Meeting between blood-born enemies... [ATTN: Holy Panooly][CLOSED RP]
Austar Union
29-09-2004, 14:12
Although it was an earthly destination, it was still standard for diplomats to use either hyperspeed travel, or even to travel outside of the atmosphere itself. Of course, the endless jungles of Holy Panooly werent too far from the Austar Union, and the man travelling on the diplomatic aircraft was hardly just a diplomat. President Edward Grove had been in the habit of making positive desisions on behalf of the nation, and this was to prove quite positive, as compared with the nation's history. The very fact that he was travelling to Holy Panooly signified something at least spectacular.
Since history had been officially documented within the Austar Union, Holy Panooly had been a blood-sworn enemy; one which would keep the status for hundreds of years to come. First contact had been something which could be least described as negative, and since that time the two nations had been in an active state of cold-war. Allies had been growing on both sides, yet there had never been actual official conflict between the two. Not only would it be dangerous to both nations, it would be utterly destructive to a large portion of the world. The Austar Union and Holy Panooly were always major world players, being recognised at times as being some of the world's most influencial.
Mysteriously, from the rise of the Concordia Alliance, and the Right-Wing Collective stemmed a sense of passive diplomacy between the two nations, where for a time one could forget the existance of another. It had been unfortunate however that whenever there was some form of contact, it would always reflect the ways of the cold-war history that both nations shared. President Grove would make a stand, and say no more to the silent conflict which still plauged the backstages of the international scene.
Sipping his wine, he pondered the very significance of what was to happen, and reclined in his chair. Leaving it up to the pilots up ahead, he knew they were handling all the traffic laws and rules of the air. President Grove would mean a new beginning for perhaps even both nations, the Union and Panooly. Relaxing, Grove was confident of the meeting which had been arranged secretly. It wouldnt be long before he would reach the Panooly airport, and soon he would meet the man who could be considered his born nemesis.
President Edward Grove
Holy panooly
29-09-2004, 15:42
An era has ended.
After years of darkness and mystery regarding the nation of Austar Union people began wondering what happened to the King of all enemies. After the final defeat of Austar Union against the massive forces of Russian Forces all forms of communication - death threats, trade embargos and hatred - ceased to exist.
Unknown things happened. Words were lost like a dream filled with the most impossible shapeless thoughts. Who was the leader of Austar Union? A certain man named Groves. Never heard the people almost chanted like one voice. Conflict with Austar Union has never been far away but the scent of war has always kept away from both nations. Yes, we were dreaming of waving their flag on top of their government buildings. No, we didn't felt sorry for all mischief we caused over the years. Alliances rise and fall, but this hatred between two nations remained over hundreds of years to come. Austar Union and Holy Panooly had been enemies since the day Holy Panooly shook off the shackles of the British Empire, one of the last colonies. Austar Union existed already and was known for their economic power. With the uncertainty of a young nation with a corrupt system terrorism found a new harbour. The economy florished with blood. Chemical and Biological weapons were the prime reason for hatred towards Holy Panooly.
And yet, that wasn't the crux. It was a blind rage of people who couldn't stand the lawlessness in Holy Panooly, the greed and the abuse of human rights. How many had died while they were watching? Too many, and Austar Union and Holy Panooly know it all too well.
The president of Austar Union himself was coming to Holy Panooly. An ice age in an already cold war, cold as steel, was about to end.
Austar Union
30-09-2004, 15:50
Following the standard procedures of Panooly airspace, the pilots knew exactly what to do. Actually, if anything Holy Panooly was probably one of the most known within the Union when compared with other, outside nations. Knowing your enemy well proved to be vital during the war of silence, and this was quite achievable, especially when the war had been bred into the people's blood over such a large span of time.
In the cabin behind, the President braced himself for a harder than normal landing, yet was surprised when it was pleasantly gentle. He knew what was to come, and when his aircraft came to a stop, his personal security teams were quite prepared to surround him, prepared to die in the name of their job, and for the love of their President. Perhaps, Grove was one of the most loved of them all, except for Hoffman who quite possibly could never be superceeded for all of eternity.
And eternity was certainly a long time.
Holy panooly
30-09-2004, 16:09
The President of Austar Union could be best descrived as a pilgrim in an unholy land for them. Who could have ever thought a President from Austar Union would visit during a period of peace and serenity. The banners of Austar Union waved in the warm air and the red carpet was rolled towards the site where the plane was going to halt. The manager of the airport, a bold man with a red face, walked around nervously hoping that no one would try to make Panoolians look bad in the eyes of President Groves. The day before six anarchists were caught planning a bombing. Even though the lush jungles of Holy Panooly seemed a place were nature took its course, the place was a breeding ground for hatred against the sinister forces of the 'allied' nations who threatened Holy Panooly centuries ago.
Times had changed, and time healed old wounds. But new ones were torn open by a dagger known as propaganda and lies. Treachery, deceit and a corrupted army led to the final collapse of democracy in Holy Panooly. A new leader, who liked being called 'Führer' spoke to the workers and farmers and for a change, they listened to a politician. Sol, the most ancient deity of the Panoolian lands, shined down on the sea of green or what the British Communist soldiers said; the green hell. Two times they invaded to put the fascist government down but failed. With the tail between their legs they ran off to their rescue, hoping to leave this cursed land.
Mystery cloaked the old temples dedicated to the Gods of the sky, rainbow and various other sacred things in nature. Ah, I'm drifting off subject again. So much has happened in such a short notice. I'm so exited to meet my most bitterest enemy in a few hours. I'm laughing while I write this... My ex-bitterest enemy looks more suitable.
Austar Union
01-10-2004, 09:24
Standing up, the President was starting to get a little nervous as he prepared to breathe the Panooly oxygen. Perhaps he was the only Austarian person of status to visit Holy Panooly, however there were the Panooly War Fables; which were still unknown whether they were in fact fictious stories or truthful tales.
It had been said, that hundreds of years previous, a large contingent of the Austarian Military had paratrooped over Panooly City, the enemies capital. Strangely enough, there was no history to document that such an event happened, nor was there anything else to prove otherwise. The same could be said about the invasion of the Austar Union by a fabled Russian Forces. Some had claimed it was real, some had claimed it was false. Perhaps history had been lost in itself, and there was nothing which truly proved either fact. It was only known that now at least, the Austar Union was free from occupation, nor had any existance of such an event be in one man's mind; least not in the Austar Union.
Gently, the aircraft pulled to a halt, and the cabin door began to slowly open. Instantly, a rush of warm air filled the inside, and the President smiled. Perhaps this was one of the greatest climates he had visited, and not one person had considered the very fact since the beginning of the cold-war. Perhaps, through the hatred, simple facts such as these were ignored.
Anyhow, things were set to change very soon, and accompanied by his relative security teams, he began the slow walk down the aircraft steps. His eyes flashed with excitement as he noticed a reasonable media crowd, and his face was lit with the flashes of each and every camera. This was surely a large event, and the world would shake once his foot was perhaps the first to hit Panooly soil for centuries of written, and unwritten history.
OOC: Thought I would include the ignored stuff for interest. This is one way I thought I could incorporate it all ICly; considering if they had not been ignored then they would have been the most interesting.
01-10-2004, 12:10
Holy panooly
01-10-2004, 12:12
Fact or fiction? The president was seen stepping out of the plane, down the staircase. Everybody was staring at the man. Instead of being the devil himself or some horribly mis-shapen fiend he was a normal man. His name was Groves and he was the president of Austar Union. Several hundreds of police officers guarded the airport while the president walked over the red carpet to the arrival building for special guests. The hot air of the engines and the moist air from the jungles - who were clearly visible from the landing strip creating a almost unbearable climate in the open.
The grand hall was magnificent. Built by the first Führer of Holy Panooly (many slave labourers built it, but that has been removed from the books) Only the rich and privileged were allowed to enter this marvel of the ages. His presence filled the hall and a high ranked officer from the SS walked towards Groves.
"Welcome to Holy Panooly, please follow me"
01-10-2004, 12:29
Austar Union
01-10-2004, 16:00
Hearing a voice, he noticed a man, not much shorter than himself. Speaking, he gave clear directions, and the President nodded. He would indeed follow the man who was obviously an official. He was wearing the fabled SS uniform of Holy Panooly. Naturally, its political ties to nazisim were frowned upon, yet not Edward, nor his security spoke a word concerning its topic.
This would be a positive visit, and the world would change because of it's very existance.
Holy panooly
04-10-2004, 16:09
President Groves was led to a magnificent government limosine and got in with his collegues from the plane. President Grove drove to the most luxury hotel in Panooly City, heavily guarded by the SS and STASI. A helicopter followed the limosine and policecars closey and were on the look out of any suspicious movements.
My Führer, President Groves will arrive in two hours, ready yourself for the meeting.
I will, thanks.