11-10-2004, 05:47
Executions in Amhurst
That was the headline in the Avadrian Daily News, the highlight on the Avadrian National News Channel, the focus of coffeshop discussion, and the realization of fears for a minority of Avadria's population.
Tweleve Christians, two Jews, and an Musilim were marked for death. All of them accused of the same crime. Each and everyone of them had violated the nations strict anti-relgious laws. It was of course legal to hold limited services in ones home, but any public advertisement of religious activites was condemned. In most normal cases a stingent fine and jail sentence would be issued, however there was a second crime they commited. Each of them was declared an Enemy of the Throne for their connections to anti-Imperial organizations, a crime punishable by death.
"Each of these men before you is a threat to our society as a whole" The Avadrian Minister of Justice said. On the news channels, images of each of the criminals were shown with their names. "Their radical ideas, promisies of a paradise after death, an omnipitent power watching over all and declaring Him their only king. All lies, all attempts to topple our glorious leader, our lifestyle, our values." He looked across the crowd of news teams and onlookers. "These radicals, these anarchists, all of them... they must be dealt with for the sake of the Empire... The public must realize the flaws in their ideals and where it takes them..." The Minister said as he began to walk along the raised wooden platform. Before him, each of the criminals were kneeling down, side by side, not bothering to look at the public. Each of them were praying under their breath as the Minister of Justice continued his speech.
"...And their punishment... as it is to all Enemies of the Throne... is death" He said, his voice hanging on the last word. "And if your God exists let him strike me down and you shall be saved!" The Minister shouted mockingly. He waited for several moments before continuing. The Minister walked towards a small box and produced a small, silver, intricately detailed, revolver. The Minister loaded the five chambers and approached the first criminal.
The Minister pointed the barrel to the back of the first man's head.
"Thomas Walters, you are guilty of being an Enemy to the Throne and a threat to society. Your punishment is death" He pulled the trigger and the man slumped forward onto the wooden platform.
The Minister of Justice continued down, naming the criminals, their crimes, and then finally bringing justice to them. It all went smoothly until he reached one of the last christians.
"Jonas Hilbert, you are found guilty of being an Enemy of th-" The Minister was saying, before the man stood up and interrupted.
"God is my only King! He shall protect me! Accept the Lor-" He shouted, throwing the Minister off guard. However, he still had to follow procedure to legally execute him. The Minister began to shout, to drown out Jonas Hilbert.
"You are an Enemy of the Throne! You are a threat to society! Your punishment is death!"
"-d. He will save you! Like me you will be protec-"
The Minister pulled the trigger, silencing the radical. He moved onto the next.
Soon all fifteen of them were dead. Of course it wasn't a day of celebration, merely one of solemn rememberance for what happens when you defy the laws of the Empire.
However a block away from the execution site an unusual coalition had formed. One Muslims, three Christians, and two Jews had assembeled in a large cargo van. The van was packed with illegally obtained exlplosives. One of the christians had been in the Army and had managed to steal their illicit cargo.
These men were willing to challenge the words of the Minister and prove that their God exisited.
That was the headline in the Avadrian Daily News, the highlight on the Avadrian National News Channel, the focus of coffeshop discussion, and the realization of fears for a minority of Avadria's population.
Tweleve Christians, two Jews, and an Musilim were marked for death. All of them accused of the same crime. Each and everyone of them had violated the nations strict anti-relgious laws. It was of course legal to hold limited services in ones home, but any public advertisement of religious activites was condemned. In most normal cases a stingent fine and jail sentence would be issued, however there was a second crime they commited. Each of them was declared an Enemy of the Throne for their connections to anti-Imperial organizations, a crime punishable by death.
"Each of these men before you is a threat to our society as a whole" The Avadrian Minister of Justice said. On the news channels, images of each of the criminals were shown with their names. "Their radical ideas, promisies of a paradise after death, an omnipitent power watching over all and declaring Him their only king. All lies, all attempts to topple our glorious leader, our lifestyle, our values." He looked across the crowd of news teams and onlookers. "These radicals, these anarchists, all of them... they must be dealt with for the sake of the Empire... The public must realize the flaws in their ideals and where it takes them..." The Minister said as he began to walk along the raised wooden platform. Before him, each of the criminals were kneeling down, side by side, not bothering to look at the public. Each of them were praying under their breath as the Minister of Justice continued his speech.
"...And their punishment... as it is to all Enemies of the Throne... is death" He said, his voice hanging on the last word. "And if your God exists let him strike me down and you shall be saved!" The Minister shouted mockingly. He waited for several moments before continuing. The Minister walked towards a small box and produced a small, silver, intricately detailed, revolver. The Minister loaded the five chambers and approached the first criminal.
The Minister pointed the barrel to the back of the first man's head.
"Thomas Walters, you are guilty of being an Enemy to the Throne and a threat to society. Your punishment is death" He pulled the trigger and the man slumped forward onto the wooden platform.
The Minister of Justice continued down, naming the criminals, their crimes, and then finally bringing justice to them. It all went smoothly until he reached one of the last christians.
"Jonas Hilbert, you are found guilty of being an Enemy of th-" The Minister was saying, before the man stood up and interrupted.
"God is my only King! He shall protect me! Accept the Lor-" He shouted, throwing the Minister off guard. However, he still had to follow procedure to legally execute him. The Minister began to shout, to drown out Jonas Hilbert.
"You are an Enemy of the Throne! You are a threat to society! Your punishment is death!"
"-d. He will save you! Like me you will be protec-"
The Minister pulled the trigger, silencing the radical. He moved onto the next.
Soon all fifteen of them were dead. Of course it wasn't a day of celebration, merely one of solemn rememberance for what happens when you defy the laws of the Empire.
However a block away from the execution site an unusual coalition had formed. One Muslims, three Christians, and two Jews had assembeled in a large cargo van. The van was packed with illegally obtained exlplosives. One of the christians had been in the Army and had managed to steal their illicit cargo.
These men were willing to challenge the words of the Minister and prove that their God exisited.