A Plea of Help against the Communist Threat [ATTN: R.W.C, K.I.S.T, etc.]
The Water Cooler
30-09-2004, 13:09
This message has been approved by the War Time Security Directorate.
Fellow members of the glorious free world,
I come to you today in request of help.
The despicable nation of ‘Caselonia’ has illegally built-up a fleet outside our borders, and despite request that they move the fleet (which was interfering with shipping, and committing wonton acts of piracy, et cetra) they continue to not only maintain the fleet there, but solicit other communist nations to deploy there fleets outside our borders.
This can not be allowed to stand!
United we must make a decisive stand to the world that Socialistic imperialism can not be tolerated! Their interference with the free governments of the world must be checked. If we continue to allow them free reign within a few months we will wake up to a bowl of borscht, and an AK-47 forcing us to their death labour camps!
Our nation needs your support, not only militarily, but ideological. This will be the deciding battle in order to prove the supremacy of Capitalism! Previously only heated words have been exchanged, yet now we, united, can PROVE to the world that we are right, once and for all!
A victory, which by working together can be easily obtained. The labours of our battle will be truly lessened if our once great trading partners now make the step into military partners!
I call on nations in which we have aided in the past to aid us, although our help was provided without demand for payment, we would be grateful beyond belief if they could assist is now in this grave days.
The temptation to not aid us in the fight of the just must be ignored! Although it is tempting to resist our sacred duty, we must band together, and we must band together in order to ensure a viable, both morally and economically, tomorrow!
Our children deserve to grow up in a world where they are free from the threat of communism; free from the threat of socialism. They must be allowed to exercise the natural right to trade!
Brothers, we must band together! We must band together or be destroyed!
When victory is ours we will look very favourably upon those that have helped us when we pave our new world order; a world free from the red threat.
Arise children of the free world! Our day of glory is nigh! Together we shall raise the bloody standard against their threat.
If we do not do anything as sure as night follows day they will come in our midst to cut the throats of your sons and consorts!
To arms citizens of the world!
Form your battalions
March, march
Let impure blood
Water our furrows
Yours in fraternal love, and a desire for a better tomorrow,
Emperor Sohi,
The Water Cooler.
30-09-2004, 13:19
The armed republic of Tdas will not stand for the spread of commism in the world.
At your request we have sent our freedom class Air Craft carrier the AirDas to your region and is ready to use its fleet of F22 raptors to mount offensive operations on the communists ships if they attack any of your ships.
The Exetonian Empire
30-09-2004, 13:30
The Exetonian Empire denounces the unprovoked agression of Caselonia, and we send a send a message of support to our friends in The Water Cooler, in their continued struggle against the oppression and ignorance of those rebeles, bandits and traitors which threaten the cause of peace and prosperity.
The Exetonian military is only fledgling, and we cannot offer any direct military support until the military hardware required becomes available, this is, however, not to far away.
When/if we can send a military force, it must be understood that this force will be there solely to prevent the uncalled for aggression and barbarism of Communist, Pirate, and Bandit forces in the region, Exetonian forces will not attack unless we are ourselves attacked, our allies are attacked, or neutral shipping is attacked. We are NOT there to engage in open warfare, as this is beyond our abilities.
With this in mind, we request permission to send the 1st Imperial High Seas Fleet Squadron (5 Ticonderoga Cruisers, 5 California Cruisers, 10 Slava Cruisers, 10 Fregat II Destroyers, 10 Gepard Frigates and 1 Kitty Hawk Aircraft Carrier).
Exetonia Erwache!
The Water Cooler
01-10-2004, 04:12
The Exetonian Empire denounces the unprovoked agression of Caselonia, and we send a send a message of support to our friends in The Water Cooler, in their continued struggle against the oppression and ignorance of those rebeles, bandits and traitors which threaten the cause of peace and prosperity.
The Exetonian military is only fledgling, and we cannot offer any direct military support until the military hardware required becomes available, this is, however, not to far away.
When/if we can send a military force, it must be understood that this force will be there solely to prevent the uncalled for aggression and barbarism of Communist, Pirate, and Bandit forces in the region, Exetonian forces will not attack unless we are ourselves attacked, our allies are attacked, or neutral shipping is attacked. We are NOT there to engage in open warfare, as this is beyond our abilities.
With this in mind, we request permission to send the 1st Imperial High Seas Fleet Squadron (5 Ticonderoga Cruisers, 5 California Cruisers, 10 Slava Cruisers, 10 Fregat II Destroyers, 10 Gepard Frigates and 1 Kitty Hawk Aircraft Carrier).
Exetonia Erwache!
This message has been cleared by the War Time Security Directorate.
We thank the nation of Exetonia for their support; in these dark times it does mean a lot to us.
We understand the need you limited support, however we implore you to endeavour to be reach a stage where you are able to commit more concrete aid to our support.
Permission is thus granted for Exetonian ships to set sail for the Holy Empire of the Water Cooler.
May the Cooler guide us!
Lord Hizen Barden,
Minister of International Affairs,
Ministry of International Affairs,
(Previously known as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs),
P.S We also call on our other allies, and other friendly nations for help in this grave, dark times. United we will stand!
Let me take this opportunity to provide a less skewed version of the current events.
First, the Holy Empire of the Water Cooler did, in fact, establish an embassy in Celdonia, an embassy that was destroyed by its own ambassador, but only after placing bombs around the Celdonian Diplomatic Quarter, then threatening to, and finally detonating those bombs. The current intelligence report on this series of events can be found here (http://invisionfree.com/forums/CACE/index.php?showtopic=1571); we should not that Ambassador Odin in currently in Celdonian custody and is cooperating with investigators. In response to the illegal actions of their ambassador, and questions of what knowledge the HEWC government had of Ambassador Odin's actions, the Holy Empire deleted Odin from their records and now claims he never existed.
Second, Caselonia had not violated any law when it began its cordon of the Holy Empire of the Water Cooler. When presented with the choice between seeking a peaceful end to the cordon, by hearing the Caselonian greivances and working to create a mutual solution, and escalating the already tense situation, the Holy Empire chose to escalate by declaring war.
Third, the decleration of war by SeOCC, Celdonia, Svea Riga and other CACE comes in reply to the HEWC's show of intent to attack Caselonia by its pre-emptive decleration of war. It is not just nor correct to set unrealistic requirements of another government, and then consider failure to comply with absurd demands a show of aggression. The CACE will be happy to return to a state of peaceful relations with the Holy Empire as soon as the HEWC, who first delcared war against Caselonia, rescinds their declerations of war.
The Holy Empire, now realizing that the allies of Caselonia are more than ready to defend their partner from unjust aggression, seeks to bring more nations into this conflict. Rather than seek peace, they seek to spread war and destruction to nations whose people have no place in this conflict. This is not a conflict between capitalism and non-capitalism, it is a conflict between a nation that attempts to use force to dominate another, and nations who are prepared to defend each other from such domination.
While SeOCC does not support the ideology of capitalism, we have no interest in war, and we have no desire to go to war against any nation. We have no intention of taking over the Holy Empire, nor do we intend to overthrow their government. All we seek is the end of the threat against Caselonia, which can be as simple as the Holy Empire choosing not to go to war.
To the nation of Tdas, and the Exetonian Empire, reconsider your decision to go to war. What is this war about, why would you place your people in harm's way when there is no threat to your countries? Rather than use force to prolong an unnecessary war, call upon the Holy Empire of the Water Cooler to seek peace rather than war and prevent the unnecessary death of soldiers from all our nations.
Dmitri Ovyonov
Minister of Politics
01-10-2004, 10:40
I echo the sentiments of my colleague from SeOCC and can confirm that former Ambassador Odin is in the custody of Celdonian law enforcement agencies where he is helping them with their enquiries concerning the recent bombings in the Diplomatic Quarter. Beyond that, I do not wish to comment on former Ambassador Odin.
I will however, and once again, reiterate Celdiona’s plea to the leadership of HEWC that they stand down their forces and rescind the declaration of war on Caselonia. No leader of any CACE nation wishes to see blood spilled over this incident, but we are united in our resolve to defend our ally in its time of need.
As Minster Ovyonov has stated, this is not an ideological battle between capitalism and anticapitalism, and those nations driven merely by ideology would be well refraining from doing so. You have nothing to gain by participating in this action, but you have everything to lose.
I therefore call on HEWC to rescind its declaration of war on Caselonia and for all nations involved to stand down their forces. I suggest that whatever differences there are between HEWC and Caselonia be resolved by mediation, in a location and before a committee agreeable to the governments of both nations.
War is too easy to start and the eventual price too high. I therefore call on HEWC to accept this offer. Let none of us send young men and women to their deaths and tell the bereaved that we tried nothing else.
President Mike McKay
The Water Cooler
01-10-2004, 11:18
This message has been cleared by the War Time Security Directorate.
The Caselonian fleet has but to withdraw to not within 150km of our borders, and the declaration of war will be summarily rescinded.
Lord Hizen Barden,
Minister of International Affairs,
Ministry of International Affairs,
(Previously known as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs),
The prince of the nite
01-10-2004, 11:35
Just to say the prince of the night agrees with the communist party and even though this nation supoprts comunisim it can also see some merit from the captalists. WE will be willing to send negitatiers in to help solve this issue. If this propasal is acceptable to both nations that is
01-10-2004, 11:50
Message from the Allied Republics of Anagonia
The Allied Republics of Anagonia will remain neutral in this conflict, or sorts. We have a Member Republic that has a...shall we say....Communist Democracy as its Government. It is an Example of how well a Communist Nation can improve.
Intern, we will abide by the wishes of the Leader of this Member Republic by not ....going against his fellow Comrades.
The only condition that the Allied Council has agreed to is for the Allied Republics of Anagonia to act in Defense.
01-10-2004, 12:12
Felix Jethoscopes viewed the situation update on one of the screens in the UN cafeteria.
He slurped at his coffee and attempted to smoke his pipe (the one with the four inch bowl) sureptitiously, while mulling over the most recent nations statements.
Well, it all looked a little more hopeful. Perhaps mediation could be achieved after all.... although, Jethoscopes wondered idly whether the Ambassador from the 'Prince of the Nite's peculiar accent might not just exacerbate the problem.
Holy panooly
01-10-2004, 12:13
OOC: Check the RWC forums Water cooler
01-10-2004, 12:48
Jethoscopes wondered idly whether the Ambassador from the 'Prince of the Nite's peculiar accent might not just exacerbate the problem.
What a brilliant way to interpret spelling errors and typos. This may be the greatest contribution to world peace ever.
Now where did I put that bit of paper with the Nobel nominating committee address on it....
01-10-2004, 13:12
Water cooler, If the RWC agrees in helping you, My future tech army would eb delighted to kick some commie/socilaist BUTT!!!!
ooc: yes ... too bad the armies lining up against HEWC ignore future tech.
01-10-2004, 13:28
Hmm... that's not cricket...
The Exetonian Empire
01-10-2004, 13:36
The Exetonian Empire thanks you for permission to enter your waters. Sadly, due to delays and other events, the main fleet it tied up at the moment, and we will send it as soon as we can to help our friends in The Water Cooler The Government of His Divine Majesty would like to highlight to Seocc that our fleet is moving into position to defend the legitimate government of the area and neutrals against piracy. We would also like to stress that Exetonian Forces will not engage anyone in a military action unless they either a)are attacked first or b)seperate orders are recieved. Our presence in the area is there to maintain peace.
We would also like to add our voice to the others asking for a conference to bring peace to this area. However, if required to, Exetonian forces will engage in all out battle.
Exetonia Erwache!
Aust shall aid you my freind. The legions shall walk forth to aid you in defeating these poor fools who insult and attack you. They may try to twist facts and fool us into baliving them but the pround and honourable people of Aust will not be tricked.
Still peace must be atttempted, we agree with The Water Cooler that you must withdraw 150KM from your boarders before any attempt at peace can be made. You have 48 hours to comply. If you do not then the legions shall walk forth, and you country will become another outpost of Aust, your people our slaves.
If that happens may god have mercy on your souls.
Emporer Palpatine.
01-10-2004, 16:55
Jethoscopes rarely watched television, and he was really supposed to be reporting back to Council regarding the next stage of the plan to turn the UN berets pink, but the news feed had sucked him in and he had spent three hours drooling at the monitor.
Grabbing a family-sized bag of UN corn-based chips he attempted to soak up some of the drool.
There had been some confusing broadcasts - the Extonians' had kept him amused with their to-ing and fro-ing, but it had been the Austian Emperor... or was he an Emporer?... and what was an Emporer anyway? that had tickled Felix the most.
Jethoscopes pondered the likelihood of 'the Legions' abusing Shiree soil, and whether it would be easier to make them balive him in the jungle.
The Water Cooler
01-10-2004, 17:05
The Support of fellow RWC member Aust means much to us.
Emporer Palpatine is indeed wise, and despite the mumblings of commie malcontents, his strategies will no doubt succeed.
We urge him to pay no heed to what the CACE propagandists may say.
We demand that the childish intimidation of those who come to our aid cease at once! The free world can not be bullied by the ravings of a few rebel forces.
The Exetonian Empire
01-10-2004, 17:22
There had been some confusing broadcasts - the Extonians' had kept him amused with their to-ing and fro-ing
The Government of The Exetonian Empire completely rejects this view-point. We have continously offered The Holy Empire of the Water Cooler as much support, both military and ideological as we could, but due to other commitments overseas, our small military has been tied down elsewhere. However, we are pledged to come to the aid of our friends The Holy Empire of the Water Cooler. As a sign symbol of this, and to show our true dedication to the cause of freedom, justice, liberty, peace and prosperity, we will immediatly send 2nd Imperial High Seas Fleet Battle Squadron:
2 Kitty Hawk Class Carriers
1 Illeana Vassili-Class Carrier
2 Ticonderoga Class Cruisers
3 Spruance Class Destroyers
2 Oliver Hazard Perry Destroyer/Frigate
Along with 2 U-Boat Wolfpacks of 21 Ohio Class U-boats.
Let this be seen as a sign of Exetonian dedication and courage in the face of communist-socialist oppression, alongside those of the Great Nations of Water Cooler and Aust. More forces will be sent as they become available.
Exetonia Erwache!
01-10-2004, 17:26
The Holy Empire of the Water Cooler's "territorial waters" were delcared extended in flagrant violation of the UN 'Law of the Sea' resolution, with no other apparent goal than to give justification for attacking the Caselonians. The Caselonian navy has remained in international waters, and the actions of the Coolians-known sponsors of terrorism, as was pointed out by the spokespeople for Celdonian and SeOCC-are those of a rogue nation bent on wanton aggression. We urge the international community not so support a regime clearly crippled by the clinical mental disorders of its major figures.
The Exetonian Empire
01-10-2004, 17:41
the Government of The Exetonian Empire rejects this as lies and propoganda, designed to sread the disease of socialism and corruption throughout the world, and we add our voice to those requestiong the International Community to see the lies and propoganda for what they truly are.
We also call on both sides to come to a peacfull solution if at all possible. However, Exeter is quite determined to use military force to back up justice if needs be.
The Water Cooler
01-10-2004, 17:45
The Holy Empire of the Water Cooler's "territorial waters" were delcared extended in flagrant violation of the UN 'Law of the Sea' resolution, with no other apparent goal than to give justification for attacking the Caselonians. The Caselonian navy has remained in international waters, and the actions of the Coolians-known sponsors of terrorism, as was pointed out by the spokespeople for Celdonian and SeOCC-are those of a rogue nation bent on wanton aggression. We urge the international community not so support a regime clearly crippled by the clinical mental disorders of its major figures.
The UN's rules do not apply to us! We are a free nation, away from the corrupt grasp of the UN, and their now foolish and nonsensical policies.
We demand Cirdanistant stop there spreading of libellous, dare we say, slanderous, claims!
Their defence of the Caselonian pirates, while shocking, is to be expected. It seems that no longer can any CACE member offer their own opinions, indeed it seems what ever the Caselonian rebel Herr Mcleader wants, he is able to twist the truth and manipulate the truth in order to gain support for his illegal empire.
Such claims that anyone inside the HEWC government is mentally unfit is with out shred of truth. Such lies are designed only to cast dispersion on the HEWC government and divert attention from the real crimes that CACE stands for!
The Imperial Empire of Belem gives its ally WC in response to this grave communist threat.
*more coming soon*
Holy panooly
01-10-2004, 18:15
The Imperial Empire of Belem gives its ally WC in response to this grave communist threat.
*more coming soon*
We support Belem who is a RWC member thus we will support Water Cooler as well.
01-10-2004, 18:45
{OOC: This is rapidly turning into exactly why I never RP on the NS forums. Have any of you who so rapidly jump to the Call of the KIST read any of HEWC's other posts? Analyzed the situation? Waited for a Caselonian response? Of course not. And please keep your elves, your future tech, and your OMG TEH HUG3ZT ARM33Z idiocy well away from this RP, thank you. When I get a chance, I will respond to the allegations of HEWC, but I'm on my way to work (indeed, I'm not 14, shocking isn't it? :P ). Shall post later!}
01-10-2004, 20:05
((OOC: Actually, I'll be siding with the water cooler based on sound economic interests and a long-standing feud with anything Aperinian. Him blowing up stuff there is a good thing, really, from my IC viewpoint. Truth is irrelevant. My Prime Minister is an elf though... hope you do not mind. :rolleyes:
Besides, I left the United Nations because of that law of the seas resolution so anyone taking advantage of it is free to do so, IMO.
Anyway, SeOCC and Celdonia sorta ignore me, so that is a problem. Still, I'd want to support my pro-Market friend (though not exactly ally) when he is threatened. Maybe we can work out how this can be done in a way that does not overly piss off these players. Military aid or whatever. Seemed to work with Biotopia.))
01-10-2004, 20:05
I come to you today in request of help.
The despicable nation of ‘Caselonia’ has illegally built-up a fleet outside our borders, and despite request that they move the fleet (which was interfering with shipping, and committing wonton acts of piracy, et cetra) they continue to not only maintain the fleet there, but solicit other communist nations to deploy there fleets outside our borders.
Is your nation a member of the United Nations? Or a signatory to the UN Law of the Sea?
If not, I'm afraid that until you join these conventions that my nation, and many others can not support your claim of the first ... what is it, 150 km of ocean from your shores.
As you are no doubt aware, the UN Law of the Sea currently extends national territorial waters to the first 20 km, though a proposal is in the works to extend the "economic influence" to the first 200 km.
As for the rest of your "impassioned" plea to capitalist nations, being a rather large and successful free-market economy, my government finds little in your plea that would suggest that your government is a free-market society. In fact, your plea sounds more like more like tradiational nationalism.
I'm afraid that the CCSM Council of Mayors met to discuss this situation and has agreed to the following:
- Any party to the dispute may make a formal appeal to the CCSM for humanitarian aid, but on the condition that such a party agree to adhere to the following UN resolutions:
Wolfish Convention on POW
the IRCO
No Embargoes on Medicine
Banning the use of Landmines
Children in War
Law of the Sea
The Nuclear Terrorism Act (should it pass)
Failure to adhere to this international humanitarian and security conventions will be considered a rejection of any aid offer.
- Any party receiving aid, should understand that provisions should be made such that aid workers are put at undo risk, and acknowledging that no unilateral arrangements protecting aid workers yet exists, thus this provisions will have to be made via bi-lateral arrangements. Though my government would like to illustrate that legislation such as the "Good Samaritan Laws" proposal would help eliminate administrative delays assocaited with this sort of process.
01-10-2004, 20:12
I will help the Communist nations in destroying all countries in support of this thread
The Milesian Technate
01-10-2004, 20:31
The Technate wishes to stand besides our CACE ally, whose actions are not an act of war nor are they inside HEWC water, in this time of need. War is an ugly thing, and unilaterally declaring unprovoked war on another nation is indeed most serious.
The HEWC and other nations wish to turn this from a somewhat local dispute into an ideological one where nations come to the aid of their ideological ally rather than paying heed to what happened and investigating the truth, or otherwise, of the claims that either side makes.
While the Technate does not have a seperate military and thus cannot provide direct aid, we are willing to provide medical supplies to any and all who may require them if this conflict expands.
We are also going to open Milesia to refugees and asylum seekers who wish to escape the conflict.
In solidarity,
Michelle Ichide,
Department of Foreign Affairs,
The Milesian Technate (http://www.nationstates.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi/target=display_nation/nation=the_milesia_technate).
Jethoscopes rarely watched television, and he was really supposed to be reporting back to Council regarding the next stage of the plan to turn the UN berets pink, but the news feed had sucked him in and he had spent three hours drooling at the monitor.
Grabbing a family-sized bag of UN corn-based chips he attempted to soak up some of the drool.
There had been some confusing broadcasts - the Extonians' had kept him amused with their to-ing and fro-ing, but it had been the Austian Emperor... or was he an Emporer?... and what was an Emporer anyway? that had tickled Felix the most.
Jethoscopes pondered the likelihood of 'the Legions' abusing Shiree soil, and whether it would be easier to make them balive him in the jungle.
OOC: I happen to be dislexic and therefore can't spell that well okay.
Caselonia, I'm not 14 eather, I'm 15 :)
I'm in this mainly as it'll help my econermy (more slaves mean more workers) and to honour my allince. Also my IC goverment isn't one that really anylises the facts, ithe emporer is well known for being a hothead who balives basically what his allies tell him. There is a counterbalance in Prince Matt who would have kept us out of this for a while but he's on a honeymoon so...
I'll post some IC once this develops more.
Water cooler, If the RWC agrees in helping you, My future tech army would eb delighted to kick some commie/socilaist BUTT!!!!
OOC: Wouldn't that be considered cheating, modern tech vs. future tech?
02-10-2004, 01:04
OOC: Wouldn't that be considered cheating, modern tech vs. future tech?
OOC: Which is why we don't recognise it. Most of CACE is future tech +1 (i.e. more or less today with a few nice to haves) and we're not really interested in taking on star cruisers and magical creatures and the like. We have no objection to alternative realities if they scale down their abilities so that no one has an inherent advantage though. Celdonia is a nation of 3.686 billion people with a half-decent military (ranked about 1000 in the last UN survey) so I'm not about to concede military superiority to 5 million Borg who appeared yesterday. Ok, that's not what's been suggested but you get the idea.
I speak for the people of Xikuang, the same people who elected me to my position: we do not want war. The methodology of aggression is not our way. We know too well what fruits are borne of that seed. But we will not neglect the duty we agreed to undertake under the terms of the CACE charter, and we will not sit idly by and allow an ally of ours to be threatened by a power some of whose representatives are known to us to have committed grievous acts of terrorism on the soil of another.
In response to the Holy Empire of the Water Cooler's declaration of war against Caselonia, we declare our support for our long-time ally and friend, but we do not seek war.
We reiterate our invitation for HEWC to engage in dialogue to avert hostilities, with the mutual satisfaction of all involved in mind. We likewise reiterate our willingness to act as mediators, or if Xikuang's status as CACE member makes our mediation unacceptable, to help to find mediators who are.
We continue to call for peace, in the name of humanity. Let there be no bloodshed until all other recourse has been exhausted.
Dr, Xu Xian,
the Elected,
Chair of the Elected General Council,
the Serene Socialist Republic of Xikuang
{OOC: This is rapidly turning into exactly why I never RP on the NS forums. Have any of you who so rapidly jump to the Call of the KIST read any of HEWC's other posts? Analyzed the situation? Waited for a Caselonian response? Of course not. And please keep your elves, your future tech, and your OMG TEH HUG3ZT ARM33Z idiocy well away from this RP, thank you. When I get a chance, I will respond to the allegations of HEWC, but I'm on my way to work (indeed, I'm not 14, shocking isn't it? :P ). Shall post later!}
Quite. I know my ridiculously draconic approach to NS roleplaying has been criticised by more than one, but seriously, I have less than zero interest in endless numberwanking and bitchfests about whose magic army of nucular robo-wombat drones is bigger than whose. If this thread turns into one of those, I could not bring myself to have a scrap of interest in it. I've been doing this kind of thing for some time, and there are some things for which I long ago lost patience. That's one of them.
/draconic cace-matron
03-10-2004, 02:24
{OOC: One other problem there, Knoot, because neither HEWC nor Caselonia is in Aperin. ;) }
The Water Cooler
03-10-2004, 03:41
((Indeed, but the sentiment still stands! :)))
Zarbia will not send troops but will monitor the situation with our fellow RWC allies for now.
03-10-2004, 23:16
OOC: Woot for the blatent slaughter of commies.
06-10-2004, 16:21
The Dr_Twist Government and its Allies will support the Communists if Need be, we will not Stand idly alone and watch Communists die for there Cause!
06-10-2004, 16:33
OOC: Can someone give me the RWC forum adress? I've lost it.
Kriegorgrad will heed the call, but only if a diplomatic solution is out-of-the-question, should you just want a large, powerful alliance such as the RWC to help destroy a Communist nation, then you are sorely mistaken. We are an alliance that aids the needing, not some protection racket you ring up if you need something done.
However, should the reds not back down, Kriegorgrad will be waiting with it's military arm ready for the swing.
Also, should we need to aid Water Coolers in defence, we will need time to sort logistics out. Also, it may take time to mobilize the Kriegos army, so, we may well end up being a relief force. That is, of course, if diplomatic relations fail.
Until then
06-10-2004, 17:26
Ministry of Foreign Office Statement
More Right Wing Collective dogs causing trouble? We ask our comrades in Caselonia to withdraw their fleet, HOWEVER:
Should The Water Cooler engage Caselonian Naval Vessels we will be forced to retaliate in force to save Caselonian lives and ensure that no more Caselonian vessels will be sunk by imperialist aggression from the nation of The Water Cooler.
06-10-2004, 17:36
OOC: Check your post hog, some lil things wrong with it :)
IC: Kriegorgrad demands that Hogsweat take back that blatantly un-needed remark, it only proves you seek to make tensions worse. Do you wish for a war? If not, then think before you insult a large alliance that could bring about a rather large, bloody war, which will probably end up with alot more Caselonians dead.
06-10-2004, 17:51
OOC: Check your post hog, some lil things wrong with it :)
IC: Kriegorgrad demands that Hogsweat take back that blatantly un-needed remark, it only proves you seek to make tensions worse. Do you wish for a war? If not, then think before you insult a large alliance that could bring about a rather large, bloody war, which will probably end up with alot more Caselonians dead.
Don't use Scare Tactics on one of my Allies.... i Shall gather my Allies and show RWC that they aren’t as powerful as they really believe they are if they Keep abusing allies!
Holy panooly
06-10-2004, 18:07
OOC: http://s7.invisionfree.com/rwcalliance for all your RWC needs
Hogsweat, don't be a naughtly boy and show a little more respect for an alliance who can push your whole wasteland back into the filthy sewers where you have crawled away from. This is a friendly warning and I expect this will NOT turn into a war. I also received a telegram where someone accuses The Water Cooler of terrorism. This isn't something the RWC takes lightly and I demand an explanation from The Water Cooler at once.
Water Cooler you do if this is true you will have a problem with us right. I do not like members who lie to gain support from the bigger members. We won't anything to your enemies but we CAN and we WILL punish you if you were lying to us. Understood?
06-10-2004, 18:11
OOC: Shit. What a gay typo. Thanks.
I will not show respect for an alliance that endorses the killing of people that have commited no crimes apparent. In fact, I will show the opposite.
The RWC is a bunch of Imperialist, Racist, Capitalist, generally scum that have bounded together to oppress nations smaller then them in an attempt to make themselves look big and powerful.
Holy Panooly, I am not scared of you or your petty little alliance.
Holy panooly
06-10-2004, 18:18
I will not show respect for an alliance that endorses the killing of people that have commited no crimes apparent. In fact, I will show the opposite.
The RWC is a bunch of Imperialist, Racist, Capitalist, generally scum that have bounded together to oppress nations smaller then them in an attempt to make themselves look big and powerful.
Holy Panooly, I am not scared of you or your petty little alliance.
Of course. But in fact we are capitalists, imperialists and some even racist. Chose as you please to be afraid of, we know you have many allies but who doesn't? Think again before you plunge yourslelf into a pointless war. But please, get your facts straight, since you would have noticed we haven't been quite active on the international stage lately.
06-10-2004, 18:33
Who said anything about a war?
06-10-2004, 18:41
OOC: Shit. What a gay typo. Thanks.
The RWC is a bunch of Imperialist, Racist, Capitalist, generally scum that have bounded together to oppress nations smaller then them in an attempt to make themselves look big and powerful.
Holy Panooly, I am not scared of you or your petty little alliance.
Why thank you, I love compliments!
Oh and be afraid, be VERY afraid little boy since where coming to get you, with sharp sticks!
06-10-2004, 18:58
Scared.. :rollseyes:
06-10-2004, 20:24
OOC: Np hog.
Don't use Scare Tactics on one of my Allies.... i Shall gather my Allies and show RWC that they aren’t as powerful as they really believe they are if they Keep abusing allies!
If stating fact is a scare tactic to you, you must be permanently afraid, fear not, we'll send sedatives and anti-depressents as soon as we can. Also, I'd seriously like to see you try, I doubt the World Community will be very pleased at a very unfounded war upon the RWC. On what grounds do you propose war? You and your communist hounds have been the ones baying for blood. Hogsweat declaring that he will go to war should a nation try to keep foreign ships out of his sovereign waters and now you bang on about gathering your allies and "showing the RWC that we aren't as powerful as we think".
To be frank, we don't care. If you want a war, you'll get a war and a long list of condemnations. Also; oddly, you make out us rightwingers to be barbaric beasts, yet, need I make the affiliation once more, you appear to be the hounds baying for blood at every turn.
EDIT: Just saw addy, thx HP.
06-10-2004, 21:02
I don't like Big Ugly Mutant Pigeons very much.
07-10-2004, 05:34
OOC: Np hog.
If stating fact is a scare tactic to you, you must be permanently afraid, fear not, we'll send sedatives and anti-depressents as soon as we can. Also, I'd seriously like to see you try, I doubt the World Community will be very pleased at a very unfounded war upon the RWC. On what grounds do you propose war? You and your communist hounds have been the ones baying for blood. Hogsweat declaring that he will go to war should a nation try to keep foreign ships out of his sovereign waters and now you bang on about gathering your allies and "showing the RWC that we aren't as powerful as we think".
To be frank, we don't care. If you want a war, you'll get a war and a long list of condemnations. Also; oddly, you make out us rightwingers to be barbaric beasts, yet, need I make the affiliation once more, you appear to be the hounds baying for blood at every turn.
EDIT: Just saw addy, thx HP.
BAHAHAHAHAHA, My allies and myself Stood up to NATO because they Threaded To Invaded an Imperialist Allies and NATO Stood down...., My Allies would find RWC a day in the park compared to NATO.
Now stop dreaming that RWC is this major world Power alliance, because it just isn't, it has power but not in a World Stage that you wish it to have.
Holy panooly
07-10-2004, 10:15
The last thing the RWC wants is war. We do like to point out that certain nations are testing our patience and exploring their limitations a bit too much. That's not a wise thing to do, since this situation is already very tense.
Keep this in mind.
07-10-2004, 11:05
I will not show respect for an alliance that endorses the killing of people that have commited no crimes apparent. In fact, I will show the opposite.
The RWC is a bunch of Imperialist, Racist, Capitalist, generally scum that have bounded together to oppress nations smaller then them in an attempt to make themselves look big and powerful.
Holy Panooly, I am not scared of you or your petty little alliance.
Watch your mouth. I can't fight anyone here because i'm future tech. But be warned....
This is getting out of hand. it was just a border dispute, but could erupt into a world war, that I can't join in to.
This situation is intolerable. The nation of Water Cooler is in the wrong, their ambassador resorting to such explosive measures initiated a state of war upon Caselonia. The blockade is not unjust nor is it illegal, however the Revised Empire sees it as a tad excessive.
Because of this the Imperial fourth and seventh fleets will be sent to insure that these hostilities do not degenerate into a much larger and bloody war. There will be a peace conference held upon the HMS Impermeable if Water Cooler and Caselonia desides to send delegates.
King George
Emperor of Bob-Bob
The Water Cooler
07-10-2004, 12:45
You infidel! How dare you dare order us! Any Vessels bearing your registry that attempts to enter within our 150km maritime territorial borders will be destroyed.
I am sure the nation of Caselonian will similarly resent your interference.
In arms,
Minster of Borders Omegs Stron
Ministry of Defence,
May the Cooler destroy our enemies!
The Giant Panda
07-10-2004, 13:05
I support the communists... down with freedom... the government needs your money!
The Water Cooler
07-10-2004, 13:11
This situation is intolerable. The nation of Water Cooler is in the wrong, their ambassador resorting to such explosive measures initiated a state of war upon Caselonia. The blockade is not unjust nor is it illegal, however the Revised Empire sees it as a tad excessive.
Because of this the Imperial fourth and seventh fleets will be sent to insure that these hostilities do not degenerate into a much larger and bloody war. There will be a peace conference held upon the HMS Impermeable if Water Cooler and Caselonia desides to send delegates.
King George
Emperor of Bob-Bob
((My god! Some how the words changed! Oh Noes!!!11!!Shift11. Ahem.))
The HEWC government refuses most cordially the invitation of 'Bob-Bob', a peace conference with the Caselonians would be like trying to central heating to the Bedouin. Appealing at first, but ultimately fruitless.
We also kindly remind them that any incursion into our borders will not be acceptable.
07-10-2004, 13:13
You infidel! How dare you dare order us! Any Vessels bearing your registry that attempts to enter within our 150km maritime territorial borders will be destroyed.
I am sure the nation of Caselonian will similarly resent your interference.
In arms,
Minster of Borders Omegs Stron
Ministry of Defence,
May the Cooler destroy our enemies!
International Law States 5km Unless its a Center of Population then its a 30km area, So he can go as close as he wants without breaking those Territorial Waters.
The Water Cooler
07-10-2004, 13:16
I challenge you to show me the text that makes up this so called ‘international law’.
Furthermore we request that your refrain from spreading outlandish and puerile lies! Our borders are, and always will be, 150kms from our coastland. Any threat will be dealt with.
The Coolers rage is almighty and never ending. And it’s shiny too.
In arms,
Minster of Borders Omegs Stron
Ministry of Defence,
07-10-2004, 13:19
I challenge you to show me the text that makes up this so called ‘international law’.
Furthermore we request that your refrain from spreading outlandish and puerile lies! Our borders are, and always will be, 150kms from our coastland. Any threat will be dealt with.
The Coolers rage is almighty and never ending. And it’s shiny too.
In arms,
Minster of Borders Omegs Stron
Ministry of Defence,
You can’t Claim any further then those Laws, if you Do you have broken international Law giving other Nations the Right to retaliate because you are violating Free Waters.
IC: The British fleet will remain 50km off your coast, as a small reminder that peace is the best option. We once again state that a war is not necessary, and we will remain in the area should the need for International Aid or help be requested.
We would also like to take this opportunity to remind The Water Cooler that causing friction with other alliances is not in their best interests currently.
King George
Emperor of Bob-Bob
07-10-2004, 16:08
BAHAHAHAHAHA, My allies and myself Stood up to NATO because they Threaded To Invaded an Imperialist Allies and NATO Stood down...., My Allies would find RWC a day in the park compared to NATO.
Now stop dreaming that RWC is this major world Power alliance, because it just isn't, it has power but not in a World Stage that you wish it to have.
Once more...you bay for blood, you still want a war when all other parties see it as a foolish waste of resources. You communists seem to resort to violence should things not go your way, very akin to a 4 year old throwing a tantrum.
I personally agree with Bob-bob on the issue of peace, war is bloody and wasteful. All the winner has in the end is an incomprehensible amount of corpses at the end.
What will we do with you blood-thirsty beasts, what will we do indeed.
OOC: How threads grow.
IC: Aust is annoyed by Hogsweats continual Big Headedness and there continual remarks that show neather sense or intellagence. Maybe they should go back to school? That is of course if your single market econermy hasn't yet collapsed and there state disolved into archany.
Once more...you bay for blood, you still want a war when all other parties see it as a foolish waste of resources. You communists seem to resort to violence should things not go your way, very akin to a 4 year old throwing a tantrum.
What will we do with you blood-thirsty beasts, what will we do indeed.
Well what did you expect from a nation which gives the entire idea of communism a bad name through it's continued aggressive stance and poor diplomatic tact? I mean it's clear that the size of an alliance so important and we can just ignore the fact that NATO are rather indecisive as they are clearly the most powerful and influencial alliance around...
Any nation which positions a military fleet outside another nations borders, not matter if it's 10-150 miles, is clearly there for intimidation perposes or possibly worse.
Meanwhile as for "International Waters"... well how about Iuthia sticks a whopping fleet outside your nation, just outside of territorial waters, trust me, most nations react badly to that. As for the legality of 150 miles territorial waters... well a nation can claim as much water as it wants, bearing in mind that if they aren't reasonable other nations will ignore it as they please. International law doesn't exist, only what you can reasonably defend as your own. In this case whether or not Water Cooler has 150 miles territorial waters is down to their willing to protect 150 miles around their coast and given that some idiot has put a fleet there I'd say that they may very well try and do that.
Now enough posturing... I don't see the need for any war here so can't we just talk about this without comparing dick sizes for once?
Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
07-10-2004, 17:15
Why, extraordinarily put Iuthia. DT seems to believe that; through perseverance and military might, he can quash all forms of goverment he isn't fond of. A preposterous proposition in itself, why; may I ask, is he so determined to have a war? It simply wastes resources, destroys economies (unless you supply the guns e.g USA) and costs lives. Alot of lives, that means alot of sons and daughters without mothers and fathers, men and women without spouses.
On the whole: General Misery.
I'd also like to add, that I am honoured to have attracted the attention of the Diplomatic Corps of Iuthia.
OOC: Just cos you seem to be one of the few, true pros I've seen on NS.
Why, extraordinarily put Iuthia. DT seems to believe that; through perseverance and military might, he can quash all forms of goverment he isn't fond of. A preposterous proposition in itself, why; may I ask, is he so determined to have a war? It simply wastes resources, destroys economies (unless you supply the guns e.g USA) and costs lives. Alot of lives, that means alot of sons and daughters without mothers and fathers, men and women without spouses.
On the whole: General Misery.
I'd also like to add, that I am honoured to have attracted the attention of the Diplomatic Corps of Iuthia.
OOC: Just cos you seem to be one of the few, true pros I've seen on NS.
OOC: Do I here sucking? J/K
IC: Aust also sees no point in this war,as we've already suggested to Water Cooler, peace talks should take place.
07-10-2004, 20:53
OOC: Do I here sucking? J/K
IC: Aust also sees no point in this war,as we've already suggested to Water Cooler, peace talks should take place.
OOC: Indeed you do hear sucking but can you name anyone who has a better grasp on RPing/NS that Iuthia?
Funny how the commies run now that we've got 'em outgunned on the diplomatic front. The militaristic front is ours assured.
OOC: Indeed you do hear sucking but can you name anyone who has a better grasp on RPing/NS that Iuthia?
Funny how the commies run now that we've got 'em outgunned on the diplomatic front. The militaristic front is ours assured.
OOC: He is probably the best, afteer Meklor and AMF.
They are running arn't they, maybe we should bugger diplomacy and kill 'em?
07-10-2004, 20:59
OOC: I respect AMF but I can't say his RPing is superiour to Iuthia, noone has called Iuthia a godmod but the same can't be said for AMF. I see little wrong with AMF's RPing but apparently there are some faults.
Melkor...yes, I think he is on a par with Iuthia. I can't pick which, Iuthia is a master of diplomacy whereas Melkor is a master of...stuff :P
And regarding the whole killing them thing: why bother? We'll get alot condemnations and commies breathing down our necks, not to mention the large amount of dead people on both sides.
OOC: I respect AMF but I can't say his RPing is superiour to Iuthia, noone has called Iuthia a godmod but the same can't be said for AMF. I see little wrong with AMF's RPing but apparently there are some faults.
Melkor...yes, I think he is on a par with Iuthia. I can't pick which, Iuthia is a master of diplomacy whereas Melkor is a master of...stuff :P
OOC: Gah? Most people around here generally dislike me... anyways you can't have a go at a nation for GODMODing when it makes a point of using very small amounts of it's military. As for my RPing, I've seen Melkor do some excellent RP's in the past... just not so much in International Incidents, as for Automagfreek, when he's on form he's much better then me.
But thanks for the complement I guess... now I'll probably have a ton of nations point out my flaws to balence it out. Meh... should be a good read at least.
07-10-2004, 21:22
noone has called Iuthia a godmod but the same can't be said for AMF.
OOC: I'd like to formally say that you don't know what you're talking about. AMF has been called a godmodder and be mass ignored. I for one am one of those people.
07-10-2004, 21:25
Does Iuthia even have soldiers Oo?
Aust, you have nothing on me.
Independent Hitmen
07-10-2004, 21:30
07-10-2004, 21:34
OOC: I'd like to formally say that you don't know what you're talking about. AMF has been called a godmodder and be mass ignored. I for one am one of those people.
What I said there, was agreeing with what you just posted, read it back and think about it. It makes sense and agrees with your angle!
Haha! Hogsweat, I noticed you abandoned trying to counter my arguments, c'mon, wheres your diplomatic spirit!
Does Iuthia even have soldiers O.o ?
OOC: I'd like to stop this OOC Hijack now, but Hogsweat... my nations damn near run by the military. We just prefer to take a defencive stance with our military service which receives more funding then any other sector.
08-10-2004, 02:52
OOC: I'd like to formally say that you don't know what you're talking about. AMF has been called a godmodder and be mass ignored. I for one am one of those people.
OOC: If I am a godmodder, point out examples of my wrongdoings. As far as me being mass ignored goes, I'd really like to know which forum you're talking about, because it certainly isn't NationStates. :rolleyes:
08-10-2004, 07:44
OOC: AMF, you have been ignored on more than one occasion, I don't know whom by but I know you have.
And, I'd like to add that Taurenor is very much...screwed! AMF is gonna wipe the floor with him :)
OOC: And, I'd like to add that Taurenor is very much...screwed! AMF is gonna wipe the floor with him :)
OOC: Enough of this; you don't know what you are talking about I mean how the hell can Taurenor get his ass kicked by Automagfreek when he ignores him; and I'm pretty sure that Automagfreek doesn't get angry and declare war on nations who say they ignored him... I mean that would be terrible role-play on it own and I think it doesn't say much for your confidence in AMF if you think he's going to paste someone because of a snide OOC comment.
Now I repeat: Let us end this OOC Hijhack.
08-10-2004, 14:25
OOC: Enough of this; you don't know what you are talking about I mean how the hell can Taurenor get his ass kicked by Automagfreek when he ignores him; and I'm pretty sure that Automagfreek doesn't get angry and declare war on nations who say they ignored him... I mean that would be terrible role-play on it own and I think it doesn't say much for your confidence in AMF if you think he's going to paste someone because of a snide OOC comment.
Now I repeat: Let us end this OOC Hijhack.
OOC: *Points to above post*
08-10-2004, 15:57
OOC: He is probably the best, afteer Meklor and AMF.
They are running arn't they, maybe we should bugger diplomacy and kill 'em?
OOC: Whos' running? We said we wanted peace ('cause we aren't warmongering fascists) and, depsite the fact that hardly anyone here seems to know it, peace has been achieved. Even if temporarily.
Diplomacy's more fun than war anyway. War often seem to involve a load of people boasting about the size of their peni....I mean armies and OMG I NUKZ U!!! posts. Dull dull dull.
I'm not averse to the odd bit of military conflict...but not for the least little reason.
Anyway, there seem to be enough people who've turned up looking for a scrap to keep all the war buffs happy.
08-10-2004, 16:10
You communists have been baying for blood, both Hogsweat and DT are trying to lure us; more peaceful fascists, into a bloody war.
And Iuthia has lost my fondness, he isn't being friendly anymore, he is just pointing out my flaws with extreme prejudice. So, Aust is right and AMF and Melkor are the two I have to idolise :P
08-10-2004, 16:19
Diplomacy can only go so far. Once negotiations break down, the only remaining option that human beings have in their arsenal is conflict.
You say we are baying for blood?
You, as Celdonia stated, are the warmongering fascist dogs that infest our earth and plague our attempts at a united mankind at every chance possible.
I warn you all now, Nazi's, Fascists, Warmongering Capitalists, Imperialists, whoever or whatever you may be.
There is only so far you can push us.You take the pacifist leftists for granted. There are some of us who will fight back, those that are not scared to sting when attacked. Comrades Communism and Socialism are scorpions. Attack us and we will sting, and believe me it is deadly.
You have been warned.
There is only so far you can push us.You take the pacifist leftists for granted. There are some of us who will fight back, those that are not scared to sting when attacked. Comrades Communism and Socialism are scorpions. Attack us and we will sting, and believe me it is deadly.
You have been warned.
Push you? Push you?! You guys seem to be aching for war the majority of time. A small rebellion in someone elses nation... the answer is war of course. Someone insulted your wife? Did you know they will only respect you if you declare war on them, if you don't you will be the laughing stock of the world.
Communists and Capitalist are joining in against the opposite just for a chance to have a go at the other side... such things I might expect from Sino and Belem as they hate Communists and their nations have clear records of prefering conflict over diplomacy... but Hogsweat and Dr_Twist claim not to be Stalinists, they often try and protect the ideals of Communism by going to war just because someone else who has been labelled "communist" is doing so. I find such reasoning to be completely ignorant of the situation.
Seriously, if some of these nations actually tried to take diplomacy seriously instead of using it to legitimise their bloody wars alot of the world wouldn't be in this mess and Communists and Capitalists alike wouldn't need these stupid dick measuring events to satisfy their feelings of insecurity.
Caselonia has a fleet outside of the Water Cooler, any declarations of war have been agreed to be withdrawn if that fleet moves away from the Water Cooler. These are the facts... if Caselonia and Seocc want peace as Seocc first pointed out then they have but to move this fleet 150 miles away from the Water Coolers shores. It's that simple. Failing that they could throw out any possibility of peace and just attack, in which case their failure to resolve this diplomatically will be recorded.
Hogsweat, siding with the communists has asked that the Caselonian's pull out, this is a move in the right direction. However we find their increasing keenness to pull out of diplomacy to be dangerous.
Foriegn Minster Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
Once again, Iuthia has summed what is happening here. Hogsweat, though i am sure that the Legions would defeat you, I am not bothered about you. Withdraw your fleet and then we can talk.
Once again, Iuthia has summed what is happening here. Hogsweat, though i am sure that the Legions would defeat you, I am not bothered about you. Withdraw your fleet and then we can talk.
I wasn't aware Hogsweat has deployed a fleet at this time... if that is the case then I would agree but it's not them I was refering to...
ooc: I think we can safely say that this thread now has nothing to do with its original poster or any of those initially involved in the (now resolved) situation.
'Nuff said.
I wasn't aware Hogsweat has deployed a fleet at this time... if that is the case then I would agree but it's not them I was refering to...
Mistaken ID, I was refering to Caselonia with that statement, that they should withdraw and then peace talks can happen.
Svea Riga
08-10-2004, 21:15
ooc: I think we can safely say that this thread now has nothing to do with its original poster or any of those initially involved in the (now resolved) situation.
'Nuff said.
As Xikuang says. The situation has been solved, Caselonia withdrew his fleet 150 km and disarmed the situation. No need for further discussion regarding that topic.
As Xikuang says. The situation has been solved, Caselonia withdrew his fleet 150 km and disarmed the situation. No need for further discussion regarding that topic.
Thanks you two. I wasn't sure but it's nice to see that things won't degenerate into another Commies vs. Capitalists fight.
08-10-2004, 22:23
Well put Iuthia, you have my fondness again :) And, to let everyone know, I had no intention of going to war. And, Hogsweat, can you please find the little piece of crucial evidence in this thread that makes me out to be warmongering?
08-10-2004, 22:31
The fact you are part of the R.W.C already means you are a warmongerer.
The fact you are part of the R.W.C already means you are a warmongerer.
Heh... nothing like sterotyping to replace evidence.
On an additional note if you follow the way I do things on NS, I generally don't mind if someone loves me or loathes me... so long as they pay attention to the things I say I don't mind either way. I don't post to be popular.
08-10-2004, 22:35
IC: Good god, you have nothing on Kriegorgrad. We are simply not a warmongering nation. So, every single capitalist country is war mongering? That means alot of peaceful countries are infact, secret warmongerers! Damn them and their secret wars!
I'm sorry, but unless you can come up with some hard evidence, you're just making a fool of yourself.
08-10-2004, 22:40
OOC: Although I'm aware that Caselonia has withdrawn the fleet and HEWC has rescinded the declaration of war it might have been a good idea for these event's to have been posted in this thread (hint hint) and we could have avoided a lot of this.
IC: Celdonia has no interest in participating in any ideological war of capitalists versus anticapitalists and our foreign policy remains committed to securing peace. We are resolute in our opinion that ideologies cannot be imposed upon people.
Where illegal threats are made to our allies we shall not hesitate to offer our full support, but we will not countenance the sacrifice of our young men and women in the name of an unjust war that merely seeks to promote a political or economic system.
We remain committed to the ideal of global socialism, but we accept that the realisation of this truth must bear fruit in the minds of the world's citizens before it can become a reality. It is far better to show the world the tangible benefits that can be gained by rejecting capitalism than it is to convince them at the end of a gun barrel.
As ever, we remain committed to peace.
08-10-2004, 22:41
Every, single, last capitalist nation are warmongerers. Day in and day out they make war on their hard-working peoples who are paid minimum wages and work maximum hours.
Yes Iuthy, I do like to stereotype.
08-10-2004, 22:45
IC: Not every capitalist country rips off it's citizens you know...and guess what, Kriegorgrad isn't even capitalist, everything is state controlled. There is little point furthering this conversation, your mind has obviously been riddled with Communist propaganda to the extent of it resembling some very destroyed cheese.
OOC: Thats pretty selfless Iuthia, good for you.
08-10-2004, 22:48
Everything is state controlled? Oh wait, hang on a minute, that reminds of .. ah, what was it... oh yes, of course. COMMUNISM. Communism is an economical theory whereby all means of production, distribution, and transportation are state owned..
Hows that for a piece of cheese?
08-10-2004, 22:50
IC: This is where the system gets strange for Kriegorgrad, people are allowed some private enterprise and the like but all major industry is state owned. Shop owners and the like reap what they sew. And factory workers do get to keep the miniscule wage they are given.
08-10-2004, 22:50
The fact you are part of the R.W.C already means you are a warmongerer.
So I'm a warmongerer?
*gleefull smile*
And I didn't even need to start a war for it! Sweeeet....
08-10-2004, 22:57
IC: This is where the system gets strange for Kriegorgrad, people are allowed some private enterprise and the like but all major industry is state owned. Shop owners and the like reap what they sew. And factory workers do get to keep the miniscule wage they are given.
How would your industry do without those workers?
How would your industry do without those workers?
I fail to see the point of this arguement. Was the question "Is Kriegorgrad a warmonger?" and not "Is Kriegorgrad a communist?" In any case the situation is over.
OOC: Iuthia selfless? Hah... you probably didn't read me comments to carefully.
"I generally don't mind if someone loves me or loathes me... so long as they pay attention to the things I say I don't mind either way"
As in, I want people to listen to me... I wouldn't call that selfless.
ooc: all I can say is, glad to see that others are as disinterested in YA descent into communist vs. capitalist muckslinging as I am. Cheers!
The Water Cooler
09-10-2004, 04:11
((My thread, my poor thread... :())
09-10-2004, 09:48
OOC: Thank Iuthia; you have a habit of PWNING people really easily :), and sorry Water Cooler, but this is our thread now :P
IC: Hogsweat, Kriegorgrad shall never be without workers, they are given wages that allow them to live, buy food and even buy some possessions, the family will need to save up for furniture though.
And, I don't believe the question was: "Is Kriegorgrad a Communist". That simply proves you have nothing on Kriegorgrad as a warmongerer. How can Hogsweatian diplomats be so incompetent?