NationStates Jolt Archive

Cheese Anyone?

17-09-2004, 12:31
OOC: Since my major export is cheese I decided to sell some to everyone since its better than any you could get else where.

1 kilo of cheese= 275 Credits, or $265

*Transmission Start*

"I'm Leiter Anderson given the duty of international trade. At this moment my country has a large surplus of cheese which we wish to sell to other countries. You can use it to feed your poor, feed your army, or can make a lot of cheese omlets. We currently have, according to the official census, 738,536 kilos of cheese in which we can export. If any country wishes to trade with materials such as iron, gold, steel, etc. then you simply have to ask. If you wish to buy send a message via comm number 4875 or hologram program 23. Thankyou for your time."

*Transmission End*
17-09-2004, 12:34
OOC: what a random thing to sell!

IC: Moleland wishes to know what sor tof cheese you are selling?
17-09-2004, 13:15

"We sell American cheese, Swiss cheese, and Limbuger Cheese, etc."

17-09-2004, 13:29
Yeah, but what is et cetera? Please give a more detailed list!
Edo castle
17-09-2004, 13:36
We here like cheese. Especially the real smelly kind! :headbang:
21-09-2004, 12:19
Some of the cheese (

Another pic (

P'tit Basque (

3.5 lb Portion Of Grand Pont L'Eveque AOC (

OK this is all the types of cheese I'm posting be satisfied with that ok.
21-09-2004, 12:22
How much is a tonne of white chedder????
The Water Cooler
21-09-2004, 12:25
No brie? I camembert it.

What about parmesan? You must have that!
21-09-2004, 12:25
That is a whole friggen lot of cheese!
21-09-2004, 12:27
1 ton= 5,000 kilos

5,000 kilos= $1,325,000

"The white chedder can be sent on confirmation of money exchange."
21-09-2004, 12:28
We have parmision. Dont know about the other...have to look in the stock houses.
21-09-2004, 12:28
Huh??? I though a tonne was 1000 kilograms.

Money shall be delievered tomorrow when I collect it.
21-09-2004, 12:30
'Our American Express contacts will deliver the cheese within 3 days on payment. thankyou for your business."
The Water Cooler
21-09-2004, 12:51
Huh??? I though a tonne was 1000 kilograms.

I was wondering about that as well.

You don't know your cheese do you Larix-Kura?

21-09-2004, 15:27
OOC: Cheese and Measurement are different things. A kilo is 2.5 pounds so actually one ton would be 5,000 pounds not kilos, sry but he still gets the amount of cheese. I mean he wanted it in the first place and he got it. Like the pics I found? Theres 700 types of cheese in the world, yep, bet you didn't know that now did you? Hehehe :D
Warta Endor
21-09-2004, 19:24
:confused: WTF :confused:
22-09-2004, 07:18
22-09-2004, 12:46
Our shuttle has arrived to collect the cheese. We have brought our money, and await permission to load up our cheese. Do we have it???
22-09-2004, 14:19
Man in a business suit takes the case of money and opens it. Sees the money is there then signs the cheese release. He leaves taking the money with him and your clear for transportation.
22-09-2004, 15:00
2 ton= 10,000 kilos

10,000 kilos= $2,650,000

Money can either be wired, or delivered on foot by Cletus, the groovy Russian.

WARNING: Cletus may eat the cheese.
22-09-2004, 15:44