0Tom Anouncement RE: Jedi
Press Statment. Reported by 0BC
Due to 0Tom's latest cencus showing that 34% of our population now clasify thier religion as Jedi. 0Tom hereby declares it the Offcail Religion of 0Tom and are seting up a Jedi Council, a Jedi Acadamy and a Jedi Temple in our capital. We also have invested millions in the development of Lightsabers and other equitment
Jedimaster John Smith Minister Of Spirtual Beliefs and Jedi
Jedi Press Release
We thank 0Tom for the support of our Religion and hearby declare OTom as our Holy Land. We thank thier goverment for contiued suport and hope many countries will joina n aliegeince with 0Tom.
02-10-2004, 21:47
Jedi Master Elendil, head of the Order:
"We are pleased to accept your Jedi into the growing numbers of the Order. May the Force be with you, always."
0Tom has now Opened an Alience to nations whcih wih to be helped and protected by the Order which shall be called The Republic
We are also quite far into reserch for cloning hence we are trying to resurect Master Yoda and Master Obi Wan along with Master Luke
03-10-2004, 17:40
We suggest that you do not attempt to clone them. There are several reasons for this:
1. Their bodies have disappeared the moment they died. You would be hard-pressed to find any bit of DNA to use.
2. We ask you to respect the dead Jedi, and to not resurrect them. The Force wouldn't allow it.
3. They may be more suspectable to the Dark Side, being clones rather than the original. Look through the archives for the Thrawn crisis (Tim Zahn trilogy) for precedence.
0Tom respects the Jedi decision and hearby declares the facility closed.
We give notice that the Jedi Temple is now compleate
Ankhmet is very interested in the establishment of Jedi facilities in it's borders, and has noted a growing amount of force potential in the population. Many incedents have ocurred involving untrained force users, and would like help establishing an academy. :)
04-10-2004, 19:31
We would be pleased to aid you in establishing an academy. *sends Master Voda de Cando to do so*
04-10-2004, 19:32
A disturbing amount of people with force potential have recently been showing up on Baal and through out the Imperium. We wish to know if your jedi temples will take them as the way of the jedi is forbidden by the Imperium as is force worship. If they cannot be deported they will be imprisioned or worse.
04-10-2004, 19:51
How many have shown signs of Force Potential?
~Jedi Master Elendil
Thank you for your help.The Jedi will be useful for the stability of Ankhmet.
04-10-2004, 19:55
We are always pleased to help other Jedi in the Galaxy.
We have set up some temporary building for short-term use. The help of the jedi is very welcome.
Powerful Sith Lords
04-10-2004, 20:16
We congradulate OTom on developing a Jedi Academy and would like to implore to the Jedi that though The Theocracy of Powerful Sith Lords is on the Dark Side we would prefer to maintain peaceful relations with OTom and other Jedi Nations.
If Baal does not want their Jedi we will gladely take them in.
04-10-2004, 20:18
It has been decided that instead of allowing these people to become "jedi" and become a potential threat they will simply be executed as heretics and all force users within the Imperium will be hunted down as witches and killed.
Lord Inquisitor Hammerfaust
Ordo Hereticus
The Ends Justify the means
04-10-2004, 20:23
It has been decided that instead of allowing these people to become "jedi" and become a potential threat they will simply be executed as heretics and all force users within the Imperium will be hunted down as witches and killed.
Lord Inquisitor Hammerfaust
Ordo Hereticus
The Ends Justify the means
Then send the younger ones to us! You cannot do this!
~A horrified Jedi Master said.
04-10-2004, 20:46
From the administrautum of Lord Inquisitor Hammerfaust
This decision is not up to me, the High Lords of Terra and the Emperor have decided that the force is a dangerous element within the Imperium, with jedi the sith will come and we will not risk such a thing. None will be spared. It is the will of the Emperor and for the good of the Imperium.
there is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt.
Lord Inquisitor Hammerfaust.
Powerful Sith Lords
04-10-2004, 21:25
We agree with the CoreWorlds on this act.
If they pose such a threat to you send them to other nations such as The CoreWorlds or Powerful Sith Lords (PSL)
~ Emperor DarthViper3k
04-10-2004, 21:56
Jedi Master Elendil narrows his eyes in contempt. "Your bloodthirsty ways will end one way or another, Lord Inquisitor."
In Ankhmet's Inter Dimensional Fatigue station, Quasispace coordinates 2110,5663,5674,5477
"Those Imperials are at it again. I just hope the Academy can spew out enough Jedi to make this IDF worth it."
"Ther wont be a lot, but we only need ten."
04-10-2004, 22:18
Jedi Master Elendil narrows his eyes in contempt. "Your bloodthirsty ways will end one way or another, Lord Inquisitor."
The Imperium has endured for 40,000 years upon our "blood thirsty ways" we live in a stuggle for survival, attacked from without by aliens, daemons and monsters, we are attacked from within by heretics, mutants and traitors. I have appealed to the High Lords of Terra to spare the children and those with familes, my appeals were answered and approved, they will be spared and deported from Imperium space. But no jedi or sith will enter Imperium space without proper security clearance. One more thing, a warning. Do not threaten me jedi master, I have lived, fought and hunted down the unholy for centuries. I am more than capable of dealing with a jedi, if not me then the Astartes will. But enough hostility for now, the astartes battle ship Sword of Baal has agreed to transport these exiles out of Imperium space.
Lord Inquisitor Hammerfaust.
05-10-2004, 00:05
"Thank you. Your superiors' mercy are to be commended."
05-10-2004, 15:22
Transmission from Offico Adminstorium
The Astartes vessel will enter neutral territory, escorted by a Retribution class battle ship, a carrier and 6 heavy crusiers they will await a vessel to take them into the territory that wants them. Send your ships to the neutral territory in 3 days.
Lexmechcanic #8035194567
Attachment from Ordo Hereticus
This is the only mercy we will show towards these people. Anymore that are found after this will be punished and/or executed.
05-10-2004, 17:55
OOC: How many are there?
A large cruise ship were sent to the neutral territory under escort of a Star Destroyer and gunships. They arrived in 3 days, slowing their hyperdrives to match the timing requested.
05-10-2004, 19:33
OOc- about 6000
05-10-2004, 19:42
OOC: Enough room. :)
The cruise ship docked with the Astartes vessal, and the crew took some time settling the Force-sensitives down into their cabins. The younger ones were immediately separated into classes so they could start learning the ways of the Force.
Once that was settled, the cruise liner broke away from the Astartes ship and the fleet powered up their hyperdrives, engines glowed brightly, and the ships seemed to immediately accelerate past lightspeed at flank speed (psuedomotion). There will be no more interaction with the distasteful nation of Sanguinis.
The Nation of 0Tom will not tolerate this Behavour from The Imperium We urges u to send us all of the People known to Have The Force in them.
To the Sith in this time we need to bound together you maybe the dark Side but we must protect our Religion
05-10-2004, 22:03
We have already recieved the Force-sensitives from the Imperium.
05-10-2004, 22:07
OOC- I have a thread a I started that is about the hunting down and execution of force sensitives within the Imperium, BTW this is not a bash against Star Wars or anything, Im a SW fan myself but I just like 40K more :D
05-10-2004, 22:10
OOC: Cool. However, I find SW to be great against WH40K in space, and crushed like peanuts on the ground...
05-10-2004, 22:31
ooc- yeah WH40K is ok in space but not incredibly great but they own everyone in ground combat, but the sheer size of Imperial ships is usually enough to help them win a battle
05-10-2004, 22:51
OOC: Yeah but a concentration of turbolasers from even the 'small' ISDs should be a lot of trouble for the Imperium ships.
OoC:Lets get back
We wish to scan all the planets in your aliance to check for Force Sencesitives
07-10-2004, 15:29
OOC-nope, no jedi or sith vessels are allowed within Imperium space.
We wish to use scaners from outside your area with our scanners just to check. We also stronly urge u to repel this act right now
12-10-2004, 20:27
We will not repeal our actions and we will not allow scanning of our systems.
Vorsair Dornal
Lord commander Militant
High Lords of Terra
We are giving you 56 Hours to comply.
13-10-2004, 00:58
Currently in Phalanix we have no ways to tell wo is force sensitive or not. But we think that the closest we have to any jedi training would be the AE training.
13-10-2004, 20:26
From the Council of the High Lords of Terra to 0tom
By the decree of his most holy, immortal and revered God Emperor of the Imperium of Man our borders are closed, no scans will be conducted and if any ships or stations trying to scan our planets are found they will be fired upon and if they are not destroyed their crews will be imprisoned and held indefineitly until the holy emperor says other wise. All Astartes chapters are on high alert all planetary guard units are being moblised, Adeptus Arbites are given authority to shoot to kill and the Inquisition will be out in full force. Stay away from our planets. You have been warned.
0Tom is now arming up We are preparing our fleet who will join The Republic and The Jedi is this war.
Round 1 1st Leg
Sith Vs. Jedi ---------- Imperium Space
Impreil Empire Vs. The Republic------------- Republic Space
Round 1 2nd Leg
Jedi Vs. Sith------------------ Rubpublic Space
Imperial Empire Vs. The Republic----------------- Imperium Space
My Regards and sympathies to The Emperer
14-10-2004, 22:57
0Tom is now arming up We are preparing our fleet who will join The Republic and The Jedi is this war.
Round 1 1st Leg
Sith Vs. Jedi ---------- Imperium Space
Impreil Empire Vs. The Republic------------- Republic Space
Round 1 2nd Leg
Jedi Vs. Sith------------------ Rubpublic Space
Imperial Empire Vs. The Republic----------------- Imperium Space
My Regards and sympathies to The Emperer
OOC- What the hell does all this junk mean?
OOC: Its how i think the batlle will go
18-10-2004, 17:52
OOC- ah I see, its how think not how it will go
By the Order of the Most Benevolent and Glorious Emperor of Mankind
The Emperor has decided to grant you his great mercy and not pound your pathetic fleets and armies into dust, he has decided that you may scan some planets. A list is being sent to you of which planets you may scan and which ones you may not. The worlds marked under the following categories may not be scanned
Astartes Worlds
Forge Worlds
Cardinal Worlds
Imperial Guard Homeworlds
Fleet Worlds
The planets Mars and Terra (OOC-Earth) may not be scanned, you must request permission from the local Imperial Governor or Imperial commander of that planet to scan it. Also strict clearence for any of your ships to land must be given as well from a ground unit as well as a escort from a Imperial ship. Your ships and people will be accompanied at all times by Imperial guard or Space Marines. You will not take any Imperial citizen against their will, if they do wish to leave they must first be mind wiped by the Inquisition so they will reveal no knowledge of the Imperium. If they are not given a mindwipe then they will not be allowed to leave. you will scan the planets, ask the people if they wish to leave, let them get their mindwipe and then you will get out of our territory. Also if you encounter the Imperial Guard, Space Marines or Inquisitorial forces doing their duties and executing the heretics, mutants and traitors you will not interfere, any act of interference is grounds for war and immediate execution of your people.
The High Lords of Terra
Yevon of Spira
18-10-2004, 18:25
Jedi practitioners are not allowed in our nation, yet the government has recently discovered a group that belongs to the cult within our borders. If you wish to save their lives you may pick them up within 3 days time. If you do not come, they will be executed.
Wolf America
18-10-2004, 18:44
Jedi practitioners are not allowed in our nation, yet the government has recently discovered a group that belongs to the cult within our borders. If you wish to save their lives you may pick them up within 3 days time. If you do not come, they will be executed.
How many are there? We will take them in. We will send the WASF Wolf Falls, a Casena Class Dreadnaught, & the WASF Nemo I, an Argonaut Class Freighter (converted into a colony ship), to pick them up.
-Supreme Leader of the United States & a Jedi Knight
Lord JWolf (http://www.freewebs.com/wolfamerica/Lord_JWolf.JPG)
18-10-2004, 18:45
The realm of Phalanix has decided that if you wish you may scan for any "force sensitive" beings. The only thing is that if they are inlisted in the military or do not want to leave you may not take them. There is only one planets you may not scan and that is the one refered to as Hell (A prison colony) and Guns I and II. the planets you may scan are Reach (only unarmed ships permited), Hoth, Gamma, Signas, VIII, Caprica, Gemenon, and the Luna and Mars colony's. If you also wish you may scan the main nation of Phalanix (on Earth.) But if you wish you may train some of the "force sensitive" people in the military on the one condiction that they are returned when they wish and they will be reinstated into the armed forces.
Yevon of Spira
18-10-2004, 18:47
There were 500 "jedi" found. They are being kept in prison cells in the city of Bevelle.
-----coordinates wired-------
Wolf America
18-10-2004, 18:53
There were 500 "jedi" found. They are being kept in prison cells in the city of Bevelle.
-----coordinates wired-------
The ships will arrive in 1 day. If they're are fire on, that will be an act of war.
-Supreme Leader of the United States & a Jedi Knight
Lord JWolf (http://www.freewebs.com/wolfamerica/Lord_JWolf.JPG)
Member of the Alliance of Naggaroth (AoN)
Member of the ISEC
Member of the United Federation of Planets (UFP)
Member of the United Space Federation (USF)
Member of the Ottoman Alliance
Member of the Pact of Steel Alliance (PSA)
Charter Member of the Xeraphian Federation (AXE)
18-10-2004, 19:12
Jedi Master Elendil, hidden somewhere in deep space, sees the events through the Force. So much hatred against Jedi and Force-sensitives...so much evil done to them. Were we at full strength, we would stop this evil. As it is, the Sith have already destroyed much of what we hold dear...
Yevon of Spira
19-10-2004, 20:01
To Wolf America:
As you arrive in my nation, you must stop at the border and tell them who you are. At the border, you will be given a headband that will subdue your "Jedi powers" temporarily. The captured are also wearing these headbands. As you leave my nation, you will deposit the headbands back where you got them.
Do not worry. As long as you do not show any aggression, you will not be attacked. Pilot your ship slowly as to not look suspicious when you approach our nation.
Wolf America
19-10-2004, 20:12
To Wolf America:
As you arrive in my nation, you must stop at the border and tell them who you are. At the border, you will be given a headband that will subdue your "Jedi powers" temporarily. The captured are also wearing these headbands. As you leave my nation, you will deposit the headbands back where you got them.
Do not worry. As long as you do not show any aggression, you will not be attacked. Pilot your ship slowly as to not look suspicious when you approach our nation.
The captain of the ships are not Jedis.
The two ships enter Yevon of Spira space slowly.
Captain Mitchell Csatlos, the captian of the WASF Wolf Falls: "Open channel to the Spiran governemt."
Comm-link man: "Done, sir."
Captain Mitchell Csatlos: "We are to get the jedis. Where can our Atlantic cargo shuttles land."
Yevon of Spira
19-10-2004, 20:14
"Welcome" the border guards say to the ship' captains. "I hear that you are not Jedi. Procede slowly to the coordinates that were previously sent"
Wolf America
19-10-2004, 20:21
"Welcome" the border guards say to the ship' captains. "I hear that you are not Jedi. Procede slowly to the coordinates that were previously sent"
Captain Mitchell Csatlos: "Will do."
The two ships head slowly to the coordinates. After they made it to the coordinates, 15 Atlantic cargo shuttles have land on the surface.
OOC: Role-play send the Jedis to my people.
Yevon of Spira
19-10-2004, 20:24
The 500 Jedi, all chained by the hands and wearing metal headbands, are herded toward the ships. They slowly board the ships and are unchained as they board. The captains are instructed to leave the headbands on the captives until they reach the border, where the headbands are to be returned to the guards.
Wolf America
19-10-2004, 20:32
The 500 Jedi, all chained by the hands and wearing metal headbands, are herded toward the ships. They slowly board the ships and are unchained as they board. The captains are instructed to leave the headbands on the captives until they reach the border, where the headbands are to be returned to the guards.
After all the Jedis are abord the Atlantic cargo shuttles, they were give food and water. The Atlantic cargo shuttles took off and land back on the WASF Nemo I.
Then the WASF Wolf Falls & WASF Nemo I heading out of Yevon of Spira space slowly.
After making it to the border, they wait for the border guard to give them the metal head bands.
19-10-2004, 22:49
The act of allowing any of our planets to be scanned has been repealed. The great book of the Astronomican states compromise is akin to treachery no jedi are allowed in our territory, anyone found found practicing jedi teachings will be executed, anyone trying to spread jedi teachings will be executed.
20-10-2004, 00:37
From the depths of space, came a message for all to hear, on all possible open channels (electromagnetic, psychic, etc).
There is no emotion; there is peace
there is no ignorance; there is knowledge
there is no passion; there is serenity
there is no chaos; there is order
there is no Death; there is the Force
That is the Code of the Jedi. Simple, yet elegant.
Yevon of Spira
20-10-2004, 02:07
The guards advance towards the ships. One of them is holding a large box. They ask that the headbands be placed in the box.
Wolf America
20-10-2004, 02:19
The guards advance towards the ships. One of them is holding a large box. They ask that the headbands be placed in the box.
All 500 headband are put in the large box. The guards got off and the two ships took off by to Wolf America.
0Tom has found 700 force sencitives. We ask the empire to pick them up and meet our ships in nuetrual space where we can transfer them. Do not try anything funny our guars are waiting :sniper:
21-10-2004, 00:01
0Tom has found 700 force sencitives. We ask the empire to pick them up and meet our ships in nuetrual space where we can transfer them. Do not try anything funny our guars are waiting :sniper:
The 700 force sensitives will be staying in the Imperium and are being transported to a secure location where they will be mindwiped of any and all force talents.
21-10-2004, 00:04
Peace is a Lie, there is only Passion
Through Passion I gain strength
Strength Gives me power
Through power I achieve victory
Through victory my chains are broken
The Force shall set me free!!!
21-10-2004, 00:15
-eye roll- The sith code. God I played WAY to much KotOR
21-10-2004, 00:17
:p I loved the Sith Code
21-10-2004, 02:16
From the depths of space, came a message for all to hear, on all possible open channels (electromagnetic, psychic, etc).
There is no emotion; there is peace
there is no ignorance; there is knowledge
there is no passion; there is serenity
there is no chaos; there is order
there is no Death; there is the Force
That is the Code of the Jedi. Simple, yet elegant.
There is no time for peace
True ignorance requires dedication
If a job is worth doing it is worth dying for
Without the Emperor we are nothing
Only in death does our duty end.
Holy Words of the Imperial Priesthood
We have scanned all the planets you have said we could. We have found 2000 force secitives. We giving you the names of these Force Sencitives and we propose you round them up and meet us in nuetrual space for them to transfered to our ships. We think this will be lot a easier.
//##Begining Data Transfer
//##Loading Date
//##Transfering Data
//##Your Data has been transfered.
25-10-2004, 18:34
Thank you for showing us their location, we should be able to hunt them down with little problems now. the only rounding up that will happen under my order is that they be rounded up and executed. You will get nothing.
Inquisitor Lord Hammerfaust
Ordo Hereticus
25-10-2004, 18:39
Encrypted to 0Tom:
We believe it's time to remove them from the face of the galaxy.
Give us the word, and we shall let loose our most powerful weapons upon the evildoers.
25-10-2004, 18:51
Sanguinis. Reports have indicated that you have violated the safety
and livelihood of innocent Force-sensitives yet again. We will no longer
tolerate your dark ways. You have 48 hours to stop the killings and send the
Force-sensitives to us, or the gloves come off. We have weapons that are
far more powerful than you can possibly imagine. We have the ability to use
those weapons. Do not push us further, for we will soon have the will to use
those weapons. We have destroyed worlds before, and we will do so again.
Mark our words well.
~High Councilor Masaki
*Clouds of probe droids are sent to Sanguinis territory to ascern enemy defenses, territory size and fleet size*
We will not tolerate this action anylonger. We ae with The Core Worlds on this If now have 24 hours Our force will be assemble within 12 hours.