Contract up for grabs for a carrier-borne bomber
The Inkanan navy needs 500 carrier-borne bombers for thier carrer fleet. It must reach at least 755mph, carry up to 23,000 lbs of bombs, and be small ebough to fit on a carrier deck.
26-09-2004, 16:11
No one here wants to make money?!
Our nation cannot assist you, as whatever military equipment is manufactured in Impunia is for domestic use only. However, might I point you in the direction of a firm that specialises in armaments of this type?
Good hunting.
Haejong will not be able to readily develop a design, but we will mass-produce these for you at low cost. Telegram our Foreign Ministry when you have the designs and we will give you an estimate.
-Letter from Haejong Foreign Minister Nagja Eitano
The SR Weapons and Research military division is not interested at this time in developing aerial-based weapons for naval operations. We also offer to assist you with production.
The Republic of Tessen regrets that we will be unable to assist in your request, however, perhaps we can offer a trade that will provide you with some of the raw materials you may have need of:
The B-29 Ospray-tm
Powerplant: Two 7332kg General Electric J82-7 Turbofans
Performance:Maxium speed: 783mph
Range: 2800 miles
Armaments: Privisions for up to 27,000 lbs of bombs, conventional or nuclear, two 50 cal MGs
Tessen can provide the manufacturing for the engine components. We already have plants dedicated to similar engines and engine parts.
20-10-2004, 17:29
The Avalon Aerospace Corporation ( may have a bomber that fits your needs or can be modified thusly: The SZ-3 Skyshark (
[OOC: If you decide to order, could you do so on the Avalon Aerospace thread? Thanks.]
20-10-2004, 18:11
Credonia, a proven leader in aeronautics and rocketry (as proven by our storefronts) can design and build a advanced strategic bomber utilizing advanced, state of the air propulsion techonlogy to fit your specifications. The will be able to have capabilities to fly nearly any type of ordinance for literally any kind of mision, whether it be precision bombing or carpet bombing. We will not be able to provide you with a price, but what we can provide you with is an assurance that you will love the aircraft we design. Whats even better is that all design upgrades done on the vehicle are free and we will upgrade them in our factories for free as well. Please telegram the USC government if you are interested in our offer.
20-10-2004, 23:59
My specialty is carrier borne bombers/fighters, but unfortunately, they're space tech, so sorry. If you ever need any though, for say a puppet, just give me a call at my storefront (In my siggie)