NationStates Jolt Archive

Comatica and It's Bloody Civil War

Present Day Comatica
22-09-2004, 01:45
Warning: a few obscenities (Nothing too bad) and violence--PG-13

Emperor Parkes, (or Almighty Overlord Parkes, as he referred to himself as)
was the ruler of Comatica. He was known as the Overlord Emperor, and a strong one at that. He knew how to run a country well, and brought Comatica into an era of good economy. He was not, however, seen as the greatest Emperor of all time.

Emperor Kristophorus, who reigned over Comatica in the early years, (Twenty years ago as of now) was loved by all. And not forcibly, mind you. He was fair, and kind, and saved Comatica from a pending war. He had two heirs--Lucius (Pronounced "Lukius"*), and Parkes. Lucius was the firstborn, and therefore, was the heir to the throne after Kristophorus died. Parkes, knowing that he would most likely never become Emperor, killed Lucius. And by "killed", I mean, kidnapped and sold as a slave to a family friend, Tiro.

Parkes and the Secret Police claimed that Lucius's plane had stalled in midair and had plunged into the Barrow Sea. Now rid of Lucius, Parkes went on to get the throne and rule the country for twenty years.

But after all those years, Lucius had been waiting idly for the right time to escape. His chance came on April 20, twenty years after he had been rumored to be dead.

*Comaticans speak a sort of butchered form of Latin. A modern form of ancient Comatic is also spoken in the nation.
Present Day Comatica
23-09-2004, 01:42
Lucius fingered a thick, silver knife at his belt. He ran his finger down the cool steel and onto the bronze handle. He looked to his left, and then to his right, and pulled his worn shirt over his belt.
Tiro sat in the feast hall of his magnificient mansion alone, eating a late lunch. With a mouthful of food, he shouted, "Number 13! Get over here now!"
Lucius's ears perked up. 13 was his slave number. He strode briskly to Tiro's table. Tiro said sternly, "Wash these floors; they're filthy! I can't eat in a room with dirty floors!"
Lucius could not take another word. He swiftly slid the knife from his belt and jammed it into Tiro's back. The knife's tip exited his body in the front, spraying blood onto the table. A trickle of blood seeped out from behind Tiro's lips.
Lucius then ripped the knife from Tiro's back and swiftly and silently slit his throat. Tiro's body slumped over the blood-drenched table.
Present Day Comatica
24-09-2004, 02:21
Lucius sprinted from the manor, tearing off his slave rags as he went. He was no longer in Tiro's command. He had not felt this way in twenty years.

Lucius had stolen clothes from a street vendor and strode down the main street in downtown Aredeth. He remembered walking down this very same street 30 years ago with Parkes and Kristophorus, with the secret police hidden in buildings and with snipers in hand. Dozens of Secret Policemen were hiding around every corner, waiting to take every possible bullet that might be shot at Kristophorus.

As he walked, he spied a newspaper at a vendor's stand. The headline read, "Emperor Family Friend Brutally Murdered; Missing Slave Chief Suspect". Lucius couldn't help but crack a smile; Tiro got what he deserved.

Lucius caught the next ferry out of Collekevvi to North Comatica. North Comatica was a section of Comatica, but was not controlled by regular Comatic government. Kristophorus presented North Comatica to the Northmen, who elected a leader who was generally weak in terms of ruling. To help to rule North Comatica, Kristophorus proposed that he co-rule North Comatica. But when he died, he never renounced his co-leadership in North Comatica. As a result, Parkes received all of his power in North Comatica, though he never did much with it. So, by Lucius's logic, if faced with the evidence, the leader of North Comatica would have to give up Parkes's co-leadership.

While in a meeting with N.C.'s leader, he brought this fact up.

"Well, how do I know that you are, in fact, Lucius?"

Run a blood test, DNA test, or something."

Over time, scientists all believed that he was, in fact, the real Lucius.


"We must take out Parkes", said the leader of N.C., Marcus Orohmen, banging his fist on the staff table.

"We could threaten him with a war," suggested Lucius.

"I have no army. They would crush us."

"You must increase funding for defense. Then build an army like never before. Send out a draft forall able-bodied men age 18-30."

"I have still not enough money to purchase military supplies."

"Then we manufacture our own. I have thought ahead. And if we plan right, we can pull off this war."
Present Day Comatica
27-09-2004, 02:12
15 Naval ships skimmed across the surface of the glossy, black Sea of Comatica. It was the body of water that separated North Comatica from regular Comatica.

Captain Guius Sextus Delethpus was aboard the N.C.S Pellintia, smoking a long cigar idly. He stared out over the dark waters, smooth as glass. A quiet voice came from behind him.

"Captain, sonar has picked up a submarine heading our way at 15 knots."

"How far away?"

"A kilometer."

Guius surveyed the horizon. Suddenly, something caught his eye. Something gliding along the surface of the water.

The cigar dropped from his mouth onto the lower deck. He screamed "Torpedo! Abandon ship!"

He and dozens of other crewmembers leapt off the ship as it exploded in a forceful blast. The entire ship blew apart just as Guius surfaced.

He yelled into the air, "where is that S.O.B. on sonar?! Where is he!!"

The same quiet voice answered from the chill night, "Here, sir!"

"You bastard! You can't pick up one goddamn torpedo?!!"

There was one last blast, and the Pellintia was no more.
Present Day Comatica
27-09-2004, 02:28
OOC--If anyone wants to join in, feel free and get RPing