Burning of worlds and the death of millions (OOC thread)
this is the OOC thread for the Burning of worlds and death of millions RP between Invited persons.
21-09-2004, 22:57
This has been officially tagged.
22-09-2004, 02:53
Wolf America
22-09-2004, 02:56
Can I join?
I would be on Coreworlds side.
22-09-2004, 02:57
Yes. It has been allowed by Corpsac and me.
Wolf America
22-09-2004, 02:59
Yes. It has been allowed by Corpsac and me.
Ok. Will post in a few mins.
Wolf America
22-09-2004, 04:11
Some info on my ships I'm sending.
WASF Timber Wolf is a Scimitar Class Heavy Battleship (
Type: Heavy battleship
Length: 890 m
Beam: 1,350 m
Height: 245 m
Crew: 2,100 troops and officers
52 x heavy disrupter cannon, total output 1,000,000 TeraWatts
27 x S3 photon torpedo tube
1 x Thalaron Radiation emitter
Defence Systems
Primary and secondary shield system, total capacity 2,160,000 TeraJoules
Standard Duranium/Tritanium Double hull plus 9 cm High density armour.
Standard level Structural Integrity Field
Warp Speeds
Maximum Rated: 9.99 for 12 hours.
Capable of matching the top speed of a Sovereign class starship
WASF Wolf Falls is a Casena Class Dreadnaughts (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v120/Ravenart/arsaw.jpg).
The Casena Class Dreadnaught were developed to engage enemy capital ships from close range. Its sophisticated sensor shielding and combat systems can track and engage up to 3 enemy capital ships effectively at any one time, whilst maintaining optimum defence.
Length: 1.8 km
Height: 595 m
Width: 700 m
Mass: 470,000,000 tons
Crew: 1 AI
210 Assorted Robotic Units
1,234 Crew
24 Officers
Power: 2 Quantum Singluarity Cores
3 Variance Generators
1 Fusion Backup Generator
Drives: 1 Advanced Wormhole Generator
3 Hyuga Technologies AME Drives
Armament: 5 AMSP Missile Launchers
24 Hornet Homing Missile Launchers
340 Particle Cannons
120 Laser Mounts
2 Poseidon Torpedo Launchers
80 Turbo-Laser Batteries (3 TB Per Battery)
24 Ion Mounts
6 Project Casena Battle-Guns
Defense: 64" Tritinax Crystalline Protection Armour
Point Defence System
2 Advanced Equinox Shield Generators
1 Back-up Shield Projector
1 Project Casena Enveloper (Creates a supercharged shield for a few seconds around a certain object)
Scuttle Packs
WASF King N is a Dauntless Cruisers (http://us.games-workshop.com/games/bfg/hobby/galleries/imperial/images/imp_dauntless.gif).
Weapons-8 Laser Batteries
3 Lance Batteries
Added to the ship: Cloaking Device & Gravity Mine
7 Infidel Escorts (http://us.games-workshop.com/games/bfg/hobby/galleries/chaos/images/ChaosInfidelRaider.jpg)
Weapons-2 Laser Batteries
1 Plasma Torpedo Launcher
Added to the ship: Cloaking Device & Gravity Mine
386SF Mad Max & 386SF Shut Up are Apocalypse Battleship. (http://store.us.games-workshop.com/store_images/battlefleetgothic/Imperial/Apocalypse/apocalypse_c.jpg)
Length: 3.2 Km
Width: 1.4 Km
Height: 1.7 Km
Speed: 8
Engine power: 10
Armour: 10
Regenerating hull armour
Hull support shielding
Anti-torpedo outer grid shielding
Fighter bays, capacity: 50
1 Heavy Gauss Partical Lance or,
1 Tactical Warp Cannon or,
any new forward lance weapon or,
1 Lance Nova Cannon and 1 Tactical Rail cannons
6 Guass Laser Cannons
8 Heavy Torpedo Tubes (compatable with all sub-munitions)
40 light Guass cannons
34 Med torpedo tubes
50 Burst cannons
120 Light laser batteries
GKSF Green Ace & GKSF Green Heart are Imperial Star Destroyer. (http://img24.photobucket.com/albums/v73/TheQ2005/stardestroyer1.jpg)
Type: Star Destroyer
Scale: Capital
Length: 1,600 meters
Skeleton: 5,000
Total crew: 37,085
Passengers: 9,700 (troops)
Cargo Capacity: 36,000 metric tons
Consumables: 6 years
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Hyperdrive Backup: x8
Nav Computer: Yes
60 Laser Cannons
60 Ion Cannons
10 Tractor Beam Projectors
72 B-Wing Heavy Assault Starfighters
20 Klingon Bird of Prey (http://img24.photobucket.com/albums/v73/TheQ2005/GBrel3.jpg)
Type: Scout
Length: 109 m
Beam: 92 m
Height: 20 m
Decks: 4
Mass 30,000 metric tons
Crew 12
2 x Mark 6 pulse disrupter cannon, total output 10,000 TeraWatts
2 x Emergency photon torpedo tube + 35 torpedoes
Defence Systems
Standard shield system, total capacity 324,000 TeraJoules
Standard Duranium/Tritanium Single hull plus 5 cm High density Armour.
Standard level Structural Integrity Field
Warp Speeds
Normal Cruise: 5
Maximum Cruise: 7
Maximum Rated: 8.2 for 12 hours.
22-09-2004, 04:46
Shinobi Cruiser
1000 meters
Shields: yes (can't cloak with shields on)
Cloak: yes
Hyperdrive: yes
25 turbolaser cannons
15 torpedo tubes
15 railcannons (with tungsten and DU rounds)
22-09-2004, 11:54
22-09-2004, 12:27
Alpha Squadron
Primary assault squadron
1 Neodammerung-class Juggernought
5 Citizen-class dreadnoughts
6 Neghvar-class battleships
10 Progenitor-class battlecruisers
2 Clinton-class carriers
5 Concorde-class carriers
14 Vortex-class Artillery ships
15 Endeavor-class destroyers
25 Pandora-class frigates
25 Saladin-class frigates
50 Quasar-class frigates
80 Fenris Wolf-class Unmanned Carousel Vessels (Boomers)
3,000 Kindjall fighters
2,500 Valkyrie bombers
Ship stats can be found here.
The Emperor Fenix
22-09-2004, 20:32
Cna my OOC contribution be... Go Coreworlds.
22-09-2004, 21:09
22-09-2004, 22:11
YAYYYY! Go Coreworlds. Beat those stupid Orcs! (I have had problems with Orcs in the past, both on other games and in Real Life.) *Goes and takes his Sanity medication and comes back* Thats why I don't like Orcs. *passes out from medication*
Shadow Tech
22-09-2004, 22:19
"YAYYYY! Go Coreworlds. Beat those stupid Orcs! (I have had problems with Orcs in the past, both on other games and in Real Life.) *Goes and takes his Sanity medication and comes back* Thats why I don't like Orcs. *passes out from medication*"
Er. Last I checked orcs weren't militarily involved in this conflict. In fact the only purpose they served is the fact that they were slaughtered in millions ,along with innocent slaves, by CoreWorlds. That is the reason of this war.
For any other persons involved in the thread: Could you please post the number of your ships here? I do not need statistics or armament. I would just like to know how many ships are there. My total ship numbers appear at the bottom of my posts in the IC thread.
So you declared war on Coreworlds because he killed some orks? Did you realize that the AoN has over 3 billion Ork slaves and has killed 3 times that many?
Wolf America
23-09-2004, 00:04
So you declared war on Coreworlds because he killed some orks? Did you realize that the AoN has over 3 billion Ork slaves and has killed 3 times that many?
Go AoN go.
Go UFP go.
Go USFgo.
23-09-2004, 00:06
I would assume he declared war on Coreworlds because, in the process of destroying the Ork capital, CW knowningly murdered 250 human and elf slaves without making any attempt to resuce them or negotiate some sort of release.
On a seperate note, has Arenumberg released her penisnought designs to the UFP?
Japanese States
23-09-2004, 00:18
So you declared war on Coreworlds because he killed some orks? Did you realize that the AoN has over 3 billion Ork slaves and has killed 3 times that many?
GO AWAY YOUR NOT PART OF THE WAR YOU HAVE NO REASON TO POST HERE, god. and no it wasnt becouse he killed the orks is mroe the fact that he killed over 250 million Elvens and other races who where slaves of the orks with out trying, plus other reason THAT YOU DONT NEED TO KNOW.
now let me make this clear totaly clear:
but you may tag ok oh and give congrats to gronde for being the first person to be added to my ignore list
23-09-2004, 00:18
...actually it was 250 MILLION human and elvish slaves the orcs were using as hostages.
Japanese States
23-09-2004, 00:19
...actually it was 250 MILLION human and elvish slaves the orcs were using as hostages.
meh same thing :P
23-09-2004, 00:27
Damn those six zeros!
. . .right, Corpsac: Writing in all CAPS and in a huge font does not inspire me to take you seriously, it only makes you seem uneducated.
Anyways, I see that you have a good reason and I just wanted to point something out, so good day. There was no call for rudeness.
24-09-2004, 13:10
I just have to ask this...
Wolf America
24-09-2004, 15:22
The GKSF Green Dragon is Imperial Super Star Destroyer
Length: 3200 meters
Crew: minimum 10,000, maximum 50,000
Passengers: 20,000 (troops)
Cargo Capacity: 100,000 metric tons
Consumables: 4 years
Hyperdrive: x3 (backup x10)
180 Turbolasers
120 Ion Cannons
100 Concussion Missile Tubes
20 Tractor Beam Projectors
200 B-Wing Heavy Assault Starfighters
24-09-2004, 16:20
I just have to ask this...
Yeah, I second the motion.
Wolf America
24-09-2004, 16:22
I just have to ask this...
Yeah. Aurenmberg WTF?
24-09-2004, 16:23
On a seperate note, has Arenumberg released her penisnought designs to the UFP?
No, it was from a sale.
And, what im doing is of no-bodies concern
Wolf America
24-09-2004, 16:29
No, it was from a sale.
And, what im doing is of no-bodies concern
Leave us. We are trying to have fun here and you trying to stop.
Do you want your whole fleet destroyed?
Shadow Tech
24-09-2004, 20:21
Wolf wanna explain to me how 2,514 heavy neutron beams only down your shields by .1%? I'm not going to have to use my tactics to the extreme am I?
How close are your shields to your hull?
Wolf America
24-09-2004, 20:27
Wolf wanna explain to me how 2,514 heavy neutron beams only down your shields by .1%? I'm not going to have to use my tactics to the extreme am I?
How close are your shields to your hull?
I post that they when down .1% because I hate that you said that they were jumping in & out of truespace.
It is damn Imperial Super Star Destroyer.
I will put the sheild at 98% and no lower than that.
What the hell are attack me? There are two other nation, too.
How in the hell does your fighters have heavy neutron beams?
I want some info on your fighters.
Shadow Tech
24-09-2004, 20:34
Ok I will post stats for my fighters in a minute I need to go find the file.
Btw, Please use proper grammar. I've noticed that as this thread has gone on, your grammar has become increasingly worse.
I attack you because you are the only viable target.
Feazanthia is my ally
CoreWorlds is already taking very heavy losses
Corpsac isn't really a strong prescence there
Arenumberg is a supposed ally and we would like to not engage her
You have sufficient ships and have already targeted me.
If you do not like my phasetech, then deploy FTLi.
Wolf America
24-09-2004, 20:40
Ok I will post stats for my fighters in a minute I need to go find the file.
Btw, Please use proper grammar. I've noticed that as this thread has gone on, your grammar has become increasingly worse.
I attack you because you are the only viable target.
Feazanthia is my ally
CoreWorlds is already taking very heavy losses
Corpsac isn't really a strong prescence there
Arenumberg is a supposed ally and we would like to not engage her
You have sufficient ships and have already targeted me.
If you do not like my phasetech, then deploy FTLi.
I don't have FTLi.
Plus your phasetech is for wimps.
Arenumberg is attack us all.
I have took heavy losses. I have 10 Bird or Prey and 10 B-Wings.
And about the grammar. I'm Dyslexic.
Shadow Tech
24-09-2004, 20:49
Note: First of all I apologize for the grammar insult.
I've censored out a few vital details about a special attack that they perform as many people would say they found out about the attack IC when it has never been mentioned, even to allies. The censored parts are replaced by *s.
Another note: Phase nodes ARE disabled by certain types of FTLi.
Yes you have taken losses, but CoreWorlds has taken more and hes my only real other enemy. I've already stated that I do not wish to engage Arenumberg at the moment, as political relations with Arenumberg are unclear at this time.
”Ghost Maker” Heavy Long Range Fighter
Length: 28 meters long
Width: 14 meters wide
Height: 10 meters tall
Mass: 2,800 metric tons
4 Electron Flux Whips (forward mounted)
Heavy Neutron Beam (forward mounted-the 4 prongs are used to stabilize it)
While the Ghost Maker possesses little real conventional fields and little armor; it's hull is laced with millions of phase nodes. Each of these nodes acts much like many other nations Phase Shielding, however instead of forming a shield that phases out incoming weapons, each node activates an extremely small area around itself “phasing” the ship into other planes, or dimensions (ones used for traveling as well). This essentially negates the power of transpace mortars and other weapons that would usually enter true space within shields. What this ship does gain is equaled by what it looses noted lower down.
Phase Node Integrated Hull
Light Crystalline Coated Hull
Propulsion: Gravimetric Engines
Power: Hyperspace Tap
Essentially taps into the tidal forces of Hyperspace its self as a power source.
Having been compared to the galactic equivalent to a hydro-electrical power system, the Hyperspace tap operates by some how using gravimetric fields to create a constant and stable access point between Hyperspace and real space, which is open at all times.
Hyperspace, which is a volatile dimensional plane of existence, is ripe with massive gravitational forces. (As there is no fuel source needed, phase nodes could be sowed into the equipment needed to function the hyperspace tap, making it perfect for the GM.)
Crew: One psychic implanted with phase nodes.
Advantages: The GM is very versatile when it comes to almost any form of combat, able to go toe to toe with fighters, and ********************************************************
Able to operate at very long ranges, as no refueling is necessary.
Disadvantages: Due to lack of major conventional armor, hits that do make contact will do more damage when compared to that of armored craft.
High energy weapons such as reflex cannons could potentially overload the phase nodes leaving the GM defenseless and unable to even travel home. As this problem is widely expected, self-termination mechanisms are placed within each. Once pilots are implanted into GM fighters, they can never be removed.
Psychic Amplifiers are deployed in thousands around my system and also deployed in dimensions used by GM phasing systems. These help Shadow Tech Prime communicate with it's forces.
Wolf America
24-09-2004, 20:57
Note: First of all I apologize for the grammar insult.
I've censored out a few vital details about a special attack that they perform as many people would say they found out about the attack IC when it has never been mentioned, even to allies. The censored parts are replaced by *s.
Another note: Phase nodes ARE disabled by certain types of FTLi.
Yes you have taken losses, but CoreWorlds has taken more and hes my only real other enemy. I've already stated that I do not wish to engage Arenumberg at the moment, as political relations with Arenumberg are unclear at this time.
”Ghost Maker” Heavy Long Range Fighter
Length: 28 meters long
Width: 14 meters wide
Height: 10 meters tall
Mass: 2,800 metric tons
4 Electron Flux Whips (forward mounted)
Heavy Neutron Beam (forward mounted-the 4 prongs are used to stabilize it)
While the Ghost Maker possesses little real conventional fields and little armor; it's hull is laced with millions of phase nodes. Each of these nodes acts much like many other nations Phase Shielding, however instead of forming a shield that phases out incoming weapons, each node activates an extremely small area around itself “phasing” the ship into other planes, or dimensions (ones used for traveling as well). This essentially negates the power of transpace mortars and other weapons that would usually enter true space within shields. What this ship does gain is equaled by what it looses noted lower down.
Phase Node Integrated Hull
Light Crystalline Coated Hull
Propulsion: Gravimetric Engines
Power: Hyperspace Tap
Essentially taps into the tidal forces of Hyperspace its self as a power source.
Having been compared to the galactic equivalent to a hydro-electrical power system, the Hyperspace tap operates by some how using gravimetric fields to create a constant and stable access point between Hyperspace and real space, which is open at all times.
Hyperspace, which is a volatile dimensional plane of existence, is ripe with massive gravitational forces. (As there is no fuel source needed, phase nodes could be sowed into the equipment needed to function the hyperspace tap, making it perfect for the GM.)
Crew: One psychic implanted with phase nodes.
Advantages: The GM is very versatile when it comes to almost any form of combat, able to go toe to toe with fighters, and ********************************************************
Able to operate at very long ranges, as no refueling is necessary.
Disadvantages: Due to lack of major conventional armor, hits that do make contact will do more damage when compared to that of armored craft.
High energy weapons such as reflex cannons could potentially overload the phase nodes leaving the GM defenseless and unable to even travel home. As this problem is widely expected, self-termination mechanisms are placed within each. Once pilots are implanted into GM fighters, they can never be removed.
Psychic Amplifiers are deployed in thousands around my system and also deployed in dimensions used by GM phasing systems. These help Shadow Tech Prime communicate with it's forces.
Ok. But I'm not worry about your fighters, right now. I'm trying attack the Feazanthia flagship and his other ship that are attacking my ship.
25-09-2004, 13:05
Heh. Good luck with that, the Neodammerung is my crowning achievement technologically. The thing is seventeen kilometers long! Since it's "uberweapon", the Yamato cannon, isn't being treated as "uber" as I'd like it, I've decided to make it much harder to kill.
Oh, and 3rd strike squadron listed here.
23 Ortega strike cruisers
48 Centaur torpedo boats