Exetonian Governmental and business bank opens for business
Exetonia Minor
07-10-2004, 21:42
The Governmental and Business Bank of Exetonia
(ooc:all bank accounts are officialy classified. Debts/funds etc i listed for my reference and the countrys whose account it is officially IC)
Exetonian Government:$$42,759,911,494
Exetonia Minor Oil:$212,000,000,000
Exetonia Minor
07-10-2004, 21:49
The government of Exetonia Minor wpuld like to place the following into her account:
Exetonia Minor oil would like to place the following into her account:
Exetonia Minor
08-10-2004, 00:20
Exetonia Minor
08-10-2004, 10:05
Exetonia Minor
08-10-2004, 13:30
Exetonia Minor would like to place the following deposit in the coffers:
EM Oil would like to place the following deposit:
ECP would like open an account with the following deposit:
All deposits accepted