:next time, read the entire thread and so some research)
The Imperial Navy
12-10-2004, 15:31
142 looters have been shot by Imperial Battlegroup pacifier.
Exetonia Minor
12-10-2004, 23:04
Total control has now been restored in Exetonia. Peacekeeprs are asked to stay for 1 year to continue to keep the law in place although marshal law has been revoked.
The Imperial Navy
13-10-2004, 10:38
will do. Peacekeepers will be cut thought, to 5,000 men. In peace, it works out cheaper to have less men. besides, we have a few of our own military issues to deal with.
DaveCalibra States
13-10-2004, 10:57
DCS News@6:
Exetonia has recieved a confidence boost today when forces from The Imperial Navy, DaveCalibra States and Endenia agreed to stay for at least one year. The troops first peacetime work has passed off without incident today. Investigations on the unregistered plane's flight path have produced nothing further, but are continuing.
Kevin Noske, International reporter, Truro.
Exetonia Minor
13-10-2004, 11:00
investigations into the plane have revealed her flightpath to be heading towards Jaxus before contact was lost. We have confirmation that it was the Jaxus 9 terrorist group that perpetrated the crime but, we cannot confirm that that specific plane landed in Jaxus. meetings will need to be held with the Jaxus government.
This is Rick Brimes, signing off.
13-10-2004, 11:01
This is Rick Rogers reporting for Harlesburg National Television Network
As of yesterday Terrorist forces have infiltrated the heartland of Exetonia and asassinated the President and all of the Government Ministers.
It was described by one passer by as a large convoy of trucks rumbling thru the desert at full speed and although the blast lasted only a few seconds the force devastated the building.
Another pedestrian felt that although these people were sinister creatures for what they had done it was inevitable that this would happen after the Exetonian Government ambitions to create Nucleur weapons,feelings also circulating in parts of Harlesburg and held by this reporter.
Im Rick Rogers for Harlesburg National Television Network
signing off
DaveCalibra States
13-10-2004, 11:08
(ooc: My news looks a bit crap as it's either out of date or wrong :rolleyes: )
Memo to the Government of Exetonia
The last few days have been very tough for us all. It is now that evil threatens to reign our world that the good nations band together and help each other from the tyranny of evil. The next will be tough also, but our strength in numbers will see us through. Good luck to Exetonia and her people.
President Dave Hunter SSc BSc
Exetonia Minor
13-10-2004, 11:21
(ooc:Harlesburg ignored due to the fact this is based off another thread made by Jaxus, if you search google for terroprist attacks in the Commonwealth of Exetetonia you will see why the attacks happened.)
DCS, we thank you for your continued support through this difficult time. Thanks again - Exetonian Government.
The Imperial Navy
13-10-2004, 12:01
Seargent Havard stood in the wreckage of the Government building. He was feeling slightly ill, as earlier he had found the body of a young girl, not much unlike his own daughter. The child died clutching her teddy bear.
Havard fell to his knees. He could no longer understand why people do such horrible things.
He began to cry. "Why god... why?"
His comrades came into the area.
"Take it easy with him-this hit him pretty hard. I think we need to send him home. He needs help. and he needs to see his daughter."
"Yes sir."
The troops paced towards the stricken Seargent.
"Sir... would you like to come with us? we'll take you home."
The young man looked up at the group, noticing how young they were.
"Yes... that would be... nice."
Havard wiped his eyes and got to his feet. he was weak in the knees, but he was able to walk.
"I seriously hope we get the bastards who did this."
"Don't worry sir. such death and destruction will never be allowed to happen again. remember sir, people always learn from their mistakes."
"I know, I know... but somtimes history repeats itself."
The group headed for a jeep parked outside.
(OOC: Some humanity in the madness... :( )
"Sir, orders from High Command, we have been ordered to stay in Exetonia for one year to maintain order. Apparently the Exetonia Government requested it."
The General look through the order and confirmed it. "Very well, you know what to do."
The Republic Of Endenia will maintain its peace-keepers in your nation and will supply our troops with our own supplies so as to not place a strain on your economy. Also our Ambassador and her staff are being transported back to the Embassy. This has been a dark time for all of us, first with the Biological attack on Praetonia and now the assasination of your nation's president, we must weather out this storm.
Exetonia Minor
13-10-2004, 12:53
here is a broadcast from the interim President of Exetonia:
Today we have decided to decalre war on any nation harbouring these Jaxus Nine terrorists. The recompences will be swift. We are diverting massive swaves of our budget to the military to keep them on constant high alert status meaning they are ready to go in less than 1 months notice. Our navy have all been recalled from training excercises to port on high alert status and our startegic missile defence stations are on high alert. Also, strategic missile command has gone onto maxiumum operational status for use of conventional missiles with high yield (100 KT range) warheads. These are non repeat non nuclear weapons.
That is all.
That was a statement from the Exetonian President.
The Imperial Navy
13-10-2004, 12:54
OOC: might want to double check that... i saw a lot of Typo errors. :cool:
14-10-2004, 09:52
(ooc:Harlesburg ignored due to the fact this is based off another thread made by Jaxus, if you search google for terroprist attacks in the Commonwealth of Exetetonia you will see why the attacks happened.)
DCS, we thank you for your continued support through this difficult time. Thanks again - Exetonian Government.
OH no no i wasnt actually saying that the Nucleur issue was a fact but that was just an opinion of someone on the street who could be ill informed and that was their view.So it could still be a legitimite statement going by that could it be un ignored?
and it helps with DCS' following statement rebuking that as it was stating street talk not official statement.
Do you use TG E M?
To: Exetonia
From:The Confederacy Of Harlesburg
It is with great sadness that the leaders of Harlesburg hear this news of these devious acts commited against the peoples of Exetonia if we can be of any assitance to you in your time of need you just need to ask.
Yours respectfully
Edward The Phoenix Duke De Harlesburg
Lord Of The Confederacy Of Harlesburg