NationStates Jolt Archive

Actual International Human Rights Conference

06-10-2004, 02:03
After the deteriation of the last conference we participated in, Samtonia pulled out. However, the problems of the world won't go away.

AS such, Samtonia is proud to offer an International Human Rights Conference. One in which world problems, not cigars and sexual practices of national leaders, will be discussed.

Any countries are invited to send diplomats to the conference. It will be held in an un-disclosed location in Samtonia, for secutiry reasons.

All expenses dealing with the conference will be payed for by Samtonia.

Topics that may be discussed range from Rights of Slaves to Rights of Citizens in Democracies to Hunger Issues and everything in-between!

The Samtonian government reserves the right to eject any unruly delegations at our discretion.

So come join the Intyernational Human Rights Conference! Improve the lives of your citizens! And secure the world for future generations! All in the comfort and security of Samtonia!
Camel Eaters
06-10-2004, 02:12
Yeah we'll attend we're sending Jokara Hannon.
Borman Empire
06-10-2004, 02:24
Well send Chancellor Licninius.

OOC: He is alos here.

The Anti-Human rights conference
06-10-2004, 02:27
To: Government of Samtonia

Subject: International Human Rights Conference

I would like to express my nation's wish to send a delegation to
Samtonia to take part in this conference. My government is always for a
good conference and we are always willing to help those that are depraved
of basic human rights in the world, today. If Samtonia will allow it, I would
like to personally take part in this conference along with a moderately-sized
delegation. We hope that something good can come from this and not end in
disappointment. Indeed do many things come to pass.

Delegates from Fortestan that will be attending:
-Pres. Dr. Roland B. Durandana of Wassa
-Secretary of Housing, Health, Education, and Social Welfare Stsypan Os-Beorht
-Various members of the legislative and judicial branches.

United Socialist States of Fortestan
Borman Empire
06-10-2004, 02:32
What's that supposed to mean?
06-10-2004, 02:32
WE would like to accept all entries. May our conference be an event long remebered in the annals of history for all we accomplish here!

Fortestan, your delegation is welcome to bring any reasonable number of people.

Borman, Camel Eaters- Be warned, there will be no behavior of the type seen at the prior conference. We reserve the right to eject any delegates who breach the accords of our conference immediately.

The location will be given shortly, as well as the way the conference is to be run.
06-10-2004, 02:33
What's that supposed to mean?

OOC: What are you talking about?
Borman Empire
06-10-2004, 02:36
WE would like to accept all entries. May our conference be an event long remebered in the annals of history for all we accomplish here!

Fortestan, your delegation is welcome to bring any reasonable number of people.

Borman, Camel Eaters- Be warned, there will be no behavior of the type seen at the prior conference. We reserve the right to eject any delegates who breach the accords of our conference immediately.

The location will be given shortly, as well as the way the conference is to be run.

OOC: Dude. The whole thing was fun, and could never happen. Moles carried off entire nations. It oculdnever happen, but we won't..or will we. Funky music plays.

Fortestan-look at my link.
Generic empire
06-10-2004, 02:39
Official Imperial Statement

We hereby declare this conference a sham, and an affront to human rights the world over. Samtonia is a corrupt state, known for their brutal campaigns of rape and mass murder, especially of innocent puppies.

For all who wish to attend the true conference, sign up here:
Borman Empire
06-10-2004, 02:45
06-10-2004, 02:49
OOC: GE, you just reminded me of that bloody "God kills a kitten" picture. DAMN YOU!

IC: With the permission of the Samtonian Government, we would like to send a delegate to this conference, which we hope will have an important outcome in safeguarding the rights of human beings the world over.
06-10-2004, 02:52
Official Imperial Statement

We hereby declare this conference a sham, and an affront to human rights the world over. Samtonia is a corrupt state, known for their brutal campaigns of rape and mass murder, especially of innocent puppies.

For all who wish to attend the true conference, sign up here:

We request the Generic Empire provide substantiated evidence to support this accusation.
06-10-2004, 02:52
Official Imperial Statement

We hereby declare this conference a sham, and an affront to human rights the world over. Samtonia is a corrupt state, known for their brutal campaigns of rape and mass murder, especially of innocent puppies.

For all who wish to attend the true conference, sign up here:

And Samtonia does hereaby declare Generic Empire a nation of pathological liars, whose stinking hovels are filled with the refuse of their shattered minds, while their corrupt leader whiles away his time molesting women, animals, and the common Pigeon.

Samtonia withdrew from the listed conference due to.... well, simply read the proceedings. Samtonia was the only antion that attempted to advance or even think about human rights.

We condemn these baseless and exaggerated accusations against us and urge all countries who actively wish to particiapte in a conference for the discussion of world-important affairs, not the best brands of Cuban Cigars, to join Samtonia's Conference.
Borman Empire
06-10-2004, 02:52
06-10-2004, 02:53
With the consent of Samtonia, a delegation is prepared to attend this Human Rights Conference on behalf of Eredron and Her Principalities of Namibia, Botswana and Mauritius, so long as the Conference's purposes and goals remain clearly defined, and progress is continuously made.
Generic empire
06-10-2004, 02:58
And Samtonia does hereaby declare Generic Empire a nation of pathological liars, whose stinking hovels are filled with the refuse of their shattered minds, while their corrupt leader whiles away his time molesting women, animals, and the common Pigeon.

Samtonia withdrew from the listed conference due to.... well, simply read the proceedings. Samtonia was the only antion that attempted to advance or even think about human rights.

We condemn these baseless and exaggerated accusations against us and urge all countries who actively wish to particiapte in a conference for the discussion of world-important affairs, not the best brands of Cuban Cigars, to join Samtonia's Conference.

Official Imperial Statement

And so they resort to personal insults, instead of accepting the cold, dark truth about their puppy murdering addictions! Liars! Sick, twisted liars!
Decisive Action
06-10-2004, 02:58
Count me in.
The Parthians
06-10-2004, 03:00
I'd like to send a low-level diplomat to this confrence.
06-10-2004, 03:03
Official Imperial Statement

And so they resort to personal insults, instead of accepting the cold, dark truth about their puppy murdering addictions! Liars! Sick, twisted liars!

Samtonia does heartily condemn these accusations. WE don't murder puppies, only protestors!

But really, we jest. Kindly stop your slander of us and we shall stop our slander of you.

Samtonian Council of Thirteen
06-10-2004, 03:04
All further applicants are also accepted.

As stated, place and time will be issued eventually. As for now, welcome to the Conference!

Samtonian Council of Thirteen
Borman Empire
06-10-2004, 03:14
06-10-2004, 03:28
With the consent of Samtonia, a delegation is prepared to attend this Human Rights Conference on behalf of Eredron and Her Principalities of Namibia, Botswana and Mauritius, so long as the Conference's purposes and goals remain clearly defined, and progress is continuously made.

The Republic also offers to cover the costs of the delegation, as well as assist in off-setting the costs of holding this Conference on Human Rights.
Borman Empire
06-10-2004, 03:34
06-10-2004, 04:16
Concidering the sham of the last "International Human Rights Conference" which seems to be more about legitimising agressive imperialism then it was about solving real problems, we may concider sending a minor representative along to observe and maybe even participate in order to give the Iuthian point of view...

That said; we have seen countless efforts for such conferences and we have found the ones which keep the real issues in mind are the ones run by New Genoa, a nation which has an excellent human rights record and has worked hard to peacefully improve conditions throughout the world. Never the less we wish to see if this conference can reach the same standard... though we have our doubts about certain nations.

As such, Iuthia would like permission to send a delegate along with a security force which follows all Samtonian laws and wishes unlike those we have seen from other nations who have failed to note the laws of the nation they enter.


Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps

(official communication regarding the diplomat and security details pending)
Borman Empire
06-10-2004, 12:39
...though we have our doubts about certain nations...

Licinius glares at the Iuthian delegate, hatred consuming his body as rage starts to boil. He quickly downs his beverage, slightly releaving him.
06-10-2004, 15:16
Licinius glares at the Iuthian delegate, hatred consuming his body as rage starts to boil. He quickly downs his beverage, slightly releaving him.

OOC: You may want to note that this isn't at the conference, the assumption is that the conference will be taking place and we'll be sending the diplomat upon confirmation.
06-10-2004, 20:30
Iuthia's delegation is accepted.
06-10-2004, 20:32
We would like to join the conferance.
Borman Empire
06-10-2004, 20:36
OOC: You may want to note that this isn't at the conference, the assumption is that the conference will be taking place and we'll be sending the diplomat upon confirmation.

OOC: I know, I was expressing my extreme IC dislike for your nation. Th eonly other thing I could think of was dropping out, but I dont want to do that.
06-10-2004, 20:44
To: Conference Leaders

As observers (and loose partisipants [meaning we watched but didn't participate in the actions]) of the last conference, The Holy Empire of Shazbotdom would like to attend this new conference. Lets hope that this conference won't be a repeat of the last one. My delegation will be travelling in a Class 10 Armored Peronell Carrier.

My delegation will include the following:
10 Highly trained security personel
My Cheif Diplomat

Please have appropreate facilities ready upon our arrival.

Emporer Shaz Bot and The Delegation
The Holy Empire of Shazbotdom
Borman Empire
06-10-2004, 20:47
06-10-2004, 22:47
OOC: I know, I was expressing my extreme IC dislike for your nation. Th eonly other thing I could think of was dropping out, but I dont want to do that.

OOC: In that case I would suggest editting it because as it stands it we arn't in their nation yet and as far as I know it's not actually started. Though perhaps I missed out some of the earlier posts. Perhaps you can edit to react to our open message and not out delegate, who isn't at the conference just yet.


To: The Samtonian Government
From: Iuthian Diplomatic Corps, Central Command, Iuthia Prima
Subject: Delegate Details

Thanks for accepting our delegate, we assure you that we will follow your laws and respect your governments wishes while attending this conference.

As it stands she will have two bodyguards who will not be attending the conference itself but will see to her safety during her stay in your nation.

> Ambassador Joanna Torvek (Delegate - Human)

> Saemus Ha'dalis (Black Viper Specialist - Elf)
> Geoff Kinsman (Black Viper Specialist - Human)

We would like you to clarify a matter of cultural identity during these talks, it is traditional for Iuthian bodyguards to wear Iuthian Gauss Rifles as their standard cultural weapons. These rifles will not be loaded and will be powered down and checked by your own security staff upon arrival to assure that they are disabled. Should firearms be permitted the body gaurd will be equipped with light concealable weapons designed to be drawn quickly in responce to a security threat. The rifles are significant as they symbolise the military prowess of the Iuthian people (both male and female) as well as our 150 years of peace.

Would this be ok? In anycase we feel that this issue could be cleared before we land in your nation. The flight is on it's way but it will be a number of hours before they arrive, you're answer will depend on whether the weapons stay on the plane.


Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
06-10-2004, 22:51
We thank you for accepting our delegate. He will arrive in the 2nd Delegatory Boeng 7E7.
Borman Empire
06-10-2004, 22:52
OOC: Lets just use it later on. Pretend it was shaped towards your response.
06-10-2004, 23:27
Would this be ok? In anycase we feel that this issue could be cleared before we land in your nation. The flight is on it's way but it will be a number of hours before they arrive, you're answer will depend on whether the weapons stay on the plane.


Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps

The weapons are to be allowed, but to a certain extent only. These guidelines apply to all delegations and any weapons present, be they personal firearms, knives, etc... or the weapons of bodyguards.

1. The weapons are to remain powered down and/or with safeties on, except in the event of an armed assault on delegates.
2. The weapons are not to be allowed within the conference room or through security check-points levels 4-6.
3. The weapons are to be checked and tagged by Samtonian staff as your plane lands, to check for any violations of Samtonian Law prohibiting explosive-based weapons at any government function.
a. The tagging will simply entail a small tracer being placed on the outside of the gun, so as to track it in the event of emergency or theft.
b. As stated, no explosives-based weapons of any kind are permitted to be brought by any of the delegations.
06-10-2004, 23:41
1. The weapons are to remain powered down or not loaded, except in the event of an armed assault on delegates.

The main weapons are powered down and incapable of being used, as described in the E-mail. Side arms will have the safety on but will be loaded so to react in an emergancy... to have them without ammunition would defeat the point. Either ban our weapons altogether or allow them to be safely loaded.

2. The weapons are not to be allowed within the conference room or through security check-points levels 4-6.

The security personel have been intructed (as noted in the E-mail) not to actually attend the conference itself, so this is moot point to us.

3. The weapons are to be checked and tagged by Samtonian staff as your plane lands, to check for any violations of Samtonian Law prohibiting explosive-based weapons at any government function.

Agreed, all Iuthian light arms (the only arms the two men will have) will be summited and the luggage subject to scanning and search with acception to the delegates diplomatic pouch which can only be scanned, due to confidential documents searches will not be permitted.

a. The tagging will simply entail a small tracer being placed on the outside of the gun, so as to track it in the event of emergency or theft.


b. As stated, no explosives-based weapons of any kind are permitted to be brought by any of the delegations.


Iuthia notes that these comments were not directed at Iuthia, however we felt it was important to clarify our position on the matter.


Ambassador Joanna Torvek arrived rather unceremoniously in a private jet owned by an Iuthian air company. It wasn't really something Iuthia wanted publicity with and they didn't really expect much to come out of this conference, but it would make for interesting observations.

Joanna didn't have any aides following her and security was rather loose with only a few security personnel coming along who would not be attending the conference itself and only liaising with the security in Samtonia to assure Joanna was safe.

They checked into their hotel and prepared for the conference itself, again, going around low profile in locally hired vehicles before Joanna arrived at the meeting point. From there on she was escorted to the conference so that the conference would be more secure.

As she entered the main building her long black dress blew a little in the wind, it wasn't the sort of dress which was too revealing, after all, she was an Iuthian diplomat. It was a long, plain black dress which had a cut down the side of the legs to allow for easier mobility, it didn't really show much cleavage and was quite tasteful. Joanna was being permitted the same privileges as Kayla Harmone for this trip, she didn't have to wear the suits that other diplomats in Iuthia had to wear, a sign of her authority and the informality of which she was present in.

She submitted to all security checks and her two men would wait for her and liaise with Samtonian security forces.
Joanna Torvek,
Iuthian Ambassador
Borman Empire
07-10-2004, 01:57
07-10-2004, 03:05
OOC- You'll notice a change in the wording of the weaponry agreement.
Oh, and we'll assume your delegate was escorted to the conference area. After all, it's secret, so as to prevent any incidents.
07-10-2004, 04:18
OOC: Editted to cover the different way you mentioned. Though I can't help wondering why the hell Borman Empire keeps bumping the thread, more often then needed it would seem, instead of actually writing anything extra or simply just waiting.
Borman Empire
07-10-2004, 22:10
OOC: Becuase the last one I didn't constantly bumpfell down into submission and recieved no replies. My interent crashed, I had to do a major cleaining of my computer. Now that i'm back I see that this one is almost gone.
08-10-2004, 00:20
To: Samtonia
From: Minister of Foreign Relations Gil of Tiborita
Re: Human Rights Conference

The Republic of Tiborita, a nation which holds the Rights of Man dear to its core values, would like to send a delegate to attend this conference. If we are allowed to attend, we will be sending Presidential Advisor Ethan Foley and his aide Allison Taylor. We hope much good can come from this conference.

Thank you,

Minister Gil
Borman Empire
08-10-2004, 01:41
08-10-2004, 16:24
The Holy Nation of Shazbotdom will have our security personell's weaponry safety'd and hanging while we are at the conference. They will most likely be partolling the boundry of the premisis while the conference is taking place.

Will there be any check-points on the roads leading to the facility where the Conference is to take place?
Borman Empire
08-10-2004, 20:58
Licnius walked up to the large private plane. His guards flanked him with weapns ready. They quickly boarded and the plane took off.

"We are on our way to the conference mr. Chancellor."

"Very good. How long?"

"A couple of hours."
13-10-2004, 02:23
Samtonia wishes to welcome all to the conference! Any last-minute arrivals will be accepted, but please hurry! Space is running out!

Nations are invited to send their delegates to Samtonia at this time, as the conference will begin shortly.

Shazbotdom, as stated, no security personnel are to be allowed within the building. Your team may wait in the foreign security area. Rest assured, we've got security covered. And of course there will be checkpoints. Many checkpoints. Your delegate will be checked for weapons at said checkpoints.

So let the delgations come! For human rights!

Samtonian Council of Thirteen
Generic empire
13-10-2004, 02:27
Official Imperial Statement

The Empire has decided to send a delegation for the sake of human rights. The name of the delegate shall be given shortly.
Borman Empire
13-10-2004, 02:33
Licinius is at teh conference
Borman Empire
13-10-2004, 02:34
Licinius is at the conference.
13-10-2004, 02:51
The Iron Concordiat will send Vice-Undersecretary of State Hector Brown to attend.
Communist Rule
13-10-2004, 03:00
OOC: We might as well send a robot, if you're not allowing small-talk between delegates on their free time. (Reference to "no talk of cigars")
13-10-2004, 03:18
OOC- Talk in free time is fine, but as the last conference degenerated into delegates talking of cigars during the conference, we are banning any non-topical talk while conference sessions are taking place.

Outside of that, your delgates can all talk about whatever they want.

IC- WElcome ot all newly applied nations! Coordinates and directions for attendance will be sent to you shortly.

Samtonian Council of Thirteen
13-10-2004, 13:11
Having been escorted to the place of meeting for this conference. Joanna was taken the the main hall by the Samtonian security personnel after which she was politely shown to her seat.

Only a small number of other delegates were already there, most of which she barely recognised from file photos; the majority of the representatives in attendance were from nations which Iuthia didn't really have much information on due to lack of contact and interest in them. Afterall, their influence didn't extend far beyond their regions and as such they were contained.

Joanna noted their expressions as she was led to her chair, mentally recording all the small minutiae of their body language for later judgement. She had been sent as an observer mostly, but it was known she may make comment in the conference regarding Iuthia's stance on the matter at hand. Sitting down she lay out her papers in front of her and then took a sip of water before sitting with her hands bridged.

After a few moments of silence among the delegates she decided to get the ball rolling, something she felt reflected on both the guests and host of this conference. She started with the formal introduction, hoping others would get the hint and follow suit, failing that she would at the very least give Iuthia's stand on the subject... but she would rather wait for everyone to arrive.

"We may as well get some of the formal introductions out of the way while the others arrive. I am Ambassador Torvek of the Iuthian Diplomatic Corps, representing Iuthia's stance in this conference regarding Human Rights. We thank our hosts for accepting the Iuthian delegation."
Joanna Torvek,
Iuthian Ambassador
13-10-2004, 13:22
OOC: We might as well send a robot, if you're not allowing small-talk between delegates on their free time. (Reference to "no talk of cigars")

OOC: Meh, I'm going to say what I want... of course, talking about cigars doesn't really solve anything though there is nothing wrong with making polite conversations about something else to break the ice.
13-10-2004, 20:25
Ethan Foley took his place at the conference. After shuffling through the papers in his shoulder bag, he leaned back to where Allison Taylor was seated. Noticing the Ambassador from Iuthia had began to speak, he wispered to Allison, careful not to bring attention to himself. "Hey, have you seen my notes?"

Allison took her attention away from the Ambassador, and started searching through the bag on her lap. As Ambassador Torvek finished her introduction, Allison leaned forward and wispered, "So that's an Iuthian, huh?"

"Yeah," Ethan took a quick glance at her. "She looks like a cartoon. Look, so, do you have those notes or not?"

Allison pulled a legal pad from her bag. "Here," She wispered as she handed the pad forward to Ethan.

"Yeah, thanks," He wispered back unconsciously, flipping through the first few pages.

He looked around the room for a few moments after the Iuthian Ambasador spoke. No one else had spoken. Well, this is starting out wonderfully, he thought to himself.

"Ah, good day," Ethan addressed the delegates. "For those of you who don't know me, I'm Ethan Foley, and I'm representing The Republic of Tiborita. Firstly, let me thank the Samtonian Council of Thirteen for hosting this conference. I'd also like to thank all attending nations for being here. I look forward to hear everyones ideas, and I hope this is a very productive conference."
13-10-2004, 21:05
The Jonothanian delegate, Chris Spence, walked into the room. He began to make comments to his 3 advisors and assistant.
"Yes, well, we have my notes, we know what I'm going to say. Now, lets mingle."
He began to walk through the crowds. He suddenly sniggered quitly.
"Gee, it's true what they say about the Iuthian delegate. She does look, interesting."
With that he told his advisors to go and set up his seat in the main hall, and then began talking to others with his assistant.
Borman Empire
13-10-2004, 21:37
OOC: Actually the conference never started or stopped in the last one. The cigar issue as not during the conference.
13-10-2004, 21:49
We are sending the owner's daughters jolene and lucy to attend the conference.
The owner of kiwipeso himself is far too busy with pricing details on the new spaceport expansion.

It is likely that the daughters will start yet another of their respect rights and dignity letters.
13-10-2004, 22:09
Sec. Stsypan Os-Beorht, the Fortestani delegate, entered the conference
hall with his delegation. He wanted to mingle a bit before starting the
conference, so he left his team to prepare his notes and seat and what not.
Stsypan walked around the room to see if there was anyone interesting to
talk to.
Borman Empire
13-10-2004, 22:21
Generic empire
13-10-2004, 23:09
Chancellor Dmitri Rubellai reclined in the back of the black limousine, a cigar hanging casually from his mouth. His eyes moved over the newspaper he held in his hands, hidden behind a pair of dark glasses.

The car came to a halt in front of a large government building. His chauffeur opened his door, and he stepped out, followed by two Imperial Praetorian guardsmen. The Chancellor proceeded towards the gate, and was led into the conference room. The Empire would be sure to have a hand in these negotiations.
14-10-2004, 00:48
As row upon row of elite Samtonian guards stood in a row, their commanding officer paced back and forth. it would be their job to ensure that no harm befell the various delegates. In fact, it would be very difficult to even get to the delegates, let alone harm them.

The massive government building was in fact a facade. Delegates were led under it to a series of tunnels and secure trams that led to one of the many Samtonian Under-Command sites. Built to survive a nuclear war, these sites were the most well-hidden and guarded of Samtonian sites.

After numerous scans, searches, checks, and no less than 12 different security checkpoints, the delegates finally made it to the conference room, their guards one sector away in a special area.

And it was in the air-lock between these two sections, sub-sectors delta and epsilon, that the assemblage of guards was drawn up.

Their boots glistened jet black in the artificial lighting. The traditional purple and red uniforms stood out like a black blot on a piece of white paper, contrasting with the utilitarian white walls. And weapons gleamed with a deadly light in the hands of every stone-faced guard in that room.

As General Li Harris paced, he gazed at the ranks of men, all waiting his word. With a nod, the General stood in front of the men, hands drawn up behind his back.

"Gentlemen. We are here to preside over a conference that could decide the future of all humanity. We stand watch over the best and brightest in the world. And we are entrusted with their lives.

We will not falter, we will not fail. I expect the same from every one of you- Steadfast determination. Rock hard resolve. You will lay down your lives to protect this conference, if need be.

Now hear this. I want no pesky media. No annoying protests. No failed National Guard members detonating bombs. I want no terrrorist attacks, military attacks, or death of any delegate under any circumstance!

We are the best of Samtonia- Let's show the world why."

And with grim resolve etched upon their features, the guards moved to their positions throughout the massive underground complex and the streets around the building above.

3,000 guards. Dozens of diplomats. And a conference to decide the fate of the world's people. It was a volatile combination. And one Samtonia would not let ignite.
Borman Empire
14-10-2004, 01:44
"This securty is fantastic. Not a person will reach us, so let us begin the conference."
14-10-2004, 02:34
Smiling at the various delegates, the Samtonian head delegate stood up.

James Drucker, Minister of Foreign Affairs was one of the most powerful men in Samtonia. And as he gazed at the assembled delegates, a small sense of the power he commanded swept from his gaze. When he looked at you, you could tell he meant to speak to you personally.

And with a slight nod to his aide, who turned on a recording device, Drucker began to speak.
"Welcome, one and all, to this First Samtonian Convention on Human Rights. I hope that we can cover a great many issues and work at the world's problems while we are at it. Your nations decide the fate of the people of the world by attending this conference, and I hope that we can all live up to what this conference entails.

Now, on to basic proceedings. Format will be parliamentary procedure. Here are the basic guidelines of it. I would ask all delegates to peruse these rules to gain basic understanding of parliamentary procedure.

Items underlined are important and are the basics of our conference guidelines.

Basic Principles
1. Parliamentary procedure exists to facilitate the transaction of business and to promote cooperation and harmony.

2. All members have equal rights, privileges, and obligations.
The majority has the right to decide.
The minority has rights which must be protected.

4. Full and free discussion of every motion considered is a basic right.

5. Only one question at a time can be considered at any given time.

6. Members have the right to know at all times what the immediately pending question is, and to have it restated before a vote is taken.

7. No member can speak until recognized by the chair.

Handling a motion.
Three steps by which a motion is brought before the group
1. A member makes a motion.

2. Another member seconds the motion.

3. The chair states the question on the motion.

Three steps in the consideration of a motion
1. The members debate the motion (unless no member claims the floor for that purpose).

2. The chair puts the question to a vote.

A. The chair restates the question.

B. The chair takes the vote:

"All in favor of the motion, say aye."

"Those opposed, say no."

3. The chair announces the result of a vote.

Basic Methods of Voting
Voice vote: A vote by voice is the regular method of voting on any question that does not require more than a majority vote for its adoption.

Rising vote Used principally when a voice vote has produced an inconclusive result and as the normal method of voting on motions requiring a two-thirds vote, members indicate their vote by standing.

Bases for determining a voting result
Majority vote: The basic requirement for approval for action, except where a rule provides otherwise, is a majority vote. The term "majority" means "more than half," excluding blanks and abstentions, at a properly called meeting with a quorum.

Two-thirds vote: Two-thirds vote means at least two-thirds of the votes cast, excluding blanks and abstentions, at a properly called meeting with a quorum.

Rules Governing Debate
The term debate applies to the discussion on the merits of a pending question.

1. A member may not speak until recognized by the chair.

2. When no special rule relating to the length of speeches is adopted by the group, a member can speak no longer than ten minutes unless the consent of the group is obtained.

3. Rights in debate are not transferable. A member cannot yield an unexpired portion of his/her time to another member (the chair controls who speaks) or reserve any portion of time for later.

5. Proper decorum in debate must be observed:
Remarks must be germane to the question before the group.
Speakers should speak loudly and clearly.
Remarks should be addressed through the chair.

I apologize for the length, but Samtonia wishes the conference to adhere to the book. Now, I will be acting as chair. Members of my delegation will represent Samtonia, led by Dr. Hayward Berson.

I urge discussion of all ideas, fairness, and an excellent conference all around. Let us begin!

At this time, the floor is open."
James Drucker, Minister of Foreign Affairs (

OOC- If it's too restrictive, I'll drop it, but I think this will keep the debates orderly and improve how people feel about the advanceness of the conference.

And its simple really. You simply ask the chair for being able to do anything. Bring up issue, get it seconded, bam. Ask for the floor. Get floor. Talk. We debate. Ask for voting, get a second, chair calls for vote. Bam. Votes cast.

And that's basically it. simply trying to keep this debate orderly and bring higher tandard levels to this confernce.

But if it's too much of a hassle, we can tone it down.
14-10-2004, 02:51
Noting that the Samtonian's had only started the conference, without suppling anything to the debate thus far, Joanna started with asking the chair to speak, which would eventually adhere to the contructive rules of the conferece... she could only hope that such rules didn't put off the other delegates.

"If I may, chairman, I would like to open with a question reguarding the international legality of such a convention and perhaps give a portion of my nations stance on such matters."

OOC: Personally I can see some of the rules here causing problems due to the fact that because your nation has to post permission to allow someone to make a question or an opinion (but not a reply). The thread will go at a slow pace and will need alot of attention from yourself.

In a sense I can see the advantage... but alot of people here have a habit of just saying whats on their mind, which is understandable. But meh, I guess we'll see how it works. Personally I feel you have taken the exact opposite extreme of the conference you left to make this one.
14-10-2004, 02:57
"The Samtonian delegation seconds the motion."

Dr. Berson

"Miss Torvek, you have the floor." (
James Drucker, Minister of Foreign Affairs
14-10-2004, 03:08
Joanna stood up and looked around her, noting the expressions on other delegates faces and their reaction to her comments. She then started to make her point in a clear voice.

"I would like you to concider for a moment the legality of the resulting Human Rights Convention which we are hoping to produce during this conference. A law made in one nation can only be law in another nation if both nations agree... we cannot force such a convention on others and Iuthia would not concider to do something so bold as to imply that such a convention is international law.

"So ulitimately are we building a convention for ourselves... or are we trying to produce something which we expect the world to adhere to?"
14-10-2004, 15:01
*His Holyness, the Emporer of Shazbotdom, Mr. Shaz Bot, stands-up*

"If i may. In my oppinion, i believe that the purpose of this conference is to, shall we say, draft up different 'resolutions' that we will then try and push through the United Nations to be implimented throughout all member nations," he states. "Or could i have this all wrong? I don't know. All i know is that i'm here to help start a trend to treat everyone equally."

*Emporer Shaz Bot then sits down and takes a sip of water*
Borman Empire
14-10-2004, 22:30
"I believe we are here to draw up a document of human rights. Our countries will follow as many as possible and we will try to have as many of the laws as possble enforced in other nations."
15-10-2004, 01:26
Joanna let out a sigh.

"We wouldn't have the leverage or power to enforce it on other nations. There is no international law and ulimately nations with strength will ignore any attempt to enforce our beleifs on their society.

"I can assure you that while we value human rights in our own way, we will not attempt to enforce our values onto others as such conflicts would be in themselves against our values. We wouldn't be against economic or diplomatic pressure, providing we don't cause more suffering in the process."
15-10-2004, 01:57
Dr Berson nodded.

"It is Samtonia's position that these are to be agreed upon and enacted in our homelands. Perhaps we might also submit the proposal to the UN for enforcement in UN nations.

And economic sanctions against countries grossly violating the document may well be as effective as war.

Perhaps after drawing up the final document, we might present it to the world for various countries to sign?"
15-10-2004, 02:20
OOC: Apologies for not RPing arrival, I forgot to be honest. The delegate's name is Ann Newton. Can we assume she arrived? Again, sorry for this.
15-10-2004, 02:22
OOC- Pfft. Like I care. I know how it is. She's there. In fact, assume all your delegates are there, unless you want ot RP people arriving late. But let's just get this conference underway and worry about the niggly little details!
Borman Empire
15-10-2004, 02:40
"That sounds good. But if a nation does not want to folow some or all we shouldnt war with them becuase of it. Unless they are blant disregards for human life, such as killing people on what religion they are."
23-10-2004, 02:15
The delegates from kiwipeso would like to forward a notion of a justified war :
"That war maybe declared without UN support if there is evidence of Genocide or religious extermination being carried out by a nation."
Borman Empire
23-10-2004, 02:53
"Yes, thats pretty much what we said. In instances relating to Hitler, although it wasnt know untill afterwards. But if we have verified information that there is Genocide we should decalare war."