NationStates Jolt Archive

RAMC/UMAC sign trade contract

06-10-2004, 23:35
The four men sat in the qiet, well decorated room, two from Imitora, two from Versalles. Each had a photocopied version of the final contract in front of them, and were reading it intently. The men from Versalles took the original first, and each re read it one last time, before removing their pens.

This document represents a legally binding contract between the primary party of Royal Arms Manufacturing Corporation, herein RAMC, and the secondary party of Her Majesty’s government of The Queendom of Versalles, herein Versalles, and the third party of United Arms Manufacturing Corporation, herein UMAC, and the fourth party of the government of the government of the Imperial Lands and Domains of Imitora, herein Imitora. This contract will be seen as both null and void until all parties have signed in a manner representing their status and participation of this contract. This contract is written based on previous negotiations between representatives of RAMC, Versalles, UMAC, and Imitora, and upon signing will be recognized as the contract that defines the transaction of business between said parties. The following statements are made based on these negotiations, and are null until contract is signed

1. For the price of 1.5million pounds, or its equivalent in Imitoran Credits, UMAC will grant full production rights of the Combat Assault Rifle, Model 46, herein CAR-46, to RAMC. This granting of rights includes, but is not limited to, production plans of the rifle, ammunition, magazines, and rifle accessories. However, the Queen’s Royal Armed still retains the right to field the RAMC L85A4 rifle as well as the CAR-46

2. For the price of 1.9million pounds, UMAC will assist in the development, construction, and finalization of an additional three weapons production facilities in Versalles.

3. The Imitoran Colonial Marine Corp’s 22nd Special Operations Task Force, herein 22nd SOTF, will work with the Royal Marine Corp Commandos, herein RMCC, in joint training operations. The Imitoran Air Force’s 178th Special Operations Air Force, herein 178th SOAF, will work with the Royal Army and Royal Air Force in joint training regarding tactical flight and insertion

4. Imitoran Colonial Forces will be authorized by Her Majesty to assist with peace keeping operations and joint task force operations alongside Her Majesty’s Royal Armed Forces. Further, the Stelson Military Academy in Chattlebury and the Imitoran Armed Forces Academy in Northampton will participate in a student exchange program, allowing both nations to send students to see how the militaries of each nation work, and to gain further experience in the school of warfare.

5. Her Majesty’s Royal Armed Forces and the Imitoran Colonial Marine Corp, Imitoran Atmospheric Navy, and Imitoran Air Force will participate in an officer exchange program so that the officers of both nations’ military will gain further knowledge in the school of warfare.

6. At the discretion of Imitora and Versalles, the Special Operations Units of both nations will participate in joint operations, joint training, and operative exchange programs.

7. At the discretion of RAMC, UMAC and other Imitoran companies will be invited to assist with design and production of the Future Offensive Air Systems, herein FOAS, in order to replace aging Tornado and Jaguar air frames.

8. Imitora will be granted favored trade nation status by Versalles

9. Versalles will be granted favored trade nation status by Imitora.

The above contract is agreeable, and below are the signatories of said contract. The names and signatures below represent the respective figures of all four parties, and validate the legality and binding nature of this contract. Violation of this contract will be handled by legal matters at a time in which the matter arises.

The two representatives from Versalles signed in their respective spots, and slid the document across the table to the Imitoran representatives to sign.
07-10-2004, 07:27
The Imitoran looked over the contract, then at each other. One whispered to the other. "All seems in order, and I think this will work fine," one said, and jotted his signature down on the contract. The other nodded, and signed as well.