War breaks out in the WARMONGERS region.
UN international News
Brain hurz
Comming to you from the capital city of Tdas, Atomica Ive just been informed that Tdas has launched a number of scud missles into its neighbour Scrag.
Officals in scrag estimate 50,000 casultys of the small island nation.
30-09-2004, 06:36
Scraggopolis, a small society, has being overwhelemed with tdas' acts of oppression. Half the country has been taken. General Scrag, has mobilised his army of 30,000, nuclear weapons ready to be used if necessary. To avoid this outcome, we are asking for help from any nation tat wants favourable relations with a nation high in uranium supply and agricultural produce.
"ladies and gentalmen of the press The Armed Republic of Tdas Has begun using cluster bombs on areas we suspect The Scraggians to be storing their nuclear stock piles.
Some say our tactics dont comply with the geniva convention. To them I rather be in violation of some silly set of rules than let the evil communist relgious fenatics of Scrag control my island paridise
That is all"
30-09-2004, 06:41
news report:
Scraggopolis' army, numbering a meagre 30,000, havew managed to regain 20 km of land occupied by the oppressive tdas regime. As a result, important airfields have been regained.
General Scragg has opened the door for a nuclear striek, stating 'We will do whatever is necessary to regain our freedom and destroy the nation of tdas'.
30-09-2004, 06:44
'Tdas is using the concept of us being commuist fanatics to justify his war, only to gain better diplomatic relations with countries that have failed to recognise our nation. Their act of aggression goes against al laws set out by the U.N security council.'
News Report: 20 nuclear warheads from Scrag's arsena; have been destroyed by bombing. This has let off mass amounts of radiation that many are likening to chernobyl. This will eventually reach Tdas also. As a result, both countries, whoever survives the war, must face an environmental catastrophe.
Scrag has launched assaults on the capital of Tdas with its FA-18 supply. They have reported heavy damage and casualties.
UN international News
Karen Dacken reports
The leader of Tdas is reported to be outraged as the Scragian troops broke through the frontline and regained 20kms of land. The leader of Tdas has orderd around the clock Naplaming of the area qouted as saying "I dont want you to stop till every millimeter of that place is burning like hell"
30-09-2004, 06:48
General scrag has ordered his forces to remove from the 20kms of land they have regained. Heavy anti-aircraft artillery has been set up to protect behind the 20km 'no man's land'.
General Scrag: 'with this act, which will affect both nsations indefinitely, we will experience another catastrophe to our agricultural produce. As a result, all tdas is gaining through this war is infertile land and the necessity to feed an ever-growing population. Once again, we plea for help to other nations. We cannot win this without you, or we will resort to our nuclear arsenal. @0 warheads are currently pointing out the capital, and will remain in that position until further notice. We ask the tdas leader to stand back, or meet the fires of hell'.
UN International News
The recently repaired freedom class aircraft carrier the Airdas has been positioned off the the Scarg coast line. It has been flying routine bomber missions dropping agent orange on all of scrags farms causing wide spread starvation within the city which is now running on a finite supply of stored foods.
30-09-2004, 06:56
Because of this aggression, Scrag has replied by contaminating tdas' vast uranium supply. As a result, tdas has lost its trade, and will no longer have food after destroying all of their neighbours. As a result, they qill quickly fall into famine and disease
General Scrag:' they fought dirty, so we did too. Many will perceive that as wrong, but to me, its necesary. this is war! And we wont stop until we regain our freedom.'
News Report
Tdas' nuclear supply was destroyed today by stealth bombers. Estimates show high losses of bombs, but not complete annihilation. One exloded due to these attacks, causing widespread devastation in tdas' second largest city, China.
UN international News
2 million people have already died from famin and disease in both countries due to this war and also a further 1 million people were killed in the nuclear attack on Tdas' second largest city.
The Tdas Government are reported to have not taken this lightly be releasing the full capablities of its biological weapons arsenal on Scraggs capital city. The Casualty rate is said to be 90% of the cities population.
Tdas has also made napalm and chemical attacks on Scraggs second largest city.
30-09-2004, 07:03
General Scragg: 'today...is the darkest day in scraggopolis history. We have lost much of our nation, but not our identity, or our honour. We have just fired 4 nuclear missiles at the capital of Tdas, which will be landing approximately now. After this attack, we will have nothing left to defend with. Our nation was once proud, and we stood tall. We fought alongside Tdas, and gained them their freedom. We created their military which has come to surpass our own. Buyt today, we say farewell to our nation. The vast majority of civilians have already been evacuated. Goodbye.'
Tdas used its missile prevention program to intercept the nuclear war heads just as they were launched but unfortunetly because of the close proximity Tdas has to Scragg, The Tdasians are still gaining heavy doses of radiation due to the goverments refusal to build nuclear shelter for the working class.
Tdas has realiated by Launching its "commet destroyer" A project that the tdasian government were working on to prevent a commet hitting earth.
The "commet destroyer" Is a nuclear warhead capable of removing a large chunk of planet earth.
The Missile was launch and landed in the centre of scrag causing both countries to be wiped off the map.