On British activities in New Guinea
The British Federation
19-09-2004, 15:56
Many months ago a small British task force, scratched together in the British Indian Ocean Territory, responded to the confusing development of hostilities between Roycelandian and native factions on New Guinea. This was initially reported by some outlets as a war of aggression prosecuted by Roycelandia against the nearly defenceless people of New Guinea. The affair was later confirmed as having been part of joint exercises in which Royal Marine Auxiliaries stormed Roycelandian beachheads while MI6 practised infiltration tactics with local militias and Roycelandian counter insurgency agents trained against this.
The events were apparently part of the establishment of greater ties between all three peoples as most of New Guinea soon came under the protection of the Roycelandian Empire. Britain was the source of a strong lobby against this so-called neo colonialism, and unease was answered by the painstaking negotiation carried out by the Diplomatic Service for a British protectorate to be created with a view to the eventual re-establishment of an independent Papuan state.
The first part was achieved with the release of the North Solomons and the Bismarck Archipelago territories of New Ireland and the Admiralty Islands from Roycelandian to British protection, but campaigners have of late begun to raise the issue of full independence for these islands. Growing dissent amongst the tribal communities of British New Guinea has mirrored peaceful rallies in the UK.
In New Ireland’s rural communities especially there have been worrying signs of unrest where the island’s myriad of native cultures begin to express resentment towards the increased western influence on their traditional Malagan practices and other ancient pursuits. Prime Minister John Bull’s British Industrial Democratic Party is racing to establish lasting British protective military bases and to develop gold, silver, and copper mining industries before local rule is re-established. Intelligence reports on the level of resentment and the possible mobilisation for war of many tribes have meanwhile remained privileged information
All told, more than twenty-two thousand square kilometres of land spread across dozens of volcanic and tropical islands account for the British protectorate, which is home to almost three hundred thousand native Papuans. 356 Royal Marine Auxiliaries inserted by Royal Fleet Auxiliary Cardigan Bay, along with the Type 22 Broadsword Class frigate HMS Campbeltown and associated helicopters are currently responsible for the defence of the islands and the protection of British civilian contractors at work. The troops, who expected to have arrived home weeks ago, can only be described as weary from their extensive patrolling and frequent helicopter flights from one island to the next.
PM Bull’s government maintains that the very distant situation is well in hand, and that the length of time involved in handing over power is related to matters of that extreme distance and of the high degree of seriousness with which British forces, politicians and aid workers view their task. "This is nation-building, people!"
19-09-2004, 16:01
I'll post something on this tomorrow, after I've had some sleep...
The British Federation
23-09-2004, 03:44
Bougainville, the North Solomons, New Guinea
The completion of a modern copper mine outside Kieta was another step towards industrialisation and self-sufficiency for the British protectorate of what was scheduled to soon become the Independent State of Papua New Guinea.
Sadly, some of the locals didn’t much care for inclusion in the industrial world, and cared even less about the Independent State of Papua New Guinea. Their families, their extended tribal society, perhaps their island, these things mattered. Sadly, the British government that had risked so much to secure the future and independence of PNG, sat half the world away, didn’t seem to be familiar with these facts.
On Bougainville, the tiny British garrison looked like just another tribe muscling in with the intention of uniting all the islands in some feat of empire building. Most people didn’t understand the proportion by which the British Empire had dwarfed the islands of their archipelagos, and anyone who did cared relatively little for how peacefully most of it had been long since relinquished.
A land cruiser bearing two men with the Royal Marines Auxiliaries drew up at the copper mine, its passengers intending to make an appearance for the opening of the facility and to greet the first shift on duty. Instead the first shift’s workers were found to have been killed, most stabbed, bludgeoned, or pierced by arrows or spears.
“Oh God.”
“Jesus, you think they’re still here? Whoever...”
“Oh God.”
“I’m calling it in, keep your eyes open.”
“Oh God, I’m...”
The second man, and the term, “man” was applied liberally to the baby-faced teenage warrior, staggered from the Land Rover with a hand cupped to his mouth, and could be heard to dry heave as he made for the roadside.
“Wait, wait!” Called the second Marine, looking up from his nervous fumbling at the radio.
It was far, far too late for either man.
23-09-2004, 12:51
News of the problems in British New Guinea had reached Roycelandian ears in Roycelandian New Guinea.
RNG had it's share of problems, to be fair, but the Roycelandians had inadvertendly stumbled across a solution: Cargo.
After WWII, a lot of the New Guinean Tribes began worshipping "Cargo"- ie, goods, a lot of them left behind by US, Japanese, and ANZAC forces when they left.
When Roycelandian Troops arrived, laden with supplies, they generously shared them with the New Guineans, inadvertently fufilling the Cargo Cult's prophecies and thus ensuring that His Imperial Majesty Emperor Royce I was at least semi-deified by the New Guineans.
A discreet message was sent to the Commander of the British Forces in ING suggesting that the tactic might work for them, too...
23-09-2004, 13:53
, British New Guinea became Papua, and administration of the region was taken over by newly independent Australia. With the outbreak of WWI, Australian troops promptly secured the German headquarters at Rabaul, subsequently taking control of German New Guinea. In 1920, the League of Nations officially handed it over to Australia as a mandated territory
Post-war, the eastern half of New Guinea reverted to Australia and became the Territory of Papua & New Guinea. Indonesia took control of Dutch New Guinea in 1963 (incorporating it into the Indonesian state as Irian Jaya). PNG was granted self-government in 1973, and full independence was achieved in 1975.
Evidently history informs us that the Australians have had far more influence and responsibility with the island then the distant and imperial force of Britain or Roycelandia. We therefore request that the British Federation and Roycelandia give their ‘protectorate’ claim to the WesternAustralian government.
The government has no interest in the exploitation of the territory because…
A] The violation of fair trade practices undermines the conditions worked for an won in other nations and destroys local production and content.
B] WA prides itself on a track record of upholding legitimate and constitutional rule and is concerned about its international representation as such
C] WA already as an abundant mineral export industry, thus opening mines in PNG would only increase competition, especially if operated in violation of Fair Trade practices, undermining the domestic economy
D] WA imports most of its exotic goods such as sugar, tea, coffee and coconuts from India, Indonesia or Thailand.
Our claim for the renouncement of vested British and Roycelandian rule is founded on the interests of the New Guineans. We will ensure that a failed state does not develop in such proximity to our own boarders, something of little concern to either protectorate states.
Furthermore we enquire into what exactly had transgressed in the region that compelled both nations to invite themselves as protectors, protectors of what or whom exactly?
23-09-2004, 14:37
The Imperial Roycelandian Government has dismissed Western Australia's claims to Papua New Guinea, pointing out that if anyone had any objections to Roycelandia's annexation of PNG, the time to voice it was about 15 or 20 NS years ago when Roycelandia formally annexed the territory.
Furthermore, as the Roycelandian Government has no prior dealings with the WesternAustralian Government, the request is automatically refused. Furthermore, any attempt by WesternAustralia to force Roycelandia to renounce our claims to New Guinea will be dealt with in the harshest possible manner.
OOC: Perhaps some clarification is in order- in this particular RP, after PNG became independent from Australia and Holland, it collapsed into Anarchy and Roycelandia stepped in, taking over the entire Island of New Guinea and most of the surrounding ones- ie Bougainville, Rabaul, etc. Indonesia as we know it doesn't exist in the Roycelandian Multiverse.
A few years later, Britain stepped in and suggested that Roycelandia might like to think about granting NG full independence- to cut a long story short, Roycelandia turned over places like Rabaul and Bougainville to The British Federation whilst the British oversaw those islands as protectorates, and Roycelandia retained the rest of New Guinea as a Colonial Overseas Territory- they have self-Government and all the rest, but are actually Roycelandian Colonies.
Anyway, all this happened a long time ago in NS time, and would have been at least 6 RL Months ago, possibly more.
In short, think of it as having happened in a different multiverse to the one you're in, unless you've got a VERY good explanation for failing to notice that the rather large landmass to the North of Australia has been a Colony of a large, Imperialist power for the past two decades or so.
Roycelandia's claim to New Guinea has also been recognised by the Holy Panooly Nation Claims Thread, as well as everyone who RPs with Roycelandia on a regular basis.
23-09-2004, 15:36
Aha well i thought it best to jump in first and get a foothold in the RP before i was informed there where foreign troops landing on the beaches in broome or something odd...
The British Federation
24-09-2004, 00:25
OOC: I don't mind having the Aussies involved to some degree. Basically, when I first stepped in after first seeing the Roycelandian invasion, I did so on the belief that the UK would be coming to the aid of Commonwealth family member the Independent State of Papua New Guinea. As it turned out, Roycelandia was treating all of NG as one, without the Independent State or Indonesia, I think, basically having it exist in a more original state. By then I'd already started to get involved, so I just went with it, why not? The British were actually trying to protect PNG, but realising the futility of their situation when faced with Roycelandian forces many times larger and better placed, it was decided to try dealing. The belief in the British government is that they've saved 300,000 people from Roycelandian domination, while the public are a little confused as to whether we're friends with the Roycelandians, and as to when we'll be leaving the islands. Thankfully, PNG is terribly far away, and doesn't have its own media, and there's not a strong foreign presence reporting there, so not many people are thinking much about it... plus the British forces deployment is tiny.
24-09-2004, 08:21
OOC: It is rather complicated, isn't it? Don't worry, you won't have Roycelandian Troops landing in Broome (or Fremantle, or anywhere else in Western Australia, for that matter), for the simple reason there's nothing of value in Western Australia ;)
Seriously though, I don't mind if you want to get involved in this RP, but saying "I demand you give up New Guinea" isn't the right way of doing it.
Feel free to try and arm some Rebels or Insurgents somewhere in New Guinea and RP that, though...
24-09-2004, 11:17
Lieutenant Governor Ian Campbell, who is in charge of the Isochron territory of Timor, learned of the developments in nearby New Guinea.
John, send a telegram to His Majesty ASAP. The Emperor remembers that Roycelandia is a good empire and we have fought together before in the African Commonwealth. On his direct orders we might assist the Roycelandians there should the need arise. The only reason we still exist on Timor is because of its strategic value.
25-09-2004, 12:06
The Roycelandian Government thanks Isochronous for their support, and assures them the situation is under control.
We're glad you still have territory in Timor, and we look forward to the resumption of trade between our Nations shortly...
We would be most willing to help supply peacekeepers to our Commonwealth brother, Great Britain.
The British Federation
26-09-2004, 01:48
The runway on New Ireland was sufficient now to operate even a VC10, and a mid-size cargo vessel was visible in the distance having lately made use of Kavieng's new port facilities. The little British garrison was stationed close to the airport and, after a long-over-due rotation, it would be close to all that remained of the UK's presence.
When word arrived of the attack on Bougainville, it was greeted initially with some disbelief. That lasted more or less until an officer was helicoptered there and back to confirm the situation.
"Well, erm... what do...we..."
"We could try to track-down whoever did it..."
"Yeah, try."
Over the rest of the day, two Gazelle helicopters over-flew the region almost constantly, learning basically nothing while the task force reported to London and requested help. Human intelligence was needed, orders were needed, reinforcements may be needed. The story was just begining to break at home, and Downing Street did not like it.