Archeological Dig Uncovers Horrifying Secret
18-09-2004, 21:14
Chapter One: The Pieces Fall
12th of March, 2004
To my eminent colleauge Dr. Vanderheim,
I leave you this log. The one we spoke of, that we both agreed should never be released into the world, due to the horrifying portents of what could be to come.
But now I'm afraid my involvement has progressed too far. Already, they begin to cluster round my dwelling. I've installed new electrical lighting, but the wires are cut as fast as they are put up.
But my dear friend, the terrifying thing is that they are severed by bite marks. I have no idea of any creature on earth that could produce these, but that perhaps fits with what happened.
Already, the sky around my estate darkens earlier. I hope to God that storms hold off. Already, his powers grow as the night comes. God, do I now hate the night! With the gibbering shrieks of winged bats, the cries of animals now strangely departed from the hills, and always that pale, glistening moon, bringer of horrors, staring down with its malevolent and gibbous gaze, drenching the ground in its pale death's eye glow.
I pray that the account of the archeological expedition can serve to warn you and the other scholars what to expect, and perhaps how to stop it.
The dogs have begun howling again, so I must depart.
But remember! Show only the account to those prepared to deal with it; I chose you because I knew you had read from the Necronomicon and parts of the Pnakotic Manuscripts. For only those who have begun to learn of the horror could possibly hope to comprehend it.
The Honorable Esq. James Mawverly
Congrats, you can quote HP Lovecraft!
18-09-2004, 23:15
OOC- My dear sir, I would like to ask you what you mean by that. If you are accusing me of plagarising the works of Lovecraft- as I'm assuming you are- I have but one suggestion. Fuck off.
I'm writing a story inspired by the master of horror writing. This follows in the same vein as those writers who have compiled the Cthulu Mystique, IIRC the title of the book.
So if you're saying that I'm being inspired by Lovecraft, then yes I am. If you're saying I am someone who is so berefit of a literary soul, as I assume you are for such accusations to spring to your mind, as to plagarize one of my favorite authors, I have to say you deserve a shot to the nuts and a boot up your rear. Unless you are Lovecraft. Then I could see how you mmight object.
The Island of Rose
18-09-2004, 23:20
((OOC: Sorry for hijacking, but can you help me revitilize a RP thread I started? Scroll down and you'll see it. It's called A Capatilist, a Socialist, and a strange event...
Ruthless Slaughter
18-09-2004, 23:43
OOC: TAG Just give me a place to enter, and I'm in! This looks like a good thread.
19-09-2004, 00:09
OOC- Thanks, I'm trying out a new style of character RP.
I'll try to work you in. You might have to wait a little bit, but I should be able to find a spot for you.
Ruthless Slaughter
19-09-2004, 00:28
OOC:Cool, I'll wait. *brain shuts off and eyes go dark*
19-09-2004, 02:55
From the Journal of Dr. Saul Vanderheim
March the 12.
I have received an interesting letter from Mawverly today. I can only hope that he might be all right. The things we spoke of brought grim chills even to my spine. And to hear of him speak again brings the horriffic thoughts to mind once more. Oh, but that we never had spoken of such things!
He has included with his letter two packages, one which is wrapped in twine, he other in a lead-sealed box. How the postman must have struggled with it!
The latter box is strangely put together, with multiple iron bands surrounding it and no visible means of egress or ingress. However, I shall open the other package tomorrow.
Hopefully it is the log that was spoken of, although part of me wishes it is not. The thing spells doom. I somehow know it.
19-09-2004, 03:51
Police Report, March 12th
Excerpt from interview with mailcarrier Jonas Henry.
Jonas- And as I left, he came out of the bushes.
Interviewingt Officer- Anything strange about him?
J-Well, he was dressed in an odd sort of cloak. And he was muttering something in a strange sounded horrible (Shudders)
IO- What was he saying?
J- It soundedl ike "Ia....shub...nig...he comes...." it was horrible. That's all I can remember. But I felt terror. I dropped my bag and ran.
IO- And then....?
J- I came back. It had been rifled through, but nothing was taken. I think that that man may have been looking for something I had already dropped off.
IO- What do you think it could have been?
J- I don't know. I was almost done with my route. I had dropped off many letters...and one very heavy package. That could be it.
IO- Why do you think that?
J- Because... I felt the same horror at that package as I did at that man...
Excerpt ends
Dude, I was just messing with you.
As long as this thread has some Nyarlathotep going on, i'm in.
19-09-2004, 15:33
ooc: Tag. May I also enter this RP?
19-09-2004, 19:45
OOC- Ratheia, then go to my point agreeing with you. I believe it is...
So if you're saying that I'm being inspired by Lovecraft, then yes I am.
Sorry for the anger. Nothing like feeling like you're being insulted when you actually aren't.
Commence operation foot in
Tomzilla, as of this time, I'm looking for a way to get someone else in at this moment. But I'll see what I can come up with.
19-09-2004, 20:59
ooc: ok
20-09-2004, 20:26
If you could get that package ready to be opened by the time I'm home from the university, I'd be most obliged. Set it in my study, on the desk near the bay windows. If a knife could be brought with it, as I'll be needing one.
Oh, and make sure the milkman gives us enough bottles back this time! Two were missing last week. I really dislike having to borrow from the neighbors.
22-09-2004, 20:18
I placed it were you asked. I've also placed refreshments up in your study. Do try not to over-exert yourself with the objects. They were heavy even for me!
23-09-2004, 01:15
Chapter Two: The Document Revealed
Saul, any comments in Red are conjectures as to meanings of words or phrases. Nothing else has been changed.
Journal of Dr. Emmanuel Losanago, Miskatonic University, Samtonian Branch
The Records of the Second Dig in Cannot Decipher, possibly Khartoum or Kharkov
If found, please return to Samtonian Miskatonic University at Once.
9 Jan- We are preparing to embark upon our second trip to the dig site at the Helios palace. Due to the finds we discovered in the first trip, the university is higly keen on sending us again. So we go forth this time, with more money and equipment wth us.
I hope to keep a log of our trials so as to pass on our discoveries to later generations.
Our team will begin assembling early next week, but I and Dr. Shander are already mapping out the various new dig sites.
25-09-2004, 21:54
Bump, with the next part of the story coming later tonight.
05-10-2004, 01:56
12 Jan-
This is it! We've finally convinced Dean Unintelligable, possibly Martyens? that we deserve official sanctioning and funding. And besides agreeing to tie this eminent Univerisity's name to the Project, we're to receive more funding and a local guide!
May God be with us in our pursuit of the truth!
Only two more weeks before we leave. May we be ready in time!
Camel Eaters
05-10-2004, 02:15
OOC: Freaking amazing you bastard you've peaked my interest. My I join this RP? You should consider writing this has an amazing air to it and a nice tongue ring.
05-10-2004, 02:29
OOC- As I said to one or two others, I'll look for a way for interested parties to join.
And for now, thanks for the compliments and hope you enjoy the continuation of this story. I've got some interesing angles planned...
Camel Eaters
05-10-2004, 02:58
LOL Please continue the great one beckons thee so!
15-10-2004, 02:05
14 Jan- We began to interview people today for accompaniment with our team on the trip. It was the standard mix of applicants- Students looking to get on our good sides, students looking for a free trip to a foreign land, washed-up grad students. And yet there was one more person who was different.
He was shy and mumbled a great deal. Wrapped in a dark cloak, we couldn't make out his features, other than he was brown skinned. And he had the most perculiar smell to him, almost as if one had left a stick of cinnamon out in the sun too long and it began to rot.
However repellent these mannerisms may have been, the letter of recommendation he had was outstanding. The dean of historical studies, president of the college, two noted researchers in the field (both of whom are dead); all gave this strange young man their assent towards going. And after seeing this, of course he joined our team!
He's to be my personal assistant, though I voted against it. But the others wanted not to be near him, and I was most I am now stuck with his company. Hopefully he will be as diligent as his record suggests. After all, we're to be the ones who will do most of the explorations first hand.
15-10-2004, 02:26
OOC- Next entry to be up by tomorrow.
16-10-2004, 02:08
15 Jan-
We've received a list of items to be provided by the university. I am hopeful that more won't be required, but it appears we may be lacking in transmission equipment for communication. As it is so beastly expensive to get the required stuff otherwise, we may have to make do with what we have.
Hopefully this won't prove to be a problem, as we've found only one transmitter so far in the equipment.
Ah well. The cataloging will continue until toorrow. May we be done then!
16-10-2004, 02:49
OOC- And of course the next two entries will be up tomorrow. Also, BUMP.