NationStates Jolt Archive

Demidia looking for a Flagship

21-09-2004, 21:20
The Naval Maritime Command of the Republic of Demidia is currently searching for a flagship as ours is much too small and reletivly weak, we have a budget that is still being determined, storefronts we ask that you make an offer for us, remember, bigger is better.
21-09-2004, 21:31
Why is bigger better? For a flagship, command and control systems are preferable...
21-09-2004, 21:46
The flagship MUST have command and control systems, but we would also like to have a major power in our waters, as well like all Demidians we love to brag.
21-09-2004, 21:53
Red Star Industries ( Though the Soyuz and Frunze classes are not flagships as such, they can be fitted with a command centre if necessary and can in their unmodified form perform all the functions of a command ship.
21-09-2004, 21:59
The flagship MUST have command and control systems, but we would also like to have a major power in our waters, as well like all Demidians we love to brag.

Well, we don't have anything enormous, as bigger tends to be worse in our experience. The Raptor class frigate frequently serves as a flagship in Studium fleets due to its extensive c ommand, control and communications capabilities. However, it is only 160 metres long and therefore would not serve your current needs.
21-09-2004, 22:37
Four command vessels, likely out of your price range.

Admiral Laffite Dreadnaught
Chardonay, in memory of Admiral Lafitte who recently perished in the battle between Doujin's BBCNs and IDF SDs, is announcing the development of the Admiral Lafitte class Dreadnaught.

Compared to other dreadnaughts, the Admiral Lafitte seems underweight, but she is a pure line of battleship, with none of the bastardized carrier systems of ships like the Doujin.

Length[ 320.0 m
Beam[ 80.0 m
Draught 12.0 m
180 000 tonnes normal displacement (150 000 tonnes standard)

Weapon Systems:
Main battery: 9 x 46.0-cm grouped in three turrets... two in the bow, and one in the stern.
Secondary battery: 20 x 15.5-cm grouped in turrets of two guns each, with 5 arranged along each broadside
AA battery: 20 x 3.0-cm point defence cannon
Light battery: 10 x 7.5-cm quick firing supercavitating cannon.
20 trebuchet missile tubes.
200 VLS tubes with 2 reloads each.
5 octuple arbalist missile launchers.
5 double launchers for crossbow SAMS (9 reloads)

Countermeasures: Towed torpedo decoy, both 155mm cannon and 30mm cannon can fire chaff and flare rounds. Have Not type ECM. 2 Wrong Whale type decoy dirigibles.

Communications: 2 Cardinal SATCOM/SATNAV systems, 4 Priest BCDS, 2 Director BCDS

Sensors: Mouse Eye Air search Radar systems, Mouse Fang Air Targeting Radars, Sloth Eye passive radar, Tiger Eye surface search radar, Tiger Fang integrated surface targeting radar, Cat Eye integrated optical sensor system, Porpoise integrated hull mounted/towed sonar array

Aircraft: 2 helicopters and 10 Deerfly Drones/100 Gnat drones

Structure: 120cm of Improved Chardonayan Armour (main belt). The hullform is of a fastship design, considerably squatter than conventional ship design would have it. The bow is deep and V shaped, and hull under the stern has been hollowed out, reducing captive waves.

Main belt, 122.0 cm; bow and stern, 100.0 cm
Upper belt, 100.0 cm
Torpedo bulkhead, 30.0 cm
Armor deck, average 40.0 cm
Conning tower, 40.0 cm

Battery armor:
Main, 122.0 cm / secondary, 70.0 cm
AA, 20 cm cupolas/ light guns, 20 cm cupolas

(Chardonayan Improved Armor is half the mass of steel, hence the very thick armor, and is approximately 3 tmes as effective at stopping both kinetic energy projectiles and HE projectiles)

4 Pebble bed reactors delivering 150 MW each

Propulsion: 8 waterjets, propelling the ship along at a maximum speed of 45 knots, and cruising speed of 40knots in Sea State 7. Cruising range is 15000nm.

Compliment: 1500

Price: 10 billion.

Krasny Rasvet (Red Dawn) class BCGN
Displacement: 31608 tons standard, 30 000 fully loaded
Dimensions: 190m x 30m x 10m
Powerplant: 3 pebblebed reactors developing 75MW of power each
Propulsion: 8 waterjets
Maximum Speed: 46 knots
Range: 15 000 miles at 46 knots (limited by consumables)
Compliment: 750

20 tubes for Trebuchet SSMs
1 chardonayan VLS system for Scorpion SAMs and Ballista SSMs, and Speargun ASROCs (10 10 cell launcher systems)
6 quad launchers for Arbalest SAMs (3 reloads)
2 double launchers for crossbow SAMS (9 reloads)
6 155mm Flak Cannon
4 30mm Point Defense Cannon
2 75mm Quickfiring Cannon with supercavitating shells
4 hull mounted 533mm torpedo tubes behind shutters, two bow, two stern

Countermeasures: Towed torpedo decoy, both 155mm cannon and 30mm cannon can fire chaff and flare rounds. Have Not type ECM. 1 Wrong Whale dirigible decoy.

Communications: 2 Cardinal SATCOM/SATNAV systems, 4 Priest BCDS, 2 Director BCDS

Sensors: Mouse Eye Air search Radar systems, Mouse Fang Air Targeting Radars, Sloth Eye passive radar, Tiger Eye surface search radar, Tiger Fang surface targeting radar, Cat Eye integrated optical sensor system, Porpoise integrated hull mounted/towed sonar array

Aircraft: 2 helicopters and 10 Deerfly Drones/100 Gnat drones

Structure: 30 cm of Improved Chardonayan Armour (main belt). The hullform is of a fastship design, considerably squatter than conventional ship design would have it. The bow is deep and V shaped, and hull under the stern has been hollowed out, reducing captive waves have been placed for and aft in armored cupolas. The 155mm cannon are placed in a double turret in the bow, and a double in the stern with a single on either side slightly aft of amidships. On either side of the single turrets are the tubes for the Trebuchet Missiles, angled 45 degrees up. The sextuple Arbalest launchers are mounted on the second level of the superstructure, with one facing fore and aft, and two more amidships. The VLS tubes for the Scorpion SAMs and Ballista SSMs are spread out, with 4 in the bow and 6 in the stern.

Operation: Over-the-horizon sighting for the Trebuchet missiles can be provided by helicopter or drone or satellite. Cat Eye optical sensors can detect the launch of missiles over the horizon, and if necessary can handle tracking and acquisition of air and surface targets, but usually hand over the tracking to Mouse and Tiger radar systems. The combination of optical (from IR to UV wavelengths) and standard millimeter band radar make for an extremely accurate system, even against sheathed aircraft. The Krasny Rasvet’s powerful combat computers and communications hardware mean that, though it is perfectly capable of fending for itself, it never goes anywhere without a supporting battle group. However effective it may be alone, it’s strength is multiplied many times over with the addition of additional radar and SAM platforms, and it is a waste not to use her as a command ship. As well, though a capable ASW platform, she should have protection from submarines; the 75mm cannons are only a weapon of last resort against incoming torpedoes, and the 4 torpedo tubes only fire anti-submarine torpedoes. A favorite tactic of commanders is to keep one standard and one supercavitating torpedo in the bow and stern tubes. When attacked by torpedo, the Krasny Rasvet would flush both torpedoes at her attacker causing it to break off the attack immediately to avoid the supercavitating torpedo, and stay away to avoid the second one. In the mean time, the Krasny Rasvet would be steaming away at 46 knots, launching 5 Deerfly Drones to find and kill the miscreant.

$2 billion

Displacement: 10437 tons standard
Dimensions: 160m x 18m x 9m
Powerplant: 5 turbines developing 80 MWs
Propulsion: 5 waterjets
Maximum Speed: 46 knots
Range: 6000 nautical miles at 30 knots
Compliment: 300

half a chardonayan VLS system for Scorpion SAMs, Ballista SSMs, and Speargun ASROCs
2 quad launchers for Arbalest SAMs (3 reloads)
2 double launchers for crossbow SAMS (9 reloads)
2 88mm Flak Cannon
4 30mm Point Defense Cannon
1 40mm Cannon with supercavitating shells

Countermeasures: Towed torpedo decoy, both 88mm cannon and 30mm cannon can fire chaff and flare rounds. Have Not type ECM. Wrong Whale dirigible Decoy

Communications: 2 Cardinal SATCOM/SATNAV systems, 2 Priest BCDS, 2 Director BCDS

Sensors: Mouse Eye Air search Radar systems, Mouse Fang Air Targeting Radars, Sloth Eye passive radar, Tiger Eye surface search radar, Tiger Fang surface targeting radar, Cat Eye integrated optical sensor system
Aircraft: 1 helicopter and 5 Deerfly Drones/50 Gnat drones

Structure: 20cm of Chardonayan Armour (main belt). The hullform is of a fastship design, considerably squatter than conventional ship design would have it. The bow is deep and V shaped, and hull under the stern has been hollowed out, reducing captive waves have been placed for and aft in armored cupolas. The 88mm cannon are placed in a double turret in the bow. The quad Arbalest launchers are mounted on the second level of the superstructure, with bothfacing the stern quarters. The VLS tubes for the Scorpion SAMs and Ballista SSMs are all clustered about the stern.

Operation: Cat Eye optical sensors can detect the launch of missiles over the horizon, and if necessary can handle tracking and acquisition of air and surface targets, but usually hand over the tracking to Mouse and Tiger radar systems. The combination of optical (from IR to UV wavelengths) and standard millimeter band radar make for an extremely accurate system, even against stealthed aircraft. The Admiral Zuralev is designed to be a flagship for a destroyer or frigate flotilla. The admiral Zuralev has impressive point defence capabilities, and a decent anti-ship armament, along with a wicked SAM system, but it’s true value is the powerful combat computers and communications hardware that are on par with those in the Krasny Rasvet. All of the radar systems are equivalent to that on Suruvov and Krasny Rasvet, meaning that even one Zuralev can sight missiles for the entire group. Some commanders even prefer the Zuralev to the Krasny Rasvet; it’s smaller size makes it less of a target. This makes any flotilla including a Zuralev a potent combat force.
$1 billion

[size=7]Ar-3 Command Zeppelin

The Ar-3 Command Zeppelin takes the successful (over 500 sales total worldwide) Ar-1 zeppelin chassis and applies a few modifications.

The crew godola has been integrated into the envelope, and stretches the entire length of the zeppelin, with 3 (cramped) floors. The zeppelin includes an enormous communications section which takes up almost half a floor, where banks of computers and 10 staff co-ordinate operations, relay orders, and make sure the net stays up. The Zeppelin also contains a naval Command Datalique system, which allows it to share information instantly with any units withing a 5km radius, two satalite uplink, and countless standard radio systems.

The CIC, also dominated by massive banks of computers, is used for co-ordinating operations, compiling intellegence, and generally going about the business at hand-winning the battle.

The accomidations are sparten but comfortable enough, with junior officers sharing a room and senior officers having a room of their own. The ranking officer gets his own spacious cabin, with an office and staff room adjoining. Everyone, however, has to use the comunal heads, and the galley is small, but well stocked. The officers dine in the wardroom, while the CO eats in his cabin, unless invited by the officers to join them (a commen occurence)

The bridge is reserved for the crew of the zeppelin, all 5-10 of them. Captain, executive officer, EW officer, Pilot, and engineering crew are all that are required.

Even with all this, there is still room for about 10 tons of cargo, usually UAVs and launchers, which can easily be controlled from CIC and a large tarpaulin which can be spread over the zeppelin to camoflauge it.

Length: 250m
Diameter: 60m
Propulsion: 8 2500 hp hybrid gas/electric engines
Max Speed: 100kph
Range: 10 000km
Ceiling: 2500m
Payload: 10 tons
Lifting Gas: Helium
Price: $300 million
Oshima and Izu
22-09-2004, 00:11
OOC: apologies Demidia for a quick hijack...

Chardonay- was the Admiral Laffite developed from the old dreadnought project? Glad to see someone else built some!

Demidia: we can certainly recommend Chardonay's expertise in warship design- your navy could do a lot worse than to select one of their vessels.
22-09-2004, 00:19
Why thank you O&I... and yes, it most certainly was. As a keel-plate owner of the design, of sorts, we can build one for you at cost...
22-09-2004, 02:15
Chardonay, your ships seem above par, and they are well within our budget, as we are a revived nation and have enough of a budget, we will take 1 of your Admiral Lafitte Dreadnaughts at the price of 10 Billion Dollars, we also ask if we could use your technology and perhaps use your ship design as a template for one of our own design.

Honorable General Alan Bragg
Minister of Defense
The Republic of Demidia
22-09-2004, 02:20
What exactly are you looking for? A supercarrier? An enormous battleship? Give us your basic wants and we will gladly sell you custom built ships.
22-09-2004, 02:39
We are laying down the keel as we speak. Now is the time to speak if you wish any modifications!

Note... despite the order they were presented in, the Krasny Rasvet was designed first, which is why the details of the equipment and tactics suggested are more detailed... rest assured that the Admiral Laffite class's systems are quite similar.

As for using our technology in your own vessels, we are willing to negociate technical transfers. Simply state what you want, and we'll begin bargining.

As for using the design as a jumping off point... well, we can't really stop you. In most respects, it's relatively conventional. Copying it too closely will be frowned upon. However, there's a better option. DCA industries and Chardonay are both interested in furthering relations and begining joint products. I could easily see us working together to design an improved version.

Aditional options for the Admiral Laffite class come in terms of ammunition. The Trebuchet missiles are interchangible with DCA LRM-2s, and the VLS tubes can be loaded with Scorpion SAMs, Trident ASROCs, Ballista Missiles, and DCA LRM-1s, along with standard 'Tomahawk' style cruise missiles. The guns also can carry a range of customized ammunition, ranging from AA FAE shells to Anti Cannon Submunitions... a selection of our inventory is available from my signature.

We look forward to further dealings.

Arkady Pridubla
Vice President in charge of Overseas Operations
22-09-2004, 02:44
Chardonay, if you have MSN or AIM then please telegram me the name. This will make our baragining much easier, as well it will be much easier to discuss joint projects.