NationStates Jolt Archive

Major coup in Cornwall leads to formation of Exetonia Minor (closed RP)

Exetonia Minor
30-09-2004, 14:36
====Location: Royal families halls of residence, 2:33PM====

King Leto Atredies stood looking out over his balcony at his wonderful NationState. Things had been going well for Cornwall in recent years with a boom in the economy and peasants work efficiency up 72% without even a pay increase. Little did he know that everything he had come to love would soon fall appart around him. For you see, the pesants and workers of Cornwall were fed up and, started an underground resisitance. One country had gotten in touch with them, The Confederacy of The Exetonian Empire, and they were about to earn their freedom.

====Location: Saltash, border with the Confederacy of The Exetonian Empire, 2:50PM====

Due to the lack of current funsing to the defence forces, soldiers manning the border had only tazers. This was because they had never had any trouble from their neighbours and no one knew (except those involved that is) of the plot to over throw the monarchy in Cornwall. The 12 soldiers on beta shift were minding their own business when an explosion just 300 meters down the road on the Cornish side got their attention. Jumping up they ran towards the explosion site to eb greeted by 50 men holding pistols motioning for the men to get in the van. One of the men, Robert John Powell, picked up his radio and motioned to the exetonian special forces on the other side of the river that now was the time for action. They were ready to strike.

<Exetonia, your bit here>

Robert John Powell walked forward presenting himself to the special forces officer as requested and the two men had a chat.

<Care to do the informal meet and greet followed by getting down to business>

"They are indeed ready" Robert finished, "now, it is time to strike. I have 750 men ready to launcg a strike on the capital. Because of the way this country is run, wwe should have no problem gaining control. Let us gain mutual assurances from each other now. Anything goes wrong, we knew nothing of your actions ok?"


====Location: Palace, 3:00PM====

a man ran into Letos quaters and almost out of breath tolf Leto of the evnt that had just occured at the border and how they had lost contact with the secrity team.

"GET A SECURITY TEAM ARMED WITH PISTOLS OUT THERE NOW VIA CHOPPERS" Leto yelled. He though they might have a terrorist cell located in his country. This would turn out to be closer to the truth than he could ever have imagined.

<Exetonia, lets get this started>
The Exetonian Empire
30-09-2004, 15:05
====Location: Royal families halls of residence, 2:33PM====

King Leto Atredies stood looking out over his balcony at his wonderful NationState. Things had been going well for Cornwall in recent years with a boom in the economy and peasants work efficiency up 72% without even a pay increase. Little did he know that everything he had come to love would soon fall appart around him. For you see, the pesants and workers of Cornwall were fed up and, started an underground resisitance. One country had gotten in touch with them, The Confederacy of The Exetonian Empire, and they were about to earn their freedom.

====Location: Saltash, border with the Confederacy of The Exetonian Empire, 2:50PM====

Due to the lack of current funsing to the defence forces, soldiers manning the border had only tazers. This was because they had never had any trouble from their neighbours and no one knew (except those involved that is) of the plot to over throw the monarchy in Cornwall. The 12 soldiers on beta shift were minding their own business when an explosion just 300 meters down the road on the Cornish side got their attention. Jumping up they ran towards the explosion site to eb greeted by 50 men holding pistols motioning for the men to get in the van. One of the men, Robert John Powell, picked up his radio and motioned to the exetonian special forces on the other side of the river that now was the time for action. They were ready to strike.

Troops from the 1st SS "ReichsHammer" Special Forces Division, seeing Powell's signal, began wading across the river. The 70 men, emerged from the river, and joined him on the other side. Colonel Gruber looked about, "Ah, Cornwall, it's good to be back." His cheek gave a brief nervous twitch, as he forced down memories he would rather forget. "Now, where is the man on the inside" he glanced at a piece of paper, "Robert John Powell. Bring him here."

Robert John Powell walked forward presenting himself to the special forces officer as requested and the two men had a chat.

"Robert John Powell?" "that's me!" "I'm Colonel Gruber, 1st SS "ReichsHammer" Special Forces Division, here to help free you from the oppression of your existing government. I have documentation here, which adheres to all Internaltional Law" Grubre handed it to Robert John Powell, "thank you" "Now, have you got those men ready to help me, we need your help with this."

"They are indeed ready" Robert finished, "now, it is time to strike. I have 750 men ready to launcg a strike on the capital. Because of the way this country is run, wwe should have no problem gaining control. Let us gain mutual assurances from each other now. Anything goes wrong, we knew nothing of your actions ok?"

"Of Course" Gruber said smoothly "It is not the policy of The Confederation of The Exetonian Empire to interfere in other nations. However, a nudge here and there..." both men chuckled, and headed towards the capital city.

====Location: Palace, 3:00PM====

a man ran into Letos quaters and almost out of breath tolf Leto of the evnt that had just occured at the border and how they had lost contact with the secrity team.

"GET A SECURITY TEAM ARMED WITH PISTOLS OUT THERE NOW VIA CHOPPERS" Leto yelled. He though they might have a terrorist cell located in his country. This would turn out to be closer to the truth than he could ever have imagined.

The orders were barely out of Leto's mouth, when the sharp crackle of gun fire could be heard in the distance. Leto looked around him "What's happening to my country!?"
Exetonia Minor
30-09-2004, 15:34
What was happening to his country, was a coup. The pesants, having had enough had gotten in touch with the government of her neighbour, The Confederacy of the Exetonian Empire and requested asistance. This had been sent in the form of 60 special forces men. The gunfire was coming from the border where a fierce fire fight had broken out between loyalists in their converted civilian gunships and the special forces + rebels.

Luckily, the combined forces had managed to find coer and within moments, the Special forces had mobilised anti-aircraft rockets and taken down the helicopters or the loss of a few rebels. A rye smile came accross Powell's face. It was for the greater good of The exetonian Empire. To which, everyone saluted. With this problem dealt with, the combined forces mounted a few humvess stolen from the Cornish military (these were armed with smg's) and drove full pace accross country to Truro

====Time jump, 1 hour====

Once in truro the combined forces linked up with the rest of the rebels and began to formulate a plan to attack the weel defended palace. Robert unpacked some mortars and hand held smgs from the Humvess and distributed them and then called everyone around. They then heard the plan and began to move out.


"WHAT!!" Leto was fuming, the forces sent to investigate had been taken down. They were some of his best men. He orderd Palace defences doubled. All the pillboxes around the palace were now inhabited and evryone was preparing to go to war. They knew there was trouble coming but wernt expecting what was coming....

<Over to you exeter>
The Exetonian Empire
30-09-2004, 15:56
A crackling message sounded out across the airwaves. "This is Robert John Powell. I am transmitting here from the heartlands of Cornwall, my people are suffering under an oppressive government, will someone please help us!" Rifle fire could be heard in the background "please hel...". The transmission was cut off. Robert Powell turned to Colonel Grober. "that should do it" "It should indeed, now we can start sending you more support, and our two Great Nations can be allies once more. You're countrymen are fighting well, considering what they have to fight with. But with that fake message, nothing can stand in our way." "we our a strong nation!"

machine guns chatterd death all along the outskirts of Truro, as the Loyalists battlehard with the Rebels and Exetonian Special Forces. However, moments after the message was broadcast, F-22 Raptors began tearing across the sky, striking at the more choice targets, and helping the infantry to advance.

Colonel Gruber turned to Robert Powell and saluted, "His Divine Majesty's Government of The Confederacy of The Imperial Exetonian Empire now recognises you as the leader of this nation since the message was broadcast. As the C-in-C, I now transfer temporary command of Exetonian ground troops over to you, until the nation is secured. Good luck, Mr. Powell,"

In the background, missiles began slamming into defensive positions in Truro, but the merciless chatter of gunfire continued...
Exetonia Minor
30-09-2004, 16:07
Mortar fire whistled accross the town as the army of Exetonia Minor raced accross Truro.

"Mortar teams, range those pillboxes and destroy them NOW!!!" Powell yelled

Yes sir, came the response and the teams looked for their targets and found them. They fired and balsted 3 pillboxes.

"Excellent work teams. Soldiers, move out" Powell yelled again.

Meanwhile, the King, in his residence was shatterd and broken. He knew it was only a matter of time but he was going to go down fighting. He orderd the Royalists to hold to the last men. However, many, who were also oppressed turned on their leader. The Royalists were fighting each other.

Powell's teams advanced on the western side of the palace as the raptors flew over head again taking out more pillboxes. Their was no resistance left any more on the western side and Powells team advanced into the palace. There were a few sporadic gunshots ebfore Powell kicked down the door with an official letter demanding the King stand down. With nothing else left, he signed and was taken away by Exetonia minor forces. He would be held in prison indefinately, or at least until he and his royalists could escape and plot a new coup.

Powell took his seat and picked up the red phone.

"Von Staufenurg? Powell here. I request an immediate residnece with your self with regards to our glorious nations becoming partners again?"

VonStaufenburg agreed and the talks were arranged. The fighting subsided and the Special forces returned home. It had been a great day and now Powell had a nation to run, Exetonia Minor was born, but, for how long...
