NationStates Jolt Archive

Attacks on Unions In the Alexian Empire

07-10-2004, 19:16
It was a beautiful day in Alex City. The sun shone brightly on the concrete maze, illuminating the vendor stalls and the newly paved streets. Nothing could possibly go wrong.

Masked young men entered the small three stories office building that was a local clothing factories union headquarters quickly, waving their weapons menacingly, some sporting axes, baseball bats and machetes, some carrying assortments of guns. Most of them were wearing jet black outfit, and green bandanas covered their head and hid there faces, the trademark of the Green Protectors(ok,for those who know,yes,I based part of their outfit on the P.O.I,whom with I was and am closesly involved.But can you blame me?I love those guys!there so lovable. Anyhow ).

"On the ground!!!"screamed the obvious leader,pointing his fully automatic machine gun at the terrefied secretary.The young women was too shocked to do anything but comply,and two men were left in the lobby,on guarding the door,the other holding her at gunpoint,as the rest moved on,shouting and cursing as they went.She saw that there was about 30 of them,before she was forced to the ground,quivering in fear.All she could do was sit there and hope the police arrived before anything happened.

The next person the group encountered was one of the office janitors,who was running to tell the boss and call the police.As they saw him run through the corridors,they shouted angrily,and shot him to death.Unfased,the cruel young men jumped over his bloody corpse and moved on up the stairs.

Once at the second floor,the violent young rabble began to wreak havoc on the poor union organizers,smashing the doors to their small offices and pulling them out of their little cubicles,grouping them in the center of the room.As some of the men pulled over small chairs and set up to guard the terrified employees,others went through the small offices and cubicles,smashing and hacking to pieces desks and typewriters,destroying the only computer on the floor,breaking all the windows and lightbulbs,slashing the thin cubicle walls,setting stacks of paper alight and taking what they wanted(which wasn’t much).With great speed,they also finished off all the coffee.Their leader barked some quick commands,and half of the men stayed on the floor to guard the workers,some beating them for amusement,and the rest continued onto the third floor.

Now,by that time, Matthew,the founder and leader of this small and humble union was already greatly surprised,as two of the workers from the floor below had run up the stars at breakneck speed,and wordlessly locked themselves in their small offices. As a third worker ran up the stairs fast as the others,Matthew stopped him to inquired”What’s going on?”

“There’s a gang of criminals attacking the building!Quick!Call the police!” he said frantically,and then ran into the office that he and Matt shared.

Matt,not know what to do,ran over to the phone on the wall and dialed the number for the newly founded police departement.As he was doing this,a young man appeared in the stairwell,looking around angrily,and,spotting Matt,raised his pistol and trained it on Matt.

“Drop the phone!!”screamed the angry young man,who couldn’t have been more than 17 years of age,thought Matt,as he dropped the phone and then dropped to his knees.Another young man jumped up through the small door and after quickly echanging words with the first one,ran over, made Matthew put his hands over his head,the put his machete up against his spine threateningly.

As the rest of the room filled with the loud young men,Matt became increasingly nervous.After a screaming conversation with the man who was obviously the leader,the men went through the floor like a hurricane,tearing things apart,and to Matthew’s dismay,destroying the only computer and phone which they had worked so long to have.As the young men broke down the doors to the several offices and pulled out his loyal employees,Matthew began to wonder how his people down stair were doing.Were they all right?Or were these people just coming after him? What did these people want anyway?Matt knew he wasn’t important.

The men continued to tear around the office,stealing and breaking,forcing Matthew to open the small vault and taking almost all of the unions money,as banks had not opened yet.

As they men raged around violently,seeming increasingly annoyed, Eric,one of the unions top organizers,who wasn’t one of Matthew’s first choices but not half bad,who was also jumpy as hell,was being held at gunpoint by one of the young men,near the window.Now,Eric was never a person who like to be controlled in any way,so,when his captor seemed to be distracted,he grabbed at the masked man’s pistol in an attempt at a heroic escape.

The young man was not at all pleased,and with a hard tug,freed his weapon from Eric’s hands and fired twice,the bullets drilling into Eric’s stomach.Eric fell backwards,bleeding heavily and coughing blood in a most disgusting manner.Not missing a beat,the angry young attacker gave Eric a violent kick,sending the union organizer crashing through the window,and onto the concrete below.A cheer went up from his associates,and he was subject to a barrage of compliments and slaps on the back.

Satisfied by the damage he had done,the leader of the small squad barked out another series of quick orders,and,after quickly beating everyone they could find,they fled quickly,on foot,the police still not having arrived.

Matthew,almost in tears at the attack on his humble union headquarters,wondered what to do next.

It was several days before people began to piece things together. All over the city, attacks on union headquarters and members had happened much the same way, almost seeming planned and co-coordinated, and not looking like something local thugs could do on their own. What looked like members of the Green Protectors had entered the building forcefully, armed with weapons including illegal guns (in Alexia, no one may own a firearm or any sort of military grade weapon without the extremely hard to obtain government permit, and even then what you could have was extremely restricted, tracked, and expensive.) and cause general disarray, doing great deals of damage, often murdering one or two of the buildings occupants, beating and humiliating the rest, and would then leave with great speed, the police never arriving. In addition to that, a good deal of union members were ambushed in the street, in shops, or in their homes, sometimes being beaten, sometimes being dragged off to who knows where, sometimes being killed, again, with almost no police follow up. Thousands cancelled union memberships, many refused to join, and most people simply went on with their work, forgetting about unions and better wages and all these dangerous things. On the news there was nothing, not even a mention. And so, what was left of the unions sat helpless, wondering what to do.

(Please tell me what you think of this little thing, feel free to join in and whatnot. And, if someone would like to do a little role play of perhaps a foreign news crew secretly reporting on the crisis ((which would put them in danger)) and maybe write a thing for a foreign newspaper? Thanks for reading this guys. Tell me what you think.)
07-10-2004, 20:22
someone could at least look at it.....
08-10-2004, 00:23
come on guys,this took me like an hour to write!
16-10-2004, 00:48
Editor's Comment: The short memories of humans

A few months ago, I chanced upon fellow, with whom I used to work, who had been a member of a charity organisation, seeking to help the poor of our nation and others. He told me, as our conversation progressed, that he had left the first three such groups he had entered because of the way in which those higher up the ranks tended to siphon off some of the money donated for themselves and their friends, expressing deep and powerful disgust with such practices as he did so. We both nodded and hmmed and generally condemned the sad state of things before retiring to the pub for lunch. Several days ago, I came across my old colleague again. Upon enquiring how things were going, he told me that he had left a charity he had just joined for their practice of quietly appropriating funding for their own ends. When I enquired as to why he had joined the group, when he knew that such practices were rampant among those not officially employed by the state, he claimed that "he thought it would be different this time."

This could well be the mantra of the current breed of international politicians. It seems we live in an age where to do what is right and what is necessary, in the form of destroying Nazism and fascism wherever they can be found, is not only seen as unfashionable but indeed unethical. The fact that there is a disturbing pattern repeating itself globally is apparently inconsequential. Whether it's mysterious attacks upon unions in the Alexian Empire, Mississippians sending out mercenaries to destroy all resistance to Fascism, or wholesale massacres of Communists, Socialists, Liberals and so forth by nations such as the Generic Empire and Doomingsland, the constant bleating whine of the majority of nations is that we mustn't interfere, with the almost sacred phrase "national sovereignty" muttered (and when all other argument fails, shouted) at regular intervals. This ignores the habit of the Far Right of ignoring all national sovereignty to further their perverted, murderous doctrines globally, but more importantly, it pretends that by appeasing them, the threat which Nazis and Fascists pose to all the democratic, egalitarian or in any way liberal nations of the world will somehow be erased. It appears that the majority of the human race has not learnt that to appease a Nazi is to ensure your own death and the death of millions of others.

Perhaps those leaders who continually maintain the apologist overtures that allow the Far Right to flourish have not yet learnt their history well enough. Those who would seek to have peace will not get it by appeasing the Far Right, but by smashing it, and by destroying it. To hope for anything else is folly, as Neville Chamberlain discovered, all too late, after he had come back with the fabled scrap of white paper from Münich. How ironic that his "peace in our time" was to result in the death of sixty million people. But more importantly: how worrying that national leaders still think it will work.
16-10-2004, 00:53
OOC:Awww, c'mon, you didn't even mention my purging of commies?
16-10-2004, 00:55
OOC: Fixed. :)
16-10-2004, 00:56
Editor's Comment: The short memories of humans

A few months ago, I chanced upon fellow, with whom I used to work, who had been a member of a charity organisation, seeking to help the poor of our nation and others. He told me, as our conversation progressed, that he had left the first three such groups he had entered because of the way in which those higher up the ranks tended to siphon off some of the money donated for themselves and their friends, expressing deep and powerful disgust with such practices as he did so. We both nodded and hmmed and generally condemned the sad state of things before retiring to the pub for lunch. Several days ago, I came across my old colleague again. Upon enquiring how things were going, he told me that he had left a charity he had just joined for their practice of quietly appropriating funding for their own ends. When I enquired as to why he had joined the group, when he knew that such practices were rampant among those not officially employed by the state, he claimed that "he thought it would be different this time."

This could well be the mantra of the current breed of international politicians. It seems we live in an age where to do what is right and what is necessary, in the form of destroying Nazism and fascism wherever they can be found, is not only seen as unfashionable but indeed unethical. The fact that there is a disturbing pattern repeating itself globally is apparently inconsequential. Whether it's mysterious attacks upon unions in the Alexian Empire, Mississippians sending out mercenaries to destroy all resistance to Fascism, or wholesale massacres of Communists, Socialists, Liberals and so forth by nations such as the Generic Empire, the constant bleating whine of the majority of nations is that we mustn't interfere, with the almost sacred phrase "national sovereignty" muttered (and when all other argument fails, shouted) at regular intervals. This ignores the habit of the Far Right of ignoring all national sovereignty to further their perverted, murderous doctrines globally, but more importantly, it pretends that by appeasing them, the threat which Nazis and Fascists pose to all the democratic, egalitarian or in any way liberal nations of the world will somehow be erased. It appears that the majority of the human race has not learnt that to appease a Nazi is to ensure your own death and the death of millions of others.

Perhaps those leaders who continually maintain the apologist overtures that allow the Far Right to flourish have not yet learnt their history well enough. Those who would seek to have peace will not get it by appeasing the Far Right, but by smashing it, and by destroying it. To hope for anything else is folly, as Neville Chamberlain discovered, all too late, after he had come back with the fabled scrap of white paper from Münich. How ironic that his "peace in our time" was to result in the death of sixty million people. But more importantly: how worrying that national leaders still think it will work.

Sad but true.And the fact is,it does work.I'm as afraid of a gun as anyone else.

And I no facist,nazi or whatnot,nor have I killed thousands of people,or had them killed rather(in the game that is).The damage done by the attacks(in the game) was meant to intemidate,humiliate and cause financial damage.

I will also launch into a huge rant about how fucked unions are,but not right now.

And what you wrote is well done,but doesn't really have mucg to do with this,If I understand correctly.
16-10-2004, 00:57
OOC:Awww, c'mon, you didn't even mention my purging of commies?

But that has nothing to do with this!C'mon guys,focus!
16-10-2004, 00:58
OOC: Not strictly. But you mentioned in t'other thread how you wanted people to look at it, and that a newspaper article might be an option. I thought it an interesting way to do it, so I decided to do this. I'll post other stuff later on, but right now take that as a kind of political statement from some of the nation. :)
16-10-2004, 01:01
OOC: Not strictly. But you mentioned in t'other thread how you wanted people to look at it, and that a newspaper article might be an option. I thought it an interesting way to do it, so I decided to do this. I'll post other stuff later on, but right now take that as a kind of political statement from some of the nation. :)

Camel Eaters
16-10-2004, 01:20
Might I suggest purchasing several of my war beasts to help hunt down these terrorists.
16-10-2004, 01:22
Might I suggest purchasing several of my war beasts to help hunt down these terrorists.

Camel Eaters
16-10-2004, 01:24
Aw I love you too Hitler boy.
16-10-2004, 01:29
Aw I love you too Hitler boy.

listen,bub,if your not going to read what I wrote in either of my articles and then somehow try to use it against me,your not gonna get far.
Camel Eaters
16-10-2004, 01:31
You're a funny little crazy man.
16-10-2004, 01:34
You're a funny little crazy man.

please go away,or at least read what I wrote if your going to play.Please,I worked really hard on this article,and your being rather inconsiderate and rude.
Camel Eaters
16-10-2004, 01:38
Sorry I've read it and it's really good.
16-10-2004, 01:39
Sorry I've read it and it's really good.

Oh,thank you.

I'm sorry for my outburst earlier.That wasn't very nice of me.
Kelonian States
16-10-2004, 01:43
Savaya Kelojna Gazyet
(The Northern Kelonian Gazette - Second-largest circulation in Kelonia since 1994)

Editorial: Freedom or Fire?
Government-employed criminals, sponsored gangs, paramilitary shootings. Armed, uniformed death squads attacking innocent civilians, seemingly condoned by the government, shooting and screaming into the night unbothered by law enforcement. What is this? The plot from Eshkhan Barajikian's latest novel? No, it's the very real situation currently taking place in Alexias. It started with an attack on a clothing store - an attack that left two people dead, many beaten and countless suffering from shock at their ordeal. Similar attacks have followed, and have only just begun to subside. The police never arrive, and the suspects are never caught. What is going on in Alex City? Government-organized intimidation? What can the people of Alexias do? Something very fishy is up in the country, and it is organized at a much higher level than average street thugs - these criminals were well-armed (in a country where obtaining any firearm at all is incredibly difficult, far harder than it is in our country), well-organized and seemingly ignored by the police as they made their escape.

It is a sad day when government intimidation rears it's ugly head, which is what it seems like is going on here - though perhaps organized crime could be to blame, extortion... but even the most sophisticated crime network would find something like this difficult to pull off. While much of the modern world stakes it's pride in it's technology and it's democracy, it is a sad fact that there are places in the world where the former is abused to abuse the latter. Our sympathies go out to the people of Alexias, and our thoughts as well. We hope that whoever perpetrated and organized these attacks on innocent civilians will see the error of their ways - whatever mistakes they had made, the punishment they received was unjust and undeserved, and these attacks were carried out in the most heinous way possible. We call them cowards, dogs, savenja. We hope the government, or some faction within it at least, sees that violence and intimidation is no way to treat your people and, at the very least, feel the guilt of their actions and instructions for years to come.

Dr. Daryjas Vilkaya, Deputy Senior Editor

OOC: I'll add more later, probably, but I'm very tired at the moment and I'm going to use the excuse that not enough information has filtered through to my country to warrant a full news story, so an editorial column has picked it up. Anyway, meh... A very well-done article, and a good idea... I'll pick this up after I've had a snooze and make a proper announcement.
Camel Eaters
16-10-2004, 01:50
I feel for these people. If the unions decide to take military action I will support them entirely.
16-10-2004, 01:55
Savaya Kelojna Gazyet
(The Northern Kelonian Gazette - Second-largest circulation in Kelonia since 1994)

Editorial: Freedom or Fire?
Government-employed criminals, sponsored gangs, paramilitary shootings. Armed, uniformed death squads attacking innocent civilians, seemingly condoned by the government, shooting and screaming into the night unbothered by law enforcement. What is this? The plot from Eshkhan Barajikian's latest novel? No, it's the very real situation currently taking place in Alexias. It started with an attack on a clothing store - an attack that left two people dead, many beaten and countless suffering from shock at their ordeal. Similar attacks have followed, and have only just begun to subside. The police never arrive, and the suspects are never caught. What is going on in Alex City? Government-organized intimidation? What can the people of Alexias do? Something very fishy is up in the country, and it is organized at a much higher level than average street thugs - these criminals were well-armed (in a country where obtaining any firearm at all is incredibly difficult, far harder than it is in our country), well-organized and seemingly ignored by the police as they made their escape.

It is a sad day when government intimidation rears it's ugly head, which is what it seems like is going on here - though perhaps organized crime could be to blame, extortion... but even the most sophisticated crime network would find something like this difficult to pull off. While much of the modern world stakes it's pride in it's technology and it's democracy, it is a sad fact that there are places in the world where the former is abused to abuse the latter. Our sympathies go out to the people of Alexias, and our thoughts as well. We hope that whoever perpetrated and organized these attacks on innocent civilians will see the error of their ways - whatever mistakes they had made, the punishment they received was unjust and undeserved, and these attacks were carried out in the most heinous way possible. We call them cowards, dogs, savenja. We hope the government, or some faction within it at least, sees that violence and intimidation is no way to treat your people and, at the very least, feel the guilt of their actions and instructions for years to come.

Dr. Daryjas Vilkaya, Deputy Senior Editor

OOC: I'll add more later, probably, but I'm very tired at the moment and I'm going to use the excuse that not enough information has filtered through to my country to warrant a full news story, so an editorial column has picked it up. Anyway, meh... A very well-done article, and a good idea... I'll pick this up after I've had a snooze and make a proper announcement.

wow,really nicely written.Thank you.Hope to keep playing with everybody.

His Emperorship Alexander the I,the enlightened one,supreme leader of the Alexian Empire,would like to personally rebuke Dr.Vilikya for spreading terrible lies and slander about the most noble Emperial Goverment of the Alexian Empire,and asks him too withdraw his statements.No such thing ever occured(unless you are referring to some low intensity gang fights,which have been subdued by the police force,and have almost no resemblance to the story you tell),and his emperorship would like to remind you that he is fully supported by the Alexian People.(This is just a message to that newspaper,not a public statement.By the way,good call on the not enough information.Immigration is controlled,and foreign newscrews reporting without permission could face inprisonment.On top of that,all the media is goverment controlled,not because we force it,but because no one else really has the resources,but of course any non goverment media agency would be expecteded and "told" to comply with "our broadcasting and media standards".)
16-10-2004, 01:58
I feel for these people. If the unions decide to take military action I will support them entirely.

Their unions,not militias!

And how do you know this?Role play a reason that you would no please.

And that would be considered rather aggresive by any goverment,seeing as your implying that you would help people overthrow us.Just to say.

No offence.

Would you perhaps like to play?

P.S.Your one to talk!Your trying to sell tanks!heheh.
16-10-2004, 02:02
700 posts!Jesus,how much time have I wasted on this internet site?
Camel Eaters
16-10-2004, 02:06
OOC: Tanks??? Haha. They're specially bred war beast not hunks of near useless metal.

Kydara read the Northern Kelzonian Gazette with disgust. What was wrong with the world today when people who are just looking for better lives and working conditions are threatened and abused by small minded fools. This was obviously perpatrated by the government. "Na'nor come in here." A large white man came into the room.

"What is it my mistress?"
"Contact any unions that wish to take action against their government in the land of Alexias. Tell them they have our support."
Camel Eaters
16-10-2004, 02:08
I joined this site at the same time as you and I have like two times as many posts.
16-10-2004, 02:11
I joined this site at the same time as you and I have like two times as many posts.

That makes me feel better.I'm not being sarcastic,really,it does.
16-10-2004, 02:14
OOC: Tanks??? Haha. They're specially bred war beast not hunks of near useless metal.

Kydara read the Northern Kelzonian Gazette with disgust. What was wrong with the world today when people who are just looking for better lives and working conditions are threatened and abused by small minded fools. This was obviously perpatrated by the government. "Na'nor come in here." A large white man came into the room.

"What is it my mistress?"
"Contact any unions that wish to take action against their government in the land of Alexias. Tell them they have our support."

There isn't really a way to contact them.If you can think of one,let me know.But anyhow.And there militias,there unions.And that's not very nice to do.your being mean to the poor emperor.He just wanted them to stop being so lazy....sniffle.....Hehehehehehehehhehehehhee.Well,I thought it was funny...

Breeding "war beasts"?animals?In the army?K....each to his own....
Camel Eaters
16-10-2004, 02:17
Funny. If you want to see what they're like go look at the thread otherwise what am I supposed to do I guess I could send people to help.
16-10-2004, 02:18
Funny. If you want to see what they're like go look at the thread otherwise what am I supposed to do I guess I could send people to help.

help what?what do you mean?what thread?
16-10-2004, 09:23
Looking out the window Jade could not help but notice that change in landscape, they had moved out of Tappee airspace, and had entered Calnuxian.

The land itself was noticeably different to that of the massive urbanized areas of Tappee. Calnuxia was much more greener, lush green covered mountains jetted in the sky, and every so often she could see a farmers house. She had always found Calnuxia so peaceful, and for once she was head there for work, she was going to Calnuxia to attend her oldest daughters birthday.

But despite the joyful occasion there was a dark cloud hanging over Jade head. One that threatens all that she had created.

At the age of 28, she had accomplished more in one lifetime then others could have accomplished it ten. Almost single handed, she had stopped one of the greatest threats that Tappee had ever face. She had trained those that one day would shape Tappee’s futures. Forged peace, between Tappee and Iaceo ending the long war between the two. Above all that she was the Head of the Tribunal, Tappee’s most powerful organization.

However, along with all the success, also came great pain. As the director of the Tribunal she lead her country into the Orion conflict, a war that had cost Tappee lots. The war had strained relation with Tappee’s alliances, and cost an untold number of lives, including that of her own husband. Now there was a new threat that was emerging from the shadows, a ghost from her past.

Her thoughts were interrupted by an aid. “Ma’am Harold just had this sent over, he wants to know what you want done?”

Reaching over Jade took the report, and began reading it over. It was about a small nation that was recovering from a civil war, the problem that it was facing, in particular isolated attack on unions.

Taking a moment to think, all she had to do was to look back at Tappee’s civil war to see the possible repercussions. If she could do anything that she could to ease the suffering in this country then she would. She handed the report back to the aid. “Have Harold send someone to meet with the government of this country, and see what type of aid that we can give.
16-10-2004, 12:11
(We are most willing to accept embassies,espicially those that come with aid.)

"DADDY!DADDY!DADDY!"screamed the little boy as he burst through the door of the tiny apartement."DADDYDADDYDADDYDADDYDADDYDADDYDADDY!!!!"

"What is little man?"asked Nichalese's father,Eric,who was swaying drunkenly on the couch.He was happy to see his little boy,but at the moment he REALLY didn't feel equiped for parenting.The little child ran in his father's arms,and was received with a big hug.

"What is it son?"he asked again,fending off a series of other hugs that would cause him to drop his vodka cooler.

"Guess what I learned in schoo' today?"

"What did you learn in school today?"he asked,wanting to know,but also wanting to continue slowly drinking himself to sleep.

"Well,a man came,and he taught us all abou' de righgous empriorerer,an' how he made everything good,and how him and his friends make sure no big meanies get us,and then we went out and some men taught us jim and stuff,and it was real fun,an' then..........."babbled the child,still in the arms of his father.

Now,Eric's mind was clouded with alchohol at the moment,but not so much so that he didn't sense something wrong about that first part.Or maybe it was that clouded,he didn't know,it just not sound right......

after some time of listening to his son's epic day a school"And dat's EVERYTING dat happunued!"

"Wow,that great,Nick!I wish I got to go to your school!"

"But you have to go to work."

"I have to go to work."he agreed."Now,Nick,why don't you go and play with your friends,daddy's gonna lie down for a bit,ok?"

"OK!"said the small child enthusiastically,and ran out the door to join his friends.

Eric,still concerned,proceeded to pass out on the couch.
16-10-2004, 12:44
look at my thread.
16-10-2004, 14:11
OOC: tag
16-10-2004, 17:39
16-10-2004, 22:10
16-10-2004, 23:07
goaij keyborad it as broake.
17-10-2004, 00:46
Read it!
17-10-2004, 09:23
A lone Scorpion interceptor broke from it high orbit, and plunged towards the surface below. Like a lighten bolt it cut through the sky, at the last possible moment the pilot pulled the craft out of its rapid decent. Now it was flying a mere meter over the water, waves were created as result of the planes wake.

Hammering the throttle, a sonic boom echoed across the water. As the plane approached the coast the pilot pulled up on the stick bring the craft to a more acceptable altitude.

Soon the water below was replaced by land, it would not be long until it reached it destination. In anticipation the pilot turned on the COM system. “Ground control, this Tappee Diplomatic flight Gamma Alpha one, request permission to enter Alexian airspace.”
17-10-2004, 12:01
A lone Scorpion interceptor broke from it high orbit, and plunged towards the surface below. Like a lighten bolt it cut through the sky, at the last possible moment the pilot pulled the craft out of its rapid decent. Now it was flying a mere meter over the water, waves were created as result of the planes wake.

Hammering the throttle, a sonic boom echoed across the water. As the plane approached the coast the pilot pulled up on the stick bring the craft to a more acceptable altitude.

Soon the water below was replaced by land, it would not be long until it reached it destination. In anticipation the pilot turned on the COM system. “Ground control, this Tappee Diplomatic flight Gamma Alpha one, request permission to enter Alexian airspace.”

Are you asking my people or your people?

If so "Who the hell are these guys?They never said they were comming."

"I heard of them!I was born in Tappee."

"No shit?"


"Do they ussually send supersonic fighter planes on diplomatic missions?"

"I wouldn't know."

"I think we'd better go direct to the emperor,that guys a micromanager."

"Yeah.Good point"

"What?Who the hell are they?Yo Jordan,they say they coming?"asked the emperor in a frenzy

"Never heard of'em."replied the minister of interior.

"This is really odd.Give them permission to land at the airport in Alex City,but tell them to slow to 450km and allow our jets to follow."

"We have jets?"

"Don't we?"

"I'll go check."

Permission to land at airport in alex city granted.
18-10-2004, 21:00
The Scorpion had been a maintaining a holding pattern while waiting for permission to enter Alexian airspace.

To the relief of the pilot a voice came over the COM system “ Permission to land at airport in alex city granted”

“Copy that control” answered the pilot coldly “Moving to approach vector, beginning landing procedure”

Suddenly the plane banked hard right, making an almost 90 degree turn. Coming out of the turn the pilot rolled the craft making it level with the ground below, and lining it perfectly with the runway.

Unlike most aircraft that begins to land this craft maintained it current speed, with each passing second it got closer to ground.

A few mere meter of the ground the pilot levelled of the planes decent, flying parallel to the runway. Finally the plane slowed, until it hovering at the end of the runway. After a few moments the pilot put the craft down, and taxied off the runway.

Finding a nice parking location the pilot cut the power the plane systems; there was a gentle hum and the plane powered down. Slowly the canopy of the cockpit slid back, to revile a single pilot dressed in a jet-black flight suit.

Taking a moment to unhook the connection to the jump suit, the pilot crawled down the planes ladder and on the tarmac.

With the flight over the pilot reached up taking off the helmet, long bright red hair flowed out from under the helmet. The pilot was a woman about the age of 28, deep blue eyes, she stood about five ten. Enjoying to the fresh air, over that of the recycled air on the plane, she took in a deep breath. Opening a hatch on the lower part of the plane she pulled out a rather larger duffle bag. Tucking her helmet inside the hatch, she closed the hatch.

Looking around for someone to talk to, she found a single soul out on the tarmac. Annoyed, she made her way over.

“I’m Lieutenant Commander Susan Reid, Tappee First X attached to the Diplomatic Corp. I’m here to seek an audience with the emperor. I was wondering if you point me in the right direction.”
TSF 32 'Scorpion'
18-10-2004, 22:20
"What the hell,I thought we told those motherfuckers to slow down!"said the emperor angrily upon receiving the news of landing.

"Maybe they thought it would be better just to get here faster."said Saad.

"But I told them-"

"It doesn't matter Alex,we'll just deal with it."Said Alain-Philipe

"Oh hi,I'm Hakim,the janitor."Said the lone man extending his hand.He couldn't be older than 20,and his skinny frame seemed overwhelmed by the arrival of this rather odd looking airplane."I was just here to get you to watch those potholes,but it looks like you handled it pretty well.What kind of plane is that you have their anyway?I've never seen anything like this."(I gonna continue writting,but what we could do is have you post the response separatly,like,put spaces like so

and once you finished with this guy go onto the next thing.)

....Ummm,I don't know if you can get an audience,I'll have to check.I'm afraid I don't have the money for the bribes you'd need,but I'll see what I can do."which he knew wouldn't be much espicially seeing as he was just a janitor.You see,in theory,any normal citzen can have an audience with the emperor,but,too prove your importance and to satisfy the employees greed,you had to bribe a number of beaurocrats and wade through some paperwork.

After consulting someone on a payphone,the janitor turned back to you and said"Oh,um,I was just on the phone with some guy from national defense,and,a car's gonna come to pick you up in a minute,I think.You see,they thought you'd be with some fighters they sent to accompany you hear and were waiting for a radio from them and.....Anyway."he stood their ackawardly.


Sundelly,a military motorcade drove noisily up to the airport and up to the runway,with soldiers and tanks and military vehicles of every kind everywhere.They crowded the rode noisily,driving in a big clot instead of a line.It stopped about ten metres away from the plane,with the janitor staring on in amazement.The stone faced young soldiers stood around,looking annoyed.

A man tall white man with bright red hair(not trying to copy you,it's just the emperor is based on me,and thats me) wearing a basketball jersey jumped out of an armor plated commericial hummer at the middle of the mass of cars and trucks,followed by a short arab,fat arab man wearing a tightly wrapped jet black turban and with a riffle in hand,and an EXTREMLY tall latino man,standing about 7'8,wearing a bussiness suit.They walked annoyedly up to the pilot of the plane,looking pissed beyond description.The whitey handed a large wad of cash to the amazed janitor,and then turned to face the young women.He was however,totally unware of who she was,thinking that she was but a pilot from the Tappeen air force,and asked,looking like he was holding back."Did they order you to do that?"

The short arab man,red with anger,erupted rather uncouthly"What the fuck was this show all about,huh?!Did you not get our fucking radio broadcast?!"he spoke quickly,with a hint of Pakistany accent.

The latino man stood silently beside the two,watching the short mans tirade.

(By the way,my AIM is broken,is there another chatroom you use?to iron out the details and stuff?)
18-10-2004, 22:34
still room for more players,guys.
18-10-2004, 22:46
ooc: we can send TG, or you can try my on MSN Also I'm sending you a TG with info on the First X

Susan turned and looked back at the plane then turned her attention back toward the Janitor.

“That a TSF 32 Scorpion” answered Susan, she could still see that the janitor was amazed by the craft “It’s a Space Fight, design for flight in both atmosphere and in deep space, It the fastest fighter that Tappee has.”

The man began to explain how she would need money to get an audience, which she didn’t think would be a problem. However, noise in the background caught her attention. Turning she was a motorcade make there was over. A number of guards and officials made their way over.

"Did they order you to do that?" man, from what Susan could tell he was a some type of Sports jersey, for a sport that she had never heard of before.

Before she could answer another man cut in "What the fuck was this show all about,huh?!Did you not get our fucking radio broadcast?!" he spoke quickly,with a hint of Pakistany accent.

Susan took a bit of a threatening posture, she did not take kindly to the tones that the two men where using.

“That was a standard landing procedure for this type of craft” Quickly answered Susan, there was a hint of anger in her voice. “The plane was designed exclusively for vertical landings and take offs. To put it in simpleton terms it cannot land on a runway. The cost of the air plane is probably more then the GNP of this backwater country of yours.”

“Now” shot Susan again “I’m am Lieutenant Commander Susan Reid, Tappee First X attached to the Diplomatic Corp. I’ve been sent here to meet with the emperor, I am acting on behalf of the Tribunal to see what type of aid we can provide” she paused for a moment “If any” she suddenly added.
19-10-2004, 02:10
Dumbstruck for a second,the two men blinked,standing silently.Then the jerseyed one said loudly"Sherrier,you dumbass!That's no way to speak to a lady!"then turning back to the pilot"I apologize for my friend here,he has a little anger problem as you might have noticed."pretending as if he had said nothing wrong.The tall man in the suit began to shake with silent laughter.

The short man looked as if he was going to vomit.

The janitor decided it would be best if he left,and did so without a sound,pocketing the money.

"erm...Welcome to the Alexian Empire!"said the jerseyed man,rather cornily."Some of the soldiers started laughing now,recovering from the shock of what was happening,until they were silenced by a sharp looked from the red haired man."Ah,you see,what had happened was,well,we thought you were going to slow down and have the jets accompany you,you see,as,um,we weren't really expecting you to come in a fighter fact,um,you see the thing is,we weren't expecting you at all...and,we weren't really prepared for a state visit,if we had know,we would have had adequate security hear and seems your goverment has neglected to inform us of your arrival...anyhow,a minor miseunderstanding,nothing that will affect our relations for life or anything!"he laughed nervously."Ahem,ehhh,anyway,that aside...this is Sherrier"he said pointing to the short fat man,who looked up and smiled nervously,giving a quick wave,the looked back at the groud clutching his stomach."And this is Alain-Philipe"he said pointing to the man in the suit,who smiled sincerly as if he was about to burst into laughter again,then gave a quick wave,and proceeded to re-cross his arms."And,uhh,I'm Alexander,but,euh,you can call me Alex.Um,introductions aside...well,shall we get you accomadated?"

(Again,same system if you could)

The men offer the pilot a seat in their car,which is driven by a young soldier,in the middle of the motorcade,across a dirt road lined with construction workers trying to make it concrete.

In the city,there does not seem to be many cars,and the ones in this group,as with all the other cars,have to wade slowly,at a painfully lent pace,with some soldiers getting out and walking beside or latching onto the outside of the trucks,through crowds of bicycles,richshaws and people on foot,with them moving out of the way reluctantly.The view of most everything is blocked from view by the other cars in the motorcade,but people who pass in between the spaces keep banging on all the tinted windows jokingly asking for money from the rich people who are surely inside,as only the rich have cars.Grey clouds block out the sun.

At long last,the motorcade arrives at a high concrete wall in a beautifull part of the city,souronded by roadblocks and soldiers,with towers,soldiers patroling the tops of the walls wich are lined with AA guns,mitreuilletes,and artilery of every kind.The gray clouds clear,and soldiers give salutes to the important goverment officials who are surly inside the car.

Gargantuan iron gates open,and the smell of hydrolic oil fills the air.Most of the cars pass through and drive to different places inside the wall.Their is a beautifull path paved with bricks running throughout the place.

Before the car stands a monstreous,sprawling multi-storied palace(see thread "The Alexian Empire")

The men hop out,and take the pilot thtough the main entrance,and the inside is just as beautifull,elaborate and unnecesarilly expensive as the outside.Soldiers salute the three men as they walk through the building leading the pilot up long marble stairs,and show her too a lavish apartement in the central part of the building on the third floor.

They seem busy and rushed,but asure the pilot that they can talk first thing in the morning,give her the key,tell her to ask the staff if theres ANYTHING she needs,and with that leave quickly,breaking into full sprints,the short one glancing at a Rollex watch.

The apartement has everything the most expensive hotel would have,and more,and has a heavy oaken door with many locks and bolts and chain on the inside.A window looks out onto a vast garden,where gardeners converse with soldiers as the sun illuminates the pathways.(you may want to consult the Alexian Empire thread,by the name of "The Alexian Empire".)

(again,same system if you will.)
20-10-2004, 08:39
Upon the realization of who they were dealing with the entire groups attitude change, the man on the jersey attempted to shift the blame on to other. Since it appeared that he seemed to be the one in charge she let his earlier comments slide. With haste the man in Jersey explained his government position for the misunderstanding.

“Let me be frank with you Alexander” quietly answered Susan, her words seemed cold and detached “This is not a state visit, and there was a reason why you where not informed of my arrival. It has been our experience in dealing with this type of situations that when a government in your situation know we are coming they prepare for it, as a result the full scope of the situation is hidden. We feel that a sudden unannounced arrivals lets us see things, as they really are, unobstructed. As for the matter of security, I am more then capable of taking care of myself thank you very much.” She made a slight motion toward the pistol located at her side tucked under her arm, and the other holstered at her hip. “Members of the First X are proficient in multiple forms of combat. By the age of 16 I’m sure that I had seen more combat then most here in your country.” With her little rant done, she joined the group and was lead to the motorcade.

Within a short period of time, they were on their way through the city. Like a slow moving serpent they made their way through the city, as the need Susan took mental notes of all the various things that she seen, all of which would be going in to her final report. For the most part she just sat there silent observing, one of the key difference that she noticed was the obvious distance between social class, never more was it evident then at the place. To Susan it appeared that while most of the population lived like squires, this Emperor Alexander lived like a king.

After seeing the entrance she was lead to given a key, and lead to her room. Once there she thought that it would be a good time to finally change out of her flight suit. Taking of her chest and hip Holster on the bed she proceeded to change. After getting out of the flight she opened up the duffle bag pulling out more appropriate clothing. She choose to go with jet black pants, with a crimson red shirt. Dressed she put her on both her holsters on, To keep the weapons out of plane sight put on a black dress coat. Taking a quick glance in the mirror she made sure that he appearance would be that of what was expected of her.

Noting that she had some time until someone would come for her she decide that now would be a good time to start writing her report. Pulling a small headset out of the bag, the head had single transparent flap on one side, it and was connect via cord to an equally small keypad. With confidence she put the headset on, flipping the transparent over her left eye. In silence she began to type, waiting for someone to come for her.
21-10-2004, 01:46
"Jesus,what a bitch."whispered Alexander to the others as they ran through the corridors of the elaborate capital building.

"Damn right.Her husband should teach her a thing or two,or her boss at least.I mean,she's on a fucking diplomatic mission!And what the hell was that thing about "I done be seeing more combat than any of your inbred hicks by the time I was two."?She has no fucking Idea what the people have seen!"said Sherrier,looking at his watch.

"Must be one a those modern,neo-nazi feminists,I suppose."said Alain,running slightly ahead of the others."Maybe she was like,in the neighborhood watch or something?"

"You never know with facists..."said the Emperor,a line he often used,substituting facists for whatever they happened to be talking about at the moment.

As they went out a sidedoor onto a dirt path,nodding at the saluting soldiers as the went by,they ran to the armor plated commercial hummer,which the emperor and clique were known for driving around in,and the assortement of military vehicles that they were always accompanied with.There,a tall,middle black man with short curly hair met the three others.

"You guys ready to go?"he asked.

"Yup.Sorry we were late,had to deal with the hoe from hell."said the Alexander

"You all dress up Jordan!"laughed Sherrier

"Speaking of which..."said Jordan,looking at Alex

"Wha..."began Alex,looking down at his jersey,full of soup and mustered stains.

".........JESUS SHIT!!!!!"he screamed in horror,and ran back to get apropriatly dressed.

Two soldiers walked down the street casually after having browsed through a record store,looking for something of interest.

"I hope to god that the emperor don star neglecting the army."said the first,trying to make conversation"These new "Green Protectors" of his seem to be taking up alot of his attention,if you ask me.Their like his pets,these damn punks,and their so arogant!"

"He'd never do that!"protested the second,shorter and younger one."He's not one to forget his loyal men in arms."

"But what if he plans to replace us?"inquired the first soldier"He may just be doing it slow,so as not to piss us off before it's too late?"

"He wouldn't do that."repeated the younger man"I happen to know that he plans a major military expansion."

"And how would you happen to know that?"asked the older soldier with a touch of annoyance

"My oncle's an officer."he replied


and thus ensued a heated yet unrelated conversation on favoritism

(I post more as soon as I can)
21-10-2004, 02:05
After opening several banks,inspecting some construction sites and giving speeches at a military base,the four men stood near a bronze statue of the emperor erected on a concrete platform,souronded by a small circular grass patch, in the center of what looks like a turnpike,but for foot traffic(all the roads are for foot trafic,extremly wide,but cars may go through without trouble,although not too fast.)

It was sourounded by one of those low metal police fences wich are used during riots and whatnot,just there for the sake of having a fence.Two soldiers sat on small folding chairs protecting the statue from vandalism,one reading a book,another listening distractedly to a small battery powered radio.

The rather odd statue showed the emperor in a suit,holding a handgun in the right hand,and a wad of bills in the left.

"I like this one."said Alexander"It's.....nice."

"It could be better."said Jordan

"How?" asked Alexander

"Never mind."said Jordan.

"I guess we'd better go deal with our guest."said Alain.

"Yah.Let's check on her plan first though.I'd hate to see what would happen it got scratched or something."

"K,we drop by the airport then."

At the airport,the men observed a team of workmen trying to drag the craft into a garage with ropes that they'd hooked onto it,not having figured it out.

"How you guys be doing?"shouted the emperor

"This things fuckin' heavy, your emperorship!"shouted one back"We can't seem to drag it!"

"Why don't you use a bulldozer or forklift or something?"came the reply.

There was a long pause after that,as the workmen reflected on what was just said.

"Why didn't we use a forklift?"whispered one of them

"..........I don't know."whispered another,and after a pause"Arthur,get a forklift!"

"I think they have it under controll."said the emperor
21-10-2004, 02:19
(by the way,the thing about how the emperor lives like a king was halarious.Good joke.

hehehehe!He is a king...........hehehe.......)

(I jus assuming a few thing here,ok? you tell me I say something wrong,k?)

Alexander knocked loudly on the door,and as it was opened,it was seen that he was alone,and that he had put on a light blue snakeskin suit,which he was know for wearing."Hey.I was thinking you might like to meet the rest of the "clique du chateau"."he said,reffering to his ministers and assortement of other puppets."Or would you like to see the city before that?"he asked dejectedly,visibly distraught."We have some cars and shit in the thing there,if you like,motorcycles and can go with some soldiers if you like."He asked hopefully."But if you do that,please just don't take one of Jagjit's cars,or he'll be very upset."he said sighing."I'm the emperor by the way,did I mention?"

(shall we find some time in which we could have a conversation in TG?
My chat thing is still down.)
21-10-2004, 06:29
ooc: if you want to hammer out some details just send me a TG, about what you want to talk about

Susan just glared at the Emperor for a moment, not say a word; she was sizing the man up. She couldn’t help but chuckle on the inside at the mans appearance, years of training had taught her not to show any outside emotions.

For the moment her primary objective was to obtain as much information about the government. With the thought she stepped out of the door and walked passed the Emperor, in Tappee to do such a thing was a sign of great disrespect. However, the man had done little to earn hers, so she was giving him none.

She stopped an turned when he did not join her. “Mr Alexander, I might remind that my Plane is in fact the property of the Government of Tappee.” Said Susan “and as such we would appreciate if you do not play with things that do not belong to you. In truth you have no idea as to what you are dealing, for all you know there could be an Anti Matter warhead on board.”

She let out a bit of chuckle seeing a bit of a confused looked come over the Emperors Face. “Tappee is much more technologically advanced then your nation Mr Alexander, and it against Tappee policy to give technology to those that have not yet earned it. As such do you honestly think that we would simply park a craft such as TSF 32 and park it there with having some type of security system.” There was a slight sarcastic tone in her voice “I am only going to warn of this once, I’ve armed the self destruct, if anyone tries to open that plane up it will take out three city block. In addition my government will be sending your government the bill, and I doubt that you can afford to replace a 1.9 billion dollar plane. If you wanted the plane moved all you had to do was ask.”

Having said what she needed she took a few step in the general direction of the lobby. “Now I am most interested in meet with this ‘clique du chateau’ as you called them.
21-10-2004, 22:05
The man became white with terror,his jaw dropping.He looked as though he was going to pass out.He leaned against the wall gaging,and then,getting his bearings,hopped up,pointing at Susan angrily,blurted out"For the love of god you stupid disguting bitch!How could you be so godamn sadistic?!"and with that,he turned and ran,to find out what happened to his beloved airport.This woke the soldier who had been sitting on a chair outside the door,slumbering peacefull,and getting to his feet,looked around in utter confusion.

"...........I know it's probably none of my bussiness,but what happened?"

OCC:In other words,say if a team of people were to try to take the plane entirely apart,would that set it off?Or was she bluffing?If not,what happen?How much would it destroy at say,as massive airport?Et cetra.
21-10-2004, 22:39
OOC: she not bluffing, Tappee will not allow it technology to be stolen. The instant a single panel is taken off that craft it will self destruct. Tappee use antimatter warheads on its missiles, although only trace amount, but they are still very destructive. She wasn't kidding when she said that three to four city blocks would be destroyed.


Susan took little offence to the names that Alex had called, he had yet to fully understand who he was exactly dealing with. Human lives were meaningless to her, all that matter was fullfiling her objective by what ever means necessary.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw the sleeping guard wake up and jump to his, feeling that he might pose threat she reached for her gun as she turned to face. However, when he asked what was going on he released her grip on the weapon.

“Your Emperor is receiving a lesson in world diplomacy” answered Susan. “Mainly you don’t mess with thing that do not belong to you.”
22-10-2004, 02:06
(OCC:Usually I play with real or next to real technolodgy,but whatever.)

The soldier flails jumpily,scared by the weapon.

"For the love of god woman,do not point that thing at me!"he said in an annoyed tone."You could kill a guy that way!"he spoke with an undescernable accent of one of the local tribes."And do not speak of the most enlightened emperor that way!"with that,he sits down annoydly on his chair,eyeing the girl suspiciously.

The young emperor sat on a small couch,sniffling like a child,while a young scantily dressed women fawned over him,trying to lift his spirits.The emperor was a weak man,not physically,but emotionaly,not the kind of person who can deal with much,as much as he'd been through already.

"It'll be ok,baby."cooed the young women,stroking his hair."It'll be ok."

The emperor let out a loud sniffle.

"Fucking hoe!We should have her publicly hanged!"said another man,about the same age as the two on the couch,although taller,and wearing a turban of pure white,and sporting a kirpan.

The emperor let out a loud sniffle.

A skinny white man with short hair,sitting in a wheelchair,sat silently,not knowing what to say.

The emperor let out a loud sniffle.

The young women beside him continued to stroke his hair lovingly and comfortingly.

"What a sicko."
22-10-2004, 02:15
Communique officiel du goverment emperial du empire Alexien. au goverment de Tappee.

"Your diplomatic representitive has,in her first day here in our great nations capital,disobeyed the terms on which she was allowed to land her aircraft,essentially destroyed our multi-billion dollar airport,murder a good number of our nationals(still counting death toll),injured countless others,murdered several personel friends of our head of state,murdered goverment employees and plunged the country back into the extreme distrust of foreigners,causing a crime wave,hampering diplomatic relations with other nations,and also came very near to causing ethenic conflict among our citzens.We ask you to justify these actions.Or perhaps hand over your representitive to us to be tried under our laws.More remains to be sent and will be as promptly as possible.

Also,we ask you to refrain from sending murderous and hostile trained killers to represent your country in the future.
22-10-2004, 02:20
The soldier still sat in his chair,looking up at this strange women with curiosity,when the minister of Interior strode down the hall,without soldiers as usual.He looked rather angry,oddly enough.Mr.Grant was usually cool headed,from what the soldier had seen anyhow.

"His most esteemed emperorship would like to introduce you to his crew,as you requested earlier,if it would be convenient.Follow me."and he walked angrily to an elevator.
22-10-2004, 02:22
(we could always say that you just threatened the workers through whatever you say them through and they backed off for the time,if you'd like.

It's just,this would make the entire roleplay turn drastically in what I don't really think would be all so much fun way.No,yes?

Tell me what you think anyhow.)
Gnomish Republics
22-10-2004, 02:41
The government of the Commonwealth of Gnomish Republics requests permission to send an envoy to your country.
22-10-2004, 03:07
Jonah laid the paper on his desk and sighed deeply. Stories like this made him think of the days before the Revolution, what he'd come to calling the Old Days.
Funny, he thought, how they kept coming back. The People's Secretary of Foreign Affairs picked up the phone on his desk and dialed a short three digit code.
"Office of the Secretary General, this is Alyson," said a soft voice on the other end.
"Good morning Aly, is Reider in? I have an issue that I think he may be interested in...."

The cabinet meeting had been tense. Hillyard's high level officials had discussed the situation in Alexia for the last three hours, but still, no concensus had been reached.
"We can't let this kind of BS go on! This flys in the face of evey value and principle we've fought and died for thus far. We-" Thomas Gomper, Secretary of Labor was frothing, his face a deep crimson.
"We what? Tell them to back off? What if they don't? We invade? You really think the people are going to authorize an invasion of a sovereign nation over worker's rights violations?" David Ravonitch, Intelligence Secretary, asked skeptically.
Finally, Reider Clayton, Secretary General of the People's Republic spoke up. "Enough. David, gather a team. Jonah, get an audience with the Emperor. This is what we're going to do..."

Official Communique to the Government of the Nation of Alexias.

The P.R.H wishes to hold an audience with his lordship, Emperor Alexander, to discuss the issue of worker's rights in your great nation. We feel that this is a pressing issue, not only for your nation but for all free peoples around the globe.
With your permission, our delegate will arrive as soon as possible.

The People's Department of Foriegn Affairs
22-10-2004, 07:42
OOC: just so we are all on the same page here. At no point in time have you ever actually RP’ed anyone from Alexia actually attempting to take apart the plane. Nor have I RP’ed the planed exploding, I might have had an override switch.

Therefore as such, the self-destruct on the plane could not have gone off (As it was not actually RP’ed). If you had taken the time to read what my character had said at no point in time had she said that the bomb had gone off, what she said was that she was aware that you were tampering with the craft, and warned you not to continued, as she had only armed the security system and if your character were to try and take it apart then it would have gone off.

You have made my character do thing that I have not RP’ed, or authorized. this is poor RP’ing.
23-10-2004, 21:19
The government of the Commonwealth of Gnomish Republics requests permission to send an envoy to your country.

Sure,as long as you never talk like that again.

We can put your guys up in a goverment hotel.
23-10-2004, 21:20
Jonah laid the paper on his desk and sighed deeply. Stories like this made him think of the days before the Revolution, what he'd come to calling the Old Days.
Funny, he thought, how they kept coming back. The People's Secretary of Foreign Affairs picked up the phone on his desk and dialed a short three digit code.
"Office of the Secretary General, this is Alyson," said a soft voice on the other end.
"Good morning Aly, is Reider in? I have an issue that I think he may be interested in...."

The cabinet meeting had been tense. Hillyard's high level officials had discussed the situation in Alexia for the last three hours, but still, no concensus had been reached.
"We can't let this kind of BS go on! This flys in the face of evey value and principle we've fought and died for thus far. We-" Thomas Gomper, Secretary of Labor was frothing, his face a deep crimson.
"We what? Tell them to back off? What if they don't? We invade? You really think the people are going to authorize an invasion of a sovereign nation over worker's rights violations?" David Ravonitch, Intelligence Secretary, asked skeptically.
Finally, Reider Clayton, Secretary General of the People's Republic spoke up. "Enough. David, gather a team. Jonah, get an audience with the Emperor. This is what we're going to do..."

Official Communique to the Government of the Nation of Alexias.

The P.R.H wishes to hold an audience with his lordship, Emperor Alexander, to discuss the issue of worker's rights in your great nation. We feel that this is a pressing issue, not only for your nation but for all free peoples around the globe.
With your permission, our delegate will arrive as soon as possible.

The People's Department of Foriegn Affairs

love too.

We can put your guys up in a goverment hotel.
23-10-2004, 21:23
OOC: just so we are all on the same page here. At no point in time have you ever actually RP’ed anyone from Alexia actually attempting to take apart the plane. Nor have I RP’ed the planed exploding, I might have had an override switch.

Therefore as such, the self-destruct on the plane could not have gone off (As it was not actually RP’ed). If you had taken the time to read what my character had said at no point in time had she said that the bomb had gone off, what she said was that she was aware that you were tampering with the craft, and warned you not to continued, as she had only armed the security system and if your character were to try and take it apart then it would have gone off.

You have made my character do thing that I have not RP’ed, or authorized. this is poor RP’ing.

you implied that it was automatic.So I naturally assumed it exploded.I put thing together,right?K then,from the mctelegram,no explodin for now den.

you wait,I be fixing all then,k?

Plus,new ploth thaing I write it now on computrer then.I gety to is soon.
23-10-2004, 22:05
ooc: if you want to hammer out some details just send me a TG, about what you want to talk about

Susan just glared at the Emperor for a moment, not say a word; she was sizing the man up. She couldn’t help but chuckle on the inside at the mans appearance, years of training had taught her not to show any outside emotions.

For the moment her primary objective was to obtain as much information about the government. With the thought she stepped out of the door and walked passed the Emperor, in Tappee to do such a thing was a sign of great disrespect. However, the man had done little to earn hers, so she was giving him none.

She stopped an turned when he did not join her. “Mr Alexander, I might remind that my Plane is in fact the property of the Government of Tappee.” Said Susan “and as such we would appreciate if you do not play with things that do not belong to you. In truth you have no idea as to what you are dealing, for all you know there could be an Anti Matter warhead on board.”

She let out a bit of chuckle seeing a bit of a confused looked come over the Emperors Face. “Tappee is much more technologically advanced then your nation Mr Alexander, and it against Tappee policy to give technology to those that have not yet earned it. As such do you honestly think that we would simply park a craft such as TSF 32 and park it there with having some type of security system.” There was a slight sarcastic tone in her voice “I am only going to warn of this once, I’ve armed the self destruct, if anyone tries to open that plane up it will take out three city block. In addition my government will be sending your government the bill, and I doubt that you can afford to replace a 1.9 billion dollar plane. If you wanted the plane moved all you had to do was ask.”

Having said what she needed she took a few step in the general direction of the lobby. “Now I am most interested in meet with this ‘clique du chateau’ as you called them.

OK.We backtrack to hear,go from here.

The emperor became white with fear,stedying himself by leaning on the wall,and then mumbled"Uh,sure,I just,uh,have to make a phonecall firs..."and he ran into another apartement.

After a conversation in loud whispers,he came out said"Righ this way"pointing at a stairwell.After climbing a long flight of stairs,the kind that are in office buildings,that did not really match the rest of the structure.It was like a fire escape or something.

At the top,it came out in a hallway much like the many others,lined with doors.Alexander then turned a corner,through a glass door and then too a set of much larger oaken doors,into a long room with a marble floors,wide windows and a table that went almost the length of the room.At each end of the room were doorways that lead into what looked like kithchens.On the table,there was a very small television,which a large group of men and one woman were gathered around.

(by this time,whatever told you that the plane was being moved would do so again back in the room)

"Hey guys!Turn that off!"said Alexander

The men looked up,and one unpluged the television and set it on the ground.The two men from the airport were there,and they gave quick waves,as did everyone else.

Alexander pulled out a chair,offering it too Susan."Chair?" he said.

"This the Tappeen diplomat."he said to the group,over his shoulder.

"Oh,an,Noria,could you,euhhh......"

"Sure,babe."said the women,who was about the same age as all the others.Upon further inspection,they could not have more than several years of age difference between the lot of them.The young women walked around the table,gave a quick friendly smile at Susan,and walked out the door.
24-10-2004, 09:12
Susan nodded at the woman as she left the room, but did not return her smile. Casually she took the seat that was offered to her, as she did she took a brief glance at everyone in the room, take note of their appearance.

After a brief moment of silence she finally spoke “It has come to my government attention that you are dealing with a number of internal problems, the recent attacks on one of your Unions is a clear example of this. For reasons unknown to me Chair Woman Allenson feels the need to provide some type of assistance. Which is why I’m here, to asses the situation to see what type of aid is needed. Now if I could…”

Suddenly she stopped mid sentence, reaching down she pulled a cell phone from her belt, quickly she read the message displayed on the screen. After a brief moment she turned her attention back to the group “If you will excuse me for a moment”

With that she got up from her seat a made her way over to one of the room corner, and hit a button on her cell. “Hello” she said to the voice on the other side.

No sooner then the words had left her mouth, when all colour in her face had disappeared. “Ho…How many?” she eventually stuttered. She waited a moment for the answer to come.

“Am I being recalled” she asked after a moment of two. “Yes I understand” With that she ended the call and returned to her seat.

Still the colour had yet to return to her face, she sat their seemingly helpless. “Where were we” she asked, her vision remain fixed on some random spot in the room. It was if she was not longer there.
Gnomish Republics
24-10-2004, 22:02
A thing with a big "CGR" on its side flew up to the Alexian border. It looked sort of like a helicopter that had been blown up and then put back together again. Upon entering Alexian airspace, it broadcast "This is the ambassador of the Commonwealth of Gnomish Republics, repeat, ambassador of the Commonwealth of Gnomish Republics. Request permission to land and directions to the place where we can land."
25-10-2004, 05:00
A thing with a big "CGR" on its side flew up to the Alexian border. It looked sort of like a helicopter that had been blown up and then put back together again. Upon entering Alexian airspace, it broadcast "This is the ambassador of the Commonwealth of Gnomish Republics, repeat, ambassador of the Commonwealth of Gnomish Republics. Request permission to land and directions to the place where we can land."

A voice answered the broadcast.

"You can land at the Airport in Alex City"and began to give directions.After finishing,it said".Oh,and next time wait for permission to enter the airspace man....if the boss found out,he'd be real pissed..."

(Assuming that you land there)

A group of soldiers with armored plated hummers,and what looked like some low ranking officials were they're to meet you.The one who seemed was in charge was acting insanly jumpy and nervous,as if he'd never done such a thing before as welcome diplomats.However,he was very polite,and had the diplomats driven to a lavish goverment hotel,protected by armed guards.
25-10-2004, 05:09
Susan nodded at the woman as she left the room, but did not return her smile. Casually she took the seat that was offered to her, as she did she took a brief glance at everyone in the room, take note of their appearance.

After a brief moment of silence she finally spoke “It has come to my government attention that you are dealing with a number of internal problems, the recent attacks on one of your Unions is a clear example of this. For reasons unknown to me Chair Woman Allenson feels the need to provide some type of assistance. Which is why I’m here, to asses the situation to see what type of aid is needed. Now if I could…”

Suddenly she stopped mid sentence, reaching down she pulled a cell phone from her belt, quickly she read the message displayed on the screen. After a brief moment she turned her attention back to the group “If you will excuse me for a moment”

With that she got up from her seat a made her way over to one of the room corner, and hit a button on her cell. “Hello” she said to the voice on the other side.

No sooner then the words had left her mouth, when all colour in her face had disappeared. “Ho…How many?” she eventually stuttered. She waited a moment for the answer to come.

“Am I being recalled” she asked after a moment of two. “Yes I understand” With that she ended the call and returned to her seat.

Still the colour had yet to return to her face, she sat their seemingly helpless. “Where were we” she asked, her vision remain fixed on some random spot in the room. It was if she was not longer there.

(Hey yo Tappee,what did you have in mind for the airplane blowing up?you were saying something.If you'd prefer that,it's not too late.Jus let me know.)

Noria walked out the door quickly,but getting as good a glance at the diplomat as she could.Not every day you see a diplomat.But then,she thought,not many of the women see half as much as what I see.Or anyone for that matter.There were many advantages to living in the palace of a tyranical despot.

She then wondered about what was going on behind the door.She'd probably never find out.She hoped the emperor wouldn't do anything stupid.Alex was a nice guy,but,well,Noria wouldn't put him in charge of a bakery,let alone a devoloping country.He'd probably try to drive every other baker in the world out of bussiness and monopolize baked goods,or attempt to revolutionize the industry,or use spies to ensure employee loyalties,or something equally far fetched and idiotic,she chuckled.
25-10-2004, 05:17
"Soooo.......getting down to bussiness"said the emperor rubing his hands together anxiously"what would we be talking about here,like,monetary contributions,or what? More importantly,what can we do to help you decide?"he seemed blissfully unware that anything had gone wrong,as did most of the other ministers,who broke into a murmur of basically repetition of the same idea.

Only Alain-Philipe seemed to sense something was amiss,and crossed his arms and grimaced in concern."Something wrong,Susan?"

Noticing that Susan had lost that stone cold cocky look for a second,the emperor stopped talking abruntly,and inquired"Hey yo,sometin' naw goin' righ' at 'ome?You kin tell us,girr'."he seemed to have reverted to the local dialect,which consisted of sluring your words together so as to make yourself near incomprehensible.That coupled with the accents made the word's meaning quite hard to deceipher at times.The other's became aware to,and broke out into phrases of inquiry similar to the first.

(Note:"Local dialect" based on speaking of the people with wich I roll in my hometown.

Love the southside,friends.)
25-10-2004, 06:06
ooc: Never mind about the plane

“Something wrong Susan”

Those words caused her to snap out her daze, it was then that she realized that she had not heard a word that anyone had. As she came back to reality the Emperor said something to her that she had trouble making out, from what she could gather, he was asking her if everything was alright at home.

At first she was hesitant on how to continue, but the truth was that she just wanted see it for herself.

“You would happen to have a T.V station that carries international news ( do you?” Asked Susan, her voice was still a bit shaky
Gnomish Republics
25-10-2004, 20:13
OOC: This is on the way to the hotel, I'm assuming you're using those armor plated humvees.
Lidyrknay Lebaf wrinkled his nose. The trip got off to a bad start when he had to get lifted up into the car by the soldiers. Then, he had been obnoxiously curious about the car's engine. A thought struck him.
"Say, what are you refueling the flyer with?"
The twitchy officer looked mortified. "Will 95 unleaded do?"
"Ninety five unleaded?!" Lidyrknay fell off his seat onto the car floor, paroxismic with laughter. The officer blinked quickly several times, then helped the gnome off the floor. The gnome shook his head and said "Don't waste that stuff on it, the thing can run on seventy." He wrinkled his nose again. "Well, sort of."
The officer shruged uncomfortably, then looked the other way. Lidyrknay looked at him quizically, then returned to examining the interior.

When he arrived at the nice hotel, Lidyrknay examined his room, reminded himself not to talk obsessively about machinery, and went to sleep. He needed it after the bumpy ride in the flyer.
25-10-2004, 22:06
Alexander was rather surprised.He'd been expecting Susan to simply tell him that it was none of his bussiness,thus fulfilling all the moral obligation he felt,letting them continue the little meeting in....well,relavance.But he thought again,that it would not really matter much if he put this on hold for a while,seeing as he had time.And he may aswell suck up to the aid inspector.

"Depends."he said."All media is cleared with the,uh,Broadcasting board.The,erm,unimportant stuff doesn't get through,you know?Depending on what kind of thing it is...."then realizing that perhaps he should speed up"...uh,but here,here what I listen too."he hauled the small television back onto the table,turning it to face Susan,and another one of the men plugged it in.A newstation from some obscure country,CBC or something(eheehehehehe get joke,no?) was playing a special media broadcast on a most terrible mass murder in Tappee and Icaeo.

Alexander had always found mass murder interesting,and turning up the volume,he looked at the screen over Susan's shoulder.

(By the way,nice story,I wish I had not missed the first part.I miss my chance like that,you know how I mean?)
25-10-2004, 22:08

(Note:"Local dialect" based on speaking of the people with wich I roll in my hometown.

Love the southside,friends.)

just a personel joke for my benefit,not relavent.
25-10-2004, 22:16
OOC: This is on the way to the hotel, I'm assuming you're using those armor plated humvees.
Lidyrknay Lebaf wrinkled his nose. The trip got off to a bad start when he had to get lifted up into the car by the soldiers. Then, he had been obnoxiously curious about the car's engine. A thought struck him.
"Say, what are you refueling the flyer with?"
The twitchy officer looked mortified. "Will 95 unleaded do?"
"Ninety five unleaded?!" Lidyrknay fell off his seat onto the car floor, paroxismic with laughter. The officer blinked quickly several times, then helped the gnome off the floor. The gnome shook his head and said "Don't waste that stuff on it, the thing can run on seventy." He wrinkled his nose again. "Well, sort of."
The officer shruged uncomfortably, then looked the other way. Lidyrknay looked at him quizically, then returned to examining the interior.

When he arrived at the nice hotel, Lidyrknay examined his room, reminded himself not to talk obsessively about machinery, and went to sleep. He needed it after the bumpy ride in the flyer.

At 4:21 in the morning,before sunrise,there was a loud knocking on the door.A young man stood outside with a food cart,looking a bit nervous.As the door opened,he looked around for the one who opened it.Then,he looked down,and now profusly embarrased,turned around,and began rumaging in the food cart.

"You wan' sa' foo' afore the sun it come?"he asked."Aw,an by in way,note message wassa given me too you."he appeared to be strugling with the native language of the diplomat.He handed him a small paper envolope,and turned back to the food cart."Food?"

Inside the envolope was a small piece of paper,not official looking at all,in fact it could have been trash for all anyone could tell.Scrawled on it in hasty writing was"the emperor would see you,but cannot as he has tt do a thing with a person.Get you soon as possible,sorry to make you wait.

General Adi"
Gnomish Republics
25-10-2004, 22:55
The gnome went over to a chair, grabbed some paper and a pen from another chair, and rapidly wrote something. Then, he gave it back to the young man.
"You give this to General Adi, eh? Oh, and tell the hotel owner- no wait, never mind. Run along." When the boy left, he smiled. Finally he was getting that urge under control.

The note said "Fine, when and where is the audition?"
25-10-2004, 22:59
Ooc: it is never to late to join an RP, you just have to find a reasonable way to get in.


Susan watched in utter horror at the scenes as they unfolded on screen. There was no hesitation as to where this had occurred; it was Grathmoras, Tappee’s capital. The T.V showed an arial view of the city, more in particular the cities central core.

Grathmoras was a mega city in every sense of the word; its population was more then some countries coming in at an amazing 20 million people. 5 million of which were located in the city’s central core, they were all tightly packed into a 10 km radius of office building, schools, apartments, and shopping centres. The highlight of the sky line were four giant skyscraper which were known as the ‘Four Towers’, each tower could hold 20,000 to 30,000 employee’s, and served as a symbol of Tappee’s commercial and economic might.

However, all four of those building were now gone, and from what Susan could see from the news footage they had taken a few other building with them as they had fallen. It now looked like there was a giant pile of sand located in the centre of the city, but instead of sand it was debris from the fallen building.

Suddenly the scene changed, Susan recognized the building as an elementary school since all school followed a standard design. She watched the screen as mothers were being held back behind yellow tape by local law enforcement, all the mothers wanted to know was if their child was ok. Gradually the camera panned over showing the onslaught in the field, the field was littered with body bags, and Susan could only assume that there were children’s bodies under those bags.

Actually seeing the devastation drove home the reality of what was going on. This had not been a military attack, or to gain some type of objective, it had been done to destroy Tappee’s sprit. The attack had been aimed to ripe away Tappee very soul and all that it stood for. Shock had been replaced be uncontrollable anger.

Standing to her feet she looked down a hands, they clench as fist and had turned completely white. She lashed out in the only way that she could.

“Son of a bitch” she yelled out in some primal scream. As she did she drove her fist into the desk with a tremendous amount of force. The force of the impact cause the desk to splinter apart. Taking a moment to calm to down she took her seat, blood was already running from her hand. Taking a deep breath she just sat there as if nothing had happened.
26-10-2004, 08:33
blast,you have taken my Idea of an endless urban sprawl.Now I will have to be original.How inconsiderate.hehehe


By this time,the monarch had produced,seamingly out of nowhere,a pair of nail clippers.Watching the ensuing tyrade as he cleaned his nails,he became rather concerned.He had really not see this woman falter in her expressionlessness until quite recently,and had a feeling that that could not be normal.

"How about that..."said a rather anxious voice from the backround.

Oh shit!thought the emperor,I hope she doesn't want that plane...

"Looks like.....something happening."said another voice.

"Indeed."was the reply.

"Hey yo,you wan a' 'ome?"inquired someone,with a hint of hopefullness.
26-10-2004, 21:33
blast,you have taken my Idea of an endless urban sprawl.Now I will have to be original.How inconsiderate.hehehe


By this time,the monarch had produced,seamingly out of nowhere,a pair of nail clippers.Watching the ensuing tyrade as he cleaned his nails,he became rather concerned.He had really not see this woman falter in her expressionlessness until quite recently,and had a feeling that that could not be normal.

"How about that..."said a rather anxious voice from the backround.

Oh shit!thought the emperor,I hope she doesn't want that plane...

"Looks like.....something happening."said another voice.

"Indeed."was the reply.

"Hey yo,you wan a' 'ome?"inquired someone,with a hint of hopefullness.

hmm,this is not very good.I wrote it when I was half asleep and hungry.I shall fix it later.
26-10-2004, 21:40
The gnome went over to a chair, grabbed some paper and a pen from another chair, and rapidly wrote something. Then, he gave it back to the young man.
"You give this to General Adi, eh? Oh, and tell the hotel owner- no wait, never mind. Run along." When the boy left, he smiled. Finally he was getting that urge under control.

The note said "Fine, when and where is the audition?"

"Hey,mista Gueverra!"said the young boy,running to the hotel manager as he walked down the hallway."Mista ambassador said to give this to General Alkatari."he said handing him the note"and I think that he may have a complaint about the plumbing or heating or something,I not sure."

"Did he say anything about it?"asked the manager,taking the note.

"No,but I can tell."said the young man

"Boy,you been working in this hotel far too long for your psychological health."

Laughing,the young man said"Haha!That is quite possible,mister Gueverra."and with that,he ran too continue his duties.
27-11-2004, 03:21
"I think it may be a bit difficult to extract the aid money from this girl."Whispered Sherrier to Alex" She's crazy! One minute she's a cold hard murderer who's calling us all hicks, the next she all crying and in a bundle of expressed emotion.This gonna be complex, my man."