NationStates Jolt Archive

The Navigators test Klonor Technology

The Navigators
18-09-2004, 03:52
In orbit of the Planet Neron in the System of Arisse the Guild of Engineers had completed the VOL Station , built specifically to build the Dyan Class Cruiser. Four hulls had been completed, Xa,Xb,Xc,Xd. The first two had experimental power plants, the Xc had a copy of the AO Poseidon Cruiser power plant and Xd was awaiting the Klonor power plant.

Xa was a failure and several hundred Thilites had died during testing, Xb and Xc were so far nominally sucessful. Xd had high hopes, the Thilites and Constructs were expectantly awaiting the arrival of Klonor Engineers and a group of Navigator Engineers, led by Lysimachus, Chief of the Guild.

Abatos, Warlord of the Thilites stood by "These Klonor, they have built ships? What do we know about them? I don't like having them here." the tall whiteskinned white haired man snarled at the lead construct, a spider-like robot with a human like head dangling below it's torso.

Construct A8 replied in a liquid, soothing voice " They have impeccable credentials, Lysimachus expects them to help us immensly. So do try and be nice, Warlord."

Abatos snarled and drooled, looking back over his Tech Adepts and his LifeGuard "Nice! I'll be nice."

Construct A8 gave a doll like crocodile smile "Don't worry, Lysimachus will be here soon, you won't have to do anything but try and nod knowingly, Warlord."

Abatos snorted and stood by awaiting the various arrivals.
18-09-2004, 04:07
ASFr Atlas, Sub-Space Continuum, Tunnel: Arisse

"So, what are we here for?"

"We're pretty much just here to stand, nod, and look intelligent. They're getting a MiniStar powerplant to test on one of their ships, from what I gather we're just supposed to tell them how to turn it on and stand back."

"Oh, okay."

With a flash of blue and a ripple of space the ASFr Atlas popped out of Sub-Space, oriented towards the interior planets.

"Send out a transmission, ask where they want us."
The Navigators
18-09-2004, 04:16
Deep in the Autarch's Lagpunkt on the surface of Neron, the sensors picked up the arrival of the Klonor ship.

The Varangian on duty looked up, watched the ship for a second and hailed the Klonor ship "The Autarch welcomes you to Arisse. I am sending you coordinates to the VOL station. Engineer Lysimachus will join you there shorty. All Hail The Autarch."

On the VOL Station the displays blinked to life as the Lagpunkt transmitted the Klonor ships progress.

Construct A8 smiled "They have arrived, Warlord. I will contact Lysimachus."

Abatos growled " I don't see why we just don't buy more Poseidon Cruisers?"

Construct A8 tsked "That's hardly self sufficent? You want your marines to have to rely on ship yard well outside of our system?"

With that he contacted Lysimachus and powered up the docking beacon for the Klonor ship.
18-09-2004, 04:40
"It looks like they want us at that glowing beacon thingy."

"Glowing beacon thingy? And you're supposed to be the smart one here?"

"Shut up, I haven't gotten much sleep recently."

"Whatever, just tell the pilot where to put the ship."

With that the Poseidon class Freighter begn to rotate, aiming at the highlighted docking bay and activating their engines.
The Navigators
18-09-2004, 05:04
The gathered Thilite Tech Adepts gather at the docking bay as the freighter docked, moving their heavy equipment in place to unload the power plant.Abatos and his LifeGuard looked suspiciously at the craft as it docked , hands on weapons. Impressed by the freighter they backed off as the Techs moved their gravitic loaders into place.

Construct A8 moved around to the side, scanning the craft as it gets closer. All of the activity pauses as a flash fills the back of the large bay, a point of light appears and expands, showering the area with sparks and tiny plasma bolts, where the light originated several figures stand.

The Thilites move back crouching reverently as the fully armoured and cloaked Navigator strides forward, he is arrayed in gleaming Vridium steel armour, covered by a grey surcoat. his helmet has a human like mask, it's features set and motionless, speakers poking out from the collar at the neck. Devices adorn the arms and various tools hang from his belt, the symbol of the gear is stamped on his forehead.

Behind him stands a human looking Varangian, fully 8ft tall dressed in fine clothing,a riding coat, with waistcoat and vest, riding boots and gauntlets. He carries a large double headed axe and a mischievous grin, his green eyes with white pupils glaring over everyone in the bay.........the Thilites contort themselves to avoid meeting his gaze.

Construct A8 moves forward "Master Lysimachus, the Klonor are docking now, we will have the power plant unloaded shortly for your inspection."

Lysimachus nods, his voice buzzing through the speakers "Very good..........bring the.........Klonor before me when they have docked. I will speak with them..............of the functions of this powerplant."

Consrtruct A8 bows low and scuttles away.

The Varangian flashes a toothy grin at the furtive Thilites "All Hail The Autarch, unload quickly, The Autarch wants tests to begin in five hours." he barks authoratively at them, they move quickly, in a terrified manner at the Varangians command.

He laughs and looks pleased at the terror he's inspired.
The Navigators
20-09-2004, 16:25
20-09-2004, 17:33
OOC: Whoops, sorry 'bout that


The cargo bay doors of the Atlas slowly opened, a plain gray box slowly lowering to the deck.

"I am Shipsmaster Sers, Captain of the Atlas. I am here to deliver one MiniStar Engine. May I please speak to whoever is in charge?"

As he speaks the crew is busy with the plain box, constantly pokng and prodding it with various instruments. They were testing the magnetic containment field, making sure it was still going strong. If it died, so would everybody else in the immediet vicinity.
The Navigators
20-09-2004, 20:54
The spider like construct scuttles forward, with Lysimachus shortway behind.

"I am Construct A8 Shipmaster Sers, I am controllor of the VOL Station." it motions with an appendage "and this is Master Lysimachus, Chief of the Guild of Navigators."

Lysimachus steps forward towards the crate, his left arm extended in from of himself, his face intently set onb the device attached to his arm and the lights and sounds emitting from it. Thilite Tech-Adepts furtively move forward behind him towards the crate, keepung a wary eye on him.

"Shipmaster Sers, are you the one that.................knows the operations of this device?" Lysimachus buzzes haltingly "This device is powered by anti-matter?"

The Varangian that arrived with Lysimachus steps back and disappears into the shadows of the giant bay, attempting to make eye contact with the Klonor capatin and crew, to read their thoughts to divine their true intentions..........if they deviate from just actually delivering and helping to test the device.

The Thilites seem extremely wary of the Klonor, after all none of them have ever seen an alien before.
23-09-2004, 18:42
"Sadly, no. I am merely the one who is delivering the device. Tech-Seargant Lows is the one who will explain how it actually functions. However, I can tell you tat the device is not powered by anti-matter."

Lows stepped forward, attemtping to explain the MiniStar in words small enough for his audience to understand.

"The MiniStar is essentially a small sun. Hydgrogen fusion to produce helium. Thus you get large power without the need for constly fuel."
The Navigators
23-09-2004, 22:27
Lysimachus's mask does not display any emotion, but a long silence after Tech-Seargent Lows explanation seems to indicate that he is baffled.

"What sort of couplings...........are required to attach this allow it to transfer power to engines?"

buzzes Lysimachus, still 'scanning' the MiniStar with the device mounted on his arm.

He pauses again looking down at his arm

"There is much less.................power generated by this device than with a..............Resonance Generator, it is supplying sufficent power for it's size."

He then motions to the Thilite TechAdepts to take the MiniStar to the Xd hull.

"I will have my answers soon enough." Lysimachus buzzes as he follows the TechAdepts.
24-09-2004, 03:26
"All you need are standard absorbtion panels evenly stationed around the MiniStar with leads to the engines. If you don't have them we can provide them as well."

As the Navigators begin the move the MiniStar Lows speaks up again.

" better let us do that. We have the experience, and we know what to do in case of a magnetic breach. We can teach you how to handle it, but for right now, until training starts, you better leave it to us."
The Navigators
26-09-2004, 04:23
Lysimachus turns to Lows as he motions the Thilite TechAdepts away from the MiniStar.

"Very well Tech-Seargent Lows, proceed then. My Technicians will show the way to the hull of Xd."

The Thilites move warily away from the MiniStar and move to show the Klonor technicians to the gangway that leads out into the docking area of the VOL station where the hullsare currently kept.

Lysimachus and Construct A8 move to the side to watch the process from the stations control center. The Varangian glides from the shadows and rejoins Lysimachus and the Construct.

The hulls has been prepared with it's heart set up to receive the MiniStar. Typical Navigators crystal collection coils have been installed in the hold that will receive the MiniStar.
The Navigators
05-10-2004, 15:46