Naval movements against Doomingsland begin
04-10-2004, 17:28
Fleet Admiral Meltsen was in a bad mood. A couple of weeks earlier, he had set sail to engage the New Aryan State, but now he was on the move again, to a place callled Doomingsland. They had been sailing for three days straight.
HMS Hood - Invincible Class Aircraft Carrier - Flagship of the Fleet
HMS Victoria - Invincible Class Aircraft Carrier
HMS Imperium - Invincible Class Aircraft Carrier
HMS Spitfire - Invincible Class Aircraft Carrier
HMS Warspite - Warspite Class BattleCruiser
HMS Knight - Warspite Class BattleCruiser
HMS Prince Dorsal - Warspite Class BattleCruiser
HMS Spark - Type 32 Destroyer
HMS Tipperary - Type 32 Destroyer
HMS Prince Dorsal - Type 32 Destroyer
HMS Bumblebee - Type 32 Destroyer
HMS Tunsten Port - Type 25 Frigate
HMS Reliable - Type 25 Frigate
HMS Sutton - Type 25 Frigate
HMS Intrepid - Type 25 Frigate
HMS Skipston Port - Type 25 Frigate
HMS Market Town - Type 44frigate
HMS Sunny Day - Type 44 frigate
HMS Siamese - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Victorious - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Defiant - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Kingston - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Stitch - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Wizard - Sandown Class Mine Countermeasures
HMS Mage - Sandown Class Mine Countermeasures
HMS Sovereignty - Invincible Class Aircraft Carrier
HMS Monarch - Invincible Class Aircraft Carrier
HMS Proud - Invincible Class Aircraft Carrier
HMS Warsprite - Warspite Class BattleCruiser
HMS Unstoppable - Warspite Class BattleCruiser
HMS Mighty - Warspite Class BattleCruiser
HMS Awe - Type 32 Destroyer
HMS Pwned - Type 32 Destroyer
HMS Shackleton - Type 32 Destroyer
HMS Evader - Type 32 Destroyer
HMS Activity - Tpye 25 Frigate
HMS York - Type 25 Frigate
HMS Mayday - Type 25 Frigate
HMS Easter Surprise - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Cloud - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Jewel - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Athlete - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Cavalier - Type 44 Frigaet
HMeS Loyal - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Saxon - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Normandy - Sandown Class Mine Countermeasures
HMS Interdiction - Sandown Class Mine Countermeasures[i]
Second Fleet Location - Hogsweatian Territories
[i]HMS Defiance - Invincible Class Aircraft Carrier
HMS Jerusalem - Invincible Class Aircraft Carrier
HMS Treacle - Invincible Class Aircraft Carrier
HMS Warsight - Warspite Class BattleCruiser
HMS Fearsome - Warspite Class BattleCruiser
HMS SPANKER - Warspite Class BattleCruiser
HMS Light - Type 32 Destroyer
HMS Skipper - Type 32 Destroyer
HMS Liverpewl - Type 32 Destroyer
HMS Dust - Type 32 Destroyer
HMS Reasonable - Type 25 Frigate
HMS Eviction - Type 25 Frigate
HMS Marble - Type 25 Frigate
HMS Skip - Type 25 Frigate
HMS Wyld - Type 25 Frigate
HMS William - Type 25 Frigate
HMS Margaret - Type 25 Frigate
HMS Route - Type 25 Frigate
HMS Plug - Type 25 Frigate
HMS Beano - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Bamboo - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Shadow - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Soaring - Sandown Class Mine Countermeasures
HMS High - Sandown Class Mine Countermeasures
HMS Vanguard - Vanguard Class ICBM Submarine
HMS Vigilant - Vanguard Class ICBM Submarine
HMS Vengeance - Vanguard Class ICBM Submarine
HMS Victorious - ICBM Submarine
HMS Slippery Slope - Swiftsure Class Submarine
HMS Retaliatory - Swiftsure Class Submarine
HMS Silo - Swiftsure Class Submarine
HMS Importance - Swiftsure Class Submarine
HMS Cabin Boy - Swiftsure Class Submarine
HMS Red Wave - Swiftsure Class Submarine
HMS Death's Call - Swiftsure Class Submarine
HMS Grim Reaper - Swiftsure Class Submarine
HMS Outlook - Swiftsure Class Submarine
HMS Hopeful - Swiftsure Class Submarine
HMS Terror - Swiftsure Class Submarine
HMS Scheming - Swiftsure Class Submarine
HMS Eternal - Swiftsure Class Submarine
HMS Rocket - Swiftsure Class Submarine
HMS Independence - Invincible Class Aircraft Carrier
HMS Imperium - Invincible Class Aircraft Carrier
HMS Crown - Invincible Class Aircraft Carrier
HMS Bitter - Warspite Class BattleCruiser
HMS Rock n Roll - Warspite Class BattleCruiser
HMS Biotch - Warspite Class Battlecruiser
HMS Native - Type 32 Destroyer
HMS Cleanse - Type 32 Destroyer
HMS NightFight - Type 32 Destroyer
HMS Periodical - Type 32 Destroyer
HMS Royal - Tpye 25 Frigate
HMS Tire - Type 25 Frigate
HMS Spring - Type 25 Frigate
HMS Bright - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Tough - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Moral - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Marathon - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Prince of Riley - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Unescapable - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Tax - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Protector - Sandown Class Mine Countermeasures
HMS Deflector - Sandown Class Mine Countermeasures
As they entered Doomingslandian waters, Meltsen gave the fleet-wide order to warm up AA weapons. Next up, the Warspite's heavy guns whirred into position. The gun crews loaded their weapons, and as the shells slunk into position the gun gave a satisfying purr, glad to be loaded and ready for use again.
04-10-2004, 17:31
I support Doomingsland!
04-10-2004, 17:42
OOC: Do you hold a vendetta against me or something?
Official MoD Statement
We make a notice to all nations that this is NOT a ANP operation. It is a HMOD operation and will remain so unless voted on by a majority of the ANP.
The Exetonian Empire
04-10-2004, 17:47
The Exetonian Empire, although wishing to remain neutral in this conflict, wishes to ask the government of Hogsweat to explain the motives and justifications for this attack.
04-10-2004, 18:01
Secret Official Response to the Exetonian Empire
This is merely a show of force. He has our men, we want them back.
04-10-2004, 18:08
If your forces show any aggression towards Doomingsland, our nation and our allies shall burn your cities and salt your fields; we hope this stays peaceful for your sake.
Concordiat Department of State
04-10-2004, 18:25
We laugh at your attempts to intimidate us Wirraway. If your forces dare to touch Hogsweatian territory without permission, we shall make sure that you pay dearly for your mistake.
Joint MoD and MoFA Response
04-10-2004, 19:19
OOC:It'd be a good idea if you posted why you're deploying the fleet, so you don't have to keep explaining.
Mt. Doom Facility, Doomingsland
"Sir, you might want to take a look at this!" yelled an Air Force sergeant to his superior, a colonel.
"Huh, I've expected a bigger fleet. Contact the High Command. This could get ugly.
Ten miles beneath Doom City, Doomingsland
"Aha. Yeah, Ok. Got it. OK, guys, looks like we've got another futile invasion attempt on our hands!"
"Another one? That's the fourth time this week."
"Yeah, who is it this time."
"Yup, they want their people back."
"Bah. I'm surprised we havn't killed 'em yet."
"Can't do that."
"Why not?"
"Something about a Geneva Convention."
"Stupid international laws..."
Just then, a four star general walked in the room.
"What've you got for me?"
"More intrusions into our waters." replied the soldier, handing the general a report.
"Phah, they never learn do they. I'm forwarding this to the emporer."
With that, the general left the room, and took the elevator up to the citadel.
The Doom Citadel, Doomingsland
The general threw open the massive oak doors into the emperor's throne room. He was busy playing the new Armored Warfare Game.
"Ahhh, general. Who's invading this time..." asked the emperor, taking the report. "Hogsweat? Again?"
"Yes sir."
"Well, at the moment, we have every right to trash their fleet, but let's ask nicely first."
"Yes, sir."
Encrypted Imperial Communique-
From-Doomingslandian Imperial Government
RE:Get out of our waters
We would like to respectfully request that you leave our waters within twelve hours. Failure to comply will result in the annihilation of your fleet. Thank you.
04-10-2004, 19:38
Doomingsland,do you need any aid or support?
04-10-2004, 19:39
Doomingsland,do you need any aid or support?
OOC:Wait for this to develoup, then I'll let you know.
04-10-2004, 19:52
Sonar bouys that had been permenantly sunk all over Doomingslandian waters began to detect the presense of submarines. In response, thirty Seawolf submarines, all running silent, made their way to the Hogsweaten fleet. In addition to this, all fleets were recalled home. There were already fthree fleets in the area, each one containing the following-
2 Seawolf Class
2 Nimitz Class
1 Yorktown Class
8 Ticonderoga Class
10 Oliver Hazzard Perry Class
6 Arleigh Burke Class
10 Spruance Class
The fleets all had their SAM systems lit up, and F35cs armed with anti-ship weapons took off, and began orbiting the Doomingslandian fleet, in addition to the regular air patrols made by F14ds. The Arleigh Burkes were equiped the the Jericho Fleet Air Defence System, developed by Soviet Block, making the fleets especialy protected against air and cruise missile strikes.
Former Soviet Mafia
04-10-2004, 19:58
The FSM Ministry of Intelligence would like to know why you are taking action against Doomingsland.
If you would like our assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the FSM Ministry of Defense.
-Peter Karpov
FSM Intelligence Ministry
04-10-2004, 20:06
The FSM Ministry of Intelligence would like to know why you are taking action against Doomingsland.
If you would like our assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the FSM Ministry of Defense.
-Peter Karpov
FSM Intelligence Ministry
OOC:Actualy, you could technically know why ICly, because I publically announced it on another thread. He tried to land paratroopers, but the op went bad, and I ended up capturing 150 pilots and soldiers.
04-10-2004, 21:45
04-10-2004, 21:54
bump, Hogsweat, I know you're on
04-10-2004, 22:02
Bump Bump Bump!
04-10-2004, 22:19
OOC:TG me if you need help Doomingland.
IC: The TBA ministry Courts Receave a message from foren agents:
Agent: Most honorable Minister's sorry to interupt your meating but urgent news from Doomingland
Deplomatic Minister: Read it then
Agent: Well Sirs umm..... Hogsweat naval fleet have been spoted entering doomingland waters.
Minister of Alliance Defence: Not another invation atempt? Inform us if Doomingland Calls for Asistance and Put the TBA Defence fleet on High Alert.
All aprove of this action rase your hands....
With that mostly all the members on the defence ministry bord raises there hands
05-10-2004, 19:20
05-10-2004, 19:22
Official Response
We will not leave until all Hogsweatian soldiers and pilots are safely in our hands.
05-10-2004, 19:35
Official Imperial Response-
Your men had no right to trespass on Doomingslandian soil. They killed 35 of our fine soldiers and marines in an unprovoked attack. Your deadline is up, you can kiss your fleet goodbye.
Doomingslandian Waters-
The F35s began appearing and diasappearing off of radar scopes as they flew at sea skimming altitude toward the enemy fleet. At 200 miles, each of the six hundred land and sea based JSFs launched two deadfish ASMs, which streaked toward the targets at mach 3. The battleship had fifty missiles tracking it alone, the rest of them split out according to vessel type.
In addition to this, 30 Longsword bombers, flying at an alititude of 80,000 feet, launched 8 LSLRM-AS-ER SCRAMjet missiles from a distance of 1200 miles.
To counter the submarine threat, 30 Seawolf submarines picked out targets amongst the enemy subs, and launched Mk.48 torpedoes.
The surface vessles made sure to stay out of range of enemy ASMs, and had a large flight of Tomcats and land based Raptors patroling the area.
OOC:Now, this is pretty ironic. You send a fleet to free prisoners, and they're about to become prisoners themselves. I'm not posting from home, I'll get on AIM when I get back, I have an idea.
06-10-2004, 21:43
Borman Empire
06-10-2004, 21:58
Official Imperial Communqiue
TO: Doomingsland
From: Chancellor Licinius
Just ask if you need help.
End Transmission
Borman Empire
06-10-2004, 22:02
post 2,000
06-10-2004, 22:39
Mr. Shaz Bot, Emporer of SHAZBOTDOM's Official Response:
My country condones the actions taken by the nation of Hogsweat. An attempted Militaristic infiltration of paratroopers at a time of peace, then demanding that these soldiers and pilots be given back after you broke a number of international treaties is unquestionably the most unorthadoxed thing that any of these great countries has ever heard of.
The Holy Nation of Shazbotdom supports Doomingsland is whatever they see fit.
Borman Empire
06-10-2004, 22:44
Secret IC:
"Good. ANother nation on our side."
The emperor spasmodically slaps his fingers together and laughs in a loud maniacal tone. An aide quickly slaps him back to reality.
"You know what happened to the last man, don't you? Whatever. High treason, take him away."
06-10-2004, 23:43
OOC:This ain't going anywhere.
Secret Imperial Communinque-
We would be willing to release the prisoners for a total of 5 million USD per man. If these terms aren't met, than perhaps we may turn them over to a nation with better use for them.*cough*DA*cough*
Borman Empire
07-10-2004, 01:59
Soviet Bloc
07-10-2004, 02:35
OOC- I was bored so I figured I'd do something...
The RNS Silent Breaker, a refitted Verado-class frigate, sleuthed through the waters far, far off from the nearest engagement. The ship was refitted with electronic surveillance and patrol systems and was the designated electronic surveillance ship of Task Force Spotting Scope, a six-ship force that was resting off in the middle of nowhere.
On a routine patrol, the RNS Silent Breaker, began picking up the scrambled and mutilated scratchings of a far-off radio communication between two parties. Deciding to investigate, the frigate crept closer, her crew tapping into the ARSB DefenseNet, eventually locating the site of 'conflict' and determining what was happening. But what satellites couldn't provide, the Silent Breaker could. Her directional receivers were positioned to take in as many transmissions as possible, have amplifiers amplify the signal to the point that the discrepancies in the code (if any) was found, and then have computers and human operators sift through the transmissions for anything useful. Satellites would provide maneuvering data, conflict data, etc.
By now, chances were, both parties involved probably knew the frigate was just beyond the horizon (either by long-range aerial or satellite) but the Silent Breaker would get a jump start if anything attempted to move in to strike as the DefenseNet provided her with the eyes to do so. Any missile strike, however, would most likely be destructive, quickly cutting the ship down, although there was a slight chance that the missiles would miss or get shot down by the ship's lone CIWS system. But, if she was fired at, she'd fire back with her forty-eight cruise missiles, of which twelve were anti-ship.
For now, the ship sat sentinel amid the dark, rolling waves, observing the happenings of the Hogsweatian and Doomingsland navies. Her lone HVN-02 ASW/light transport helo sat on her heli-pad, ready to be used in the event the frigate's sonar picked up any intruding submarine.
07-10-2004, 19:14
We will accept your terms of 5 million USD per man. When shall the transaction take place?
07-10-2004, 22:42
Secret Imperial Communique-
Immediatly. We are preparing the prisoners for transport at the moment.
Doom Valley Prison
The men's lives had been pure hell. The officers had had no human contact whatsoever in several months, and hadn't seen the light since their capture. The enlisted men were worse off, they stumbled around in the large, pitch black room, bumping into one another. The entire time, right-wing propaganda was blasted, brainwashing the vulnerable enlisted men. The temperature constantly changed, thanks to some sadistic guard. One minute it would be freezing cold, several men had nearly become frostbitten. The next, the temperature would shoot up to 120 degrees fareihnhight. This alone was enough to make a man believe he was in hell.
Suddenly, the temperature went back to normal. They heard something open on the cieling. Suddenly, they all drifted into unconciousness. When they awoke, there hands were bound behind them, and they were blindfolded. They could hear the roar of a helicopter's engine, but were unsure of were they were going.
They no longer cared. Finnaly, the helo set down at Doom AFB, and the captives were kicked off, and taken to temporary holding cells, still bound and blindfolded, and still very confused.
OOC:When you get your men back, they should be somewhat hostile, or even suicidal, but mostly crazy. Their skin will also be very pale from lack of sun light, and their eyes will hurt when they look in the light for many years. Some might be scarred from interregations they didn't even know happened.
Borman Empire
08-10-2004, 01:41
08-10-2004, 02:41
OOC:Oh, yeah, and they'll be having nightmares about it the rest of their lives.
Borman Empire
08-10-2004, 02:46
OOC: But if they dont remeber it how can they have nightmares. Unless its one of those hidden information revealing dreams
08-10-2004, 02:51
OOC:Yeah, they say if you were brainwashed then the memory was wiped away, you see it in your dreams, like in the Manchurian Candidate.
Borman Empire
08-10-2004, 03:02
OOC: I see
08-10-2004, 19:39
Ruthless Slaughter
08-10-2004, 19:50
OOC:Whoa, whoa, whoa. To get to DL, you have to pass over a large island known as the Dominion of Ruthless Slaughter.
IC: Official Presidential Staement
We support Doomingsland to the fullest extent of our abilities. Any attempt to invade his nation will result swift and bloody retribution. We hope you see logic and offer a price to buy back the prisoners before they are the least of your worries.
President R.L. XX
The Dominion of Ruthless Slaughter
Pray now mortals, as Death itself will unleash its wrath
Fleet Admiral Meltsen was in a bad mood. A couple of weeks earlier, he had set sail to engage the New Aryan State, but now he was on the move again, to a place callled Doomingsland. They had been sailing for three days straight.
HMS Hood - Invincible Class Aircraft Carrier - Flagship of the Fleet
HMS Victoria - Invincible Class Aircraft Carrier
HMS Imperium - Invincible Class Aircraft Carrier
HMS Spitfire - Invincible Class Aircraft Carrier
HMS Warspite - Warspite Class BattleCruiser
HMS Knight - Warspite Class BattleCruiser
HMS Prince Dorsal - Warspite Class BattleCruiser
HMS Spark - Type 32 Destroyer
HMS Tipperary - Type 32 Destroyer
HMS Prince Dorsal - Type 32 Destroyer
HMS Bumblebee - Type 32 Destroyer
HMS Tunsten Port - Type 25 Frigate
HMS Reliable - Type 25 Frigate
HMS Sutton - Type 25 Frigate
HMS Intrepid - Type 25 Frigate
HMS Skipston Port - Type 25 Frigate
HMS Market Town - Type 44frigate
HMS Sunny Day - Type 44 frigate
HMS Siamese - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Victorious - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Defiant - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Kingston - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Stitch - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Wizard - Sandown Class Mine Countermeasures
HMS Mage - Sandown Class Mine Countermeasures
HMS Sovereignty - Invincible Class Aircraft Carrier
HMS Monarch - Invincible Class Aircraft Carrier
HMS Proud - Invincible Class Aircraft Carrier
HMS Warsprite - Warspite Class BattleCruiser
HMS Unstoppable - Warspite Class BattleCruiser
HMS Mighty - Warspite Class BattleCruiser
HMS Awe - Type 32 Destroyer
HMS Pwned - Type 32 Destroyer
HMS Shackleton - Type 32 Destroyer
HMS Evader - Type 32 Destroyer
HMS Activity - Tpye 25 Frigate
HMS York - Type 25 Frigate
HMS Mayday - Type 25 Frigate
HMS Easter Surprise - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Cloud - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Jewel - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Athlete - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Cavalier - Type 44 Frigaet
HMeS Loyal - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Saxon - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Normandy - Sandown Class Mine Countermeasures
HMS Interdiction - Sandown Class Mine Countermeasures[i]
Second Fleet Location - Hogsweatian Territories
[i]HMS Defiance - Invincible Class Aircraft Carrier
HMS Jerusalem - Invincible Class Aircraft Carrier
HMS Treacle - Invincible Class Aircraft Carrier
HMS Warsight - Warspite Class BattleCruiser
HMS Fearsome - Warspite Class BattleCruiser
HMS SPANKER - Warspite Class BattleCruiser
HMS Light - Type 32 Destroyer
HMS Skipper - Type 32 Destroyer
HMS Liverpewl - Type 32 Destroyer
HMS Dust - Type 32 Destroyer
HMS Reasonable - Type 25 Frigate
HMS Eviction - Type 25 Frigate
HMS Marble - Type 25 Frigate
HMS Skip - Type 25 Frigate
HMS Wyld - Type 25 Frigate
HMS William - Type 25 Frigate
HMS Margaret - Type 25 Frigate
HMS Route - Type 25 Frigate
HMS Plug - Type 25 Frigate
HMS Beano - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Bamboo - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Shadow - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Soaring - Sandown Class Mine Countermeasures
HMS High - Sandown Class Mine Countermeasures
HMS Vanguard - Vanguard Class ICBM Submarine
HMS Vigilant - Vanguard Class ICBM Submarine
HMS Vengeance - Vanguard Class ICBM Submarine
HMS Victorious - ICBM Submarine
HMS Slippery Slope - Swiftsure Class Submarine
HMS Retaliatory - Swiftsure Class Submarine
HMS Silo - Swiftsure Class Submarine
HMS Importance - Swiftsure Class Submarine
HMS Cabin Boy - Swiftsure Class Submarine
HMS Red Wave - Swiftsure Class Submarine
HMS Death's Call - Swiftsure Class Submarine
HMS Grim Reaper - Swiftsure Class Submarine
HMS Outlook - Swiftsure Class Submarine
HMS Hopeful - Swiftsure Class Submarine
HMS Terror - Swiftsure Class Submarine
HMS Scheming - Swiftsure Class Submarine
HMS Eternal - Swiftsure Class Submarine
HMS Rocket - Swiftsure Class Submarine
HMS Independence - Invincible Class Aircraft Carrier
HMS Imperium - Invincible Class Aircraft Carrier
HMS Crown - Invincible Class Aircraft Carrier
HMS Bitter - Warspite Class BattleCruiser
HMS Rock n Roll - Warspite Class BattleCruiser
HMS Biotch - Warspite Class Battlecruiser
HMS Native - Type 32 Destroyer
HMS Cleanse - Type 32 Destroyer
HMS NightFight - Type 32 Destroyer
HMS Periodical - Type 32 Destroyer
HMS Royal - Tpye 25 Frigate
HMS Tire - Type 25 Frigate
HMS Spring - Type 25 Frigate
HMS Bright - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Tough - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Moral - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Marathon - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Prince of Riley - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Unescapable - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Tax - Type 44 Frigate
HMS Protector - Sandown Class Mine Countermeasures
HMS Deflector - Sandown Class Mine Countermeasures
As they entered Doomingslandian waters, Meltsen gave the fleet-wide order to warm up AA weapons. Next up, the Warspite's heavy guns whirred into position. The gun crews loaded their weapons, and as the shells slunk into position the gun gave a satisfying purr, glad to be loaded and ready for use again.
I really don't mean to be rude but don't you have any CVF carriers? Or Type 45 Destroyers? Or Trafalger Submarines? Because you shown us a beautiful fleet and they are all British Ships (Which I like very much!), but I thought a T-45 or a CVF might add a littke more punch to your fleet.
Anyways that's my opinion. I'm on your side. I won't take part in any future fighting between the two nations, but if you need any more help Hogsweat, I can lend a hand.
08-10-2004, 20:26
They are all custom built you see, except the carriers. I may include some Type 45's.
Borman Empire
08-10-2004, 21:12
08-10-2004, 22:11
OOC:Hogsweat, post your losses from the missile strike, and wire the money, so I can get rid of these damned prisoners.
Borman Empire
08-10-2004, 22:24
OOC: use that money to pay off your debt
08-10-2004, 22:30
How much do I owe you ? 500 million?
The price of 800 million United States Dollars has been wired to the Doominsglandian Government in repayment for the prisoner's lives.
OOC-I'll just check what you attacked me with, then reply with losses.
08-10-2004, 22:57
OOC:What's five million times 153? Actualy you owe me 765 million, plz edit.
Borman Empire
08-10-2004, 23:02
OOC: I take that as you arn't going to pay off the debt.
08-10-2004, 23:06
OOC- 800 million for good measure.
Borman Empire
08-10-2004, 23:47
08-10-2004, 23:51
OOC:Fair enough, you can post an airplane landing to collect the POWs when you post your losses.
Borman Empire
08-10-2004, 23:54
OOC: Forget the debts thing. And if this is only gonna be about the prisoners ill untag this thread. see ya.
09-10-2004, 23:25
OOC:C'mon Hogsweat, post already.
09-10-2004, 23:53
As warspite took a salvo of missiles to its starboard, the hull creaked and fire erupted from the lower decks. water filled in, but luckily it was sealed off for the most part. It would seem as if Warspite would collapse, but the staunch ship withstood the bombardment, crippled immensly.
Another seven craft however, were not so lucky.
HMS Spark, A type 32 destroyer took a scramjet to the bridge, and went under.
HMS Sunny Day, a Type 44 frigate took a Scramjet to the engines, disabling the ship until another missile took out the bottom, causing the vessel to capsize.
HMS Wizard, a sandown class cruiser, took a scramjet to its hull and its crew abandoned ship.
HMS Skipston Port, a Type 25 Cruiser, took a scramjet to the superstructure, detonating the ammuntion, crew perishing as the remainder jumped overboard
HMS Bumblebee, a Type 32 destroyer, was hit by a Scramjet in the ammunition bays also, taking out the entire ship.
HMS Siamese, a Type 25 Cruiser took a mortal blow as the bridge imploded from the force of a Scramjet.
HMS Cloud, a Type 44 Frigate, was blasted out of the water as a scramjet hit the engine and detonated the fuel.
The four ospreys touched down on Mount Doom. One of the pilots radioed in to Mount Doom control to tell them to bring the prisoners up, and the pilots waited in their seats.
09-10-2004, 23:59
Marines in ACS suits stood near the helipads on the mountain base, and the group of prisoners exited a building built into the mountain. They had just been cut free, and some believed they were being executed, until they saw their helicopters. Some regoiced, others simply didn't care. All of them were permenantly scarred from their captivity, and that would soon become evident. The men staggered onto the waiting aircraft, somewhat confused as to why they were still alive.
The marines watched with a twisted pleasure, their faces hidden by their combat visors. They knew of the suffering the men had gone through, and knew all of Hogsweat would be demoralized...
A general walked out of the building so he could watch the aircraft leave. They were all satisfied.
OOC:I'm thinking we can do a sort of follow up RP were the prisoners start having crazy nightmares, and you can try to infiltrate the prison to see what really goes on.
10-10-2004, 00:19
OOC- Sure.
As the helicopters took off, they played, extremely loudly, the new Hogsweatian national anthem.
10-10-2004, 00:22
The marines reponded to the music by blasting the Doomingslandian national anthem, Warriors of the Lord; They Who Purge the Heathen