Communism's last stand in Doomingsland...
27-09-2004, 21:16
City of Nodacri, Northern Doomingsland
The main headquarters of the Doomingsland Liberation army had finnaly been discovered by Imperial Intellegence. Within the ancient walled city, the communists had mustered an army of 5,000. This was the last of them. The city was a sacred place, so the High Command wanted to take it intact. Two armored divisions, consisting of 2,000 tanks, 5,000 armored vehicles, and 50,000 infantry had begun the siege of the city.
The commander of the communists, General Ivan Jakobs, had sealed himself inside his command bunker along with his staff. The situation was bleak, all's he had to do was look at his holographic map of the battlefield. He surveed the swarm of tanks that surrounded the city, the looked at his own.
2,000 MBTs agaist 500 inferior models. No way we'll be able to win this on our own. We're going to need outside assistance...
"Jenkins! Bring me my laptop!"
"Yes, comrade general!"
A minute later, the corporal had turned on the generals laptop, and Jakobs began to dictate a message,
To my fellow socialist comrades,
I have at my disposal an army of well motivated comrades, ready to give their lives to crush the facist enemy that rules my nation. There is a problem, however. We are currently under siege in the ancient city of Nodacri. We won't be able to hold out for much longer. Please send aid.
General Jakobs, Doomingsland Liberation Army
"What now comrade?"
"Now we wait."
Just then the bunker began to shake as the first bits of ordinance began to hit the surface...
OOC:Any commies who want to send aid, your gonna have to run through my insane amount of AA defences along my border, but there is an airfield in the city, so you can put troops and MBTs on the ground with them.
EDIT:One more thing, if this city falls, than communism in Doomingsland would have been completely eliminated(these are rural country people who managed to avoid all of my re-education programs, after various uprisings, we expanded to rural areas).
27-09-2004, 21:29
I would help them, but the last time i got invovled in a fight with a nation that outgunned me 3 to 1, i ended up getting occupied. Besides, i'm allready at war with Hataria.
27-09-2004, 21:43
27-09-2004, 21:52
27-09-2004, 21:58
Borman Empire
27-09-2004, 22:07
Official Communique
To: Doomingsland
From: Chancellor Licinius
We have recently lost all communists in our nation, due to them declaring war on us. Yes we crushed them. We have yet to stand our military down and so we have more than a million soldirs to deploy. But that won't be necassary. We would like to send 1,000 of our newest tanks fully stocked with our men to help in your strive for glory.
End transmission
27-09-2004, 22:17
Official Imperial Response-
We do not believe that number of tanks would be nessesary. However, please keep them on standby.
General Goakan watched from his command post as rockets began to fall on top of rebel positions. Luckily, the civilian populace had been evacuated to avoid collateral damage(then sent to reeducation centers to make sure no rebels got out with them). He had three hundred howitzers and MLRSs dropping rounds down on top of the city. Just then, a flight of F35s flew over the city, each one dropping 6 Mk.84s down on various entrenchments and occupied structures. The carnage was immense. It was now dark, and the whole city was illuminated in the fires and explosions.
"I don't think they'll last much longer." remarked his aid, a young lieutenant.
"Not so sure about that, ell-tee. These pinkos are well motivated. Most of 'em actualy served well in their units. This is gonna be a tough one." he said, his dark brown eyes staring off to the sight of the burning city.
OOC:Glorified bump.
Borman Empire
27-09-2004, 22:28
Official Communique
To: Doomingsland
From: Chancellor Licinius
Will do. We would like to send in some. Maybe anywhere from 10-100?
27-09-2004, 22:39
OOC: I dont really want to fly though an insane amount of AA.. a way around that, maybe?
27-09-2004, 22:43
Official Communique
To: Doomingsland
From: Chancellor Licinius
Will do. We would like to send in some. Maybe anywhere from 10-100?
Official Imperial Response-
Very well, you will be permitted to send 50 tanks as 'observers'.(we won't try to stop you from helping our guys, though).
27-09-2004, 22:45
OOC: I dont really want to fly though an insane amount of AA.. a way around that, maybe?
OOC:Well, the thing about my AA is, well, when I thought it out, I made sure there IS no way around. You could try and over fly me in a civilian jet, although you'll be shot down as soon as we saw were you're going.
Japanese Antarctica
27-09-2004, 22:45
OOC: I dont really want to fly though an insane amount of AA.. a way around that, maybe?
OOC: Scramjets, ICBMs, you know that kind of stuff. You have a navy don't you? Shore bombardment is nice.
Official Message
I commend Doomingsland for putting an end to communism. We are glad that the government of Doomingsland is taking a step in the right direction.
-Shiganori Sama
27-09-2004, 22:46
OOC: Meh, probably uber anti-missile tech or something there, lol, and no, i have a rowboat though! lol, j/k of course
Holy Paradise
27-09-2004, 22:48
We will send 1,000 troops, Doomingsland, to help you crush the commies. They shall arrive in about one RL hour.
Borman Empire
27-09-2004, 22:50
Official Communqiue
To: Doomingsland
From: Chancellor Licinius
We will send 50 tanks. Thank you.
End Transmission
27-09-2004, 22:51
OOC:Wow, your commending me NOW? I had about three other threads in which I was shooting, gassing, or 'disappearing' commies in the past week. Shore bombardments wouldn't work either, as my coast is lined with ASM batteries, not to mention patrol aircraft. As for SCRAMjets, well, good luck in actualy finding my SAMs, I only have my really primative systems(IE:SA2s and 3s, Mim-23s) lit up, while the rest of the advanced stuff turns on when the radar sites track the enemy aircraft to be in range of the systems. Plus I've got my advanced tube launched SAMs(IE:SA10s, SA12s) in sub surface tubes, and I've got Patriots in underground platforms that raise up when they are ready to fire. As for ICBMs, I've got an ABM system. Like I said, I thought it out.
27-09-2004, 22:52
OOC: lol, no-ones going to help the communists, the defences are too much its merely not worth it.
27-09-2004, 22:53
OOC: Scramjets, ICBMs, you know that kind of stuff. You have a navy don't you? Shore bombardment is nice.
Official Message
I commend Doomingsland for putting an end to communism. We are glad that the government of Doomingsland is taking a step in the right direction.
-Shiganori Sama
OOC:As for an official response:
Official Imperial Response-
Communism has always been battled in our nation. They are like cockroaches: They just don't stay dead. That is, until now.
27-09-2004, 22:56
OOC: lol, no-ones going to help the communists, the defences are too much its merely not worth it.
OOC:Bah, I thought these commies always try in some way to save their buddies, even if it means going through super-uber-kickass-airdefence network of doom. Every time I want to try to get someone to invade me, just so I can test my defences, they always chicken out.
27-09-2004, 22:58
OOC: Were not stupid, if you actually had defenses that could be pentetrated, that would be ok..
27-09-2004, 23:00
OOC:Oh yeah, technically no one knows about my super AA defences...
Rebel Command Bunker-
"Have we recieved a response yet?"
"No, comrade. The imps might be jaming our transmissions."
"That's plausable. But I fear that we will be abandoned by our comrades to be sluaghtered by these...barbarians."
"As do I comrade, as do I..."
27-09-2004, 23:02
OOC: Im really not going to commit suicide in any way or form, i save that for the conscripts. lol
Japanese Antarctica
27-09-2004, 23:02
OOC:Bah, I thought these commies always try in some way to save their buddies, even if it means going through super-uber-kickass-airdefence network of doom. Every time I want to try to get someone to invade me, just so I can test my defences, they always chicken out.
OOC: Oh, I would gladly put your defense network in its place. But I have no reason to invade. It's not your defenses that scare me, it's the fact that ten million people will say "OMG LAND HUNGRY INVADDER!!!11one".
27-09-2004, 23:02
OOC:Well, there are some gaps in the northern air defence network along the northern border, you could possibly slip a good amount of planes through.
27-09-2004, 23:04
OOC: Oh, I would gladly put your defense network in its place. But I have no reason to invade. It's not your defenses that scare me, it's the fact that ten million people will say "OMG LAND HUNGRY INVADDER!!!11one".
OOC:Try without using WMD. If you really want to test my defences we can make a closed RP.
Incoming Message:
General Jakobs -
Akaeia is willing to help. We aren't very big, so we can't promise much, but we will gladly provide political asylum. Is there any way to evacuate your forces from the city? There is plenty of space for you and your men here, in Akaeia. If you choose to stay, we can commit 5,000 infantry, 20 tanks and 20 anti tank weapons. By the way, is there any way to sue the sewer system to get in and out of the city? Look into it.
Best of Luck,
Emperor Ioshuad II Iardanios, Iclillion Palace, Akaeia
Honor to the Moral, Justice to the Wicked!
Generic empire
27-09-2004, 23:06
((OOC: Doom man, if you want the commies to try anything, you gotta make your defenses less impenetrable. They really aren't that stupid, and they don't have anything to gain by trying to save people who can't be saved.))
Japanese Antarctica
27-09-2004, 23:08
OOC:Wow, your commending me NOW? I had about three other threads in which I was shooting, gassing, or 'disappearing' commies in the past week. Shore bombardments wouldn't work either, as my coast is lined with ASM batteries, not to mention patrol aircraft. As for SCRAMjets, well, good luck in actualy finding my SAMs, I only have my really primative systems(IE:SA2s and 3s, Mim-23s) lit up, while the rest of the advanced stuff turns on when the radar sites track the enemy aircraft to be in range of the systems. Plus I've got my advanced tube launched SAMs(IE:SA10s, SA12s) in sub surface tubes, and I've got Patriots in underground platforms that raise up when they are ready to fire. As for ICBMs, I've got an ABM system. Like I said, I thought it out.
OOC: You executed them with a hydrogen bomb. That is not worthy of commendation.
And the SDI system (how does it work?), it probably can't stop more than 60% of incoming icbms. Plus, with a missle defense network so extensive, some of the missiles that miss will probably fall back down on your territory.
Japanese Antarctica
27-09-2004, 23:10
OOC:Try without using WMD. If you really want to test my defences we can make a closed RP.
OOC: It's possible even without nukes, but nukes make it much easier and makes for fewer casualties on my side. And more on yours :)
27-09-2004, 23:11
Incoming Message:
General Jakobs -
Akaeia is willing to help. We aren't very big, so we can't promise much, but we will gladly provide political asylum. Is there any way to evacuate your forces from the city? There is plenty of space for you and your men here, in Akaeia. If you choose to stay, we can commit 5,000 infantry, 20 tanks and 20 anti tank weapons. By the way, is there any way to sue the sewer system to get in and out of the city? Look into it.
Best of Luck,
Emperor Ioshuad II Iardanios, Iclillion Palace, Akaeia
Honor to the Moral, Justice to the Wicked!
"Comrade! We have recieved a reply!"
"Its about time. Who's it from?"
"A nation called Akeia."
"Never heard of 'em..." he said, looking at the message send a reply. Type exactly what I say..."
To our comrades in Akeia,
We have no means of escape. The imperials have flooded the sewers, and we are compltely surrounded. The infantry would be very handy indeed. We thank you for your help.
General Jakobs, Doomingsland Liberation Army
27-09-2004, 23:13
OOC: It's possible even without nukes, but nukes make it much easier and makes for fewer casualties on my side. And more on yours :)
OOC:Ahh, but then I'd have to retaliate with my OMG n00kz. I know it'd be possible without nukes, but it would take a pretty long time, and cost you alot. Plus during that time period, I'd be bombing your capital and invasion stuff.
27-09-2004, 23:14
OOC:Well, there are some gaps in the northern air defence network along the northern border, you could possibly slip a good amount of planes through.
OOC: Ok, expect post tommorow, 1-3:30pm GMT, gotta sleep now, ciao!
Borman Empire
27-09-2004, 23:17
OOC: Wont last that long.
IC: The tanks shook as they traveresed the landscape. Then the city came in sight. And the force fo tanks surrounding it.
"Shit. Wouldn't want to be on the other side."
27-09-2004, 23:17
OOC: You executed them with a hydrogen bomb. That is not worthy of commendation.
And the SDI system (how does it work?), it probably can't stop more than 60% of incoming icbms. Plus, with a missle defense network so extensive, some of the missiles that miss will probably fall back down on your territory.
OOC:Yeah, I liked tht H-bomb one.
The SDI system is one of those 'kill vehicle' sats, like the one you built. Can you elaborate on the missiles falling back on my territory thing? I didn't quite get that one. Well, if they did fall back on me, it wouldn't do much, as the majority of my country consists of deserts and badlands(ironically I have the largest agricultural industry in my region, so I threw some lush forests in too), so I doubt it would kill many people.
Borman Empire
27-09-2004, 23:24
Former Soviet Mafia
27-09-2004, 23:26
FSM Ministry of Intelligence
Minister Karpov was beginning to doze off. It had been a slow day. He laid his boots up on the desk. Suddenly, the phone rang.
"Karpov speaking."
At the other end was the infamous spy Krolik.
"Doomingsland. They're fighting communists," mumbled Krolik. He put down the phone.
"Interesting. Alright, let's monitor this. We need to gather intel on their defenses." He picks up a radio handset. "Karpov here. Set satellites to geostationary over Doomingsland." Karpov smiled. "Krolik, where do you get this stuff?"
OOC: In other words, tag.
Emperor Ioshuad bent over the computers at the Akaeian High Command...
"Hmmm." He considered the threat to Akaeia. Such a small nation! No doubt we would be next in the event of a successful mission? But what choice could he make. Honor to the Moral, Justice to the Wicked, remember? Akaeia was no longer the Empire it once was. "Tell them, 'We'll do what we can.' "
Turning to the Minister of the Combined Forces, " I want 7,000 of Akaeia's best infantryment assembled at Foedetis Naquatas in an hour. 30 of our best tanks and anti-tank weapons, too. 10 of the mobile AA batteries. Deploy 20 of the Domitorions. Get a passage open for supplies and support. Only then move to help the defenders! Take 5 submarines out of Taeana and open up a sea route. 200 of our best pilots to support the convoy. In fact, send in the aircraft carrier Dauvan V for air support."
The command center immediately became much busier. "Make sure you do NOT inform the defenders of exaclty how many and what we are sending. We don't want the enemy eradicating the force before it's arrival!"
The Emperor swept from the room, in preparation to announce Akaeia's decision to the world. To the free Akaeian people.
OOC: Domitorions are the Akaeian elite squads. Composed of 4 people, using SWAT and ranger like weapons. 20 Domitorions = 80 individuals. the convoy would be supported by 2 destroyers, the Edanna and Phaelep II. 1 battleship, the Fury.
Japanese Antarctica
27-09-2004, 23:34
OOC:Yeah, I liked tht H-bomb one.
The SDI system is one of those 'kill vehicle' sats, like the one you built. Can you elaborate on the missiles falling back on my territory thing? I didn't quite get that one. Well, if they did fall back on me, it wouldn't do much, as the majority of my country consists of deserts and badlands(ironically I have the largest agricultural industry in my region, so I threw some lush forests in too), so I doubt it would kill many people.
OOC: For the missile dealie, missiles such as the Patriot system sometimes miss. There's a little thing called gravity that brings them back down to earth, and when they hit, they cause some damage. Some might even fall down on the anti air batteries if the angle was high enough.
27-09-2004, 23:37
OOC:They're designed to explode after missing the target, I thought that was implied.
Japanese Antarctica
27-09-2004, 23:42
OOC:They're designed to explode after missing the target, I thought that was implied.
OOC: I believe that a friendly fire incident like the one i describe above happened in Kuwait last year.
Borman Empire
28-09-2004, 00:03
OOC: So...are Doomingsland and Communiast forces just sitting there? Just bombarding the Pinkos. No men moving, no guys escaping, no commies discovering enclaves of massive stores of nuclear weapons.
28-09-2004, 00:22
OOC: I believe that a friendly fire incident like the one i describe above happened in Kuwait last year.
OOC: Didn't hear about that one. But still, the odds of the missile going off target, then malfunctioning and not exploding, AND managing to hit a friendly target are pretty low.
Borman Empire
28-09-2004, 01:23
OOC: So...are Doomingsland and Communiast forces just sitting there? Just bombarding the Pinkos. No men moving, no guys escaping, no commies discovering enclaves of massive stores of nuclear weapons.
28-09-2004, 02:10
OOC: So...are Doomingsland and Communiast forces just sitting there? Just bombarding the Pinkos. No men moving, no guys escaping, no commies discovering enclaves of massive stores of nuclear weapons.
OOC:Pretty much. I'm just waiting for the other guys to post their interventions before I continue this.
Borman Empire
28-09-2004, 02:11
OOC:Pretty much. I'm just waiting for the other guys to post their interventions before I continue this.
28-09-2004, 08:24
OOC: Didn't hear about that one. But still, the odds of the missile going off target, then malfunctioning and not exploding, AND managing to hit a friendly target are pretty low.
OOC: Didnt the american patriot guy just turn around and shoot the british plane? cant post now though, school here i come .. joy
28-09-2004, 19:47
28-09-2004, 19:50
Is it possible for me to Paradrop in some men? I mean, is this still open?
[on the side of the communists]
Japanese Antarctica
28-09-2004, 19:53
OOC:Ahh, but then I'd have to retaliate with my OMG n00kz. I know it'd be possible without nukes, but it would take a pretty long time, and cost you alot. Plus during that time period, I'd be bombing your capital and invasion stuff.
OOC: You can't nuke my country without disloging the ice shelf. And if you've seen the day after tommorow, you know what will happen. I know, it's exaggerated, but no sane person would nuke Antarctica when they knew the consequences. Plus, I have a stockpile of nukes anyway. So it wouldn't cost that much more. And Wardenclyffe is still around, though it has been decommisioned indefinitely (the nuclear powerplant that provided its power is needed to power the city).
Japanese Antarctica
28-09-2004, 20:02
OOC: Didn't hear about that one. But still, the odds of the missile going off target, then malfunctioning and not exploding, AND managing to hit a friendly target are pretty low.
OOC: I had the story wrong. The Patriot missile did not hit the incoming ballistic missile. Instead, it knocked it off course and it hit a harbor in Kuwait, causing some damage.
Borman Empire
28-09-2004, 20:39
28-09-2004, 20:54
OOC: You can't nuke my country without disloging the ice shelf. And if you've seen the day after tommorow, you know what will happen. I know, it's exaggerated, but no sane person would nuke Antarctica when they knew the consequences. Plus, I have a stockpile of nukes anyway. So it wouldn't cost that much more. And Wardenclyffe is still around, though it has been decommisioned indefinitely (the nuclear powerplant that provided its power is needed to power the city).
OOC:If you nuked me, I wouldn't even care if I wipe out all life on earth, so we're all screwed if you start a nuclear war. Yes, its still open, you can try to slip the guys through one of the gaps in my northern air defence(I just made that gap so people would join, its gonna be sealed after this incedent.
OOC: So did my troops make it or have they been defeated? Is any other help coming? I would much prefer that all my men AREN'T slaughtered, btw. We're not that communistic in Akaeia, but we definately prefer a tolerant communist government in Doomingsland than anything else.
28-09-2004, 20:58
OOC: So did my troops make it or have they been defeated? Is any other help coming? I would much prefer that all my men AREN'T slaughtered, btw. We're not that communistic in Akaeia, but we definately prefer a tolerant communist government in Doomingsland than anything else.
OOC:You didn't post your ships entering my waters, then we'll start the fun.
Borman Empire
28-09-2004, 21:03
Come on!
The Akaeian releif squadron entered Doomingsland waters....
28-09-2004, 21:17
Over Doomingslandian waters
Aboard a lone AWACS craft, a large group of unidentified vessles had been detected entering restricted waters.
"Send a warning to command, and get some fighters over here."
"Yes sir."
An hour later, 300 F35s and 100 F22s had arrived on scene, the F35s armed with deafish ASMs, and the raptors equiped for air-to-air. A carrier battle group was also on the way.
The vessles had been confirmed to be military type, and they were to immediatly be destroyed. The raptors opened up on the enemy aircraft from 200 miles away with AXRAAM air-to air missiles, each fighter firing two missiles, each missile targetting a different fighter. The JSFs skimmed the sea, and fired two deadfish missiles each, making a total of 600 missiles, all traveling at mach three, heading toward the enemy vessles. Meawhile, the carrier battle group was on its way to pick up any survivors.
OOC:I fully expect your fleet to be annihilated, its your own fault for trying an amphibious landing, you should have tried paratroopers like everyone else. BTW, if you don't want all of your men do die, I can simply take them prisoner.
28-09-2004, 21:47
28-09-2004, 21:49
OOC: I'd like to join if thats okay, on your side of course.
28-09-2004, 21:51
OOC: I'd like to join if thats okay, on your side of course.
OOC:You can send a battalion, I'm trying to keep force sizes to a minimum here.
Borman Empire
28-09-2004, 21:52
OOC: Just blow out he commies
IC:Borman tanks load APG2, so as to not destroy buildings.
28-09-2004, 21:56
OOC:You can send a battalion, I'm trying to keep force sizes to a minimum here.
OOC:I was only planning on sending two companies, about 500 men.
The Mozambiquen Colonial Troops were once again called into action. Two companies were activated and put aboard ten C-7 Nebula transports and began to fly towards Doomingsland. They had their organic company of 15 Stingray Light tanks with them. They would be touching down shortly. (Strykers fell out of favor after our last conflict Doom)
EDIT-WTF is that smiley doing in my title?
28-09-2004, 22:01
OOC:I was only planning on sending two companies, about 500 men.
The Mozambiquen Colonial Troops were once again called into action. Two companies were activated and put aboard ten C-7 Nebula transports and began to fly towards Doomingsland. They had their organic company of 15 Stingray Light tanks with them. They would be touching down shortly. (Strykers fell out of favor after our last conflict Doom)
EDIT-WTF is that smiley doing in my title?
OOC:A battalion IS two companies, lol.
Japanese Antarctica
28-09-2004, 22:04
OOC:If you nuked me, I wouldn't even care if I wipe out all life on earth, so we're all screwed if you start a nuclear war. Yes, its still open, you can try to slip the guys through one of the gaps in my northern air defence(I just made that gap so people would join, its gonna be sealed after this incedent.
OOC: meh, there's my SDI system plus the regional SDI to defend.
28-09-2004, 22:05
OOC:Me too.
28-09-2004, 22:23
so bored........................................................
Borman Empire
28-09-2004, 22:24
28-09-2004, 23:32
Borman Empire
28-09-2004, 23:49
The tanks began to shake as they fired APG2 into the city. Canisters and canisters swere shto in and began to leak into the commies.
OOC: Let's get is started in hur, let's get in started in hur, To Let's get retrded beat.
28-09-2004, 23:51
OOC:WTF???!1111222 I'm trying to make this entertaining, so lay off with the chemical weapons(if we were gonna use those, I wouldn't have bothered with a siege.)
Oops, Xiaguo accidently shot some missiles at the Bormon EMpire's troops.
29-09-2004, 00:26
OOC: Just gonna have some fun... since the commie's allies are not gonna be able to get into Doomingsland very well...
Official Message To Doomingslandian General Person In Charge Of The Siege
We will be sending 1 transport plane overhead to drop pamphlets on the commie stronghold (if you can call it that) that say "J00 r getting teh pwnz0red11!!oneone11!11"
29-09-2004, 01:04
To: The Dark Empire of Doomingsland
From: The Invincible Empire of Roach-Busters
What can Roach-Busters do to help?
29-09-2004, 01:37
To: The Dark Empire of Doomingsland
From: The Invincible Empire of Roach-Busters
What can Roach-Busters do to help?
Encrypted Imperial Response-
No help is needed at the present, but you are welcome to send observers.
Borman Empire
29-09-2004, 02:03
Oops, Xiaguo accidently shot some missiles at the Bormon EMpire's troops.
Oops i accidentaly declared u a n00b, blew your nation down to hell, then launched my IW at the pathetic remains of your nation. Have a nice day.
OOC: They aren't exactly chemical weapons. Just enhanced grendades. Anti Personal Gas Grenade. But i guess i won't, since they're like normal grenades I take it you don't want any attacking at all. So instead my men just fall asleep waiting.
"Commander, enemy planes inbound!" "Alert the fleet. I want air support form the Dauvan V NOW." "Yes, commander." Too slow. Enemy missles streaked through the air, slamming broadside into the Edanna.....
Emperor Ioshuad Iardaneos wept, watching the barely-floating Dauvan V slip into the Akaeian harbor, the only ship to survive the attack, and with a third of it's crew dead.....
From the Akaeian High Command a single message went out to the revolutionaries: REINFORCEMENTS DEFEATED. CANNOT RISK MORE TROOPS. GOOLD LUCK AND GOD SPEED.....
OOC: lol... I thought the air defense was too tight, and I didn't want to risk loosing my reinforcements to the beseigers. I payed the price.
Borman Empire
29-09-2004, 03:16
Can we get on with it then?
29-09-2004, 07:29
Is it possible for me to Paradrop in some men? I mean, is this still open?
[on the side of the communists]
I was thinking around a battalion.
Borman Empire
29-09-2004, 12:27
If u go in the weak spot in his air defense.
oops, your troops are all dead?
29-09-2004, 19:22
I was thinking around a battalion.
OOC:Sure, a battalion would be fine, slip them in through the northern air defence gap. How many survivors do you want me to pick up? We could turn it into a really screwed up international incedent then.
Six Ticonderoga class destroyers came upon the ruined enemy fleet, and found people stranded in the water. Life rafts were tossed out, with ropes tied to them. Marines stood on the deck with their XM8s trained on the floating men, readt to slaughter them should they try anything funny...
Japanese Antarctica
29-09-2004, 19:46
Oops i accidentaly declared u a n00b, blew your nation down to hell, then launched my IW at the pathetic remains of your nation. Have a nice day.
OOC: Sorry, you have no right to call Xiaguo a n00b. And even if you did, you wouldn't want to have nearly the entire continent of Asia against you.
29-09-2004, 20:47
OOC:Sure, a battalion would be fine, slip them in through the northern air defence gap. How many survivors do you want me to pick up? We could turn it into a really screwed up international incedent then.
Six Ticonderoga class destroyers came upon the ruined enemy fleet, and found people stranded in the water. Life rafts were tossed out, with ropes tied to them. Marines stood on the deck with their XM8s trained on the floating men, readt to slaughter them should they try anything funny...
Well i'll drop, it will be a disaster and the whole battalion would be separated in a normandy air landing type of situation. We would meet up with some communists that would lead the largest group, around 100 men, into the city.
29-09-2004, 20:51
Well i'll drop, it will be a disaster and the whole battalion would be separated in a normandy air landing type of situation. We would meet up with some communists that would lead the largest group, around 100 men, into the city.
OOC:OK, how about this:
There's a small group of commies, say, five guys, who are trying to evade imperial forces. The others are in the city. You can mistakenly stumble upon their hiding place(a cave), and they can lead you to the city, were they(my commies) will die a glorious death.
29-09-2004, 21:01
[OOC - Summarize?]
OOC:I've got the only remaining commies in my country under siege, and they won't last long. Some guy just tried to launch an amphibious landing, but I pwned his fleet an hour after they entered my waters.
29-09-2004, 21:12
Sounds good. I do post later.
[OOC - Doomingsland, check your telegrams as soon as possible!]
Borman Empire
29-09-2004, 23:17
OOC: Sorry, you have no right to call Xiaguo a n00b. And even if you did, you wouldn't want to have nearly the entire continent of Asia against you.
I know, But he pissed me off. I've ignored him so it doesn't matter.
30-09-2004, 00:19
30-09-2004, 00:41
NOOOOO!!! fello communists I was to late :(
Comrades break to freedom!
:headbang: :mp5:
The People, the wall of imperialism and capitalism, the people's liberation army
Borman Empire
30-09-2004, 01:29
You can still help.
30-09-2004, 07:26
The planes flew over the night sky, anti-air guns lighting up the dark Doomingslandian [Is it Doomingslandi or Doomingslandian?] clouds. The Battalion of Royal Marine Paratroopers froze in their C130 Hercules as the night temperatures dropped even more. Lieutenant Wakefield shuddered and shivered inside his transport. His squad where checking weapons and their friends parachutes. Wakefield never bothered. His Lee-Enfield had served him well in past conflicts, and he had always believed checking a parachute more than twice was paranoid. The red light was still there, its ominous presence making itself known to everyone in the craft. They anticipated the green light, the chance to jump.
"Entering Doomingslandian airspace, prepare for jump. Green light in ten"
At almost the moment the pilot announced that, a missile streaked into the transport next to Wakefield. He saw out the open door, the Stinger hit the bottom of the Hercules and the doomed aircraft fell down to the ground in a flaming mess.
There was a loud exclamation, as the Hercules nearly turned upside avoiding a missile. Over the intercom came the harsh but welcoming voice of General Markley.
"Soldiers of the 53rd Battalion, this is your general speaking. We will be making an emergency drop, and rally at these co-ordinates. They will be transmitted to each squad radio-caster. Good luck. Markley over"
Planes where falling like flies. Wakefield prayed, and as he did so he noticed seven other men in the plane doing so. A missile flew past, careering into the transport behind them's nose and killing everyone on board. Tracer AA fire stitched the bottom of another Hercules with deadly rounds, and Wakefield could see the soldiers falling out the bottom onto the green of Doomingsland below.
The red light faded, and in its place the wonderful green light reappeared. They rushed in line formation to the doors, silent, and buckled their parachutes hurriedly yet expertly.
Wakefield had always liked to say that. Now might have been his last chance. Seconds later and they were in mid air, along with around three hundred other Marines.
A hand pushed the white rough linen upwards, as Wakefield pulled off the parachute. His men around him did so, and they regrouped and crouched down to discuss the operation so far.
"Wheres the radio-caster" Wakefield demanded.
"Ah... here"
Another soldier, Menning, [Thats his name, not a bad spelling] produced a box, covered in a leather casing with a couple of antenna popping out.
"Co-ordinates read... A2K4CC."
Wakefield produced a crumpled map of the dropzone, plotting out some routes in a red ball-point pen.
"Then lets go. Everyone okay?"
There were murmurs of agreement as they set off.
[I'll do two more posts, then we can meet up with your guys]
OOC (to Doominglsand): Dammit! I'm late for the show.
NOOOOO!!! fello communists I was to late :(
Comrades break to freedom!
Communism is a shame to the Chinese race. You feel like picking on capitalist, huh? Try picking on the real China (Sino)!
:headbang: :mp5:
The People, the wall of imperialism and capitalism, the people's liberation army
Old skool PLA compared my digitzed Chinese army. The Mao tricks not only do not work, it means greater lethality for the enemy (massive infantry rushes only mean feeding men into meat grinders).
(The real China is full of progressive thought and its populaiton would be alive with protest under regressive domination as seen in Sino. There'd be Tiananman-esque student protests every month in Sino, I'm quite sure. Really, I'm from the UK, we've had the most dominant global economy in human history, and we've whupped China quite totally in the past, and the protest not only lives on but dominates. Sino could not maintain its oppression for long before the vast majority of the population demanded more progressive socialistic organisation. People like... whoever plays Sino may object, but history cares not for these minor bumps in the road. All this nationhood before class, before humanity, it is nonesense.)
(The real China is full of progressive thought and its populaiton would be alive with protest under regressive domination as seen in Sino. There'd be Tiananman-esque student protests every month in Sino, I'm quite sure. Really, I'm from the UK, we've had the most dominant global economy in human history, and we've whupped China quite totally in the past, and the protest not only lives on but dominates. Sino could not maintain its oppression for long before the vast majority of the population demanded more progressive socialistic organisation. People like... whoever plays Sino may object, but history cares not for these minor bumps in the road. All this nationhood before class, before humanity, it is nonesense.)
(What about your Dra-poel? They get bayonetted for sh*tting on the road due to no clean sanitation. At least Sino's people are treated like humans, to Dra-pol, the population is not only expendable, but also edible.)
(Dra-pol is still incredibly insular. KurositeThinking continues to promote self-sufficiency, and punishments, though extremely harsh, are handed-out for counter-revolutionary behaviour rather than public nuisance or petty disorder offences. Shit on the street and you'll probably have to clean it up and live forever with a bad reputation. Horde rice while your comrades go hungry and you'll be nailed to a cross and used for bayonet practice. There is no tradition of student protest in Dra-pol, but, if you're interested, I am (very very slowly) looking in to increasing the level of demonstration in the liberated south. There's no rush, but it is in the works. )
Borman Empire
30-09-2004, 20:59
30-09-2004, 21:23
OOC:Yeah, you got it right, its Doomingslandian, and good guess with the stinger. One thing though, the area we're fighting in is desert, not green. Mind if I take some prisoners? We can have a negotiation type RP after this.
Alpha Platoon, First Battalion, 37th Marine Brigade, 3rd Marines
Lt. Skockey watched as a C130 plumetted to the ground near his position. Him and the men he was with, Delta Squad, ran over to search for survivors. They got over to the crash, and found the cockpit intact, but a wing missing. He checked, and saw a man still alive in the cockpit, miraculessly unscathed. The got over to him, turned on the lasers on their XM8s, and aimed at his head, while the rest of the squad set up a perimeter. The men were wearing ACS suits(looks like the ODSTs from Halo 2, only they have MARPATs), and would look awfully scary to the enemy...
"Who the hell are you? Get out of the f***in' plane and put your hands up!" he commanded, also noticing a wounded copilot, who also had a rifle trained on him.
Command Post, 3rd Marines
"Sir, we have reports of paratroopers dropping in our area of occupation."
"Hmmm, the commies finnaly decided to send help, eh? Good, send 'em a welcome wagon, hehehe." replyed General Doom, commander of the 3rd Marine Divsion. The division had fought in most wars that Doomingsland had partcipated in, and most of the men were veterans.
The division's 300 M1A5 King Abrams, and 1000 LAV-25s went out, with mounted troops, hunting for enemy forces, in addition to 40 AH1Zs and Blackhawks. The LAV-ADs had obviously done a good job on destroying the inbound aircraft, not a single one had gotten to the city.
OOC:Just a little info about my marines-
Trained from birth, their only purpose being to kill, the Doomingsland Marines are among the world's most brutal fighting force. Forced through ten years of basic training, and six years of specialized training, they are also extremely good at what they do. They have the ability to feel emotion wiped away, although many still have a twisted sense of humor...
30-09-2004, 21:53
OOC: Yay and yay, but, oh well :P
Pilot Aran Tumblsy had survived the plane crash, although the men he was transporting had not. No sooner than he had made sure he was alive, a group of soldiers were aiming guns to his head and shouting at him. He stepped out through the smashed cockpit and raised his hands.
"Pilot Tumblsy, Serial Code RMA9284, Royal Marine Aviation"
30-09-2004, 22:11
They ripped the man from were he stood, and fastened his hands with a plastic tie, tightening it a little too much, blindfolded him. They also picked his co pilot out of his seat, and found his legs to be broken. A medic walked over, and sedated the first man, and gave the second pain killers, deciding he wasn't a threat. These two men would be transported to the secret(but infamus) Doom Valley Prison via an awaiting Blackhawk.
Similar stories had occured elsewere as well, and by now it was known that Hogsweat was responsible for the invasion.
After five hours, the first pilot awoke to find himself in a pitchblack area. He was actualy in a small cell, just 5ftx5ft. It was fully climate controled, so the man monitering him through a hidden camera could make life as unpleasent as possible...
As for the other man, he was taken to the medical wing of the facility, and recieved two casts before being placed in a cell with a cot.
OOC:You can decide how many pilots I caught, and you can go ahead and find my commie now.
30-09-2004, 22:32
OOC: Shit.
Original amount of Pilots: 100
Amount escaped: 00
Amount captured: 89
Amount with ground troops: 11
Wakefield's squad arrived at the rendevous area. Gunfire lit the night, and on a small hill he could see some paratroopers dug in, firing at what could only be Doomingslandian troops. Wakefield and his men silently moved up the hill, and Wakefield tapped a man with a green beret on the back. He jumped, shouting hundreds of differnet types of curses at Wakefield, who in return smiled.
"Ah, Wakefield. Seems you guys are last. You lose!"
Wakefield frowned. He did not think such things were funny.
"This is it? Whats the tally?"
"Ahm.. 4th Platoon, intact, 1st Platoon, intact, 9th Platoon, basically decimated, and your platoon, 6th platoon, intact.
"How many men is that?"
"Ehm.. around 70."
"Shit. Aren't we waiting for the others?"
It was General Markley's turn to frown.
"Of course not. We've been here two hours, and nows the perfect time to give the bastards the slip. Lets go"
The survivors renamed themselves with the title "Half Company", a joke which would remain with them until the end of their lives. They headed westwards, towards the city, when there was a shortburst of gunfire.
Wakefield knew the rattle of the gun - it as an AK47, fairly old. The crump of a grenade, and Half Company was returning fire.
[your call. I am shooting at the communists, not knowing they are friendly..]
30-09-2004, 22:44
Hassan Johanson, a rougue communist rebel, sat in his foxhole, spraying wildly with his AK at the unkown forces, assuming the marines had found him. He was very low on ammo, and on his last magazine. He emptied the last round, fixed his bayonet, and lept from the foxhole to be met by a group of men, obviously not Doomingslandian.
"Errr, hello?" he said, a nervous look on his face.
Doom Valley Prison-
Twentry pilots had been dragged from their cells, and brought into the media room. The trip from the cells to the room had taken nearly twenty minutes, begining by exiting the cell, and immediatly stepping onto a mobile platform, with their hands bound. They then saw that their cells were actualy stacked on top of one another, inside a massive cilander, with a pit of...something at the bottom. The platform then dropped down to a hallway, were they were lead to a tram of sorts. If they looked back, they could see the word 'Officers' printed on a sign above the tram station. The tram then continued down a winding tunnel, eventualy ending up at a second station, marked 'Media'. They were then lead into a room with television cameras, and a massive Doomingslandian flag drapped in the backround. They were all tied to chairs facing the cameras...
"And we are live in 5...4...3...2...1,"
A man, a general, in a black uniform stood in front of the camera.
"My fellow countrymen. Today we were attacked, no, invaded by the insidious nation of Hogsweat. The men gathered behind me are Hogsweaten pilots, taken by our forces. Their invasion was a complete and utter failure." he said, the camera now focused on the helpless prisoners.
A second man began to read off the names, ranks, and serial numbers of the men. It was being broadcasted live to hundreds of stations throughout the world...
30-09-2004, 23:31
bump, Hogsweat, if you want to negotiate for them, you can make a seperate thread, I want this publicized.
01-10-2004, 00:39
01-10-2004, 01:25
OOC: I'd help, but I can rarely see the point when a Capatalist nation makes a rebellion these days. In every scenario, when a ton of Communist nations step up to the plate, the Capatalist nation panics and just shuts the RP down with them crushing the rebellion overnight. Sorry.
Borman Empire
01-10-2004, 03:09
OOC: I never planned for it to succeed.
IC: The tanks began to head towarsd the direction of entrenched soldiers. They were to meet with some Doomingslandian marines and help fight the commies coming in.
01-10-2004, 15:25
OOC:Its kind of hard for me not to succeed, as I'm up against about a hundred paras, and like four thousand commies, and I have 'em surrounded with two divisions(one armor, one marine)
Gnomish Republics
01-10-2004, 18:05
OOC: Sorry if the techs are a little nice, but the republics have great scientists for reasons of being gnomes.
IC: Night. An unidentified ship named Gecar (merchant ship with enough space for two helipads) stopped ten miles from the beginning of the sealed off area. Three Slordian gnomes (three to four feet tall, but fast runners and high jumpers) walked to one of the two huge boxes on the deck. They went between the two, opened a hidden door, and walked in. Then, the top of the box opened and a shape silently floated out. It was a Gnomish Flying Machine (OOC:think Warcraft 2) but made to be virtually undetectable at night. The engine is audible as a quiet hum, the thing is painted completely black and the propeller blades are made to produce no noise. The only way it is detectable is through the gust that is produced right under it. The contraption flew towards the besieged city a meter and a half off the ground. In fifteen minutes, it was followed by another one. The boxes closed but were ready to open at any moment.
OOC: If they are hit, they automatically explode. At their altitude, they are invisible to radar. It's impossible to trace them to a nation because they bear no markings. Speed: approximately 100 kilometers per hour. Can squeeze in ten people not counting the pilot, co-pilot, and navigator.
01-10-2004, 18:19
[OOC: Nice reply later. Going out now :)]
01-10-2004, 18:21
OOC: Sorry if the techs are a little nice, but the republics have great scientists for reasons of being gnomes.
IC: Night. An unidentified ship named Gecar (merchant ship with enough space for two helipads) stopped ten miles from the beginning of the sealed off area. Three Slordian gnomes (three to four feet tall, but fast runners and high jumpers) walked to one of the two huge boxes on the deck. They went between the two, opened a hidden door, and walked in. Then, the top of the box opened and a shape silently floated out. It was a Gnomish Flying Machine (OOC:think Warcraft 2) but made to be virtually undetectable at night. The engine is audible as a quiet hum, the thing is painted completely black and the propeller blades are made to produce no noise. The only way it is detectable is through the gust that is produced right under it. The contraption flew towards the besieged city a meter and a half off the ground. In fifteen minutes, it was followed by another one. The boxes closed but were ready to open at any moment.
OOC: If they are hit, they automatically explode. At their altitude, they are invisible to radar. It's impossible to trace them to a nation because they bear no markings. Speed: approximately 100 kilometers per hour. Can squeeze in ten people not counting the pilot, co-pilot, and navigator.
Sry, but that's a godmod, you just waltzed right past all of my air defences. And in the world I'm in, there's no such thing as gnomes. So in other words, ignored(unless you can come up with something better)
Gnomish Republics
01-10-2004, 18:41
OOC: Incase you haven't noticed, they produce a gust. If you have a contingent of troops on the ground, they can notice that... If you don't, that means your defence system failed. If you feel the security measures (explosion, no nationality) are godmod, then demonstrate how something that costed the government a fair bit exploding is a godmod. Speed? 100km is highway speed. I assumed that you understood that and didn't say what happened next because they could be intercepted. No gnomes? Imagine that these are just humans that evolved in a certain way. Besides, they have disadvantages. Ever seen a three foot tall person using a big weapon?
01-10-2004, 18:50
OOC:No, seriously, I would have detected your ship entering my waters, and siezed it. I'd be able to detect your helis with DOPPLER and AWACS, and IR detection systems as well(unless the people flying them don't produce body heat). Oh well, let's just take this back to when you first launched the thing...
Coastal Outpost Golf-three-seven
A high powered DOPLER radar system had detected something heading toward the coast, off an unidentified vessle. The radar system then transmitted to a patriot site, which then fired 2 missiles at the craft. In addition to this, several ZPU-23 anti aircraft guns opened fire at the radar contact, illuminating the sky with flak and tracers.
Three F35s flew toward the unidentified ship, and prepared to launch anti-ship missiles...
Gnomish Republics
01-10-2004, 19:07
OOC: The ship would NOT have been detected entering restricted waters because it stopped miles away. READ! And what you just did wasn't godmodding, eh? Let's have Thinking Time with proffessor Tursho! The GFNs are sealed, since they don't let noise from the inside. They are made using stealth technology, which isn't a godmod since it is used in real life for the more modern craft.
01-10-2004, 19:09
OOC: The ship would NOT have been detected entering restricted waters because it stopped miles away. READ! And what you just did wasn't godmodding, eh? Let's have Thinking Time with proffessor Tursho! The GFNs are sealed, since they don't let noise from the inside. They are made using stealth technology, which isn't a godmod since it is used in real life for the more modern craft.
OOC:All of my waters are restricted waters. DOPLER and AWACS can both detect stealth, that's common knowledge. I didn't see that part about you being ten miles out, tho, sry.
Gnomish Republics
01-10-2004, 19:15
OOC: Does "stopped ten miles from the beginning of the sealed off area" sound familiar? Ok, so you spot something moving 1.5 meters off the ground. Next frame.
01-10-2004, 19:30
OOC:Yeah, see above post for the next frame(I'm shooting at it)
Gnomish Republics
01-10-2004, 19:55
OOC: " inability to detect low-flying aircraft beyond a short distance because of radar’s horizon limitation resulting from the curvature of the earth." AWACS doesn't work at that altitude. Doppler can't see anything lower than slightly more than two kilometers in the air at a range of seventy kilometers, and it decreases at fairly slow rate. It will only spot something that low when the thing is flying right by it. So, where were we?
01-10-2004, 20:27
An outpost spotted something on their motion tracker, which just popped above the edge of the cliff. Several men with AKs opened fire in the general direction of the thing, while an anti-aircraft battery prepared to open up on the contact. As it drew closer, they found it to be extemely hard to see, so they were mainly spraying blindly at the contact. An F22 that was in the area could see the tracers flying up, and decided to check what was the matter. He saw a black shape flying low over the white sands, and started a strafing run...
OOC:I definatly detected you that time, unless your thing doesn't move. Oh, yeah, my entire coastline is jagged rocks and cliffs, except for one beach, so my guys would see you come over the top of the cliff.
Gnomish Republics
01-10-2004, 20:59
*On Lead GFM*
Pilot: S---, we've been spotted. What are the instructions for attacks before target?
Navigator: Hold on, can't see in the dark *looks down at page and turns on helmet mounted light* Right, fly as far in as possible, drop the device and bail out.
Co-pilot: *pushes switch* Device dropped. *pushes another switch and a hatch in the bottom of the vehicle opens* JUMP!
Three short figures fall out of the rapidly moving aircraft. The fall scratches up and bruises them, but they are still alive. Armanent- silenced Beretta (loaded) with 30 bullets for reloading. Gear- bulletproof vest with built in bomb, compass, topological map of the area and a shovel each. Orders- to get as far away from the device as possible and dig in. If enemies attempt to take prisoner, press the button activating the secondary use of the vest. The device is intact and will activate in 1.5 RL hours. It has armor plating that is detatchable from the inside.
*On second GFM*
Co-pilot: Alpha is under attack. I suggest we run.
Pilot: Yeah. Didja get the coordinates?
Co-pilot: 244KUV-beta
The GFM turned away from the coast ahead and headed for an area twenty kilometers away from the mothership.
OOC: I assumed the second one wasn't noticed because it was several kilometers behind the first one and wasn't mentioned in the attack.
EDIT: Time extended by 1 rl hour.
Borman Empire
01-10-2004, 21:09
OOC: Are you still fighting Hogsweat troops?
Gnomish Republics
01-10-2004, 22:35
OOC: If you were just unable to respond, then say that later and I'll undo this stuff.
The second GFM landed on the ship at the rendezvous point and cruised away. The pilot of the first one blew himself up immedietly, while the co-pilot and navigator attempted to escape. They then ran into an enemy patrol and blew up as well.
The device lay in the sand. At 6:30, it opened and a millisecond later exploded. It was a nuclear bomb.
Borman Empire
01-10-2004, 22:39
Hmmm.....If I am not mistaken I though Doom said no nukes and stuff, such as Biological weapons. Your nuke would fall under the nuke category.
01-10-2004, 22:45
Wakefield lead his platoon under a hail of covering fire towards the foxhole - a man burst out, startled.
"Uh, hello?"
Wakefield smiled, noticing the hammer and sickle badge.
"Lieutenant Wakefield, Hogsweatian Royal Marine Aviation."
The man was confused.
"Royal? Why are you helping us?"
"Don't ask" Wakefield withdrew a Desert Eagle .357 with an extra clip strapped to the handle, and handed it handle-forwards to the man.
"Take us to your city. We shall fight"
Borman Empire
01-10-2004, 22:46
OOC: I take that as a yes
01-10-2004, 22:51
OOC: He's got a load of my pilots in captive. I ain't givin' up. Better post later.
Borman Empire
01-10-2004, 23:01
Doomingsland, I remind you we have tanks here. Would you like them anywhere.
02-10-2004, 00:48
OOC:No nukes in this thread, you are hereby IGNORED.(plus you're too young to even have them)
IC:Hassan smiled at the men,
"Right this way, gentlemen. Those fascisti won't stand a chance!"
He lead them through the sand dunes, and toward the city. Eventualy an Imperial position came into view.
"Wait here, I know a weak point in this unit." he whispered, crawling over toward the unit.
"Alpha One, I'm detecting movement in sector charlie four."
"Affirmative Alpha, proceed with caution."
Ten soldiers moved out, and identified the man as hostile.
"Frag out!" yelled one of the men, as he tossed the grenade.
Oh no...
Hassan was blown to pieces, his body sent flying through the air. He died an honorable death in the eyes of the men that had killed him, but they figured there were paras near by.
"This is Alpha One, requesting armor and close air support!"
"Roger alpha, tank platoon on the way."
In addition to that, and AH1Z was on station, ready to swoop in as soon as contact was made...
-Official Ratheian Government Response-
We have noticed the current chain of events in your country and would not assist our fellows. Though we strive for world revolution, killing civilians is not the way it is to be done. We condemn these acts and support Doomingsland.
Borman Empire
02-10-2004, 01:17
-Official Ratheian Government Response-
We have noticed the current chain of events in your country and would not assist our fellows. Though we strive for world revolution, killing civilians is not the way it is to be done. We condemn these acts and support Doomingsland.
02-10-2004, 08:53
Wakefield saw the grenade destroy the point man in front of him - His body crumpling like a game with an amazing physics engine. Suddenly, there was a gunshot. Wakefield spun around, too see General Markley standing on top of the dune, his L1A1 up and blazing. Soon the rest of the unit followed, knocking down the ten man recon squad with short, accurate, bursts of fire.
[Hogsweatian troops use L1A1's modified for a .303 British magazine]
The support trooper next to Markley clambered up the dune, his Milan raised and ready. Beside him, a pathfinding team with a .50 Barret M82A1. As some sporadic return fire hit the dust around them, Markley gave the order for cover. The 60 odd men of Half Company retreated behind the dune, occasionally returning fire to the Doominsglandian troops.
[OOC: K, I'll make it publicised later.]
02-10-2004, 17:45
OOC:Lol, like that part about the physics engine.
Alpha One was quickly decimated, but another nearby unit was monitering the battle, and called mortars and air down on the enemy force.
Soon enough, ten 81mm mortars began firing on the enemy's position, and a Super Cobra swooped down, firing cannons and FFARs at the enemy forces. By now, there was a company sized force on scene, making use of their thermal imaging systems built into their helmets to spot hidden enemies, and neutralize them. Several M60E4s had been set up, and were laying cover fire on enemy forces in preparation for a flanking manuever.
Two LAV-25s loaded with marines arrived on scene, emptying their passengers, and opening fire with their 25mm cannons.
When it was seen that the enemy forces were retreating, more air support was called for, and an F35 was redirected from its target in the city to Half Company.
"Viper Nine, approaching target," said the pilot of the JSF over the radio.
A lieutenant on the ground answered him,
"Roger that, Viper, you are cleared hot."
The F35 flew just fifty feet over the retreating enemy, and dumped two canisters of napalm. The whole time, the Hogsweaten forces were being pursued by the marines.
Total losses so far-Alpha One-10 men, 23 dead or wounded
Borman Empire
02-10-2004, 19:28
02-10-2004, 22:56
[OOC: Thanks :)]
Fire from the helicopter pounded the sand dunes, ripping apart several men.
The men jumped down for cover, as another missile ripped apart a foxhole with several paratroopers inside.
The M60E's were taken down by the Sharpshooter Yeltsin. Yeltsin was rather wierd- he rarely talked, yet on the battlefield he never missed. Relunctantly, with heavy losses, Markley gave the order to retreat, and they slinked away into the night, hopefully undetected.
[OOC: Can you let them run?]
02-10-2004, 23:15
OOC:If you really want me too, yes, but with the equiptment I'm using and the amount of guys in the area, you're pretty screwed. If you plan on trying to rescue the pilots with that company, you're out of luck. The prison is over 500 miles away. Even if you managed to get across the boarder your guys would still be screwed. The guy to my north is allied with me, and definatley wouldn't mind me hunting them down on his turf.
The firefight had ended, and they counted their losses. 35 dead or wounded. They desperatly wanted revenge. The company boarded ten EFVs, and drove through the desert, hoping to catch up with the enemy force. In addition to this, several Super Cobras flew ahead of the convoy. The vehicles were also escorted by four M1A5 King Abrams MBTs, making victory almost certain. They drove at 30 mph through the desert, hoping to catch up with the enemy forces by morning...
Borman Empire
02-10-2004, 23:26
OOC: Has any outside persons made it to the commie town?
02-10-2004, 23:31
There was a rumble, as they realised that it was over. The tanks were upon them, before anyone noticed. Wakefield jumped up, throwing a stringe of frag grenades at an approaching tank. It burst into flames, as a supporting Milan fired its high power rocket at the beast. Half Company fired off some sporadic rounds, but within a minute it was over. They had their guns on the floor, their hands in the air.
The battle for Doomingsland was over as quickly as it had begun.
Borman Empire
03-10-2004, 01:37
03-10-2004, 15:37
Thanks to the thick DUEIS armor on the hunking behemoth, it took very light damage. The Hogsweatens were all rounded up, and made to kneel side by side, each prisoner having a marine with a rifle behind him. The marines bound the hands of their captives with plastic ties, then shoved their faces in the sand, and pressed their XM8s against their heads.
Several Chinook helicopters arrived, and the prisoners were all sedated, and dragged aboard. Five hours later, the enlisted men awoke to find themselves in in a black abbyss, with no one visible. In reality, the enlisted men were trapped in three seperate rooms, with low cielings, a concealed entrance, and full climate control. There were no guards in the room, but no visible exit either. About a second after the last man awoke, a voice came from nowhere, saying,
Welcome to Doom Valley, pinkos, the last place you'll be living at.
Right after that, a pillar of light came down in the center of the room, illuminating the whole thing, and the prisoners could identify who was there. All of a sudden, boxes began to fall out of the light. On closer inspection, they were stripped down MREs, with just the main course and drink. This would be how they got their food. When they finished eating, it became pitch black again, and suddenly became freezing cold, not the proper environment for what they were dressed for.
The officers, on the other hand, found themselves in the same predicament as the pilots, inside a tiny cell. Three of them were dragged from there cells, and ten enlisted men 'disappeared' from the main group, and awoke to find themselves in the media room...
"My fellow countrymen, I am pleased to announce that the battle for the Homeland is over, and we have emerged victorious!" there was cheering among the camera crews, "I have behind me Hogsweaten paratroopers who were taken by our men. We have taken many of their kind, in fact, approximately half a company. The total Hogsweatens we have in our hands now comes to over 160 men." with that, the lights dimmed, and the prisoners were sedated, and dragged to their respective rooms and cells.
Borman Empire
03-10-2004, 16:11
OOC: Did you attack the city yet?
03-10-2004, 21:26
OOC: Did you attack the city yet?
OOC:His men were taken before they could reach it. Let's finish them off now...
Outside the city-
It was now dawn. The general had recieved confirmation that the paratroopers had been nuetralized. Now was as good a time as any.
"Commence the assualt."
The engines of the Bradleys all started up simultaniously. By now, the walls of the city had been reduced to ash. The tanks drove down the hill as soon as the artilery let up, followed by the bradleys. They began taking small arms fire from gunmen in the windows, but returned fire with their main guns, quickly silencing the hostiles. The infantrymen dismounted, and split up into squads. They went house to house, clearing the buildings, then establishing a field of fire. Occasionaly a group of rebels would exit a building with their hands in the air, but would be cut down by rifle and machinegun fire. That part of the assualt wasn't televised.
Finnaly, a squad reached the enemy command bunker that contained General Jakobs. The men had orders to kill him on sight. This man ddn't deserve the honor of a televised death. They entered the building, and were immediatly met with machinegun fire from a DSHk. The OICW gunner popped his rifle around the corner, and fired a grenade, with the round exploding directly over the rebel's head. They then proceeded to the basement. There was a steel door.
"Fire team bravo, breach door." said the squad leader.
A man placed a breaching charge on the door, and motioned for the others to step out of the way.
"Fire in the hole!"
Bits of steel and shrapnel flew into the room, cutting the air. A flashbang was then tossed in. As soon as it detonated, the men rushed in, and shot the stunned men. General Jakobs layed on the floor, clutching his throat.
"A fitting death for you, comrade," said the squad leader calmly to the dying man. Jakobs stared up at the man, the face hidden by the visor on his helmet. He drew his 18 inch bayonet, and quickly cut the head off of the traitor, holding it high for his men to see.
"The emporer will be pleased."
Borman Empire
03-10-2004, 21:49
We are happy they are gone.
Our men will return to our nation now.
03-10-2004, 23:23
Borman Empire
04-10-2004, 12:36
Our men are back.
04-10-2004, 17:05
Borman Empire
04-10-2004, 21:03
Why are you bumping it if all the enemies are dead?