Power Shift in Hamptonshire
19-09-2004, 10:26
News Flash
This is HNN
Breaking News--
This is Don Everns reporting to you live from the Royal Congressional Complex.
In a shocking move the Royal Senate, pushed by the Nationalist Union-Republic Party (NURP) Coalition, forced the resignations of the Prime Minister Crown Prince Louis Cessar, Foreign Minister Lord Patrick Easton, and Chancellor of the Treasury Dame Dianne Volkssen.
Using the Senate's power to refuse funding, President of the Royal Congress Senator Bernard Allenby was able to force the resignations of several of Hamptonshire's most prominent government figures. In a released statement he said:
"It's time for the Royal Congress to choose its own Prime Minister. Tradition has dictated that the Grand Duke appoints and we confirm, the law says that the Royal Senate alone is responsible for the appointment and election of the Prime Minister."
When asked about the forced resignations of the Foreign Minister and Chancellor of the Treasury, Senator Allenby said that they were dismissed to "send a message that the people have elected the Royal Congress, they have chosen change. We will give it to them."
Senator Bernard Allenby, President of the Royal Congress in a recent photo
In the same session the Royal Senate voted 118-82, yet again along NURP Coalition lines, to name Dr. Chester Olendorf, Ph.D, a former Governor of Seaburg, Prime Minister. Dr. Olendorf is a member of the right-wing Nationalist Union Party but while Governor of Seaburg he developed close working relationships with both centrist and leftist parties.
When notified of his election as Prime Minister, Dr. Olendorf was teaching a seminar class at the Royal Seaburg University. He issued the following statement:
It is my firmest hope that my election to the office of Prime Minister will mark a turning point in the history of Hamptonshire. For too long we have been forceably pulled to the center, for too long change has been glacial. With a government, and especially a Prime Minister, chosen to reflect the Will of the People, we cannot fail.
In personal remarks he expressed regret that his rise had to come at the expense of Crown Prince Cessar and Lord Easton, two men that he said he has the utmost respect for.
Dr. Chester Olendorf, Ph.D, newly elected Prime Minister
While Senator Allenby has indicated that Dr. Olendorf will be allowed to pick his own Chancellor of the Treasury, a Nationalist Union Party Convention picked, and the Royal Senate then promptly confirmed, firebrand Nationalist Union Party Senator Mel Ziller as the new Foreign Minister.
A twenty year vetern of the Royal Marines, Senator Ziller is an outspoken nationalist and advocate of a more aggressive foreign policy. His appointment is seen as the possible beginnings of a fundamental shift in Hamptonian Foreign and Military Policy.
Senator Mel Ziller, newly appointed Foreign Minister
HNN is currently trying to contact the Crown Prince, Lord Easton, Dame Dianne, and the Grand Duke himself for comment, but due to foreign speaking engagements we are not able to get a hold of any of these people at this time.
We would like to note that while they have lost their ministerial positions, they have not lost their positions on the Privy Council nor have they lost their Life Peer seats in the Royal Senate.
Yet again, once we have more information available we'll bring it right to you.
OOC: Comments both IC and OOC are welcome.
19-09-2004, 10:38
Roanamian appaluds the new Prime Minster and congratulates the new Prime Minster Mr. Olendorf. My your term be prosperous.
"His Imperial Eminency Crown Prince President Dionysus Baccheus welcomes the new Prime Minister to office and looks forward to continued relations between our two nations"
Office of the Crown Prince
19-09-2004, 14:11
We reserve judgement on the change of administration as we are concerned about any change in direction in foreign policy.
God bless
We too, will reserve judgement until the time when the Commonwealth will see the true policy of those newly-elected. Best wishes.
Nathanial Sun,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Island of Rose
19-09-2004, 16:46
Official Statement from The Proletariat Commonwealth of The Island of Rose:
I hope the alliance between our two glorious nations prosper. Oh and, don't fuck up.
-Minister of Foreign Affairs: Rosta Einvach
19-09-2004, 20:05
News Flash
This is HNN
At a press conference early this morning, Prime Minister Olendorf addressed his plans for a new Cabinet.
"At this time I am not seeking the resignation of any other member of the Royal Cabinet. I intend to work with the Grand Duke, His Privy Council, and the remaining members of the Cabinet; Hamptonshire must be pushed forward-- it is the Will of the People.
I have one short statement on my current search for a Chancellor of the Treasury, until such time as I can present a candidate to the Royal Congress, I will be Acting Chancellor.
I would like to continue this press conference, but I do have a nation to run."
HNN is still trying to reach Crown Prince Louis, however he is still in Sarzonia and his office is not returning our calls. We would like you to note that...broadcast continues
Statement from the Office of the Prime Minister
It shall be the policy of this Government to maintain relations with those nations that have preexisting relationships with the Grand Duchy. Our Foreign Policy is not undergoing a paradign shift, just a realignment. Within the next few weeks of my term, I will be revealing my Hamptonshire First Foreign Policy Agenda.
Dr. Chester Olendorf
Prime Minister
Acting Chancellor of the Treasury
19-09-2004, 22:46
We would like to wish the best of luck to the new administration and on the new and more democratic process of choosing a Prime Minister. May our two nations continue to have a thriving and cordial relationship.
-Colin Wixted, President of the Federation, Federation of Morathania
Crazed Marines
19-09-2004, 23:07
We wish to know how this will affect our diplomatic stance?
United Elias
19-09-2004, 23:10
Dear Dr. Chester Olendorf,
Firstly I wish to congratulate you on your appointment to the office of the Prime Minister, an office which I am confident you will serve with dignity and integrity. Our nations have many mutual values and indeed alliances and during your term in office I look forward to expanding, and continuing favourable bilateral relations for the benefit of our respective states. Understanding that you have been appointed as a candidate who will strive to perform the will of the people, we wish you well in fostering bi-partisan relations and that by being morally responsible you will make for a fine and strong leader.
After learning of the appointment of Sen.Miller as Foreign Minister, this has become an issue of slight concern, given the man's history as an aggressive nationalist. Perhaps, as a sign of good faith you will be able to assure me that Hamptonshire will not pursue any foreign policy objectives which would be contradictory to the charters and principles of the alliances of which both are states are members? Such an assurance would be appreciated by my government.
President Alexander Elias,
Federal Dictatorship of United Elias
19-09-2004, 23:21
President Elias,
I am delighted that you have take time from your busy schedule to contact me. The alliances in which we both hold membership are crucial to Hamptonian Foreign policy goals. I assure you that Hamptonshire will stay true to the letter and the spirit of all treaties and agreements that she has signed over the decades.
Senator Miller is an avowed nationalist, that is true, but he, and the Nationalist Union Party realizes that only through our continued membership in such fine organization as the OMP and the now defunct Concordia Alliance, can Hamptonshire reach its God given potential. My Government's Hamptonshire First Policy is not one of expansion, imperialism, and questionable action; it is the means by which Hamptonshire and its Citizens will become a great power.
Dr. Chester Olendorf, Ph.D
Prime Minister
Acting Chancellor of the Treasury
Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire
20-09-2004, 06:01
20-09-2004, 06:21
News Flash
This is HNN
We take you live now to a press conference being held by the Prime Minister:
"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Grand Duchy, I come to you tonight as not only your Prime Minister but as a fellow Citizen of Hamptonshire.
My recent election to the office of Prime Minister is a turning point in modern Hamptonian politics, no longer shall the Government hold back the Will of the People. However, there are still those within the Royal Congress that seek to deny Hamptonshire its place in the sun.
While only the Grand Duke can dissolve the Royal Senate and call for early elections, an action which he has already refused to do, I can as Prime Minister dissolve the Royal House of Representatives. Accordingly, at midnight tonight Senator Allenby, President of the Royal Congress, and I shall sign the 'Notification of Dissolution of the House'.
I am seeking a mandate from the voting public. While the House only possesses domestic legislative authority, a resounding victory by NURP will force the powers that be to accept my Government's Hamptonshire First Policy.
For too long politicans have sought to maintain the status quo. I say to hell with the status quo and to hell with those that stand in the way of progress."
Prime Minister Olendorf delivering his speech while waving the "Notification of Dissolution of the House"
The Parthians
20-09-2004, 06:25
Official Response from Shah Khosru of Parthia:
"Bah, elections and constitutional monarchy are uncessessary. Nations can conquer more efficently when they are under the absolute control of one person, like Parthia. We cannot understand why anyone but those appointed by heaven to rule should have a say in the way government functions."
-Shah Khosru III
20-09-2004, 07:45
Official Response from Shah Khosru of Parthia:
"Bah, elections and constitutional monarchy are uncessessary. Nations can conquer more efficently when they are under the absolute control of one person, like Parthia. We cannot understand why anyone but those appointed by heaven to rule should have a say in the way government functions."
-Shah Khosru III
While that system has proven itself to work well for some nations, at this time the Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire cannot walk down that path.
-Senator Mel Ziller, Foreign Minister
OOC: Election Thread/Poll (http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=358965)
20-09-2004, 08:12
20-09-2004, 18:28
20-09-2004, 21:35
Richard Loki, President of the Holy Republic of Pravania, congratulates Prime Minister Olendorf on his appointment and hopes the new government will take steps to improve the civil rights of the people of Hamptonshire.
Crazed Marines
20-09-2004, 23:24
ooc: I have a fear that this could turn into another WW2 Germany........
21-09-2004, 04:50
News Flash
This is HNN
--Special Election Update--
Today Senator Mel Ziller, the newly appointed Foreign Minister, visited the traditional NURP strongholds of Antietam and Yespani in the Central Valley region of Hamptonshire.
At a fundraiser for the local Nationalist Union Party in Yespani, Mr. Ziller spoke for the unvailing of the Hamptonshire First Policy.
"The Hamptonshire First Policy will become a cornerstone not only of the Government but of our entire society. Hamptonians in every corner of the world will be able to walk with their heads held high in the knowledge of our greatness and the fulfillment of our Destiny!
With the Nationalist Union Party in power, we can go nowhere but foward, the future will be ours for the taking. Only we have the fortitude and moral strenght to do what Hamptonshire needs done."
Mr. Ziller gives his rousing speech to rank-and-file members of the Nationalist Union
At an gala event in Antietam, Mr. Ziller spoke briefly on the future role of the monarchy.
"While I have nothing but respect and admiration for Grand Duke Reginald Leopold I, at the age of 75 years, he should consider letting the next generation take the helm of Government.
He is a fine man and one of our greatest monarchs, but he lacks the decisiveness and boldness that are need to help fulfill the Will of the People. NURP doesn't seek the termination of the current monarchy, but we do seek a change; a change that reflects the Will and Destiny of Hamptonians everywhere"
Senator Ziller addressing a group of Republic Party members at a gala event in Antietam.
Despite vigorous campaign, HNN polls indicate that it is highly unlikely that the NURP Coalition will pick up any more seats in the Royal House. We asked a group of 1200 citizens...broadcast continues.
22-09-2004, 02:21
23-09-2004, 07:27
News Flash
This is HNN
--Election Special--
Today the campaign trail hit full stride as leading members of all of Hamptonshire's five major parties hit the campaign trail. Speaking at an elementary school in New Hannon, Senator Henry Flint, showing rarely seen passion, warned of the danger of a NURP controlled Royal House of Representatives.
"We are being presented with a choice in the next month, whether or not we will stay the course or if we will embark on a foolhearty endeavour.
The Nationalist Union Party would have you believe that they are the party of progress; that they and they alone will bring prosperity to Hamptonshire. I come to you know to reveal their lies and half-truths.
While their fabled Hamptonshire First Policy has yet to be revealed to the public, from what I've heard and seen of it behind closed doors it's nothing new. It's the same old rhetoric and firebreathing NURP's used for years. I don't know about you, but I just don't like the smell of that.
NURP would see federal and provincial money funneled away from schools and basic health care and toward the military and defense projects. Senator Allenby and Prime Minister Olendorf may call me and the rest of the Unity Coalition soft on defense, but I call them morally incapable of handling the future of Hamptonshire."
Senator Henry Flint at an elementary school in New Hannon
At the same time in Cameroon, Congressman Jacob Astor made a surprise visit the to Ft. Prescott, the Headquarters of the International Peacekeeping Force for Cameroon. Visiting the Royal Police and Royal Army soldiers stationed there, Congressman Astor stated his support for the Royal Armed Forces of Hamptonshire.
"It is true that I have said, and the Popular Party has said, that the current size and scope of the Royal Armed Force of Hamptonshire is too much for the nation to handle. It is also true that the Popular Party is against forced conscription under any circumstance. That does not make us aganist the military.
By downsizing and focusing the Royal Armed Forces, we will be able to better equip and train the fighting men and women that protect our great nation. Forced conscription serves no purpose in the modern world-- if the populace isn't willing to voluntarily fight and die for the nation, something is wrong with the Government. As long as the Government keeps the citizenry well informed and wisely choses when to use military force, conscription laws belong alongside dinosaurs and giant sloths in a mueseum.
The Popular Party and the People's Front will not rule as a revolutionary force intent on changing the nation, like certain other parties. We seek the maintain the independence, freedom, and liberty that all men and women are born with."
Congressman Astor poses for a photo with soliders from the 42nd Royal Army Light Infantry Brigade
We'll bring you the days top stories and a speech from Governor Koines after the break.
23-09-2004, 21:34