NationStates Jolt Archive

Cam III Vs Sanctaphrax, an RP for beginners - Page 2

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04-10-2004, 14:37
OOC: another pic of Ivy

I am trying she mouthed desperately trying to get the zip to do up, eventually she did it in the nick of time and the two men came back into the room.........

dam my hair looks good down ivy thought as she saw her tinted reflection in the window.

She wondered how her girls were doing in the office; her mind was too bamboozled to send any messages, she wanted to try and get through this first
The PM entered first with the foreign minister.
"6.34 minutes general until you lost control, we were counting." He pressed a remote in the corner and the camera switched itself off.
The general said nothing. He just sat there in shock.
I wonder if there are any other jobs in this field for me? he thought, Ivy does Serafima need another general?
04-10-2004, 14:46
'Oh my god, sweetheart, I am so sorry' Ivy said through her mind to the general.
'Excuse me, it is not like sex took place or anything, give the man a break' Ivy snapped and got her long fur coat on and walked out slamming the door- she felt awful having probably lost him his job, she continued to walk until she got to her designated room, there she sat and thought about what she had just done.........time seemed to fly and before she knew it was night, she wondered if the general would ever speak to her again, she hoped so... ;)
04-10-2004, 14:49
OOC: -- Sanctraphrax please reply if possible
04-10-2004, 14:58
:fluffle: :fluffle:
04-10-2004, 15:19
OOC: Still, this is what these people were trained to do and there are pretty good chances that at least one would hit.

I think, that trting to hit a shadowy object beneath the surface in the dark is going to be game of luck whatever you use. AK 47s however have burst fire and hes just put about 300 rounds into the small area your diver occupies in a couple of seconds.

He may well survive any impact depending how deep he is and where it hits, but when he tries to scale the boat, he's boned.
04-10-2004, 15:29
OOC: hes gone offline dammit! :mad:
04-10-2004, 15:51
OOC: hes gone offline dammit! :mad:
Don't worry i'm back.
04-10-2004, 15:56
OOC: Yeah, I probably won't help you because you have DA helping... me and DA (actually me and ComMiss) don't get on well, at all. I try not to involve myself in DA RP's.
04-10-2004, 16:07
'Oh my god, sweetheart, I am so sorry' Ivy said through her mind to the general.
'Excuse me, it is not like sex took place or anything, give the man a break' Ivy snapped and got her long fur coat on and walked out slamming the door- she felt awful having probably lost him his job, she continued to walk until she got to her designated room, there she sat and thought about what she had just done.........time seemed to fly and before she knew it was night, she wondered if the general would ever speak to her again, she hoped so...
04-10-2004, 16:14
she decided to contact Morgaine and see how the new army programme was going, every minute she thought, well, she wished she heard the generals footsteps, she slapped herself

for god sake woman, you have probably lost this man his job and yet you think he will want to seduce you, get a grip! she shouted at herself in her sad mind.
04-10-2004, 16:41
she decided to contact Morgaine and see how the new army programme was going, every minute she thought, well, she wished she heard the generals footsteps, she slapped herself

for god sake woman, you have probably lost this man his job and yet you think he will want to seduce you, get a grip! she shouted at herself in her sad mind.
The general knocked on the door and she answered.
"I've been told to pack my bags" The general said as a way of greeting. "Do you think I might get a job in the Serafimian army?"
04-10-2004, 16:44
'I am sure they will love to have you, I will put a good word in for you' she said weakly.

'I wish I could make it up to you, I feel so awful, a bit of harmless flirting leads to this' Ivy replied, a tear rolling down her face.

'Look you want to stay here tonight, I could do with some company, I have tonnes of progress reports etc to do so I need moral support' Ivy joked.

OOC; off for dinner b bck in 15 mins
04-10-2004, 16:51
'I am sure they will love to have you, I will put a good word in for you' she said weakly.

'I wish I could make it up to you, I feel so awful, a bit of harmless flirting leads to this' Ivy replied, a tear rolling down her face.

'Look you want to stay here tonight, I could do with some company, I have tonnes of progress reports etc to do so I need moral support' Ivy joked.

OOC; off for dinner b bck in 15 mins
"No, thanks i've got to go pack my bags at the barracks and report for a dishonourable discharge order. Court Marshalling etc...
Worst case, I get a short jail sentence. Best case... I get fined and have to leave the armed forces."
04-10-2004, 16:54
OOC: back now
04-10-2004, 16:56
'Run away with me back to Serafima, the girls can find nothing here, I can get you out, quickly and quietly, you will face no shame, come on ;) ' Ivy said grabbing hold of his two hands.
04-10-2004, 16:57
'Run away with me back to Serafima, the girls can find nothing here, I can get you out, quickly and quietly, you will face no shame, come on ;) ' Ivy said grabbing hold of his two hands.
"No chance, the Sanctaphrax intelligence are the best in the world and i'm not going to spend my life looking over my shoulder. I will face whatever punishment i'm given."
04-10-2004, 16:58
OOC: That was a very quick 15 minutes. Anyway i've got to go now.
04-10-2004, 16:59
Ivy leant forward and kissed him lightly on the lips.
'Please after your sentance come to Serafima' she pleaded her eyes and face were tired.

she let him go out of her hands and she saw he turn, she wanted to see him again, but knew it was unlikely...........
04-10-2004, 18:27
OOC: At least ONE bullet will have grazed/hit/killed him, there were fucking 10 men there! Also, EVERY MAN/WOMEN IN MY ARMY HAS BEEN TRAINED TO SHOOT ANY GUN SINCE THEY WERE ABOUT 3.

IC: The men watched as the shadowy shape went under the hull of the ship.
"Nice shooting men. Back to your post." One by one the men filtered away from the fore and headed towards their positions around the ship. Suddenly an alarm sounded and a voice blared out, Thirty minutes untill we hit the enemy blockade!. After the message, men started running around deck and inside. They loaded the guns and prepared them.

You have ignored my first message to you, thereby fasting your own noose. You shall face the might of The Dark Angels Imperium of Cam III. Prey to whatever god you worship, as I am coming for you.....
04-10-2004, 18:33
You have ignored my first message to you, thereby fasting your own noose. You shall face the might of The Dark Angels Imperium of Cam III. Prey to whatever god you worship, as I am coming for you.....
*secret telegram to Cam III*
I can only ignore what you send me. Besides, your fleet is useless as all our cities are inland. The only way of accessing them is by the Edgewater River. You could have 5000 ships and they wouldn't be able to do anything.
04-10-2004, 18:55
You underestimate my power. I hate people with weaknesses like yours. I will obliterate you from exsitance. I hope your people will be happy in slavery....

Within the alloted time the fleet had reached it's destination, the blockade. Suddenly a message blurted out from one of the ships.
If you let us pass, I will leave you alone, if you don't: You will be obliterated from exsitance. This is your only warning.
After the message, the ships opened fire upon the closest ships.
A warning shot.
04-10-2004, 18:57
You underestimate my power. I hate people with weaknesses like yours. I will obliterate you from exsitance. I hope your people will be happy in slavery....

Within the alloted time the fleet had reached it's destination, the blockade. Suddenly a message blurted out from one of the ships.
If you let us pass, I will leave you alone, if you don't: You will be obliterated from exsitance. This is your only warning.
After the message, the ships opened fire upon the closest ships.
A warning shot.
Who is manning the blockade?
*secret telegram to ALL Sanctaphrax allies*
We are under attack! I repeat, we are under attack! Send aid at once!!!
04-10-2004, 18:58
OOC: Cam, there is no way you can reach my cities.
04-10-2004, 19:08
OOC: That nation which is helping you, you know the one. Or maby he disbanded it, I don't know?!
You'll have to wait and find out how I get to your citys......
04-10-2004, 19:11
OOC: That nation which is helping you, you know the one. Or maby he disbanded it, I don't know?!
You'll have to wait and find out how I get to your citys......
OOC: Neo Cannen??? He isn't helping me! And remember, having spaceships picking up your ships and putting them in the town centre isn't allowed in MT.
04-10-2004, 19:23
OOC: Yeah, him! Ok, he's neutral. The attack still stands.
*Points and laughs at Sanctphrax* I would tell you, but y'know you'd mobalize and stuff....
Neo Cannen
04-10-2004, 20:24
"Sir" Called the comm officer, "Were getting reports that the CAM III ships are moving towards the Santrapx fleet and the Serifirman blockade"
"We have one more ace in the hole, get me the airforce, tell them to launch Nightlight"

At Neo Cannen Air force Command, three medium range cruise missiles were being retrofitted and modified for Nightlight. Each had been fited with three barrels on their rear and each barrel had several nozzles on their underside. Men with giger counters were standing round them. Eventualy they all nodded their heads and moved away. The missiles were launched. They were each going to make a pass over the attacking fleets. One over CAM, one over Santrapax and one over the now ever closing gap. As they reached within about a mile of the fleets, they soared out of range of any ship to air weapons, though not out of radar range. When they were a few hundrud yards away, they all cut their engines and extened pairs of glider wings to switch to non powered flight. The nozzles on the barrels began to hiss.

Admiral Moses opened a channel to the fleets
"All ships, as you may have noticed three missiles passed over your ships eariler on non powered flight. What you havent noticed is that they have laced the air all around you with a chemical which we call Nightlight. The chemical is a mixture of various other chemicals and is very volitile. Any ship that fires a weapon with any kind of explosive will ignite this chemical creating a fireball that will engulf both your fleets. At this moment we are advising the Seriafirmans to leave the area. This is not a threat now but a matter of fact. We know where the chemical is as it has also been laced with a radioactive isotope detectable by our satalites. If you fire, you will all die"
04-10-2004, 20:26
OOC: Whatd I do?
Oh and it's SANCTAPHRAX not Sanctrpx. Tell your men to go to Sanctrpx and some poor guys going to fire his rifle one day and destroy his nation. And what you just described is impossible. Other than that, good work.
Neo Cannen
04-10-2004, 20:28
OOC: What I do I do to both fleets so I cant be accuesd of taking sides. One way or another, Im stopping this war. And this one is not impossible, whats wrong with it. An extrmely volitile chemical laces the air and any kind of ignition goes off within in and there is a fireball. Its like petrol fumes except far more sophisticated
04-10-2004, 20:32
OOC: What I do I do to both fleets so I cant be accuesd of taking sides. One way or another, Im stopping this war. And this one is not impossible, whats wrong with it. An extrmely volitile chemical laces the air and any kind of ignition goes off within in and there is a fireball. Its like petrol fumes except far more sophisticated
So if a kid gets beaten up at school, you turn up and beat up both the bullies AND the kid, purely because he got beaten up??? I must be missing something here.
Neo Cannen
04-10-2004, 20:44
OOC Please, Im not beating up anyone, Im holding both your fists down. If you provide a physical barrier to his ships at this point, there is not much he can do. He cant shoot you, and you cant shoot him.
04-10-2004, 21:01
OOC Please, Im not beating up anyone, Im holding both your fists down. If you provide a physical barrier to his ships at this point, there is not much he can do. He cant shoot you, and you cant shoot him.
Which makes an RP oh so much fun.
A Sanctaphrax secret agent launches a boat from the jetty and secretly heads towards the Cam fleet. In his pockets he has small stones. He goes near one of the Nimitz class AC's and throws the rocks at it, one by one. Is that the kind of RP you had in mind?
Neo Cannen
04-10-2004, 21:09
OOC Please, most RP's are "Im going to declare war on you for X reason. I have Y many ships/bombs/planes/men etc armed with Z weapons/missiles etc.. and Im going to beat you up"
Now people have to think to get out of this. The way Generic name did when he used his AWACs on me. Outside the box
Orange state
04-10-2004, 21:19
OOC:Cam's fleet would occupy several square miles, Sancta's would be spread far away. What you need now is a bit of wind, stuff like this should disperse in a few hours.
04-10-2004, 21:21
OOC:Cam's fleet would occupy several square miles, Sancta's would be spread far away. What you need now is a bit of wind, stuff like this should disperse in a few hours.
OOC: Which is good because I forgot to mention that a gale is expected to hit tommorow with winds blowing in the general direction of Neo Cannen.
Neo Cannen
04-10-2004, 21:24
OOC If thats not a god mod, I dont know what is. Commanding the wind and the rain
Orange state
04-10-2004, 21:26
OOC: hahahahahahaha!
04-10-2004, 21:27
OOC If thats not a god mod, I dont know what is. Commanding the wind and the rain
I don't command them, it's just pure coincedence:)
04-10-2004, 21:27
ooc: Outside the box, eh? I'll give you "outside the box".

ic: "Admiral Kazansky, Neo Cannen are sending another transmission."
"Another one? What have they got this time? A hydrogen bomb?"
"No, Sir. They say that they have released highly volatile gas into the area. Any weapons firing will cause it to detonate."
Kazansky was shocked, but managed to keep it hidden.
But he was also renowned for his ingenuity.
"This gas, it has spread to their fleet as well?"
"It looks like it, Sir."
"In that case......"

The Pacifica powered up, gathering speed. The hydrogen engines were working overtime and a huge bow wave was forming.

"And are you sure this will work, Admiral?"
"Yes. The Pacifica is larger than anything they have, and they can't fire either."

The Pacifica was at full speed now, and bearing down on the Neo Cannen fleet. Water churned as the propellors spun. The other ships followed. This was completely justified: Neo Cannen had released gas.

"Five hundred metres, Admiral."
"Excellent. Brace for impact."

There was a sickening crunch as the Pacifica rammed the first ship.....

ooc: Neo Cannen, declare damage
04-10-2004, 21:27
OOC: hahahahahahaha!
What was that in light of?
Orange state
04-10-2004, 21:31
the weather report.

Though you cant really declare the weather.

As for the ramming, I dont think NC had deployed any ships. I know what I'd do in that situation, though im not about to say.
Neo Cannen
04-10-2004, 21:35
OOC: Serifirma are the blocading nation of the invasion fleet, Im blockading the port. And I wouldnt ram anyone if I were you. It could break apart their engine and they may explode. The Serifirman blockade fleet has moved anyway and so you would be ramming the Sanctaphrax fleet.
04-10-2004, 21:35
ooc: He's had ships sitting between my fleet and Cam IIIs since near the start, I think. And my ships were the ones attacking Cam IIIs port.
Neo Cannen
04-10-2004, 21:39
OOC I sprayed it over the invasion fleet and the Santrapax defence force. This way CAM III would have to stop.
04-10-2004, 21:43
OOC: Curses. In that case, ignore the ramming thing.
04-10-2004, 21:44
OOC: Curses. In that case, ignore the ramming thing.
OOC: It's okay, the freak gale will get rid of any residue chemicals hanging around. By tommorow, everything will be back to normal.
04-10-2004, 21:49
OOC: No freak gale would be needed for that sort of area and thin spread. Just a breeze and a little time.
Neo Cannen
04-10-2004, 21:55
Plus if anyone rammed anyone else, the engine would explode and thus the fireball would go off. And as for the chemical spray, the missiles flew over the entire fleet, and they may come back...
The Generic Name
04-10-2004, 22:04
As they reached within about a mile of the fleets, they soared out of range of any ship to air weapons...

How convenient.

Admiral Moses opened a channel to the fleets
"All ships, as you may have noticed three missiles passed over your ships eariler on non powered flight. What you havent noticed is that they have laced the air all around you with a chemical which we call Nightlight. The chemical is a mixture of various other chemicals and is very volitile. Any ship that fires a weapon with any kind of explosive will ignite this chemical creating a fireball that will engulf both your fleets.

Alright, when shells from ships (or anything for that matter) are fired, no explosive is exposed to the outside air. Thus, your chemical would have to be able to melt or destroy metal. If this is the case, your men on deck would be straight dead (metals would be literally be stripped from their bodies). So would your ships. And if it doesn't destroy metal, if someone even strikes a match, the barrier would kill everything.
04-10-2004, 22:06
BTW all, check the poll version that gave way to this and see what you think.
04-10-2004, 22:13
OOC: There would be a way to deal with this..I really wish id signed up instead of Cam... half your nation would be a smoking crater by now. (as a newb i wouldnt destroy you, id just teach you a lesson for this)

OOC: but Im not, so you seem, to be good for now.
04-10-2004, 22:19
OOC: our of range of air to ship weapons? My air to ship weapons fire about 80km, but they are exceptionally defence orientated.
Neo Cannen
04-10-2004, 22:20
OOC Gerneric name, you clearly are wrong. Whenever a shell hits anything there is a red flash of an explosion. That is flame, how does an explosion fire and not expose itself to the air. If it didnt then it wouldnt explode now would it. And as for them being out of range, the chemical will FALL to the air below. It is heveyr than the air but still it is in the air and it will fall to the ground.
Orange state
04-10-2004, 23:51
hes about as wrong as you are declaring that you can cover a navy in gas from out of range... a stinger missile can reach 60000ft, and gas would disperse waaaaay before it hit the ground. Most navy missiles can reach a lot further than that too. NQP navy missiles can go 80000m

But yes, a shell also is sent by an explosive charge that fires it...

though if any navy people light a cig, turn on a light etc, they are at risk. Infact they are forced to drift a bit. Seriously though, expect some backlash if people start paying attention to your posts and finding the ways round them, Like i said earlier, id be bombing your cities by now.
05-10-2004, 00:01
hes about as wrong as you are declaring that you can cover a navy in gas from out of range... a stinger missile can reach 60000ft, and gas would disperse waaaaay before it hit the ground. Most navy missiles can reach a lot further than that too. NQP navy missiles can go 80000m

But yes, a shell also is sent by an explosive charge that fires it...

though if any navy people light a cig, turn on a light etc, they are at risk. Infact they are forced to drift a bit. Seriously though, expect some backlash if people start paying attention to your posts and finding the ways round them, Like i said earlier, id be bombing your cities by now.
Anywaaayyy... can you please see what you think of the poll: An RP for beginners idea???
The Generic Name
05-10-2004, 01:12
OOC Gerneric name, you clearly are wrong. Whenever a shell hits anything there is a red flash of an explosion. That is flame, how does an explosion fire and not expose itself to the air. If it didnt then it wouldnt explode now would it. And as for them being out of range, the chemical will FALL to the air below. It is heveyr than the air but still it is in the air and it will fall to the ground.

Ah, so you've covered an entire navy of over 400 ships with this chemical. -that's- realistic. And if it was heavier than air, the chemical would sink and rapidly displace the air above it, forming a miniscule sheet of vapor on the water. The primary explosive is not being discharged underwater, thus the idea is pretty fallible.
The Generic Name
05-10-2004, 01:21
OOC- Orange State, you're on to something.

Ashelin Smith recieved the call. Within forty-five minutes, twenty B-2 stealth bombers taxied out onto the runway and were off into the air. They were armed with heavy non-nuclear ordinance and were flying out towards the Neo Cannen capital.

Hours later, the bombers entered Neo Cannen airspace and prepared to dump their payload. The captain of the team, Sgt. José Alvarado, was the first to press his trigger. Bombs rained down on the Neo Cannen capital city.
(post damages)

Back at the Aerial Operations headquarters, Ashelin and her co-commander Rick were planning more flights to commence within twelve hours. Within the airstrip, hangars and loading bays began to bustle with life. The Republic was ready to go to war.
05-10-2004, 06:25
Ivy leant forward and kissed him lightly on the lips.
'Please after your sentance come to Serafima' she pleaded her eyes and face were tired.

she let him go out of her hands and she saw he turn, she wanted to see him again, but knew it was unlikely...........

She too began to pack her suitcase, she knew she was not wanted here anymore
The Marduk
05-10-2004, 12:13
OOC: newb here, just going to add a bit to get used to this RP thing.

IC: 1st Officer Kane Marched briskly along the corridor to the General's office where the General was reclining back in his black leather chair, feet on table with a mug of cocoa in his hands, i had been a long night, but these night shifts come and go as quickly as they start.

1st Officer Kane knocked on the door, an answer came from within and he entered.

"General, Sir! Intel Reports of major bombings on Neo Cannon's Capital." Said the Officer. "we dont know how or who but we do know that they have taken severe casualties."

"Hmm, we have an alliance with the Neo cannon, as part of our empire we are bound to look out for their interests. I particually dont like their ideals but as a servant to the Emperor we must do something." The General pondered for a bit. "scramble a small squadron of JAS 39s to the last location of these bombings, maybe we'll be able to pick something up."

Pondering a bit more. " Get on the blower to Neo Cannon, find out what he's been up to and whether or not we have any legal duristriction to do anything about this."

Officer Kane briskly left the office. What has Neo cannon been up to? will we be going to war because of his actions? Hopefully not, he thought, we are a small growing nation, perhaps only intel gathering will take place and we will decide to sit on the fence with this one?

Officer Kane decided not to let the general know his ideas, its best to let the general work things out for himself...
05-10-2004, 12:15
Under the cover of darkness, 20 Sanctaphrax B2 bombers approached Neo Cannen. 10 of them dropped their payloads at the Neo Cannen airspaces and as they left Neo Cannen, the other ten bombed the ports. (post damages)
Orange state
05-10-2004, 13:23
OOC: please do not destroy neo cannen, just teach him a bloody lesson. His golas were noble, but lets face it, trying to focre two nations 100 times bigger than yourslef into something is not wise. You can stand up to larger nations and prevail, but not when they have armies that are half the size of your entire population.
Neo Cannen
05-10-2004, 13:35
OOC: You need to give me a chance to respond before I get bombed. In case you hadnt noticed, my nation is the "Nomadic peoles of Neo Cannen". So do not think that I cant do something about the bombing. And my nation is a land locked desart, I have no ports. The reason I have a navy is that it operates out of New Goliad's port.

As the goverment saw the incoming bombers on the radar, they prepared to scatter the capital. The buildings all had mobility options where they could be folded down, packed up into lorries and driven away. They were all primary modular and the walls were tent canvas and memory metals.
"Sir the bombers will be here soon, recomnend we move. The government building has been moved sir but the civilians are not ready."
"Order the evacutation now, we cannot wait"
As the bombs arrived, aproximately nine hundrued family unit bulidngs were still not ready. But it was too late. The bomberes arrived and pounded the ground.
"Order all other mobile cities to burrey. We cant risk another attack" Through the rest of the night, industrial tunnling equipment opened the tunnels in Monunt Siania and the citizens all relocated. Anyone inside was impervious to the bombing, and the goverment bulding was under the mountain several hundrued feet. The Prime Nomad Guardien made an adress to the people of Neo Cannen
"Dear Cannenites, as you know over two thousand people were lost today as the nation of the Generic name bombed Ruben Tribe. However, we are all secure now inside the mountain and they cannot touch us. The airforce had relocated its operations to a secure location and is considering our position"

The secure position was directly beneath them. An old missile silo had been expanded a long time ago to serve as an emergency airforce headquaters. Seing as all their aircraft had VTOL, they had no need of a runway.

OOC people, no one has a legitamte declaration of war against me. I have fired on no one. You cant attack me if I havnt attacked you. There is no reason for this. And if your refering to the agent I droped, there is no way to prove who that was.
The Marduk
05-10-2004, 13:49
"Squadron lead To HQ over" Red 1 called over the Radio."we have sweeped the area, Most of the Neo Cannen's nomadic people's have fled. We see some of the Ruban Tribe's primary Modules littered across the landscape. Over."

"Copy that Squadron lead, perform another sweep of the area then head back to base Over." HQ replied.

"10-4 HQ, Over and Out."

Officer Kane approached the General's office once more.

"General Sir! Reports just coming in, Neo Cannen's Ruban Tribe has fled the area, seems like the mountain caves have come into some use as protection from the bombs. They have sought refuge there it seems." Officer Kane said.

"hmm very good officer, get on to the guys down at the resources depot, see if we cant send some aid to our neighbours. Make it out like we're trying to help. If there is more bombs we'll have to have our fighters ready to roll, u copy that soldier!" general answered.

"Sir, yes SIR!"

"Very good officer, make it so!" General klauf demanded. We'll have to be careful, I dont want to make it look like we're going to fight, there is no way of us coming up against such large armies. We'll support him for the moment, if he goes all out then we'll have to decline forces operating along side him...
05-10-2004, 14:58
OOC people, no one has a legitamte declaration of war against me. I have fired on no one. You cant attack me if I havnt attacked you. There is no reason for this. And if your refering to the agent I droped, there is no way to prove who that was.
Lets be honest, you're standing between two nations 100X bigger than you, you expected them to stand and take it?
05-10-2004, 15:23
Ivy leant forward and kissed him lightly on the lips.
'Please after your sentance come to Serafima' she pleaded her eyes and face were tired.

she let him go out of her hands and she saw he turn, she wanted to see him again, but knew it was unlikely...........
OOC: I'm going to start a new thread for this.

IC: 2 hours later he left the courthouse and thought about the fact that he'd just been exiled from Sanctaphrax. He knew Ivy had picked up the message.
He sent another telepathic message to Ivy, this one was
05-10-2004, 16:54
Ivy replied to the message.

'Please come back to me, I need you' she pleaded over the voiceCOM.
Neo Cannen
05-10-2004, 17:43
OOC I have not shot anyone, therefore no one has the right to shoot me. Cassiusi Belli (bad latin spelling), no one has one against me. And yes, I do expect them to take it. Its called Telemascus logic. For those of you who dont know about Telemascus I will explain. A long time ago in the Roman Empire, there were gladiator championships. A monk named Telemascus thought these were horribley barbaric and so at one championship match he ran into the middle to atempt to stop the fighting. Everyone froze as he preached about the horrors of what was happening. After a miunte or so of this however one of the gladiatiors killed him. Within a year or so of this event, gladiatorial combat ended.

Jacob Israel had his head on the table and was rubbing his temple. Two thousand lives. Gone in the name of peace. He knew they were safe for the moment. Air Guaridean Joab and Prime Guardiean Saul had been flown in to discuss there next move.
"Two thousand civilian deaths sir" Saul pointed out "There's no way we can leave this unignored"
"I concur" Joab replied "These people's families are expecting a retaliation"
"Our whole policy here is to keep peace, and I dont think retaliating as soon as we are bombed is the best way to do it"
"Sir, these people lost..."
"I KNOW" Jacob shouted. He was casting around for another way through this. He wasnt going to bomb anyone. He then had an idea
"Do we have the B2's on sat intell?"
"Afirmative sir"
"I have a plan which will please both the families and wont ensare us in this conflict"

A few hours later two advanced harriers were shadowing the B2 bombers as they were returning to base. One fired a missile and then they both pulled away. It flew between the group and then exploded. The missile was a low yeield airburst EMP and fried all the computer systems aboard the B2's. They then began a long descent towards the Earth. Of course at the point the crews of the bombers all bailed out and ejected. The harriers then flew towards each one and iradiated them using a concentrated gamma beam, not killing them but making the floating chairs visable to Neo Cannen's satalites. As the chairs came to the ground, each Generic name pilot was startled to find himself surronded by a squad of Neo Cannenite elite guardieans.

"Sir, weve got reports back, all the pilots have been captured"
"Excellent" Air guardiean Joab said "see they are treated well"

Prime Nomad Guardien Jacob Isreael then came to the podium.
"Ladies and Gentlemen" He said "In acordance with our wish not to fight but to remain peaceful, we have taken the pilots of the Generic Name's bombers prisioner. We have only acted on those who attacked us. We do not condem the nation of the Generic name. We ask only that peace come about. We may release the prisioners, when peace is assuered"
05-10-2004, 17:48
OOC: What made you think that they ejected?
Maybe they chose to die with their planes? You can't dictate what GN's pilots do. Besides, these are stealth bombers, you can't catch them in a Harrier. By the time you even thought about retaliation they'd already landed and the pilots had gone to sleep.
Neo Cannen
05-10-2004, 17:56
OOC Real time is not NS time, how am i suposed to play if I can only get into the forum at the end of school and during frees. And we picked up the stealth bombers on the satalite. And no, they would eject. There is no reason for them to die in there planes. Any way i did have a plan for if they didnt eject, but you would have all called it godmoding when it clearly wasnt. I was going to use teathered missiles to pull the planes back to Neo Cannen. Anyway, this isnt for some millitary advantage, its just so I have done something in retaliation, but only in moderation.
The Marduk
05-10-2004, 18:39
"get me a line to Neo Cannen's leader will ya captain?" General Klauf ordered.

The captain made the call and within a minute a connection was established.

"ok listen, im going to make it quick so dont say anything. My advice to you, leave them be, you should hold on to what you've got, U can start doing peace missions once you've got a bigger stature in the world." Klauf said. "Do what you like but im not involving my people, my state, in your affairs, i know you would like it, but i see no gain for my people which would come of this."

The captain took the phone and placed it down on the reciever, the leader of the neo cannen still talking.

"thank you captain, we will bide our time, we are but a small state, we shall wait and see what the future will bring." Klauf said.
05-10-2004, 18:48
Ivy replied to the message.

'Please come back to me, I need you' she pleaded over the voiceCOM.

Ivy meanwhile was writing a progress report she was moping, she looked up and saw her girls as they played stone,paper,scissors to amuse themselves on the trip back to Serafima.
05-10-2004, 18:51
OOC: WTF is happening?!? This day just gets better and better, god I hate today. How could a tiny nation spray my fleet with some crappy chemical-shit and NOT GET SHOT DOWN! Do you relise how many planes I have set up around my fleet! I'm gonna let that post go but it isn't fesable with my fleet, the missiles would have been shot to bits.....
I may join you Sanctaphrax...

IC: Within hours of news that Neo-Cannon had laced the air with some sort of chemical the entire Cam III air force, 500 bombers and planes had been launched at Neo-Cannon. The bombers had a payload of the heaviest bombs seen since the Sarzonia-Cam III war. [Can't remember the stats.] Firey death would rain down on Neo-Cannon.

The first set of bombers had reached Neo-Cannon, [If you don't want me to post your AA guns shooting at my planes, I.G.N.O.R.E this. If you don't mind, say. :)] AA flak being churned up at the 10 bombers. In the first moments of the attack, 2 planes had been shot down. The 8 remaning had deposited their EMPs around the nation, they were undoubtedly shot down as well. [Damage please.]

Within minutes, hundred more stealth bombers appered. They manged to avoid flak for the first few hundred meters into Neo-Cannon, but they then got pestered with it. Some planes got shot down, while the others headed already damaged capital. More Planes got shot down before the planes made their attack run, 150 bombs raining down on Neo-Cannon. Yet more planes got shot down by AA guns. [Damage please.]

The next wave consisted of 100 fighters, their job to attack AA guns and other miliatery emplacments. Some got shot down. [Damage please.]

The final wave, the largest of all, contained: 100 stealth bombers, 50 B2s and 50 fighters. By this time the EMP had worn off and the planes encountered flak from the boarder. But at least three-quarters of the force made it to the capital, at least 300 bombs raining down on it and surronding areas. [Damage please.]

You expect me to stand around while you constintly stop my war efforts, well you have seen what I can do. I suggest you surrender now. If not, I have an even better suprise in store for you....
05-10-2004, 18:56
Ivy stood in the government building staring wide-mouthed at the tradgedy that was taking place in front of her, she wanted to help the underdog, she tried to send the plague of deadly locusts to attack, she did not know that she was welcome at all anymore, she wanted to do one good thing before she left in the shadow if shame that followed her.
05-10-2004, 19:08
As the last reminats of the bomber force returned, Cam III watched as Neo-Cannon burned. He knew they would not give up easily. But he had a suprise for them......
05-10-2004, 19:12
'Oh my god' Ivy thought, she felt awful; she had to do something, she just didnt know quite what it was.

She ran to the defence office, and puffed her little heart out.
'I have to do something, Neo Cannen was getting blown to pieces out there' she shouted breathlessly at the officer sitting at the desk, she unzipped her tight leather top slightly and stood waiting for a response
05-10-2004, 19:16
'Oh my god, this is weird, ages ago, when I was born, my girls have found out that i was pledged to the services of Cam III when I was old enough' Ivy gasped as she read what she had written from what Nialla had told her on the phone.

'Well I guess I will have to be at the leader of Cam III's disposal' she said, confused.
The Marduk
05-10-2004, 19:26
"General SIR! Reports just in, major infiltration of Neo Cannen Air Space.
They've been bombed right out of there sir! Fighters bombers everything!" captain kane stuttered.

"Jesus! well good job we pulled out of their airspace when we did, no telling what CAM III's airforce could do to us... Especially if he mistook our fighters for Neo Cannens... Im afraid we couldnt really do anything.. dont be worried Captain, fix me a link with Cam III leader." general Klauf said.

Transmission to CAM III

We, the people of Marduk, would like to ask for peace between our states. We shall not bother you and visa versa. We will respect your military might.

salutations to your leader.

End Transmission

"captain could u send as much aid as possible to neo cannen, that is in food, health supplies, no military involvement, we dont want to send out the wrong message." general Klauf ordered.

It has been a dark time this evening...general klauf thought...
05-10-2004, 19:29
05-10-2004, 19:32
OOC: What are you on about Serafima?! :)

TO: The Marduk
I honour your braveness to stand up and ask for a non-aggression pact. Fear is a weakness I also hate. You have you non-aggression pact, now leave me alone.
The Marduk
05-10-2004, 19:35
General Klauf read the message over in his head. That was a lucky escape, he thought. One very good decision, he chuckled to himself then realised what had happened to his battered ally. twas a shame really...
05-10-2004, 19:38
My girls have been researching your nation in their intell project and under allies, it says my name as one of your allies or 'playthings' it was set up a long time ago; i really dont know why? I suppose I should stay here then ;) :fluffle:
05-10-2004, 20:00
My girls have been researching your nation in their intell project and under allies, it says my name as one of your allies or 'playthings' it was set up a long time ago; i really dont know why? I suppose I should stay here then ;) :fluffle:
OOC: You'd better think about that move carefully, if you're suspected as a Cam spy... remember that the first one got sent home and I pledged to kill the rest?
Neo Cannen
05-10-2004, 20:39
OOC Check a few threads back, my entire nation have taken shelter inside Mount Siani for specific protection against bombing. Your bombers would have found an empty desert.
The Generic Name
05-10-2004, 21:11
Anyone inside was impervious to the bombing, and the goverment bulding was under the mountain several hundrued feet. The Prime Nomad Guardien made an adress to the people of Neo Cannen
"Dear Cannenites, as you know over two thousand people were lost today as the nation of the Generic name bombed Ruben Tribe. However, we are all secure now inside the mountain and they cannot touch us. The airforce had relocated its operations to a secure location and is considering our position"

OOC: It's good you did post damages, but if your nation is a gathering of nomadic tribes. how can you relocate them all in a matter of hours? I would only expect the tribes would have been divided for certain reasons (beliefs, religion, societal style), and would not want to be banded together in a mountain stronghold. And if you are a nation of nomads, in no way could you have designed and built the machinery and weapons you have used- unless the work was outsourced, and your radar would be far too under-developed to detect stealth bombers (you would have to track heat signatures- which are only accurate at relatively short distances- face it, you couldn't react until the bombs were literally in view). Unless the 'nomadic' part of your country's name is just for kicks.

Also, I don't see you preaching the evils of war to us. You got in the way and threatened us, and now you are just an obstacle to overcome.

-general press conference-
Today, we have begun combat operations against the Neo Cannen terrorists. This nation was prepared to detonate a suicide bomb in the middle of the ocean, killing our Sanctaphrax allies. The Republic will not stay silent as the nation of Neo Cannen utilizes terrorist tactics and weapons of mass destruction. This nation could bring their "warfare" to our nation- and we must stop them in their tracks.

John X. Doe
Military Liason
Neo Cannen
05-10-2004, 21:25
OOC: Get it through your heads people I HAVE NOT FIRED ON YOU.
None of you have a legitamte claim of war here against me. I have not detonated the C4 ships nor have I ignited the gas. I just stoped you from killing one another. And as for the tribes, yes they are split into tribes, twelve to be precicise. The millitary and the government however all run from the central tribe, Ruben Tribe. All the cities are scatered across the desert looking for resorces. However when nessecary, they shelter in one of the twelve sections of the mountain, when radioed to do so by Ruben tribe. Just so you know, here are the names of the tribes
The Generic Name
05-10-2004, 21:30
OOC: Get it through your heads people I HAVE NOT FIRED ON YOU.
None of you have a legitamte claim of war here against me. I have not detonated the C4 ships nor have I ignited the gas. I just stoped you from killing one another.

OOC: It's the concept that you CAN do it is what has made me fire on you. Pre-emptive strike / clean up the gunpowder before a fire starts kinda thing. Therein lies my declaration of war- you've threatened my ally, thus you become my enemy.

Also, forgot about the total economic collapse (whatever your 'nomads' do to make money) and how many pissed-off people there would be if they were all forced to move across the barren desert (regardless of how often they do it). How would you go about contacting your entire nation and holing them up in an evil mad-scientist-perfect hollowed-out mountain?
Orange state
05-10-2004, 21:35
OOC: spraying flammable gas over your fleets could be considered firing apon you.

Or just being a threat. Hell USA went to war with a nation that wasnt a threat and no one has done more than tell them off. (Iraq) so what you gonna do?
Neo Cannen
05-10-2004, 21:36
OOC these people are expert nomads, the buildings are modular, they can move from place to place fast. And mount Siani is huge. And as for the flamable gas, they could just leave the area like I asked. Go away, end the war etc. And they would not be angry for doing it, they do it all the time. Its the way of life as they know it. Radio communication with all the tribes is possible, so they all stack the buldings onto lorrys and drive them back to Siani. And do you realy think that after all my actions, what I want to do is to blow you all up. Check my record. I havnt killed anyone throught the entire RP. I just want to end the war. Im not a warmongerer, I dont want to fight, and I only will if you insist on killing one another.
The Generic Name
05-10-2004, 21:44
OOC these people are expert nomads, the buildings are modular, they can move from place to place fast.

OOC: Define fast. And who staffs your army now? Also, define modular. For these buildings to collapse, they'd be really poorly made and would be extremely basic (roof and four walls). And don't tell me all your tribes are excellent at manufacturing polycarbonate plastic and superstrong alloys in yurts in the middle of the freakin' desert. And loading a city onto a bunch of trucks and moving it across the desert (completely unsupplied) and having people drive (or walk, or whatever) all the way to your mountain base sounds really realistic.

Neo Cannen
05-10-2004, 21:53
OOC Ok, so your telling me that when your nation began, your people were just people and they built up all the way from nothing to big concrete cities, and that your people manufactured all the stuff they needed to build everything. Of course not. My people are no diffrent we started off with modular buildings, metal ones welded together and can be taken apart with chemicals on the welds. Look at what the anchient Isralities achieved with barely any technology, I'm positive we can do better with modern tech.
Orange state
05-10-2004, 21:56
yeah to have trengths like that you have also to have weaknesses as a trade off. Otherwise its godmoding. For instance to be that mobile youd have poor equipment and training, ie the posts before would never be possible. Ever.
The Generic Name
05-10-2004, 22:00
OOC Ok, so your telling me that when your nation began, your people were just people and they built up all the way from nothing to big concrete cities, and that your people manufactured all the stuff they needed to build everything. Of course not. My people are no diffrent we started off with modular buildings, metal ones welded together and can be taken apart with chemicals on the welds. Look at what the anchient Isralities achieved with barely any technology, I'm positive we can do better with modern tech.

Ah, but let it be known that my nation is roughly 150 million people larger than yours, and had been around for a sizeable bit longer. You, on the other hand, are still a developing nation. I'm not held to the same standard, sadly, having a stable economy and a larger population. And to dissolve a weld, the chemicals would have to burn through metal, gradually damaging the structure of the building.

Oh- heh, and what else would my people be besides people? Mongeese? Fishmen?
05-10-2004, 22:36
OOC:my nation grew slowly and methodically as a series of allied states until they untied and became notquiteaplace.

Anyway to have any osrt of strength, stability and powerful economy and regular well equipped military, you need statci cities and factories. Which you dont have. You could maintain or build the stuff you say you do if you arent a stable culture.

One olf the biggest sources of growth in economies is confidence, which is encouraged by stability. You CAN be like you claim, but then you wouldnt be able to fight and act like you have, look at the godmoding thread. Nomadic people are fine, provided they dont go around producing advanced weapons and defenses in high quantities. To be nomadic you might have a few stinger missiles, a few anti tank missiles and a few tough but crude tanks. Maybe a few simualr aircraft. You cant run precise cutting edge military without some good bases.

You are going to have to make your mind up.
05-10-2004, 23:05
everybody take a step back and relax, especially GN and NC
The Generic Name
05-10-2004, 23:23
everybody take a step back and relax, especially GN and NC
OOC: Heh... I'm relaxing... It just strikes me odd that Neo Cannen can always find an 'invincible' haven to store everything he owns. But anywho, we need to figure out if this move is legal or not, so I can plan a new set of air strikes.

Ah, and in the OOC sense, I don't see you as a warmongerer. In the IC sense, I see propaganda (the statement by the Republic's Military Liason denouncing Neo Cannen as a nation of terrorists) as a powerful mobilizing force. The facts are there, it just depends on your interpretation.
05-10-2004, 23:39
OOC: Heh... I'm relaxing... It just strikes me odd that Neo Cannen can always find an 'invincible' haven to store everything he owns. But anywho, we need to figure out if this move is legal or not, so I can plan a new set of air strikes.

Ah, and in the OOC sense, I don't see you as a warmongerer. In the IC sense, I see propaganda (the statement by the Republic's Military Liason denouncing Neo Cannen as a nation of terrorists) as a powerful mobilizing force. The facts are there, it just depends on your interpretation.
GN do you have MSN???
It is irritating but on the other hand, he's "thinking outside the box". People are starting to realise that all the RP's are the same.
The Generic Name
06-10-2004, 00:38
GN do you have MSN???
It is irritating but on the other hand, he's "thinking outside the box". People are starting to realise that all the RP's are the same.

Such is the way of forum-based wars. And no, I'd never subscribe to MSN. I'm a Mac user, and have a certain amount of hatred for Microsoft (but I am a hypocrite, I own an Xbox and use Office).
Orange state
06-10-2004, 13:48
OOC: a lot of NC's plans are easily stopped though. He thinks outside the box, but his plans arent invicible. For instance his chinooks, that caught the missile, Id have sent more missiles til he was dead. Or his gas, well, my missiles would shoot him down as theres no way you can drop from 240000ft and actually know where the gas will land.

You dont have to think outside the box to keep things interesting. I try to use tactics like manoevering and postioning and taking cover to make my RPs a bit more challenging for the other guy. Rather than just throwing troops at people.
Neo Cannen
06-10-2004, 14:36
You can be nomadic and advanced. I havnt used advanced weapons in large quantitiys. A few cruise missiles, one or two satalites, Radioactive tracking, the chemical. Its not like I've overused these techs. Anyway, can we now just stop arguing about what Ive done, assume Ive done it and move on.
06-10-2004, 16:33
OOC: yeah id assume you did, im just saying being nomadic puts a brake on things. You may be advanced, youd just be very poor. as befits your tiny GDP (unless your economy grew again) so you should RP having a smaller defence budget in that case. (relative to NS, I mean you should still have 2 or 3% of your GDP on defence, just most nations spend 5-10%, more is very dodgy, esp with a high GDP) OR a weaker economy than you have. As id say strong is $17500 ish per head in realistic terms (as opposed to stupid GDP calc terms) so you mikght play it as $10000 or something. As your economy would be strong, but slowed down by the moving around.
06-10-2004, 18:50
OOC: I still blew the hell out of your land, buildings, other stuff. So basicly your saying: 'My people live in holes in the ground and live on air.' My bobms would have killed livestock, destroyed buildings and ruined the land. Don't make me ignore you.

IC: As the navy plowed forward, straight towards the blockade, another vocie came over the enemy ships.
If you do not stand down, I will be forced to kill you all. I know that I can't fire upon you, but I can bloody well kill you man to man. Prepare to be boarded if you do not move.
09-10-2004, 11:28
Ooc: Bump
Neo Cannen
09-10-2004, 12:59
OOC: CAM, If thats your invasion fleet your moving then the blocade has gone, its only Sanctaphrax's fleet thats left.
09-10-2004, 13:10
OOC: CAM, If thats your invasion fleet your moving then the blocade has gone, its only Sanctaphrax's fleet thats left.
My fleets still hiding in port.
09-10-2004, 15:55
OOC: Oh. So theres no blockade?! Then why did you spray my ships with those chemicals?! Ignore that post then.

IC: The fleet plowed on, heading towards Sanctaphrax. That nation had no idea what was going to happen....
09-10-2004, 15:55
OOC: Oh. So theres no blockade?! Then why did you spray my ships with those chemicals?! Ignore that post then.

IC: The fleet plowed on, heading towards Sanctaphrax. That nation had no idea what was going to happen....
Cam, check the poll version, we may soon abandon this RP.
09-10-2004, 15:59
OOC: Can you bump it or give me url? Why?!
10-10-2004, 14:19
It's called "An RP For Beginners" and it's in the International Incidents forum. Just read it for an explanation.
11-10-2004, 00:04
This thread is over. Check the poll thread to find out why. It's called "An RP For Beginners" and it is in the International Incidents forum.