NationStates Jolt Archive

Let's beat up Barney(Fun rp)

Ottoman Khaif
24-09-2004, 04:25
OOC:do the fact I am not doing any rps.So I have nothing to do..then I thought this idea....
here are the guys I am using for rp
Agent Methos
Agent Duncan MacLeod
Agent Darius
Agent Connor MacLeod!.jpg
Agent Yu

In OI Command
"I tired of nothing,let do something!"said Agent Metho

"What do we have?"ask Agent Darius

"We have jack shit..all the good missions go to the female agents"Said Agent Yu

Agent Duncan MacLeod turn the TV and tune to PBS..he saw Barney and
Friends..He got his idea..

"Hell sounds like a good idea..I am for it!"said Agent Connor MacLeod
"Hey lets beat the living crap out of Barney!"He said

"Let go!"said Agent Darius
All the ran out of command got on a plane to California, and go to hollywood,to find Bareny.

OOC:Anyone who wants to join post here...
The Parthians
24-09-2004, 04:30
OOC: heh, Why not.

A Parthian Immortals Ops squad of four people was being prepared in Tehran. Seargeant Rostam Tehrani looked at his men, "We are going to go and neutralize a threat to the free world. Now get in the Blackhawk so we can go kick commie ass."

The men complied and soon, the helicopter was on its way.
Ottoman Khaif
24-09-2004, 04:33
OOC: heh, Why not.

A Parthian Immortals Ops squad of four people was being prepared in Tehran. Seargeant Rostam Tehrani looked at his men, "We are going to go and neutralize a threat to the free world. Now get in the Blackhawk so we can go kick commie ass."

The men complied and soon, the helicopter was on its way.

Now,Now We just going to beat the living hell out of him.If we use a guns it will be no fun.But Bats, and Lead Pipes are ok!
Ottoman Khaif
24-09-2004, 04:53
so anyone want to rp Barney?BTW barney does not know they the agents are coming to beat the hell out of him!
24-09-2004, 05:01
I'll just send Stewie Griffin to kill him!
24-09-2004, 05:06
Did I hear someone call my name?

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!
If you're happy and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it.
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!

If you're happy and you know it, stamp your feet!
If you're happy and you know it, stamp your feet!
If you're happy and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it.
If you're happy and you know it, stamp your feet!

If you're happy and you know it, shout Hooray!
If you're happy and you know it, shout Hooray!
If you're happy and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it.
If you're happy and you know it, shout Hooray!

If you're happy and you know it, do all three!
If you're happy and you know it, do all three!
If you're happy and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it.
If you're happy and you know it, do all three!

The Macabees
24-09-2004, 05:11
*Commits suicide*
24-09-2004, 05:12
*Commits suicide*
You look sad. Do you need a hug?
24-09-2004, 05:12

Oh, I am so going to kill you. You dumb purple bafoon. No one messes with Stewie and lives to tell about it! Now get off and I can watch my favorite show , you know that British farm show.
Ottoman Khaif
24-09-2004, 05:15
You look sad. Do you need a hug?
We are coming to beat the hell out of you Barney!
24-09-2004, 05:18
We are coming to beat the hell out of you Barney!
Oh, a puppet show! Barney likes puppets!

"Let's imagine the box is a puppet theater!" says Barney.
Baby Bop is behind the puppet theater.
Barney is in front of the puppet theater.

OK, now it's your turn!
Ottoman Khaif
24-09-2004, 05:21
Oh, a puppet show! Barney likes puppets!

"Let's imagine the box is a puppet theater!" says Barney.
Baby Bop is behind the puppet theater.
Barney is in front of the puppet theater.

OK, now it's your turn!
Stop your brainwashing.I am coming to get you!
24-09-2004, 05:27
Stop your brainwashing.I am coming to get you!
Oh goodie, Barney likes visitors! B.J. and Baby Bop want to meet you too.

Oh, but it's late, and Baby Bop needs blankie time. Maybe you should come over to visit tomorrow.

Barney will sing his Goodnight Song for you.

I love you
You love me
We're a happy family
With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you
Won't you say you love me too.
Ottoman Khaif
24-09-2004, 05:31
Oh goodie, Barney likes visitors! B.J. and Baby Bop want to meet you too.

Oh, but it's late, and Baby Bop needs blankie time. Maybe you should come over to visit tomorrow.

Barney will sing his Goodnight Song for you.

I love you
You love me
We're a happy family
With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you
Won't you say you love me too.
You are evil!
OOC:Who is this for real! like what nationstate is behind this!
Baby Bop
24-09-2004, 06:50
Oh goodie!! Barnie, we have visitors coming! Have you told the children yet? How exciting, people from another country!! I'll bet they love us so much!!!!

I love you, you love me, we're a happy family, with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you, won't you say you love us too
24-09-2004, 10:38
*The whole of Bretonia is covered with flames, as every single citizen spontaneously combusts from over-exposure to disgusting purple dinosaurs*
Orange state
24-09-2004, 11:00
the fearless Orange state tower warriors and the mad scientist were frightened. He had come to undo the evil.

"my creation is hideous and wrong, I made it as the ultimate war weapon, but it is pure evil, we must destroy it", he addressed the squad.

They were to take neurotoxin loaded shells and fire them until he began spasming uncontrollably. The second stage would be unconciousness. He was tough and a whole clip would be needed to take him down.

Then they could probulate and destroy him.

The fear could be tasted as they sat in in the drop ship and descended the planet "Earth" to aquire it.

(OOC: what I did to the nakedmolerat will seem like "Big hug")
24-09-2004, 11:12
The Bretonian Armed Forces had been ordered to deal a swift, decisive strike to the evil purple dinosaur that had all-but annihilated Bretonian civilisation with his horrific goodness and bad singing. Two Crusader heavy fighters emerged from the clouds, streaking down towards the Earth. They slowed to a halt, hovering over a field, the tall grass rippling as their powerful engines blasted heat all around them. The doors to their small cargo holds opened, and two dark figures dropped to the ground below, one from each fighter. The fighters' engines roared as they headed back up to the safety of space.

The two figures were highly trained, VERY motivated, 'Elite Football Hooligans'. Each held a white plastic chair, and stealthily moved off, screaming football chants and throwing beer bottles. They were looking for purple dinosaurs to clobber, and there was no way* he would know they were coming until it was too late...

*Unless he has eyes, ears and/or a sense of smell
24-09-2004, 12:12
A man lurches in through Barney's open doorway entrace, clutching the shards from a smashed bottle of beer. Blood is streaming from his hands.

"MY-my CHILDREN wants to SEE YOU!"
he lurches on inwards to Barney's kitchen.
Baby Bop
24-09-2004, 13:26
:::sitting in the den blissfully unaware:::

Old McDonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o, and on this farm he had a cow, e-i-e-i-o, with a moo-moo here and a moo-moo there, here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo-moo Old McDonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o Baby Bop loves to sing children, won't you join in? If you're happy and you know it clap your hands, if you're happy and you know it clap . . .
Baby Bop
24-09-2004, 15:01
Orange state
24-09-2004, 17:07
Five of the ten tower warriors found her, singing. The children were looking horrified in the audience, while the acting ones seemed to be under some sort of sedation. They were quiet and happy, if it wasnt for the horror of the situation the troops would reccomend this to all parents. But it wasnt.

The creature sung, and the troops could hear each other scream through their comms, the fifth member of the squad had closed his eyes and ran into the rest of the unit.

The eight foot tall superhumans and their huge suits of motorized armour fell, like dominos onto the children.

Trying to look completely innocent they picked themselves up and walked away from the bloody mess. they could come back later.

One warrior threw a plasma grenade in front of her and they retreated, to rally and compose a new plan.
Tennesee Fans
24-09-2004, 17:16
Baby Bop
24-09-2004, 18:38
Five of the ten tower warriors found her, singing. The children were looking horrified in the audience, while the acting ones seemed to be under some sort of sedation. They were quiet and happy, if it wasnt for the horror of the situation the troops would reccomend this to all parents. But it wasnt.

The creature sung, and the troops could hear each other scream through their comms, the fifth member of the squad had closed his eyes and ran into the rest of the unit.

The eight foot tall superhumans and their huge suits of motorized armour fell, like dominos onto the children.

Trying to look completely innocent they picked themselves up and walked away from the bloody mess. they could come back later.

One warrior threw a plasma grenade in front of her and they retreated, to rally and compose a new plan.

"Oh, look children, we have guests. Don't the giant men look nice in their really neato orange armor suits? Would you like to join in song? You look like such nice men. You can probably sing really well being as tall as you are too. Children, lets welcome our new friends ::::children clapping, "yeah!"::::

Oh, don't leave so soon, we want you to play with us. Oh, Mr. Orange Giant, you dropped something ::: picking up plasma grenade before it explodes and throwing it back at soldiers::: Bye-Bye, we love you!!

I love you, you love me, we're . . .
24-09-2004, 19:53
BJ and Barney have a fun day planned at the park. "Come on, Barney. Let's ride our bikes to the park," said BJ.

"That sounds great, BJ, but there's one thing we need to remember to be safe while riding our bikes," said Barney.

BJ looked puzzled and then smiled. He remembered to put on his bike helmet.
BJ and Barney rode safely down the bike trail. "Look. There's the park. Let's go!" said BJ excitedly.

They played on the swings, they played on the slides. They even had time for a game of kickball!

Then it was time to go home. They both made sure they had their bike helmets firmly on, and carefully rode off. Barney and BJ came to a big red stop sign. They both remembered to stop, look all around, and then they rode carefully all the way home.

"Hello, Baby Bop," said Barney. "Did our visitors call yet?"
Orange state
24-09-2004, 20:27
The plasma grenade exploded mid air, by the time the dinosaur had finshed faffing around, causing massive shocks to cause plaster and lights to rain down on the audience. The odd adult in the audience looking thankful as a stage light fell apon him or her killing them instantly.

The Tower armour held out with little more than the paint blasted off the climate control clicking in shortly to cool their suits. However three more troops fell causing another large shock, so more plaster and an electric cable to fall and incinerated more of the audience.

The tower armoured warriors would have to try something different.

The other squad reached a park, their advanced sensors picked up a commercial and highly dangerous level of ambient of over the top, sick making cuteness. Their armour and cold persona protected them from it well, s did their enhanced DNA, but like radiation in extreme amounts it could do damage. Sensors blinked on their armour and the squad were forced to walk like villans from cowboy movies in a rare and life saving manoever to keep their badass levels up.
Baby Bop
25-09-2004, 02:41
BJ and Barney have a fun day planned at the park. "Come on, Barney. Let's ride our bikes to the park," said BJ.

"That sounds great, BJ, but there's one thing we need to remember to be safe while riding our bikes," said Barney.

BJ looked puzzled and then smiled. He remembered to put on his bike helmet.
BJ and Barney rode safely down the bike trail. "Look. There's the park. Let's go!" said BJ excitedly.

They played on the swings, they played on the slides. They even had time for a game of kickball!

Then it was time to go home. They both made sure they had their bike helmets firmly on, and carefully rode off. Barney and BJ came to a big red stop sign. They both remembered to stop, look all around, and then they rode carefully all the way home.

"Hello, Baby Bop," said Barney. "Did our visitors call yet?"

"Hello Barney and B.J. Look boys and girls, Barney and B.J. are back from the park ::::yeah!!! clapping:::: Did you have fun Barney. It was good of you to remember to wear your bicycle helmets so you would be safe. Yes the visitors came, but when you weren't here they left to go look for you. One of them brought a firecracker and I've been explaining to the children how dangerous things that explode can be. What did we learn children?

"Always let your mommy and daddy light the fireworks on the 4th of July and never play with matches"

"Very good children. Barney, tell us about your ride in the park and then we can sing the pirate song together."
25-09-2004, 02:46
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111 Must counter with randomness!!!!!!!!!!!11

Hey look, that dishwashing machine has consumed the telephone pole!
25-09-2004, 02:50
OOC: This thread....Is blowing my mind...
Ottoman Khaif
25-09-2004, 02:57
Agent Methos.Agent Duncan MacLeod,Agent Darius,Agent Connor MacLeod
and ,Agent Yu all dress in Spanish Inquisition cloths enter the show,in their hands were Lead pipes and bats.They all said at once "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!"
They the run to barney and began the ass kicking!
25-09-2004, 03:04
Muktar funds an A&E exclusive on the actor in the Barney suit, emphasising his criminal record. Commercials for the exclusive are on children's networks during peak hours.
25-09-2004, 03:08
I will protect Barney,Hes a nice guy has he done anything to you lately huh come say it !!
25-09-2004, 03:27
OOC:This is what my little children watch in place of Barney, buahahahaha!

Lucifer the Red Velociraptor!

I hate you!
You hate me!
Lets hang a commie from a tree!
With a big red splash!
As his head pops off!
Lets go kill some more people!

*in evil sounding voice*"Hey kids! Do you know what time it is?" says a red velociraptor, chewing on a purple piece of meat.

"Its time to kill! Yaaay!" answers a swarm of fatigue clad children.

"Thats right! Todays lesson is on silent killing! Always remember when slitting a throat, cover the mouth so he doesn't scream! And now a word from our sponser..."
Yevon of Spira
25-09-2004, 03:31
What an excelent song...I could dance to it all night...but any way, my attack on Barney is the launching of a large radioactive piece of glass named Hataria at the Barney studios.

My work here is done.
Ottoman Khaif
25-09-2004, 03:35
Head of Ottoman Intelligence- Khan Noonien Singh was surfing the channel when came across the PBS and was Barney getting beat by his agents who dress in Spanish Inquisition cloths.
"I am getting to old for this shit...what the hell..Damit why I did gave up crack when I join the OI...I want Crack now!"he said to himself
25-09-2004, 03:45
BJ, our guests seem to be unhappy. Barney hates for people to be unhappy.

I know! We'll make some cookies!

Cookies for everyone!
Yevon of Spira
25-09-2004, 03:50
Soon everything grows dim. Everyone looks up and sees the large piece of glowing brownish-green glass eclipsing the sun. It'll still be a few minutes before the Barney studios and PBS is hit.
Ottoman Khaif
25-09-2004, 03:51
BJ, our guests seem to be unhappy. Barney hates for people to be unhappy.

I know! We'll make some cookies!

Cookies for everyone!
Agent Methos who still hitting Barney with a lead pipe said"Hey you know what make me happy?How about some TNT!" Methos took out a stick off TNT from his bag and set the change.Then he jump on Barney force down the TNT down Barney mouth.Methos Yell out "Hits the dirt!" all the agents the ground.Barney bust into a fireball....
25-09-2004, 03:53
OOC: I'm tempted to try to write something very disturbing....
25-09-2004, 04:09
Muktar funds an A&E exclusive on the actor in the Barney suit, emphasising his criminal record. Commercials for the exclusive are on children's networks during peak hours.
((semi-OOC)) Three ponderous steps to the left, and Barney is out of frame. The purple head lifts to reveal the REAL Barney underneath ...

Hey man, I hope you know that sorta talk is slander. My lawyers are gonna sue your ass.

Eeeeuuuuurrrppp (

The head goes back on, three steps to the right, and he's suddenly back in character
Ottoman Khaif
25-09-2004, 04:11
((semi-OOC)) Three ponderous steps to the left, and Barney is out of frame. The purple head lifts to reveal the REAL Barney underneath ...

Hey man, I hope you know that sorta talk is slander. My lawyers are gonna sue your ass.

Eeeeuuuuurrrppp (

The head goes back on, three steps to the right, and he's suddenly back in character

25-09-2004, 04:16
Hey BJ! Barney said. What?Ya know you are people who hate me so arm me with SMG pls!"
Okay sir! BJ said to Barney!
25-09-2004, 04:23
Hey BJ! Barney said. What?Ya know you are people who hate me so arm me with SMG pls!"

I love you,
You love me,
Please leave Barney up to me.
With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you
One dinosaur will have to do.
Baby Bop
25-09-2004, 04:47
"you're a bad man, a very bad man" said Baby Bop to the man trying to hit Barney with a stick. "We know what to do, don't we children?" As the children began to sing, the men from the spanish inquisition were suddenly overcome with a desire to start leaping from tree-to-tree, they forgot all about hurting Barney, they just wanted to sing, sing, sing:

You're a lumber-jack and you're ok,
you sleep all night and you work all day.
You cut down trees, you eat your lunch,
you go to the lavatory, on Tuesdays you
go shopping and have buttered scones for tea.

You cut down trees. You skip and jump.
You like to press wild flowers.
You put on women's clothing
And hang around in bars.

You're a lumberjack, and you're okay.
You sleeps all night and you works all day.

You cut down trees. You wear high heels,
Suspendies, and a bra.
You wish You'd been a girlie,
Just like Your dear Papa.

Are you ok Barney, lets get a band-aid for that. Children can you help? I'm going to go get the milk and cookies :::yeah!!::::
25-09-2004, 04:54
Are you ok Barney, lets get a band-aid for that.
Barney will be fine now, thanks to my friend Baby Bop.
Thank you, Baby Bop. Would you like a hug now?

Bandaids are good, children, but even more important are the magic words.
Everybody sing along!

There are lots of things
We can do to be nice,
Sometimes they're hard to remember.
But there are two little things
You should never forget,
From January through December.

He's talking 'bout please and thank you,
They're called the magic words,
If you want nice things to happen,
They're the words that should be heard,
Remember please and thank you,
'Cause they're the magic words.

Use 'em in the morning, at noon, and night,
'Cause it's a great way to be polite!
Please and thank you,
They're the magic words.
Ottoman Khaif
25-09-2004, 04:58
"you're a bad man, a very bad man" said Baby Bop to the man trying to hit Barney with a stick. "We know what to do, don't we children?" As the children began to sing, the men from the spanish inquisition were suddenly overcome with a desire to start leaping from tree-to-tree, they forgot all about hurting Barney, they just wanted to sing, sing, sing:

You're a lumber-jack and you're ok,
you sleep all night and you work all day.
You cut down trees, you eat your lunch,
you go to the lavatory, on Tuesdays you
go shopping and have buttered scones for tea.

You cut down trees. You skip and jump.
You like to press wild flowers.
You put on women's clothing
And hang around in bars.

You're a lumberjack, and you're okay.
You sleeps all night and you works all day.

You cut down trees. You wear high heels,
Suspendies, and a bra.
You wish You'd been a girlie,
Just like Your dear Papa.

Are you ok Barney, lets get a band-aid for that. Children can you help? I'm going to go get the milk and cookies :::yeah!!::::

Agent Methos.Agent Duncan MacLeod,Agent Darius,Agent Connor MacLeod
and ,Agent Yu started to go crazy with all the singing.Darius bust out his AK-47,fireing his gun at Baby Bop!Then the other agents follow suit pull out their shotguns and began to shooting at Barney.
25-09-2004, 05:01
Agent Methos.Agent Duncan MacLeod,Agent Darius,Agent Connor MacLeod
and ,Agent Yu started to go crazy and Darius bust out his AK-47,fired his gun at Baby Bop!Then the other agents pull out there shotguns and began to fire at Barney.
It's kinda pathetic when Barney and Baby Bop make more sense than the other people in the topic.
TNNN ( Hoverdrone Report
25-09-2004, 05:04

(it's funnier if you read it like Stewie says it)

"Ooh! ooh! Barney, I'm a very big fan of you and Baby Bop. I'd like you two to come over to my house so we can try a little science experiment.

You like helping kids learn, right?

I'm goint to attach a power source to your big purple gay back and attach wires to your hands.

Then I will have you touch Lois' hands, which will have wires on them.

I can't fail now unless that stupid bastard dog Brian stops me or if the fat one eats you.

Let's see you beat me now Lois!

Awe, she's coming here so I must end this message. BLAST!

At least that dumb dinosaur will be off the air and I can watch "Jolly Farm"
Ottoman Khaif
25-09-2004, 05:05
It's kinda pathetic when Barney and Baby Bop make more sense than the other people in the topic.
TNNN ( Hoverdrone Report
Late night get to me..bah I'll fix it.
25-09-2004, 05:15
25-09-2004, 05:19
While BJ is offstage, smoking a joint...
The Muktari infiltrator hung from the rafters, looking intently at BJ. Come on, you stupid pimple-coated teen. Go for the special joint...
BJ's actor went for the said joint. Seconds later, he went THUD. The infiltrator dropped down and dragged the actor into a supply closet, attached a voice synthesizer chip to his neck, and put on BJ's costume. He quickly went over the script and got ready to go on stage...
25-09-2004, 14:59
The football hooligans burst into the studio. One of them was singing 'We are the champions', while the other was yelling 'We will rock you'. They were each trying to get in tune with the other, but failing miserably. A small crowd of lesser-hooligans had flocked behind them singing various different anthems. One of them was completely drunk and singing a variety of Christmas carols in a 'merged' mess of wailing.

One football hooligan stopped singing when he saw the big fat dinosaur they'd been searching for.

"Ey look at dat!" he yelled. "It's that fat li''le ***BEEP***er we've been ***BEEP***ing searching for all this ***BEEP***ing time! Ey, why are some of me ***BEEP***ing words coming out as ***BEEP***ing ***BEEP***s?"

He looked at the dinosaur again, scowling. He seemed to be having trouble standing. He pulled his arm back to throw the chair he was holding, but toppled over backwards. The crowd of hooligans caught him and cheered, and started carrying him outside for a party or something. The other hooligan managed to lob his chair at the dinosaur. He jumped and shouted something like 'Go blues!' and then fell down.
25-09-2004, 15:03
All of a sudden, Doomingslandian children, all between the ages of 5 and 8 burst in, armed with torches and pitch forks, and run at Barney, shouting,

"Death to all who oppose us! Long live the empire!"
Japanese Antarctica
25-09-2004, 16:11

O. M. G.
25-09-2004, 16:18
What are we forgetting today? Anyone?

That's right, it's not safe to run in the house with garden tools. Here, let Barney help you put rubber tip protectors on the tines, while BJ gets a bucket of water for the torches.
"Death to all who oppose us! Long live the empire!"Barney doesn't know that song. Will you children teach it to me?
25-09-2004, 16:23
"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaghhhhh!" screamed the children as they chased after PJ, driving the pitchforks into his cheap costume, and tossing torches at him...
Tennesee Fans
25-09-2004, 16:28
You are evil!
OOC:Who is this for real! like what nationstate is behind this!

Dont you know Purple Dinosaur Has a puppet called Hattaria :p
25-09-2004, 16:31
LMAO!!! keep this up, this is hilarious!!! :)
25-09-2004, 16:32
Dont you know Purple Dinosaur Has a puppet called Hattaria :p
... Now that's just plain rude.

Tennessee Fans, Barney says you need a ten-minute Time Out.
Dracun imperium
25-09-2004, 16:41
ooc: Whos up for a thread called beat up the children show people! we could have 1 killing at a time and murder everysingle children show host
Tennesee Fans
25-09-2004, 16:49
... Now that's just plain rude.

Tennessee Fans, Barney says you need a ten-minute Time Out.

Starts Siniging

I hate you,
you Hate me
Lets chase barney up a tree
I get the gun
you get the knife
an then we'll have some fun

*Takes BabyBops Blanket And puts in dogpin full of Rabid Rottweilers*

"Hey babybop I accedently droped your blankey can you go git it?"
Baby Bop
25-09-2004, 17:22
Starts Siniging

I hate you,
you Hate me
Lets chase barney up a tree
I get the gun
you get the knife
an then we'll have some fun

*Takes BabyBops Blanket And puts in dogpin full of Rabid Rottweilers*

"Hey babybop I accedently droped your blankey can you go git it?"

"Tennesee, you have the forgotten the words, here let me help you

I love you,
you love me
we're as happy as can be
with a great big hug
and a kiss from me to you
won't you be my good friend too

"Oooohhhhhhh! puppies, we love puppies. Barney, look Tennesee brought puppies. Children, look puppies. Now, what is the rule about strange dogs?"

"Don't try to pet them" say the children, "unless the owner says it ok, they might bite you by accident."

"Very good children!"
25-09-2004, 17:38
Rutro DImitri a Jackdonian spy walked up to Barney and said "People are trying to kill you and get off the air so they can have more violence prgrams on."
25-09-2004, 23:15
"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaghhhhh!" screamed the children as they chased after PJ, driving the pitchforks into his cheap costume, and tossing torches at him...The assassin in the yellow dinosaur's stolen costume manages sits down before the kids get there and pulls out a badge showing he is an assassin and nods toward Barney. His voice chip, fully functional, makes him sound like his character.
"Baby bop, there are some kids here with toys for you!"
He then stands up and, pulling out a garrotte with a string too thin to see, makes his way toward Barney.
"Barney, I'm sad because those toys weren't for me. I could use a hug."
26-09-2004, 02:53

Why won't you acknowledge me you gay dinosaur! Won't you please come to my home in Quahog RI so we can conduct my science experiment!
Orange state
26-09-2004, 13:34
The Tower warrirors had found the studio. They knew now that Barney would not die by conventional methods, they would need a puppet to destroy him.

The cryogenic pod had been closed for thousands of years, perhaps millions, before man a superior race had existed, and had ruled childrens TV in the UK. Back in 199o the last of the race had been frozen and savfed for when the universe needed him and now was the time, all this was written on the little self powered pod. Underneath the BBC symbol.

The pod opened and the figure walked out rumours of his death had been faked, even when he was attacked by a puppy.

Gordon the Gopher Breathed the air again.
26-09-2004, 14:09
*The children begin to hit Barney over the head with sticks*
Orange state
26-09-2004, 21:51
The gopher approached Barney walking with a class that a purple dinosaur could never hope to even achieve. As he entered and approached Barney began to fade from existance, the gopher squeaking triumphantly.

As barney began to fade from existance at the will of this being there was a squish.

A tower warrior looked embarassed and wiped the little rodent off his feet. Stupid thing should have been watching where it was standing...
26-09-2004, 23:12
* yawn * . . . ouch . . . . owie . . . . whoops . . . . Jiminey Cricket . . . * yawn *

[OOC - you've got a willing victim waiting here, folks. The least you could do is be a bit creative in your death RP]
26-09-2004, 23:19
OOC: barney must be killed by creativity, not pure brutality then? Not a big surprise there.
27-09-2004, 01:17
OOC:I got some creativity.

One of the children took a large pump out of his backpack, while another cut a hole in Barney's costume. The one with the pipe stuck the hose through the hole, and began to pump gasoline inside. After he was halfway filled, a disgruntled donut salesman walked over, and tossed a match into Barney's mouth...
27-09-2004, 03:40
One of the children took a large pump out of his backpack, while another cut a hole in Barney's costume. The one with the pipe stuck the hose through the hole, and began to pump gasoline inside. After he was halfway filled, a disgruntled donut salesman walked over, and tossed a match into Barney's mouth...
Barney obligingly burns to a crisp and dies.

This is creativity? * sigh *
27-09-2004, 03:48
Barney obligingly burns to a crisp and dies.

This is creativity? * sigh *
27-09-2004, 03:59
[OOC] Why bother, IDF? Godmode executioner squads and giant robots fail on my 'fun' scale.

Baby Bop and I (run by entirely independant puppeteers, btw) have provided a wealth of non-godmode Barney materials to work with, and so far Stewie was the only interesting response. I'm sorry I couldn't find a way to work him in somehow

Barney will return to this 'Fun RP' when somebody rediscovers the funny. Until then, have a nice Ignore. [OOC]
Baby Bop
27-09-2004, 06:05
[OOC] Why bother, IDF? Godmode executioner squads and giant robots fail on my 'fun' scale.

Baby Bop and I (run by entirely independant puppeteers, btw) have provided a wealth of non-godmode Barney materials to work with, and so far Stewie was the only interesting response. I'm sorry I couldn't find a way to work him in somehow

Barney will return to this 'Fun RP' when somebody rediscovers the funny. Until then, have a nice Ignore. [OOC]

OOC: I couldn't have said it better myself. However, I will give credit to Orange State for recognizing giant robot warriors wouldn't work and trying the "Gordon the Gopher" tact (though I must say, Basil Brush, Zebedee, McDougal the Dog or The Thunderbirds even, might have been a better choice). With that in mind, I'll give one last shot.

:::speaking to the children with torches and garden tools:::
"Children, oh heavens to Betsy, you musn't play with fire like that, you might hurt yourselves. Here, let me help you :::blows out torches::: Oh, and you brought gardening tools, Barney, B.J. would you like to join us in the garden? I'm going to show the children how to plant and care for vegetables. Children, come with me, I've got seeds so we can grow carrots, tomatoes and corn. What wonderful food they make for our bodies, all full of vitamins and the things that will help us grow up strong and healthy. Then I'll tell you the story about the Little Red Hen and her friends :::singing:::

Old McDonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o,
and on this farm he grew some corn, e-i-e-i-o,
with some weeding here,
and some fertilizer there,
here a weed, there a weed,
everywhere some fertilizer,
Old McDonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o . . .
27-09-2004, 06:40
OOC: first, great thread, now, hows this:

IC: (kinda anyway)

Across the PBS lot a secret meeting was underway:

"OK, I'd like to call this meeting to order. I've gotten word that several groups have attempted attacks on our enemy, Barney and his friends, only to be beaten back by their followers, cuteness, songs and our shared imperviousness to convential methods of imposing harm. What do you say? I for one say the enemy of our enemy is our friend. Should we join in the attacks and lend our support?"

Oscar spoke up "I agree completely with the Bird. It's about time our competition was taken down."

Bert spoke: "Look, our songs are much more meaningful and none of us appear on the set wearing a purple suit and what kind of name is "Baby Bop" anyway?

Earnie joined in: "Yeah, I agree with Bert here. 'B.J.' sounds like a president Clinton thing"

Kermit chimed in: "I've got to agree with the purple stuff, I mean green is the the way to go."

The Count: "I'd say their days are numbered for sure."

Snuffalumpagous: "it looks like we're ready to vote Big Bird."

::The vote was unanimous, they would join in the fight. Leaving their set and marching across the lot they joined in song::

One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just isn't the same, can you tell which thing is not like the other, now . . .
Orange state
27-09-2004, 09:34
OOC: Um you two, I realise that if my future tech warriors were to kill Barney, there would be no fun in it. THey could have just loaded up and killed him. But its "fun RP", well all RPs should be fun, but that really means humour/silliness, hence the fact that kept failing to kill Barney. I never expected the greanade to kill them, i was just IC what my men would do.

There is no credit there, as I decided instead to have some fun killing them and then enjoy being creative.

I also killed gordon because I wanted to do something a bit cleverer slower and more gratifying. But i hadnt got a good idea at that point. I did almost use Edd the duck actually....
27-09-2004, 09:46
Sanctaphrax's martial arts expert came running into the garden in order to chop across Baby Bop's back, breaking her spine. As he was about to strike Baby Bop leant over to plant a tomato and he went flying over her head, landing in a tomato patch, slightly dizzy.