NationStates Jolt Archive

Earth's Environmental Alliance

Earths Planeteers
11-10-2004, 20:08
Because of the severe abuse of the world and its resources, an alliance of environmental nations is to be founded. These nations will ensure that no nation blatantly and unnecessarily abuses the Earth. The alliance shall be abbreviated as E.E.A. If you are interested in joining this alliance, contact me on this thread.

Members of Earth's Envirornmental Alliance
Earths Planeteers
Yevon of Spira
Something With Wings
Coreys Land

Honorary Member
Reichschancellor Wilhelm Kübler Einheit, III

Gaia, Spirit of The Earth
Leader of Earth's Planeteers
Hope Island
Axis Nova
11-10-2004, 20:24
How exactly do you plan to ensure this?
Earths Planeteers
12-10-2004, 00:26
I personally cannot do anything. I am an extremely new nation (although I do own a 2003, but thats another topic), thats why I am hoping that enough people will join and we will have more of a say. If the damage against the Earth by certain nations becomes noticible, and effects neighboring countries to an extreme degree, we may have to step in and military action may be needed.
12-10-2004, 00:37
Taking military action to protect the enviroment?

You do ralise that wars tend to destroy the area that they are fought in. You'd just add to the problem.
Earths Planeteers
12-10-2004, 00:42
Oh my God. Now you're just hounding me. Look. War is an extreme measure that could be used against severe "Eco-Villans". There may be short term dammage, but as long as nuclear and biological weapons are not used, the damage can be reversed.
Aztec Lands
12-10-2004, 00:44
Earth! Wind! Fire! Heart!

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Earths Planeteers
12-10-2004, 00:50
Earth! Wind! Fire! Heart!

Sorry, couldn't resist.


OOC: lol, its alright. My nation is all about the early 1990's show (Captain Planet if you haven't figured out already). My national animal is Suchi the Monkey. My curency are the elemental rings. The leader of my nation is Gaia, Spirit of The Earth. Oh, and by the way, you forgot "Water!". You can still watch Captain Planet monday through Friday on cartoon network 5:30 Eastern Standard Time.
12-10-2004, 01:11
I am intrested in joining the E.E.A. Will this cost me any money? will their be any meetings in the future? :)
Earths Planeteers
12-10-2004, 02:10
Katanalivestrong, you have been accepted into the alliance.

No, Katana, there is no payment, and we may have meetings.
Fascist Confederacy
12-10-2004, 02:24
Hmm... How do you plan to regulate enviromental destruction? Oh that's right, you can't regulate a planet. Not to mention, Gaia? Isn't this just some sort of fanatical left-wing religion?

The SkyNet Ind. representative stands before a giant arms manufactoring plant at an undisclosed terran colony (OOC: Barbossa), large plumes of onyx smoke billowing from the large smoke towers.

Coreys Land
12-10-2004, 02:29
I agree - do take military action but dont stop there. Many of the Enviroment is being destroyed by those thatneed to be persecuted and i plan to carry this out with my "Final Answer".
Read my thread - Faceist Workers Party - and tell me if you care to join.
The Island of Rose
12-10-2004, 02:32
((OOC: Bleh... I thought it was from the 80s. You know, USSR reference.))
The Parthians
12-10-2004, 04:07
In Parthia, the only environmental law is no excessive pollution within five miles of middle and upper income residential and commercial areas. We have no control over our vast industries and lakes of toxic wastes often sit by the factories while ash covers ghettos. Many Parthian animals are hunted to extinction so we set up breeders to keep a supply going for canned hunts. If you invade me, I will launch chemical weapons attacks on the rainforests and destroy wetlands with dirty bombs. Please have a nice day.
Earths Planeteers
12-10-2004, 19:52
So...any of you wanting to join. Oh, and Coreys Land, it would help if I had a link or something. I would be intrested in reading it.
Yevon of Spira
12-10-2004, 21:17
I would be interested in joining. Plus I can provide some military "umph!" if needed.
12-10-2004, 21:35
Procco is interested in joining.
Earths Planeteers
12-10-2004, 22:45
Procco and Yevon of Spira have both been accepted.
Yevon of Spira
13-10-2004, 19:51
Coreys Land
13-10-2004, 19:53
I will join - ohh by the way the link title is Faceist Workers Party
Earths Planeteers
13-10-2004, 20:01
Coreys Land, you are accepted. I will check out the thread.
Earths Planeteers
14-10-2004, 20:12
Would anyone else like to join the alliance?
16-11-2004, 03:23
Amphipoli would like to join as well!
16-11-2004, 03:29
I'll join. :)
The Parthians
16-11-2004, 04:56
Today, Shah Khosru would like to announce the newest toxic waste dump in existence, where toxic waste will be pumped into the Indian ocean. We will accept any nations toxic waste for a price.
16-11-2004, 06:32
In response to The Parthian's most recent comments, Foreign Minister Sun had this to say,
Get any toxic waste near our territories and we'll take immediate action.
The Parthians
16-11-2004, 06:51
In response to The Parthian's most recent comments, Foreign Minister Sun had this to say,
Get any toxic waste near our territories and we'll take immediate action.

Its my territory, I'll do as I like to it.

Shah Khosru III
16-11-2004, 07:04
I specifically said near Granzian territories.
-Foreign Minister Sun
The Parthians
16-11-2004, 07:15
Oh, the toxic waste facility is in Pakistan, next to the border with India.
Earths Planeteers
16-11-2004, 16:51
Amphipoli, and Ishmaella have been accepted. Do you want to join Granzi? I couldn't tell by your posts.

Earths Planeteers condemns the dumping of toxic waste into the indian ocean. No action will be taken at the moment, but that could change at a moments notice.
16-11-2004, 17:07
We view your little Alliance as a Terrorist organization and we will treat it as such. In protest we are burning 20 acres of rainforest, and dumping 20 tons of radioactive waste into the ocean.
All within our territory of course.
16-11-2004, 17:07
I would like to join. Myself and the people of Vistadin strongly support environmental protection.

- Viktor E. Kroshnikev
North Germania
16-11-2004, 17:42
To: Earths Planeteers
From: Reichschancellor Wilhelm Kübler Einheit, III
Subject: The Earth

Earths Planeteers: I am the dying Kaiser of North Germania. Dying of stomach cancer. I have less than 7 months to live. While I see it pointless to join your group, I am wiring to your cause $11.9 billion American dollars in aid, to help save the Earth.

I hope you will remember this gesture as an act of kindness and goodness on my part.

Reichschancellor Wilhelm Kübler Einheit, III
- High Commander of Germania -

- N.G.
16-11-2004, 18:00
How exactly do you plan to ensure this?

By keeping a close eye on you AN :D
16-11-2004, 18:09
Aeloulaera Castle
Aeloulaera, Pearl of
TwiLight, Capital City Virgin

[b]To: The Government of Earths Planeteers

From: Queen Casiopia Of Virgin Incursion

We are very interested in joining the E.E.A.

Queen Casiopia
Earths Planeteers
16-11-2004, 20:55
Vistadin, and VirginIncursion have been accepted

Earth's Environmental Alliance strongly condemns the actions of Tyrador, but until it effects other nations, or more is done, we will not take action.

North Germania: We thank you for the gracious sum of money you are leaving behind to us. You are being inducted as an honorary member of the alliance for this gift. We wish you the best of luck and hope for the rest of your days to be your best.
03-12-2004, 09:18
hey i know that show! hahaha :p
Nova Hope
03-12-2004, 09:59
While Nova Hope has not intention of joining your organization we will concede that it does have merit. Pollution regulation is not a federal responsibility here and as such any agreement the federal government made, regarding this, would be moot. These jurisdictional divisions within out great country has created pollution control regulation ranging from nothing to better than most.

The reason for this contact is that Nova Hope is willing to allow observational teams to study the Noviet rainforests as our experts have been predicting their immediate demise for the last twenty years, they are on borrowed time. This is in hopes that the effort of sample collection and cataloging will be completed before complete ecological collapse ensues.

This offer is a great learning experience for both, Nova Hope and Earth’s Environmental Alliance. We will entertain your arguments about conservation, as we know that they will arise, but do not attempt to force the issue as the matter has been discussed and pestering the federal government will provoke no action, only annoyance.
Yevon of Spira
03-12-2004, 15:51
lol, bump
03-12-2004, 16:05
I would like to join but how would we held meetings... How would we take action toward anything? How do we keep in contact? How do I know I am in or not? :headbang:
Red Tide2
03-12-2004, 17:08
official response from Red Tide
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! These hippies are so funny!... dump a couple of more tons of trash inside the ocean."

PS:We will keep a eye on you eco-terrorists.
End Message
Earths Planeteers
03-12-2004, 17:36
I would like to join but how would we held meetings...
On this thread, or on another later. For now here.
How would we take action toward anything?
Read the first page and maybe some of the second, its already been discussed.
How do we keep in contact?
Telegram, or on this thread.
How do I know I am in or not? :headbang:
When I say so, and when you're name appears on the first post.

Orcgon- Accepted
See u Jimmy
03-12-2004, 17:48
Can I Join?

Are you starting at Kyoto agreement or actually planning to stop all that makes a difference?
03-12-2004, 17:59
We'll be joining this alliance as we need to preserve as much environment as possible since we are a middle-eastern state where the desert rules.
08-12-2004, 10:10
We view your little Alliance as a Terrorist organization and we will treat it as such. In protest we are burning 20 acres of rainforest, and dumping 20 tons of radioactive waste into the ocean.
All within our territory of course.

Suddenly you hear ...

By YOUR powers combined, I am Captain Planet!

.... then you see Captain Planet fly over the burning forrest putting out the flames with his water power. After the fire dies out he flys over to the radioactive waste in the ocean .
Using a powerful funnel of wind he sucks up all of the spill then he and it disappears into the skys heading for space. As he reachs space he calls for the solar winds of the sun to carefully reach out and envelope the radioactive waste and deposit it into the suns searing corona. Exhausted Captain Planet slowly flys back to his Island and returns each individual power to the Planeteers as he fades from physical
existance until the next time he is needed by Mother Earth
08-12-2004, 15:58
We just will redo what has been undone...

Just then I send wave after wave of poachers to africa to hunt endangered white rhinos!!!!!

That'll keep him busy for a while ;)
09-12-2004, 16:26
We just will redo what has been undone...

Just then I send wave after wave of poachers to africa to hunt endangered white rhinos!!!!!

That'll keep him busy for a while ;)

Thats OK hon ... Captain Planet can always undo what you do. :D
Yevon of Spira
09-12-2004, 21:22
lol. The power is yours