North African Rallroad Finnshed
At last, The Great North African Rallroad is Finnshed, in a Ceramony in Al-Ianm, Libya, where in the parts of The NAR meet, The Governer of North Africa puts a Golden Spike in to the ground.
The Rallroad is now finnshed.
At last, The Great North African Rallroad is Finnshed, in a Ceramony in Al-Ianm, Libya, where in the parts of The NAR meet, The Governer of North Africa puts a Golden Spike in to the ground.
The Rallroad is now finnshed.
Ah- I hope you don't mind if I blow it to bits. Soon, i'll turn it into a pile of scrap iron- thought you might be able to use it.
Mental lands
28-09-2004, 23:59
Ah- I hope you don't mind if I blow it to bits. Soon, i'll turn it into a pile of scrap iron- thought you might be able to use it.
that wasent very nice
that wasent very nice
Hataria deserves it.
Excuse me, sir, but what on earth is a Rallroad?
Excuse me, sir, but what on earth is a Rallroad?
OOC: Nice jab at his deplorable spelling.
The First Part of The North African Railroad Began in Algiers, Algeria. The other Half in Cairo, Egypt.
The Railroad was planned to show The World that Hatarian can do anthink if it's people put their minds to it, even Fight.
The Railroad will be the crowning event for The Cause of Hatarian Imperial Republicanism