Profit at Any Cost
Conquest Inc
20-09-2004, 21:42
General Communique to All Nations of Capitalist Leaning
Subject: Profit
There is no more stable constant in the universe than Greed. Lust for Power is the unifiying trait shared by all mortal men aspiring to great heights. Likewise, there is one object, one idea that catapults those men to those heights.
Profit. Gewinn, ganancia, profitto, bénéfice, прибыль, 利润, de winst - no matter the language, it is a constant, and pursuit of it is a laudable effort. To some, Profit is an end in and of itself. To others, it is merely a stepping stone to the aquisition to Power.
This is Truth iself, my fellow powerbrokers.
Today, I call on you to join me in proclaiming to the world the advent of true Hyper-Capitalism. We have seen great industries walk into the history books, but we have never seen an entire generation of companies and conglomerates totally dedicated to Profit by any means.
I care not of your political alignment so long as your God is Profit and your mistress (or whatever) is the Market.
We at Conquest Incorporated seek the validation of knowing that there are likeminded Super-Conglomerates or Nations who would rally to the banner of a Great War of Profit.
To some, our enterprise may seem small. Yet, the numbers of Conquest's employees are nothing before the might of Profit.
Incalculabe wealth may very well be a reply away.
Thank you.
Director Zheng, Conquest Amalgamated Security Forces
Itinerate Tree Dweller
20-09-2004, 21:50
Venom Corporation and World Inc will not join you in this conquest, mostly because we hold no allegiance but to the Emperor of Itinerate Tree Dweller, which. We do wonder how much it would cost to buy your corporation out, though.
CornixPes II
20-09-2004, 21:55
OOC: You'll go far in this game. Superb command of language and excellent roleplaying skills have been displayed in this RP. I wish you the best of luck in your conquest.
20-09-2004, 22:02
Official Statement-
Ve are vatchingk you.
Ministry of Nation Taglick
20-09-2004, 22:10
OOC: Very impressive, puts me to shame. (This post means TAG)
IC: The UVV Conglomerate will consider this and decide on it in it's next meeting. Until then, farewell!
Conquest Inc
21-09-2004, 12:27
OOC: Thank you very much for the kind words.
Venom Corporation and World Inc will not join you in this conquest, mostly because we hold no allegiance but to the Emperor of Itinerate Tree Dweller, which. We do wonder how much it would cost to buy your corporation out, though.
While We at Conquest Incorporated are dissapointed that a fellow union of entrepreneurs has declared allegiance to a political body, we understand that there may be some sort of mitigating factor in your case, and wish you well.
We regret to infrom you, additionally, that the Shareholders Major and the Board of Directors of Conquest Inc. are not interested in any attempts to purchase the Amaglamated Industries of Conquest Incorporated. We thank you for your interest, however.
Director Zheng, Conquest Amalgamated Security Forces
OOC: So, you understand, that I'm not actually asking the Profit-minded to go to war, this is a theoretical excercise as to whether or not you would. I am quite sure I'm not the only money grubbing psychopaths around here.
Conquest Inc
22-09-2004, 01:31
OOC: *cough* bump *cough*
The Commissariat of Diplomacy
The Socialist Federation of Hallad
Omicron Alpha
22-09-2004, 01:42
Omicron Alpha Government Incorporated has considered this in some detail, and has even put the question to the shareholders (the electorate, to you bizarre nations with public services). It had been decided that such a venture would barely break-even, let alone make a profit. The cost of hiring the entire inventory of OMilitary Ltd would be significant, to say the least. And then there would be the expenditure involved in rebuilding the global economy, putting down evil socialist and communist resistance, and so on and so forth. Our most famous economists have predicted that, in Omicron Alpha anyway, it would take tens -- if not hundreds -- of generations before financial rewards are reaped. And our shareholders want profits NOW. It is also predicted that during such an endeavour, Omicron Alpha would ultimately be operating at a loss for a substancial amount of time -- here, it is against our most sacred traditions to die while in debt. Various branches of the Economist church protested at even the mention of such a plan.
We respectfully decline your offer.
Conquest Inc
22-09-2004, 03:02
The Commissariat of Diplomacy
The Socialist Federation of Hallad
Yes. As neighborly as that was, we are trying to steer the conversation away from bushy-eyebrowed Peeping Toms. If you are in fact attempting to imply that you suffer from the aforementioned social malady, then we are sure one of Conquest Inc's many Home-Defense subsidies can assist you.
It had been decided that such a venture would barely break-even, let alone make a profit. The cost of hiring the entire inventory of OMilitary Ltd would be significant, to say the least. And then there would be the expenditure involved in rebuilding the global economy, putting down evil socialist and communist resistance, and so on and so forth.
Entrepeneurs of great stature, within the corporate boundries of Conquest Incorporated anyway, have long sought the means to bring about the Final Transition to Hyper-Capitalism. While we at Conquest Incorporated pride ourselves very much on the training and equipment of our Amaglamated Corporate Security Forces, we understand your reservations.
While the Stockholders Major at Conquest Inc are farsighted enough to ensure the true realization of the Market for their children's children's children, we are not prepared to gamble the existance of... well, very much at all. Seeing as how the odds would be heavily stacked against us were we alone, not even the most Profit Driven of us all would risk it all on one fatal throw of the die.
However, there are steps to be taken toward this bright and glorious future. First, we don't need to physically start a war, fellow Profit Maker. Though we may want to instigate it.
BUT - what is the one true obstacle to Hyper-Capitalism in these times where all can be bought and sold? Morals. Ethics. Whatever you want to call them, they are the only thing that has saved the rainforests, the twig-covered seal or WHATEVER IT WAS that stood in the way of Profit and the Market.
Now, say, there was a war.
A conflict of the most titanically epic proportions between those nations or groups or beings that styled themselves as Good and Evil. This is what we are talking about. The employees of the enlightened economies worldwide would not bear the brunt of this war alone - we would be but one integral part, and we would purge the world of these Obstructionists.
In the aftermath, WE, the Hyper-Capitalists of a new age, would rebuild the Global Economy as we saw fit, and neatly polish off any Red roadblocks left over. You associated cost and time with this. But that would not be neccessary. In the situation to which we refer, the overwhelming might of the Profit Driven and their new allies would serve to crush the Communists. Just a tactical nuke or a dozen. Chemical weapons and nuetron bombs to preserve profitable real estate, if you prefer.
And then, once the guns fall silent and enough men have died and the rest have seen the light, Profit shall know no end.
Thank you for your consideration.
Director Zheng, Conquest Amalgamated Security Forces
A Few Rich People
22-09-2004, 03:18
Though we of the Mikosolf Corperation see the benifites of profit we see no reason to kill off the market (ie people) and create a closed system, for within closed systems no profit exists (nor loss if you do it right).
Therefore, we like the status quo and will fight with the MCJDF (mikosolf corperation joint armed forces) agaisnt those who would seek to destroy it.
Conquest Inc
22-09-2004, 03:26
Close-mindedness and aversion to risk taking get you nowhere in any Market.
Surely some of the Profit-Driven shall heed our call.
Director Zheng, Conquest Amalgamated Security Forces
A Few Rich People
22-09-2004, 03:30
Only with a solid and continual profit can you afford to take risks. No gambler takes his lifes savings on a single gambit, its irresponsible. Just as such no corperation or person interested in making money would throw all of it in one place, no diversify. Some in slow growth options (strangling "mom and pop" stores in underdevolped countries) or in burst sales (weapons to states in wars). But a concept of destroying the old in the hopes that you can create something better is never brought up or considered because, in the imortal words of children, its stupid!
"We believe that even children have a home in the workplace usually pushing buttons"
Al Anbar
22-09-2004, 03:33
The Arab Socialist Republic of Al Anbar condemns any nation that follows this "Hyper-Capitalism". The Arab Socialist Republic of Al Anbar will not trade with any company, corporation, or nation that embraces this ideology. We will continue on with our socialist policies.
Conquest Inc
23-09-2004, 00:05
But a concept of destroying the old in the hopes that you can create something better is never brought up or considered because, in the imortal words of children, its stupid!
While we at Conquest Incorporated continue to maintain that we aren't going to be killing off the market any time soon, we'll propose an addendum to our hypothetical question.
Were there a Great War, would - hypothetically speaking - any others of the Profit Driven join Conquest Incorporated in an absurdly profitablt venture like... real estate speculation and siezure? There's Profit without the all-or-nothing risk. You see, the Stockholders Major and the Board of Directors seek Profit, not profit. Monumental undertakings with monumental rewards.
If, however, the Profit Driven would refuse to take advantage of a war, would they instead join the Amaglamated Industries of Conquest Incorporated in the founding of a mercenary monopoly?
Thank you. Our stock goes up with your polite responses.
Director Zheng, Conquest Amalgamated Security Forces
Red Tide2
23-09-2004, 00:26
To Conquests Inc.
From The Goverment of Red Tide, Infrastracture Inc., Tech-Com Corp., and Goods Inc.(bassically the goverment of a nation and the three most powerful corporations in that nation are contacting you(Tech-Com Corp. is the most powerful while Infrastracture Inc. is the least, Goods Inc. falls in-bwetween)
"We welcome you fellow Hyper-Capitalists(or as we call it: True Capitalism, but both goals are VERY similar). We accept your alliance and hope that we can profit from it. We only ask that we dont immediatly wipe out Anti-Capatilist Dictatorships, as they-being dictatorships-might be interested in buying weapons from us. THEN we can wipe them out. We usually sit on a fence and sell weapons too both sides of certain conflicts. We hope together we can rebuild the World-Economy in our view."
Conquest Inc
23-09-2004, 21:09
With the utmost joy do we at Conquest and its various subsidies congratulate our new Strategic Partners in Red Tide on their brilliant decision to explore new Profit venues with us.
The ranks of the Profit Driven swell, and we can smell the opportunity.
Thank you, Red Tide et al. We shall together know true success.
Director Zheng, Conquest Amalgamated Security Forces