DA Kicks off Operation Restoration and Operation Exodus in TBD
Decisive Action
06-10-2004, 20:32
"This is Joseph Mladic of the White Peoples Radio and Television Network."
"A few hours ago, queen Sylvia Katrina Fabus of TBD was safely transported from TBD to Mississippi until such a time as she along with king William Fabus can be safely restored to the throne."
"On the authorization and request of king William Fabus of TBD, we will be transporting large numbers of Mississippian and Commonwealth forces into TBD to restore order and make sure that the temporary lack of central authority does not decay into anarchy, and is indeed only temporary. It will be only a matter of weeks before William and Sylvia are restored to the TBD throne, as they are indeed the rightful monarchs."
"As we speak, an entire division of the Special Republican Guard (Curtis Fabus Division) has been lifted into TBD, mostly inside the massive Mississippian embassy compound, they are there to assist in the evacuation of Fabus regime loyalists and others deemed likely to suffer under a marxist state. There are also 'other forces' operating throughout TBD, they will harass the enemy occupation armies." (ooc- 'other'= MSAAS, and there are 5 regiments of them, 5,000 total operatives, throughout TBD)
"The Czar is now back in Mississippi after the conference in Stahlecker City ended. He is shifting forces out of FSI for purposes that he has yet to declare. Still however twenty divisions will remain in FSI for the time being. The Czar has declared, "We will not allow TBD to become a colony of foreign aggressors, and as such, I am authorizing the deployment of the Mississippian Rapid Reaction force." This means the Czar has already signed the orders to deploy twenty-six light infantry divisions from the parachute units and the rapid response airmobile divisions, into TBD to safeguard the collapsing monarchy."
Secret IC:
As Mladic was speaking, twelve Mississippian parachute divisions were readying to jump into TBD, along with fourteen helicopterborne divisions, they'd be arriving at their LZs in a few hours. Forty-eight divisions of the Republican Guard were also being transported by ships and lifted by cargo planes and assault helicopters, towards TBD. The infantry and mechanized components of many divisions would arrive at about the same time as the parachute forces, but the T-98s and T-98Ws would take weeks to arrive by ships. Now would be the ultimate test for the T-99 tank, possible combat against other tanks.
Ooc- Operation Exodus= Evacuation of all non-essential right-wing personnel and civilians. Operation Restoration= Restoring the old monarchy.
Ooc- Basically, Hogsweat, you release William, alive and unharmed, and I'll scrap Operation Restoration. We'll continue Exodus until ANY and ALL right-wingers that want out, get out. We in Mississippi don't care about the people of TBD, we only are concerned with the right-wing people, but above all, the safety and well being of William and Katrina. Katrina is safely in Mississippi, William is not. Thus, we have a problem.
Borman Empire
06-10-2004, 20:51
Decisive Action
06-10-2004, 20:57
Ooc- Relevant information.
Initial Hogsweat attacks
William Fabus demanded to be released
Hogsweatian Invasion
06-10-2004, 21:11
Since the U.S.S. tends to oppose monarchies across the board, if you attack Hogsweat, Shalrirorchia will provide weapons, logistical and intelligence support, and money to Hogsweat in response. We would also send troops, but the current confrontation with Hallad and Communist Louisiana over Ratheia requires all of our military forces be elsewhere.
06-10-2004, 21:14
OOC: You can take all the right wingers you want out of there.
Official Statement
Mississippi has fourteen [NS] days to remove all people that wish to flee The Burnsian Desert before they shall be taken into custody by advancing Hogsweatian forces.
Decisive Action
06-10-2004, 21:29
Hogsweatian government television broadcasts were being shown to Mississippian audiences. The Hogswetin language subtitled with English.
(Hogswetin) "We will not harm William Fabus provided your nation does exactly as we say. We will soon give you our demands."
(Subtitles in English) "No matter what you do, we will publicly behead the white infidel. Unless you do exactly as we say."
(Hogswetin) "We desire that Mississippi dismantle nuclear missiles and allow inspection teams to enter your lands."
(Subtitles in English) "We demand that Mississippi dismantle racial immigration laws and allow non-whites to move en masse into your lands."
(Hogswetin) "We request that Mississippi consider holding democratic elections and allow them to be free and fair."
(Subtitles in English) "We demand the peasants of Mississippi destroy the Fabus regime, and vote yes for jewish control of Mississippi."
(Hogswetin) "We believe all races should be treated equally in Mississippian Egypt and Western Sahara. Male and Female should also be treated equally, be they white or negro."
(Subtitles in English) "We demand that all races mix into a mass that cannot be distinguished. Racial purity laws will be outlawed, white women must mate with negro males."
(Hogswetin) "You should have sensible weapons laws so that people are safe."
(Subtitles in English) "All weapons should be banned so Jewish occupation armies are safe."
(Hogswetin) "Roger Fabus should be tried as a war criminal in a fair an unbiased court."
(Subtitles in English) "The devil, Roger Fabus, should be tried in a court in Israel, and then summarily crucified."
(Hogswetin) "Mississippi should become a nation that can be respected by the world and should abandon laws that are inherently anti-semitic."
(Subtitles in English) "Mississippi should seek the approval of jews before doing anything. Whites who show anti-semitism should be hanged without trial."
(Hogswetin) "Mississippian science should cease promoting racism."
(Subtitles in English) "Mississippian science should support race-mixing."
(Hogswetin) "Mississippian education systems should cease being tools of government indoctrination."
(Subtitles in English) "Mississippian schools should educate children into race-mixing, homosexuality, drug use, prostitution, atheism, and general moral bankruptcy."
(Hogswetin) “Mississippi should turnover Curtis Fabus and the other Fabuses to international tribunals to be tried in fair courts by impartial juries, and then and only then will sentence be carried out.”
(Subtitles in English) “Mississippi should abandon the Fabus family to international jewish kangaroo courts. After the show-trials, the women will be defiled on camera by jews and negroes, the men will be crucified to mock Jesus Christ, the Lord of the goyim.”
(Hogswetin) “Queen Sylvia Katrina of TBD was not harmed by our forces. We regret though that she is now in Mississippi.”
(Subtitles in English) “We didn’t have the chance to rape the queen Sylvia Katrina Fabus of TBD. We are enraged she made it safely to Mississippi before our leader could personally defile her and soil her purity.”
(Hogswetin) “We have no quarrel with the people of Mississippi, only the Fabus regime. We ask the people to demand better from the government and hopefully they will deliver.”
(Subtitles in English) “We will destroy the Mississippian people and raze Mississippi to the ground. The Fabus regime cannot stop us. Our lust for land knows no ends, our government demands more, and your people must deliver.”
(Hogswetin) “We will consider returning William Fabus to Mississippi if certain conditions are met. But only after they are met.”
(Subtitles in English) “The only way you will get William Fabus back is in a plastic bag or a cardboard box. Even if you do as we say!”
Throughout Mississippi millions have taken to the streets and begun demanding an immediate declaration of war by the Federal Senate against the government of Hogsweat. At the least, the people are demanding military action into TBD to expel hogswetian forces and secure the nation for the Sylvia-William monarchy. The masses also demand an immediate mission into Hogsweat to extract William Fabus.
Borman Empire
06-10-2004, 21:38
Decisive Action
06-10-2004, 21:39
Current forces commited to TBD: (The T-98s and T-98Ws are not there yet, as they are too heavy to airlift and so will take at least 2-3 RL days probably to get there, depending how fast the NS RP goes. 1-2 NS weeks to get there. The Infantry components are either already there or arriving currently and will continue arriving until fully there. Most are landing at the massive 400,000 acre Mississippian embassy. 400,000 acres by the request of William Fabus who assured it was built to specificiations to serve as a supply depot/base for a liberation effort because he never trusted the government forces to support his wife's regime)
24 Republican Guard Armored Divisions (Each 18,000 Republican Guard Panzer Grenadiers, 500 T-98 Tanks, 2,250 BMP-3s, 300 G-6 155mm SPA, 200 SA-19 Mobile SAM, and 200 assorted reconnaissance vehicles)
12 Republican Guard Mechanized Divisions (Each 18,000 Heavy Republican Guard Infantry. 50 T-98 Tanks. 1,125 BMP-3s, 1,125 Warriors, 500 G-6 155mm SPA, 300 SA-19s, assorted SP mortars, and 200 assorted other reconnaissance vehicles.
12 Divisions of Special Republican Guard (Each 18,000 Special Republican Guard Panzer Grenadiers, 1,000 T-98M Tanks, 500 T-98W Tanks, 500 T-99 Tanks, 2,250 BMP-3EA (Extra Armor), 400 G-6 155mm SPA, 2,000 ZSU-23-4, 1,000 Stationary SAMS, 300 SA-19 Mobile SAM, and 200 assorted reconnaissance and light vehicles.)
12 Parachute Divisions (Each 18,000 paratroopers, 500 C-130s to transport men and equipment, 2,500 hummers (1,500 M998, 400 M1043, 500 M1025, and 100 M1035) assorted light vehicles (200 M1083 Standard Cargo Trucks), shoulder launched weaponry (AT and AA), mortars, light artillery, and assorted reconnaissance vehicles)
14 Rapid Response Airmobile Divisions (Each 18,000 Light Infantry, with 1,500 Mi-24 assault helicopters for transporting and fire support. 200 CH-46 Transport helicopters. Assorted shoulder launched SAM and AT weapons, mortars, and 50 155mm Howitzers)
Decisive Action
06-10-2004, 21:40
Secret communication to allies.
"This is Czar Roger Fabus, activating the PSA and URF alliances to rally their forces into TBD to restore the legitimate rulers!"
Borman Empire
06-10-2004, 21:46
Secret Communique
From: Chancellor Licinius
How many should we deploy?
End Transmission
Nikolaos The Great
06-10-2004, 21:58
[t a g]
OOC: Got plentyt of homework now but will write the post up today. So I am sending to TBD 500,000 soldiers to represent NTG in the PSA and to backup DA.
Borman Empire
06-10-2004, 22:01
Official Imperial Communique
From: Chancellor Licinius
Can we land the third army in your embassy? 1,000,000 men. If you dont think thats enough, or too many just say so.
End Transmission
06-10-2004, 22:04
OOC:Hmmm, DA, I think I can help you get your king back. I have over 100 Hogsweaten soldiers and airmen in my custody from their futile invasion attempt, and will probably be getting more after my pwnage of his navy.
Borman Empire
06-10-2004, 22:08
OOC: Those prisoners will come in handy. But did you make an IC offer yet?
Decisive Action
06-10-2004, 22:10
Ooc- The embassy compound could not accommodate an additional million soldiers given the massive forces already in or based out of it. We are landing them in the embassy and moving them out into nearby urban areas. The embassy will serve as the central supply base though.
Ooc- Doom, yes that is a good idea, give me the Hogsweatian soldiers, please.
More paratrooper forces began arriving and taking up their positions, the G-6s being airlifted in via C-130s and C-17s, along with BMP3, ammunition crates, supplies of food and medicine, all the stuff needed to fight a campaign, and tons of it, hundreds of tons of it.
The Czar spoke to the media and when they asked him, "Czar, won't this TBD campaign threaten the ability of our forces in FSI and other current active operations to achieve their goals?" The Czar shook his head, "We have no other active operations until this one is successful. Do you understand me? We have left twenty divisions in FSI to assure their safety, the rest of the nearly ninety divisions that were there were ordered out days ago. As for our massive naval forces around there, we may or may not reduce the size of the fleet there... I have yet to decide."
06-10-2004, 22:10
OOC:Still waiting for him to respond to the missile attack.
Borman Empire
06-10-2004, 22:12
OOC: Couldn't I land them there and move them out? If not how are my men to arrive?
Decisive Action
06-10-2004, 23:34
Nikolaos The Great
07-10-2004, 00:13
The garrisons of 300,000 soldiers on the island of Crete are being deployed for TBD. Once there they will meet with DA forces and cooperate with them on protecting the TBD monarchy. 250,000 of the soldier swill are arriving by sea the other 50,000 are highly trained paratroopers and will arrive by air. They will parachute of the planes once they are in TBD lands. Also the Assembly is still debating if they will send another 200,000 soldiers.
Decisive Action
07-10-2004, 00:36
More Hogswetin media broadcasts being shown in Mississippi. Subtitles courtesy of the White Peoples Radio and Television Network.
(Hogswetin) "We currently have no intention of releasing William Fabus. We do not believe either William or Sylvia Katrina are the best leadership that TBD could have. Sylvia Katrina might very well be in Mississippi, but she will not be taking power back in TBD. We will remain there until such time as a proper leader can be found."
(Subtitles in English) "We currently have no plans of letting William Fabus go a single day without torture to show him the white man's place is down, a slave to the jewish masters. We do not believe that William and Sylvia Katrina should go a day without torture and rape. We only regret that Sylvia made it safely to Mississippi before we could capture her in TBD and subject her to brutal tortures and rapes. We do not believe that they were good rulers of TBD. We will stay in TBD until we have looted everything of value and raped all the white women, then we will only leave after a puppet leader who will do as we say can be found."
(Hogswetin) "We will continue pouring forces into TBD to stop the Mississippian forces movement into the land. We will remain until the Mississippians are gone, even if we may suffer many deaths."
(Subtitles in English) "We will continue our invasion of TBD and stop the Mississippian effort to restore the legitimate rightful government. We will stay even though we know our forces are committing suicide against the walls of the Mississippian embassy."
(Hogswetin) "We suffered precious few dead in the efforts to seize the king and queen, we expect a quick victory against the Mississippian forces." (ooc- hey, this is a lie, but don't all media lie often?)
(Subtitles in English) "Mississippian soldiers martyred themselves against our forces and killed nearly a thousand of our best soldiers when we tried to seize the palace. Only through sheer weight of numbers did we succeed."
(Hogswetin) "The Mississippian SRG and MSAAS should feel lucky they arrived as we were leaving the palace."
(Subtitles in English) "We are lucky that our forces managed to flee from the palace before the full weight of the arriving Mississippian SRG and MSAAS could be brought down on them."
(Hogswetin) "The Mississippian forces are known for their atrocities both on and off the battlefield. While it is known that the Hogsweatian forces will uphold all of the international and ethical laws during this peacekeeping mission in TBD."
(Subtitles in English) "Mississippian forces are known for their great conduct both on and off the battlefield, and for making fine peacekeepers because they uphold all ethical laws. Hogsweatian forces, who are not handicapped by ethics, values, morality, or even adherence to international law, will make sure that the Mississippians do not succeed in stopping the atrocities that will inevitably accompany our aggression against TBD."
(Hogswetin) "It is common knowledge that Mississippian citizens are brainwashed and that their armed forces are brutal barbarians who show no regard for the civilians of other nations. Hogsweatian armed forces will attempt to stop TBD from falling victim to the mass rape so common by Mississippian soldiers."
(Subtitles in English) "It is common knowledge that Mississippian citizens need to be brainwashed by jewish propaganda so the only real enemy of the New World Order will no longer be a factor. It is also known that Hogsweatian armed forces enjoy mass rape and are looking forward to seeing TBD fall victim to it. We will make sure that the soldiers of Mississippi cannot stop our brutal barbaric acts. We regard civilians of other nations as fair game."
(Hogswetin) "We recognize that the Mississippian people are a proud people with a deep-rooted tradition in the armed services. We call on them not to raise arms against those who seek only to help them. We wish the Mississippian forces in TBD would join us in our movement to liberate TBD, and perhaps even Mississippi."
(Subtitles in English) "We recognize that the Mississippian people are a people with nothing to be proud of, they are culturally inferior swine and their armed forces are pathetic excuses as opposed to real armed forces. We call on the Mississippian soldiers to commit mass suicide and save us from having to hang or behead them once we capture them. We wish that the Mississippian forces in TBD will die so we can establish a jewish, marxist, masonic movement in TBD, and then we can eventually invade Mississippi herself."
(Hogswetin) "We would like to make it clear that our conflict is not with the people of TBD or even Mississippi, but rather with William and Sylvia Katrina Fabus."
(Subtitles in English) "We demand you realize that our conflict is with the people of TBD and Mississippi. We will crush your nations and then slaughter William and Sylvia Katrina Fabus."
(Hogswetin) "We believe that it is not in the best interests of Mississippi to get involved in what is going on in TBD. We wish they would consider withdrawing their forces."
(Subtitles in English) "We believe it is not in our best interests for Mississippi to have forces in TBD. We know that our soldiers cannot win against them, we wish they would withdraw."
(Hogswetin) "Rumor is that the emperor may request that Czar Roger Fabus consider meeting wit him to discuss recent events."
(Subtitles in English) "Rumor is that the emperor may attempt to have Czar Roger Fabus killed at a meeting he plans to propose shortly."
(Hogswetin) "The Czarina, Alice Fabus, would also be invited to this meeting. Her input is important to our leader. The Czar of course will be, so the meeting will be appropriate in nature, we needed to make that clear."
(Subtitles in English) "The Czarina, Alice Fabus, would be welcome at this meeting. Our leader believes it would be an important chance to rape her after he kills the Czar, who of course will be there. Without the Czar there, it wouldn't be clear why the meeting would even be called, since it is an attempt to kill him and get to rape his wife."
(Hogswetin) "The emperor wishes to congratulate the Czar and Czarina on the news that their child is going to be a boy. He is considering offering a gift in the hopes it eases tensions." (ooc- hey, he really probably doesn't feel happy, but this is my interpretation of what his media is broadcasting, he isn't on, I don't know how he feels. And overall, this is just my lie about his media and my translations, so oh well)
(Subtitles in English) "The emperor wishes that the unborn child of the Czar and Czarina miscarries or dies in the womb. It is a shame that another boy will soon be brought into the Fabus family. Our leader is considering offering a gift that will make sure the child dies."
(Hogswetin) "Our leader hopes that the meeting can commence soon as he is eager to personally meet the Czar and Czarina. He hopes to spend a great deal of time speaking with Roger and Alice."
(Subtitles in English) "Our leader hopes that he can spend a great deal of time raping the Czarina, Alice. That is after he gets to personally kill the Czar, Roger, once the meeting commences."
(Hogswetin) "We believe that relations with Mississippi can improve only after either the Czar and Czarina radically change their attitudes and behavior, or after they are removed from power by popular support for change by the Mississippian people."
(Subtitles in English) "We believe that relations with Mississippi will not matter after we have killed the Czar, made the Czarina a sex slave, and then launched an invasion of Mississippi and over a period of time brainwashed the people into accepting our attitudes and behaviors to gain popular support for the puppet government we would inevitably establish."
(Hogswetin) "Our leader personally stated earlier that, "I assure you that no harm shall come to the boy king, William Fabus, so long as he is in my care. He may even someday be reunited with his wife, the young queen Sylvia Katrina, it all depends. There is much to be discussed." This is Hogsweatian news, wishing a goodnight to our viewers around the world and particularly our recent viewers in Mississippi. Yes, Mississippi, recent ratings show a major increase in Mississippian viewers."
(Subtitles in English) "Our leader personally stated earlier that, "I assure you that the fascist devil, William Fabus, will eventually be killed, in the most gruesome manner I can think of, so long as I have my say. I also assure you that his wife will be reunited with him in death that is after she is raped and killed, it all depends how long it takes us to get our hands on her. There is planning to be done." This is Hogsweatian news, wishing a goodnight to our viewers around the world. We have detected a recent surge in the number of redneck Mississippians viewing our program... I am surprised that the hicks even have electricity, also how can they find the time to watch the news when they're busy trying to screw their sisters and cousins?"
Nikolaos The Great
07-10-2004, 01:08
The transport planes just passed TBD borders.
“Prepare to jump everybody!”
“Roger that!”
The paratroopers on each plane got ready to jump of the plane and land in TBD territory. The Hoplite Paratroopers division is the most elite paratroop division in Greece and maybe in the entire Balkan region.
The paratroopers jumped of the planes when they where at position and area they opened there parachutes landing on the plains of TBD. Another plane dropped supplies for the paratroopers as they wait for the rest of the forces to arrive by sea.
The Parthians
07-10-2004, 02:00
The Parthian Shah has ordered that the 300 Hogswetians in Parthia are to be detained. Parthia will hold onto them until the Hogswetian government releases William Fabus. We are also sending forces from Hormuz to TBD in an attempt to destroy the Hogswetians.
Parthia's allies have been attacked and thus, Shah Khosru's army shall assist them.
Force deployments (OOC)
The Elite of the Parthian Army: Trained since childhood in a grueling program and used for combat, paratroops, and special-ops as well as bodyguards for the Shah, his family, Satraps, and wealthy nobles, The Immortals are the pride of the Imperial Army Corps. They are grouped in divisions of 25,000 Men in M2-A3 Bradley IFVs and have 300 M1-A2 tanks attached to their unit. The troops are armed with XM-8 rifles or heavy weapons. Units also have mortar and M-777 Howitzer support
3rd Immortals- "Protectors of Persepolis"
10th Immortals- “Defenders of Parthia”
(Of good standard by most nations, Parthian infantry is well trained and ready to perform a multitude of tasks. Infantry ride into battle with M-113 APCs and a few M2-A3 IFVs. Infantry are armed with XM-8 assault rifles or heavy weapons and mortar and M-777 support. Each unit consists of 20,000 Men:
25 Infantry Divisions- 500,000 Men
Maintained by competent crews and constantly prepared for battle, armored divisions are a powerful Parthian force on the battlefield. Each unit contains 2,000 M1-A2 MBTs, 150 MLRS, 100 M-109 Howitzers, 10 R-409 Heavy Tanks, 10 Patriot batteries, and support vehicles.
5 Armoured Divisions
Helicopter/Parachute divisions-
Trained to drop into hostile zones in either helicopters or by parachute, the 5000 strong parachute divisions are capable of taking a city with only air support. They are armed with shorter barreled XM-8s and other infantry weapons.
5 Divisions
Siege Divisions- Used to pound cities or support armies, siege units excel at what they do best. Each siege division has 500 M-109s, 300 MLRS, 200 M-107 175mm guns, 10 203mm guns, and 50 M-2001 Crusader Artillery platforms
2 Seige Divisions
Generic empire
07-10-2004, 02:13
((OOC: From other thread in case you missed it.))
Official Imperial Communique
To: Mississippian Military High Command
From: Chancellor Avidius Cassius
So it seems we have been summoned to pay our dues to the POS. A Generian has never been known to do anything less, and so it shall be. As a staunch ally of the monarchy in TBD, it causes us great pain to watch the Marxist bastards defile it so. This will not stand.
As our great ally, the Borman Empire, has already deployed her armies to fight alongside your Republican Guard, we shall do the same.
If it should be confirmed that our assistance would be welcomed, then we shall deploy 250,000 of the Imperial Praetorian Black Guard to put an end to this occupation. Further deployments are more than likely. Let us put a stop to Communist aggression, and those who would defile an innocent royal family.
Chancellor Avidius Cassius,
Appointed Chancellor of the Imperial Congress,
Loyal Servant to Emperor Antonius I
Decisive Action
07-10-2004, 02:15
((OOC: From other thread in case you missed it.))
Official Imperial Communique
To: Mississippian Military High Command
From: Chancellor Avidius Cassius
So it seems we have been summoned to pay our dues to the POS. A Generian has never been known to do anything less, and so it shall be. As a staunch ally of the monarchy in TBD, it causes us great pain to watch the Marxist bastards defile it so. This will not stand.
As our great ally, the Borman Empire, has already deployed her armies to fight alongside your Republican Guard, we shall do the same.
If it should be confirmed that our assistance would be welcomed, then we shall deploy 250,000 of the Imperial Praetorian Black Guard to put an end to this occupation. Further deployments are more than likely. Let us put a stop to Communist aggression, and those who would defile an innocent royal family.
Chancellor Avidius Cassius,
Appointed Chancellor of the Imperial Congress,
Loyal Servant to Emperor Antonius I
"We are gracious and honored to fight alongside your forces. We welcome your assistance with open arms. We shall fight and bleed as brethren."
Czar Roger Fabus
Borman Empire
08-10-2004, 01:25
Decisive Action
08-10-2004, 15:11
Four hundred T-98s and fifty T-98Ws have been successfully deployed to Highfather in and around the Mississippian embassy. They are the first of what will be many thousands of tanks to deploy from transport ships that seem to be almost constantly arriving at TBD to disembark troops.
ooc- I suggest we continue this campaign effort in the Hogsweat started thread. This here thread will be for propaganda from my gov't and semi-related troop movements. I suggest the "Subtle moves against TBD" thread be devoted to the discussions between Katrina, Alice, and Roger, etc.
My main thing is going to be a show-down between Hogsweats premier sniper and my Major Karl Von Konig
Borman Empire
08-10-2004, 20:52
OOC: I might pull out. But yeah I understand