Inhuman Rights Conference. Come here to discuss proper torture techniques.
Camel Eaters
07-10-2004, 03:08
Please list your favorite torture methods. Magical or otherwise.
Camel Eaters
07-10-2004, 03:13
Generic empire
07-10-2004, 03:14
((OOC: LO-fucking-L! CE you just rose 20 notches in my book, and you were already in pretty good standing as an uberstock counterpart, but this is genius! Rock on, buddy!))
-Cutting a small hole in the lower abdomen, and removing a few inches of the intestines. Then the victim gets to see what the wolves are having for dinner.
-Burying the body up to the neck, and allowing ants to eat the head. The eyes are first to go, and then the insects are able to get into the skull, and devour the brain tissue.
Camel Eaters
07-10-2004, 03:16
Good methods. I'll have to try then in my next session.
Camel Eaters
07-10-2004, 03:19
Come on people I'm assembling a collection here. Whoops did I type that out loud.
Camel Eaters
07-10-2004, 03:29
One of my favorites is to tie their arms and legs together and take some rust barbed wire to their cheeks. Once there is a sufficient amount of blood and screaming you then take off their clothes and just leave them there on the floor for one or two days. Come back down knock out all their teeth and then skull fuck them until your done. Slow mutilation with a knife and blowtorch follows.
Rinse repeat and enjoy.
OOC: We do not condone torture but we're just listing this stuff for the hell of it.
Camel Eaters
07-10-2004, 03:35
07-10-2004, 03:41
Force Lightning or other painful inflictions is always a good choice.
~Dark Lords of the Sith
Lord Atum
07-10-2004, 11:24
Well. The minions of Lord Atum use, in no particular order, beatings, shooting with energy weapons, death/near death and revival by technological means, drugs, a device called a Kara Kesh, which has a mind-altering function, another device, called the Rod of Anguish, which is basically a showy version of a cattle prod, acid, dropping from significant heights, locking people in rooms with gravitic generators to make them fall about repeatedly...
OOC: The list is near endless.
07-10-2004, 12:01
The Templar (the Raymzonian intelligence, internal security and local police force) do not officially condone torture, not for humanitarian reasons, but because torture is an inefficient means of information extraction.
The High Lord Templar explains that torture will merely encourage the the torturee to say that the torturer wants, to stop the pain- which may or may not be the truth, or the correct information (note the difference between the two). And, on other occasions, great amounts of physical pain can actually cause the recipent to suffer mental shock, rendering him useless as a source of information.
He suggests the use of certain mind-altering drugs that make the prisoner prone to suggestion, in conjuction with hypnosis, or other persuasive, non-intrusive means. No amount of anti-torture training can prevent the truth from eventually coming out, it merely takes longer. But, in the end, the product is more reliable.
Off the record, though, says the Lord Templar, blowing a plume of cigar smoke as he speaks, attaching jumper cables to the testicles from an electrical device and then turning up the power very very slowly can be amusing. This, in addition to the use of other drugs that deaden other body parts but increase sensitivity in the body part the pressure is being applied to, doesn't get the job done, but is a good way to kill boredom. But the government denies any such acts. Heh.
07-10-2004, 13:51
One of my favorites is to tie their arms and legs together and take some rust barbed wire to their cheeks. Once there is a sufficient amount of blood and screaming you then take off their clothes and just leave them there on the floor for one or two days. Come back down knock out all their teeth and then skull fuck them until your done. Slow mutilation with a knife and blowtorch follows.
:eek: WOW! And I thought I was morbid..
If I did use torture techniques, I'd probably use some :headbang: , followed by a little of :mp5: , and finish it off with some nice :sniper: . Perhaps an added :gundge: inbetween, but usually that one's only used for extremeties :D .
You ask nicely first, then if they don't tell, you give them an anasthetic (Local, you want them concious) then strap them to an operating table and surgically remove their feet, then their legs at the knee (Remove one thing, ask again. If no answer given remove the next. Repeat), then their fingers, one by one, their hands, arms at the elbow, finally removing all extremeties (Last but not least cutting his cock off with a rusty saw), leaving you with a torso and head. Strapped to a table. Then dump the remains in the place where they are most likely to be found by their comrades/associates/family.
Drum Gods
07-10-2004, 14:09
No, no, no! You've got it all wrong.
You get a heated snooker cue and initially slowly forced it through their rectum stopping at relevant intervals to allow sufficient burning to occur at a specific point. Once that is done you pour ice cold water over the area. Meanwhile you place them stuck on a single spot in a room where their privates are positioned so they are surrounded by needles all around. The slightest movement leads to the end of their dreams of forming a family. You leave in that position for a month or so. Surround the room with food and drink and BANG you get a eunach.
07-10-2004, 14:14
The only time I've ever done torture.
Of course, information of this sort rarely escapes the Choson People's Republic of Dra-pol, and when it does it is either denied or ignored by Da'Khiem and the source of the leek faces possible assassination by the Red Bamboo or some other Banat wing, but...
...Facility 10 near Andong is the most infamous scene of Kurosite punishment, reprogramming, and the like. That is, assuming it actually exists. Rumours speak of the applicaiton of various harmful chemicals to victims bodies and of their forced ingestion, and possibly of biological weapons research being carried out on prisoners of war and counter revolutionary persons.
To quote Raymzonia, "The High Lord Templar explains that torture will merely encourage the the torturee to say that the torturer wants, to stop the pain- which may or may not be the truth, or the correct information". In response, one interested in Kurosite Dra-pol might suggest that this is precisely what the Republic intends. The Republic would not detain and innocent person, of course, so it logically follows that anybody detained by the state is an enemy of the people, and can not be trusted, nor should they be given quarter. Further to that, the Directorature already knows everything, has anticipated everything, and so the chance to give confirmation is given to the subject only as a courtesy. At least the counter-revolutionary may embrace the proper way before dying.
Victims are purported to have been given a thousand cuts, shot in none-fatal fashion, slowly suffocated or dunked under water until their lungs burst, to have had their arms tied behind them and to have been lifted by them, breaking the shoulders, to have had limbs bound until they turned blue before staves were driven between them bursting hands and feet, and so on and so forth.
All of this is, if one can get an opportunity to ask and is not simply ignored, reactionary propaganda, of course, and nothing compared to what the occupying imperialists do to Drapoel babies in Hamhung and the far south.
Things that can be confirmed to have occured at least in the last few years include beheading of counter-revolutionaries by traditional shortswords, hangings, and mass crucifixion of Christian POWs.
07-10-2004, 14:41
Hyperlight does not condone torture, however, it has encountered it in the past by extremist animal rights groups. Some of it was too horrible to put in words and be belived, but other bits were more conventional.
One of their favorite things to do is to slowly sink a person bound hand and foot into quicksand, eventually forcing said person's head under the muck once they had stopped sinking for an hour. Usually used when there was more than one person present, so that the other person would be scared into telling them whatever they wanted to know.
Another favorite is for them was to leave a person buried for a month, coming back every once in a while to feed and water them. This they usually did to people who just pissed them off. After they got tired of it, they usually buried their head. We've found at least 10 areas where they have commonly have done this, often times there being hundreds of people within an acre.
I can't recall any other technicques off the top of my head, due to the fact it's been a while since they have tried anything like this. I'll look into my old files to see what other actrocitys they have commited.
Imperial Puerto Rico
07-10-2004, 14:49
I believe this is the proper execution for Communists:
"Iron Chair"
You sit said communist on an iron piece of furnature. Then, you light a fire under the chair. As the Iron Chair warms, the skin of said communists starts to burn and the rest is obvious.
It causes death and extreme pain. The Corporate Police State of Imperial Puerto Rico has always executed communists in that way.
07-10-2004, 15:04
Slit open their abdomen, and pour in a quart or two of maggots. Stitch 'em back up, and let the magick do its work.
Maggots don't eat living flesh. All it'll do is scare them. Lots.
07-10-2004, 15:41
The Interstellar Republic of Gurguvungunit does not officialy condone torture, and we will deny ever posting in this thread.
A popular form of torture for the Black Watch (The Gurguvii Secret Service) uses a device which is in effect a metal frame from which several straps hang, five for binding the head, arms and legs, and twelve smaller ones that simply touch parts of the body. The straps are electrified and those not binding the victim are lowered onto said victims body. The electric charge slowly builds.
Mmmm.... toasty....
All of this information is readily available IC, but you'll have to ICly look for it. ^_^
The torture of inferior races (Humans, ect.) and Mekantan criminals is the national sport of Mekanta.
One of the really fun things to do... Take an extremety like say... a finger, arm, or penis. Grind it away a milimeter at a time. Cauterize the wound every milimeter.
Crucifixion became pretty popular once Mekanta learned about Earth history, but a particularly Mekantan twist was added. They're kept from dying, but the suffering continues.
Mekantan medical technology is also hyper-advanced, so damage can be repaired on the spot to make the subject last longer...
07-10-2004, 20:57
Maggots don't eat living flesh. All it'll do is scare them. Lots.
There's a reason it's called torture, and not murder.
[ Insert evil cackle here ]
Camel Eaters
07-10-2004, 22:10
These are all grand ways come on folks lets get a few more.
Ever seen Resevoir Dogs thats a good one. Also these torture methods are for extracting info and fun use.
One good way is to starve them for a while and then give them food loaded with slow ipecac, fermentation yeast, exlax and stool softener and then just watch as they expand throw up and crap themselves repaetedly. Then starve them again and give them a similar meal. Before eating ask if they would like to share any information. Reward the first that does and send him back to the pens after that the reward food should be traced with arsenic so he dies and it just causes large amounts of terror. Rinse and repeat.
Camel Eaters
07-10-2004, 22:14
07-10-2004, 22:16
That stuff's all to over extravegant. Just saw his thing off with a butter knife.
Camel Eaters
07-10-2004, 22:19
That's good too.
Camel Eaters
07-10-2004, 22:35
Saquen el libro en pagina veintidos.
07-10-2004, 22:37
Chain them up to a wall and place a hook with a large weight hanging from it into their ribcage and watch it slowly drag its way down their body over the period of several days
Camel Eaters
07-10-2004, 22:45
decent. I like that one.
Harmonia Mortus
07-10-2004, 22:49
Why tourture people? We at Harmonia Mortus can simply open their head and access their brain directly, whether they are unconcious at the time is merely a secondary matter.
Camel Eaters
07-10-2004, 22:52
Hey Harmonia am I on your team for the bash fest?
Harmonia Mortus
07-10-2004, 22:55
Your with the borg-guy...look at the topic.
Camel Eaters
07-10-2004, 22:57
You can't use my magic. Bump the thread or something I can't find it.
Camel Eaters
07-10-2004, 23:13
Never mind I found it.
The Nation of Niafer does not condone, use, support, et cetera, et cetera torture. But, if we did...
Probably the worse pain would be very carefully cutting an extremity off extremely slowly with a blunt object. The use of a stimulant would have to be instilled so the honored victim would stay concious.
Of course, there is always staple guns...
Camel Eaters
07-10-2004, 23:21
Lol good, good. More?
Camel Eaters
07-10-2004, 23:41
08-10-2004, 00:02
In our nation prisoners(mainly communist and socialist slaves) are branded, with our flag, then their eyes ripped out, then we procede to slowly saw their apendages off.
But thats only for brutal, we normally just shoot them in the foot, or we send them to slave and military camps(reserves).
These are things done by rogue groups.
One of our top soldiers was found and this is how it all went down...
First they tied him up with his hands infront of him. They dropped him off of a 2 story house. This broke his hands so bone was jutting out of them.
Second they tied him to a tree from his hands. He died though... They couldn't extract any information luckily.
One recruit we found tied to a tree naked mumbling something backwards about melting. We figured they must of used some sort of mind torture device on him. He died 3 hours after they found him. His organs had expanded and bursted out of his chest. They also must of used a bio-virus. That THEY created, and that they didn't steal from us.
We have no use of torture. We just inject tiny nano-bots into the brain which they try and find everything in the last 20-70 hours. Some times it's easier if their already thinking about it. Manualy it is much better but much harder. We have to look over everything that may have anything to do with what we want to know. This process can take hours to days depending on what kind of training they have recieved.
While we tend not to torture prisoners to extract information, torture is a very effective way to make an example out of traitors and criminals. As such, these torture methods inevitably end in the death of the victim.
In this torture method, the victim is blinded, placed in a room too small to fully stand or lay down in, and an electro-shock device is attached to them. They are shocked at regular intervals, preventing sleep and causing extreme pain and suffering. After a few weeks like this, the victim goes insane from a lack of sleep and sensory information. They will eventually commit suicide out of desperation.
More later, if I can find this thread.
Camel Eaters
08-10-2004, 00:38
08-10-2004, 22:37
The whole nano-bot thing is more up Hyperlight's alley. But, we prefer to use some individuals we've "Gifted" by means of a special virus that enchances their mental abilitys to the telepathic point. Then, we just rip everything out of the individual's mind and sort through it. Works brilliantly, through there is the problem of them being a mental infant for the rest of their lives.......
Trying to finess the process to avoid this little problem so we can use the troublemakers for our road-work gangs.